Version 1.97FC

William Whitaker

A Listing from the WORDS Latin Dictionary

This is a simple listing or wordlist of the base Latin dictionary used by the WORDS program, a presentation comparable to a basic paper dictionary. This page is set up to be read by any browser. The presentation is especially for those unable to run the full WORDS program. Running the program will provide, through word formation and spelling variation tricks, a much larger virtual dictionary.

This is deliberately a large (4 MB) monolithic file, rather than one broken into pieces for easy access over the net. While it certainly can be used on-line to look up a single word, it is expected that the user will want to download the entire file for continuing use on his machine.

A clean and simple version (1 MB) of the data in this file, suitable for processing for various purposes, is given in ZIP form in

Ah!; (distress/regret/pity, appeal/entreaty, surprise/joy, objection/contempt);
by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference);
ante, abb. a.; [in calendar expression a. d. = ante diem => before the day];
A., abb. N M [XXXCG]
Aulus (Roman praenomen); (abb. A./Au.); [Absolvo, Antiquo => free, reject];
a., abb. N M [XXXDG]
year; abb. ann./a.; [regnavit a(nnis). XLIIII => he reigned for 44 years];
by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference);
abactius, abactia, abactium ADJ [XAXEO]
stolen/rustled (of cattle);
abactor, abactoris N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
cattle thief, rustler; one who drives off;
abactus, abacta, abactum ADJ [XXXES]
driven away/off/back; forced to resign (office); restrained by; passed (night);
abactus, abactus N (4th) M [XAXEO]
cattle thieving, stealing of cattle, rustling;
abaculus, abaculi N (2nd) M [ETXFS]
tessera/small cube of colored glass for ornamental pavements/wall mosaics;
abacus, abaci N (2nd) M [EEXCE]
small table for cruets, credence, shelf/niche near altar for Eucharist; buffet;
counting-board; side-board; slab table; panel; square stone on top of column;
abaestuo, abaestuare, abaestuavi, abaestuatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
wave down; hang down richly (poet.);
abagmentum, abagmenti N (2nd) N [DBXFS]
means for obtaining abortion?;
abalienatio, abalienationis N (3rd) F [XLXDO]
transfer of property (legal), sale; cession; alienation;
abalienatus, abalienata, abalienatum ADJ [XXXDO]
unfriendly, estranged; dead/mortified (medical, of tissues);
abalieno, abalienare, abalienavi, abalienatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBS]
make alien; separate, abstract; alienate, estrange, make disaffected;
transfer (sale/contract); remove, take away, dispose of; numb/deaden;
abambulo, abambulare, abambulavi, abambulatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
go away;
abamita, abamitae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
great-great-great aunt; (sister of abavus/gt-gt-grandfather); female ancestor;
abante ADV [XXXIO]
in front (of); before;
from before/in front of;
abarceo, abarcere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
keep away;
abascantus, abascanta, abascantum ADJ [XXXFS]
abavia, abaviae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
ancestress; great-great grandmother;
abavunculus, abavunculi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
great-great-great-great uncle; remote ancestor;
abavus, abavi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
ancestor, forefather; great-great grandfather, grandfather's grandfather;
abax, abacis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
counting-board; side-board; slab table; panel; square stone on top of column;
Abba, undeclined N M [EEQEE]
Father; (Aramaic); bishop of Syriac/Coptic church; (false read obba/decanter);
abbas, abbatis N (3rd) M [EEXCE]
abbot; head of an ecclesiastical community; father; any respected monk (early);
abbatia, abbatiae N (1st) F [EEXCE]
abbey, monastery;
abbatialis, abbatialis, abbatiale ADJ [EEXCE]
of/pertaining to an abbot/abbey; abbey derived;
abbatissa, abbatissae N (1st) F [EEXCE]
abbatizo, abbatizare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS [FEXFM]
be abbot;
abbibo, abbibere, abbibi, - V (3rd) [XXXDO]
drink (in addition), take in by drinking; drink in, absorb, listen eagerly to;
abbito, abbitere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
approach, come/draw near;
abbreviatio, abbreviationis N (3rd) F [EXXFS]
abbreviation; diminution; epitome (Souter); shortening;
abbreviator, abbreviatoris N (3rd) M [EEXEE]
summarizer; one who makes abstracts/epitomes from papal bulls;
abbreviatus, abbreviata, abbreviatum ADJ [EXXCW]
abridged, shortened, cut off; straitened, contracted, narrowed; abbreviated;
abbrevio, abbreviare, abbreviavi, abbreviatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXCE]
shorten, cut off; abbreviate, abstract; epitomize (Souter); break off; weaken;
abbrocamentum, abbrocamenti N (2nd) N [FXXEQ]
abbrochment, forestalling market/fair (buying before fair then retailing OED);
abdicatio, abdicationis N (3rd) F [XLXDO]
renunciation; disowning/disinheriting (son); resignation/abdication (office);
abdicative ADV [DXXES]
abdicativus, abdicativa, abdicativum ADJ [DXXES]
abdicatrix, abdicatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
renouncer (female); she who renounces/disclaims something;
abdicatus, abdicati N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
disowned/disinherited son;
abdico, abdicare, abdicavi, abdicatus V (1st) TRANS [XLXBO]
resign, abdicate; abolish; disinherit; renounce, reject, expel, disapprove of;
abdico, abdicere, abdixi, abdictus V (3rd) TRANS [XLXEO]
be against, reject; withhold (someone's right); forbid by unfavorable omen;
abdite ADV [XXXFS]
abditivus, abditiva, abditivum ADJ [XXXFC]
removed, separated (from);
abditum, abditi N (2nd) N [XXXCE]
hidden/secret/out of the way place, lair, (in) secret;
abditus, abdita, abditum ADJ [XXXBO]
hidden, secret, out of the way, remote, secluded; obscure/abstruse (meaning);
abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
remove, put away, set aside; depart, go away; hide, keep secret, conceal;
abdomen, abdominis N (3rd) N [XBXCO]
abdomen, paunch, lower part of the belly; gluttony; as indicative of obesity;
abdominalis, abdominalis, abdominale ADJ [GBXEK]
abduco, abducere, abduxi, abductus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
lead away, carry off; detach, attract away, entice, seduce, charm; withdraw;
abductio, abductionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
abduction, forcible carrying off; robbing; retirement (Vulg. Eccli.);
abecedaria, abecedariae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
elementary introduction; the ABC of the matter;
abecedarium, abecedarii N (2nd) N [EEXCE]
abecedarius, abecedaria, abecedarium ADJ [DXXFS]
alphabetical; belonging to the alphabet;
abecedarius, abecedarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
one who learns the ABC's;
abecetuorium, abecetuorii N (2nd) N [EEXEE]
act of tracing Greek and Hebrew alphabets on church floor while consecrating;
abellana, abellanae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
filbert, hazel nut;
abellanus, abellana, abellanum ADJ [XAXCO]
filbert/hazel (w/nut); of Abella (town in Campania noted for fruit/filberts);
abeo, abire, abivi(ii), abitus V INTRANS [XXXAO]
depart, go away; go off, go forth; pass away, die, disappear; be changed;
abequito, abequitare, abequitavi, abequitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
ride away;
aberceo, abercere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
keep away; forbid;
aberratio, aberrationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
diversion, relief;
aberro, aberrare, aberravi, aberratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXBO]
stray, wander, deviate; go/be/do wrong; be unfaithful; escape; disagree (with);
abfero, abferre, -, - V TRANS [XXXCO]
bear, take away, remove, obtain, carry off/away, steal; (error for aufero);
abfluo, abfluere, abfluxi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
flow/stream/issue (from); flow away; be abundant, abound (in w/ABL);
abfugio, abfugere, abfugi, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
flee (from), shun; run/fly away, escape; disappear/vanish (things);
abhibeo, abhibere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
hold at a distance;
abhinc ADV [XXXCO]
since, ago, in past; from this time, henceforth; from this place, hence;
abhorreo, abhorrere, abhorrui, - V (2nd) [XXXAO]
abhor, shrink back; be averse to, shudder at; differ from; be inconsistent;
abhorresco, abhorrescere, abhorrui, - V (3rd) [DEXFS]
dread, become terrified; bristle up; begin to shake/tremble/shudder/shiver;
abhorride ADV [DXXFS]
roughly, improperly; in an unfit manner;
abhorridus, abhorrida, abhorridum ADJ [XXXFO]
rough, unsightly;
abicio, abicere, abjeci, abjectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;
abico, abicere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [EXXCN]
humble; cast aside/away/off, reject;
abiegneus, abiegnea, abiegneum ADJ [XAXEO]
made of fir, deal;
abiegnius, abiegnia, abiegnium ADJ [XAXEO]
made of fir, deal;
abiegnus, abiegna, abiegnum ADJ [XAXCO]
made of fir, deal; wooden;
abies, abietis N (3rd) F [XAXBO]
fir tree/wood; white/silver fir, spruce; thing of fir, ship, spear; sea weed;
abietarius, abietaria, abietarium ADJ [XAXEO]
of/pertaining to/concerned with timber or fir/deal;
abietarius, abietarii N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
timber merchant; carpenter, joiner;
abiga, abigae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
plant which has the power of producing abortion;
abigeator, abigeatoris N (3rd) M [DAXES]
cattle stealer/thief, rustler;
abigeatus, abigeatus N (4th) M [XAXEO]
cattle stealing, rustling;
abigeus, abigei N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
cattle stealer/thief, rustler;
abigo, abigere, abegi, abactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder (cattle), rustle; seduce;
remove/cure (disease); drive away (an evil); force birth; procure abortion;
abigo, abigere, abigi, abactus V (3rd) TRANS [EXXBW]
drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder (cattle), rustle; seduce;
remove/cure (disease); drive away (an evil); force birth; procure abortion;
abinde ADV [XXXEO]
from that source, thence;
abinvicem ADV [FXXEM]
mutually; (usually as two words); from one another;
abitio, abitionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
departure; going away, departing;
abito, abitare, abitavi, abitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFC]
go away, depart;
abitus, abitus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
departure, removal; going away; way out, exit, outlet, passage out, egress;
abjecte, abjectius, abjectissime ADV [XXXCL]
in spiritless manner; in humble circumstances, lowly; negligently; cowardly;
abjectio, abjectionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
dejection; a casting down/out; outcast;
abjecto, abjectare, abjectavi, abjectatus V (1st) TRANS [FXXCV]
throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;
abjectus, abjecta -um, abjectior -or -us, abjectissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBL]
downcast, dejected; humble, low, common, mean; subservient; base, sordid, vile;
abjicio, abjicere, abjeci, abjectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAS]
throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;
abjudicativus, abjudicativa, abjudicativum ADJ [DSXFS]
abjudico, abjudicare, abjudicavi, abjudicatus V (1st) TRANS [XLXCO]
deprive by judicial verdict; give judgment against; reject; deny an oath;
abjugo, abjugare, abjugavi, abjugatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXES]
separate (from), remove; loose from the yoke;
abjungo, abjungere, abjunxi, abjunctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
unyoke, remove, separate; unharness; remove part, split; cut off from, detach;
abjuratio, abjurationis N (3rd) F [EEXCE]
abjuration, process where heretics/apostates/schismatics renounce their errors;
forswearing, denial under oath; perjury;
abjurgo, abjurgare, abjurgavi, abjurgatus V (1st) TRANS [XLXEO]
take away in settlement of a quarrel; deny/refuse reproachfully (L+S);
abjuro, abjurare, abjuravi, abjuratus V (1st) TRANS [XLXCO]
repudiate (obligation or duty); deny on oath (falsely); abjure; perjure;
ablactatio, ablactationis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
act/process of weaning a child;
ablacto, ablactare, ablactavi, ablactatus V (1st) INTRANS [EXXCE]
ablacuo, ablacuare, ablacuavi, ablacuatus V (1st) [XAXEO]
loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees);
ablacuo, ablacuare, ablacuavi, ablacuatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXEO]
loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees);
ablaqueatio, ablaqueationis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
act/process of loosening/weeding soil at base/roots of a tree;
ablaqueo, ablaqueare, ablaqueavi, ablaqueatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXEO]
loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees);
ablatio, ablationis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
removal, taking away;
ablativus, ablativa, ablativum ADJ [XGXEO]
ablative (gram.);
ablativus, ablativi N (2nd) M [XGXEO]
ablative case (with or without casus) (gram.);
ablator, ablatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEE]
one who takes away/removes;
ablegatio, ablegationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
dispatch, sending away/off; dispatch on a duty;
ablego, ablegare, ablegavi, ablegatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
send away/off (on a mission); banish, get rid of; remove/delete a word;
ablepsia, ablepsiae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
abligurio, abligurire, abligurivi, abliguritus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
eat up (dainties); consume in dainty living; waste, squander; waste in feasting;
abligurrio, abligurrire, abligurrivi, abligurritus V (4th) TRANS [XXXFL]
eat up (dainties); consume in dainty living; waste, squander; waste in feasting;
abloco, ablocare, ablocavi, ablocatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
place a contract for (work), hire; let/lease/rent (house);
abludo, abludere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
differ from; fall short of; play out of tune;
abluo, abluere, ablui, ablutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
wash away/off/out, blot out, purify, wash, cleanse; dispel (infection); quench;
ablutio, ablutionis N (3rd) F [EEXCE]
washing, ablution; pouring on (mixture of water and wine) in the liturgy;
abluvio, abluvionis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
abluvium, abluvii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
flooding of rivers, inundation;
abmatertera, abmaterterae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
great-great-great aunt (mother's side);
abnato, abnatare, abnatavi, abnatatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
swim away from; swim off;
abnegatio, abnegationis N (3rd) F [EXXCE]
abnegativus, abnegativa, abnegativum ADJ [EXXCE]
abnegator, abnegatoris N (3rd) M [EXXCE]
denier, one who denies;
abnego, abnegare, abnegavi, abnegatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
deny; decline (to), refuse, reject; refuse to give, withhold (what is due);
abnepos, abnepotis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
great-great grandson; indefinitely distant descendent;
abneptis, abneptis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
great-great granddaughter; indefinitely distant female descendent;
abnocto, abnoctare, abnoctavi, abnoctatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
spend the night out, stay away all night; spend the night away from Rome;
abnodo, abnodare, abnodavi, abnodatus V (1st) TRANS [DAXFS]
cut off knots; clear trees of knots;
abnormalis, abnormalis, abnormale ADJ [FXXEM]
abnormis, abnormis, abnorme ADJ [XSXEL]
of/belonging to no school (of philosophy); deviating from the rule; irregular;
abnueo, abnuere, -, - V (2nd) [BXXAO]
refuse, decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out;
abnuitio, abnuitionis N (3rd) F [DSXFS]
abnumero, abnumerare, abnumeravi, abnumeratus V (1st) TRANS [DSXFS]
count up, reckon up;
abnuo, abnuere, abnui, abnuitus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
refuse, decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out;
abnutivum, abnutivi N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
refusal, denying;
abnutivus, abnutiva, abnutivum ADJ [XXXFO]
abnuto, abnutare, abnutavi, abnutatus V (1st) INTRANS [BXXCL]
deny/refuse/forbid (w/shake of head) repeatedly; forbid;
abolefacio, abolefacere, abolefeci, abolefactus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
abolefio, aboleferi, abolefactus sum V SEMIDEP [DXXFS]
be destroyed; (abolefacio PASS);
aboleo, abolere, abolevi, abolitus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXBO]
destroy, efface, obliterate; kill; banish, dispel; put end to. abolish, rescind;
abolesco, abolescere, abolevi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
decay gradually, shrivel, wilt; vanish, disappear; die out; fall into disuse;
abolitio, abolitionis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
cancellation, annulment (law); withdrawal (charge), amnesty; obliteration;
abolitor, abolitoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who takes away a thing; one who casts a thing into oblivion;
abolla, abollae N (1st) C [XXXEL]
cloak (thick wool, for soldiers/peasants), mantle; wearer of a cloak;
abominabilis, abominabilis, abominabile ADJ [EXXCE]
detestable, hateful, abominable; worthy of destruction;
abominamentum, abominamenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
abomination, detestable thing;
abominandus, abominanda, abominandum ADJ [XXXCO]
ill-omened, of evil omen; detestable, odious; execrable, abominable;
abominanter ADV [DXXFS]
abominably, detestably;
abominatio, abominationis N (3rd) F [EXXCE]
aversion, detestation, loathing;
abominatus, abominata, abominatum ADJ [XXXES]
abominated/detested; accursed;
abomino, abominare, abominavi, abominatus V (1st) TRANS [BXXFS]
avert; (seek to) avert (omen/eventuality) (by prayer); loathe, detest, abhor;
abominor, abominari, abominatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
avert; (seek to) avert (omen/eventuality) (by prayer); loathe, detest, abhor;
abominosus, abominosa, abominosum ADJ [DXXFS]
full of ill omens, portentous;
aborigineus, aboriginea, aborigineum ADJ [XXXFO]
aboriginal; (pertaining to) pre-Roman Italy/original founders of a city;
aborior, aboriri, abortus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXCO]
pass away, disappear, be lost; miscarry, be aborted; set (sun/planet/star);
aborisco, aboriscere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
pass/fade away, disappear, be lost;
aborsus, aborsa, aborsum ADJ [DBXES]
miscarriage; abortion; that which has been brought forth prematurely;
abortio, abortionis N (3rd) F [XBXDO]
abortion, miscarriage; premature delivery; procuring an abortion;
abortio, abortire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [DBXFS]
abortium, abortii N (2nd) N [DEXFS]
abortion; miscarriage;
abortivum, abortivi N (2nd) N [XBXEL]
abortifacient, that which caused abortion; contraceptive; premature birth;
abortion; miscarriage; means of procuring an abortion;
abortivus, abortiva, abortivum ADJ [XBXCO]
abortive; abortificient; contraceptive; addled; prematurely born;
abortivus, abortivi N (2nd) M [XBXCO]
one prematurely born; one addled;
aborto, abortare, abortavi, abortatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXFO]
cast its young (beast) (give birth prematurely);
abortum, aborti N (2nd) N [DBXES]
miscarriage; premature/untimely birth; abortion; dead fetus; getting abortion;
abortus, abortus N (4th) M [XBXCO]
miscarriage; premature/untimely birth; abortion; dead fetus; getting abortion;
abpatruus, abpatrui N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
great-great-great uncle (father's side);
abra, abrae N (1st) F [EXXCE]
abrado, abradere, abrasi, abrasus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
scratch/scrape/rub/wipe (off), shave; erase; wash/erode away; "knock off", rob;
abrelictus, abrelicta, abrelictum ADJ [DXXFS]
deserted, abandoned;
abrenunciatio, abrenunciationis N (3rd) F [EXXCE]
repudiation, renunciation, renouncing;
abrenuntio, abrenuntiare, abrenuntiavi, abrenuntiatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXCE]
renounce, repudiate (strongly);
abripio, abripere, abripui, abreptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
drag/snatch/carry/remove away by force; wash/blow away (storm); abduct, kidnap;
abrodiaetus, abrodiaeti N (2nd) M [CXXFS]
living delicately, epithet of the painter Parrhasius;
abrodo, abrodere, abrosi, abrosus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
gnaw off/away;
abrogatio, abrogationis N (3rd) F [XLXEO]
repeal of a law; disregard, ignore, repudiate; cancel, rescind, revoke (honor);
abrogo, abrogare, abrogavi, abrogatus V (1st) TRANS [XLXBO]
abolish; repeal wholly, annul; remove, take away;
abrotonites, abrotonitae N M [DAXFS]
wine prepared with the aromatic plant, southern-wood;
abrotonum, abrotoni N (2nd) N [XAXFL]
aromatic plant, southern-wood (medicine);
abrotonus, abrotoni N (2nd) M [XAXFS]
aromatic plant, southern-wood (medicine);
abrumpo, abrumpere, abrupi, abruptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
break (bonds); break off; tear asunder; cut through, sever; remove, separate;
abrupte ADV [XXXFO]
abruptly, suddenly; precipitously, steeply; hastily; rashly; here and there;
abruptio, abruptionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
breaking, breaking off; separation, divorce;
abruptum, abrupti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
steep ascent/decent; rough dangerous ways (pl.);
abruptus, abrupta -um, abruptior -or -us, abruptissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
precipitous, steep; hasty; rash; uncompromising, haughty, aloof; abrupt, sudden;
broken, disconnected, abrupt; stubborn;
by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin (time); after (reference);
abscedo, abscedere, abscessi, abscessus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede (coasts); slough;
abscessus, abscessus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
going away, departure, withdrawal, absence; remoteness; abscess; death;
abscido, abscidere, abscidi, abscisus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
hew/cut off/away/out; fell/cut down; remove, separate/cut off/destroy, divide;
take away violently; expel/banish; destroy (hope); amputate; prune; cut short;
abscindo, abscindere, abscidi, abscissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
tear (away/off) (clothing); cut off/away/short; part, break, divide, separate;
abscise ADV [XXXEO]
abruptly, brusquely, curtly; shortly, concisely, distinctly;
abscisio, abscisionis N (3rd) F [XGXEO]
loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption;
abscissio, abscissionis N (3rd) F [XGXFS]
loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption;
abscisus, abscisa -um, abscisior -or -us, abscisissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
steep, sheer, precipitous; abrupt, curt, brusque; restricted; cut off, severed;
abscondeo, abscondere, abscondui, absconditus V (2nd) [EXXEW]
hide, conceal, secrete, "shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep;
abscondite ADV [XXXEO]
abstrusely; profoundly; secretly;
absconditum, absconditi N (2nd) N [XXXCE]
hidden/secret/concealed place/thing; secret;
absconditus, abscondita, absconditum ADJ [XXXAO]
hidden, secret, concealed; covert, disguised; abstruse, recondite;
abscondo, abscondere, abscondi, absconditus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
hide, conceal, secrete, "shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep;
abscondo, abscondere, abscondidi, absconditus V (3rd) [XXXDX]
hide, conceal, secrete, "shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep;
absconse ADV [XXXEO]
absconsio, absconsionis N (3rd) F [EXXCE]
absconsus, absconsa, absconsum ADJ [EXXCE]
hidden, secret, concealed, unknown;
absegmen, absegminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
piece/slice/hunk of meat, collop; morsel, portion, lump, mouthful, gobbet;
absens, (gen.), absentis ADJ [XXXBO]
absent, missing, away, gone; physically elsewhere (things), non-existent;
absenthium, absenthii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
wormwood; absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey);
absentia, absentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
absence; absence form Rome/duty; non-appearance in court; lack;
absentio, absentionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
holding back, restraining;
absentivus, absentiva, absentivum ADJ [XXXFS]
long absent;
absento, absentare, absentavi, absentatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXES]
send away, cause one to be absent; be absent;
absida, absidae N (1st) F [XSXCS]
arc, arc described by a planet; segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl;
apse, apsis; (arched/domed part of building, at end of choir/nave of church);
absidatus, absidata, absidatum ADJ [DTXES]
arched; vaulted; having arch/arches;
absidiale, absidialis N (3rd) N [FEXEE]
smaller apse (flanking larger one); (arched/domed part of church);
absidiola, absidiolae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
smaller apse (flanking larger one); (arched/domed part of church);
absilio, absilire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XXXDO]
rush/fly away (from); burst/fly apart;
absimilis, absimilis, absimile ADJ [XXXCO]
unlike, dissimilar;
absinthites, absinthitae N M [XAXEO]
wine flavored with wormwood; absinthe;
absinthium, absinthi(i) N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
wormwood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey);
absinthium, absinthii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
wormwood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey);
absinthius, absinthia, absinthium ADJ [XAXFS]
containing wormwood (e.g., wine); (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
absinthius, absinthii N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
wormwood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey);
absis, absidis N (3rd) F [XSXCO]
arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl;
absisto, absistere, absistiti, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
withdraw from; desist, cease; leave off; depart, go away from; stand back;
absistus, absista, absistum ADJ [DXXFS]
distant, lying away;
"god forbid", "let it be far from the hearts of the faithful";
absocer, absoceri N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
great-great grandfather of the husband or wife (in-law);
absolute, absolutius, absolutissime ADV [XXXCO]
completely, absolutely; perfectly; without qualification, simply, unreservedly;
absolutio, absolutionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
finishing, completion; acquittal, release (obligat.); perfection; completeness;
absolutismus, absolutismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
absolutorium, absolutorii N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
means of deliverance from;
absolutorius, absolutoria, absolutorium ADJ [XXXCO]
favoring/securing acquittal; pertaining to acquittal/release; effecting a cure;
absolutus, absoluta -um, absolutior -or -us, absolutissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
fluent; fully developed, complete, finished; perfect, pure; unconditional;
absolutus, absoluta, absolutum ADJ [GXXEK]
absolvo, absolvere, absolvi, absolutus V (3rd) TRANS [XLXAO]
free (bonds), release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up;
absone ADV [XXXEO]
harshly, discordantly;
absonia, absoniae N (1st) F [FDXEZ]
harshness; discordance;
absono, absonare, absonavi, absonatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
have harsh/discordant/unpleasant sound;
absonus, absona, absonum ADJ [XXXCO]
harsh/discordant/inharmonious; jarring; inconsistent; unsuitable, in bad taste;
absorbeo, absorbere, absorbui, absorptus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up;
absorbeo, absorbere, absorpsi, absorptus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXDX]
devour; overwhelm; swallow up/engulf, submerge; absorb, suck in; import; dry up;
absorptio, absorptionis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
drink, beverage; swallowing (Latham);
absortio, absortionis N (3rd) F [EWXEP]
victory, overwhelming;
absortus, absorta, absortum ADJ [EXXDP]
overwhelmed, swallowed up/engulfed/submerged/absorbed; (= absorptus); engulfing;
without, apart from, away from; but for; except for; were it not for; (early);
abstantia, abstantiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
abstemia, abstemiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
abstemius, abstemia, abstemium ADJ [XXXCO]
abstemious, abstaining from drink; sober, temperate; moderate; fasting; saving;
abstergeo, abstergere, abstersi, abstersus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;
abstergo, abstergere, abstersi, abstersus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;
absterreo, absterrere, absterrui, absterritus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
frighten off/away; drive away; deter, discourage; keep away/withhold from, den;
abstinax, (gen.), abstinacis ADJ [XXXEO]
abstemious, staying away from liquor; temperate/sparing in drink/food;
abstinens, abstinentis (gen.), abstinentior -or -us, abstinentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
abstinent, temperate; showing restraint, self restrained; not covetous; chaste;
abstinenter ADV [XXXCO]
abstinently, with self restraint (esp. financial dealings); scrupulously;
abstinentia, abstinentiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
abstinence; fasting; moderation, self control, restraint; integrity; parsimony;
abstineo, abstinere, abstinui, abstentus V (2nd) [XXXAO]
withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain (from); avoid; keep hands of;
absto, abstare, absteti, abstatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
stand at a distance, stand off; keep at a distance;
abstractio, abstractionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
abstractus, abstracta, abstractum ADJ [DSXES]
abstract (as opposed to concrete);
abstraho, abstrahere, abstraxi, abstractus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split;
abstrudo, abstrudere, abstrusi, abstrusus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
thrust away, conceal, hide; suppress/prevent (emotion) becoming apparent;
abstruse ADV [XXXFS]
secretly; remotely; abstrusely;
abstrusio, abstrusionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
removing, concealing;
abstrusus, abstrusa -um, abstrusior -or -us, abstrusissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
secret, reserved; concealed, hidden; remote, secluded; abstruse, recondite;
abstulo, abstulere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
to take away, withdraw;
absum, abesse, abfui, abfuturus V [XXXDS]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
absum, abesse, afui, afuturus V [XXXAO]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
absumedo, absumedinis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
act of squandering/wasting/using up; consuming/devouring consumption;
absumo, absumere, absumpsi, absumptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
spend, waste, squander, use up; take up (time); consume; exhaust, wear out;
absumptio, absumptionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
act of spending/using up; consumption; a consuming;
absurde ADV [XXXCO]
as to be out of tune, discordantly; preposterously, absurdly, inappropriately;
absurditas, absurditatis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
absurdity, incongruity, nonsense;
absurdus, absurda, absurdum ADJ [XXXBO]
out of tune, discordant; absurd, nonsensical, out of place; awkward, uncouth;
absus, absi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
wad (of wool);
absynthium, absynthii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
wormwood; absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey);
abundans, abundantis (gen.), abundantior -or -us, abundantissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
abundant; overflowing; abounding, copious, in large measure; overdone; rich;
abundanter, abundantius, abundantissime ADV [XXXBO]
abundantly; profusely, copiously; on a lavish scale;
abundantia, abundantiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
abundance, plenty; riches; fullness; overflow, excess; discharge (of blood);
abundatio, abundationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
overflowing; abundance; overflow;
abunde ADV [XXXBO]
abundantly; in profusion/abundance; more than enough; amply, exceedingly, very;
abundo, abundare, abundavi, abundatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
abound (in), have in large measure; overdo, exceed; overflow; be rich/numerous;
abundus, abunda, abundum ADJ [XXXFO]
having plenty of water; copious (L+S, Late Latin);
abusio, abusionis N (3rd) F [XGXCO]
use of wrong synonym; catachresis, loose/improper use of a word/term/metaphor;
abusive ADV [XGXEO]
loosely, catachresisly, by loose/improper use of language/term/metaphor;
abusivus, abusiva, abusivum ADJ [DXXES]
abusor, abusoris N (3rd) M [DEXFS]
he who misuses;
abusque ADV [XXXCO]
all the way from; from/since the time of;
abusque PREP ABL [XXXCL]
all the way from; from/since the time of;
abusus, abusus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
abusing, misuse, wasting; using up;
abutor, abuti, abusus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXAO]
waste, squander; abuse; misuse; use up; spend; exhaust; misapply (word); curse;
abverto, abvertere, abverti, abversus V (3rd) [XXXES]
turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate;
abyssus, abyssi N (2nd) F [EEXDX]
deep, sea; abyss; hell, infernal pit; bowels of the earth; primal chaos;
and, and also, and besides;
acacia, acaciae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
acacia, gum arabic tree; gum of this or related trees. gum arabic;
Academia, Academiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
academy, university; gymnasium where Plato taught; school built by Cicero;
academicus, academica, academicum ADJ [XXXCO]
academic; of the Academy/Academic philosophy/Cicero's Academics (views);
acalanthis, acalanthidos/is N F [XAXCS]
small song-bird (of dark-green color); thistle-finch, goldfinch;
acalephe, acalephes N F [DAXFS]
nettle (plant);
acanos, acani N M [DAXFS]
thistle (plant);
acanthicos, acanthicos, acanthicon ADJ [XAXNO]
from pine-thistle; [only ~e mastiche => gum/mastich from pine-thistle/helxine];
acanthillis, acanthillidis N (3rd) F [XAXFS]
wild asparagus;
acanthinus, acanthina, acanthinum ADJ [XAXDO]
of/resembling bear's-foot/hellbore plant; (gum) arabic; of/made of cotton;
acanthion, acanthii N N [XAXNO]
species of cotton plant or thistle; cotton thistle;
acanthis, acanthidis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
small song-bird (thistle/gold finch L+S); groundsel (plant Senecio vulgaris);
acanthius, acanthia, acanthium ADJ [XAXFO]
made from some species of cotton plant;
acanthos, acanthi N M [XAXCO]
bear's-foot, (black) hellbore (plant); gum arabic tree/wood;
acanthus, acanthi N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
bear's-foot, (black) hellbore (plant); gum arabic tree/wood;
acanthyllis, acanthyllidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
small song-bird;
acanus, acani N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
pine thistle;
acapnos, acapnos, acapnon ADJ [XAXES]
obtained without smoke (honey); burning without smoke (wood); smokeless;
acapnus, acapna, acapnum ADJ [XAXEO]
obtained without smoke (honey); burning without smoke (wood); smokeless;
acarna, acarnae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
edible sea fish;
acarne, acarnes N F [XAXFO]
edible sea fish;
acarus, acari N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
acatalecticus, acatalectica, acatalecticum ADJ [DPXFS]
verse in which no syllable is wanting in the last foot (opp. catalecticus);
acatalectus, acatalecta, acatalectum ADJ [DPXFS]
verse in which no syllable is wanting in the last foot (opp. catalectus);
acatalepsia, acatalepsiae N (1st) F [FXXFM]
acatholice ADV [FEXFE]
non-catholicly, in non-catholic manner;
acatholicus, acatholica, acatholicum ADJ [FEXFE]
acation, acatii N N [XWHEO]
kind of light Greek sailing boat; large sail;
acatium, acatii N (2nd) N [XWHES]
kind of light Greek sailing boat; large sail;
acatus, acati N (2nd) F [XWXFS]
light vessel/boat;
acaunumarga, acaunumargae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
red marl (clayey limestone); (fertilizer used by Celts in Gaul/Britain);
acaustos, acaustos, acauston ADJ [XXXNO]
acaustus, acausta, acaustum ADJ [XXXNS]
accano, accanere, -, - V (3rd) [XDXFS]
sing to/with;
accanto, accantere, -, - V (3rd) [XDXEO]
sing to (person); sing at (place);
accantus, accantus N (4th) M [XGXFS]
accent, intonation, accentuation, intensity, tone; signal, blast;
accapito, accapitare, accapitavi, accapitatus V (1st) INTRANS [FLXFM]
admit subservience; acknowledge feudal liability;
accedenter ADV [DXXFS]
accedentia, accedentiae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
additional quality;
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
come near, approach; agree with; be added to (w/ad or in + ACC); constitute;
acceleratio, accelerationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
speeding up, quickening, acceleration, hastening;
acceleratrum, acceleratri N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
accelero, accelerare, acceleravi, acceleratus V (1st) [XXXBO]
speed up, quicken, hurry; make haste, act quickly, hasten; accelerate;
accendium, accendii N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
kindling, setting on fire;
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright;
accendo, accendonis N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
inciter, instigator;
accenseo, accensere, accensui, accensus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
attach as an attendant to; add to;
accensibilis, accensibilis, accensibile ADJ [DXXFS]
burnable, that may be burned; burning;
accensus, accensa, accensum ADJ [XWXFS]
reckoned among; attached, attending;
accensus, accensi N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
attendant/orderly; supernumerary soldier (usu. pl.) [~ velatus => replacements];
accensus, accensus N (4th) M [XXXNO]
lighting; kindling, setting on fire;
accentiuncula, accentiunculae N (1st) F [XGXFO]
accent, intonation;
accento, accentere, -, - V (3rd) [XDXEO]
sing to (person); sing at (place);
accentor, accentoris N (3rd) M [DDXFS]
one who sings with another;
accentus, accentus N (4th) M [XGXCS]
accent, intonation, accentuation, intensity, tone; signal, blast;
acceo, accere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS [BXXES]
send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide;
accepta, acceptae N (1st) F [XLXEO]
allotment, portion of land assigned to one person;
acceptabilis, acceptabilis, acceptabile ADJ [XXXCO]
acceptarius, acceptaria, acceptarium ADJ [XLXFO]
acceptator, acceptatoris N (3rd) M [DEXFS]
one who accepts/approves; avenue/access/passage for admittance of the people;
acceptatus, acceptata -um, acceptatior -or -us, acceptatissimus -a -um ADJ [XLXFO]
acceptable, welcome, pleasing;
acceptilatio, acceptilationis N (3rd) F [XLXDO]
formal release from an obligation;
acceptio, acceptionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
taking (over), accepting, receiving; meaning; sense;
accepto, acceptare, acceptavi, acceptatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
receive regularly, take (payment/food); be given (name); submit to; grasp idea;
acceptor, acceptoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
receiver; collector; believer, one who accepts as true; type of hawk;
acceptorius, acceptoria, acceptorium ADJ [XXXFO]
designed/fit/suitable for receiving;
acceptrix, acceptricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
receiver (female); she who receives; believer, she who accepts as true;
acceptum, accepti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
receipts (vs. expenditures); favors; receipt side of account; written receipt;
acceptus, accepta -um, acceptior -or -us, acceptissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
welcome, pleasing; popular with, well liked; dear; received/credited (money);
accersio, accersire, -, - V (4th) TRANS [XXXDO]
send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
accersitio, accersitionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
summons, sending for; [dies ~ => day of death];
accersitor, accersitoris N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser;
accersitus, accersita, accersitum ADJ [XXXCO]
brought from elsewhere, foreign; extraneous; self-inflicted (death); sent for;
accersitus, accersitus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
summons, sending for;
accerso, accersere, accersi, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCS]
send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
accerso, accersere, accersivi, accersitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
accessa, accessae N (1st) F [DXXES]
approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset;
accessibilis, accessibilis, accessibile ADJ [DXXES]
accessibilitas, accessibilitatis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
accessio, accessionis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
approach; increase, bonus; accessory; attack, onset (fever, rage); fit;
accessito, accessitare, accessitavi, accessitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
approach repeatedly; keep on coming;
accessorie ADV [FEXFE]
assessorily, in assessory/supplementary/adjunct manner;
accessorius, accessoria, accessorium ADJ [FEXEE]
assessory, adjunct;
accessus, accessus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset;
accidens, accidentis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
accidental happening, chance event, contingency; accident, circumstance;
accidentalis, accidentalis, accidentale ADJ [FXXEZ]
accidentia, accidentiae N (1st) F [XXXES]
chance, casual event, that which happens;
accido, accidere, accidi, - V (3rd) [XXXAO]
fall upon/down/to/at or near, descend, alight; happen, occur; happen to (DAT);
accido, accidere, accidi, accisus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
cut, cut into/down/up, hack, hew, fell; overthrow, destroy; cut short; weaken;
accidt, accidere, accidit, accisus est V (3rd) IMPERS [XXXCO]
happens, turns out, befalls; fall upon; come to pass, occur;
accieo, acciere, accivi, accitus V (2nd) TRANS [DXXES]
send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide;
accinctus, accincta, accinctum ADJ [XXXES]
well girded; ready, prepared; strict (opp. negligens);
accingo, accingere, accinxi, accinctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
gird on or about, surround; equip, provide (with); get ready, prepare (for);
accino, accinere, -, - V (3rd) [XDXFS]
sing to/with;
accio, accire, accivi, accitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXBO]
send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide;
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey;
accipiter, accipitris N (3rd) C [XAXCO]
hawk (any of several species); flying gurnard (fish);
accipitrina, accipitrinae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
act of a hawk; rapacity;
accipitro, accipitrare, accipitravi, accipitratus V (1st) TRANS [XAXFO]
tear, rend (like a hawk);
accitio, accitionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
calling, summoning;
accitus, accita, accitum ADJ [XXXEO]
imported, brought from abroad;
accitus, accitus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
summons, call;
acclamatio, acclamationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
acclamation, shout (of comment/approval/disapproval); crying against; brawling;
acclamo, acclamare, acclamavi, acclamatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
shout (at), cry out against, protest; shout approval, applaud;
acclaro, acclarare, acclaravi, acclaratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
make clear, reveal, make manifest;
acclinis, acclinis, accline ADJ [XXXCO]
leaning/resting (on/against); sloping, inclined; disposed/inclined (to);
acclino, acclinare, acclinavi, acclinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
lay down, rest (on) (w/DAT), lean against/towards, incline (to);
acclive, acclivis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
upward slope;
acclivis, acclivis, acclive ADJ [XXXCO]
rising, sloping/inclining upward, ascending, up hill; steep;
acclivitas, acclivitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
slope, ascent, upward inclination, steepness;
acclivius, acclivia, acclivium ADJ [EXXCN]
acclivus, accliva, acclivum ADJ [XXXCO]
rising, sloping/inclining upward, ascending, up hill; steep;
accludo, accludere, acclusi, acclusus V (3rd) TRANS [EXXEP]
close up, shut the door;
accognosco, accognoscere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
recognize (visually or by some other means);
accola, accolae N (1st) C [XXXCO]
neighbor; one who lives nearby/beside; inhabitant;
accolens, accolentis N (3rd) M [DXXDX]
neighbors, people of the neighborhood;
accolo, accolere, accolui, accultus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
dwell/live near; be a neighbor to;
accommodate, accommodatius, accommodatissime ADV [XXXCO]
fittingly, in a suitable manner;
accommodatio, accommodationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
adjustment, willingness to oblige, complaisance; fitting, adapting, adaptation;
accommodatus, accommodata -um, accommodatior -or -us, accommodatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interest (of); favorably disposed (to);
accommodo, accommodare, accommodavi, accommodatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to;
accommodus, accommoda, accommodum ADJ [XXXEO]
fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted to;
accomodate, accomodatius, accomodatissime ADV [XXXEO]
fittingly, in a suitable manner;
accomodatio, accomodationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
adjustment, willingness to oblige, complaisance; fitting, adapting, adaptation;
accomodatus, accomodata -um, accomodatior -or -us, accomodatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interests (of); favorably disposed (to);
accomodo, accomodare, accomodavi, accomodatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to;
accomodus, accomoda, accomodum ADJ [XXXEO]
fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted to;
accongero, accongerare, accongeravi, accongeratus V (1st) TRANS [DEXFS]
bear, bring forth;
accordeon, accordei N N [GDXEK]
accordo, accordare, accordavi, accordatus V (1st) [FXXFM]
agree with; harmonize;
accordum, accordi N (2nd) N [GDXEK]
accord (musical);
accorporo, accorporare, accorporavi, accorporatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
incorporate, fit/join to;
accredo, accredere, accredidi, accreditus V (3rd) DAT [XXXCO]
give credence to, believe; put faith in, trust;
accresco, accrescere, accrevi, accretus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
increase/swell, grow larger/up/progressively; be added/annexed to; arise;
accretio, accretionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
increase, an increasing, increment;
accretus, accreta, accretum ADJ [XXXNO]
overgrown with; encased in;
accubitalia, accubitaliae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
covering spread over dining table couches;
accubitatio, accubitationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
reclining (at meals), lying (at table);
accubitio, accubitionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch (L+S);
accubitorius, accubitoria, accubitorium ADJ [DXXFS]
pertaining to reclining (at table);
accubitum, accubiti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
couch for large number of guests to recline at meals (triclinium/3 seats);
accubitus, accubitus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch/seat; place for a couch (L+S);
accubo ADV [XXXFO]
in a prone/recumbent position;
accubo, accubare, accubui, accubitus V (1st) [XXXFO]
lie near or by; recline at table;
accudo, accudere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
coin in addition; strike/stamp/mint (coin) (L+S); make more money, add wealth;
accumbo, accumbere, accumbui, accumbitus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
take a place/recline at the table; lie on (bed), lie at/prone, lie beside;
accumulate, accumulatius, accumulatissime ADV [XXXEO]
copiously, abundantly; superabuntly;
accumulatio, accumulationis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
accumulation, heaping/piling up (earth);
accumulator, accumulatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
heaper up; one who accumulates/amasses;
accumulatrum, accumulatri N (2nd) N [GTXEK]
accumulo, accumulare, accumulavi, accumulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
accumulate, heap/pile up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance;
accurate, accuratius, accuratissime ADV [XXXCO]
carefully, accurately, precisely, exactly; nicely; painstakingly, meticulous;
accuratio, accurationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
accuracy, preciseness, care; carefulness, painstakingness; treatment (medical);
accuratus, accurata -um, accuratior -or -us, accuratissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
accurate, exact, with care, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished;
accuro, accurare, accuravi, accuratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
take care of, attend to (duties/guests), give attention to; perform with care;
accurro, accurrere, accucurri, accursus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack;
accurro, accurrere, accurri, accursus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack;
accursus, accursus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
rushing up (to see or give help); attack; onset;
accusabilis, accusabilis, accusabile ADJ [XXXFO]
blamable, reprehensible;
accusatio, accusationis N (3rd) F [XLXBO]
accusation, inditement; act/occasion of accusation; rebuke, reproof;
accusativus, accusativa, accusativum ADJ [XGXEO]
accusative/objective (applied to case);
accusativus, accusativi N (2nd) M [XGXEO]
accusative/objective case;
accusator, accusatoris N (3rd) M [XLXCO]
accuser, prosecutor at trial; plaintiff; informer;
accusatorie ADV [XLXEO]
accusingly; in the manner of a prosecutor/accuser;
accusatorius, accusatoria, accusatorium ADJ [XLXCO]
of/belonging to a public/professional prosecutor; accusatory, denunciatory;
accusatrix, accusatricis N (3rd) F [XLXEO]
prosecutor at trial (female), accuser, plaintiff;
accusito, accusitare, accusitavi, accusitatus V (1st) TRANS [XLXFO]
accuse repeatedly; go on accusing;
accuso, accusare, accusavi, accusatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
accuse, blame, find fault, impugn; reprimand; charge (w/crime/offense);
accusso, accussare, accussavi, accussatus V (1st) [FXXEZ]
accuse, blame, find fault, impugn; reprimand; charge (w/crime/offense);
acedia, acediae N (1st) F [EXXFP]
weariness (of body or soul);
acedior, acediari, acediatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
be morose/peevish; be weary (Souter);
acediosus, acediosa, acediosum ADJ [EXXFP]
wearied; listless;
acentetus, acenteta, acentetum ADJ [XXXEO]
flawless; without points or spots; (used in connection with crystals/gems L+S);
aceo, acere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
be sour;
acephalos, acephalos, acephalon ADJ [XPXFO]
lacking the first syllable;
acephalus, acephala, acephalum ADJ [DPXFS]
lacking the first syllable; beginning w/short syllable; lacking head/leader;
acer, aceris N (3rd) N [XAXCO]
maple tree; wood of the maple tree; maple;
acer, acris -e, acrior -or -us, acerrimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
sharp, bitter, pointed, piercing, shrill; sagacious, keen; severe, vigorous;
aceratus, acerata, aceratum ADJ [XXXEO]
mixed with chaff/husks (of clay for bricklaying); without horns (L+S);
acerbe, acerbius, acerbissime ADV [XXXBO]
stridently, with harsh sound; cruelly, harshly; with pain/severity; premature;
acerbitas, acerbitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
harshness, severity; bitterness, sourness, ill feeling; anguish, hardship;
acerbitudo, acerbitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
harshness, severity; bitterness, sourness, ill feeling; anguish, hardship;
acerbo, acerbare, acerbavi, acerbatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
embitter; aggravate; make disagreeable; make worse;
acerbum, acerbi N (2nd) N [XXXES]
calamity, misfortune;
acerbus, acerba -um, acerbior -or -us, acerbissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
harsh, strident, bitter, sour; unripe, green, unfinished; grievous; gloomy;
acerneus, acernea, acerneum ADJ [XAXIO]
maple, of maple (wood); belonging to the maple tree;
acernia, acerniae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
fish (unidentified);
acernus, acerna, acernum ADJ [XAXCO]
maple, of maple (wood); belonging to the maple tree;
acerosus, acerosa, acerosum ADJ [XAXEO]
having husks included (of flour/bread);
acerra, acerrae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
box or casket for incense;
acersecomes, acersecomae N M [XXXEL]
long-haired/unshorn youth; one ever youthful; young favorite/"fair-haired boy";
acertas, acertatis N (3rd) F [XXXIO]
sharpness, keenness; vehemence, force; severity;
acerus, acera, acerum ADJ [XAXFS]
without wax; [mel ~ => honey flowing spontaneously from the comb];
acervalis, acervalis N (3rd) M [XXXFL]
conclusion by accumulation; a piling up (of facts);
acervalis, acervalis, acervale ADJ [XXXFO]
characterized by piling up; by accumulation;
acervatim ADV [XXXCO]
in heaps/piles; in large quantities/scale; briefly; summarily, without order;
acervatio, acervationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
heaping/piling together; accumulation; amassing;
acervo, acervare, acervavi, acervatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
heap/pile up; make into heaps/piles; massed/categorized together; cover with;
acervus, acervi N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
mass/heap/pile/stack; treasure, stock; large quantity; cluster; funeral pile;
acescentia, acescentiae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
acidity, sourness;
acesco, acescere, acui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
turn/become sour;
acesis, acesis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
form of malachite; sort of borax used in medicine;
acetabulum, acetabuli N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
small cup (esp. for vinegar); (1/8 pint); cup-shaped part (plant); hip joint;
acetarium, acetarii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
salad (seasoned);
acetarum, acetari N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
salad prepared with vinegar; something that is prepared with vinegar;
acetasco, acetascare, acetascavi, acetascatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
become sour/vinegary;
acetosus, acetosa, acetosum ADJ [FXXEK]
acetum, aceti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
vinegar, sour wine; tang of vinegar; sourness of disposition; sharpness of wit;
achaemenis, achaemenidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant alleged to have magical properties;
achantum, achanti N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
kind of frankincense;
achanum, achani N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
mute, stupid; disease of animals;
acharis, acharis, achare ADJ [EXHEP]
unpleasant, disagreeable; ungrateful;
acharistos, acharistos, achariston ADJ [EXHEP]
unpleasant, disagreeable; ungrateful;
acharistum, acharisti N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
eye salve;
achariter ADV [EXHEP]
unpleasantly, disagreeably;
acharna, acharnae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
edible sea fish;
acharne, acharnes N F [XAXEO]
edible sea fish;
achates, achatae N C [XXXEO]
acheta, achetae N (1st) M [XAXNO]
male cicada, the "chirper";
achetas, achetae N M [XAXNO]
male cicada, the "chirper";
Achillas, Achillae N M [CXEFO]
Achillas; (the Egyptian who murdered Pompey);
achilleos, achillei N F [XAXNS]
medicinal plant (said to be discovered by Achilles); milfoil, yarrow;
Achilles, Achillis N M [XYHCO]
Achilles, Greek hero; (other Greeks); (typifying great warrior);
Achilleus, Achilleis N M [XYHCO]
Achilles, Greek hero; (other Greeks); (typifying great warrior);
achlis, achlis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
elk; moose; wild beast of the North;
achor, achoris N (3rd) M [DBXFS]
scab/scald (on the head);
achras, achradis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
wild pear tree (Pirus amygdaliformis);
achynops, achynopis N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
plant (species of Plantago?);
acia, aciae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
thread, yarn;
acicula, aciculae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
small pin (for a head-dress);
acidatas, acidatatis N (3rd) F [DBXFS]
sourness/acidity (of the stomach);
acide, acidius, acidissime ADV [XXXFO]
aciditas, aciditatis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
acidulus, acidula, acidulum ADJ [XXXEO]
tart, slightly sour;
acidum, acidi N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
acid substances (pl.) as solvents;
acidus, acida -um, acidior -or -us, acidissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
acid/sour/bitter/tart; sour-smelling; soaked in vinegar; shrill; sharp-tongued;
acies, aciei N (5th) F [XXXAO]
sharpness, sharp edge, point; battle line/array; sight, glance; pupil of eye;
acina, acinae N (1st) F [XAXFL]
small berry; grape seed/pit;
acinaces, acinacis N (3rd) M [XWXEO]
short sword (Persian); short saber; scimitar; (contrary to gender rule OLD);
acinarius, acinaria, acinarium ADJ [XXXFO]
designed for holding grapes;
acinaticius, acinaticia, acinaticium ADJ [XAXFO]
prepared from dried grapes/raisins;
acinos, acini N F [XAXNO]
kind of basil;
acinosus, acinosa, acinosum ADJ [XAXNO]
like/resembling grapes, of the vine;
acinum, acini N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
grape; ivyberry or other small berry; pip, (grape) pit/seed;
acinus, acini N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
grape; ivyberry or other small berry; pip, (grape) pit/seed;
acipenser, acipenseris N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish);
acipensis, acipensis N (3rd) M [XAXES]
fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish);
aciscularius, acisculari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
worker with an adze; stone-cutter?;
acistarium, acistarii N (2nd) N [EEXEE]
acisulus, acisuli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
little adze;
aclassis, aclassis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
tunic (over the shoulders, unstitched);
aclouthia, aclouthiae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
Divine Office (in Eastern Rite Churches), liturgical rite;
aclys, aclydis N (3rd) F [XWXEL]
small javelin with a strap;
acna, acnae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
measure/piece of land (120 feet square);
acnua, acnuae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
square actus, a measure of land 120 yards square;
acoenonetus, acoenoneta, acoenonetum ADJ [XXXFS]
lacking in common feelings; without common sense;
acoenonoetus, acoenonoeta, acoenonoetum ADJ [XXXFO]
lacking in common feelings; without common sense;
acoetis, acoetis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
wife; bed-fellow (L+S);
acolitus, acoliti N (2nd) M [EEXFV]
acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);
acoluthus, acoluthi N (2nd) M [EEXFV]
acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);
acolythus, acolythi N (2nd) M [EEXEE]
acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);
acolytus, acolyti N (2nd) M [EEXEV]
acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);
acona, aconae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
pointed stones (pl.);
aconiti ADV [XXXFS]
without labor, effortlessly; without dust (literally);
aconiton, aconiti N N [XAXCO]
wolfbane, aconite (gnus Aconitum) (poisonous plant); aconite as a poison;
aconitum, aconiti N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
wolfbane, aconite (gnus Aconitum) (poisonous plant); aconite as a poison;
acontias, acontiae N M [XXXNO]
meteor resembling a dart in flight; quick-darting snake (L+S);
acontizo, acontizare, acontizavi, acontizatus V (1st) [DWXFS]
shoot a dart; spout/gush forth (blood);
acopos, acopi N F [XBXNO]
stone used to treat fatigue;
acopum, acopi N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
salve used to treat fatigue or pain;
acor, acoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
bitter or tart flavor; sourness; tart/sour substance;
acorion, acorii N N [XAXDO]
sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
acorna, acornae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
kind of thistle;
acoron, acori N N [XAXDO]
sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
acoros, acori N F [XAXFS]
sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
acorum, acori N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
acorus, acori N (2nd) F [XAXFS]
sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
acosmos, acosmos, acosmon ADJ [XXXFO]
unadorned, careless;
acquiesco, acquiescere, acquiei, acquietus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
lie with (w/cum), rest/relax; repose (death); acquiesce/assent/submit; subside;
acquiesco, acquiescere, acquievi, acquietus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
lie with (w/cum), rest/relax; repose (death); acquiesce/assent/submit; subside;
acquiro, acquirere, acquisivi, acquisitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
acquire (goods/money/adherents), obtain, gain, get; add to stock; accrue;
acquisitio, acquisitionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
acquisition; additional source of supply;
acquisitrix, acquisitricis N (3rd) F [XXXIO]
acquirer (female);
acquisitus, acquisita, acquisitum ADJ [XXXFO]
strained, recherche;
acra, acrae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
acratophorum, acratophori N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
vessel for scented/unmixed wine;
acredo, acredinis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
sharp/pungent taste;
acredula, acredulae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
unknown bird/beast/animal; (thrush or owl? L+S);
acriculus, acricula, acriculum ADJ [XXXFO]
shrewd, acute; irritable, sharp, testy;
acridium, acridii N (2nd) N [DAQFS]
scammony (Convolvulus Scammonia); purgative resin from its tuber root;
acrifolium, acrifolii N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
unknown tree of ill omen;
acrimonia, acrimoniae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
acrimony; briskness; caustic/corrosive/pungent quality; indigestion; vigor;
acritas, acritatis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
sharpness, keenness; vehemence, force; severity;
acriter, acrius, acerrime ADV [XXXBO]
sharply, vigilantly, fiercely; severely, steadfastly; keenly, accurately;
acritudo, acritudinis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
pungency, bitterness; keenness, energy, vigor; harshness, cruelty, fierceness;
acro, acronis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
extremity; member of the body; stem of a plant;
acroama, acroamatis N (3rd) N [XXXDL]
entertainment at table/reading/music, act; reader, actor, singer, clown;
acroamatarius, acroamataria, acroamatarium ADJ [DDXFS]
of/belonging/pertaining to a musical/reading entertainment;
acroamaticus, acroamatica, acroamaticum ADJ [DDXFS]
of/belonging/pertaining to a musical/reading entertainment;
acroasis, acroasis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
public lecture;
acroaticus, acroatica, acroaticum ADJ [XXXEO]
of/for lectures only; esoteric;
acrobates, acrobatae N M [XXXFO]
acrobaticus, acrobatica, acrobaticum ADJ [GXXEK]
acrochordon, acrochordonis N (3rd) F [XBXFS]
type of wart;
acrochordon, acrochordonos/is N F [XBXFO]
type of wart;
acrocolefium, acrocolefii N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
upper part of the foot of a swine;
acrocorium, acrocorii N (2nd) N [XASNS]
kind of onion;
acrolithos, acrolithos, acrolithon ADJ [XXXEO]
having extremities of marble (statues - the rest in wood L+S);
acrolithus, acrolitha, acrolithum ADJ [XXXEO]
having extremities of marble (statues - the rest in wood L+S);
acron, acronis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
extremity; member of the body; stem of a plant;
acropodium, acropodii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
base/pedestal of a statue;
acror, acroris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
pungency, bitterness; keenness, energy, vigor; harshness, cruelty, fierceness;
acroterium, acroterii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
projection; ornament at angle of a pediment; projection acting as breakwater;
acrozymus, acrozyma, acrozymum ADJ [DXXFS]
slightly leavened;
acrufolius, acrufolia, acrufolium ADJ [XAXFO]
having prickly leaves; made of holly/holly-wood;
acrum, acri N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
promontory/headland (pl.);
as if; (ac si);
Act., abb. N N [EEXDE]
Acts (abbreviation); [Acta Apostolorum => Acts, book of the Bible];
acta, actae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
sea-shore (as resort); beach; holiday (pl.), life of ease; party at seaside;
actaea, actaeae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
baneberry (Actaea spicata) (poisonous) (also called Herb Christopher);
actarius, actarii N (2nd) M [DLXCS]
short-hand writer, clerk, account/book-keeper, secretary;
acte, actes N F [XAXNO]
dwarf-elder (Sambucus ebulus);
actinophoros, actinophori N M [XAXNO]
ray-bearing kind of shellfish;
actinosus, actinosa, actinosum ADJ [DEXFS]
glorious; (full of rays);
actio, actionis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
act, action, activity, deed; incident;, plot (play); legal process, suit; plea;
actionarius, actionarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
actito, actitare, actitavi, actitatus V (1st) TRANS [XDXCO]
act/plead frequently/repeatedly; take parts in play as actor, be actor in;
actiuncula, actiunculae N (1st) F [XLXFS]
short judicial harangue; unimportant speech;
active ADV [DGXFS]
actively; (gram. like active verb);
activitas, activitatis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
activity, movement, action;
activus, activa, activum ADJ [XXXEO]
active; practical; active (gram. mood);
actor, actoris N (3rd) M [XDXBO]
actor, performer, doer; advocate; plaintiff; agent; player;
drover, herdsman; wielder; [actor habenae => slinger];
actorius, actoria, actorium ADJ [DXXFS]
active; practical; active (mood) (gram.);
actrix, actricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
stewardess; agent (female); plaintiff (female) (L+S);
actu ADV [FXXFE]
actualis, actualis, actuale ADJ [DXXFS]
active, practical; actual;
actualitas, actualitatis N (3rd) F [FXXFM]
actuality; reality (Ecc); existence;
actualiter ADV [DXXFS]
actuaria, actuariae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
fast passenger vessel with sails and oars;
actuariola, actuariolae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
small fast vessel (with sails and oars); row boat; barge;
actuariolum, actuarioli N (2nd) N [DXXES]
small fast vessel (impelled by oars); row boat; barge;
actuarium, actuarii N (2nd) N [XAXES]
hunting; [~ limes=> 12 foot wide road between fields; ~ canes=> hounds];
actuarius, actuari(i) N (2nd) M [XLXCO]
short-hand writer, clerk, account/book-keeper, secretary;
actuarius, actuaria, actuarium ADJ [XXXCO]
swift, nimble, light; of/serving to mark a cattle path/road between fields;
actum ADV [XXXFS]
sharply, pointedly; acutely;
actum, acti N (2nd) N [XLXBO]
act, deed, transaction; acts (pl.), exploits; chronicles, (official) record;
actuo, actuare, actuavi, actuatus V (1st) TRANS [FXXEE]
implement; actuate;
actuose ADV [XXXFO]
actively, busily, energetically; passionately, eagerly;
actuositas, actuositatis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
activity, movement, action;
actuosus, actuosa, actuosum ADJ [XXXCO]
active, busy, energetic, full of life; acting with extravagant gesture;
actus, actus N (4th) M [XDXBO]
act, performance (of play), delivery; action, deed; series/sequence; progress;
right of way/road for cattle; path, cart-track; land measure (120 ft.);
actutum ADV [XXXCO]
immediately, instantly; forthwith, without delay;
acuarius, acuari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
maker/seller of needles/pins;
acueo, acuere, acuui, acuitus V (2nd) [FXXEK]
acuitas, acuitatis N (3rd) F [FXXDE]
insight; sharpness, perception;
acula, aculae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
small amount of water; small stream; little needle (L+S);
aculeatus, aculeata, aculeatum ADJ [XXXCO]
prickly; stinging/sharp/barbed; subtle; inflicted by/having sting/spine/points;
aculeolus, aculeoli N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
little needle/pin;
aculeus, aculei N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
sting, spine, thorn, prickle, point, spike; barb; pang, prick; sarcasm;
aculos, aculi N F [XAXNO]
acorn/fruit of the ilex (holm oak or evergreen oak) (poss. holly);
acumen, acuminis N (3rd) N [XXXBO]
sharpened point, spur; sting; peak, promontory; sharpness/cunning/acumen; fraud;
acuminarius, acuminaria, acuminarium ADJ [XXXFS]
good for sharpening; [mola ~ => stone for sharpening weapons];
acuminatus, acuminata, acuminatum ADJ [XXXNO]
sharp, pointed, tapering;
acumino, acuminare, acuminavi, acuminatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
sharpen, make pointed, cut to a point;
acuna, acunae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
measure/piece of land (120 feet square), square actus;
acuo, acuere, acui, acutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
whet, sharpen, cut to a point; spur on, provoke, incite; come to a head (PASS);
acupedius, acupedia, acupedium ADJ [XXXFS]
swift of foot;
acupenser, acupenseris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish);
acupensis, acupensis N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish);
acupictura, acupicturae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
acupunctura, acupuncturae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
acus, aceris N (3rd) N [XAXCO]
husks of grain/beans, chaff;
acus, acus N (4th) F [XXXBO]
needle, pin; hair-pin; pipefish, needlefish; detail; husks/chaff (pl.);
acusticus, acustica, acusticum ADJ [GDXEK]
acutale ADV [FXXFE]
somewhat sharply; pointedly;
acutalis, acutalis, acutale ADJ [XXXFS]
acutarus, acutara, acutarum ADJ [DXXFS]
that sharpens instruments;
acutatus, acutata, acutatum ADJ [DXXFS]
acute, acutius, acutissime ADV [XXXCO]
acutely, with intellectual penetration; shrilly; clearly (seeing), distinctly;
acutor, acutoris N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
whetter, sharpener, one that sharpens;
acutule ADV [DXXFS]
somewhat sharply;
acutulus, acutula, acutulum ADJ [XXXEO]
smart, clever; somewhat pointed; somewhat subtle (Cas);
acutus, acuta -um, acutior -or -us, acutissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
sharp, sharpened, pointed/tapering; severe; glaring; acute, wise; high-pitched;
acutus, acuta, acutum ADJ [XSXCO]
of small radius; acute (angle);
acylos, acyli N F [XAXNS]
acorn of the holm-oak;
acyrologia, acyrologiae N (1st) F [DGXFS]
impropriety of speech;
acysterium, acysterii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
about (with numerals);
to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM;
adactio, adactionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
action/process of administering an oath; forcing/bringing to (L+S);
adactus, adactus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
thrust; forcing/bringing together (L+S); bite, biting;
adadunephros, adadunephri N M [XXXNS]
precious stone; (Adad's - supreme god of Assyrians - kidney);
adaequate ADV [FXXEE]
equally, to same extent; likewise; adequately;
adaequatio, adaequationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
adjusting, adapting, making equal;
adaequatus, adaequata, adaequatum ADJ [FXXEE]
equal; adequate;
adaeque ADV [XXXCO]
equally, to same extent; so much; also, likewise, in a like manner;
adaequo, adaequare, adaequavi, adaequatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
equalize, make equal in height, come up to level; compare (to); be equal; raze;
adaeratio, adaerationis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
calculation of the area of a piece of land; valuing, appraising (L+S);
adaero, adaerare, adaeravi, adaeratus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXFO]
calculate the area of a piece of land, appraise, value (in money), estimate;
adaestuo, adaestuare, adaestuavi, adaestuatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFS]
rush, roar, boil up;
adaggero, adaggerare, adaggeravi, adaggeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
heap (earth, etc.) up around/over; seethe, foam up;
adagio, adagionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
proverb; adage;
adagium, adagii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
proverb; adage;
adagnitio, adagnitionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
adalgidus, adalgida, adalgidum ADJ [XXXES]
chilly, very cold (climate);
adalligo, adalligare, adalligavi, adalligatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
bind/fasten to, attach;
Adam, Adae N M [DEXCS]
Adam; (Hebrew); (NOM S => Adam, not Ada, otherwise 1 DECL Ad...?);
Adam, undeclined N M [EEXDX]
Adam; (from the Hebrew); [NOM S => Adam, not Ada (otherwise 1 DECL Ad...)];
adamanteus, adamantea, adamanteum ADJ [XTXEO]
steel; of adamant, adamantine;
adamantinus, adamantina, adamantinum ADJ [XXXCO]
incorruptible, impregnable; inflexible; hard as adamant/diamond/steel;
adamantis, adamantidos/is N F [XAXNO]
plant (unidentified);
adamas, adamantis N M [XTXCO]
steel, hardest iron (early); anything hard, adamant; white sapphire; diamond;
adamator, adamatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
adambulo, adambulare, adambulavi, adambulatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
walk beside/near;
adamo, adamare, adamavi, adamatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
fall in love/lust with; love passionately/adulterously; admire greatly; covet;
adamplio, adampliare, adampliavi, adampliatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXIO]
enlarge, increase, widen; embellish;
Adamus, Adami N (2nd) M [DEXCS]
Adam, first man;
adamussim ADV [XXXES]
exactly/precisely; accurately, with precision; according to a ruler/level (L+S);
adapatio, adapationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
adaption; adjustment;
adaperio, adaperere, adaperui, adapertus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
throw open, open wide; unroll (scroll), open (book); uncover, reveal; open up;
adaperio, adaperire, adaperivi, adaperitus V (4th) TRANS [EXXFW]
throw open, open wide; unroll (scroll), open (book); uncover, reveal; open up;
adapertilis, adapertilis, adapertile ADJ [XXXFO]
that may/can be opened;
adapertio, adapertionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
uncovering, revealing, disclosure; opening (of eyes/mouth) (Souter);
adapertivus, adapertiva, adapertivum ADJ [EXXFP]
adaptertus, adapterta, adaptertum ADJ [XXXDO]
open (doors, flowers), expanded; not sealed off (honey cells);
adapto, adaptare, adaptavi, adaptatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
adjust, modify; fit (to) (w/DAT);
adaquo, adaquare, adaquavi, adaquatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
water, supply with water, bring water to; obtain water; give to drink;
adaquor, adaquari, adaquatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFS]
bring/procure water (for one's self); fetch water;
adar, undeclined N N [EXQEW]
Adar, Jewish month; (twelfth in ecclesiastic year);
adarca, adarcae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
salty deposit/effolescence on reeds; froth on sedge forming spongy growth;
adarce, adarces N F [DAXFS]
salty deposit/effolescence on reeds; froth on sedge forming spongy growth;
adaresco, adarescere, adarecui, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
become dry; dry up;
adariarius, adariaria, adariarium ADJ [DEXFS]
serving at the alter;
adaro, adarare, adaravi, adaratus V (1st) TRANS [XAXNS]
plow carefully;
adaucto, adauctare, adauctavi, adauctatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
increase, add to the resources of;
adauctor, adauctoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
adauctus, adauctus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
increase, growth;
adaugeo, adaugere, adauxi, adauctus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXBO]
increase, augment, intensify; supplement, make more; exaggerate, magnify;
adaugesco, adaugescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
become greater/more numerous, increase;
adaugmen, adaugminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
increase, additional quantity; augmentation;
adbello, adbellare, adbellavi, adbellatus V (1st) TRANS [DWXFS]
make war upon;
adbibo, adbibere, adbibi, - V (3rd) [XXXDO]
drink (in addition), take in by drinking; drink in, absorb, listen eagerly to;
adbito, adbitere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
approach, come/draw near;
adblatero, adblaterare, adblateravi, adblateratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
prattle, chatter;
adbreviatio, adbreviationis N (3rd) F [EXXFS]
abbreviation; diminution; epitome (Souter); shortening;
adbreviator, adbreviatoris N (3rd) M [EEXEE]
summarizer; one who makes abstracts/epitomes from papal bulls;
adbreviatus, adbreviata, adbreviatum ADJ [EXXCW]
abridged, shortened, cut off; straitened, contracted, narrowed; abbreviated;
adbrevio, adbreviare, adbreviavi, adbreviatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXCE]
shorten, cut off; abbreviate, abstract; epitomize (Souter); break off; weaken;
adcedenter ADV [DXXFS]
adcedentia, adcedentiae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
additional quality;
adcedo, adcedere, adcessi, adcessus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
come near, approach; agree with; be added to (w/ad or in + ACC); constitute;
adceleratio, adcelerationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
speeding up, quickening, acceleration, hastening;
adcelero, adcelerare, adceleravi, adceleratus V (1st) [XXXBO]
speed up, quicken, hurry; make haste, act quickly, hasten; accelerate;
adcessibilis, adcessibilis, adcessibile ADJ [DXXES]
adcessibilitas, adcessibilitatis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
adcessio, adcessionis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
approach; increase, bonus; accessory; attack, onset (fever, rage); fit;
adcessitio, adcessitionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
summons, sending for; [dies ~ => day of death];
adcessitor, adcessitoris N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser;
adcessitus, adcessitus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
summons, sending for;
adcessus, adcessus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset;
adclamatio, adclamationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
acclamation, shout (of comment/approval/disapproval); crying against; brawling;
adclamo, adclamare, adclamavi, adclamatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
shout (at), cry out against, protest; shout approval, applaud;
adclaro, adclarare, adclaravi, adclaratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
make clear, reveal, make manifest;
adclinis, adclinis, adcline ADJ [XXXCO]
leaning/resting (on/against); sloping, inclined; disposed/inclined (to);
adclino, adclinare, adclinavi, adclinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
lay down, rest (on) (w/DAT), lean against/towards, incline (to);
adclive, adclivis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
upward slope;
adclivis, adclivis, adclive ADJ [XXXCO]
rising, sloping upward;
adclivitas, adclivitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
slope, ascent, upward inclination, steepness;
adclivus, adcliva, adclivum ADJ [XXXCO]
rising, sloping upward;
adcludo, adcludere, adclusi, adclusus V (3rd) TRANS [EXXEP]
close up, shut the door;
adcognosco, adcognoscere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
recognize (visually or by some other means);
adcola, adcolae N (1st) C [XXXCO]
neighbor; one who lives nearby/beside; inhabitant;
adcolens, adcolentis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
neighbors, people of the neighborhood;
adcolo, adcolere, adcolui, adcultus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
dwell/live near; be a neighbor to;
adcommodate, adcommodatius, adcommodatissime ADV [XXXCO]
fittingly, in a suitable manner;
adcommodatio, adcommodationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
adjustment, willingness to oblige, complaisance; fitting, adapting, adaptation;
adcommodatus, adcommodata -um, adcommodatior -or -us, adcommodatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interests (of); favorably disposed (to);
adcommodo, adcommodare, adcommodavi, adcommodatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to;
adcommodus, adcommoda, adcommodum ADJ [XXXEO]
fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted to;
adcredo, adcredere, adcredidi, adcreditus V (3rd) DAT [XXXCO]
give credence to, believe; put faith in, trust;
adcresco, adcrescere, adcrevi, adcretus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
increase/swell, grow larger/up/progressively; be added/annexed to; arise;
adcretio, adcretionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
increase, an increasing, increment;
adcretus, adcreta, adcretum ADJ [XXXNO]
overgrown with; encased in;
adcubitio, adcubitionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
reclining (at meals), lying;
adcubitorius, adcubitoria, adcubitorium ADJ [DXXFS]
pertaining to reclining (at table);
adcubitus, adcubitus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
reclining (at meals), lying;
adcubo ADV [XXXFO]
in a prone/recumbent position;
adcudo, adcudere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
coin in addition; strike/stamp/mint (coin) (L+S); make more money, add wealth;
adcumbo, adcumbere, adcumbui, adcumbitus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
take a place/recline at the table; lie on (bed), lie at/prone, lie beside;
adcumulate, adcumulatius, adcumulatissime ADV [XXXEO]
copiously, abundantly; superabundantly;
adcumulatio, adcumulationis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
accumulation, heaping/piling up;
adcumulator, adcumulatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
heaper up; one who accumulates/amasses;
adcumulo, adcumulare, adcumulavi, adcumulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
accumulate, heap/pile up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance;
adcurate, adcuratius, adcuratissime ADV [XXXCO]
carefully, accurately, precisely, exactly; nicely; painstakingly, meticulous;
adcuratio, adcurationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
accuracy, preciseness, care; carefulness, painstakingness; treatment (medical);
adcuratus, adcurata -um, adcuratior -or -us, adcuratissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
accurate, exact, with care, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished;
adcuro, adcurare, adcuravi, adcuratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
take care of, attend to (duties/guests), give attention to; perform with care;
adcurro, adcurrere, adcucurri, adcursus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack;
adcurro, adcurrere, adcurri, adcursus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack;
adcursus, adcursus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
rushing up (to see or give help); attack; onset;
addax, addacis N (3rd) M [XAANO]
addax; (African antelope with twisted horns);
addecet, addecere, -, - V (2nd) IMPERS [XXXCO]
it is fitting/proper, it behooves;
addecimo, addecimare, addecimavi, addecimatus V (1st) [DEXES]
take the tenth part/a tenth; tithe;
addendus, addenda, addendum ADJ [FXXEE]
to be added/joined;
addenseo, addensere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFO]
make more dense, close up (the ranks);
addenso, addensare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
thicken, make more dense;
addico, addicere, addixi, addictus V (3rd) TRANS [XLXAO]
be propitious; adjudge, sentence, doom; confiscate; award, assign; enslave;
addicta, addictae N (1st) F [XLXEO]
person (female) enslaved for debt or theft;
addictio, addictionis N (3rd) F [XLXEO]
adjudication (disputed property), assignment (of debtor to custody/creditor);
addictus, addicta -um, addictior -or -us, addictissimus -a -um ADJ [XLXCO]
devoted/addicted (to); (debt) slave (of); bound (to do something); bent upon;
addictus, addicti N (2nd) M [XLXDO]
person enslaved for debt or theft;
addisco, addiscere, addidici, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
learn in addition/further/besides; learn;
additamentum, additamenti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
addition; additional factor/amount/element; something added;
additicius, additicia, additicium ADJ [XXXFO]
additional, extra;
additio, additionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
act of adding, addition;
addititius, addititia, addititium ADJ [FXXFE]
additional, extra;
additivus, additiva, additivum ADJ [DXXFS]
added, annexed;
addivino, addivinare, addivinavi, addivinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
prognosticate, divine;
addo, addere, addidi, additus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate;
addoceo, addocere, addocui, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFO]
teach new/additional accomplishments;
addormio, addormire, addormivi, addormitus V (4th) INTRANS [DXXFS]
fall asleep, go to sleep; begin to sleep;
addormisco, addormiscere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
fall asleep;
addubito, addubitare, addubitavi, addubitatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
doubt, be doubtful/uncertain; hesitate (to), hesitate over a situation;
adduco, adducere, adduxi, adductus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten;
adducte, adductius, adductissime ADV [XXXFO]
strictly, tightly; with close control;
adductor, adductoris N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
adductus, adducta -um, adductior -or -us, adductissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
contracted, drawn together; frowning, grave; compressed, terse; strict, severe;
adedo, adedere, adedi, adesus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
eat up, eat into/away at, nibble, squander; wear down, exhaust; erode;
adedo, adesse, -, - V TRANS [XXXCO]
eat up, eat into/away at, nibble, squander; wear down, exhaust; erode;
adelphis, adelphidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
kind of date (hanging two together like brothers - Adelphi-The Brothers, play)
ademptio, ademptionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
taking away, removal, deprivation; revocation (of legacy); withholding (right);
ademptor, ademptoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who takes away;
adeo ADV [XXXAO]
to such a degree/pass/point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly, even;
adeo, adire, adivi(ii), aditus V [XXXAO]
approach; attack; visit, address; undertake; take possession (inheritance);
adeps, adipis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.); sapwood;
adeptio, adeptionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
act of obtaining, attainment, achievement;
adeptus, adeptus N (4th) M [DXXFS]
attainment, an obtaining;
adequito, adequitare, adequitavi, adequitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
ride up to/towards/near, gallop up;
aderator, aderatoris N (3rd) M [DEXES]
worshiper, one who adores;
aderro, aderrare, aderravi, aderratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
stray towards/near; wander to/by;
adesco, adescare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [DAXFS]
feed; fatten;
adesdum V 5 1 PRES ACTIVE IMP 2 S [XXXCX]
come hither; (ades dum);
adessurio, adessurire, adessurivi, adessuritus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFO]
be very hungry/starving;
adesurio, adesurire, adesurivi, adesuritus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFO]
be very hungry/starving;
adesus, adesa, adesum ADJ [XXXES]
eaten, gnawed; worn away by water, eroded; [adesi lapides => smooth/polished];
adfaber, adfabra, adfabrum ADJ [XXXFS]
made/prepared ingeniously/skillfully/with art; ingenious, skilled in art;
adfabilis, adfabilis, adfabile ADJ [XXXCO]
easy of access/to talk to, affable, friendly, courteous; sympathetic (words);
adfabilitas, adfabilitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
affability, friendliness, courtesy;
adfabiliter, adfabilitius, adfabilitissime ADV [XXXEO]
conversationally, in informal/friendly discourse;
adfabre ADV [XXXEO]
skillfully, ingeniously, artistically;
adfabricatus, adfabricata, adfabricatum ADJ [XXXFS]
fitted/added to by art;
adfamen, adfaminis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
greeting, salutation, address;
adfania, adfaniae N (1st) F [XXXES]
trifling talk (pl.), chatter; idle jests;
adfatim ADV [XXXCO]
sufficiently, amply, with complete satisfaction;
adfatus, adfatus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
address, speech, converse with; pronouncement, utterance (of);
adfectatio, adfectationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
seeking/striving for, aspiration to; affectation, straining for; claiming;
adfectato ADV [DXXES]
studiously, zealously;
adfectator, adfectatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
aspirant, zealous seeker (of), one who strives to obtain/produce;
adfectatus, adfectata, adfectatum ADJ [XXXEO]
studied, artificial, affected;
adfecte ADV [DXXES]
deeply, with (strong) affection;
adfectio, adfectionis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
mental condition, mood, feeling, disposition; affection, love; purpose;
adfectiose ADV [DXXES]
adfectiose, adfectiosius, adfectiosissime ADV [EXXFP]
feelingly; with (kindly) feeling;
adfectiosus, adfectiosa -um, adfectiosior -or -us, adfectiosissimus -a -um ADJ [EXXFP]
full of (kindly) feeling;
adfectiosus, adfectiosa, adfectiosum ADJ [DXXES]
full of affection/attachment;
adfecto, adfectare, adfectavi, adfectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend;
adfector, adfectari, adfectatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend;
adfectrix, adfectricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
aspirant (female); she who seeks/strives for (thing);
adfectualis, adfectualis, adfectuale ADJ [EXXEP]
depending on a temporary condition;
adfectuose ADV [DXXES]
affectionately, kindly;
adfectuose, adfectuosius, adfectuosissime ADV [EXXFP]
feelingly; with (kindly) feeling;
adfectuosus, adfectuosa -um, adfectuosior -or -us, adfectuosissimus -a -um ADJ [EXXFP]
full of (kindly) feeling;
adfectuosus, adfectuosa, adfectuosum ADJ [DXXES]
affectionate, kind, full of inclination/affection/love;
adfectus, adfecta, adfectum ADJ [XXXBO]
endowed with, possessed of; minded; affected; impaired, weakened; emotional;
adfectus, adfectus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
affection, passion, love; friendly feeling (Cas); goodwill; loved ones (pl.);
disposition; condition, state (of body/mind); feeling, mood, emotion;
adfero, adferre, adtuli, adlatus V TRANS [XXXAO]
bring to, carry, convey; report, bring word, allege, announce; produce, cause;
adficio, adficere, adfeci, adfectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
affect, make impression; move, influence; cause (hurt/death), afflict, weaken;
adficticius, adficticia, adficticium ADJ [XXXFO]
attached (to);
adfigo, adfigere, adfixi, adfixus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
fasten/fix/pin/attach to (w/DAT), annex; impress upon; pierce; chain, confine;
adfiguro, adfigurare, adfiguravi, adfiguratus V (1st) TRANS [XGXEO]
form (word) by analogy;
adfingo, adfingere, adfinxi, adfictus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
add to, attach; aggravate; embellish, counterfeit, forge; claim wrongly;
adfinis, adfinis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
relation (by marriage); neighbor; accomplice;
adfinis, adfinis, adfine ADJ [XXXBO]
neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related (marriage), akin, connected;
adfinitas, adfinitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
relation(ship) by marriage; relationship (man+wife), bond/union; neighborhood;
adfirmanter ADV [XXXES]
certainly, assuredly, with assurance;
adfirmate ADV [XXXEO]
with definite affirmation/solemn assertion, positively, certainly, assuredly;
adfirmatio, adfirmationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
affirmation, strengthening of belief; assertion, dogmatic/positive statement;
adfirmativus, adfirmativa, adfirmativum ADJ [DXXFS]
affirming, affirmative;
adfirmator, adfirmatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who makes a definite assertion/affirmation;
adfirmo, adfirmare, adfirmavi, adfirmatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
affirm/assert (dogmatically/positively); confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize;
adfixio, adfixionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
joining/fastening to; an addition to;
adfixum, adfixi N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
fixtures (pl.) pertaining thereto;, permanent fittings/appendages/appurtenances;
adfixus, adfixa, adfixum ADJ [XXXES]
fastened/joined to (person/thing); impressed on, fixed to; situated close to;
adflagrans, (gen.), adflagrantis ADJ [DXXFS]
flaming/blazing up; turbulent, unquiet;
adflator, adflatoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who blows on/breathes into;
adflatus, adflatus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
breath, snorting; breeze, wind, draught, (hot) blast; stench; inspiration;
adflecto, adflectare, adflectavi, adflectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
affect, move, influence (to a course of action);
adfleo, adflere, adflevi, adfletus V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
weep/cry at; weep as an accompaniment;
adflictatio, adflictationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
grievous suffering, torment, affliction;
adflictator, adflictatoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who causes pain/suffering/torment/torture; tormenter;
adflictio, adflictionis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
pain, suffering, torment;
adflicto, adflictare, adflictavi, adflictatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
shatter, damage, strike repeatedly, buffet, wreck; oppress, afflict; vex;
adflictor, adflictoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who strikes against/down/overthrows;
adflictrix, (gen.), adflictricis ADJ [XXXFO]
that strikes against/down/overthrows or collides with;
adflictrix, adflictricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
one (female) who strikes against/down/overthrows;
adflictus, adflicta, adflictum ADJ [XXXEO]
in a state of ruin (persons/countries/affairs), shattered;
adflictus, adflictus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
collision, blow; a striking against/dashing together;
adfligo, adfligere, adflixi, adflictus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex;
adflo, adflare, adflavi, adflatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
blow/breathe (on/towards); inspire, infuse; waft; graze; breathe poison on;
adfluens, adfluentis (gen.), adfluentior -or -us, adfluentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
flowing/overflowing/abounding with; abundant, plentiful, sumptuous, copious;
adfluente, adfluentius, adfluentissime ADV [XXXES]
richly, copiously, abundantly, extravagantly, opulently;
adfluenter, adfluentius, adfluentissime ADV [XXXEO]
abundantly, copiously; luxuriously, extravagantly;
adfluentia, adfluentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
flow (of a liquid); abundance, profusion, extravagance, opulence, riotousness;
adfluo, adfluere, adfluxi, adfluxus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound;
adfodio, adfodere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNO]
add by digging;
adfor, adfari, adfatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed (PASS), be decreed by fate;
adformido, adformidare, adformidavi, adformidatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
be afraid, fear;
adfrango, adfrangere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces;
adfremo, adfremere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
roar/rage/growl (at); assent noisily to (w/DAT);
adfricatio, adfricationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
rubbing on/against (thing); friction; abrasion;
adfrico, adfricare, adfricui, adfricatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
rub (one thing against another); apply/communicate/impart by rubbing, smear on;
adfrico, adfricare, adfricui, adfrictus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
rub (one thing against another); apply/communicate/impart by rubbing, smear on;
adfrictus, adfrictus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
friction; rubbing on;
adfringo, adfringere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFS]
cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces;
adfrio, adfriare, adfriavi, adfriatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
sprinkle (powder); crumble, grate;
adfulgeo, adfulgere, adfulsi, - V (2nd) DAT [XXXCO]
shine forth, appear, dawn; shine/smile upon (w/favor), appear favorable;
adfundo, adfundere, adfudi, adfusus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
pour on/upon/into, heap up; shed/spill (blood); wash;
adfundor, adfundi, adfusus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
prostrate oneself; cause to be spread on/over; flow alongside/past (streams);
adfuo, adfuere, adfuxi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound;
adgaudeo, adgaudere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXES]
delight in; be delighted with;
adgemo, adgemere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
groan in conjunction/sympathy (with);
adgenero, adgenerare, adgeneravi, adgeneratus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
beget in addition;
adgeniculor, adgeniculari, adgeniculatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXES]
kneel before, bend the knee before;
adger, adgeris N (3rd) M [XXXAO]
rampart (or material for); causeway, pier; heap/pile/mound; dam/dike; mud wall;
adgeratim ADV [XXXFO]
in heaps/piles;
adgeratio, adgerationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
heaped/piled up material;
adgero, adgerare, adgeravi, adgeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
heap/fill up, bring, carry; increase, add fuel; push/crowd/press together;
adgero, adgerere, adgessi, adgestus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
heap/cover up over, pile/build up, erect; accumulate; intensify, exaggerate;
adgestim ADV [DXXFS]
in heaps, abundantly;
adgestio, adgestionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
heap, heaping up; mass (of mud), heap (of sand);
adgestum, adgesti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound;
adgestus, adgesti N (2nd) M [DXXES]
mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound;
adgestus, adgestus N (4th) M [XXXDO]
piling up; act of bringing; earthen bank, terrace; sprinkling earth over body;
adglomero, adglomerare, adglomeravi, adglomeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
gather into a body, mass together, join forces; pile up in masses; agglomerate;
adglutino, adglutinare, adglutinavi, adglutinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
glue/stick/adhere/fasten to/together; fit/grip on closely; bring in contact;
adgnascor, adgnasci, adgnatus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXBO]
be born in addition/after father's will made; develop; grow later/on, arise;
adgnata, adgnatae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
female blood relation on father's side;
adgnaticius, adgnaticia, adgnaticium ADJ [DLXFS]
pertaining to agnati (born after will); [~ jus => right of agnati to inherit];
adgnatio, adgnationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
birth after father's will; blood relationship through father/male ancestor;
adgnatum, adgnati N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
offshoot, side-shoot;
adgnatus, adgnata, adgnatum ADJ [XXXFO]
related, cognate;
adgnatus, adgnati N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will;
adgnitio, adgnitionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
recognition, knowledge; perception of nature/identity; avowal, acknowledgement;
adgnitor, adgnitoris N (3rd) M [XLXFO]
one who acknowledges or vouches for (seal);
adgnitus, adgnitus N (4th) M [XDXFO]
"recognition" (drama);
adgnomen, adgnominis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
adgnomentum, adgnomenti N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
adgnosco, adgnoscere, adgnovi, adgnitus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility;
adgratulor, adgratulari, adgratulatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXFZ]
give thanks (to)(JFW);
adgravesco, adgravescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDS]
become heavy; become severe/dangerous (illness), grow worse; be aggravated;
adgravo, adgravare, adgravavi, adgravatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
aggravate, exaggerate; weigh down, oppress; make heavier; embarrass further;
adgredio, adgredere, aggressi, adgressus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDS]
approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt;
adgredior, adgredi, adgressus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXAS]
approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt;
adgrego, adgregare, adgregavi, adgregatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
collect, include, group, implicate; (cause to) flock/join together, attach;
adgressio, adgressionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
attack; action of setting about/undertaking (task);
adgressor, adgressoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
attacker, assailant;
adgressura, adgressurae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
attack, assault;
adgressus, adgressus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
attack, assault;
adguberno, adgubernare, adgubernavi, adgubernatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
steer (one's course);
adhaereo, adhaerere, adhaesi, adhaesus V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
adhere, stick, cling/cleave to; hang on; be attached/concerned/involved;
adhaeresco, adhaerescere, adhaesi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
cling to, adhere, stick (in trouble); become lodged in (weapons); run aground;
adhaese ADV [XXXFO]
stammeringly; in a tongued-tied manner;
adhaesio, adhaesionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
adhesion; linkage;
adhaesiona, adhaesionae N (1st) F [FXXFZ]
adhesion; linkage;
adhaesivus, adhaesiva, adhaesivum ADJ [GXXEK]
adhaesus, adhaesus N (4th) M [XXXDO]
adhesion; act/fact of adhering/combining;
adhalo, adhalare, adhalavi, adhalatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
breathe upon;
adhamo, adhamare, adhamavi, adhamatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
catch, secure;
adhereo, adherere, adhesi, adhesus V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXAW]
adhere, stick, cling/cleave to; hang on; be attached/concerned/involved;
adheresco, adherescere, adhesi, adhesus V (3rd) INTRANS [EXXDW]
adhere tightly, stick fast;
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to;
adhibitio, adhibitionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
application, employing; admission (e.g., to a banquet);
adhinnio, adhinnire, adhinnivi, adhinnitus V (4th) [XAXCO]
whinny to/at; express delight; strive after/long for with voluptuous desire;
adhoc ADV [XXXAO]
thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides;
adhorreo, adhorrere, adhorrui, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
shudder (in addition);
adhortamen, adhortaminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
encouragement, exhortation; incentive;
adhortatio, adhortationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
exhortation, (words of) encouragement; persuasive speech/discourse/appeal;
adhortativus, adhortativa, adhortativum ADJ [DXXFS]
of/belonging to encouragement/exhortation; [~ modus => encouraging mood];
adhortator, adhortatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
encourager, one who encourages/exhorts;
adhortatus, adhortatus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
act of urging; encouragement, exhortation, persuasion;
adhortor, adhortari, adhortatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
encourage, urge on; rally; exhort;
adhospito, adhospitare, adhospitavi, adhospitatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
entertain as guest; propitiate;
adhuc ADV [XXXAO]
thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides;
adhucine ADV [XXXFS]
still? yet? (interog.) (adhuc ne);
adiantum, adianti N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
maidenhair (Capillus Veneris), type of fern; (also called callitrichos/on L+S);
adiaphoros, adiaphoros, adisphoron ADJ [XXHFS]
indifferent; (-os, -os, -on, Greek);
adibilis, adibilis, adibile ADJ [DXXES]
adicio, adicere, adjeci, adjectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at;
adigo, adigere, adegi, adactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
drive in/to (cattle), force, impel; cast, hurl; consign (curse); bind (oath);
adimo, adimere, ademi, ademptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
withdraw, take away, carry off; castrate; deprive, steal, seize; annul; rescue;
adimplementum, adimplementi N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
completion, completing, fulfillment, fulfilling; realization;
adimpleo, adimplere, adimplevi, adimpletus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
fill up (with); fulfill, carry out (promise/obligation);
adimpletio, adimpletionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
completion, completing, fulfillment, fulfilling; realization;
adimpletor, adimpletoris N (3rd) M [DEXFS]
inspirer, he who fills (by inspiration);
adincresco, adincrescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DEXES]
adindo, adindere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
insert, put in/to; put in besides;
adinflo, adinflare, adinflavi, adinflatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
swell up;
adingero, adingerere, adingessi, adingestus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
bring to/heap on in addition;
adinquiro, adinquirere, adinquisi, adinquisitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFS]
investigate/inquire/look into further;
adinspecto, adinspectare, adinspectavi, adinspectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
watch; guard (person);
adinstar, undeclined ADJ [XXXES]
like, after the fashion of; according to the likeness of; about; (ad instar);
adinvenio, adinvenire, adinveni, adinventus V (4th) TRANS [XXXFO]
devise/invent/find out (in addition/intensive);
adinventio, adinventionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
adinventor, adinventoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
adinventum, adinventi N (2nd) N [DXXES]
adinvicem ADV [DXXES]
in turn, by turns, on after the other, alternately; mutually, reciprocally;
adipatum, adipati N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
rich dish; pastry prepared with fat (L+S);
adipatus, adipata, adipatum ADJ [XXXEO]
rich; containing fat, fatty, greasy; coarse, gross (L+S);
adipeus, adipea, adipeum ADJ [DXXES]
of fat;
adipiscor, adipisci, adeptus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXBO]
gain, secure, win, obtain; arrive at, come up to/into; inherit; overtake;
adips, adipis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.);
adipsatheon, adipsathei N N [XAXNO]
thorny shrub which produces fragrant oil;
adipsatheos, adipsathei N M [XAXNO]
thorny shrub which produces fragrant oil;
adipson, adipsi N N [XAXNO]
adipsos, adipsi N F [XAXNO]
kind of Egyptian date; licorice (?);
aditialis, aditialis, aditiale ADJ [XLXEO]
inaugural; (of a banquet) given by a magistrate upon entering office;
aditio, aditionis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
act/right of approaching (person); taking possession of an inheritance;
adito, aditare, aditavi, aditatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
approach often/frequently/habitually;
aditus, aditus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
approach, access; attack; entrance; chance, opportunity, means, way; beginning;
adiumentum, adiumenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
help, assistance, support, means of aid;
adjacens, (gen.), adjacentis ADJ [XXXCO]
adjacent, neighboring;
adjacens, adjacentis N (3rd) N [XXXDO]
adjacent/neighboring areas/regions/parts (pl.); adjoining country;
adjaceo, adjacere, adjacui, adjacitus V (2nd) DAT [XXXCO]
lie near to, lie beside; be adjacent/contiguous to, neighbor on; live near;
adjaculatus, adjaculata, adjaculatum ADJ [XXXFS]
thrown/cast at;
adjectamentum, adjectamenti N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
appendage, appurtenance, attachment; addition, increase;
adjecticius, adjecticia, adjecticium ADJ [DXXES]
added besides;
adjectio, adjectionis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
addition; act of adding, infliction in addition; repetition; price increase;
adjectius, adjectia, adjectium ADJ [DXXES]
added besides;
adjectivus, adjectiva, adjectivum ADJ [DGXES]
that is added (to the noun - gram.); adjective;
adjectus, adjectus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
insertion/putting in/adding/applying to, addition; impact, contact;
adjicio, adjicere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at;
adjicio, adjicere, adjeci, adjectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAS]
add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at;
adjudicatio, adjudicationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
act of assignment (by judge); vesting order; judicial judging of a matter;
adjudico, adjudicare, adjudicavi, adjudicatus V (1st) TRANS [XLXCO]
adjudge, impute, attribute, ascribe (to); award (as a judge), assign (to);
adjugo, adjugare, adjugavi, adjugatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
join, attach (to);
adjunctio, adjunctionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
union, association; admixture, combination; (limiting) addition, qualification;
adjunctivus, adjunctiva, adjunctivum ADJ [XGXFO]
adjectival; joined/added; conjunctions that govern subjunctive mood (L+S);
adjunctor, adjunctoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who adds/joins/unites; proposer (that ... be added to ...);
adjunctum, adjuncti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
quality, characteristic, essential feature/attribute; collateral circumstance;
adjunctus, adjuncta -um, adjunctior -or -us, adjunctissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
bound/belonging to; composite, joined in compound (word); adjacent; relevant;
adjungo, adjungere, adjunxi, adjunctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
add, attach, join to, add to, support; apply to; harness, yoke; direct; confer;
adjuramentum, adjuramenti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
conjuring, entreaty;
adjuratio, adjurationis N (3rd) F [XLXFO]
act of appealing to/by adjuration; swearing to/by (something);
adjurator, adjuratoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who conjures, conjurer;
adjuratorius, adjuratoria, adjuratorium ADJ [DLXES]
pertaining to swearing;
adjuro, adjurare, adjuravi, adjuratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
swear by/solemnly; affirm with oath; charge/entreat/urge (as under oath/curse);
adjutabilis, adjutabilis, adjutabile ADJ [XXXFO]
adjuto, adjutare, adjutavi, adjutatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
help (w/burden/activity); help realize a program/purpose;
adjutor, adjutari, adjutatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
help (w/burden/activity); help realize a program/purpose;
adjutor, adjutoris N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
assistant, deputy; accomplice; supporter; secretary; assistant schoolmaster;
adjutorium, adjutori(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
help, assistance, support; argumentation;
adjutrix, adjutricis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
female assistant/helper/accomplice; feminine nouns; as title of a legion;
adjutus, adjutus N (4th) M [DXXES]
help, aid;
adjuvans, (gen.), adjuvantis ADJ [XXXEO]
contributory (cause);
adjuvatorium, adjuvatori(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
assistance, cooperation;
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvavi, adjuvatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable;
adjuvo, adjuvare, adjuvi, adjutus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable;
adlabor, adlabi, adlapsus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
glide/move/flow towards (w/DAT/ACC); creep up; steal into; fly (missiles);
adlaboro, adlaborare, adlaboravi, adlaboratus V (1st) [XXXEO]
make a special effort; take trouble to;
adlacrimo, adlacrimare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEL]
shed tears, cry, weep (at or as an accompaniment to something);
adlambo, adlambere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
lick (of flames);
adlapsus, adlapsus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
gliding up; gliding/stealthy approach; flowing towards or near;
adlatro, adlatrare, adlatravi, adlatratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
bark at; rail at; rage, roar (sea);
adlaudabilis, adlaudabilis, adlaudabile ADJ [XXXEO]
praiseworthy, commendable;
adlaudo, adlaudare, adlaudavi, adlaudatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
praise, commend;
adlavo, adlavare, adlavavi, adlavatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
flow up to (water), wash;
adlectatio, adlectationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
coaxing, enticing, encouragement, invitation;
adlectator, adlectatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who coaxes/entices/attracts/invites/encourages;
adlecto, adlectare, adlectavi, adlectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
entice, allure, encourage, invite;
adlector, adlectoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
official of a collegium (concerned with dues or admission);
adlectura, adlecturae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
office of collector of revenues (colligium allector);
adlectus, adlecti N (2nd) M [FXXEE]
canon-elect, one elected into collegium;
adlegatio, adlegationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
allegation, charge; intercession; representation made on behalf of another;
adlegatus, adlegatus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
instigation, prompting;
adlego, adlegare, adlegavi, adlegatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
depute/send as agent, commission, put up; suborn; urge/plea, lay before; allege;
adlego, adlegere, adlegi, adlectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
choose, admit, elect, recruit, select, appoint;
adlenimentum, adlenimenti N (2nd) N [DBXFS]
soothing remedy/relief;
adlevamentum, adlevamenti N (2nd) N [XXXEL]
mitigation; relief, alleviation;
adlevatio, adlevationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising;
adlevator, adlevatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who lifts/raises up;
adlevio, adleviare, adleviavi, adleviatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
lighten, make light; deal lightly/leniently with; raise up, relieve;
adlevo, adlevare, adlevavi, adlevatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
lift/raise/heap/pile up, exalt; alleviate/diminish/weaken; comfort/console/cheer
smooth, smooth off, make smooth; polish; depilate;
adlibentia, adlibentiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
inclination (for);
adlibesco, adlibescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDO]
be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for);
adlicefacio, adlicefacere, adlicefeci, adlicefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
entice, allure; attract, lure, seduce;
adlicefio, adliceferi, adlicefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXEO]
be/become enticed/allured/lured; (allicefacio PASS);
adlicio, adliciere, adlexi, adlectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
draw gently to, entice, lure, induce (sleep), attract, win over, encourage;
adlido, adlidere, adlisi, adlisus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
dash/crush against, bruise; ruin, damage; shipwreck; (PASS) suffer damage;
adligamentum, adligamenti N (2nd) N [XXXES]
band, binding, tie;
adligatio, adligationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
tying or binding to supports; a bond; band;
adligator, adligatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who ties or binds to a support;
adligatura, adligaturae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
band, binding;
adligo, adligare, adligavi, adligatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
bind/fetter (to); bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in;
adlino, adlinere, adlinevi, adlinitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
smear/spread/dash over (W/DAT); spread out on; adhere to;
adlisio, adlisionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
dashing against; striking upon;
adlocutio, adlocutionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
address (spoken/written), manner of address; consolation; harangue, exhortation;
adloquium, adloqui(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
address, addressing, talk; talking to, encouragement, friendly/reassuring words;
adloquor, adloqui, adlocutus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
speak to (friendly); address, harangue, make a speech (to); call on; console;
adlubentia, adlubentiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
inclination (for);
adlubesco, adlubescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for);
adluceo, adlucere, adluxi, - V (2nd) [XXXDO]
shine upon; light (torch); show/give (opportunity/chance); give/supply light;
adluctor, adluctari, adluctatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
wrestle; wrestle with (w/DAT);
adludio, adludiare, adludiavi, adludiatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
play/frolic (with);
adludo, adludere, adlusi, adlusus V (3rd) [XXXCO]
frolic/play/sport around/with, play against; jest, make mocking allusion to;
adluo, adluere, adlui, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
wash/flow past/near/against, lap; beset; bathe (person) (tears); deposit silt;
adluvies, adluviei N (5th) F [XXXCO]
silt, soil deposited by a river; flood land by a river; lapping of waves;
inundation, flood; overflow; superabundance; river deposited silt; floodland;
adluvio, adluvionis N (3rd) F [XXXCL]
inundation, flood; overflow; land addition by silt deposition; superabundance;
adluvius, adluvia, adluvium ADJ [XXXFS]
alluvial, from river overflow/deposit;
admaturo, admaturare, admaturavi, admaturatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
hasten (an occurrence); bring to maturity, mature, ripen;
admensuratio, admensurationis N (3rd) F [FLXFJ]
admensuration; assignment of a measure;
admeo, admeare, admeavi, admeatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
go to, approach;
admetior, admetiri, admensus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXCO]
measure out (to);
admigro, admigrare, admigravi, admigratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
go and live with; go to a place; come to; be added to;
adminiculabundus, adminiculabunda, adminiculabundum ADJ [XXXES]
self-supporting, supporting one's self;
adminiculator, adminiculatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
assistant, supporter; one who supports;
adminiculatus, adminiculata -um, adminiculatior -or -us, adminiculatissimus -a -u ADJ [XXXFO]
well stocked; supported; well furnished/provided;
adminiculo, adminiculare, adminiculavi, adminiculatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXCO]
prop (up), support (with props); support with authority; applied to adverb;
adminiculor, adminiculari, adminiculatus sum V (1st) DEP [XAXFS]
prop (up), support (with props) (vines);
adminiculum, adminiculi N (2nd) N [XAXBO]
prop (vines), pole, stake; support, stay, bulwark; means, aid, tool; auxiliary;
administer, administri N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
assistant, helper, supporter; one at hand to help, attendant; priest, minister;
administra, administrae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
assistant (female), helper, supporter, servant; handmaiden, attendant;
administratio, administrationis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
administratio, administrationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
administration; assistance; execution, operation, management, care of affairs;
administrativus, administrativa, administrativum ADJ [XXXFO]
practical; suitable for the administration of; administrative;
administrator, administratoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
director, administrator, manager; one in charge of operation;
administratorius, administratoria, administratorium ADJ [DXXES]
performing the duties of an assistant/helper; serving, ministering;
administro, administrare, administravi, administratus V (1st) [XXXBO]
administer, manage, direct; assist; operate, conduct; maneuver (ship); bestow;
admirabilis, admirabilis, admirabile ADJ [XXXCO]
admirable, wonderful; strange, astonishing, remarkable; paradoxical, contrary;
admirabilitas, admirabilitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
wonderful character, remarkableness; admiration, wonder;
admirabiliter ADV [XXXEO]
admirably, astonishingly, in a wonderful/wondrous manner; paradoxically;
admiralis, admiralis N (3rd) M [GWXEK]
admiralius, admiralii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
admirandus, admiranda, admirandum ADJ [XXXCO]
wonderful, admirable; astonishing, remarkable, extraordinary;
admiranter ADV [EXXCV]
admiringly, with admiration;
admiratio, admirationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel;
admirator, admiratoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
admirer; one who venerates;
admiror, admirari, admiratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished;
admisceo, admiscere, admiscui, admistus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXES]
mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up;
admisceo, admiscere, admiscui, admixtus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXBO]
mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up;
admissarius, admissaria, admissarium ADJ [XAXEO]
kept for breeding (male animals), on stud;
admissarius, admissarii N (2nd) M [XAXDO]
stallion/he-ass, stud; sodomite;
admissio, admissionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
admission/entrance/audience/interview; application (medical); mating (animals);
admissionalis, admissionalis N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who introduces/announces at audience; privy chamber usher; seneschal;
admissivus, admissiva, admissivum ADJ [XEXFS]
permitting/favorable (birds of omen approving of action in question);
admissor, admissoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
perpetrator; one who allows himself to do a thing;
admissum, admissi N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
crime, offense;
admissura, admissurae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
admission/entrance/audience/interview; entrance upon inheritance;
admissura, admissurae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
breeding, generation; copulation/mating of domestic animals, service;
admissus, admissus N (4th) M [DXXES]
admission, letting in;
admistio, admistionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
mixture, admixture, mingling;
admistus, admistus N (4th) M [DXXES]
mixture, admixture, mingling;
admitto, admittere, admisi, admissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
urge on, put to a gallop; let in, admit, receive; grant, permit, let go;
admixtio, admixtionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
mixture, admixture, mingling;
admixtus, admixta, admixtum ADJ [XXXES]
mixed; contaminated; not simple; confused;
admixtus, admixtus N (4th) M [DXXES]
mixture, admixture, mingling;
admoderate ADV [XXXFO]
comfortably; suitably;
admoderor, admoderari, - V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
control (w/DAT); keep within limits; moderate;
admodulor, admodulari, admodulatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
harmonize/accord with;
admodum ADV [XXXBO]
very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely;
admoenio, admoenire, admoenivi, admoenitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
bring (siege engine) into operation, draw near the walls; besiege, invest;
admolior, admoliri, admolitus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXDO]
struggle, exert oneself (to); put one's hand on object/task; lay violent hands;
admonefacio, admonefacere, admonefeci, admonefactus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
admonish; warn; urge; call to duty;
admonefio, admoneferi, admonefactus sum V SEMIDEP [DXXFS]
be admonished/warned/urged; be called to duty; (admonefacio PASS);
admoneo, admonere, admonui, admonitus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution;
admonitio, admonitionis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
act of reminding; reminder, recurring symptom; warning, advice; rebuke;
admonitor, admonitoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
admonisher; exhorter; one who reminds;
admonitorium, admonitorii N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
admonitrix, admonitricis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
monitor (female); she that admonishers/reminds;
admonitum, admoniti N (2nd) N [XXXES]
warning; reminder; reminding; advice; admonition;
admonitus, admonitus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
advice, recommendation; admonition, warning; command (animal); reminder; reproof
admordeo, admordere, admordi, admorsus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXDO]
bite at/into, gnaw; extract money from; fleece; get possession of their property
admorsus, admorsa, admorsum ADJ [XXXEL]
bitten, gnawed;
admorsus, admorsus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
bite, biting, gnawing;
admotio, admotionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
act of moving towards/on to; application;
admoveo, admovere, admovi, admotus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
move up, bring up/near; lean on, conduct; draw near, approach; apply, add;
admugio, admugire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XAXFO]
low (to); bellow (to); (like a bull);
admulco, admulcare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
admurmuratio, admurmurationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
murmur of comment; murmuring;
admurmuro, admurmurare, admurmuravi, admurmuratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXDO]
murmur in protest or approval; murmur at;
admurmuror, admurmurari, admurmuratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFS]
murmur in protest or approval; murmur at;
admutilo, admutilare, admutilavi, admutilatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
cut/clip close; shave; fleece, cheat, defraud;
adnarro, adnarrare, adnarravi, adnarratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
tell/relate (to);
adnato, adnatare, adnatavi, adnatatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
swim to/up to; swim beside/alongside;
adnavigo, adnavigare, adnavigavi, adnavigatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXNO]
sail to/up to/towards; sail beside/alongside;
adnecto, adnectere, adnexui, adnexus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
tie on/to, tie up (ship); bind to; fasten on; attach, connect, join, annex;
adnego, adnegare, adnegavi, adnegatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
refuse; withhold;
adnepos, adnepotis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
great-great-great grandson;
adneptis, adneptis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
great-great-great granddaughter;
adnexio, adnexionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
tying/binding to, connecting; annexation;
adnexus, adnexa, adnexum ADJ [XXXFO]
attached, linked, joined; contiguous (to); related by blood; concerned;
adnexus, adnexus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
tying/binding/fastening/attaching (to), connecting; connection; annexation;
adnicto, adnictare, adnictavi, adnictatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
wink to/at; blink at;
adnihilo, adnihilare, adnihilavi, adnihilatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXCN]
annihilate, destroy, demolish, ruin, bring to nothing;
adnililo, adnililare, adnililavi, adnililatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXCS]
annihilate, bring to nothing;
adnitor, adniti, adnisus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXBX]
lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try;
adnitor, adniti, adnixus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try;
adnius, adnius N (4th) M [DXXFS]
striving; exertion;
adnixus, adnixa, adnixum ADJ [XXXFO]
vehement, strenuous;
adno, adnare, adnavi, adnatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
swim to/towards, approach by swimming; sail to/towards; brought by sea (goods);
adnodo, adnodare, adnodavi, adnodatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXFO]
cut (shoot) right back, cut flush; cut off knots, cut away suckers;
adnomentum, adnomenti N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
adnominatio, adnominationis N (3rd) F [XGXFO]
punning/pun; linking two words of different meaning but like sound, paronomasia;
adnotamentum, adnotamenti N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
note, comment, remark, annotation;
adnotatio, adnotationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
note or comment; writing/making notes; notice; rescript of emperor by his hand;
adnotatiuncula, adnotatiunculae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
short note/comment; brief annotation;
adnotator, adnotatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who makes notes, note taker; observer; L:controller of the annual income;
adnotatus, adnotati N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
person officially announced as "wanted", wanted man;
adnotatus, adnotatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
notice, noting, remark, mention;
adnoto, adnotare, adnotavi, adnotatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
note/jot down, notice, become aware; mark, annotate; record, state; designate;
adnubilo, adnubilare, adnubilavi, adnubilatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
bring up clouds (against);
adnullo, adnullare, adnullavi, adnullatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXCS]
annihilate, obliterate, destroy; annul (eccl.);
adnumeratio, adnumerationis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
numbering, counting, enumeration;
adnumero, adnumerare, adnumeravi, adnumeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
count (in/out), pay; reckon (time); enumerate, run through; classify as; add;
adnuntialis, adnuntialis, adnuntiale ADJ [EXXEP]
adnuntiatio, adnuntiationis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
annunciation/announcement, declaration; message; prediction/prophecy; preaching;
adnuntiator, adnuntiatoris N (3rd) M [DEXES]
announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher;
adnuntiatrix, adnuntiatricis N (3rd) F [EEXEP]
announcer, preacher, one who announces; prophetess (Souter);
adnuntio, adnuntiare, adnuntiavi, adnuntiatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
announce, say, make known; report, bring news; prophesy/announce before; preach;
adnuntius, adnuntia, adnuntium ADJ [XXXFO]
announcer, that brings news/announces/makes known;
adnuo, adnuere, adnui, adnutus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
designate by a nod; indicate, declare; nod assent; smile on; agree to, grant;
adnuto, adnutare, adnutavi, adnutatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXDO]
nod (to); order/assent to by a nod; bow to;
adnutrio, adnutrire, -, - V (4th) TRANS [XXXFO]
train (on);
adobruo, adobruere, adobrui, adobrutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
cover over with earth, bury;
adolefactus, adolefacta, adolefactum ADJ [DXXFS]
set on fire, kindled;
adoleo, adolere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFS]
emit/give out a smell/odor;
adoleo, adolere, adolui, adolultus V (2nd) TRANS [XEXBO]
worship, make/burn sacrifice/offerings; cremate; destroy/treat by fire/heat;
adolescens, adolescentis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
young man, youth; youthful person; young woman/girl;
adolescens, adolescentis (gen.), adolescentior -or -us, adolescentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
young, youthful; "minor" (in reference to the younger of two having same name);
adolescentia, adolescentiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
youth, young manhood; characteristic of being young, youthfulness; the young;
adolescentior, adolescentiari, adolescentiatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
behave in a youthful manner;
adolescentula, adolescentulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
young woman; very young woman; "my child";
adolescentulus, adolescentula, adolescentulum ADJ [XXXCO]
very youthful, quite young;
adolescentulus, adolescentuli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
young man; mere youth;
adolescenturio, adolescenturire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFO]
want to behave in a youthful manner;
adolesco, adolescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XEXFO]
burn, blaze up, flame, be kindled; (of a sacrifice);
adolesco, adolescere, adolevi, adultus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase;
adolesco, adolescere, adolui, adultus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDO]
grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase;
adolor, adolari, adolatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
fawn upon (as dog); flatter (in servile manner), court; make obeisance (to);
adominatio, adominationis N (3rd) F [DEXFS]
good/favorable omen;
Adonai, undeclined N M [XEXFE]
Lord, God; (Hebrew);
adonium, adonii N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
species of southernwood (flower of golden color or blood-red);
adoperio, adoperire, adoperui, adopertus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
cover, cover over;
adoperte ADV [XXXES]
covertly, in a dark/mysterious manner;
adopertum, adoperti N (2nd) N [XEXFO]
religious secrets (pl.), mysteries;
adopertus, adoperta, adopertum ADJ [XXXCO]
covered, overspread; clothed; veiled, disguised, hiding; shut, closed;
adopinor, adopinari, adopinatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
conjecture/surmise/opine/think/suppose (further);
adoptata, adoptatae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
adopted daughter;
adoptaticia, adoptaticiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
adopted daughter;
adoptaticius, adoptaticia, adoptaticium ADJ [XXXEO]
adopted (into a family); (as a son/daughter);
adoptaticius, adoptaticii N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
adopted son;
adoptatio, adoptationis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
adoption of a child; adoption into family (Roman custom);
adoptator, adoptatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who adopts child;
adoptatus, adoptati N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
adopted son;
adoptio, adoptionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
adoption of child; adoption into family; grafting (plant);
adoptionismus, adoptionismi N (2nd) M [EEXFE]
heresy of adoptionism (that Christ is Son of God by adoption only);
adoptivus, adoptiva, adoptivum ADJ [XXXCO]
adoptive, obtained by adoption; formed by grafting;
adopto, adoptare, adoptavi, adoptatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
adopt, select, secure, pick out; wish/name for oneself; adopt legally;
ador, adoris N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
coarse grain; emmer wheat; spelt;
adorabilis, adorabilis, adorabile ADJ [XXXFO]
adorable, worthy of adoration/veneration;
adorandus, adoranda, adorandum ADJ [FXXFE]
adorable, worthy of adoration/veneration;
adoratio, adorationis N (3rd) F [XEXEO]
act of worship or prayer;
adorator, adoratoris N (3rd) M [EEXDP]
worshipper, adorer, one who worships/prays/reverences;
adordino, adordinare, adordinavi, adordinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXES]
set in order, arrange;
adorea, adoreae N (1st) F [XXXDL]
prize of value; (anciently, gift of grain);
adoreum, adorei N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
emmer wheat, spelt;
adoreus, adorea, adoreum ADJ [XAXDO]
pertaining to/consisting of emmer wheat/spelt;
adoria, adoriae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
glory, distinction;
adorio, adorire, -, adoritus V (4th) TRANS [XWXBO]
assail/assault/attack, rise against (military/political/plague); accost/address;
improperly influence; undertake/try/attempt/come to grips; begin/set to work;
adorior, adoriri, adortus sum V (4th) DEP [XWXBO]
assail/assault/attack, rise against (military/political/plague); accost/address;
improperly influence; undertake/try/attempt/come to grips; begin/set to work;
adoriosus, adoriosa, adoriosum ADJ [DXXFS]
celebrated, that has often obtained the adorea - prize;
adorium, adorii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
emmer wheat, spelt;
adornate ADV [XXXFO]
elegantly, in a polished manner;
adorno, adornare, adornavi, adornatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
equip, get ready, prepare; set off; adorn, array, embellish; honor, endow;
adoro, adorare, adoravi, adoratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
honor, adore, worship, pay homage, reverence; beg, plead with, appeal to;
adosculor, adosculari, adosculatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFS]
give a kiss to;
adpagineculus, adpagineculi N (2nd) M [XTXFO]
kind of decorative attachment (archit.);
adpalis, adpalis, adpale ADJ [XXXFS]
greasy, fatty; of/with fat/grease;
adpango, adpangere, adpegi, adpactus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
fasten to;
adparamentum, adparamenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
preparation, preparing; that which is prepared;
adparate, adparatius, adparatissime ADV [XXXCO]
adparatio, adparationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
careful preparation; task/act of providing; provisions; designing, construction;
adparator, adparatoris N (3rd) M [XEXFO]
official who sacrifices to the Magna Mater;
adparatorium, adparatorii N (2nd) N [XEXFO]
place/room where preparations were made for sacrifice;
adparatrix, adparatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
she who prepares (sacrifices);
adparatus, adparata -um, adparatior -or -us, adparatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
prepared, equipped, ready; splendid, elaborate, well-appointed; labored;
adparatus, adparatus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
preparation; instruments, equipment, supplies, stock; splendor, pomp, trappings;
adparens, (gen.), adparentis ADJ [XXXCO]
exposed to the air; exposed to view, visible; perceptible, audible; apparent;
adparentia, adparentiae N (1st) F [DXXES]
becoming visible, appearing, appearance; external appearance;
adpareo, adparere, adparui, adparitus V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
appear; be evident/visible/noticed/found; show up, occur; serve (w/DAT);
adparesco, adparescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXES]
begin to appear;
adparet, adparere, -, - V (2nd) IMPERS [XXXBO]
it is apparent/evident/clear/certain/visible/noticeable/found; it appears;
adpario, adparere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
acquire, gain in addition;
adparitio, adparitionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
service, attendance; servants, attendants; provision, supplying, preparation;
adparitor, adparitoris N (3rd) M [XLXCO]
civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate;
adparitorius, adparitoria, adparitorium ADJ [XLXFO]
of/for an apparitor (civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate);
adparitura, adpariturae N (1st) F [XLXFO]
attendance on a magistrate, (civil) service;
adparo, adparare, adparavi, adparatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
prepare, fit out, make ready, equip, provide; attempt; organize (project);
adpectoro, adpectorare, adpectoravi, adpectoratus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
press/clasp to the breast;
adpellatio, adpellationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
appeal (to higher authority); name, term; noun; title, rank; pronunciation;
adpellativus, adpellativa, adpellativum ADJ [XGXFO]
of the nature of a noun, nominal; appellative, belonging to a species (L+S);
adpellator, adpellatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
appellant, one who appeals;
adpellatorius, adpellatoria, adpellatorium ADJ [XXXEO]
of/used in appeals;
adpellito, adpellitare, adpellitavi, adpellitatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
call or name (frequently or habitually);
adpello, adpellare, adpellavi, adpellatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
call (upon); address; dun; solicit; appeal (to); bring to court; accuse; name;
adpello, adpellere, adpuli, adpulsus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
drive to, move up, bring along, force towards; put ashore at, land (ship);
adpendeo, adpendere, adpendi, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XLXFO]
to be pending;
adpendicula, adpendiculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small addition/appendix/annex; appendage;
adpendicum, adpendici N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
adpendix, adpendicis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit;
adpendo, adpendere, adpendi, adpensus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
weigh out; pay/give out; hang, cause to be suspended;
adpensor, adpensoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
weigher, he who weighs out;
adpertineo, adpertinere, adpertinui, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFS]
belong to, appertain to; (w/DAT or ad);
adpetens, adpetentis (gen.), adpetentior -or -us, adpetentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
eager/greedy/having appetite for (w/GEN), desirous; avaricious/greedy/covetous;
adpetenter ADV [XXXEO]
greedily, avidly;
adpetentia, adpetentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
desire, longing after, appetite for;
adpetibilis, adpetibilis, adpetibile ADJ [XXXFO]
be sought after, desirable;
adpetisso, adpetissere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
seek eagerly after;
adpetitio, adpetitionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
desire, appetite; action of trying to reach/grasp, stretching out for; grasping;
adpetitor, adpetitoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who has a desire/liking for (something);
adpetitus, adpetitus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
appetite, desire; esp. natural/instinctive desire;
adpeto, adpetere, adpetivi, adpetitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near;
adpeto, adpetonis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who is covetous;
adpiciscor, adpicisci, - V (3rd) DEP [XXXFO]
adpingo, adpingere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
paint upon/beside; add in writing/painting; add something (to verbal picture);
fasten/join to;
adplaudo, adplaudere, adplausi, adplausus V (3rd) [XXXCO]
strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae);
adplausor, adplausoris N (3rd) M [XGXFS]
one expressing agreement/approval/pleasure/satisfaction by clapping hands;
adplausus, adplausus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
flapping/beating of wings;
adplex, (gen.), adplicis ADJ [DXXFS]
closely joined/attached to;
adplicatio, adplicationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
application, inclination; joining, attaching; attachment of client to patron;
adplicatus, adplicata, adplicatum ADJ [XXXCO]
situated close (to town w/DAT); clinging to (side of hill); devoted (to);
adplico, adplicare, adplicavi, adplicatus V (1st) TRANS [BXXAX]
connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to;
adplico, adplicare, adplicui, adplicitus V (1st) TRANS [DXXAX]
connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to;
adplodo, adplodere, adplosi, adplosus V (3rd) [XXXEO]
strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae);
adploro, adplorare, adploravi, adploratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFS]
lament, weep at/on account of; deplore (thing);
adpluda, adpludae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
adplumbator, adplumbatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
adplumbo, adplumbare, adplumbavi, adplumbatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
solder, solder on, affix by soldering, close/seal by soldering/with solder;
adpono, adponere, adposui, adpositus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign;
adporrectus, adporrecta, adporrectum ADJ [XXXFO]
stretched out near/beside;
adportatio, adportationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
conveyance to, carrying to;
adporto, adportare, adportavi, adportatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
carry/convey/bring (to); import; present (play); bring (news); make one's way;
adposco, adposcere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
demand in addition;
adposite ADV [XXXFO]
in a manner suited (to); suitably, appositely;
adpositio, adpositionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
comparison, action of comparing;
adpositum, adpositi N (2nd) N [XGXFO]
adjective, epithet;
adpositus, adposita -um, adpositior -or -us, adpositissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
adjacent, near, accessible, akin; opposite; fit, appropriate, apt; based upon;
adpositus, adpositus N (4th) M [XBXNO]
application (of medicine);
adpostulo, adpostulare, adpostulavi, adpostulatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
beg/entreaty/solicit importunately/persistently/troublesomely/pressingly;
adpotus, adpota, adpotum ADJ [XXXEO]
drunk, intoxicated;
adprecor, adprecari, adprecatus sum V (1st) DEP [XEXEO]
address prayer to, pray to , invoke, beseech;
adprehendo, adprehendere, adprehendi, adprehensus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake;
adprehensibil, (gen.), adprehensibilis ADJ [DXXES]
intelligible, understandable, that can be understood;
adprehensio, adprehensionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
seizing upon, laying hold of; apprehension, understanding;
adprendo, adprendere, adprendi, adprensus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake;
adprenso, adprensare, adprensavi, adprensatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
snatch at;
adpretio, adpretiare, adpretiavi, adpretiatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXCS]
value, set/estimate a price, appraise; purchase, buy; appropriate to one's self;
adprime ADV [XXXCO]
to the highest degree, to a high degree, extremely, especially, very;
adprimo, adprimere, adpressi, adpressus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
press on/to; clench (the teeth);
adprimus, adprima, adprimum ADJ [XXXEO]
very first, most excellent;
adprobatio, adprobationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
approbation, giving approval; proof, confirmation; decision;
adprobator, adprobatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who approves;
adprobe ADV [XXXEO]
adprobo, adprobare, adprobavi, adprobatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
approve, commend, endorse; prove; confirm; justify; allow; make good;
adprobus, adproba, adprobum ADJ [XXXEO]
excellent, worthy;
adpromissor, adpromissoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who promises/gives security on behalf of another;
adpromitto, adpromittere, adpromisi, adpromissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
promise in addition (to another), promise also;
adprono, adpronare, adpronavi, adpronatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
lean forwards;
adpropero, adproperare, adproperavi, adproperatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
hasten, hurry, come hastily, make haste; accelerate, speed up;
adpropinquatio, adpropinquationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
approach, drawing near;
adpropinquo, adpropinquare, adpropinquavi, adpropinquatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close;
adpropio, adpropiare, adpropiavi, adpropiatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXCB]
approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close;
adpropriatio, adpropriationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
appropriation, making one's own; [~ ciborum => making flesh/blood of food];
adproprio, adpropriare, adpropriavi, adpropriatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
appropriate, make one's own;
adproximo, adproximare, adproximavi, adproximatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
be/draw/come close/near to, approach;
adpugno, adpugnare, adpugnavi, adpugnatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
attack, assault;
adpulsus, adpulsus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
bringing/driving to (cattle) (/right to); landing; approach; influence, impact;
adque CONJ [XXXCO]
and, as well as, as soon as; together with; and even; and too/also/now; yet;
adqui CONJ [XXXES]
but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still;
adquiesco, adquiescere, adquiei, adquietus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
lie with (w/cum), rest, relax; repose (in death); acquiesce, assent; subside;
adquiesco, adquiescere, adquievi, adquietus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
lie with (w/cum), rest, relax; repose (in death); acquiesce, assent; subside;
adquietantia, adquietantiae N (1st) F [FLBFY]
safety; exemption; surrender;
adquieto, adquietare, adquietavi, adquietatus V (1st) [FLXFJ]
discharge (a debt);
adquin CONJ [XXXEO]
but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still;
adquiro, adquirere, adquisivi, adquisitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
acquire besides/in addition, obtain, gain, win, get; add to stock; accrue;
adquisitio, adquisitionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
acquisition; additional source of supply;
adquisitrix, adquisitricis N (3rd) F [XXXIO]
acquirer (female);
adquisitus, adquisita, adquisitum ADJ [XXXFO]
strained, recherche;
adquo ADV [XXXES]
how far, as far as, as much as;
adrachne, adrachnes N F [XAXNS]
wild strawberry tree;
adrado, adradere, adrasi, adrasus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
shave/scrape/pare close; trim; fleece; [~ cacumen => lop off];
adralis, adralis, adrale ADJ [DLXFS]
of a pledge/security;
adrectarium, adrectari(i) N (2nd) N [XTXFO]
vertical post, upright;
adrectarius, adrectaria, adrectarium ADJ [DTXES]
erect, in an erect position, perpendicular;
adrectus, adrecta -um, adrectior -or -us, adrectissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEL]
erect, perpendicular, upright, standing; steep, precipitous; excited, eager;
adremigo, adremigare, adremigavi, adremigatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
row up to/towards;
adrenalinum, adrenalini N (2nd) N [GBXEK]
adrepo, adrepere, adrepsi, adreptus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
creep/move stealthily towards, steal up; feel one's way, worm one's way (trust);
adrepticius, adrepticia, adrepticium ADJ [DXXES]
seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious;
adreptitius, adreptitia, adreptitium ADJ [DXXES]
seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious;
adreptius, adreptia, adreptium ADJ [DXXFS]
seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious;
adreptivus, adreptiva, adreptivum ADJ [DXXFZ]
seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; (Bianchi);
adrideo, adridere, adrisi, adrisus V (2nd) [XXXCO]
smile at/upon; please, be pleasing/satisfactory (to); be/seem familiar (to);
adrigo, adrigare, adrigavi, adrigatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXFO]
water (plants), moisten the soil around;
adrigo, adrigere, adrexi, adrectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
set upright, tilt upwards, stand on end, raise; become sexually excited/aroused;
adripio, adripere, adripui, adreptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
take hold of; seize (hand/tooth/claw), snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb;
adrisio, adrisionis N (3rd) F [XXXFL]
smile of approval; action of smiling (at/on);
adrisor, adrisoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who smiles (at a person), smiler; flatterer, fawner (L+S);
adrodo, adrodere, adrosi, adrosus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
gnaw/nibble (away part); erode, eat away(disease/chemicals). wash away (water);
adrogans, (gen.), adrogantis ADJ [XXXBO]
arrogant, insolent, overbearing; conceited; presumptuous, assuming;
adroganter, adrogentius, adrogentissime ADV [XXXCO]
insolently, arrogantly, haughtily; presumptuously; in a conceited manner;
adrogantia, adrogantiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
insolence, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness; presumption;
adrogatio, adrogationis N (3rd) F [XLXEO]
act of adopting a adult as son homo sui juris (vs. in potestate parentis);
adrogator, adrogatoris N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
one who adopts a adult as son by arrogatio (homo sui juris);
adrogo, adrogare, adrogavi, adrogatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
ask, question; arrogate to one's self, claim, make undue claim; confer (upon);
adopt (an adult) as one's son (esp. at his instance);
adroro, adrorare, adroravi, adroratus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
moisten, bedew;
adrosor, adrosoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who nibbles/gnaws at;
adrotans, (gen.), adrotantis ADJ [DXXFS]
in a winding/circular motion, turning; wavering;
Adrumetinus, Adrumetina, Adrumetinum ADJ [XXAES]
Andrumetine, of/from Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria/Byzacene);
Adrumetinus, Adrumetini N (2nd) M [XXAFS]
Andrumetine, inhabitant of Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city in Africa/Byzacane);
Adrumetum, Adrumeti N (2nd) N [XXAES]
Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria, capital of province Byzacene);
Adrumetus, Adrumeti N (2nd) F [XXAES]
Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria, capital of province Byzacene);
adruo, adruere, adrui, adrutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
heap up (earth); cover (with earth), bury;
adscendens, (gen.), adscendentis ADJ [XXXFS]
of/for climbing (machine); enabling one to climb;
adscendibilis, adscendibilis, adscendibile ADJ [XXXFO]
climbable, that can be climbed;
adscendo, adscendere, adscendi, adscensus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward;
adscensio, adscensionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
ascent; progress, advancement; rising series/flight of stairs; soaring;
adscensor, adscensoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who ascends/rises; one who mounts a horse/chariot, rider, charioteer;
adscensus, adscensus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
ascent; act of scaling (walls); approach; a stage/step in advancement; height;
adscessio, adscessionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
removal; loss, separation, going away; diminution;
adscio, adscire, -, - V (4th) TRANS [XXXDO]
take to/up; associate, admit; adopt as one's own; take upon (General's) staff;
adscisco, adsciscere, adscivi, adscitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim;
adscitus, adscita, adscitum ADJ [XXXES]
derived, assumed; foreign;
adscitus, adscitus N (4th) M [XXXFS]
acceptance, reception;
adscribo, adscribere, adscripsi, adscriptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
add/state in writing, insert; appoint; enroll, enfranchise; reckon, number;
adscripticius, adscripticia, adscripticium ADJ [XWXEO]
enrolled in addition (as citizen/soldier);
adscriptio, adscriptionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
addendum, addition in writing;
adscriptivus, adscriptiva, adscriptivum ADJ [XWXEO]
enrolled in addition (as a soldier), supernumerary;
adscriptor, adscriptoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
seconder, supporter, countersigner, one adding name to document as approving;
adsecla, adseclae N (1st) M [XXXCO]
follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature;
adsectatio, adsectationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
waiting on, (respectful) attendance; support (in canvassing); study, research;
adsectator, adsectatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
follower, companion, attendant; disciple; researcher, student, one who seeks;
adsector, adsectari, adsectatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
accompany, attend, escort; support, be an adherent, follow; court (fame);
adsecue ADV [XXXFO]
attentively, closely;
adsecula, adseculae N (1st) M [XXXCO]
follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature;
adsecutor, adsecutoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
adsedo, adsedonis N (3rd) M [XLXES]
assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
adsellor, adsellari, adsellatus sum V (1st) DEP [DBXFS]
defecate, void;
adsenesco, adsenescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
become old (to any thing);
adsensio, adsensionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause;
adsensor, adsensoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
one who agrees or approves;
adsensus, adsensus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause;
adsentatio, adsentationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
assent, agreement; flattery, toadyism, flattering agreement/compliance;
adsentatiuncula, adsentatiunculae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
piece of flattery; petty/trivial flattery; (L+S);
adsentator, adsentatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
yes-man, flatterer, toady;
adsentatorie ADV [XXXFO]
like a flatterer; fawningly, in a flattering manner;
adsentatrix, adsentatricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
woman who flatters;
adsentio, adsentire, adsensi, adsensus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXCO]
assent, approve, agree in opinion; admit the truth of (w/DAT), agree (with);
adsentior, adsentiri, adsensus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXBO]
assent to, agree, approve, comply with; admit the truth of (w/PREP);
adsentor, adsentari, adsentatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
flatter, humor; agree, assent, confirm; agree to everything;
adsequela, adsequelae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
succession, succeeding;
adsequor, adsequi, adsecutus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXAO]
follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand;
adser, adseris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
pole (wooden), post, stake, beam; joist, rafter; pole of a litter;
adsero, adserere, adserui, adsertus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
lay hands on, grasp; assert, allege; free, release; claim; protect, preserve;
adsero, adserere, adsevi, adsitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
plant/set at/near;
adsertio, adsertionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
act of claiming free or slave (for status); defense/vindication (of character);
adsertor, adsertoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
one asserting status of another; restorer of liberty, protector, champion;
adsertorius, adsertoria, adsertorium ADJ [DLXFS]
of/pertaining to a restoration of freedom;
adsertum, adserti N (2nd) N [DGXES]
adservio, adservire, adservivi, adservitus V (4th) DAT [XXXFO]
devote/apply oneself to (w/DAT); aid, help, assist;
adservo, adservare, adservavi, adservatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
keep, guard, preserve; watch, observe; keep in custody; save life of, rescue;
adsessio, adsessionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
sitting beside one (to console/give advice);
adsessor, adsessoris N (3rd) M [XLXDO]
assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
adsessorium, adsessori(i) N (2nd) N [XLXFO]
title of a legal textbook (sg/pl.);
adsessorius, adsessoria, adsessorium ADJ [DLXFS]
of/pertaining to an assessor;
adsessura, adsessurae N (1st) F [XLXFO]
assistance as a legal advisor;
adsessus, adsessus N (4th) M [XLXFO]
sitting beside one (in court);
adsestrix, adsestricis N (3rd) F [XLXFO]
assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
adseveranter ADV [XXXEO]
earnestly, emphatically;
adseverate ADV [XXXEO]
earnestly, emphatically;
adseveratio, adseverationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
affirmation, (confident/earnest) assertion; seriousness/earnestness, gravity;
adsevero, adseverare, adseveravi, adseveratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
act earnestly; assert strongly/emphatically, declare; profess; be serious;
adsibilo, adsibilare, adsibilavi, adsibilatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
hiss out (breath) upon (w/DAT);
adsiccesco, adsiccescere, adsiccui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
dry out, become dry;
adsicco, adsiccare, adsiccavi, adsiccatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
dry, dry out, dry up, make dry;
adsideo, adsidere, adsedi, adsessus V (2nd) [XXXBO]
sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near, besiege; resemble (w/DAT);
adsido, adsidere, adsedi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
sit down, take a seat; perch, alight, settle; sit by/near (to) (w/DAT);
adsidue, assiduius, adsiduissime ADV [XXXCO]
continually, constantly, regularly;
adsiduitas, adsiduitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
attendance, constant presence/attention/practice, care; recurrence, repetition;
adsiduo ADV [XXXDO]
continually, constantly, regularly;
adsiduo, adsiduare, adsiduavi, adsiduatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
apply constantly; make constant use of (Souter); use regularly/incessantly;
adsiduus, adsidua -um, adsiduior -or -us, adsiduissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class;
adsiduus, adsidui N (2nd) M [XXXES]
tribute/tax payer, rich person; first-rate person/writer?;
adsifornus, adsiforna, adsifornum ADJ [XDXIO]
touring gladiatorial show;
adsignatio, adsignationis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
distribution/allotment of land; the plot of land granted; allocation (other);
adsignator, adsignatoris N (3rd) M [XLXFO]
allocator, one who assigns;
adsignifico, adsignificare, adsignificavi, adsignificatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
show (w/ACC + INF), make evident; mean/denote (words);
adsigno, adsignare, adsignavi, adsignatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
assign, distribute, allot; award, bestow (rank/honors); impute; affix seal;
adsilio, adsilire, adsilui, adsultus V (4th) [XXXBO]
jump/leap (up/on/towards), rush/dash (at/against), assault; mount (male-female);
adsimilanter ADV [XXXEO]
similarly, analogically;
adsimilatio, adsimilationis N (3rd) F [XXXDS]
likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending
adsimilatus, adsimilata, adsimilatum ADJ [XXXES]
similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled;
adsimilis, adsimilis, adsimile ADJ [XXXCO]
similar, like; close; closely resembling, very like;
adsimiliter ADV [XXXFO]
similarly, in much the same manner/fashion;
adsimilo, adsimilare, adsimilavi, adsimilatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part;
adsimulanter ADV [XXXEO]
similarly, analogically;
adsimulaticius, adsimulaticia, adsimulaticium ADJ [DLXES]
imitated, counterfeit, not real; nominal, titular;
adsimulatio, adsimulationis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense;
adsimulatus, adsimulata, adsimulatum ADJ [XXXES]
similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled;
adsimuliter ADV [XXXFS]
similarly, in much the same manner/fashion;
adsimulo, adsimulare, adsimulavi, adsimulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part;
adsisto, adsistere, adstiti, adstatus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
take a position/stand (near/by), attend; appear before; set/place near;
adsistrix, adsistricis N (3rd) F [XLXFS]
assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
adsitus, adsita, adsitum ADJ [XXXEO]
planted/set at/near;
adsociatio, adsociationis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
association; accompaniment; escort;
adsocio, adsociare, adsociavi, adsociatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
join (to), associate (with);
adsocius, adsocia, adsocium ADJ [DXXFS]
associated with;
adsoleo, adsolere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be accustomed/in the habit of; be customary accompaniment, go with; be usual;
adsolet, adsolere, -, - V (2nd) IMPERS [XXXCO]
it is usual/wont; it is the custom/practice; it is the habit;
adsolo, adsolare, adsolavi, adsolatus V (1st) TRANS [DWXES]
level to the ground, destroy;
adsono, adsonare, adsonavi, adsonatus V (1st) [XXXDO]
respond, reply; sound in accompaniment; sing as an accompaniment;
adspargo, adspargere, adsparsi, adsparsus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm);
adspargo, adsparginis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining;
adspectabilis, adspectabile, adspectabilior -or -us, adspectabilissimus -a -u ADJ [XXXEO]
visible, able to be seen; worthy to be seen, pleasing to look at;
adspectamen, adspectaminis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
look, sight;
adspecto, adspectare, adspectavi, adspectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
look/gaze at/upon; observe, watch; pay heed; face/look towards (place/person);
adspectus, adspectus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon;
adspergo, adspergere, adspersi, adspersus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm);
adspergo, adsperginis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
spray, sprinkling;
adspersorium, adspersorii N (2nd) N [EEXEE]
aspergillum, holy water sprinkler/brush;
adspicio, adspicere, adspexi, adspectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate;
adspiramen, adspiraminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
breathing on, immission; insertion, introduction;
adspiratio, adspirationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
exhalation; blowing on; aspiration; sounding "h";
adspirator, adspiratoris N (3rd) M [EXXEN]
inciter; inspirer;
adspiro, adspirare, adspiravi, adspiratus V (1st) [XXXAO]
breathe/blow (upon); aspirate; instill, infuse; be fragrant; influence; aspire;
adspuo, adspuere, adspui, adsputus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNO]
spit (at/on);
adstator, adstatoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
aide, helper, assister;
adstatus, adstata, adstatum ADJ [XWXDO]
armed with a spear/spears;
adstatus, adstati N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
spearman; soldier in unit in front of Roman battle-formation; its centurion;
adsterno, adsternere, adstravi, adstratus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
prostrate oneself, lie prone (on);
adstipulatio, adstipulationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
confirmation, confirmatory statement;
adstipulator, adstipulatoris N (3rd) M [XLXDO]
associate in a stipulation; one who supports an opinion, adherent;
adstipulatus, adstipulatus N (4th) M [XXXNO]
assent, agreement in a command;
adstipulo, adstipulare, adstipulavi, adstipulatus V (1st) INTRANS [XLXFS]
join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument);
adstipulor, adstipulari, adstipulatus sum V (1st) DEP [XLXDO]
join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument);
adstituo, adstituere, adstitui, adstitutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
place near/before; make to stand before;
adsto, adstare, adsteti, adstatus V (1st) INTRANS [EXXEW]
stand at/on/by/near; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still/on one's feet;
adsto, adstare, adstiti, - V (1st) INTRANS [XXXBO]
stand at/on/by/near; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still/on one's feet;
adstrangulo, adstrangulare, adstrangulavi, adstrangulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
adstrepo, adstrepere, adstrepui, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
make a noise at, shout in support, take up a cry; assail with noise; murmur;
adstricte, adstrictius, adstrictissime ADV [XXXCO]
tightly (bound), firmly; strictly, by strict rules; concisely, tersely, pithily;
adstrictio, adstrictionis N (3rd) F [XBXNO]
astringency, an astringent action;
adstrictorius, adstrictoria, adstrictorium ADJ [XBXNO]
astringent, binding, constrictive, styptic; (effect on organic tissue);
adstrictus, adstricta -um, adstrictior -or -us, adstrictissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
bound (by rules), tied; terse, brief, restrained; constricted, dense, compact;
busy/preoccupied (with), intent (on); parsimonious, tight; astringent (taste);
adstrideo, adstridere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
hiss (at);
adstrido, adstridere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
hiss (at);
adstringo, adstringere, adstrinxi, adstrictus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
tie up/down/back/on/together/tightly; bind, grasp, tighten, fix; form boundary;
oblige, commit; compress, narrow, restrict; knit (brows); freeze, solidify;
adstructio, adstructionis N (3rd) F [DGXES]
accumulation of proof, putting together, composition;
adstructor, adstructoris N (3rd) M [DGXFS]
one who adduces/brings forward/cites/alleges proof;
adstruo, adstruere, adstruxi, adstructus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
build on/additional structure; heap/pile (on); add to/on, contribute, provide;
adstupeo, adstupere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXDO]
be stunned/astounded/astonished/amazed (at); be enthralled (by) (w/DAT);
adsubrigo, adsubrigere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNO]
stretch up, raise;
adsudesco, adsudescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
sweat, break out in a sweat;
adsuefacio, adsuefacere, adsuefeci, adsuefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
accustom (to), habituate, inure; make accustomed/used (to), train;
adsuefio, adsueferi, adsuefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXCO]
be/become accustomed (to), be habituated; be trained; (adsuefacio PASS);
adsuesco, adsuescere, adsuevi, adsuetus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar;
adsuetudo, adsuetudinis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
custom, habit; repeated practice/experience/association; intimacy, intercourse;
adsuetus, adsueta, adsuetum ADJ [XXXBO]
accustomed, customary, usual, to which one is accustomed/used;
adsugo, adsugere, adsuxi, adsuctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
suck towards;
adsultim ADV [XXXNO]
by leaps, by hops; by leaps and bounds;
adsulto, adsultare, adsultavi, adsultatus V (1st) [XWXCO]
jump/leap at/towards/upon; dash against; attack, assault, make an attack (on);
adsultus, adsultus N (4th) M [XWXEO]
attack, assault, charge;
adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus V [XXXAO]
be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT);
adsum, adesse, arfui, arfuturus V [BXXCS]
be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT);
adsumentum, adsumenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
that which is to be sewed upon, that which is to be patched;
adsumo, adsumere, adsumpsi, adsumptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
take (to/up/on/from), adopt/raise, use; assume/receive; insert/add; usurp/claim;
adsumptio, adsumptionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
adoption; acquisition, assumption, claim; minor premise; introduction (point);
adsumptivus, adsumptiva, adsumptivum ADJ [XGXEO]
based on extraneous arguments (rhet., of the treatment of a case);
adsuo, adsuere, adsui, adsutus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
sew or patch on;
adsurgo, adsurgere, adsurrexi, adsurrectus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
rise/stand up, rise to one's feet/from bed; climb, lift oneself; grow; soar;
adsuscipo, adsuscipere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXIO]
undertake (vows);
adsuspiro, adsuspirare, adsuspiravi, adsuspiratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
sigh in response (to) (w/DAT);
adtactus, adtactus N (4th) M [XXXDO]
touch , contact, action of touching;
adtagen, adtagenis N (3rd) M [XAXDO]
bird resembling partridge, francolin?;
adtagena, adtagenae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
bird resembling partridge, francolin?;
adtempero, adtemperare, adtemperavi, adtemperatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
fit, adjust;
adtempto, adtemptare, adtemptavi, adtemptatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try;
adtendo, adtendere, adtendi, adtentus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
turn/stretch towards; apply; attend/pay (close) attention to, listen carefully;
adtentatio, adtentationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
attempting, attempt, trying, try;
adtente, adtentius, adtentissime ADV [XXXCO]
diligently, carefully, with concentration, with close attention;
adtentio, adtentionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
attention, application, attentiveness;
adtento, adtentare, adtentavi, adtentatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try;
adtentus, adtenta -um, adtentior -or -us, adtentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
attentive, heedful; careful, conscientious, intent; frugal, economical;
adtenuate ADV [XXXFO]
plainly, barely;
adtenuatio, adtenuationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
diminution, act of lessening, attenuation; plainness (of style);
adtenuatus, adtenuata -um, adtenuatior -or -us, adtenuatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
plain (style), bare, subdued; thin, impoverished; lessened, diminished;
adtenuo, adtenuare, adtenuavi, adtenuatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
thin (out); weaken, lessen, diminish, shrink, reduce in size; make plain;
adtermino, adterminare, adterminavi, adterminatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
set bounds to, measure, limit;
adtero, adterere, adtrivi, adtritus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
rub, rub against; grind; chafe; wear out/down/away; diminish, impair; waste;
adterraneus, adterranea, adterraneum ADJ [XXXFO]
coming to the earth; earth-borne;
adtertiarius, adtertiaria, adtertiarium ADJ [DXXFS]
whole and a third;
adtertiatus, adtertiata, adtertiatum ADJ [XXXFS]
reduced/boiled down to a third;
adtestatio, adtestationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
testimony, attestation;
adtestatus, adtestata, adtestatum ADJ [XXXEO]
confirmatory, corroboratory;
adtestor, adtestari, adtestatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
confirm, attest, bear witness to;
adtexo, adtexere, adtexui, adtextus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
add, join on, link to; weave/plait on, attach by weaving;
adtigo, adtigere, adtigi, adtactus V (3rd) TRANS [BXXAO]
touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to;
adtiguus, adtigua, adtiguum ADJ [XXXDO]
contiguous, adjoining, adjacent, neighboring;
adtillo, adtillare, adtillavi, adtillatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
tickle, please;
adtina, adtinae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
heap of stones as a boundary marker; (pl.) (L+S);
adtineo, adtinere, adtinui, adtentus V (2nd) [XXXAO]
hold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep (in custody), retain; delay;
adtingo, adtingere, adtigi, adtactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to;
adtingo, adtingere, adtinxi, adtinctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
wipe/smear on?;
adtinguo, adtinguere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
moisten, bedew, sprinkle with a liquid;
adtitulo, adtitulare, adtitulavi, adtitulatus V (1st) TRANS [DLXFS]
name, entitle;
adtolero, adtolerare, adtoleravi, adtoleratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
support, sustain, bear;
adtollo, adtollere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
raise/lift up/towards/to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt;
adtondeo, adtondere, adtondi, adtonsus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
clip (hair close), shear; strip of money, fleece; thrash; prune, trim, crop;
adtonite ADV [XXXFS]
frantically; bewilderedly, confoundedly;
adtonitus, adtonita, adtonitum ADJ [XXXBO]
astonished, fascinated; lightning/thunder-struck, stupefied, dazed; inspired;
adtono, adtonare, adtonui, adtonitus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
strike with lightning, blast; drive crazy, distract;
adtorqueo, adtorquere, adtorsi, adtortus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
whirl at; hurl upwards;
adtractio, adtractionis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
contraction, drawing together;
adtracto, adtractare, adtractavi, adtractatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with;
adtractorius, adtractoria, adtractorium ADJ [DXXFS]
attractive, having the power of attraction;
adtractus, adtracta -um, adtractior -or -us, adtractissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
drawn together (brows), knit;
adtractus, adtractus N (4th) M [XXXFS]
attraction, drawing to;
adtraho, adtrahere, adtraxi, adtractus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend (bow);
adtrectatio, adtrectationis N (3rd) F [XGXEO]
touching, handling; grammatical term for words denoting many things together;
adtrectatus, adtrectatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
touching, handling, feeling;
adtrecto, adtrectare, adtrectavi, adtrectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with;
adtremo, adtremere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
tremble (at) (w/DAT);
adtrepido, adtrepidare, adtrepidavi, adtrepidatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
bestir oneself;
adtribulo, adtribulare, adtribulavi, adtribulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
thresh, press hard;
adtribuo, adtribuere, adtribui, adtributus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
assign/allot/attribute/impute to; grant, pay; appoint, put under jurisdiction;
adtributio, adtributionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
assignment of debt; one's destined lot; grant; attribution; predicate attribute;
adtributum, adtributi N (2nd) N [XLXFO]
grant of public money;
adtributus, adtributa, adtributum ADJ [XXXES]
ascribed, attributed; assigned, allotted;
adtritio, adtritionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
rubbing/grinding against/on (something); friction, abrasion;
adtritus, adtrita -um, adtritior -or -us, adtritissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
worn, worn down by use; smoothed; hardened, brazen; thin (style), attenuated;
rubbed (off/away), wasted; bruised; shameless, impudent, brazen;
adtritus, adtritus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
action/process of rubbing/grinding; friction; chafing, abrasion, bruising;
adtubernalis, adtubernalis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
one who lives in an adjoining hut;
adtulo, adtulere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [AXXFS]
bring/carry/bear to;
adtumulo, adtumulare, adtumulavi, adtumulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
heap up against; bank up (with something);
adtuor, adtui, - V (3rd) DEP [XXXFO]
observe, look at;
adubi ADV [EXXEP]
and when, but when, when;
adulans, (gen.), adulantis ADJ [XXXFO]
flattering, adulatory;
adulater ADV [DXXES]
flatteringly, fawningly, ingratiatingly;
adulatio, adulationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
flattery, adulation; prostrating oneself; fawning (dogs), (pigeon) courtship;
adulator, adulatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
servile flatterer, sycophant;
adulatorie ADV [XXXES]
falteringly, fawningly, ingratiatingly;
adulatorius, adulatoria, adulatorium ADJ [XXXFO]
flattering, adulatory; of/connected with flattery/adulation;
adulatrix, adulatricis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
flatterer (female);
adulescens, adulescentis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
young man, youth; youthful person; young woman/girl;
adulescens, adulescentis (gen.), adulescentior -or -us, adulescentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
young, youthful; "minor" (in reference to the younger of two having same name);
adulescentia, adulescentiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
youth, young manhood; characteristic of being young, youthfulness; the young;
adulescentior, adulescentiari, adulescentiatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
behave in a youthful manner;
adulescentula, adulescentulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
young woman; very young woman; "my child";
adulescentulus, adulescentula, adulescentulum ADJ [XXXCO]
very youthful, quite young;
adulescentulus, adulescentuli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
young man; mere youth;
adulescenturio, adulescenturire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFO]
want to behave in a youthful manner;
adulo, adulare, adulavi, adulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDS]
fawn upon (as a dog); flatter (in a servile manner), court; make obeisance (to);
adulor, adulari, adulatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
fawn upon (as a dog); flatter (in a servile manner), court; make obeisance (to);
adulter, adultera, adulterum ADJ [XXXCO]
impure/adulterated; mixed/crossbred (plant); adulterous, unchaste; of adulterer;
forged/counterfeit; debased (coinage); [~ clavis => skeleton/false key];
adulter, adulteri N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
adulterer; illicit lover, paramour; offspring of unlawful love, bastard (eccl.);
adultera, adulterae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
adulteress; mistress; unchaste woman;
adulteratio, adulterationis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
adulteration; corruption/debasement by spurious admixture/crossbreeding;
adulterator, adulteratoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who counterfeits or debases (the coinage);
adulteratus, adulterata, adulteratum ADJ [XXXEO]
mixed, adulterated; produced by crossbreeding; of mixed decent/origin;
adulterinus, adulterina, adulterinum ADJ [XXXCO]
counterfeit, forged, false; impure, mixed, crossbred; adulterous, illicit;
adulteritas, adulteritatis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination;
adulterium, adulteri(i) N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination;
adultero, adulterare, adulteravi, adulteratus V (1st) [XXXBO]
commit adultery, defile (w/adultery); falsify, counterfeit, debase, corrupt;
adulterus, adultera, adulterum ADJ [EXXEE]
adulterous, unchaste;
adultrix, adultricis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
adulteress; mistress; unchaste woman;
adultus, adulta -um, adultior -or -us, adultissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
grown (up/fully), mature, ripe; adult; at peak/height/full strength;
adultus, adulti N (2nd) M [FXXDE]
adult; one who has reached legal maturity (e.g., age 18 or 21);
adumbratim ADV [XXXCO]
in shadowy form;
adumbratio, adumbrationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
sketch, outline; sketching in light and shade; false show, pretense;
adumbratus, adumbrata, adumbratum ADJ [XXXCO]
sketchy, shadowy, unsubstantial, obscure; outline; pretended, feigned, spurious;
adumbro, adumbrare, adumbravi, adumbratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
sketch out, silhouette, outline, represent; shade, screen, obscure; feign;
adunatio, adunationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
union, uniting, making into one;
aduncitas, aduncitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
hookedness, hooked shape; inward curvature;
aduncus, adunca, aduncum ADJ [XXXCO]
bent, curved, hooked, crooked;
aduno, adunare, adunavi, adunatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXCS]
unite, make one;
adurgeo, adurgere, adursi, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
pursue; press hard, pursue closely;
aduro, adurere, adussi, adustus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
scorch, singe; burn; consume in fire;
adusque ADV [XXXCO]
wholly, completely;
adusque PREP ACC [XXXCO]
all the way/right up to, as far as, to the point of (space/time/number/degree);
adustio, adustionis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
kindling/burning; rubbing/galling (vines); inflammation; burn; sun/heatstroke;
adustum, adusti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
burn; frostbite (w/nivibus); deserts/parched areas (pl.) (w/sole);
adustus, adusta, adustum ADJ [XXXCO]
burned by the sun; torrid; browned/scorched/charred/burned; dusky/swarthy/dark;
advecticius, advecticia, advecticium ADJ [XXXFO]
imported, foreign (merchandise/goods);
advectio, advectionis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
transportation (of merchandise/goods), carriage;
advectius, advectia, advectium ADJ [DXXES]
imported, foreign (merchandise/goods);
advecto, advectare, advectavi, advectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
import, bring (merchandise/goods) from abroad;
advector, advectoris N (3rd) M [XXXES]
carrier, one who conveys/carries a thing to a place; importer;
advectus, advecta, advectum ADJ [XXXEO]
imported, foreign, introduced from abroad;
advectus, advectus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
transportation, conveyance (to a place);
adveho, advehere, advexi, advectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
carry, bring, convey (to); [advehor => arrive by travel, ride to];
advelitatio, advelitationis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
skirmish of words (?);
advelo, advelare, advelavi, advelatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
cover, veil;
advena, advenae N (1st) C [XXXBO]
foreigner, immigrant, visitor from abroad; newcomer, interloper; migrant (bird);
adveneror, advenerari, adveneratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
worship, adore; give honor to;
advenientia, advenientiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
arrival, approach;
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXAO]
come to, arrive; arrive at, reach, be brought; develop, set in, arise;
advententia, advententiae N (1st) F [FXXFE]
knowledge; warning;
adventicius, adventicia, adventicium ADJ [XXXBO]
foreign, coming from abroad/without, external; unusual; accidental, casual;
adventitius, adventitia, adventitium ADJ [FXXES]
foreign; arrived from afar; (=adventicius);
advento, adventare, adventavi, adventatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXBO]
approach, come to, draw near; arrive, "turn up"; come in (tide); approximate;
adventor, adventoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
visitor, newcomer, stranger; customer, incoming tenant;
adventoria, adventoriae N (1st) F [XXXES]
banquet given on one's arrival;
adventorius, adventoria, adventorium ADJ [XXXFS]
pertaining to an arrival/guest;
adventus, adventus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
arrival, approach; visit, appearance, advent; ripening; invasion, incursion;
advenus, advena, advenum ADJ [XXXCS]
foreign, alien; migrant; recently arrived; unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant;
adverbero, adverberare, adverberavi, adverberatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
beat upon; strike against;
adverbialis, adverbialis, adverbiale ADJ [DGXES]
adverbial, pertaining to an adverb; derived from adverb(s);
adverbialiter ADV [DGXES]
adverbially, in the manner of an adverb;
adverbium, adverbii N (2nd) N [XGXDO]
adverro, adverrere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
cause to sweep over;
adversa, adversae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
enemy/adversary/opponent (female);
adversabilis, adversabilis, adversabile ADJ [XXXFO]
truculent, prone to opposition;
adversaria, adversariae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
female enemy, adversary, opponent, antagonist;
adversarium, adversari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
temporary memorandum/account/day book (pl.); opponent's arguments/assertions;
adversarius, adversari(i) N (2nd) C [XXXBO]
enemy, adversary, antagonist, opponent, rival, foe; of an opposing party;
adversarius, adversaria, adversarium ADJ [XXXCO]
opposed (to), hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial;
adversatio, adversationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
opposition, opposing;
adversativus, adversativa, adversativum ADJ [DGXES]
adversative; (conjunctions like although, even if, yet, nevertheless);
adversator, adversatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
antagonist, opponent;
adversatrix, adversatricis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
female antagonist/opponent/enemy;
adverse ADV [XXXFO]
in a self contradictory manner, inconsistently;
adversio, adversionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
turning/directing (one thing towards another);
adversipes, adversipedis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
antipodes (pl.);
adversitas, adversitatis N (3rd) F [FXXEZ]
adversity; power of counteracting, efficacy as an antidote (Pliny);
adversitor, adversitoris N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
one who goes to meet another; slave who went to meet/accompany master home;
adverso, adversare, adversavi, adversatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
apply (the mind), direct (the attention);
adversor, adversari, adversatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
be against (w/DAT), oppose, withstand;
adversum ADV [XXXCO]
opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet);
adversum PREP ACC [XXXAO]
facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of;
adversum, adversi N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
direction/point opposite/facing; uphill slope/direction; obstacle, trouble;
adversus ADV [XXXCO]
opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet);
adversus PREP ACC [XXXAO]
facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of;
adversus, adversa -um, adversior -or -us, adversissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
opposite, directly facing, ranged against; adverse, evil, hostile; unfavorable;
adversus, adversi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
person/foe opposite/directly facing (w/hostile intent); political opponent;
advertentia, advertentiae N (1st) F [FXXFE]
knowledge; awareness, attending, noticing;
adverto, advertere, adverti, adversus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot (ship);
advesperasct, advesperascere, advesperavit, - V (3rd) IMPERS [XXXCO]
evening is coming on, it draws toward evening; it is growing dark;
advigilo, advigilare, advigilavi, advigilatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
watch by/over; take care; be on watch, be vigilant;
advincula, advinculae N (1st) F [FEXFM]
chain (of St. Peter);
advivo, advivere, advixi, advictus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDO]
live with (w/cum); survive, be alive;
advocamentum, advocamenti N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
legal support/advisors; delay, adjournment, postponement; pleading in courts;
advocata, advocatae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
helper (female), supporter, counselor;
advocatio, advocationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
legal support/advisors; delay, adjournment, postponement; pleading in courts;
advocator, advocatoris N (3rd) M [DEXES]
advocatus, advocati N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
counselor, advocate, professional pleader; witness, supporter, mediator;
advoco, advocare, advocavi, advocatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
call, summon, invite, convoke, call for; call in as counsel; invoke the Gods;
advolatus, advolatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
flying towards/against;
advolitans, (gen.), advolitantis ADJ [XXXES]
flying often to; fluttering about;
advolo, advolare, advolavi, advolatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
fly to, dash to (w/DAT or ad + ACC), hasten towards;
advolvo, advolvere, advolvi, advolutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
roll to/towards; fall on knees (genibus advolvor), grovel, prostrate oneself;
advorsa, advorsae N (1st) F [BXXFO]
enemy/adversary/opponent (female);
advorsabilis, advorsabilis, advorsabile ADJ [BXXFO]
truculent, prone to opposition;
advorsaria, advorsariae N (1st) F [BXXEX]
female enemy, adversary, opponent;
advorsarium, advorsari(i) N (2nd) N [BXXEX]
temporary memorandum book (pl.), the opponent's arguments;
advorsarius, advorsari(i) N (2nd) C [BXXBX]
enemy, adversary, antagonist, opponent, rival, foe; of an opposing party;
advorsarius, advorsaria, advorsarium ADJ [BXXDX]
opposed (to), hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial;
advorsator, advorsatoris N (3rd) M [BXXFX]
antagonist, opponent;
advorsatrix, advorsatricis N (3rd) F [BXXEX]
female antagonist/opponent/enemy;
advorse ADV [BXXFO]
in a self contradictory manner, inconsistently;
advorsitas, advorsitatis N (3rd) F [BXXNO]
power of counteracting, efficacy as an antidote;
advorsitor, advorsitoris N (3rd) M [BXXFS]
one who goes to meet another; slave who went to meet/accompany master home;
advorso, advorsare, advorsavi, advorsatus V (1st) TRANS [BXXEO]
apply (the mind), direct (the attention);
advorsor, advorsari, advorsatus sum V (1st) DEP [BXXBX]
be against (w/DAT), oppose, withstand;
advorsum ADV [BXXDX]
opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet);
advorsum PREP ACC [BXXAX]
facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of;
advorsus ADV [BXXDX]
opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet);
advorsus PREP ACC [BXXAX]
facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of;
advorsus, advorsa -um, advorsior -or -us, advorsissimus -a -um ADJ [BXXAX]
opposite, directly facing, ranged against; adverse, evil, hostile; unfavorable;
advorsus, advorsi N (2nd) M [BXXCO]
person/foe opposite/directly facing (w/hostile intent); political opponent;
advorto, advortere, advorti, advorsus V (3rd) [BXXDX]
turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot (ship);
adynamos, adynamos, adynamon ADJ [XXXNO]
weakened, diluted (like wine);
adytum, adyti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
innermost part of a temple, sanctuary, shrine; innermost recesses/chamber;
adzelor, adzelari, adzelatus sum V (1st) DEP [DEXFS]
be zealous against one; be angry with;
aecclesia, aecclesiae N (1st) F [FEXEZ]
church; assembly, meeting of the assembly (Greek); the (Universal) Church (Dif);
aeclesia, aeclesiae N (1st) F [FEXEX]
church; assembly, meeting of the assembly (Greek); the (Universal) Church (Dif);
aeclesiasticus, aeclesiastica, aeclesiasticum ADJ [FEXFM]
ecclesiastical; spiritual; (=ecclesiasticus);
aecor, aecoris N (3rd) N [XXXBO]
level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean;
aecoreus, aecorea, aecoreum ADJ [XXXCO]
of/connected with the sea, situated near/bordering on/surrounded by the sea;
aecum, aeci N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
level ground; equal footing/terms; what is right/fair/equitable, equity;
aecus, aeca -um, aecior -or -us, aecissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented;
aedes, aedis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode, dwelling; household;
aedicula, aediculae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
small room/house/building/shrine; chapel, tomb, sepulcher; niche, closet;
aedifacio, aedifacere, aedifeci, aedifactus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXES]
build, erect, construct, make; create; establish;
aedifex, aedificis N (3rd) M [DTXFS]
builder, contractor, one who has buildings erected; architect, maker, creator;
aedificans, aedificantis N (3rd) M [FXXEE]
aedificatio, aedificationis N (3rd) F [XTXCO]
house; building, edifice, group of buildings, built-up area; act of building;
edification, explanation; building up (argument);
aedificatiuncula, aedificatiunculae N (1st) F [XTXFO]
little building; construction;
aedificator, aedificatoris N (3rd) M [XTXCO]
builder, contractor, one who has buildings erected; architect, maker, creator;
aedificatoria, aedificatoriae N (1st) F [DTXES]
aedificatorius, aedificatoria, aedificatorium ADJ [DTXES]
pertaining to building/construction;
aedificatus, aedificata, aedificatum ADJ [XXXDE]
built, erected, constructed, made; created; established; improved;
aedificialis, aedificialis, aedificiale ADJ [DTXES]
pertaining to a building;
aedificiolum, aedificioli N (2nd) N [XTXIO]
building; structure;
aedificium, aedifici(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
building; edifice, structure;
aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
build, erect, construct, make; create; establish; improve; edify;
aedifio, aediferi, aedifactus sum V SEMIDEP [DXXES]
be build/erected/constructed/made/created/established; (aedifacio PASS);
aedilicius, aedilicia, aedilicium ADJ [XLXCO]
of an aedile (magistrate - police, fire, market); of aedile rank/ex-aedile;
aedilicius, aedilicii N (2nd) M [XLXCO]
ex-aedile (magistrate - police, fire, market); one who has been an aedile;
aedilis, aedilis N (3rd) M [XLXBO]
aedile - commissioner (magistrate) of police/fire/markets/games; sacristan;
aedilitas, aedilitatis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
aedileship, the office of an aedile; the tenure of the aedileship;
aedis, aedis N (3rd) F [XEXBO]
temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode/dwelling; household;
aeditimor, aeditimari, aeditimatus sum V (1st) DEP [BEXFO]
act as sacristan, be in charge/take care of temple;
aeditimus, aeditimi N (2nd) M [BEXCO]
sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple;
aeditua, aedituae N (1st) F [XEXIO]
female sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple;
aeditualis, aeditualis, aedituale ADJ [DEXFS]
pertaining to a temple-keeper/sacristan;
aedituens, aedituentis N (3rd) M [DEXFS]
aeditumor, aeditumari, aeditumatus sum V (1st) DEP [XEXFO]
act as sacristan, be in charge/take care of temple;
aeditumus, aeditumi N (2nd) M [BEXDX]
sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple;
aedituo, aedituare, aedituavi, aedituatus V (1st) INTRANS [XEXIO]
act as sacristan, be in charge/take care of temple;
aedituus, aeditui N (2nd) M [XEXCO]
sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple; priest;
aedo, aedonis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
aedon, aedonis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
aedonius, aedonia, aedonium ADJ [XAXFO]
of the nightingale;
aedus, aedi N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid";
Aeduus, Aedui N (2nd) M [XXFDO]
Aedui (pl.); (also Haedui); (tribe of Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War);
aeer, aeeris N C [XXXEZ]
air(one of 4 elements); atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor;
aeger, aegra -um, aegrior -or -us, aegerrimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
sick/ill, infirm; unsound, injured; painful, grievous; corrupt; sad/sorrowful;
aeger, aegri N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
sick person, invalid, patient;
Aegides, Aegidae N M [XYXDO]
son of Aegeus (i.e. Theseus); descendants of Aegeus (pl.);
Aegidius, Aegidi N (2nd) M [EXXEE]
Giles; (St. Giles, patron of beggars/Edinburgh); (Giles of Rome, theologian);
aegilopa, aegilopae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
name of some plants (turkey oak, grass); ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula;
aegilopium, aegilopi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula;
aegilops, aegilopis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
name of some plants (turkey oak, grass); ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula;
aegis, aegidis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
aegis (Minerva's shield); shield, defense; wood nearest pith, heartwood;
aegisonus, aegisona, aegisonum ADJ [XXXFO]
sounding with the aegis;
aegithus, aegithi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
small bird, blue tit; species of hawk;
aegocephalus, aegocephali N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
species of bird (horned owl?);
aegoceras, aegoceratos/is N N [XAXNS]
fenugreek, Greek hay; (flour from seeds, herb medicine, pickled as a dainty);
aegoceros, aegocerotis N (3rd) M [XPXES]
wild goat (poet. for sign of zodiac - Capricorn);
aegolethron, aegolethri N N [XAXNO]
plant supposed to be injurious to goats (Azalea pontica?); goat's bane;
aegolios, aegolii N M [XAXNO]
species of owl;
aegonychos, aegonychi N F [XAXNS]
plant, lithospermon; (goat's hoof);
aegophthalmos, aegophthalmi N M [XXXNO]
precious stone;
aegre, aegrius, aegerrime ADV [XXXBO]
scarcely, with difficulty, painfully, hardly; reluctantly, uncomfortably;
aegreo, aegrere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XBXEO]
be sick/ill;
aegresco, aegrescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XBXCO]
become sick, grow worse; suffer mental/emotional distress, grieve;
aegrimonia, aegrimoniae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
sorrow, anxiety, melancholy, grief, mental distress/anguish;
aegritiudo, aegritiudinis N (3rd) F [FBXDE]
illness, sickness;
aegritudo, aegritudinis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
sickness, disease, grief, sorrow; affliction, anxiety; melancholy;
aegror, aegroris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
sickness, disease;
aegrotas, aegrotatis N (3rd) F [EBXEP]
illness, sickness;
aegrotaticius, aegrotaticia, aegrotaticium ADJ [DBXFS]
that is often ill; sickly;
aegrotatio, aegrotationis N (3rd) F [XBXCO]
sickness, disease; morbid desire/passion, unhealthy moral condition;
aegrotitas, aegrotitatis N (3rd) F [EBXFP]
illness, sickness;
aegroto, aegrotare, aegrotavi, aegrotatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be sick; be distressed/mentally/morally ill, be afflicted, languish, grieve;
aegrotus, aegrota, aegrotum ADJ [XXXCO]
sick, diseased; love-sick, pining;
aegrotus, aegroti N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
sick/diseased person, invalid, patient;
aegrum, aegri N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
diseased part of the body; diseased state; grief, feeling of distress; pain;
Aegyptiacus, Aegyptiaca, Aegyptiacum ADJ [XXEEO]
Egyptian; of/connected with Egypt;
aegyptilla, aegyptillae N (1st) F [XXENO]
precious stone found in Egypt; (saronyx and nicolo);
Aegyptius, Aegyptia, Aegyptium ADJ [XXECO]
Egyptian; of/connected with Egypt;
Aegyptius, Aegyptii N (2nd) M [XXECO]
Egyptian, inhabitant of Egypt; Egyptian sage/prophet;
Aegyptus, Aegypti N (2nd) F [XXECO]
aelinon INTERJ [XXXFO]
exclamation of sorrow; "alas for Linus";
aelinos, aelini N M [XXXFS]
dirge, song of lament;
aelurus, aeluri N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
Aemilius, Aemilia, Aemilium ADJ [XXXCS]
Aemilian; of Aemilius gens;
aemula, aemulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
rival (female); woman who strives to equal/exceed; rival in love; rival city;
aemulanter ADV [DXXFS]
emulously; enviously, jealously;
aemulatio, aemulationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
rivalry, ambition; unfriendly rivalry; (envious) emulation, imitation;
aemulator, aemulatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
imitator, rival;
aemulatrix, aemulatricis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
rival (female); woman who strives to equal/exceed; emulator (female);
aemulatus, aemulatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
emulation, envy, rivalry;
aemulo, aemulare, aemulavi, aemulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCS]
ape, imitate, emulate; be envious, jealous of, vie with a rival; copy (book);
aemulor, aemulari, aemulatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
ape, imitate, emulate; be envious, jealous of, vie with a rival; copy (book);
aemulus, aemula, aemulum ADJ [XXXBO]
envious, jealous, grudging, (things) comparable/equal (with/to);
aemulus, aemuli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
rival, competitor, love rival; diligent imitator/follower; equal/peer;
aena, aenae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
card/comb used in treating of cloth/fibers;
aenator, aenatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
aeneator, aeneatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
aeneolus, aeneola, aeneolum ADJ [XXXEO]
bronze, made of bronze;
aeneum, aenei N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron;
aeneus, aenea, aeneum ADJ [XXXCO]
copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen;
aeniator, aeniatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
aenigma, aenigmatis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
puzzle, enigma, riddle, obscure expression/saying;
aenigmaticus, aenigmatica, aenigmaticum ADJ [DXXES]
enigmatic, like an enigma; obscure; puzzling;
aenigmatista, aenigmatistae N (1st) M [DXXFS]
enigmatist; one that proposes/speaks in riddles;
aeniolus, aeniola, aeniolum ADJ [EXXEW]
bronze, made of bronze;
aenipes, (gen.), aenipedis ADJ [XXXFS]
bronze-footed, that has feet of bronze;
aenitologium, aenitologii N (2nd) N [DPXFS]
dactylic verse with an iambic penthemimeris;
aenulum, aenuli N (2nd) N [XXXES]
small bronze vessel;
aenum, aeni N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron;
aenus, aena, aenum ADJ [XXXCO]
copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen;
aeolipila, aeolipilae N (1st) F [XSXFS]
instruments/vessels (pl.) for investigating the nature of the wind;
aeon, aeonis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
age; eternity; the Thirty Aeons (gods);
aequabilis, aequabile, aequabilior -or -us, aequabilissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
equal, alike, uniform, steady; unruffled; equal proportion, fair, just;
aequabilitas, aequabilitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
equality, fairness; evenness, uniformity; analogy (gram.), correspondence;
aequabiliter, aequabilitius, aequabilitissime ADV [XXXCO]
uniformly, equally; in equal proportions/a regular manner; smoothly; justly;
aequaevus, aequaeva, aequaevum ADJ [XXXCO]
of the same age; contemporary;
aequalis, aequale, aequalior -or -us, aequalissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
equal, similar; uniform, level, flat; of the same age/generation/duration;
aequalis, aequalis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
comrade; person of one's age/rank/ability, contemporary; equivalent;
aequalitarismus, aequalitarismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
aequalitas, aequalitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
evenness; equality (of age/status/merit/distribution), uniformity, symmetry;
aequaliter, aequalitius, aequalitissime ADV [XXXBO]
evenly, alike, uniformly; equally, to an equal measure/extent; symmetrically;
aequamen, aequaminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
instrument for leveling;
aequamentum, aequamenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
equaling, requiting;
aequanimis, aequanimis, aequanime ADJ [XXXFS]
kind, mild, calm;
aequanimitas, aequanimitatis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
calmness of mind, patience, tranquility, equanimity; goodwill, favor;
aequanimiter ADV [DXXFS]
calmly; with equanimity;
aequanimus, aequanima, aequanimum ADJ [XXXIO]
mentally calm, composed, tranquil;
aequatio, aequationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
equal division/distribution; equalizing, equality;
aequationum, aequationi N (2nd) N [GSXEZ]
equation, (mathematical relation); equality;
aequator, aequatoris N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
aequator, aequatoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
one who equalizes; [aequator monetae => assayer];
aeque, aequius, aequissime ADV [XXXAO]
equally, justly, fairly; in same/like manner/degree, just as; likewise, also;
aequicrurius, aequicruria, aequicrurium ADJ [DSXFS]
of equal legs; isosceles (triangle);
aequidiale, aequidialis N (3rd) N [BSXFS]
aequidianus, aequidiana, aequidianum ADJ [XXXFO]
equinoctial, at the time of the equinox;
aequidicus, aequidici N (2nd) M [DPXES]
verses (pl.) containing corresponding words or expressions;
aequidistans, (gen.), aequidistantis ADJ [XXXFO]
equidistant; parallel;
aequidistanter ADV [GXXEK]
equidistantly; in the same way;
aequidistantia, aequidistantiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
aequidisto, aequidistare, aequidistavi, aequidistatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
be at equal distance;
aequiformis, aequiformis, aequiforme ADJ [DPXFS]
uniform (connected words);
aequilanx, (gen.), aequilancis ADJ [DXXFS]
with equal scale; of equal weight;
aequilatatio, aequilatationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
area of uniform width, space between parallel lines;
aequilateralis, aequilateralis, aequilaterale ADJ [DSXFS]
equilateral, equal sides;
aequilaterus, aequilatera, aequilaterum ADJ [DSXFS]
equilateral, equal sides;
aequilatus, (gen.), aequilateris ADJ [DSXFS]
equilateral, equal sides;
aequilatus, aequilata, aequilatum ADJ [ESXEP]
equilateral, with equal sides;
aequilavium, aequilavii N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
half, a half of a whole; (wool when half the weight remains after washing);
aequilibratus, aequilibrata, aequilibratum ADJ [DXXFS]
level, on a level; horizontal; in perfect equilibrium (L+S);
aequilibris, aequilibris, aequilibre ADJ [XXXFO]
level, on a level; horizontal; in perfect equilibrium (L+S);
aequilibritas, aequilibritatis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
equal proportion, equilibrium;
aequilibrium, aequilibri(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
state of equilibrium; reciprocity, equivalence; level/horizontal position (L+S);
aequilibro, aequilibrare, aequilibravi, aequilibratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
keep in a state of equilibrium/balance;
aequiliter ADV [FXXEE]
equally, evenly, uniformly;
aequimanus, aequimana, aequimanum ADJ [DXXES]
ambidextrous, can use both hands equally; equal in two pursuits/departments;
aequinoctiale, aequinoctialis N (3rd) N [XSXFS]
aequinoctialis, aequinoctialis, aequinoctiale ADJ [XSXCO]
equinoctial, of/connected with the equinox; [~ circulus => celestial equator];
aequinoctium, aequinocti(i) N (2nd) N [XSXCO]
aequipar, (gen.), aequiparis ADJ [XXXFO]
equal; exactly/perfectly alike;
aequiparabilis, aequiparabilis, aequiparabile ADJ [XXXEO]
comparable, that may be compared/equated;
aequiparantia, aequiparantiae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
aequiparatio, aequiparationis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
comparable qualities/quantities; equality of status/strength; comparison;
aequiparo, aequiparare, aequiparavi, aequiparatus V (1st) DAT [XXXCO]
become/put on a equal/level with/to, rival, equal; equalize; compare, liken;
aequipedus, aequipeda, aequipedum ADJ [DSXES]
isosceles (triangle); having equal feet;
aequiperabilis, aequiperabilis, aequiperabile ADJ [XXXEO]
comparable, that may be compared/equated;
aequiperantia, aequiperantiae N (1st) F [DXXES]
aequiperatio, aequiperationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
comparable qualities/quantities; equality of status/strength; comparison;
aequipero, aequiperare, aequiperavi, aequiperatus V (1st) DAT [XXXCO]
become/put on a equal/level with/to, rival, equal; equalize; compare, liken;
aequipes, (gen.), aequipedis ADJ [DSXES]
isosceles (triangle); having equal feet;
aequipollens, (gen.), aequipollentis ADJ [XGXES]
equivalent, of equal value/significance;
aequipondium, aequipondi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
equal/counterbalancing weight;
aequisonantius, aequisonantia, aequisonantium ADJ [FDXEZ]
aequitas, aequitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
justice, equity, fairness, impartiality; symmetry, conformity; evenness;
aequiter ADV [XXXEO]
in equal proportions, evenly, fairly;
aequiternus, aequiterna, aequiternum ADJ [DEXES]
equally eternal, coeternal;
aequivalens, aequivalentis N (3rd) M [FXXEE]
equivalent, of equal value or significance;
aequivaleo, aequivalere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFS]
have equal power, be equivalent;
aequivocus, aequivoca, aequivocum ADJ [XXXES]
equivocal, ambiguous; of like significations;
aequo, aequare, aequavi, aequatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
level, make even/straight; equal; compare; reach as high or deep as;
aequor, aequoris N (3rd) N [XXXBO]
level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean;
aequoreus, aequorea, aequoreum ADJ [XXXCO]
of/connected with the sea, situated near/bordering on/surrounded by the sea;
aequum, aequi N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
level ground; equal footing/terms; what is right/fair/equitable, equity;
aequus, aequa -um, aequior -or -us, aequissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented;
aer, aeris N C [XXXCO]
air (one of 4 elements); atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor;
aera, aerae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
darnel (grass/weed, grows among wheat, subject to ergot, thereby dangerous);
parameter from which a calculation is made; item of account; era/epoch;
aeracius, aeracia, aeracium ADJ [XXXFO]
of copper/bronze;
aeramen, aeraminis N (3rd) N [DXXES]
copper, bronze (late form for aes);
aeramentum, aeramenti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
prepared copper/bronze; a strip of copper/bronze; copper/bronze vessels (pl.);
aeraria, aerariae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
copper mine; copper refinery/works;
aerarium, aerari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
treasury, its funds; part of Temple of Saturn in Rome holding public treasury;
aerarius, aerari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
lowest class citizen, pays poll tax but cannot vote/hold office; coppersmith;
aerarius, aeraria, aerarium ADJ [XXXCO]
of/concerned with copper/bronze/brass; of coinage/money/treasury; penny-ante;
aeratus, aerata, aeratum ADJ [XXXCO]
covered/decorated with/made of brass/bronze; with bronze fittings (ship);
aercus, aerca, aercum ADJ [FXXEE]
copper-; of copper/bronze/brass;
aereus, aerea, aereum ADJ [XXXCO]
made of/bound with/armored with/of the color of copper/bronze/brass;
of/produced in/existing in/flying in air, airborne/aerial; towering/airy; blue;
aereus, aerei N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
copper coin;
aericrepitans, (gen.), aericrepitantis ADJ [XXXFO]
clanging/sounding with bronze/brass;
aerifer, aerifera, aeriferum ADJ [XXXFO]
carrying/bearing bronze (i.e., cymbals of the attendants of Bacchus);
aerifice ADV [XXXFO]
with art/skill of the bronze worker;
aerinavigatio, aerinavigationis N (3rd) F [HXXEK]
aerinavis, aerinavis N (3rd) F [HXXEK]
aerinus, aerina, aerinum ADJ [XXXNO]
connected with/of darnel (weed found with wheat); of air, aerial;
aeripes, (gen.), aeripedis ADJ [XXXDO]
brazen-footed; having/with feet of bronze;
aeriportus, aeriportus N (4th) M [HXXEK]
aerisonus, aerisona, aerisonum ADJ [XXXDO]
sounding with bronze/brass (instruments);
aerius, aeria, aerium ADJ [XXXBO]
of/produced in/existing in/flying in air, airborne/aerial; towering, airy; blue;
aerizusa, aerizusae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
kind of jasper;
aero, aeronis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
kind of basket made with plaited reeds; hamper;
aerodromus, aerodromi N (2nd) M [HXXEK]
aerodynamicus, aerodynamica, aerodynamicum ADJ [HXXEK]
aeroides, aeroidae N M [XXXNS]
sky-blue; the color of air; (may only be ADJ);
aeroides, aeroides, aeroides ADJ [XXXNO]
cloudy; sky-blue (L+S); [beryllus aeroides => sapphire];
aerolithus, aerolithi N (2nd) M [HXXEK]
aeromantia, aeromantiae N (1st) F [DEXFS]
aeromancy, divination from the state of the air;
aeronauticus, aeronautica, aeronauticum ADJ [HXXEK]
aeronauticus, aeronautici N (2nd) M [HXXEK]
aeronavigans, aeronavigantis N (3rd) C [HXXFE]
airline personnel;
aerophobus, aerophobi N (2nd) M [DBXFS]
one who fears the air;
aeroplaniga, aeroplanigae N (1st) M [HXXEK]
aviator, pilot of plane;
aeroplanigera, aeroplanigerae N (1st) F [HXXEK]
aircraft carrier;
aeroplanum, aeroplani N (2nd) N [HXXEK]
aerosolum, aerosoli N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
aerostatum, aerostati N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
airship; hot-air balloon;
aerosus, aerosa, aerosum ADJ [XXXDO]
containing copper; full of copper;
aeruca, aerucae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
verdigris, rust of copper; patina on copper/bronze;
aerugineus, aeruginea, aerugineum ADJ [GXXEK]
verdigris-colored; bluish-green/greenish-blue;
aerugino, aeruginare, aeruginavi, aeruginatus V (1st) INTRANS [DEXES]
rust, become rusty; become cankered;
aeruginosus, aeruginosa, aeruginosum ADJ [XXXEO]
covered with verdigis; rusty;
aerugo, aeruginis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
rust of copper, verdigris; canker of the mind, envy, ill-will, avarice;
aerumna, aerumnae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
toil, task, labor; hardship, trouble, affliction, distress, calamity;
aerumnabilis, aerumnabilis, aerumnabile ADJ [XXXEO]
causing misery/trouble/hardship; distressing;
aerumnosus, aerumnosa, aerumnosum ADJ [XXXCO]
full of/afflicted with trouble/suffering, wretched; causing distress;
aerumnula, aerumnulae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
traveler's stick for carrying a bundle/bindle;
aeruscator, aeruscatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
beggar; itinerant juggler/entertainer (L+S);
aerusco, aeruscare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
beg; go begging; get money traveling and practicing juggling/legerdemain (L+S);
aes, aeris N (3rd) N [XXXAO]
money, pay, fee, fare; copper/bronze/brass, base metal; (w/alienum) debt; gong;
aesalon, aesalonis N (3rd) M [XAXNS]
species of hawk/falcon;
aeschrologia, aeschrologiae N (1st) F [DGXFS]
expression improper because of its ambiguity;
aeschynomene, aeschynomenes N F [XAXNS]
plant which shrinks when touched (Mimosa pudica); sensitive plant;
aesculanus, aesculana, aesculanum ADJ [FLXEE]
pertaining to copper or money;
aesculetum, aesculeti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
forest of durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak; district of Rome;
aesculeus, aesculea, aesculeum ADJ [XXXFO]
of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak;
aesculinus, aesculina, aesculinum ADJ [XXXFO]
of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak;
aesculnius, aesculnia, aesculnium ADJ [XXXFO]
of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak;
aesculus, aesculi N (2nd) F [XXXCO]
variety of oak tree, perhaps durmast or Hungarian oak, or Italian oak;
aesnescia, aesnesciae N (1st) F [FLXFJ]
Aesopus, Aesopi N (2nd) M [XGHCO]
Aesop (Greek author of fables); (Roman tragic actor contemporary with Cicero);
aessomus, aessoma, aessomum ADJ [XXXFO]
aestas, aestatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
summer; summer heat/weather; a year;
aesthetica, aestheticae N (1st) F [FSXEE]
aestifer, aestifera, aestiferum ADJ [XXXCO]
producing/causing/bringing heat; hot, sultry;
aestimabilis, aestimabilis, aestimabile ADJ [XXXFO]
having worth or value;
aestimatio, aestimationis N (3rd) F [XLXAO]
valuation, estimation of money value; value, price; assessment of damages;
aestimator, aestimatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
appraiser, valuer; judge;
aestimatorius, aestimatoria, aestimatorium ADJ [XXXEO]
of/concerning the valuation of property;
aestimatus, aestimata, aestimatum ADJ [XXXEO]
valuated (price/worth), assessed/estimated (the cost/situation); esteemed;
aestimatus, aestimatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
valuation (of property), estimation of money value; value, price;
aestimia, aestimiae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
assessment; valuation, estimate;
aestimium, aestimii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
assessment; valuation, estimate;
aestimo, aestimare, aestimavi, aestimatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge (situation); esteem;
aestivalis, aestivalis, aestivale ADJ [XXXIO]
of summer, designed for summer use;
aestive ADV [XXXFO]
in summer fashion; lightly (dress);
aestivo, aestivare, aestivavi, aestivatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXDO]
spend/pass the summer;
aestivum, aestivi N (2nd) N [XWXCO]
summer camp/quarters/pastures/apartments (pl.); campaigning season, campaigns;
aestivus, aestiva, aestivum ADJ [XXXBO]
summer-like, summer; pertaining to/occurring in/used for/appearing in summer;
aestuabundus, aestuabunda, aestuabundum ADJ [DXXFS]
foaming, fermenting;
aestuarium, aestuari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
tidal marsh/inlet/opening, marsh; (river) estuary; air shaft, vent;
aestuarius, aestuaria, aestuarium ADJ [GXXEK]
aestumatio, aestumationis N (3rd) F [XLXAS]
valuation, estimation of money value; value, price; assessment of damages;
aestumo, aestumare, aestumavi, aestumatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge (situation); esteem;
aestuo, aestuare, aestuavi, aestuatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXBO]
boil, seethe, foam; billow roll in waves; be agitated/hot; burn; waver;
aestuose, aestuosius, aestuosissime ADV [XXXFO]
with fierce heat; fiery;
aestuosus, aestuosa -um, aestuosior -or -us, aestuosissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
burning hot, glowing, sweltering, sultry; fevered; seething (water), raging;
aestus, aestus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
agitation, passion, seething; raging, boiling; heat/fire; sea tide/spray/swell;
aesum, aesi N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum);
aetas, aetatis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era;
aetatula, aetatulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
tender age of childhood; early time of life; youth; person of tender age;
aeternabilis, aeternabilis, aeternabile ADJ [XXXFO]
eternal, everlasting;
aeternalis, aeternalis, aeternale ADJ [XXXIO]
eternal, everlasting;
aeternaliter ADV [DXXES]
aeternitas, aeternitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
eternity, infinite time; immortality; permanence, durability;
aeterno ADV [XXXEO]
for ever, always; perpetually; also; constantly;
aeterno, aeternare, aeternavi, aeternatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
immortalize; confer undying fame on;
aeternum ADV [XXXCO]
eternally, for ever, always; perpetually; also; constantly;
aeternus, aeterna -um, aeternior -or -us, aeternissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
eternal/everlasting/imperishable; perpetual, w/out start/end; [in ~=>forever];
aethalus, aethali N (2nd) M [XAENS]
sort of grape in Egypt, soot grape;
aethanolum, aethanoli N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
ethanol (drinkable alcohol);
aether, aetheris N M [XXXBO]
upper air; ether; heaven, sky; sky (as a god); space surrounding a deity;
aethereus, aetherea, aethereum ADJ [XXXBO]
ethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; lofty;
aetherius, aetheria, aetherium ADJ [XXXBO]
ethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; lofty;
Aethiopia, Aethiopiae N (1st) F [XXACO]
Ethiopia; present day Sudan; inland central Africa;
Aethiopicus, Aethiopica, Aethiopicum ADJ [XXXCZ]
aethiopis, aethiopidis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
species of sage (Salvia Aethiopis?); another plant;
Aethiopissa, Aethiopissae N (1st) F [XXAES]
Ethiopian woman, female inhabitant of "Ethiopia"/Sudan; negro/black woman;
Aethiops, (gen.), Aethiopis ADJ [XXAEO]
Ethiopian, of/connected with "Ethiopia"/Sudan/central Africa;
Aethiops, Aethiopis N (3rd) M [XXACO]
Ethiopian, inhabitant of "Ethiopia"/Sudan; negro/black man; black slave;
aethon, (gen.), aethonis ADJ [XXXFO]
red-brown; tawny;
aethra, aethrae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
brightness, splendor (of heavenly bodies); clear/bright sky; heavens; pure air;
aethylicus, aethylica, aethylicum ADJ [GXXEK]
aetiologia, aetiologiae N (1st) F [DGXFS]
bringing of proofs, allegation of reasons; inquiry into/explanation of causes;
aetites, aetitae N F [XXXNO]
aetites, eagle-stone (w/lapis) (stone, hollow with another substance within);
aetitis, aetitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; aetites, eagle-stone (hollow with another substance within);
aetoma, aetomae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
aetoma, aetomatis N (3rd) N [XXXIO]
aevitas, aevitatis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era;
time of existence; unending/endless time, forever; immortality; days of yore;
aeviternus, aeviterna -um, aeviternior -or -us, aeviternissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
eternal, everlasting, imperishable; perpetual; having no beginning/end;
aevum, aevi N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time;
aevus, aevi N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time;
aex, aegis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
craggy rocks (pl.); rock (sg.) situated between islands of Tenedos and Chios;
afa, afae N (1st) F [DXXEZ]
afanna, afannae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
shifty excuses (pl.), evasive talk;
Afer, Afra, Afrum ADJ [XXXBO]
African; of/connected with Africa;
Afer, Afri N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
African; inhabitant of north coast of Africa (except Egypt); Carthaginian;
affaber, affabra, affabrum ADJ [XXXFS]
made/prepared ingeniously/skillfully/with art; ingenious, skilled in art;
affabilis, affabilis, affabile ADJ [XXXCO]
easy of access/to talk to, affable, friendly, courteous; sympathetic (words);
affabilitas, affabilitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
affability, friendliness, courtesy;
affabiliter, affabilitius, affabilitissime ADV [XXXEO]
conversationally, in informal/friendly discourse;
affabre ADV [XXXEO]
skillfully, ingeniously, artistically;
affabricatus, affabricata, affabricatum ADJ [XXXFS]
fitted/added to by art;
affamen, affaminis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
greeting, salutation, address; accosting;
affania, affaniae N (1st) F [XXXES]
trifling talk (pl.), chatter; idle jests;
affatim ADV [XXXCO]
sufficiently, amply, with complete satisfaction;
affatus, affatus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
address, speech, converse with; pronouncement, utterance (of);
affectatio, affectationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
seeking/striving for, aspiration to; affectation, straining for; claiming;
affectato ADV [DXXES]
studiously, zealously;
affectator, affectatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
aspirant, zealous seeker (of), one who strives to obtain/produce;
affectatus, affectata, affectatum ADJ [XXXEO]
studied, artificial, affected;
affecte ADV [DXXES]
deeply, with (strong) affection;
affectio, affectionis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
mental condition, mood, feeling, disposition; affection, love; purpose;
affectiose ADV [DXXES]
affectiose, affectiosius, affectiosissime ADV [EXXFP]
feelingly; with (kindly) feeling;
affectiosus, affectiosa -um, affectiosior -or -us, affectiosissimus -a -um ADJ [EXXFP]
full of (kindly) feeling;
affectiosus, affectiosa, affectiosum ADJ [DXXES]
full of affection/attachment;
affectivus, affectiva, affectivum ADJ [EXXEP]
affective; of willing/desiring;
affecto, affectare, affectavi, affectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend;
affector, affectari, affectatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend;
affectrix, affectricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
aspirant (female); she who seeks/strives for (thing);
affectualis, affectualis, affectuale ADJ [EXXEP]
depending on a temporary condition;
affectuose ADV [DXXES]
affectionately, kindly;
affectuose, affectuosius, affectuosissime ADV [EXXFP]
feelingly; with (kindly) feeling;
affectuosus, affectuosa -um, affectuosior -or -us, affectuosissimus -a -um ADJ [EXXFP]
full of (kindly) feeling;
affectuosus, affectuosa, affectuosum ADJ [DXXES]
affectionate, kind, full of inclination/affection/love;
affectus, affecta, affectum ADJ [XXXBO]
endowed with, possessed of; minded; affected; impaired, weakened; emotional;
affectus, affectus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
affection, passion, love; friendly feeling (Cas); goodwill; loved ones (pl.);
disposition; condition, state (of body/mind); feeling, mood, emotion;
affero, afferre, attuli, allatus V TRANS [XXXAO]
bring to (word/food), carry, convey; report, allege, announce; produce, cause;
afficio, afficere, affeci, affectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
affect, make impression; move, influence; cause (hurt/death), afflict, weaken;
afficticius, afficticia, afficticium ADJ [XXXFO]
attached (to);
affigo, affigere, affixi, affixus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
fasten/fix/pin/attach to (w/DAT), annex; impress upon; pierce; chain, confine;
affiguro, affigurare, affiguravi, affiguratus V (1st) TRANS [XGXEO]
form (word) by analogy;
affingo, affingere, affinxi, affictus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
add to, attach; aggravate; embellish, counterfeit, forge; claim wrongly;
affinis, affinis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
relation (by marriage); neighbor; accomplice;
affinis, affinis, affine ADJ [XXXBO]
neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related (marriage), akin, connected;
affinitas, affinitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
relation(ship) by marriage; relationship (man+wife), bond/union; neighborhood;
affirmanter ADV [XXXES]
certainly, assuredly, with assurance;
affirmate ADV [XXXEO]
with definite affirmation/solemn assertion, positively, certainly, assuredly;
affirmatio, affirmationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
affirmation, strengthening of belief; assertion, dogmatic/positive statement;
affirmativus, affirmativa, affirmativum ADJ [DXXFS]
affirming, affirmative;
affirmator, affirmatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who makes a definite assertion/affirmation;
affirmo, affirmare, affirmavi, affirmatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
affirm/assert (dogmatically/positively); confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize;
affixio, affixionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
joining/fastening to; an addition to;
affixum, affixi N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
fixtures (pl.) pertaining thereto;, permanent fittings/appendages/appurtenances;
affixus, affixa, affixum ADJ [XXXES]
fastened/joined to (person/thing); impressed on, fixed to; situated close to;
afflagrans, afflagrantis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
flaming/blazing up; turbulent, unquiet;
afflator, afflatoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who blows on/breathes into;
afflatus, afflatus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
breath, snorting; breeze, wind, draught, (hot) blast; stench; inspiration, flash
afflecto, afflectare, afflectavi, afflectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
affect, move, influence (to a course of action);
affleo, afflere, afflevi, affletus V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
weep/cry at; weep as an accompaniment;
afflexus, afflexa, afflexum ADJ [XXXEO]
bent/turned (towards);
afflictatio, afflictationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
grievous suffering, torment, affliction; pain, torture;
afflictator, afflictatoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who causes pain/suffering/torment/torture; tormenter;
afflictio, afflictionis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
pain, suffering, torment;
afflicto, afflictare, afflictavi, afflictatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
shatter, damage, strike repeatedly, buffet, wreck; oppress, afflict; vex;
afflictor, afflictoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who strikes against/down/overthrows;
afflictrix, (gen.), afflictricis ADJ [XXXFO]
that strikes against/down/overthrows or collides with (female);
afflictrix, afflictricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
one (female) who strikes against/down/overthrows;
afflictus, afflicta, afflictum ADJ [XXXEO]
in a state of ruin (persons/countries/affairs), shattered;
afflictus, afflictus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
collision, blow; a striking against/dashing together;
affligo, affligere, afflixi, afflictus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex;
afflo, afflare, afflavi, afflatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
blow/breathe (on/towards); inspire, infuse; waft; graze; breathe poison on;
affluens, affluentis (gen.), affluentior -or -us, affluentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
flowing/overflowing/abounding with; abundant, plentiful, sumptuous, copious;
affluente, affluentius, affluentissime ADV [XXXES]
richly, copiously, abundantly, extravagantly, opulently;
affluenter, affluentius, affluentissime ADV [XXXEO]
abundantly, copiously; luxuriously, extravagantly;
affluentia, affluentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
flow (of a liquid); abundance, profusion, extravagance, opulence, riotousness;
affluo, affluere, affluxi, affluxus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound;
affodio, affodere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNO]
add by digging;
affor, affari, affatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed (PASS), be decreed by fate;
afforciamentum, afforciamenti N (2nd) N [FXXFM]
strengthening; W:fortification;
afformido, afformidare, afformidavi, afformidatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
be afraid, fear;
affrango, affrangere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces;
affremo, affremere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
roar/rage/growl (at); assent noisily to (w/DAT);
affricatio, affricationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
rubbing on/against (thing); friction; abrasion;
affrico, affricare, affricui, affricatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
rub (one thing against another); apply/communicate/impart by rubbing, smear on;
affrico, affricare, affricui, affrictus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
rub (one thing against another); apply/communicate/impart by rubbing, smear on;
affrictus, affrictus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
friction; rubbing on;
affringo, affringere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFS]
cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces;
affrio, affriare, affriavi, affriatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
sprinkle (powder); crumble, grate;
affulgeo, affulgere, affulsi, - V (2nd) DAT [XXXCO]
shine forth, appear, dawn; shine/smile upon (w/favor), appear favorable;
affundo, affundere, affudi, affusus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
pour on/upon/into, heap up; shed/spill (blood); wash;
affundor, affundi, affusus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
prostrate oneself; cause to be spread on/over; flow alongside/past (streams);
affuo, affuere, affuxi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound;
afluens, (gen.), afluentis ADJ [XXXFO]
abundant, plentiful, copious;
afluo, afluere, afluxi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound;
afore V 5 1 FUT ACTIVE INF 0 X [XXXCX]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
aforem V 5 1 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 1 S [XXXCX]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
aforemus V 5 1 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 1 P [XXXCX]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
aforent V 5 1 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 3 P [XXXCX]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
afores V 5 1 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 2 S [XXXCX]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
aforet V 5 1 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 3 S [XXXCX]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
aforetis V 5 1 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 2 P [XXXCX]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
Afranius, Afrani N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Afranius; (Roman gens name); (L. Afranius -> one of Pompey's generals);
Afranius, Afrania, Afranium ADJ [XXXCO]
Afranius; (Roman gens name); (L. Afranius -> one of Pompey's generals);
Africa, Africae N (1st) F [XXACO]
Africa (North); (Roman province); Libya (Carthagenian); the continent;
Africanus, Africana, Africanum ADJ [XXXCO]
African; from/of Africa; plants/animals from Africa;
africanus, africani N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
panthers (pl.); (African cats); (other wild beasts);
Africus, Africa, Africum ADJ [XXXCO]
African; from the southwest (e.g. sea between Africa and Sicily, wind);
Africus, Africi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
southwest wind;
agaga, agagae N (1st) M [XXXFO]
catamite (rude), a boy kept for unnatural purposes, pathic;
agalma, agalmae N (1st) F [FXXEM]
statue; image;
agalmate, agalmatis N (3rd) N [FXXEN]
effigy; depiction of ruler on seal;
agamus, agama, agamum ADJ [DXXES]
let them be treated; let it be a matter or question of;
agape, agapes N F [DEXES]
Christian love/charity; love feast of early Christians;
agaricum, agarici N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
agaric, species of corky tree (larch) fungus used as styptic/tinder/in dyeing;
agaso, agasonis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
driver, groom, stableboy; lackey, serving-man;
agathodaemon, agathodaemonis N (3rd) M [XAEFS]
Egyptian serpent to which healing power was ascribed;
agathum, agathi N (2nd) N [FXXFV]
notable/distinguished/characteristic thing; precious thing, one of great value;
let it be treated; let it be a matter or question of;
come!, go to!, well!, all right!; let come;
agea, ageae N (1st) F [XWXFO]
gangway between the rowers in a ship;
come!, go to!, well!, all right!;
agellulus, agelluli N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
very small plot of land, very small field;
agellus, agelli N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
little field, small plot of land, farm, small estate;
agema, agematis N (3rd) N [XWHEO]
special division of the Macedonian army, royal bodyguard;
agenda, agendae N (1st) F [FXXDE]
ritual; what must be done; agenda;
agens, (gen.), agentis ADJ [XXXES]
efficient, effective, powerful;
agens, agentis N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
advocate, pleader; secret police (pl.) (frumentarii/curiosi); land surveyors;
ager, agri N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
field, ground; farm, land, estate, park; territory, country; terrain; soil;
ageraton, agerati N N [XAXNS]
plant that does not easily wither (Achillea ageraton?);
agerius, agerii N (2nd) M [ELXEX]
Agerius; fictional name in Law;
agero, agerere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
take away, remove;
ageto, agetare, agetavi, agetatus V (1st) [BXXES]
stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue;
Aggaeus, Aggaei N (2nd) M [XEXFE]
Haggai/Aggeus; (minor prophet); (book of Old Testament);
aggaudeo, aggaudere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXES]
delight in; be delighted with;
aggemo, aggemere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
groan in conjunction/sympathy (with);
aggenero, aggenerare, aggeneravi, aggeneratus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
beget in addition;
aggeniculor, aggeniculari, aggeniculatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXES]
kneel before, bend the knee before;
agger, aggeris N (3rd) M [XXXAO]
rampart (or material for); causeway, pier; heap/pile/mound; dam/dike; mud wall;
aggeratim ADV [XXXFO]
in heaps/piles;
aggeratio, aggerationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
heaped/piled up material;
aggero, aggerare, aggeravi, aggeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
heap/fill up, bring, carry; increase, add fuel; push/crowd/press together;
aggero, aggerere, aggessi, aggestus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
heap/cover up over, pile/build up, erect; accumulate; intensify, exaggerate;
aggestim ADV [DXXFS]
in heaps, abundantly;
aggestio, aggestionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
heap, heaping up; mass (of mud), heap (of sand);
aggestum, aggesti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound;
aggestus, aggesti N (2nd) M [DXXES]
mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound;
aggestus, aggestus N (4th) M [XXXDO]
piling up; act of bringing; earthen bank, terrace; sprinkling earth over body;
Aggeus, Aggei N (2nd) M [XEXFE]
Haggai/Aggeus; (minor prophet); (book of Old Testament);
agglomero, agglomerare, agglomeravi, agglomeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
gather into a body, mass together, join forces; pile up in masses; agglomerate;
agglutino, agglutinare, agglutinavi, agglutinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
glue/stick/adhere/fasten to/together; fit/grip on closely; bring in contact;
aggratulor, aggratulari, aggratulatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXFZ]
give thanks (to); (JFW);
aggravesco, aggravescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDS]
become heavy; become severe/dangerous (illness), grow worse; be aggravated;
aggravo, aggravare, aggravavi, aggravatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
aggravate, exaggerate; weigh down, oppress; make heavier; embarrass further;
aggredio, aggredere, aggressi, aggressus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDS]
approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt;
aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXAO]
approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt;
aggregatio, aggregationis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
aggregation; gathering together;
aggregatus, aggregati N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
aggrego, aggregare, aggregavi, aggregatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
collect, include, group, implicate; (cause to) flock/join together, attach;
aggressio, aggressionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
attack; action of setting about/undertaking (task);
aggressivitas, aggressivitatis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
aggressor, aggressoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
attacker, assailant;
aggressura, aggressurae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
attack, assault;
aggressus, aggressus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
attack, assault;
agguberno, aggubernare, aggubernavi, aggubernatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
steer (one's course);
agiaspis, agiaspidis N (3rd) M [XWXFS]
soldiers with glittering/bright (brazen?) shields;
agilis, agile, agilior -or -us, agilissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
agile, nimble, quick, swift; alert (mind), active; energetic, busy; rousing;
agilitas, agilitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
activity, quickness (mind/body), nimbleness, ease of movement;
agiliter, agilitius, agilitissime ADV [XXXEO]
nimbly, swiftly, with agility;
agina, aginae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
opening in upper part of a balance in which the tongue moves;
aginator, aginatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one stirred by small gain;
agino, aginare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
move heaven and earth, do one's best by hook or crook;
agios, agia, agion ADJ [FXHFE]
holy (Greek);
agipes, agipedis N (3rd) M [CLXFS]
senator who silently passes over to him; senator for/with he intends to vote;
agitabilis, agitabilis, agitabile ADJ [XXXFO]
easily moved, mobile;
agitatio, agitationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
brandishing/waving/shaking/moving violently; movement; exercise; working (land);
agitator, agitatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
driver, charioteer; one who drives (animals);
agitatrix, agitatricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
that causes movement (of soul);
agitatus, agitata -um, agitatior -or -us, agitatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXDO]
agile, animated, brisk;
agitatus, agitatus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
movement, activity, state of motion;
come!, go to!, well!, all right!;
agito, agitare, agitavi, agitatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue;
aglaophotis, aglaophotidis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
magic herb of brilliant color; peony (Paeonia officinalis);
aglaspis, aglaspidis N (3rd) M [XWXFS]
soldiers with bright/brazen shields;
agma, agmatis N (3rd) N [XGXFO]
nasalized G;
agmen, agminis N (3rd) N [XXXAO]
stream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; procession;
agminalis, agminalis, agminale ADJ [XXXES]
pertaining to a march/train; pack (horses);
agminatim ADV [XXXEO]
in hosts/hordes/crowds; in troops/trains;
agna, agnae N (1st) F [DAXEO]
ear of grain; straw/blade (L+S);
agna, agnae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
ewe lamb;
agnascor, agnasci, agnatus sum V (3rd) DEP [XLXBO]
be born in addition/after father's will made; develop; grow later/on, arise;
agnata, agnatae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
female blood relation on father's side;
agnaticius, agnaticia, agnaticium ADJ [DLXFS]
pertaining to agnati (born after will); [~ jus => right of agnati to inherit];
agnatio, agnationis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
birth after father's will/death; consanguinity through father/male ancestor;
agnatum, agnati N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
offshoot, side-shoot;
agnatus, agnata, agnatum ADJ [XXXFO]
related, cognate;
agnatus, agnati N (2nd) M [XLXCO]
male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will;
agnellus, agnelli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
little lamb, lambkin;
agnicellulus, agnicelluli N (2nd) M [XAXES]
little lamb, lambkin;
agnicellus, agnicelli N (2nd) M [XAXES]
little lamb, lambkin;
agniculus, agniculi N (2nd) M [XAXFS]
little lamb, lambkin;
agnina, agninae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
meat/flesh of lamb, "lamb";
agninus, agnina, agninum ADJ [XXXCO]
of/connected with a lamb, lamb's;
agnitio, agnitionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
recognition, knowledge; perception of nature/identity; avowal, acknowledgement;
agnitionalis, agnitionalis, agnitionale ADJ [DGXES]
that can be recognized/known, cognizable;
agnitor, agnitoris N (3rd) M [XLXFO]
one who acknowledges or vouches for (seal);
agnitus, agnitus N (4th) M [XDXFO]
"recognition" (drama);
agnomen, agnominis N (3rd) N [XXXDO]
nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
agnomentum, agnomenti N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
agnominatio, agnominationis N (3rd) F [XGXES]
linking two words different in meaning but similar in sound, paronomasia;
agnomino, agnominare, agnominavi, agnominatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXEV]
give/honor with a nickname/additional name denoting achievement/characteristic;
agnos, agni N F [XXXEO]
chaste-tree (vitex agnus castus), tall plant resembling the willow;
agnoscibilis, agnoscibilis, agnoscibile ADJ [DGXFS]
that can be recognized/known, cognizable;
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility;
agnosticismus, agnosticismi N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
agnua, agnuae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
square actus, a measure of land 120 yards square;
agnus, agni N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
ago, agere, egi, actus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
drive/urge/conduct/act; spend (time w/cum); thank (w/gratias); deliver (speech);
Agobardus, Agobardi N (2nd) M [DEFFZ]
Agobard; (Bishop of Lyons, 816-840);
agoga, agogae N (1st) F [XTXNS]
channel for drawing off water (mining);
agoge, agoges N F [XTXNO]
channel for drawing off water (mining);
agolum, agoli N (2nd) N [XAXFS]
shepherd's staff/crook;
agon, agonos/is N M [XXXCO]
struggle, contest; public exhibition of games;
agonal, agonalis N (3rd) N [XEIEC]
festival of Janus (pl.);
agonalium, agonalii N (2nd) N [XEIEC]
festival of Janus (pl.);
agonia, agoniae N (1st) F [XEXFS]
victim; beast for sacrifice; (at Agonalia/festival of Janus);
agonio, agoniare, agoniavi, agoniatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXEW]
struggle/fight (against); strive unto death (Vulgate Sirach 4:33);
agonista, agonistae N (1st) M [DXXFS]
combatant for a prize;
agonistarcha, agonistarchae N (1st) M [XLXFS]
superintendent of public games;
agonistarchicus, agonistarchica, agonistarchicum ADJ [XLXFS]
of/connected with a superintendent of public games;
agonium, agoni(i) N (2nd) N [XEXCO]
victim; beast for sacrifice; festival honoring Janus (pl.); Liberalia festival;
agonizo, agonizare, agonizavi, agonizatus V (1st) TRANS [FXXEV]
dispute; struggle/fight (against);
agonosticus, agonostica, agonosticum ADJ [EEXEE]
pertaining to a contest or struggle;
agonotheta, agonothetae N (1st) M [XLXIO]
superintendent of public games;
agonothetes, agonothetae N M [XLXFS]
superintendent of public games;
agonotheticus, agonothetica, agonotheticum ADJ [XLXFO]
of/connected with a superintendent of public games;
agoranomus, agoranomi N (2nd) M [XLHFS]
market inspector, Grecian magistrate who inspected provisions/regulated market;
agralis, agralis, agrale ADJ [DAXFS]
agrarian, of redistribution of public land; of/connected with land/estate;
agraphum, agraphi N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
things (pl.) unwritten;
agrarius, agraria, agrarium ADJ [XAXCO]
agrarian; of redistribution of public land; of/connected with land/estate;
agrarius, agrarii N (2nd) M [XLXES]
those who advocated agrarian reform laws/sought possession of public lands;
agraticum, agratici N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
land-tax; revenue from land;
agravitas, agravitatis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
zero gravity;
agrestis, agrestis N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
countryman, peasant; rube, rustic, bumpkin;
agrestis, agrestis, agreste ADJ [XAXAO]
rustic, inhabiting countryside; rude, wild, savage; of/passing through fields;
agricola, agricolae N (1st) M [XAXBO]
farmer, cultivator, gardener, agriculturist; plowman, countryman, peasant;
agricolaris, agricolaris, agricolare ADJ [XAXES]
farmer-; relating to farmers;
agricolatio, agricolationis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
agriculture, husbandry;
agricolor, agricolari, agricolatus sum V (1st) DEP [DAXFS]
farm, cultivate land, pursue agriculture;
agricultio, agricultionis N (3rd) F [XAXES]
agricultor, agricultoris N (3rd) M [XAXFS]
farmer, husbandman;
agricultura, agriculturae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
agriculture, husbandry;
agrimensor, agrimensoris N (3rd) M [XAXIO]
land surveyor;
agriophyllon, agriophylli N N [XAXFS]
herb (peucedanum), hog's foot, sulphurwort;
agripeta, agripetae N (1st) M [XAXEO]
settler, one who searches for land; land-grabber, squatter, one who seizes it;
Agrippa, Agrippae N (1st) M [CLICC]
Agrippa; (Roman cognomen); [Menenius A~ => fable of the belly and members];
Agrippina, Agrippinae N (1st) F [CLICC]
Agrippina (Roman woman's name); (mother of Nero); [Colonia ~ => Cologne];
agrius, agria, agrium ADJ [XAXEO]
wild (of plants/other natural products); [staphis ~ => stavesacre];
agronomia, agronomiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
agrosius, agrosia, agrosium ADJ [XAXFO]
possessing land (?);
agrostis, agrostis N (3rd) F [XAXFS]
couch-grass, quitch grass;
agrosus, agrosa, agrosum ADJ [XAXFS]
rich in land;
agrypnia, agrypniae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
aguna, agunae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
square actus (120 feet square) (measure of land);
exclamation expressing surprise/irony;
exclamation expressing surprise/irony;
aheneus, ahenea, aheneum ADJ [XXXCO]
copper, of copper; bronze, made of bronze;
ahenipes, (gen.), ahenipedis ADJ [XXXFS]
bronze-footed, that has feet of bronze;
ahenum, aheni N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron;
ahenus, ahena, ahenum ADJ [XXXCO]
copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen;
alas; exclamation expressing grief;
aiens, (gen.), aientis ADJ [XXXFO]
affirmative; affirming, saying aye;
aientia, aientiae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
aigilps, (gen.), aigilpis ADJ [XXXFO]
steep, sheer;
ain, undeclined N N [DEQEW]
ayin; (16th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (silent);
aio, -, - V [XXXAO]
say (defective), assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down (law);
indeed? really? is it possible? do you really mean it? (surprise/wonder);
ait, -, - V IMPERS [XXXAO]
he says (ait), it is said; they say (aiunt);
aithales, aithalidos/is N F [DAXFS]
plant (aizoon), houseleek;
aizon, aizi N N [XAXNO]
live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum);
aizoon, aizoi N N [XAXNS]
live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum); stone-crop (Sedum album);
ajuga, ajugae N (1st) F [XBXFS]
plant which has the power of producing abortion (also called abiga);
ala, alae N (1st) F [XXXAO]
wing; upper arm/foreleg/fin; armpit; squadron (cavalry), flank, army's wing;
alabaster, alabastri N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
conical box for perfume (made of alabaster); antimony;
alabastrites, alabastritae N M [XXXEO]
stalagmite (variegated alabaster, calcium carbonate); (for unguents); onyx;
alabastritis, alabastritidis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
precious stone;
alabastrum, alabastri N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
conical box for perfume (made of alabaster); antimony;
alabeta, alabetae N (1st) M [XAEFS]
fish common in the Nile;
alabetes, alabetae N M [XAENO]
fish common in the Nile;
alacer, alacris -e, alacrior -or -us, alacerrimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
eager/keen/spirited; quick/brisk; active/lively; courageous/ready; cheerful;
alacris, alacris, alacre ADJ [XXXEO]
eager/keen/spirited; quick/brisk; active/lively; courageous/ready; cheerful;
alacritas, alacritatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
eagerness, enthusiasm, ardor, alacrity; cheerfulness, liveliness;
alacriter ADV [XXXEO]
eagerly, briskly;
alapa, alapae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
blow (with the flat of the hand), slap, smack; box on the ear;
Alaricus, Alarici N (2nd) M [DWXFS]
Alaric; (Gothic king who sacked Rome in 410 AD);
alaris, alaris N (3rd) M [XWXCO]
auxiliary cavalry (pl.) or other troops;
alaris, alaris, alare ADJ [XWXDO]
of/consisting of auxiliary cavalry or other troops;
alarius, alari(i) N (2nd) M [XWXDO]
auxiliary troops (pl.), posted on the wings of the army;
alarius, alaria, alarium ADJ [XWXDO]
of the wing (of an army); pertaining to the auxiliary cavalry;
alaternus, alaterni N (2nd) F [XAXEO]
evergreen shrub, Buckthorn (used for pigments (e.g., sap-green)/cathartic);
alatus, alata, alatum ADJ [XXXEO]
winged, having/furnished with wings;
alauda, alaudae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
crested lark; legion raised by Caesar in Gaul; soldiers (pl.) of this legion;
alausa, alausae N (1st) F [DAFFS]
small fish in the Moselle, shad (Culpea alusa);
alazon, alazonis N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
braggart, boaster;
white precious stone; pearl;
albamentum, albamenti N (2nd) N [XXXES]
white (of an egg);
albaris, albaris, albare ADJ [DTXFS]
of stucco, stucco; pertaining to the whitening of walls (L+S);
albarium, albarii N (2nd) N [XTXEO]
stucco, stucco-work; the whitening of walls;
albarius, albaria, albarium ADJ [XTXEO]
of stucco, stucco; pertaining to the whitening of walls (L+S);
albatus, albata, albatum ADJ [XXXDO]
clothed in white;
albatus, albati N (2nd) M [XXXNO]
White team/faction in chariot racing;
albedo, albedinis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
white color, whiteness;
albens, (gen.), albentis ADJ [XXXCO]
white, light, bleached; made/covered in white; pale, pallid; bright, clear;
albeo, albere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be/appear white/pale/light-colored/white with age;
albesco, albescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
become white/pale/light-colored/white with age; become bright, gleam, glow;
albicantius ADV [DXXFS]
somewhat in the way of white;
albicapillus, albicapilla, albicapillum ADJ [XXXFO]
albicasco, albicascere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
grow bright;
albiceratus, albicerata, albiceratum ADJ [XXXNO]
pale yellow, wax-white; [albicerata ficus => a variety of fig];
albiceris, albiceris, albicere ADJ [XXXEO]
pale yellow, wax-white; [olea albiceris => a variety of olive];
albicerus, albicera, albicerum ADJ [XXXNO]
pale yellow, wax-white;
albico, albicare, albicavi, albicatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be white; have a whitish tinge, verge on white;
albicolor, (gen.), albicoloris ADJ [DXXFS]
of a white color, white colored;
albicomus, albicoma, albicomum ADJ [XXXFS]
white-haired; having white fibers (flowers/plants);
albicor, albicari, albicatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
be white; have a whitish tinge, verge on white;
albidus, albida -um, albidior -or -us, albidissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
white, whitish, pale;
albineus, albinea, albineum ADJ [DXXFS]
albinus, albini N (2nd) M [DTXFS]
plasterer, one who covers walls with stucco/plaster;
Albion, Albionis N (3rd) F [XXBES]
Britain (ancient name);
Albis, Albis N (3rd) M [XXGEO]
Elbe; (river in Germany);
albitudo, albitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
albo, albare, albavi, albatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
make white;
albogalerus, albogaleri N (2nd) M [CEXFO]
white cap of the priest/flamen Dialis;
albogilvus, albogilva, albogilvum ADJ [DXXFS]
whitish yellow;
albor, alboris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
egg white; whiteness, white color (eccl.);
albucum, albuci N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
variety of asphodel/its stalk/reeds; (immortal lily, covered Elysian fields);
albucus, albuci N (2nd) M [XAXES]
bulb of the asphodel; the plant itself;
albuelis, albuelis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
variety of vine;
albugo, albuginis N (3rd) F [XBXEO]
white opaque spot on the eye; disorder of the scalp;
albulus, albula, albulum ADJ [XXXDO]
white, pale, whitish;
album, albi N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
white (color); white (eye/egg); white tablet, official list, register;
albumen, albuminis N (3rd) N [XXXNS]
egg white, albumen;
albumentum, albumenti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
egg white;
alburnum, alburni N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
sapwood, soft white wood next to the bark of trees;
alburnus, alburni N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
white fish; (bleak or blay?);
albus, alba -um, albior -or -us, albissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
white, pale, fair, hoary, gray; bright, clear; favorable, auspicious, fortunate;
alcalinus, alcalina, alcalinum ADJ [GSXEK]
alce, alces N F [XAXEO]
alcea, alceae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
species of mallow (mucilaginous flowering plant having hairy stems and leaves);
alcedo, alcedinis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.);
alcedonium, alcedoni(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEX]
halcyon days (pl.); time around the winter solstice when the halcyon breed;
alcedonium, alcedonii N (2nd) N [XXXES]
halcyon (breeding) days (pl.), winter calm; deep/profound calm/tranquility;
alces, alcis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
moose, elk;
alchemia, alchemiae N (1st) F [GSXEK]
alchimia, alchimiae N (1st) F [GSXEK]
alchimista, alchimistae N (1st) M [GSXEK]
alcibium, alcibi(i) N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
plant use as antidote for snake-bite;
alcima, alcimae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
water plantain;
alcinus, alcina, alcinum ADJ [XAXIO]
of an elk;
alcmanius, alcmania, alcmanium ADJ [XPXES]
Alcmanian (type of verse); (like Greek poet Alcman);
alcohol, alcoholis N (3rd) N [GSXEK]
alcoholicus, alcoholica, alcoholicum ADJ [GXXEK]
alcoholismus, alcoholismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
alcoranus, alcorani N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
alcyon, alcyonis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.);
alcyone, alcyones N F [XAXEO]
halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.);
alcyoneum, alcyonei N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
kind of floating sponge, believed to be nest of halcyon; medicine from it;
alcyoneus, alcyonea, alcyoneum ADJ [XXXFO]
halcyon (days w/dies), time around the winter solstice when the halcyon breed;
alcyonidus, alcyonida, alcyonidum ADJ [XXXFO]
halcyon (days w/dies), time around the winter solstice when halcyon breed;
alcyonis, (gen.), alcyonidis ADJ [XXXNS]
halcyon (breeding) (days) (pl.), winter calm;
alea, aleae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
game of dice; die; dice-play; gambling, risking; chance, venture, risk, stake;
alearis, alearis, aleare ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to a game of chance;
alearius, alearia, alearium ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to a game of chance; (friendships) formed at the gaming table;
aleator, aleatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
dice-player, gambler;
aleatorium, aleatorii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
gaming house, place where games of chance are played;
aleatorius, aleatoria, aleatorium ADJ [XXXEO]
of dice/gambling; of gambler/gamester; [aleatoria damna => losses at gambling];
alebre, alebris N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
nourishing food (pl.);
alebris, alebris, alebre ADJ [XXXFO]
alec, alecis N (3rd) N [XXXFS]
herrings; a fish sauce; pickle;
alectoria, alectoriae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
precious stone, said to be found in gizzards of cocks;
alectorios, alectorios, alectorion ADJ [XXXNO]
of/pertaining to a cock; [alectoros lophos => cock's comb., yellow rattle];
alectorius, alectoria, alectorium ADJ [XXXNS]
of/pertaining to a cock; [alectoros lophos => cock's comb., yellow rattle];
alecula, aleculae N (1st) F [XXXES]
fish sauce;
alembicum, alembici N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
aleo, aleonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
aleph, undeclined N N [DEQEW]
aleph; (1st letter of Hebrew alphabet); (silent, use as an A only in order);
alerius, aleria, alerium ADJ [XXXEQ]
concerned with gambling;
ales, (gen.), alitis ADJ [XXXCO]
winged, having wings; swift/quick; [ales deus => Mercury; ales puer => Cupid];
ales, alitis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
bird; (esp. large); winged god/monster; omen/augury; [regia ales => eagle];
alesco, alescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
be nourished; grow up; increase (late Latin);
aletudo, aletudinis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
corpulence, fatness;
alex, alecis N (3rd) N [XXXFS]
herrings; a fish sauce; pickle;
Alexander, Alexandri N (2nd) M [BXHCO]
Alexander; (common Greek name); (Alexander the Great - Macedonian king/general);
Alexandrea, Alexandreae N (1st) F [XXECO]
Alexandria; (City in Egypt and others);
Alexandria, Alexandriae N (1st) F [XXECO]
Alexandria; (City in Egypt and others);
Alexandrinus, Alexandrina, Alexandrinum ADJ [XXECO]
Alexandrian, of/belonging to Alexandria (City in Egypt and others);
Alexandrinus, Alexandrini N (2nd) M [XXEEE]
Alexandrian, citizen/inhabitant of Alexandria (City in Egypt and others);
alexipharmacon, alexipharmaci N N [XXXNO]
antidote for poison;
alga, algae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
sea-weed; rubbish, uncountable stuff; water plants;
algebra, algebrae N (1st) F [GSXEK]
algens, (gen.), algentis ADJ [XXXCO]
cold (weather), chilly (insufficient clothing); cold (of things normally hot);
algensis, algensis, algense ADJ [XAXNO]
living on seaweed (spec. of a variety of purple fish);
algeo, algere, alsi, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be/feel/become cold/chilly/cool; endure cold; be neglected/left in the cold;
algesco, algescere, alsi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXCS]
catch cold; become cold (things);
algidus, algida, algidum ADJ [XXXEO]
algificus, algifica, algificum ADJ [XXXFO]
algor, algoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
cold, coldness; chilliness; a fit of shivering; cold weather (pl.);
algorithmus, algorithmi N (2nd) M [GSXEK]
algosus, algosa, algosum ADJ [XAXEO]
abounding in/covered with seaweed;
algu, algus N (4th) N [DXXES]
feeling of cold; coldness;
algus, algus N (4th) M [DXXES]
feeling of cold; coldness;
alia ADV [XXXCO]
by another/different way/route;
alias ADV [XXXAO]
at/in another time/place; previously, subsequently; elsewhere; otherwise;
aliatum, aliati N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
food made with garlic;
alibi ADV [XXXBO]
elsewhere, in another place; in other respects , otherwise; in another matter;
alibilis, alibile, alibilior -or -us, alibilissimus -a -um ADJ [XAXEO]
nourishing (food), nutritious; able to be fattened (animals);
alica, alicae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
emmer (wheat) (Triticum dicoccum) groats/grits; porridge/gruel made with these;
alicacius, alicacia, alicacium ADJ [XAXNO]
made of emmer (wheat) (Triticum dicoccum) groats/grits; spelt grits (L+S);
alicaria, alicariae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
prostitute (who often were found near the mill grinding alica), "mill girl";
alicarius, alicaria, alicarium ADJ [XAXEO]
connected with emmer (wheat) production;
alicarius, alicarii N (2nd) M [XAXES]
miller who grinds emmer (wheat); (or spelt L+S);
alicastrum, alicastri N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
early-ripening variety of emmer (wheat); summer-spelt (L+S);
alicubi ADV [XXXCO]
somewhere, anywhere; elsewhere; occasionally;
alicula, aliculae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
light coat/cloak/hunting dress; child's coat;
alicunde ADV [XXXCO]
from some place/somewhere, from some source or other;
alienatio, alienationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
transference of ownership, the right to; aversion, dislike; numbness, stupor;
alienigena, alienigenae N (1st) M [XXXCO]
stranger, foreigner, alien; something imported/exotic; foreign-born;
alienigenus, alienigena, alienigenum ADJ [XXXCO]
different, foreign, alien; of/born in another country; imported, exotic; mixed;
alieniloquium, alieniloquii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
talk of crazy persons; crazy talk;
alienitas, alienitatis N (3rd) F [DBXES]
external causes of disease;
alieno, alienare, alienavi, alienatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
alienate, give up, lose possession, transfer by sale, estrange; become numb;
alienor, alienari, alienatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
avoid (with antipathy); cause to feel disgust; be insane/mad; be different;
alienum, alieni N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
another's property/land/possessions; foreign soil; other's affairs/views (pl.);
alienus, aliena -um, alienior -or -us, alienissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
foreign; unconnected; another's; contrary; unworthy; averse, hostile; mad;
alienus, alieni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
foreigner; outsider; stranger to the family; person/slave of another house;
alietum, alieti N (2nd) N [EAXFW]
alifer, alifera, aliferum ADJ [XXXFO]
aliger, aligera, aligerum ADJ [XXXCO]
winged, having wings; moving with the speed of flight;
some ... others (alii ... alii);
alimentarius, alimentari(i) N (2nd) M [XLXEO]
person whose maintenance is provided by (public/private) charity/alms/by a will;
alimentarius, alimentaria, alimentarium ADJ [XLXEO]
of maintenance by (public) charity, welfare; charity supported;
alimentum, alimenti N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
food/nourishment, provisions; sustenance, maintenance, livelihood; alms; fuel;
alimonia, alimoniae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance;
alimonium, alimoni(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance;
alio ADV [XXXBO]
elsewhere, another direction; to another place/subject/purpose/course of action;
alioqui ADV [XXXAO]
otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general;
alioquin ADV [XXXAO]
otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general;
aliorsum ADV [XXXCO]
to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense;
aliorsus ADV [XXXES]
to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense;
aliovorsum ADV [XXXDO]
to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense;
aliovorsus ADV [XXXES]
to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense;
alipes, (gen.), alipedis ADJ [XXXCO]
wing-footed; swift, moving with speed of flight, "flying";
without grease/fat, greaseless, fatless;
alipes, alipedis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
Mercury, the wing-footed god;
alipilus, alipili N (2nd) M [XXXES]
slave who plucked the hair from armpits of bathers;
alipta, aliptae N (1st) M [XXXES]
one who anoints; manager of school of wrestlers; master of wrestlers/the ring;
aliptes, aliptae N M [XXXES]
one who anoints; manager of school of wrestlers; master of wrestlers/the ring;
aliqua ADV [XXXCO]
somehow, in some way or another, by some means or other; to some extent;
aliquam ADV [XXXDO]
largely, to a large extent, a lot of; [~ multi/multum => fair number/amount];
aliquamdiu ADV [XXXCO]
for some time, for a considerable time/distance (travel), for a while;
aliquandiu ADV [XXXCO]
for some time, for a considerable time/distance (travel), for a while;
aliquando ADV [XXXAO]
sometime (or other), at any time, ever; finally; before too late; at length;
aliquantillum, aliquantilli N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
very small amount; very little indeed; a little bit;
aliquantisper ADV [XXXCO]
for some time, for a while;
aliquanto ADV [XXXCO]
somewhat, to/by some (considerable) extent/amount; considerably;
aliquantorsum ADV [DXXES]
somewhat toward (place);
aliquantulo ADV [XXXFS]
to a little/small amount/bit/extent; slightly, somewhat;
aliquantulum ADV [XXXED]
to a little/small amount/bit/extent; slightly, somewhat;
aliquantulum, aliquantuli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
little/small amount; a fair amount/good deal of; something; bit;
aliquantulus, aliquantula, aliquantulum ADJ [XXXCS]
little, small; a little/small amount/quantity/number/part/bit of;
aliquantum ADV [XXXCO]
to some extent, in some degree, somewhat, slightly, a little;
aliquantum, aliquanti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
certain/fair amount/number/degree; a considerable quantity; a part/bit;
aliquantus, aliquanta, aliquantum ADJ [XXXCO]
certain quantity/amount/number/size of; quite a quantity of; moderate;
aliquatenus ADV [XXXCO]
for a certain/restricted distance/time/degree/extent; while, up to a point;
aliqui ADV [XXXEO]
in some way/extent;
aliqui, aliqua, aliquod PRON [XXXAX]
any; some;
aliquid ADV [XXXCO]
to some degree/extent; somewhat;
aliquis, aliquis, aliquid PRON [XXXAX]
anyone, anybody, anything; someone, something; one or another;
aliquit ADV [XXXCO]
to some degree/extent; somewhat;
aliquo ADV [XXXCO]
to some place/person (or other); in some/any direction/quarter; some/anywhere;
aliquod, undeclined ADJ [XXXCO]
some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one;
aliquod, undeclined N N [XXXDO]
some/several/a few people; more than one; a number;
aliquodfariam ADV [XXXFO]
in several places;
aliquomodo ADV [FXXEE]
in some manner, somehow;
aliquot, undeclined ADJ [XXXCO]
some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one;
aliquot, undeclined N N [XXXDO]
some/several/a few people; more than one; a number;
aliquotfariam ADV [XXXEO]
in several places;
aliquotiens ADV [XXXCO]
number of times, several times;
aliquoties ADV [XXXCO]
number of times, several times;
aliquovorsum ADV [XXXFO]
in some direction/quarter;
alisalius, alisalia, alisaliud ADJ [EXXEW]
one another; [alisalios/in alisalio => against one another - Vulgate 4 Ezra];
alisma, alismatis N (3rd) N [XAXNS]
aquatic plant, water plantain (Alisma plantago);
aliter ADV [XXXAO]
otherwise, differently; in any other way [aliter ac => otherwise than];
alitudo, alitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
alitura, aliturae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
feeding, nourishing; nature, rearing;
aliturgicus, aliturgica, aliturgicum ADJ [EEXEE]
without liturgy;
alitus, alitus N (4th) M [DXXES]
nourishment, sustenance; support;
aliubei ADV [XXXCO]
in (an)other place/places; in one another; in some cases, sometimes;
aliubi ADV [EXXEZ]
elsewhere, in another place; in other respects , otherwise; in another matter;
alium, ali(i) N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
garlic, garlic plant;
aliunde ADV [XXXBO]
from another person/place, from elsewhere/a different source/cause/material;
alius CONJ [XXXCO]
the_one ... the_other (alius ... alius);
alius, alia, aliud ADJ [XXXAQ]
other, another; different, changed; [alii...alii => some...others]; (A+G);
aliusmodi ADV [XXXCN]
of another kind; in another way/different fashion; somehow else;
aliuta ADV [XXXEO]
in another way/manner, otherwise;
allabor, allabi, allapsus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
glide/move/flow/fall towards (w/DAT/ACC); creep up; steal into; fly (missiles);
allaboro, allaborare, allaboravi, allaboratus V (1st) [XXXEO]
make a special effort; take trouble to;
allacrimo, allacrimare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEL]
shed tears, cry, weep (at or as an accompaniment to something);
allambo, allambere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
lick (of flames); touch;
allapsus, allapsus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
gliding up; gliding/stealthy approach; flowing towards or near;
allatro, allatrare, allatravi, allatratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
bark at; rail at; rage, roar (sea);
allaudabilis, allaudabilis, allaudabile ADJ [XXXEO]
praiseworthy, commendable;
allaudo, allaudare, allaudavi, allaudatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
praise, commend;
allavo, allavare, allavavi, allavatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
flow up to (water), wash;
allec, allecis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
herrings; a fish sauce; pickle;
allectatio, allectationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
coaxing, enticing, encouragement, invitation;
allectator, allectatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who coaxes/entices/attracts/invites/encourages;
allecto, allectare, allectavi, allectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
entice, allure, encourage, invite;
allector, allectoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
official of a collegium (concerned with dues or admission);
allectura, allecturae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
office of collector of revenues (colligium allector);
allegatio, allegationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
allegation, charge; intercession; representation made on behalf of another;
allegatum, allegati N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
account; something pledged
allegatus, allegatus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
instigation, prompting;
allego, allegare, allegavi, allegatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
depute/send as agent, commission; put up, suborn; urge/plea, lay before; allege;
allego, allegere, allegi, allectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
choose, admit, elect, recruit, select, appoint;
allegoria, allegoriae N (1st) F [XGXEO]
allegorice ADV [DGXFS]
allegoricus, allegorica, allegoricum ADJ [DGXFS]
allegorizo, allegorizare, allegorizavi, allegorizatus V (1st) INTRANS [DGXES]
allegorize, speak in allegories;
Halleluia, cry of joy and praise to God; (praise ye Jehovah);
alleluiaticus, alleluiatica, alleluiaticum ADJ [FEXFE]
pertaining to the alleluia; (w/versus) verses containing "alleluia";
allenimentum, allenimenti N (2nd) N [DBXFS]
soothing remedy/relief;
allergia, allergiae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
allergicus, allergica, allergicum ADJ [GBXEK]
allevamentum, allevamenti N (2nd) N [XXXEL]
mitigation; relief, alleviation;
allevatio, allevationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising; elevation;
allevator, allevatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who lifts/raises up;
alleviatio, alleviationis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising; elevation;
allevio, alleviare, alleviavi, alleviatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
lighten, make light; deal lightly/leniently with; raise up, relieve;
allevo, allevare, allevavi, allevatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
lift/raise/heap/pile up, exalt; alleviate/diminish/weaken; comfort/console/cheer
smooth, smooth off, make smooth; polish; depilate;
allex, allecis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
herrings; a fish sauce; pickle;
alliatum, alliati N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
food composed of/seasoned with garlic;
allibentia, allibentiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
inclination (for);
allibesco, allibescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDO]
be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for);
allicefacio, allicefacere, allicefeci, allicefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
entice, allure; attract, lure, seduce;
allicefio, alliceferi, allicefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXEO]
be/become enticed/allured/lured; (allicefacio PASS);
allicio, allicere, allexi, allectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
draw gently to, entice, lure, induce (sleep), attract, win over, encourage;
allido, allidere, allisi, allisus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
dash/crush against, bruise; ruin, damage; shipwreck; (PASS) suffer damage;
alligamentum, alligamenti N (2nd) N [XXXES]
band, binding, tie;
alligatio, alligationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
tying or binding to supports; a bond; band;
alligator, alligatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who ties or binds (to a support);
alligatura, alligaturae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
band, binding; fastening;
alligatus, alligati N (2nd) M [DXXES]
slaves (pl.) who are fettered;
alligo, alligare, alligavi, alligatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
bind/fetter (to); bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in;
allino, allinere, allinevi, allinitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
smear/spread/dash over (W/DAT); spread out on; adhere to;
allisio, allisionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
dashing against; striking upon;
allium, alli(i) N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
garlic, garlic plant;
allium, allii N (2nd) N [FAXEK]
Allobrox, Allobrogis N (3rd) M [XXFES]
Allobroges (pl.); (tribe of Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War);
alloco, allocare, allocavi, allocatus V (1st) [FXXEM]
stow; hire; let;
allocutio, allocutionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
address (spoken/written), manner of address; consolation; harangue, exhortation;
allocutio, allocutionis N (3rd) F [EXXER]
satisfaction; comfort; (Vulgate);
allodium, allodii N (2nd) N [FLXEM]
freehold; heritable estate; allod/alod/alloidium/aloidium;;
allophylus, allophyla, allophylum ADJ [DXXFS]
foreign; of another race/stock;
alloquium, alloqui(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
address, addressing, talk; talking to, encouragement, friendly/reassuring words;
alloquor, alloqui, allocutus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
speak to (friendly); address, harangue, make a speech (to); call on; console;
allubentia, allubentiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
inclination (for);
allubesco, allubescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for);
alluceo, allucere, alluxi, - V (2nd) [XXXDO]
shine upon; light (torch); show/give (opportunity/chance); give/supply light;
allucinator, allucinatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
idle dreamer, silly fellow; one who is wandering in mind;
alluctor, alluctari, alluctatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
wrestle; wrestle with (w/DAT);
alludio, alludiare, alludiavi, alludiatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
play/frolic (with);
alludo, alludere, allusi, allusus V (3rd) [XXXCO]
frolic/play/sport around/with, play against; jest, make mocking allusion to;
alluo, alluere, allui, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
wash/flow past/near/against, lap; beset; bathe (pers.) (tears); deposit silt;
allus, alli N (2nd) M [XBXFO]
big toe;
allusio, allusionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
playing/frolicking/sporting with;
alluvies, alluviei N (5th) F [XXXCO]
silt, soil deposited by a river; floodland by a river; lapping of waves;
inundation, flood; overflow; superabundance;
alluvio, alluvionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
flood, overflow; addition made to land by deposition of slit; superabundance;
alluvius, alluvia, alluvium ADJ [XXXFS]
alluvial, from river overflow/deposit;
almarium, almarii N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
almitas, almitatis N (3rd) F [EEXCN]
nurture, kindness; bounty; title/epithet for a bishop;
almities, almitiei N (5th) F [DXXFS]
kind behavior;
almonium, almonii N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
nourishment, food;
almucia, almuciae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb);
almus, alma, almum ADJ [XXXCO]
nourishing, kind, propitious; of a nurse/breast, providing nurture, fostering;
almutium, almutii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
mozzetta; (short vestment with hood worn by Pope and others he designates);
alneus, alnea, alneum ADJ [XXXFO]
of alder-wood, alder;
alnus, alna, alnum ADJ [XXXEO]
of alder-wood, alder-;
alnus, alni N (2nd) F [XXXCO]
alder; (something usually made of alder wood) plank, bridge, boat, ship;
alo, alere, alui, alitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop;
alo, alere, alui, altus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop;
aloe, aloes N F [XXXEO]
aloe plant (Aloe vera); thickened aloe juice (as purgative); bitterness;
alogia, alogiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
folly, nonsense; irrational conduct/action; dumbness, muteness (L+S);
alogus, aloga, alogum ADJ [DXXFS]
irrational, nonsensical; that does not correspond (math); irregular (verse);
alopecia, alopeciae N (1st) F [XBXEO]
bald patch on head (from mange); fox mange (usu. pl.) (L+S);
alopecis, alopecidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
variety of vine;
alopecuros, alopecuri N F [XAXNO]
beard-grass, similar grass; fox-tail (L+S);
alopex, alopecis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
thresher shark (alopias vulpes); sea-fox (L+S);
alpha, undeclined N N [XXHEO]
alpha, 1st letter of Greek alphabet; A; first/foremost (group/class); beginning;
alphabeticus, alphabetica, alphabeticum ADJ [GGXEK]
alphabetum, alphabeti N (2nd) N [DXGES]
alphos, alphi N M [XBXFO]
skin disease (psoriasis gutlata?); white spot on the skin (L+S);
alphus, alphi N (2nd) M [XBXFS]
skin disease (psoriasis gutlata?); white spot on the skin (L+S);
Alpinus, Alpina, Alpinum ADJ [XXXCO]
Alpine; of the Alps;
Alpis, Alpis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
Alps (usually pl.), mountains to the north of Italy;
alsidena, alsidenae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
kind of onion;
alsine, alsines N F [XAXNO]
plant of the genus Partietaris, pellitory (used in medicine);
alsiosus, alsiosa, alsiosum ADJ [XXXEO]
liable to be injured by the cold;
alsiosus, alsiosi N (2nd) M [XBXFO]
people (pl.) liable to catch cold;
alsius, alsia, alsium ADJ [XXXFO]
liable to injury from cold; chilly/cool/cold (L+S);
alsulegia, alsulegiae N (1st) F [GDXEK]
alsus, alsa -um, alsior -or -us, alsissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
cool, chilly (of a place);
altanus, altani N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
south-south-west wind; land breeze;
altar, altaris N (3rd) N [DXXES]
altar, fittings for burnt offerings; burnt offerings; high altar;
altaragium, altaragii N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
altarage, stole fees, perquisites for baptism/marriage/etc.;
altare, altaris N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
altar (usu. pl.), fitting for burnt offerings; burnt offering; high altar;
altarista, altaristae N (1st) M [FEXEE]
assistant priest;
altarium, altarii N (2nd) N [EEXDW]
altar; high altar;
alte, altius, altissime ADV [XXXAO]
high, on high, from above, loftily; deep, deeply; far, remotely; profoundly;
alter CONJ [XXXCO]
the_one ... the_other (alter ... alter); otherwise;
alter, altera, alterum ADJ [XXXAO]
one (of two); second/another; former/latter; [unus et ~=> one or two/other];
second/further/next/other/latter/some person/thing (PRONominal ADJ); either;
alteramentum, alteramenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
alteration, change;
alteras ADV [XXXEO]
at another time; at one time ... at another;
alteratio, alterationis N (3rd) F [FXXDE]
alteration, change;
altercabilis, altercabilis, altercabile ADJ [DXXFS]
quarrelsome, contentious;
altercatio, altercationis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
contention, dispute, wrangle, altercation; debate, argument (law), repartee;
altercator, altercatoris N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
disputant, one who conducts exchanges with opponent in law-court;
alterco, altercare, altercavi, altercatus V (1st) [XLXCO]
argue/bicker/dispute/wrangle/quarrel; dispute in court; exchange conversation;
altercor, altercari, altercatus sum V (1st) DEP [XLXCO]
argue/bicker/dispute/wrangle/quarrel; dispute in court; exchange conversation;
alterculum, alterculi N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
henbane, plant of genus Hyoscyamus;
altercum, alterci N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
henbane, plant of genus Hyoscyamus;
alterinsecus ADV [XXXFO]
on the other side;
alterius ADV [FXXEE]
of one another;
alternatim ADV [XXXFO]
by turns, alternately;
alternatio, alternationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
alternation, alternate movement; alternative; ambivalence;
alternatus, alternata, alternatum ADJ [XXXDO]
alternate, succeeding each in turn; alternative;
alterne ADV [XXXFS]
by turns, alternately;
alternis ADV [XXXCO]
alternately; one after the other in turn, by turns; every other day/year;
alterno, alternare, alternavi, alternatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
do by turns, vary; alternate, waver, ebb and flow; bear/crop in alternate years;
alternus, alterna, alternum ADJ [XXXAO]
alternate, one after the/every other, by turns, successive; mutual; reciprocal;
alterorsus ADV [XXXFO]
in the other direction; on the other side;
alterplex, (gen.), alterplicis ADJ [DXXFS]
twofold, double; divided;
alteruter, alterutra, alterutrum ADJ [XXXCO]
one (of two), one or the other; either; both; (PRONominal ADJ)
alterutraque ADV [XXXFS]
on both sides, in both cases;
alterutrique ADV [XXXFS]
on both sides, in both cases;
alterutrum ADV [FXXEE]
one to another;
althaea, althaeae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
marshmallow (Athaea officinalis);
alticinctus, alticincta, alticinctum ADJ [XXXFL]
high-girded; active, busy;
alticomus, alticoma, alticomum ADJ [DAXFS]
having foliage high up/at the top (trees);
altifrons, (gen.), altifrontis ADJ [XXXIO]
having lofty forehead;
altijugus, altijuga, altijugum ADJ [DXXFS]
that has a lofty summit (mountain);
altilaneus, altilanea, altilaneum ADJ [XAXIO]
having long/thick wool;
altiliarius, altiliari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXIO]
keeper of fowls, poultry farmer/fattener;
altilis, altilis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
table bird, fattened bird/fowl;
altilis, altilis, altile ADJ [XAXCO]
fattened, fat, raised/fed up for eating; rich (dowry); well-fed, pampered;
altilium, altilii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
fatlings (pl.);
altipendulus, altipendula, altipendulum ADJ [XXXFO]
high-hanging, hanging high;
altipotens, (gen.), altipotentis ADJ [DXXES]
very mighty, of high/great power;
altisonus, altisona, altisonum ADJ [XXXDO]
of lofty sound, that sounds high up/in the heavens; sublime; high-sounding;
altispex, altispicis N (3rd) M [DXXES]
looking down from on high;
altistria, altistriae N (1st) F [GDXEK]
altithronus, altithroni N (2nd) M [FEXEN]
one enthroned on high; seated in heaven;
altitonans, (gen.), altitonantis ADJ [XXXEO]
thundering from on high; that which thunders high in the sky;
altitonus, altitona, altitonum ADJ [XXXFS]
of the fiery zone;
altitudo, altitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
height, altitude; depth; loftiness, profundity, noblemindedness, secrecy;
altiuscule ADV [XXXEO]
at fairly high level, rather high;
altiusculus, altiuscula, altiusculum ADJ [XXXFO]
rather higher than normal;
altivolans, (gen.), altivolantis ADJ [XXXEO]
high flying; soaring; flying high;
altivolus, altivola, altivolum ADJ [XXXNO]
high flying; soaring; flying high;
alto, altare, altavi, altatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
raise, make high, elevate;
altor, altoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
nourisher, sustainer; foster father, one who raises another's child;
altrimsecus ADV [XXXDO]
on the other side;
altrinsecus ADV [XXXDO]
on the other side;
altrix, altricis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
nourisher, sustainer; wet nurse, nurse; foster mother; motherland, homeland;
altrovorsum ADV [XXXFO]
on the other hand;
altruista, altruistae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
altum ADV [XXXCS]
deeply, deep; high, on high, from above;
altum, alti N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
the_deep, the_sea; deep water; a height/depth; remote/obscure period/source;
altus, alta -um, altior -or -us, altissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
high; deep/profound; shrill; lofty/noble; deep rooted; far-fetched; grown great;
altus, altus N (4th) M [DXXFS]
nourishing, support;
alucinatio, alucinationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
wandering in mind, idle dream, delusion; idle/aimless behavior (w/mentis);
alucinator, alucinatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
idle dreamer, silly fellow; one who is wandering in mind;
alucinogenus, alucinogena, alucinogenum ADJ [GBXEK]
alucinor, alucinari, alucinatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
wander in mind, talk idly/unreasonably, ramble, dream; wander;
alucita, alucitae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
alum, ali N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
species of comfrey plant; garlic;
alumen, aluminis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
alum; astringent substance (sulfates of aluminum), potash alum;
alumentarius, alumentari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
person whose maintenance is provided by (public/private) charity/alms;
alumentarius, alumentaria, alumentarium ADJ [XXXEO]
of maintenance by (public) charity, welfare; charity supported;
alumentum, alumenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
food, fuel; nourishment, provisions; sustenance, maintenance, livelihood, alms;
aluminatius, aluminati(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
dealer in alum;
aluminatus, aluminata, aluminatum ADJ [XXXNO]
containing alum;
aluminium, aluminii N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
aluminosum, aluminosi N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
aluminous strata (pl.) (containing alum);
aluminosus, aluminosa, aluminosum ADJ [XXXEO]
containing alum;
alumna, alumnae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
nursling, young animal/plant; foster-child, ward; native son; disciple, pupil;
alumnaticum, alumnatici N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
annual tax for maintenance of a seminary;
alumno, alumnare, alumnavi, alumnatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
nurture, nourish; rear (children), educate; train (animals);
alumnor, alumnari, alumnatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
nurture, nourish; rear (children), educate; train (animals);
alumnula, alumnulae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
little foster-daughter;
alumnulus, alumnuli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
little foster-son;
alumnus, alumna, alumnum ADJ [XXXCO]
nourished, brought up; reared/fostered by; native, brought up locally;
alumnus, alumni N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
nursling, young animal/plant; ward, protegee; native daughter; nurse, mother;
alumonia, alumoniae N (1st) F [XXXEW]
food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing;
alumonium, alumoni(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEW]
food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance;
alus, ali N (2nd) F [XAXNO]
species of comfrey plant; garlic;
aluta, alutae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
piece/kind of soft leather (prepared with alum); purse/pouch; shoe; beauty patch
alutacius, alutacia, alutacium ADJ [DXXES]
pertaining to soft leather;
alutarius, alutaria, alutarium ADJ [DXXFS]
made of soft leather;
alvarium, alvari(i) N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
beehive; apiary, bee-house;
alveare, alvearis N (3rd) N [XAXEO]
alvearium, alveari(i) N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
beehive; apiary;
alveatus, alveata, alveatum ADJ [XXXFO]
hollowed-out like a trough, trough-shaped;
alveolatus, alveolata, alveolatum ADJ [XXXFO]
hollowed-out like a trough, trough-shaped;
alveolus, alveoli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
basin, (serving) bowl, trough; tray (dim.); bath-tub; gameboard; channel, bed;
alveum, alvei N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
bath, bath-tub;
alveus, alvei N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
cavity, hollow; tub; trough, bowl, tray; gameboard; beehive; canoe;
hold (ship), ship, boat; channel, bed (river), trench;
alvus, alvi N (2nd) C [XBXAO]
belly/paunch/stomach; womb; bowel; bowel movement; hull (ship); beehive; cavity;
alypon, alypi N N [XAXNO]
turpeth (globularia alypum); (extract acts as active, gentle purgative);
alysson, alyssi N N [XAXNO]
kind of madder; (plant used for red dye, also medicine);
alytharcha, alytharchae N (1st) M [XEXFS]
magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions;
alytharches, alytharchae N M [XEXFS]
magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions;
alytharchia, alytharchiae N (1st) M [XEXFS]
office of magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions;
ama, amae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
bucket; water bucket; (esp. fireman's bucket);
amabilis, amabile, amabilior -or -us, amabilissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
worthy to be loved, lovable; amiable, pleasant; lovely, attractive, delightful;
amabilitas, amabilitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
attractiveness, lovableness;
amabiliter, amabilius, amabilissime ADV [XXXCO]
lovingly; pleasantly; in a loving/friendly manner;
Amalechita, Amalechitae N (1st) M [EXQFW]
Amalechite, one from the tribe of Amalech; (David slaughtered them - 2 Samuel);
amandatio, amandationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
dismissal, banishment, sending away; regulation;
amando, amandare, amandavi, amandatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
send away, dismiss, banish; regulate;
amans, amantis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
lover, sweetheart; mistress; one who is fond/affectionate;
amans, amantis (gen.), amantior -or -us, amantissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
loving/fond/affectionate; beloved/dear to; friendly/kind; having love/affection;
amanter, amantius, amantissime ADV [XXXDO]
lovingly, affectionately; with love/affection;
amanuensis, amanuensis N (3rd) C [XXXEO]
secretary, clerk;
amaracinum, amaracini N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
perfume/ointment of marjoram;
amaracinus, amaracina, amaracinum ADJ [XAXNO]
made with/of marjoram;
amaracum, amaraci N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
marjoram; feverfew (pyrethrum parthenium);
amaracus, amaraci N (2nd) C [XAXCO]
marjoram; feverfew (pyrethrum parthenium);
amarantus, amaranti N (2nd) M [XAXDO]
amaranth (imaginary flower said never to fade)/(ornamental w/colored leaves);
amare, amarius, amarissime ADV [XXXDO]
with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly;
amaresco, amarescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
become bitter;
amarico, amaricare, amaricavi, amaricatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
make bitter; excite, irritate;
amaricor, amaricari, amaricatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXEE]
grow bitter;
amaritas, amaritatis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
bitterness (of taste), harshness;
amariter ADV [XXXFS]
with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly;
amarities, amaritiei N (5th) F [XXXFO]
bitterness (of experience), harshness;
amaritudo, amaritudinis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
bitterness (taste/feelings/mind); sharpness, tang, pungency; harshness (sound);
amaror, amaroris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
bitter taste; bitterness;
amarulentia, amarulentiae N (1st) F [GXXET]
bitterness; (Erasmus);
amarulentus, amarulenta, amarulentum ADJ [XXXFO]
having sour disposition; acrimonious; very bitter, full of bitterness (L+S);
amarum ADV [XXXFS]
with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly;
amarum, amari N (2nd) N [XXXEC]
bitterness; unpleasantness; (often pl.);
amarus, amara -um, amarior -or -us, amarissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
bitter, brackish, pungent; harsh, shrill; sad, calamitous; ill-natured, caustic;
amasco, amascere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
begin to love;
amasia, amasiae N (1st) F [FEXFZ]
female lover; (JFW guess from amasius = lover);
amasio, amasionis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
amasiuncula, amasiunculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
loved one, darling, sweetheart; fond lover;
amasiunculus, amasiunculi N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
lover, paramour; fond lover;
amasius, amasii N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
amata, amatae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
loved one, beloved (woman);
amatio, amationis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
love, caressing, fondling; (romantic) intrigue;
amator, amatoris N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
lover; friend, devotee; enthusiastic admirer/pursuer; one fond of women;
amateur, dilettante;
amatorculus, amatorculi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
little lover; sorry lover (L+S);
amatorie ADV [XXXEO]
in a loving manner;
amatorium, amatori(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
love potion/charm/philter; anything which stimulates sexual passion;
amatorius, amatoria, amatorium ADJ [XXXCO]
of love or lovers, amatory; inducing love (potions); amorous, procuring love;
amatrix, (gen.), amatricis ADJ [XXXDO]
amorous; (applied to things);
amatrix, amatricis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
sweetheart, mistress; hussy; woman who loves (in sexual sense);
amaturio, amaturire, amaturivi, amaturitus V (4th) TRANS [DXXFS]
wish to love;
amatus, amata, amatum ADJ [XXXEO]
loved, beloved;
amaxites, amaxitae N M [XXXFO]
waggoner, carter, teamster;
Amazon, Amazonis N (3rd) F [XYXCO]
Amazon, member of race of legendary female warriors; woman as man's antagonist;
both; two of pair; two considered together, both parties; each of two;
ambactus, ambacti N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
vassal, dependent; retainer, servant;
ambadedo, ambadedere, ambadedi, ambadesus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXES]
eat/gnaw around; eat up entirely;
ambadedo, ambadesse, -, - V TRANS [XXXES]
eat/gnaw around; eat up entirely;
ambages, ambagis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
circuit; roundabout way; long story, details; riddle; ambiguity; lie; mystery;
ambagiosus, ambagiosa, ambagiosum ADJ [XXXFO]
circuitous, indirect, roundabout;
ambago, ambaginis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
confusion, uncertainty, obscurity;
ambarvalis, ambarvalis, ambarvale ADJ [XXXFO]
concerned with circumambulation of fields (e.g., ceremony of Ambarvallia);
ambecisus, ambecisus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
incision on both sides;
ambedo, ambedere, ambedi, ambesus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
eat/gnaw around the edge; erode (water); waste; eat, consume, devour; char;
ambedo, ambesse, -, - V TRANS [XXXCO]
eat/gnaw around the edge; erode (water); waste; eat, consume, devour; char;
ambestrix, ambestricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
gluttonous woman; female consumer/waster (L+S);
ambidens, ambidentis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
sheep which has both upper and lower teeth;
ambienter ADV [DXXFS]
eagerly, with zeal;
ambifariam ADV [XGXEO]
in a way placing opponent in dilemma/proving his arguments self-contradictory;
ambifarie ADV [DGXFS]
ambiguously; on two sides; in two ways;
ambifarius, ambifaria, ambifarium ADJ [DGXES]
ambiguous, of double meaning, that has two meanings; that has two sides;
ambiga, ambigae N (1st) F [DXXES]
cap of a still;
ambigo, ambigere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXBO]
hesitate, be in doubt; argue, dispute, contend; call in question; be at issue;
ambigue ADV [XXXCO]
ambiguously, equivocally; with uncertain meaning/outcome; unreliably;
ambiguitas, ambiguitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
ambiguity of meaning; an equivocal expression, ambiguity;
ambiguum, ambigui N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
varying/doubtful/uncertain state/condition/expression; ambiguity;
ambiguus, ambigua, ambiguum ADJ [XXXAO]
changeable, doubtful, ambiguous, wavering, fickle; treacherous, unethical;
ambio, ambire, ambivi, ambitus V (4th) [XXXAO]
go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace;
Ambiorix, Ambiorigis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
Ambiorix, a chief of the Eburones, a tribe of Gaul, central Normandy - Caesar;
ambitio, ambitionis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
ambition; desire for/currying favor/popularity, flattery; vote canvassing; pomp;
ambitiose, ambitiosius, ambitiosissime ADV [XXXCO]
ingratiatingly, earnestly; ambitiously, presumptuously; ostentatiously;
ambitiosus, ambitiosa -um, ambitiosior -or -us, ambitiosissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
ambitious, eager to please/for advancement/favor; showy; winding, twisting;
ambitor, ambitoris N (3rd) M [DLXES]
ambitudo, ambitudinis N (3rd) F [DLXES]
period of revolution;
ambitus, ambitus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
circuit, edge, extent; orbit, cycle; canvass, bribery; circumlocution; show;
ambivalentia, ambivalentiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
ambivium, ambivi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
road junction, meeting of two roads;
ambligonius, ambligonia, ambligonium ADJ [XSXFO]
amblygonius, amblygonia, amblygonium ADJ [XSXFO]
ambolagium, ambolagii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb);
ambon, ambonis N (3rd) M [FEXEE]
ambro, ambronis N (3rd) M [FXXFY]
glutton; spendthrift;
ambroscus, ambrosca, ambroscum ADJ [XYXCO]
immortal, divine, of things belonging to the gods; ambrosial;
ambrosia, ambrosiae N (1st) F [XYXCO]
food of the gods, ambrosia; fabulous healing plant/juice; antidote (to poison);
ambrosiacus, ambrosiaca, ambrosiacum ADJ [XYXFS]
ambrosialis, ambrosialis, ambrosiale ADJ [XYXIO]
ambrosial (?); connected with Ambrussum in Gallia Narbonensis (?);
ambrosius, ambrosia, ambrosium ADJ [XYXCO]
immortal, divine, of things belonging to the gods; ambrosial;
ambubaia, ambubaiae N (1st) F [XXQEO]
Syrian singing-girl and courtesan;
ambubaia, ambubaiae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
wild endive; chicory;
ambubeia, ambubeiae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
wild endive; chicory;
ambufariam ADV [XGXFO]
in a way placing opponent in dilemma/proving his arguments self-contradictory;
ambulacrum, ambulacri N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
promenade, walk; place for walking; lounge;
ambulatilis, ambulatilis, ambulatile ADJ [XXXFO]
moving, walking about; movable;
ambulatio, ambulationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
walking about, stroll; place for promenading, covered/uncovered walk, portico;
ambulatiuncula, ambulatiunculae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
short/little walk/stroll; small place for walking, little portico;
ambulativum, ambulativi N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
procession (pl.);
ambulator, ambulatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who walks about (idly/for pleasure); itinerant trader, peddler;
ambulatorius, ambulatoria, ambulatorium ADJ [XXXCO]
movable, which can be moved; transferable; liable to change; for/while walking;
ambulatrix, (gen.), ambulatricis ADJ [XXXFO]
movable, which can be moved; transferable; liable to change;
ambulatura, ambulaturae N (1st) F [DAXES]
walking, pace, step, amble (of horses);
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXBO]
walk, take a walk, go on foot; travel, march; go about, gad; parade, strut;
ambultus, ambultus N (4th) M [DXXFS]
walking (act of);
amburbale, amburbalis N (3rd) N [XXIFS]
annual expiatory procession around Rome (with sacrificial victims - hostiae);
Amburbium, Amburbi(i) N (2nd) N [CEIFO]
Amburbia festival, annual expiatory procession round Rome;
amburbium, amburbi(i) N (2nd) N [XXIFO]
annual expiatory procession around Rome (with sacrificial victims - hostiae);
amburo, amburere, ambussi, ambustus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
burn around, scorch, char, scald; fire harden; burn up, cremate; frost-bite/nip;
ambustio, ambustionis N (3rd) F [XBXES]
burn; fire, conflagration;
ambustulatus, ambustulata, ambustulatum ADJ [XXXFO]
scorched around, burned around the edges; half roasted;
ambustum, ambusti N (2nd) N [XBXES]
amellus, amelli N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
kind of aster; (purple) Italian starwort (Aster amellus);
amen ADV [DEXBS]
amen; (from Hebrew); truly/verily/so be it; true/faithful; truth/faithfulness;
amendator, amendatoris N (3rd) M [XLXFO]
one who suborns accusers;
amens, amentis (gen.), amentior -or -us, amentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
insane, demented, out of one's mind; very excited, frantic, distracted; foolish;
amentia, amentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
madness; extreme folly, infatuation, stupidity; frenzy, violent excitement;
amentius ADV [XXXFO]
more madly/wildly;
amento, amentare, amentavi, amentatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
fit with a throwing strap; give impetus with a throwing strap; speed on;
amentum, amenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
throwing-strap, thong/loop attached to spear for throwing; (shoe) thong/strap;
amercio, amerciare, amerciavi, amerciatus V (1st) [FLXEM]
fine, penalize;
America, Americae N (1st) F [HXXFE]
Americanus, Americana, Americanum ADJ [HXXEZ]
amerimnon, amerimni N N [XAXNO]
ames, amitis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
pole/fork for supporting/spreading birdnets; fence rail, cross bar;
amethystinatus, amethystinata, amethystinatum ADJ [XXXFO]
wearing a dress the color of amethyst (violet-blue)/adorned with amethysts;
amethystinus, amethystina, amethystinum ADJ [XXXDO]
of the color of amethyst (violet-blue); set/adorned with amethysts;
amethystizon, (gen.), amethystizontos ADJ [XXXNO]
resembling the color of the amethyst (violet-blue);
amethystus, amethysta, amethystum ADJ [XXXEO]
amethyst (color = violet-blue); ornamented/set with amethysts (gems);
amethystus, amethysti N (2nd) F [XXXCO]
amethyst, violet-blue precious stone; vine yielding non-intoxicating wine?;
ametor, (gen.), ametoris ADJ [DXXFS]
amfitapa, amfitapae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
rug with pile on both sides;
amflexus, amflexa, amflexum ADJ [XXXFS]
curved around, bent double;
amfractus, amfractus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
bend, curvature; circuit, (annual) round, orbit; spiral, coil; circumlocution;
ami, undeclined N N [XAXEO]
ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant;
amia, amiae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
small tunny, bonito;
amiantus, amianti N (2nd) M [XXXNO]
mineral having properties similar to asbestos, chysolite?;
amias, amiae N M [XAXFO]
small tunny, bonito;
amica, amicae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
female friend; girl friend, sweetheart; patron; mistress, concubine; courtesan;
amicabilis, amicabilis, amicabile ADJ [DXXFS]
friendly, amicable;
amicabiliter ADV [DXXFS]
in a friendly/amicable manner;
amicalis, amicalis, amicale ADJ [XXXEO]
friendly; cult-title of Jupiter (of friendship);
amicarius, amicari(i) N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
procurer; one that procures a mistress/woman;
amice, amicius, amicissime ADV [XXXCO]
in a friendly manner/spirit; with goodwill;
amicicia, amiciciae N (1st) F [FXXEO]
friendship, bond between friends; alliance, association; friendly relations;
amicimen, amiciminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
clothing, garment;
amicinum, amicini N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
neck of a winesack;
amicio, amicire, amicui, amictus V (4th) TRANS [XXXBO]
clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words;
amicio, amicire, amixi, amictus V (4th) TRANS [XXXBO]
clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words;
amiciter ADV [BXXEO]
in a friendly manner; kindly, amicably;
amicitia, amicitiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
friendship, bond between friends; alliance, association; friendly relations;
amicities, amicitiei N (5th) F [XXXFO]
amico, amicare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
propitiate, make friendly to oneself;
amicosus, amicosa, amicosum ADJ [DXXFS]
rich/abounding in friends;
amictorium, amictorii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
scarf, wrap;
amictorius, amictoria, amictorium ADJ [XXXES]
suitable for throwing about one (wrap, scarf);
amictus, amictus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
cloak, mantle; outer garment; clothing, garb; fashion; manner of dress; drapery;
amicula, amiculae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
mistress, lady friend, girl friend;
amiculum, amiculi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
cloak; mantle, outer garment; coat; clothing (pl.), dress;
amiculus, amiculi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
little friend (familiar or depreciatory), dear friend, humble friend;
amicus, amica -um, amicior -or -us, amicissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
friendly, dear, fond of; supporting (political), loyal, devoted; loving;
amicus, amici N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
friend, ally, disciple; loved one; patron; counselor/courtier (to a prince);
amigro, amigrare, amigravi, amigratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
go away, remove;
amilum, amili N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
fine meal, starch, gruel;
Aminaeus, Aminaea, Aminaeum ADJ [XAXCO]
Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
Amineus, Aminea, Amineum ADJ [XAXCO]
Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
Aminneus, Aminnea, Aminneum ADJ [XAXCO]
Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
Aminnius, Aminnia, Aminnium ADJ [XAXCO]
Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
amissibilis, amissibilis, amissibile ADJ [DEXES]
that may be lost (eccl.);
amissio, amissionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
loss (possessions/faculty/quality/persons/town/military force), deprivation;
amissus, amissus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
loss; fact of losing;
amita, amitae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
paternal aunt, father's sister; [~ magna/maior/maxima=>great/g-g/g-g-g-aunt];
amitina, amitinae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
female first cousin, daughter of father's sister or mother's brother;
amitinus, amitina, amitinum ADJ [XXXES]
descended from a father's sister (or mother's brother?);
amitinus, amitini N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
male first cousin, son of father's sister or mother's brother;
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
lose; lose by death; send away, dismiss; part with; let go/slip/fall, drop;
amium, amii N (2nd) N [XAXES]
ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant;
Ammanites, Ammanitae N M [EXQEW]
Ammonite, inhabitant of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea);
Ammanitis, (gen.), Ammanitidis ADJ [EXQEW]
Ammonite, of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea);
Ammanitis, Ammanitidos/is N F [EXQEW]
Ammonite woman, inhabitant of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea);
ammaturo, ammaturare, ammaturavi, ammaturatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
hasten (an occurrence); bring to maturity, mature, ripen;
ammento, ammentare, ammentavi, ammentatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
fit with a throwing strap; give impetus with a throwing strap; speed on;
ammentum, ammenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
throwing-strap, thong/loop attached to spear for throwing; (shoe) thong/strap;
ammeo, ammeare, ammeavi, ammeatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
go to, approach;
ammetior, ammetiri, ammensus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXCO]
measure out (to);
ammi, undeclined N N [XAXEO]
ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant;
ammigro, ammigrare, ammigravi, ammigratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
go and live with; go to a place; come to; be added to;
Ammineus, Amminea, Ammineum ADJ [XAXCO]
Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
amminiculabundus, amminiculabunda, amminiculabundum ADJ [XXXES]
self-supporting, supporting one's self;
amminiculator, amminiculatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
assistant, supporter; one who supports;
amminiculatus, amminiculata -um, amminiculatior -or -us, amminiculatissimus -a -u ADJ [XXXFO]
well stocked; supported; well furnished/provided;
amminiculo, amminiculare, amminiculavi, amminiculatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXCO]
prop (up), support (with props); support with authority; applied to adverb;
amminiculor, amminiculari, amminiculatus sum V (1st) DEP [XAXFS]
prop (up), support (with props) (vines);
amminiculum, amminiculi N (2nd) N [XAXBO]
prop (vines), pole, stake; support, stay, bulwark; means, aid, tool; auxiliary;
amminister, amministri N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
assistant, helper, supporter; one at hand to help, attendant; priest, minister;
amministra, amministrae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
assistant (female), helper, supporter, servant; handmaiden, attendant;
amministratio, amministrationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
administration; assistance; execution, operation, management, care of affairs;
amministrativus, amministrativa, amministrativum ADJ [XXXFO]
practical; suitable for the administration of;
amministrator, amministratoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
director, manager; one who is in charge of an operation;
amministratorius, amministratoria, amministratorium ADJ [DXXES]
performing the duties of an assistant/helper; serving, ministering;
amministro, amministrare, amministravi, amministratus V (1st) [XXXBO]
administer, manage, direct; assist; operate, conduct; maneuver (ship); bestow;
ammirabilis, ammirabilis, ammirabile ADJ [XXXCO]
admirable, wonderful; strange, astonishing, remarkable; paradoxical, contrary;
ammirabilitas, ammirabilitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
wonderful character, remarkableness; admiration, wonder;
ammirabiliter ADV [XXXEO]
admirably, astonishingly, in a wonderful/wondrous manner; paradoxically;
ammirandus, ammiranda, ammirandum ADJ [XXXCO]
wonderful, admirable; astonishing, remarkable, extraordinary;
ammiranter ADV [EXXCV]
admiringly, with admiration;
ammiratio, ammirationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel;
ammirator, ammiratoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
admirer; one who venerates;
ammiror, ammirari, ammiratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished;
ammisceo, ammiscere, ammiscui, ammixtus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXBO]
mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up;
ammissarius, ammissaria, ammissarium ADJ [XAXEO]
kept for breeding (male animals), on stud;
ammissarius, ammissarii N (2nd) M [XAXDO]
stallion/he-ass, stud; sodomite;
ammissio, ammissionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
getting in, audience, interview; application (medical); mating (animals);
ammissionalis, ammissionalis N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who introduces/announces at audience; privy chamber usher; seneschal;
ammissivus, ammissiva, ammissivum ADJ [XEXFS]
permitting/favorable (birds of omen approving of action in question);
ammissor, ammissoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
perpetrator; one who allows himself to do a thing;
ammissum, ammissi N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
crime, offense;
ammissura, ammissurae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
breeding, generation; copulation/mating of domestic animals, service;
ammissus, ammissus N (4th) M [DXXES]
admission, letting in;
ammistio, ammistionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
mixture, admixture, mingling;
ammistus, ammistus N (4th) M [DXXES]
mixture, admixture, mingling;
ammitto, ammittere, ammisi, ammissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
urge on, put to a gallop; let in, admit, receive; grant, permit, let go;
ammium, ammii N (2nd) N [XAXES]
ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant;
ammixtio, ammixtionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
mixture, admixture, mingling;
ammixtus, ammixta, ammixtum ADJ [XXXES]
mixed; contaminated; not simple; confused;
ammixtus, ammixtus N (4th) M [DXXES]
mixture, admixture, mingling;
ammochrysus, ammochrysi N (2nd) M [XXXNS]
precious stone (golden mica?);
ammoderate ADV [XXXFO]
comfortably; suitably;
ammoderor, ammoderari, - V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
control (w/DAT); keep within limits; moderate;
ammodo ADV [EXXEB]
henceforth, from this time forward; from now (on); in the future;
ammodulor, ammodulari, ammodulatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
harmonize/accord with;
ammodum ADV [XXXBO]
very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely;
ammodytes, ammodytae N M [XAAES]
kind of serpent in Africa;
ammoenio, ammoenire, ammoenivi, ammoenitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
bring (siege engine) into operation, draw near the walls; besiege, invest;
ammolior, ammoliri, ammolitus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXDO]
struggle, exert oneself (to); put one's hand on object/task; lay violent hands;
ammonefacio, ammonefacere, ammonefeci, ammonefactus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
admonish; warn; urge; call to duty;
ammonefio, ammoneferi, ammonefactus sum V SEMIDEP [DXXFS]
be admonished/warned/urged; be called to duty; (admonefacio PASS);
ammoneo, ammonere, ammonui, ammonitus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution;
ammoniacum, ammoniaci N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
ammoniacus, ammoniaca, ammoniacum ADJ [FSXEM]
ammoniac; (sal ammoniac is ammonium chloride);
ammoniacus, ammoniaca, ammoniacum ADJ [XXXFZ]
of Ammon (Egyptian god) (Collins);
ammonitio, ammonitionis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
act of reminding; reminder, recurring symptom; warning, advice; rebuke;
ammonitor, ammonitoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
admonisher; exhorter; one who reminds;
ammonitorium, ammonitorii N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
ammonitrix, ammonitricis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
monitor (female); she that admonishers/reminds;
ammonitrum, ammonitri N (2nd) N [XXENS]
natron (sesquicarbonate of soda) mingled with sand;
ammonitum, ammoniti N (2nd) N [XXXEL]
warning; reminder; reminding; advice; admonition (L+S);
ammonitus, ammonitus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
advice, recommendation; admonition/warning; command (animal); reminder; reproof;
ammordeo, ammordere, ammordi, ammorsus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXDO]
bite at/into, gnaw; extract money from; fleece; get possession of his property;
ammorsus, ammorsa, ammorsum ADJ [XXXEL]
bitten, gnawed;
ammorsus, ammorsus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
bite, biting, gnawing;
ammotio, ammotionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
act of moving towards/on to; application;
ammoveo, ammovere, ammovi, ammotus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
move up, bring up/near; lean on, conduct; draw near, approach; apply, add;
ammugio, ammugire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XAXFO]
low (to); bellow (to); (like a bull);
ammulco, ammulcare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
ammurmuratio, ammurmurationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
murmur of comment; murmuring;
ammurmuro, ammurmurare, ammurmuravi, ammurmuratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXDO]
murmur in protest or approval; murmur at;
ammurmuror, ammurmurari, ammurmuratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFS]
murmur in protest or approval; murmur at;
ammutilo, ammutilare, ammutilavi, ammutilatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
cut/clip close; shave; fleece, cheat, defraud;
amnacum, amnaci N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
herbaceous plant, pellitory;
amnensis, amnensis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
river town; towns (pl.) situated near a river;
amnesis, amnesis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
river town; towns (pl.) situated near a river;
amnestia, amnestiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
amnesty, general pardon;
amnicolus, amnicola, amnicolum ADJ [XXXFO]
growing beside a river (-a, -ae for M/F); dwelling beside a river (L+S);
amniculus, amniculi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
small brook, rivulet;
amnicus, amnica, amnicum ADJ [XXXEO]
of/connected with a river, situated in a river;
amnigenus, amnigena, amnigenum ADJ [XXXFO]
that is the son/descendent of a river (-a, -ae for M/F);
amnis, amnis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
river (real/personified), stream; current; (running) water; the river Ocean;
amo, amare, additional, forms V [BXXEO]
love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to;
amo, amare, amavi, amatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to;
amodo ADV [DXXES]
henceforth, from this time forward; from now (on); in the future;
amoebaeus, amoebaea, amoebaeum ADJ [DXXES]
alternate; [amoebaeum carmen => responsive song];
amoene, amoenius, amoenissime ADV [XXXDO]
in a pleasant/attractive manner, agreeably;
amoenitas, amoenitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
pleasantness, attractiveness, attraction, charm; delight, comfort, luxury;
amoeniter ADV [XXXFO]
delightfully, in an agreeable manner;
amoeno, amoenare, amoenavi, amoenatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
make pleasant (places); please, delight;
amoenum, amoeni N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
pleasant places (pl.);
amoenus, amoena -um, amoenior -or -us, amoenissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
beautiful, attractive, pleasant, agreeable, enjoyable, charming, lovely;
amoletum, amoleti N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
amulet/charm (to avert evil); act which averts evil; power to avert evil;
amolior, amoliri, amolitus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXBO]
remove, clear away; get rid of, dispose of, remove, obliterate; avert, refute;
amolitio, amolitionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
removal (physical); removal (by death);
amomis, amomidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant resembling amomum (eastern spice plant) but inferior in fragrance;
amomon, amomi N N [XAQCO]
amonum, eastern spice-plant; spice from the plant; unguent/balm with this spice;
amomum, amomi N (2nd) N [XAQCO]
amonum, eastern spice-plant; spice from the plant; unguent/balm with this spice;
amor, amoris N (3rd) M [XXXAO]
love; affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion;
amorabundus, amorabunda, amorabundum ADJ [XXXFO]
loving, amorous;
amorifer, amorifera, amoriferum ADJ [DXXFS]
producing/causing/awakening love;
amorificus, amorifica, amorificum ADJ [DXXFS]
producing/causing/awakening love;
amortizatio, amortizationis N (3rd) F [HLXFE]
amortization; liquidation of a debt;
amos, amoris N (3rd) M [BPXDS]
love, affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion;
amothystinatus, amothystinata, amothystinatum ADJ [XXXFS]
that wears a dress the color of amethyst;
amotibilis, amotibilis, amotibile ADJ [FXXFM]
amotio, amotionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
removal; deprivation; process of removing;
amoveo, amovere, amovi, amotus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
move/take/put away, remove, steal; banish, cause to go away; withdraw, retire;
amovibilis, amovibilis, amovibile ADJ [GXXFE]
removable; movable;
amovibilitas, amovibilitatis N (3rd) F [GXXFE]
ampelinus, ampelina, ampelinum ADJ [XAXFO]
vine-colored/covered; made of vines;
ampelitis, ampelitidis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
vineyard, vineland; pitch/asphalt (used to preserve vines from insects);
ampelodesmos, ampelodesmi N M [XAXNO]
plant used to tie up vines, esparto/Spanish grass;
ampeloeuce, ampeloeuces N F [XAXNS]
bryony (white vine) (Bryonia alba);
ampeloprason, ampeloprasi N N [XAXNO]
species of wild leek, vine-leek? field-garlic?;
ampelos, ampeli N F [XAXNO]
ampendix, ampendicis N (3rd) M [BXXFS]
appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit;
amperium, amperii N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
amphemerinos, amphemerinos, amphemerinon ADJ [XXXNO]
recurring every day, daily, quotidian, pertaining to everyday;
amphibalus, amphibali N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
chasuble; (sleeveless mantle worn over alb and stole by priest at Mass);
amphibius, amphibia, amphibium ADJ [XXXFO]
amphibolia, amphiboliae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
ambiguity; double meaning;
amphibologia, amphibologiae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
ambiguity; double meaning;
amphibolus, amphibola, amphibolum ADJ [DXXFS]
amphibrachus, amphibrachi N (2nd) M [DPXFS]
poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach;
amphibrachysos, amphibrachi N M [XPXFS]
poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach;
amphibrevis, amphibrevis N (3rd) M [DPXFS]
poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach;
amphicomos, amphicomi N M [XXXNO]
precious stone;
amphidane, amphidanes N F [XXXNO]
precious stone also called chrysocolla (magnetic pyrite? L+S);
amphimacros, amphimacri N M [XPXEO]
metrical foot, a short syllable between two long ones, amphimacer, cretic;
amphimacrus, amphimacri N (2nd) M [XPXES]
metrical foot, a short syllable between two long ones, amphimacer, cretic;
amphimallium, amphimallii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
cloak that is woolly inside and out;
amphimallum, amphimalli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
cloak that is woolly inside and out;
amphiprostylos, amphiprostyli N F [XTXFO]
temple having portico/pillars front and rear but not sides, amphiprostyle;
amphisbaena, amphisbaenae N (1st) F [XXAEO]
species of Libyan serpent supposed to have a head at both ends, amphisbaena;
amphisporum, amphispori N (2nd) N [XAXIO]
boundary land the right to sow which is in dispute between two peoples;
amphistomus, amphistoma, amphistomum ADJ [XXXFO]
having double mouth/entrance;
amphitane, amphitanes N F [XXXNS]
precious stone also called chrysocolla (magnetic pyrite? L+S);
amphitapos, amphitapi N M [XXXEO]
rug with pile on both sides;
amphithalamos, amphithalami N M [XXHFO]
bedroom on north of Greek house opposite the thalamus (inner/marriage chamber);
amphitheatralis, amphitheatralis, amphitheatrale ADJ [XXXEO]
of/in the amphitheater; worthy of the amphitheater;
amphitheatricus, amphitheatrica, amphitheatricum ADJ [XXXEO]
made near the amphitheater; cheap, of little value (L+S);
amphitheatriticus, amphitheatritica, amphitheatriticum ADJ [XXXNO]
made near the amphitheater; cheap, of little value (L+S);
amphitheatrum, amphitheatri N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
amphitheater, double (oval/circular) theater having stage/arena in center;
amphora, amphorae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
amphora, pitcher, two handled earthenware jar; a capacity of ~30 liters;
amphoralis, amphoralis, amphorale ADJ [XXXNO]
that has a capacity of one amphora, six-gallon;
amphorarius, amphoraria, amphorarium ADJ [XXXFO]
contained/stored in amphora/jars;
ampla, amplae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
ample, amplius, amplissime ADV [XXXCO]
in liberal manner/complimentary terms/dignified style, handsomely, impressively;
amplector, amplecti, amplexus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXAO]
surround, encircle, embrace, clasp; esteem; cherish; surround, include, grasp;
amplexo, amplexare, amplexavi, amplexatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
take and hold in arms, embrace, clasp; welcome, accept gladly; cling/attach to;
amplexor, amplexari, amplexatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
take and hold in arms, embrace, clasp; welcome, accept gladly; cling/attach to;
amplexus, amplexus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
clasp, embrace, surrounding; sexual embrace; coil (snake); circumference;
ampliatio, ampliationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
enlargement, augmentation; deferral/reserve of judgment, trial postponement;
ampliator, ampliatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who increases the number (of something), augmenter;
amplificatio, amplificationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
enlargement, amplification, augmentation, increasing, making greater;
amplificator, amplificatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
enlarger, amplifier, augmenter, increaser, extender, developer;
amplificatrum, amplificatri N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
amplifice ADV [XXXFO]
magnificently, splendidly;
amplifico, amplificare, amplificavi, amplificatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
enlarge, extend, increase; develop; magnify, amplify; praise loudly, exalt;
amplificus, amplifica, amplificum ADJ [XXXFO]
magnificent, splendid;
amplio, ampliare, ampliavi, ampliatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
enlarge, augment, intensify, widen; ennoble, glorify; postpone, adjourn;
ampliter ADV [XXXCO]
in liberal manner, generously, handsomely; amply, fully, very; deeply, far;
amplitudo, amplitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
greatness; extent, breadth, width, bulk; importance; fullness (of expression);
amplius ADV [XXXAO]
greater number (than); further, more, beyond, besides; more than (w/numerals);
amplius, undeclined ADJ [XXXCL]
greater (w/indef. subject, eg., number than), further/more, longer;
amplius, undeclined N N [XXXCO]
greater amount/number/distance, more, any more/further; "judgment reserved";
ampliuscule ADV [XXXFO]
rather more (freely/deeply);
ampliusculus, ampliuscula, ampliusculum ADJ [XXXFO]
fairly large, considerable;
amplo, amplare, amplavi, amplatus V (1st) TRANS [BXXFS]
enlarge, extend, increase; develop; magnify, amplify; praise, exalt, glorify;
amploctor, amplocti, amploxus sum V (3rd) DEP [BXXAS]
surround, encircle, embrace, clasp; esteem; cherish; surround, include, grasp;
amplus, ampla -um, amplior -or -us, amplissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
great, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable;
ampola, ampolae N (1st) F [FEXEE]
ampollata, ampollatae N (1st) F [FEXEE]
amptruo, amptruare, amptruavi, amptruatus V (1st) INTRANS [XEXEO]
execute a figure/movement (by leader of ceremonial dance);
ampulla, ampullae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
bottle, jar, flask for holding liquids; inflated expressions, bombast;
ampullaceus, ampullacea, ampullaceum ADJ [XXXEO]
of/used for an ampulla/jar/bottle; shaped like an ampulla, big-bellied;
ampullarius, ampullari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
dealer/maker of flasks/bottles/jars/ampulla;
ampullor, ampullari, ampullatus sum V (1st) DEP [XGXFO]
use bombast, make use of a bombastic form of discourse;
amputatio, amputationis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
pruning, lopping off; amputation; twigs removed by pruning, cuttings;
amputo, amputare, amputavi, amputatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
lop/cut off, prune, shorten; amputate; eradicate, exclude, take away; castrate;
amtruo, amtruare, amtruavi, amtruatus V (1st) INTRANS [XEXFS]
dance around (at Salian religious festivals);
amula, amulae N (1st) F [EXXDW]
basin; small/shallow bucket/vessel;
amuletum, amuleti N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
amulet/charm (to avert evil); act which averts evil; power to avert evil;
amulum, amuli N (2nd) N [BXXDS]
fine meal, starch, gruel;
amurca, amurcae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
watery fluid contained in the olive in addition to oil (vs. solid residue);
amurcarius, amurcaria, amurcarium ADJ [XAXFO]
designed for holding amurca (watery fluid from olive);
amurga, amurgae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
watery fluid contained in the olive in addition to oil (vs. solid residue);
amusia, amusiae N (1st) F [XDXFO]
boorishness, lack of refinement; ignorance of music (L+S);
amusium, amusii N (2nd) N [XTXEO]
leveled slab for testing flat surface; horizontal wheel to show wind direction;
amusos, amusos, amuson ADJ [XDXFO]
ignorant of music;
amussis, amussis N (3rd) F [XTXDO]
ruler/straight edge (mason's/carpenter's); precision [ad ~ => with precision];
amussito, amussitare, amussitavi, amussitatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
make according to ruler/accurately/exactly/nicely;
amussium, amussii N (2nd) N [XTXEO]
leveled slab for testing flat surface; horizontal wheel to show wind direction;
amycticus, amyctica, amycticum ADJ [DBXFS]
scratching; sharp/biting (of medical remedies);
amydalinus, amydalina, amydalinum ADJ [EXXEE]
almond-, of almonds;
amygdala, amygdalae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
almond tree; almond; [~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond];
amygdalaceus, amygdalacea, amygdalaceum ADJ [XAXNS]
similar to the almond tree/almond;
amygdale, amygdales N F [XAXDO]
almond tree; almond; [~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond];
amygdaleus, amygdalea, amygdaleum ADJ [XAXNS]
of/pertaining to an almond tree;
amygdalinus, amygdalina, amygdalinum ADJ [XAXNO]
of/made of almonds; grafted on an almond tree;
amygdalites, amygdalitae N M [XAXNO]
kind of euphorbia, broad-leaved spurge; tree like the almond tree (L+S);
amygdalum, amygdali N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
almond (nut); [~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond];
amygdalus, amygdali N (2nd) F [XAXFS]
almond tree; almond; [~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond];
amylo, amylare, amylavi, amylatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
mix with starch;
amylum, amyli N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
fine meal; starch; gruel;
amystis, amystidis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
drink taken in one draught;
can it be that (introduces question expecting negative answer/further question);
whether; (utrum ... an = whether ... or); or; either;
anabaptismus, anabaptismi N (2nd) M [DEXFS]
second baptism;
anabaptista, anabaptistae N (1st) F [GEXEE]
Anabaptists (pl.); (Protestant sect);
anabasis, anabasis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant name applied by Pliny to any equisetum (e.g., horsetail, mare's tail);
anabathrum, anabathri N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
raised/elevated seat (in a theater); elevator;
anaboladium, anaboladii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
kind of cloak; shawl; scarf;
anabolagium, anabolagii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
veil, head covering; amice (oblong white shawl on shoulders of priest);
anabolarium, anabolarii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
veil, head covering; amice (oblong white shawl on shoulders of priest);
anabolium, anabolii N (2nd) N [DBXFS]
surgical instrument;
anacampserox, anacampserotis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
plant (unidentified); (said to bring back lost love by its touch);
anachites, anachitae N F [XXXNS]
precious stone (unknown, diamond?) (as remedy for sadness);
anachoresis, anachoresis N (3rd) F [DEXFS]
retirement, life of a ermite/hermit;
anachoreta, anachoretae N (1st) M [FEXEE]
hermit, anchorite;
anachoreticus, anachoretica, anachoreticum ADJ [FEXFE]
eremitical, anchoritic, of a hermit
anachorita, anachoritae N (1st) M [FEXEE]
hermit, anchorite;
anachronismus, anachronismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
anaclinterium, anaclinterii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
cushion for leaning on;
anactorium, anactorii N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
sword grass;
anadema, anadematis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
band for the hair, head-band; ornament for the head/hair, fillet;
anadiplosis, anadiploseos/is N F [DGXFS]
repetition of the same word;
anadiplosis, anadiplosis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
repetition of the same word;
anaesthesia, anaesthesiae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
anagallis, anagallidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
pimpernel (Anagallis aruensis) (small flowering annual) ("scarlet pimpernel");
anaglyphum, anaglyphi N (2nd) N [XXXEE]
sculpture in relief;
anaglyphus, anaglypha, anaglyphum ADJ [DTXFS]
carved in low/bas relief;
anaglyptarius, anaglyptaria, anaglyptarium ADJ [XTXIO]
that works/carves in relief;
anaglypticus, anaglyptica, anaglypticum ADJ [DTXFS]
carved/embossed in low/bas relief;
anaglyptum, anaglypti N (2nd) N [XTXFO]
vessels (pl.) carved in low relief;
anaglyptus, anaglypta, anaglyptum ADJ [XTXEO]
carved in low/bas relief;
anagnosis, anagnoseos/is N F [FEXFE]
lectionary; (book of lessons for divine service; list of appointed passages);
anagnostes, anagnostae N M [XXXEO]
reader, one who reads aloud, slave trained to read aloud;
anagolaium, anagolaii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb);
anagyros, anagyri N F [XAXNO]
stinking bean-trefoil (Anagyris foetida);
analecta, analectae N (1st) M [XXXEO]
slave who collected crumbs/scraps/gleanings after a meal;
analectris, analectridis N (3rd) F [XAXEL]
pad worn under the shoulder blades; shoulder pad (to improve the figure);
analemma, analemmatos/is N N [XSXFO]
diagram showing length of sundial pin with time of year; (fig. 8 on globe);
analemptris, analemptridis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
shoulder pad (to improve the figure); suspensory bandage (L+S);
analeptris, analeptridis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
shoulder pad (to improve the figure); suspensory bandage (L+S);
analogia, analogiae N (1st) F [XGXCO]
ratio, proportion; analogy/similarity (in inflections/derivations of words);
analogicus, analogica, analogicum ADJ [XGXFO]
analogous; of grammatical analogy/similarity (word inflections/derivations);
analogium, analogii N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
lectern; pulpit; reader's desk;
analogus, analoga, analogum ADJ [XGXFO]
proportional; analogous;
analphabetismus, analphabetismi N (2nd) M [GXXFE]
analphabetus, analphabeta, analphabetum ADJ [GXXEK]
analysis, analysis N (3rd) F [GSXEE]
analyzo, analyzare, analyzavi, analyzatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
anamnesis, anamnesis N (3rd) F [GEXFE]
commemoration; (Greek);
ananasa, ananasae N (1st) F [GAXEK]
anancaeum, anancaei N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
large drinking vessel which had to be emptied in a single draught;
anancites, anancitae N M [XXXNO]
hardest of substances (adamas); steel; diamond (as remedy for sadness L+S);
anancitis, anancitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNS]
precious stone (diamond?) (used in hydromancy/divination from water signs);
anapaesticum, anapaestici N (2nd) N [XPXEO]
anapaestic verse (pl.), (using metrical foot, two shorts followed by long);
anapaesticus, anapaestica, anapaesticum ADJ [XPXFO]
anapaestic, referring to anapaest (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long);
anapaestum, anapaesti N (2nd) N [XPXEO]
anapaestic line/passage (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long);
anapaestus, anapaesta, anapaestum ADJ [XPXCO]
anapaestic (consisting of two shorts followed by a long);
anapaestus, anapaesti N (2nd) M [XPXEO]
anapaest (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long);
anapauomene, anapauomenes N F [XXXNO]
woman resting (as title of painting);
anapauomenos, anapauomeni N M [XXXFO]
man resting (as title of painting);
anaphora, anaphorae N (1st) F [XSXNO]
rising/ascension of star measured in degrees; rising/mounting up (of the stars);
repetition of word beginning successive clauses; improper preceding reference;
anaphoricus, anaphorica, anaphoricum ADJ [XSXFO]
adjusted according to the rising/ascension of the stars;
anaphysema, anaphysematos/is N N [XXXFO]
upward blast;
anapleroticus, anaplerotica, anapleroticum ADJ [DXXFS]
suitable for filling up;
anarchia, anarchiae N (1st) F [FXXEM]
anarchy; lawlessness; lack of a leader/commander;
anarchista, anarchistae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
anarchos, anarchos, anarchon ADJ [FXXEN]
without beginning; without a leader;
anarrinon, anarrini N N [XAXNO]
snapdragon, antirrhinum;
anas, anatis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
anas, anatis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
senility in women; disease in old women (L+S);
anas, anetis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
anas, anitis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
anasceue, anasceues N F [XGXFO]
refutation of arguments;
anastasis, anastasis N (3rd) F [FEXEE]
anastomoticus, anastomotica, anastomoticum ADJ [XBXFO]
relaxing (medicine, to open/widen vessels for blood flow); aperient, laxative;
anataria, anatariae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
species of eagle; duck eagle? (Falco haliactus);
anatarius, anataria, anatarium ADJ [XAXNS]
pertaining to a duck; [~a aquila => duck eagle (Falco haliactus)];
anathema, anathematis N (3rd) N [DEXDX]
offering; sacrificial victim; curse; cursed thing; excommunication, anathema;
anathematismus, anathematismi N (2nd) M [FEXDE]
anathema; curse/ban/denunciation; evil thing; curse of excommunication;
anathematizo, anathematizare, anathematizavi, anathematizatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXCS]
anathemize, put under ban; curse; detest;
anathemo, anathemare, anathemavi, anathematus V (1st) TRANS [DEXFS]
anathematize, anathemize, put under ban; curse; detest;
anathymiasis, anathymiasidis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
rising of "vapors" (to the head);
anaticula, anaticulae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
duckling; term of endearment, duckie;
anatina, anatinae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
duck's flesh/meat, duck;
anatinus, anatina, anatinum ADJ [XAXFO]
of/from/concerning a duck, duck's;
anatocismus, anatocismi N (2nd) M [XLXEO]
compound interest;
anatomia, anatomiae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
anatomica, anatomicae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
anatomicus, anatomica, anatomicum ADJ [GBXEK]
anatomicus, anatomici N (2nd) M [DBXFS]
anatomie, anatomies N F [DBXFS]
anatonus, anatona, anatonum ADJ [XWXFO]
longstrung (length of tight skein propelling catapult); extending upward (L+S);
anatresis, anatresis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
boring through;
anaudia, anaudiae N (1st) F [DBXES]
loss of speech, dumbness;
anca, ancae N (1st) C [FAXDT]
ancaesum, ancaesi N (2nd) N [BTXFS]
embossed/engraved work (usu pl.) (esp. in gold/silver);
ancala, ancalae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
knee; bend of the knee;
ancale, ancales N F [DBXFS]
knee; bend of the knee;
ancele, ancelis N (3rd) N [CXXCS]
ancele; (12 waisted shields fell from heaven, copies in Salii shrine of Mars);
anceps, (gen.), ancipitis ADJ [XXXAO]
two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two/opposite directions/fronts; twofold;
on two sides/fronts (war/attack); undecided/drawn/hanging in balance (battle);
double; w/two meanings; uncertain; dangerous/perilous; ambiguous; unsettled;
doubtful/undecided/wavering; untrustworthy/unreliable/unpredictable;
anchora, anchorae N (1st) F [XWXCO]
anchor; grappling iron/hook; [in/ad ~is => at anchor];
anchusa, anchusae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
Dyer's bugloss (Anchusa tinctoria) (alkanet) or similar plant (ox-tongue);
ancile, ancilis N (3rd) N [CXXCO]
ancele; (12 waisted shields fell from heaven, copies in Salii shrine of Mars);
ancilla, ancillae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
slave girl; maid servant; handmaid; (opprobrious of man); nun (selfdescribed);
ancillariolus, ancillarioli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
pursuer of slave girls; lover of maid-servants (L+S);
ancillaris, ancillaris, ancillare ADJ [XXXEO]
of/having status of female slave; appropriate/characteristic to that position;
ancillatus, ancillatus N (4th) M [XXXFS]
service of a (female) slave;
ancillor, ancillari, ancillatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
act as handmaid, wait on, serve hand and foot; be subservient/at beck and call;
ancillula, ancillulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
little serving-maid, young female slave; slave girl;
ancips, (gen.), acipitis ADJ [BXXCS]
two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two directions/fronts; doubtful; double;
ancisus, ancisa, ancisum ADJ [XXXFO]
cut up, chopped up; cut around/away;
anclabre, anclabris N (3rd) N [XEXFS]
vessels on a sacrificial table (called an anclabris);
anclabris, anclabris N (3rd) F [XEXFS]
sacrificial table (vessels on it called anclabria);
anclabris, anclabris, anclabre ADJ [XEXEO]
anclo, anclare, anclavi, anclatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
serve (wine); bring as a servant; have the care of (L+S);
ancon, anconis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
projecting arm/crosspiece; clamp; bracket; piston rod; drinking vessel; armrest;
ancora, ancorae N (1st) F [XWXCO]
anchor; grappling iron/hook; [in/ad ~is => at anchor];
ancorago, ancoraginis N (3rd) M [DAGFS]
fish in the Rhine (unknown);
ancorale, ancoralis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
anchor cable;
ancoralis, ancoralis, ancorale ADJ [XWXFO]
of/used for anchor;
ancorarius, ancoraria, ancorarium ADJ [XWXFO]
of/used for anchor;
ancra, ancrae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
valley (pl.), gorge;
ancter, ancteros/is N M [XBXFO]
surgical clip;
ancula, anculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
maid servant;
anculo, anculare, anculavi, anculatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
serve (wine); bring as a servant; have the care of (L+S);
anculus, anculi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
man servant;
ancus, anci N (2nd) M [FDXFE]
group of musical notes;
ancyla, ancylae N (1st) F [XBXFO]
joint stiffened by an injury;
ancyloblepharos, ancyloblepharos, ancyloblepharon ADJ [XBXFO]
having eyelid adhering to eye;
andabata, andabatae N (1st) M [XXXEO]
gladiator who fought blindfolded;
andena, andenae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
andrachle, andrachles N F [XAXEO]
tree resembling the arbutus (strawberry tree/shrub) (Arbustus enedo);
andrachne, andrachnes N F [XAXNO]
purslane (Portlaca oleracea); [~ agria => stonecrop?/Sedum stellatum];
plant, purslane (Portulacca oleraca);
Andreas, Andreae N M [XXXDE]
andremas, andremae N F [DAXNS]
plant, purslane (Portulacca oleraca);
androdamas, androdantos/is N M [XXXNS]
variety of hematite (native sesquioxide of iron Fe2O3); silver marcasite;
Androgeosos, Androgei N M [XXXCO]
Androgeos (son of Minos and Pasiphae, whose death was avenged on Athens);
Androgyne, Androgynes N F [XXXFO]
masculine heroic woman; (nickname given to a mannish woman/tomboy);
androgynus, androgyni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
hermaphrodite, person of indeterminate sex;
andron, andronis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
corridor, hallway, aisle, passage; men's apartment in a house;
andronitis, andronitidis N (3rd) M [XXHEO]
men's apartment in a house (Greek);
androsaces, androsacis N (3rd) N [XAXNO]
marine plant (zoophyte?) (OLD says N, not F);
androsaemon, androsaemi N N [XAXNO]
variety of St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum and perfoliatum);
andruo, andruare, andruavi, andruatus V (1st) INTRANS [XEXFS]
run back; (dance around at Salian religious festivals);
aneclogistus, aneclogista, aneclogistum ADJ [XXXFO]
discretionary, not required to give an account of one's doings;
anellus, anelli N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
little ring, esp. finger ring;
anemometrum, anemometri N (2nd) N [GTXEK]
wind gauge;
anemone, anemones N F [XAXEO]
one or other of species of anemone/wind-flower; the plant othonna;
anesum, anesi N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
anise (Pimpinella anisum);
anethum, anethi N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
dill (Anethum graveolens); anise (L+S);
aneticula, aneticulae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
duckling; term of endearment;
aneticus, anetica, aneticum ADJ [DXXFS]
remitting, abating;
anetina, anetinae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
duck's flesh/meat, duck;
anetinus, anetina, anetinum ADJ [XAXEO]
of/from/concerning a duck, duck's;
anetum, aneti N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
dill (Anethum graveolens);
anfractum, anfracti N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
winding passage; curved/crooked part; bend;
anfractuosus, anfractuosa, anfractuosum ADJ [DGXES]
roundabout, convoluted; prolix, protracted, wordy;
anfractus, anfracta, anfractum ADJ [XXXFO]
curving, curved, bent;
anfractus, anfractus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
bend, curvature; circuit, (annual) round, orbit; spiral, coil; circumlocution;
angaria, angariae N (1st) F [DXXES]
service of the public courier; service to a lord, villeinage;
angarialis, angarialis, angariale ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to service;
angario, angariare, angariavi, angariatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
press, requisition, commandeer; exact villeinage; compel, constrain (eccl.);
angarium, angarii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
compulsory services (pl.) in connection with the imperial post;
angarius, angarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
public courier, messenger;
angarus, angari N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
public courier, messenger;
angelicus, angelica, angelicum ADJ [EEXCE]
angelic; of an angel; belonging to angels; [Doctor ~ => St. Thomas Aquinas];
angelicus, angelica, angelicum ADJ [EEXCE]
dactylic measure (L+S);
angelificatus, angelificata, angelificatum ADJ [DEXFS]
changed into an angel;
angellus, angelli N (2nd) M [XSXFO]
small/barely perceptible angle;
angelus, angeli N (2nd) M [EEXAE]
angel; messenger;
angina, anginae N (1st) F [XBXEO]
acute throat infection w/choking, quinsy; [~ vinaria => suffocation from wine];
angiportum, angiporti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
narrow street, alley; lane;
angiportus, angiportus N (4th) M [XXXDO]
narrow street, alley; lane;
Anglia, Angliae N (1st) F [EXBCE]
England; Anglia, place of the Angles, area/kingdom in eastern England;
Anglicanus, Anglicana, Anglicanum ADJ [GEBDE]
Anglican (follower of the Church of England);
Anglicanus, Anglicani N (2nd) M [GEBDE]
Anglican (follower of the Church of England);
Anglice ADV [EXBEE]
in/into English;
anglicismus, anglicismi N (2nd) M [GEXEK]
Anglicus, Anglici N (2nd) M [FXBDE]
Anglus, Angli N (2nd) M [EXBDX]
Englishman; English (pl.); Angles (Low German invaders/colonizers of Britain);
ango, angere, anxi, anctus V (3rd) TRANS [XBXAO]
choke, throttle, strangle; press tight; distress, cause pain, vex, trouble;
angolarius, angolaria, angolarium ADJ [XXXIO]
occurring or placed at a corner;
angor, angoris N (3rd) M [XBXCO]
suffocation, choking, strangulation; mental distress, anxiety, anguish, vexation
angorio, angoriare, angoriavi, angoriatus V (1st) TRANS [FXXEE]
compel; force;
angueus, anguea, angueum ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to a serpent;
anguicomus, anguicoma, anguicomum ADJ [XXXEO]
with snakes for hair;
anguiculus, anguiculi N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
little/small/young serpent/snake;
anguifer, anguifera, anguiferum ADJ [XXXEO]
snake-bearing, snaky; snake-haunted (place);
anguigena, anguigenae N (1st) M [XXXFO]
offspring of a serpent/dragon; (pl. as epithet of Thebans);
anguilla, anguillae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
eel; hard skin of an eel used as a whip in school; slippery fellow;
anguimanus, anguimana, anguimanum ADJ [XAXFS]
with snaky hands/serpent-handed/tentacled; epithet of the elephant;
anguimanus, anguimanus N (4th) C [XAXFO]
one with snaky hands/serpent-handed/tentacled; elephant (L+S);
anguineus, anguinea, anguineum ADJ [XAXEO]
of a snake, snaky, snake; consisting of snakes;
anguinum, anguini N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
snake's egg;
anguinus, anguina, anguinum ADJ [XAXCO]
of a snake/snakes, snaky, snake; consisting of snakes; resembling a snake;
anguipes, (gen.), anguipedis ADJ [XYXEO]
snake/serpent footed; epithet of giants;
anguipes, anguipedis N (3rd) M [XYXFO]
giants (pl.) (serpent footed);
anguis, anguis N (3rd) C [XAXAO]
snake, serpent; dragon; (constellations) Draco, Serpens, Hydra;
anguitenens, (gen.), anguitenentis ADJ [XXXES]
anguitenens, anguitenentis N (3rd) M [XXXES]
serpent-bearer (constellation Ophiuchus);
angularis, angularis N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
angular vessel;
angularis, angularis, angulare ADJ [XXXDO]
placed at corners, corner; having angles or corners, square;
angulariter ADV [FXXFM]
at an angle;
angularius, angularia, angularium ADJ [XXXIO]
occurring or placed at a corner;
angulatim ADV [XXXEO]
from corner to corner, in every nook and cranny;
angulatus, angulata, angulatum ADJ [DXXES]
made angular/cornered, with angles, angular;
angulo, angulare, angulavi, angulatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
make angular/cornered;
angulosus, angulosa, angulosum ADJ [XXXDO]
having an angle or angles, angular;
angulus, anguli N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
angle, apex; corner, nook, niche, recess, out-of-the-way spot;
angusta, angustae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
small/confined/narrow space/place/passage, strait, channel; crisis, extremities
angustas, angustatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
narrowness of space, confined position, closeness;
anguste, angustius, angustissime ADV [XXXBO]
closely, in close quarters/narrow limits, cramped, crowded; sparingly, scantily;
angustia, angustiae N (1st) F [XXXAO]
narrow passage/place/space (pl.), defile; strait, pass; difficulties; meanness;
angusticlavius, angusticlavia, angusticlavium ADJ [XXXFO]
having/wearing a narrow purple band (sign of equestrian rank);
angustio, angustiare, angustiavi, angustiatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
narrow, reduce width/size/amount, constrict, limit; choke, crowd together/hamper
angustior, angustiari, angustiatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXEB]
be disturbed, be distressed; be crowded/pushed around;
angustitas, angustitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
narrowness of space, confined position, closeness;
angusto, angustare, angustavi, angustatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
narrow, reduce width/size/amount, constrict, limit; choke, crowd together/hamper
angustum, angusti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
small/confined/narrow space/place/passage, strait, channel; crisis, extremities;
angustus, angusta -um, angustior -or -us, angustissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
narrow, steep, close, confined; scanty, poor; low, mean; narrowminded, petty;
anhelitio, anhelitionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
panting, gasping; shortness of breath; iridescence, play of colors on gem;
anhelitor, anhelitoris N (3rd) M [XXXNO]
one who suffers from shortness of breath; asthmatic;
anhelitus, anhelitus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
panting, puffing, gasping, shortness of breath; breath, exhalation; bad breath;
anhelo, anhelare, anhelavi, anhelatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
pant, gasp; breathe/gasp out, belch forth, exhale; utter breathlessly;
anhelus, anhela, anhelum ADJ [XXXBO]
panting, puffing, gasping; breath-taking; that emits hot blast/vapor, steaming;
anhydros, anhydri N F [DAXFS]
narcissus (plant thriving in dry regions);
aniatrologetus, aniatrologeta, aniatrologetum ADJ [XBXFO]
untrained in medicine; ignorant of medicine;
anicetum, aniceti N (2nd) N [XBXIO]
unsurpassable/sovereign remedy; (name for anise);
anicetus, aniceta, anicetum ADJ [XXXIO]
unconquered, unconquerable;
anicilla, anicillae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
(little) old woman;
anicla, aniclae N (1st) F [XXXES]
(little) old woman;
anicula, aniculae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
(little) old woman;
anicularis, anicularis, aniculare ADJ [DXXFS]
old-womanish; of an old woman; inflicted by an old woman; old wives tale;
anilis, anilis, anile ADJ [XXXCO]
old-womanish; of an old woman; inflicted by an old woman; old wives tale;
anilitas, anilitatis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
old age (in women); the old age of a woman;
aniliter ADV [XXXEO]
in the manner of an old woman; with superstitious credulity;
anilito, anilitare, anilitavi, anilitatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
to produce the feebleness of old age in (female);
anilitor, anilitari, anilitatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
become an old woman;
anima, animae N (1st) F [XXXAO]
soul, spirit, vital principle; life; breathing; wind, breeze; air (element);
animabilis, animabilis, animabile ADJ [XXXFS]
made of air; animal, of living creatures, living, live, animate; vital;
animadversio, animadversionis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
paying attention; observation, attention, notice; censure, reproach, punishment;
animadversor, animadversoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
observer, one who notices/pays attention/observes;
animadverto, animadvertere, animadverti, animadversus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe; judge, estimate; punish (in+ACC);
animaequitas, animaequitatis N (3rd) F [XXXIO]
animaequus, animaequa, animaequum ADJ [DXXES]
composed/patient/not easily moved; of good courage; of calm/confident mind;
animal, animalis N (3rd) N [XXXBO]
animal, living thing/offspring; creature, beast, brute; insect;
animalculum, animalculi N (2nd) N [GAXFM]
lowly animal;
animalis, animalis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
animal, living creature;
animalis, animalis, animale ADJ [XXXCO]
made of air; animal, of living creatures, living, live, animate; vital;
animalitas, animalitatis N (3rd) F [FAXFM]
animal nature; animal form;
animaliter ADV [DXXFS]
like an animal;
animans, (gen.), animantis ADJ [XXXCO]
living, having life;
animans, animantis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
animate/living being/organism (not man), creature; animal/plant; (also N, OLD);
animatio, animationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
form of life;
animatrix, animatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
she who quickens/animates;
animatus, animata, animatum ADJ [XXXCO]
endowed with spirit, animated, spirited; inclined, minded; live, growing, fresh;
animatus, animatus N (4th) M [XBXNO]
animax, (gen.), animacis ADJ [XXXFO]
showing signs of life, alive;
animismus, animismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
animo, animare, animavi, animatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
animate, give/bring life; revive, refresh; rouse, animate; inspire; blow;
animose, animosius, animosissime ADV [XXXCO]
courageously, boldly, nobly, ardently, energetically; in high minded manner;
animositas, animositatis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
boldness, courage, spirit; vehemence, impetuosity, ardor; wrath (eccl.);
animosus, animosa, animosum ADJ [XXXBO]
courageous, bold, strong, ardent, energetic, noble; stormy (wind/sea), furious;
animula, animulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
little life;
animulus, animuli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
heart, soul (only VOC as term of endearment);
animus, animi N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air;
anisatum, anisati N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
aniseed liqueur;
anisocyclum, anisocycli N (2nd) N [XTXFO]
system of gears (pl.); screws/elastic springs (L+S);
anisum, anisi N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
anise (Pimpinella anisum); aniseed;
ann., abb. N M [XXXCG]
year; abb. ann./a.; [regnavit ann(is). XLIIII => he reigned for 44 years];
annale, annalis N (3rd) N [XXXES]
festival (pl.) held at the beginning of the year;
annalis, annalis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
book of annuals/chronicles; annals (pl.), chronicle, history, yearbooks;
annarius, annaria, annarium ADJ [XXXFO]
of age qualifications for public office [lex ~ => law defining age ...];
annata, annatae N (1st) F [HEXFE]
annates (w/media), a tax on benefices in the 1917 Code
annato, annatare, annatavi, annatatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
swim to/up to; swim beside/alongside;
annavigo, annavigare, annavigavi, annavigatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXNO]
sail to/up to/towards; sail beside/alongside;
can it be that (introducing a question expecting a negative answer);
whether (or not) (an-ne);
annecto, annectere, annexui, annexus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
tie on/to, tie up (ship); bind to; fasten on; attach, connect, join, annex;
annego, annegare, annegavi, annegatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
refuse; withhold;
annexio, annexionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
tying/binding to, connecting; annexation;
annexus, annexa, annexum ADJ [XXXDO]
attached, linked, joined; contiguous (to); related by blood; concerned;
annexus, annexus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
fastening, attaching, connection; tying/binding to, connecting; annexation;
annicto, annictare, annictavi, annictatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
wink to/at; blink at;
anniculus, annicula, anniculum ADJ [XXXCO]
one year old, yearling; lasting only one year, limited to a year;
annifer, annifera, anniferum ADJ [XAXEO]
bearing fruit all year round; producing new shoots every year;
annihilo, annihilare, annihilavi, annihilatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXEC]
annihilate, destroy, demolish, ruin, bring to nothing;
annitor, anniti, annixus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try;
annius, annius N (4th) M [DXXFS]
striving; exertion;
anniversarie ADV [DXXFS]
anniversarium, anniversarii N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
anniversary; birthday (Cal);
anniversarius, anniversaria, anniversarium ADJ [XXXCO]
annual; employed/engaged/renewed/occurring/arising/growing annually/every year;
annixus, annixa, annixum ADJ [XXXFO]
vehement, strenuous;
anno, annare, annavi, annatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
swim to/towards, approach by swimming; sail to/towards; brought by sea (goods);
anno, annare, annavi, annatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
pass/live through a year;
annodo, annodare, annodavi, annodatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXEO]
cut (shoot) right back, cut flush; cut off knots, cut away suckers;
annon CONJ [XXXCO]
can it be that (introducing a question expecting a positive answer);
annona, annonae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
year's produce; provisions; allotment/rations; wheat/food; price of grain/food;
annonarius, annonaria, annonarium ADJ [XXXEO]
of/concerned with the grain supply;
annonor, annonari, annonatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
collect provisions;
annositas, annositatis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
fullness of years; old age;
annosus, annosa, annosum ADJ [XXXCO]
aged, old, full of years; long-lived; immemorial;
annotamentum, annotamenti N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
note, comment, remark, annotation;
annotatio, annotationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
note or comment; writing/making notes; notice; rescript of emperor by his hand;
annotatiuncula, annotatiunculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
short note/comment; brief annotation;
annotator, annotatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who makes notes, note taker; observer; L:controller of the annual income;
annotatus, annotati N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
person officially announced as "wanted", wanted man;
annotatus, annotatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
notice, noting, remark, mention;
annotinus, annotina, annotinum ADJ [XXXDO]
of last year, of the preceding/previous year;
annoto, annotare, annotavi, annotatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
note/jot down, notice, become aware; mark, annotate; record, state; designate;
annualis, annualis, annuale ADJ [DXXES]
one year old;
annubilo, annubilare, annubilavi, annubilatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
bring up clouds (against);
annuculus, annucula, annuculum ADJ [XXXCO]
one year old, yearling; lasting only one year, limited to a year;
annularis, annularis, annulare ADJ [DXXES]
one year old;
annularis, annularis, annulare ADJ [FXXEE]
relating to a ring; (anularius variant);
annularius, annularia, annularium ADJ [DXXES]
one year old;
annulatus, annulata, annulatum ADJ [DXXES]
one year old;
annullo, annullare, annullavi, annullatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXCS]
annihilate, obliterate, destroy; annul (eccl.);
annulus, annula, annulum ADJ [DXXES]
one year old;
annulus, annuli N (2nd) M [EXXEE]
ring; (anulus variant); [~ Piscatoris => Pope's ring w/St. Peter casting net];
annumerabilis, annumerabilis, annumerabile ADJ [FXXFE]
able to be added to;
annumeratio, annumerationis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
numbering, counting, enumeration;
annumero, annumerare, annumeravi, annumeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
count (in/out), pay; reckon (time); enumerate, run through; classify as; add;
annunciator, annunciatoris N (3rd) M [EXXEE]
announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher;
annuntialis, annuntialis, annuntiale ADJ [EXXEP]
annuntiatio, annuntiationis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
annunciation/announcement, declaration; message; prediction/prophecy; preaching;
annuntiator, annuntiatoris N (3rd) M [DEXES]
announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher;
annuntiatrix, annuntiatricis N (3rd) F [EEXEP]
announcer, preacher, one who announces; prophetess (Souter);
annuntio, annuntiare, annuntiavi, annuntiatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
announce, say, make known; report, bring news; prophesy/announce before; preach;
annuntius, annuntia, annuntium ADJ [XXXFO]
announcer, that brings news/announces/makes known;
annuo, annuere, annui, annutus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
designate w/nod, nod assent; indicate, declare; favor/smile on; agree to, grant;
annus, anni N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
year (astronomical/civil); age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course;
annuto, annutare, annutavi, annutatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXDO]
nod (to); order/assent to by a nod; bow to;
annutrio, annutrire, -, - V (4th) TRANS [XXXNO]
train (on);
annuum, annui N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
yearly payment (usu. pl.); annual stipend, pension, annuity (L+S);
annuus, annua, annuum ADJ [XXXBO]
for a year, lasting/appointed for a year; paid/performed yearly, annual;
anodynon, anodyni N N [DXXES]
painkiller, anodyne, that which soothes;
anodynos, anodyna, anodynon ADJ [DXXES]
that allays pain, anodyne;
anodynum, anodyni N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
painkiller, anodyne, that which soothes;
anodynus, anodyna, anodynum ADJ [XXXEO]
that allays pain, anodyne;
anomalia, anomaliae N (1st) F [XGXEO]
irregularity, anomaly; (gram.);
anomalus, anomala, anomalum ADJ [DGXFS]
irregular, anomalous, deviating from the general rule;
anonis, anonidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
rest-hollow plant (Ononis antiquorum);
anonomastos, anonomastos, anonomaston ADJ [DEXES]
designation of one of the aeons (unnamed);
anonymia, anonymiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
anonymos, anonymi N F [XARNO]
Scythian plant;
anonymus, anonyma, anonymum ADJ [EXXEE]
anonymous, name unknown; without a name;
anquina, anquinae N (1st) F [XWXEO]
halyard (rope/tackle used to raise/lower a sail/spar/flag);
anquiro, anquirere, anquisivi, anquisitus V (3rd) [XLXCO]
seek, search diligently after, inquire into, examine judicially; indict;
anquisitio, anquisitionis N (3rd) F [XLXFO]
ansa, ansae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
handle (cup/jar/door), tiller; opening, opportunity; (rope) end, loop, hook;
ansarium, ansarii N (2nd) N [XLXIO]
duty paid on food stuffs/comestibles brought to Rome for sale;
ansatus, ansata, ansatum ADJ [XXXDO]
having/provided with handle/handles; equipped with a thong for throwing;
anser, anseris N (3rd) C [XAXCO]
goose; [anser masculus => gander];
anserculus, anserculi N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
gosling, young goose;
anserinus, anserina, anserinum ADJ [XAXDO]
of/obtained from a goose, goose-;
anstruo, anstruere, anstruxi, anstructus V (3rd) TRANS [FXXEE]
ansula, ansulae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
handle of a cup; tie loop of sandal; hook, staple, small ring; little handle;
anta, antae N (1st) F [XTXFO]
square pilasters/columns/pillars (pl.);
antachates, antachatae N M [XXXNO]
variety of agate;
antagonista, antagonistae N (1st) M [DXXFS]
adversary, opponent, antagonist;
antamoebaeus, antamoebaea, antamoebaeum ADJ [DPXES]
composed of two short two long one short syllable;
antapocha, antapochae N (1st) F [DLXFS]
document by which a debtor shows he paid;
antapodosis, antapodosis N (3rd) F [XSXFO]
parallelism in comparisons, application of similitude;
antarcticus, antarctica, antarcticum ADJ [XSXEO]
southern, antarctic;
antarius, antaria, antarium ADJ [XWXEO]
supporting in front (ropes), fore-; (rope) for raising (scaffold, mast);
ante ADV [XXXBO]
before, previously, first, before this, earlier; in front/advance of; forwards;
in front/presence of, in view; before (space/time/degree); over against, facing;
antea ADV [XXXBO]
before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past;
anteactus, anteacta, anteactum ADJ [XXXDO]
past, that passed or was spent previously;
anteago, anteagere, anteegi, anteactus V (3rd) TRANS [FXXEE]
do before;
anteambulo, anteambulonis N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
forerunner; one who proceeds another to clear the way;
antebasis, antebasis N (3rd) F [XWXFS]
rear prop of a ballista, hindmost small pillar at pedestal of ballista;
antecantamentum, antecantamenti N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
prelude, overture; preliminary;
antecantativus, antecantativa, antecantativum ADJ [DXXES]
pertaining to a prelude/overture;
antecapio, antecapere, antecepi, anteceptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
take/seize beforehand, pre-occupy, forestall; anticipate;
antecedens, (gen.), antecedentis ADJ [XXXCO]
foregoing, preceding; former; prior; previously existent, pre-existing;
antecedente, antecedentis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
what precedes; premises for reasoning; antecedent matters (pl.);
antecedo, antecedere, antecessi, antecessus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
precede, go before/ahead/in front of, attain before; excel, surpass, outstrip;
antecello, antecellere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
surpass, excel; be stronger than; prevail over;
antecenium, antecenii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
meal taken earlier in the day than the main meal;
antecessio, antecessionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
going forward/before, preceding; what leads to action/state; antecedents;
antecessor, antecessoris N (3rd) M [XXXES]
he that goes before, predecessor; scout/vanguard (army); law professors;
antecessus, antecessus N (4th) M [XLXDO]
payments in advance;
antecurro, antecurrere, antecucurri, antecursus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
run in front of/before;
antecurro, antecurrere, antecurri, antecursus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
run in front of/before;
antecursor, antecursoris N (3rd) M [XWXCO]
scout, forerunner; vanguard (pl.), leading troops; predecessor in office;
anteeo, anteire, anteivi(ii), anteitus V [XXXAO]
go/walk before/ahead, precede, antedate; surpass; anticipate; prevent;
antefero, anteferre, antetuli, antelatus V TRANS [XXXBO]
carry before; place before/in front of; bring in advance, anticipate; prefer;
antefixum, antefixi N (2nd) N [XTXDO]
object/part fixed in front of something; ornamental tiles/figures at roof edge;
antefixus, antefixa, antefixum ADJ [XTXFO]
fixed/fastened in front of;
antegenitalis, antegenitalis, antegenitale ADJ [XXXNO]
that existed before birth;
antegerio ADV [XXXEO]
greatly, very;
antegredior, antegredi, antegressus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXDO]
move in front of; go before, precede; occur before; be an antecedent to;
antehabeo, antehabere, antehabui, antehabitus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
have previously; prefer;
antehac ADV [XXXCO]
before this time, up til now; before now/then; previously, earlier; in the past;
anteida ADV [BXXBS]
before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past;
antelogium, antelogi(i) N (2nd) N [XGXFO]
introduction; preamble, prologue, preface;
anteloquium, anteloquii N (2nd) N [DGXES]
right to speak before another; preface;
antelucanum, antelucani N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
hours before dawn/daybreak; last hours of the night (also pl.);
antelucanus, antelucana, antelucanum ADJ [XXXCO]
before daybreak, that precedes the dawn; of the hours before daybreak;
antelucio ADV [XXXFO]
before the dawn/daybreak;
anteluclo ADV [XXXFO]
before the dawn/daybreak;
anteludium, anteludi(i) N (2nd) N [XDXFO]
advance tableau or show; prelude;
antemeridialis, antemeridialis, antemeridiale ADJ [DXXFS]
before noon, morning; occurring/done before noon;
antemeridianus, antemeridiana, antemeridianum ADJ [XXXDO]
before noon, morning; occurring/done before noon;
antemeridies, antemeridiei N (5th) C [XXXFO]
morning, forenoon; (OLD gives N);
antemitto, antemittere, antemisi, antemmissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
send ahead. send in advance; place in front;
antemna, antemnae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
yard of a ship; yardarm; sail (poet.); antenna (Cal);
antemoenio, antemoenire, antemoenivi, antemoenitus V (4th) TRANS [XWXFS]
provide with a front/protecting wall, provide with a rampart;
antemurale, antemuralis N (3rd) N [DEXES]
protecting wall as outwork, breastwork;
antemuranus, antemurana, antemuranum ADJ [DXXFS]
that is before the wall;
antenatus, antenati N (2nd) M [FLXFJ]
younger son;
antenna, antennae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
yard of a ship; yardarm; sail (poet.); antenna (Cal);
antenuptialis, antenuptialis, antenuptiale ADJ [DXXES]
before marriage;
anteo, antire, antivi(ii), antitus V [XXXAO]
go before, go ahead, precede; surpass; anticipate; prevent; (anteeo drop e);
anteoccupatio, anteoccupationis N (3rd) F [XGXFO]
anticipation of an opponents arguments;
anteoccupo, anteoccuponis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
anticipation of an opponents arguments;
antepaenultimus, antepaenultima, antepaenultimum ADJ [DGXFS]
pertaining to the third syllable from the end, antepenultimate;
antepagmentum, antepagmenti N (2nd) N [XTXEO]
facing of door/window frame; mantel; thing used to garnish house exterior (L+S);
antepartum, anteparti N (2nd) N [XLXEO]
property acquired in the past;
antepassio, antepassionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
presentiment/expectation/anticipation of pain/suffering;
antependium, antependii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
frontal, a hanging in front of the altar;
antependulus, antependula, antependulum ADJ [XXXFO]
hanging down in front (of the head);
antepertum, anteperti N (2nd) N [XLXEO]
property acquired in the past;
antepes, antepedis N (3rd) M [XAXFO]
forefoot, forepaw;
antepilanus, antepilani N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
men (pl.) who fought in the first or second line in a Roman battle formation;
antepolleo, antepollere, -, - V (2nd) [XXXEO]
be stronger/more powerful than; surpass physically, excel;
antepono, anteponere, anteposui, antepositus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
set before (w/DAT), place/station before, serve (food); prefer, value above;
anteportanus, anteportana, anteportanum ADJ [XYXIO]
epithet of Hercules;
antepotens, (gen.), antepotentis ADJ [XXXFO]
superior in power/fortune, strongest; exceeding;
antepreparatorius, antepreparatoria, antepreparatorium ADJ [HXXFE]
pre-preparatory, antepreparatory;
antequam CONJ [XXXAO]
before, sooner than; until;
anteridion, anteridii N N [XTXFS]
little prop/support;
anterior, anterior, anterius ADJ [XXXEO]
earlier, previous, former; that is before, foremost;
anterioritas, anterioritatis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
anteris, anteridis N (3rd) F [XTXFO]
prop, support, pillar; counterprops (pl.) supporting a wall, buttress;
antescholanus, antescholani N (2nd) M [XGXFO]
assistant master/teacher;
antescholarius, antescholarii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
antescolanus, antescolani N (2nd) M [DXXIS]
assistant master/teacher;
antesignanus, antesignani N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
skirmisher; leader; troops (pl.) in front rank of legion/before the standard;
antestes, antestitis N (3rd) C [XEXBO]
(high) priest/priestess; mouthpiece of god; master/authority (w/GEN); protector;
antesto, antestare, antesteti, antestatus V (1st) [XXXCW]
surpass, excel, be superior to; stand before;
antestor, antestari, antestatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
call as a witness (before the opening of the cause);
antetestatus, antetestati N (2nd) M [XLXES]
anteurbanum, anteurbani N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
suburbs (pl.);
anteurbanus, anteurbana, anteurbanum ADJ [XXXFO]
suburban; situated near the city;
antevenio, antevenire, anteveni, anteventus V (4th) [XXXCO]
come/go/arrive/act before, get in front of; anticipate, forestall; surpass;
anteventulus, anteventula, anteventulum ADJ [XXXFO]
lying forward (of hair), projecting in front;
anteversio, anteversionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
anticipating, preventing;
anteverto, antevertere, anteverti, anteversus V (3rd) [XXXCO]
act first, get ahead; anticipate; forestall; give priority; take precedence;
antevio, anteviare, anteviavi, anteviatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXES]
go before, precede;
antevolo, antevolare, antevolavi, antevolatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
fly in front of/before;
anthalium, anthalii N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
earth-almond (Cyperus esculentus), chufa (plant with small tubers, pig food);
anthedon, (gen.), anthedonis ADJ [XAXNO]
thorn-tree; [(mespilus) anthedon => oriental thorn (Crataegus orientalis)];
anthedon, anthedonis ADJ [XAXNO]
thorn-tree; [(mespilus) anthedon => oriental thorn (Crataegus orientalis)];
anthedon, anthedonis N (3rd) F [XAHNS]
species of medlar-tree, Greek medlar (Mespilus tanacet);
anthemis, anthemidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant (chamomile?);
anthemum, anthemi N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
herb good for calculi (bladder/kidney stones);
anthera, antherae N (1st) F [XBXEO]
salve/medicament made with flower petals;
anthericos, antherici N M [XAXNS]
flowering stem of the asphodel;
anthericus, antherici N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
flowering stem of the asphodel;
anthias, anthiae N M [XAXNO]
sea fish (difficult to catch L+S);
anthinus, anthina, anthinum ADJ [XAXNO]
made from flowers, flower-;
anthologicon, anthologici N N [XGXNO]
writings (pl.) on flowers; anthology; collected thoughts/proverbs/poems (L+S);
anthophoros, anthophoros, anthophoron ADJ [XAXNO]
anthracias, anthraciae N F [DXXFS]
kind of carbuncle, the coal-carbuncle; (garnet?);
anthracinum, anthracini N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
coal-black garments (pl.);
anthracinus, anthracina, anthracinum ADJ [XXXFS]
anthracites, anthracitae N F [XXXNO]
precious stone (unknown); kind of bloodstone (L+S);
anthracitis, anthracitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNS]
kind of carbuncle, the coal-carbuncle; (garnet?);
anthrax, anthracis N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
natural cinnabar (HgS); a virulent ulcer;
anthriscum, anthrisci N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
southern chervil (Scandix australis);
anthriscus, anthrisci N (2nd) F [XAXNS]
southern chervil (Scandix australis);
anthropocentricus, anthropocentrica, anthropocentricum ADJ [GXXEK]
anthropocentrismus, anthropocentrismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
anthropographos, anthropographi N M [XXXNO]
portrait painter;
anthropolatra, anthropolatrae N (1st) M [DLXFS]
anthropologia, anthropologiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
anthropologicus, anthropologica, anthropologicum ADJ [HXXFE]
anthropologus, anthropologi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
anthropomorphismus, anthropomorphismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
anthropomorphita, anthropomorphitae N (1st) M [DEXFS]
heretics (pl.) who attributed to God a human form;
anthropomorphitus, anthropomorphita, anthropomorphitum ADJ [DEXFS]
professing the heresy of attributing to God a human form;
anthropomorphus, anthropomorpha, anthropomorphum ADJ [GXXEK]
anthropophagia, anthropophagiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
anthropophagos, anthropophagi N M [XXXEO]
cannibals (pl.), man-eaters;
anthropophagus, anthropophagi N (2nd) M [XXXES]
cannibals (pl.), man-eaters;
anthus, anthi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
bird (heron?); small bird (yellow wagtail? Motacilla flava) (L+S);
anthyllion, anthyllii N N [XAXNO]
two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?);
anthyllis, anthyllidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?); musk ivy (Teucrium iva)
anthyllium, anthyllii N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?);
anthyllum, anthylli N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?);
anthypophora, anthypophorae N (1st) F [XGXFO]
reply to a supposed objection; anticipating and refuting opponents arguments;
antia, antiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
locks (pl.) of hair that hang down in front, forelock;
antiaerius, antiaeria, antiaerium ADJ [HWXEK]
antias, antiadis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
tonsil covered with a pellicle as a result of tonsillitis;
antibacchus, antibacchi N (2nd) M [XPXFO]
metrical foot short-long-long; verse composed of this meter;
antibasis, antibasis N (3rd) F [XWXFO]
rear prop of a ballista, hindmost small pillar at pedestal of ballista;
antibioticum, antibiotici N (2nd) N [HBXEK]
antiboreum, antiborei N (2nd) N [XSXFO]
type of sundial (turned toward the north);
antiboreus, antiborea, antiboreum ADJ [XSXFS]
turned toward the north (sundial);
antibrachium, antibrachii N (2nd) N [FBXFE]
anticategoria, anticategoriae N (1st) F [XLXFO]
counter-plea; recrimination (L+S);
Anticato, Anticatonis N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
title of books which Caesar wrote in reply to Cicero's panegyric Cato;
anticessus, anticessus N (4th) M [XLXCO]
payments in advance;
Antichristus, Antichristi N (2nd) M [EEXCS]
Antichrist; man of sin (Souter);
antichthonis, antichthonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S);
anticipale, anticipalis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
preliminaries (pl.); anticipatory actions; (preconceptions?);
anticipalis, anticipalis, anticipale ADJ [XXXEO]
preliminary, anticipatory;
anticipatio, anticipationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
preconception, previous notion; anticipation; idea before receiving instruction;
anticipo, anticipare, anticipavi, anticipatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
occupy beforehand; anticipate, get the lead, get ahead of; have preconception;
anticoagulans, anticoagulantis N (3rd) N [HBXEK]
anticonceptio, anticonceptionis N (3rd) F [HBXEK]
anticonceptivus, anticonceptiva, anticonceptivum ADJ [HBXEK]
anticonvulsivum, anticonvulsivi N (2nd) N [HBXEK]
anticorpus, anticorporis N (3rd) N [HSXEK]
anticthonis, anticthonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S);
antictonis, antictonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S);
anticus, antica -um, anticior -or -us, anticissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
old, ancient; aged; time-honored; primeval; simple, classic, venerable; senior;
anticus, antica, anticum ADJ [XXXES]
foremost, that is in front;
anticus, antici N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
men (pl.) of old, ancients, early authorities/writers; ancestors;
anticuus, anticua -um, anticuior -or -us, anticuissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
old, ancient; aged; time-honored; primeval; simple, classic, venerable; senior;
antidactylus, antidactyla, antidactylum ADJ [DPXFS]
reversed dactyl (short-short-long) (w/pes);
antidea ADV [BXXBX]
before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past;
antideo, antidire, antidivi(ii), antiditus V [XXXCO]
go before, go ahead, precede; surpass; anticipate; prevent; (anteeo drop e);
antidepressivum, antidepressivi N (2nd) N [HBXEK]
antidhac ADV [BXXDX]
before this time, up til now; before now/then; previously, earlier; in the past;
antidoron, antidori N N [FEHFE]
blessed bread distributed after the liturgy in the Greek rite
antidotos, antidoti N F [XBXCO]
antidote, remedy;
antidotum, antidoti N (2nd) N [XBXCO]
antidote, remedy;
antidotus, antidoti N (2nd) F [XBXCO]
antidote, remedy;
antigelidum, antigelidi N (2nd) N [HXXEK]
antigerio ADV [XXXEO]
greatly, very; vigorously, strongly, energetically;
antigradus, antigradus N (4th) M [XXXIO]
front steps;
antihistaminicum, antihistaminici N (2nd) N [HBXEK]
antihypertensivum, antihypertensivi N (2nd) N [HBXEK]
antiinfectiosus, antiinfectiosa, antiinfectiosum ADJ [GBXEK]
antilope, antilopes N F [GXXEK]
antilucanus, antilucana, antilucanum ADJ [XXXCO]
before daybreak, that precedes the dawn; of the hours before daybreak;
antimensium, antimensii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
consecrated cloth used for an altar;
antimetabole, antimetaboles N F [XGXFS]
reciprocal interchange;
antineuralgicum, antineuralgici N (2nd) N [GBXEK]
antinomia, antinomiae N (1st) F [XLXFO]
contradiction between two laws;
Antiochea, Antiocheae N (1st) F [XXQCO]
Antioch; (city in Roman Syria/modern Turkey);
Antiochenesis, Antiochenesis N (3rd) M [XXQEO]
Antiochian, person from Antioch; high official from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1);
Antiochensis, Antiochensis N (3rd) M [XXQEO]
Antiochian, person from Antioch; high official from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1);
Antiochensis, Antiochensis, Antiochense ADJ [XXQEO]
Antiochian, of/from/pertaining to Antioch (city) or King Antiochus;
Antiochenus, Antiochena, Antiochenum ADJ [XXQFS]
Antiochian, of/from/pertaining to Antioch (city) or King Antiochus;
Antiochenus, Antiocheni N (2nd) M [XXQFS]
Antiochian, person from Antioch; high official from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1);
Antiochia, Antiochiae N (1st) F [XXQCO]
Antioch; (city in Roman Syria/modern Turkey);
Antiochinus, Antiochina, Antiochinum ADJ [XXQFS]
of/from/pertaining to King or philosopher Antiochus;
antioxydativus, antioxydativa, antioxydativum ADJ [GSXEK]
antipagmentum, antipagmenti N (2nd) N [XTXFS]
facing of a door/window frame; anything used to garnish house exterior (L+S);
antipascha, antipaschatis N (3rd) N [FEHFE]
Low Sunday in the Greek rite;
antipastus, antipasti N (2nd) M [DPXFS]
antipast, foot in verse short-long-long-short; verse consisting of antipasts;
antipathes, antipathis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
precious stone supposed to act as a charm against witchcraft (black coral L+S);
antipathes, antipathis N (3rd) N [XXXFS]
charm (for arousing mutual love?) (against pain L+S);
antipathia, antipathiae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
antipathy, aversion; counteraction;
antipendium, antipendii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
frontal, a hanging in front of the altar;
antiphernum, antipherni N (2nd) N [DLXFS]
return-present (pl.) which the bridegroom brought to the bride (Cod. Just.);
antiphona, antiphonae N (1st) F [FDHFB]
antiphon, response; (verse/sentence sung by one choir in response to another);
antiphonalis, antiphonalis, antiphonale ADJ [FEXFE]
antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir);
antiphonarium, antiphonarii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
book of antiphons; the Gradual;
antiphonarius, antiphonaria, antiphonarium ADJ [FXXFE]
antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir);
antiphonatim ADV [FEXFE]
antiphonally; (of verse sung in response by choir);
antiphone ADV [FDXEE]
antiphonally; (of verse sung in response by choir);
antiphonum, antiphoni N (2nd) N [FDHFB]
antiphon, response (pl.); (verse/sentence by one choir in response to another);
antiphonus, antiphona, antiphonum ADJ [FXXFE]
antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir);
antiphrasis, antiphrasis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
use of a word in a sense opposite to its proper meaning;
antipodis, antipodis N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
people (pl.) who live on the opposite side of the earth; (keeping late hours);
antiptosis, antiptosis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
putting of one case for another; (grammar);
antiquarius, antiquari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
antiquarian, student of the past;
antiquarius, antiquaria, antiquarium ADJ [DXXES]
reading/copying ancient manuscripts (w/ars);
antiquarius, antiquarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
antiquatio, antiquationis N (3rd) F [DLXFS]
abrogating, annulling;
antiquatus, antiquata -um, antiquatior -or -us, antiquatissimus -a -um ADJ [FXXEE]
old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated;
antique, antiquius, antiquissime ADV [XXXDO]
in the old way, in an old fashioned manner;
antiquitas, antiquitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
antiquity, the good old days; the ancients; virtues of olden times; being old;
antiquitus ADV [XXXCO]
formerly, in former/ancient/olden times, from antiquity; long ago/before;
antiquitus, antiquita -um, antiquitior -or -us, antiquitissimus -a -um ADJ [FXXEE]
old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated;
antiquo, antiquare, antiquavi, antiquatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
reject (bill); vote for the rejection;
antiquum, antiqui N (2nd) N [DXXES]
antiquity; things of olden times; old custom/habit;
antiquus, antiqua -um, antiquior -or -us, antiquissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated;
antiquus, antiqui N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
men (pl.) of old, ancients, early authorities/writers; ancestors;
antirabicus, antirabica, antirabicum ADJ [HBXEK]
antirrhinon, antirrhini N N [XAXNO]
snapdragon, antirrhinum;
antirrinum, antirrini N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
snapdragon, antirrhinum;
antis, antis N (3rd) M [XXXDS]
rows (pl.) (vines/plants); ranks (soldiers); files (cavalry);
antisagoge, antisagoges N F [DGXFS]
figure of speech one thing adduced is opposed to another, counter-assertion;
antiscius, antiscii N (2nd) M [DSXFS]
people (pl.) on other side of equator with shadows in the opposite direction;
antisemitismus, antisemitismi N (2nd) M [HXXEE]
antisepticum, antiseptici N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
antisepticus, antiseptica, antisepticum ADJ [HBXEK]
antisophista, antisophistae N (1st) M [XGXFS]
one who seeks to refute another, opponent in argument; counter-sophist;
antisophistes, antisophistae N M [XGXEO]
one who seeks to refute another, opponent in argument; counter-sophist;
antispasmodicum, antispasmodici N (2nd) N [HBXEK]
antispodon, antispodi N N [XAXNO]
vegetable/wood ash (as substitute for mineral ash);
antista, antistae N (1st) F [FEXEE]
mother superior, head of convent; superioress;
antistatus, antistatus N (4th) M [DXXFS]
superiority in rank, rank;
antistes, antistitis N (3rd) C [XEXBO]
(high) priest/priestess; mouthpiece of god; master/authority (w/GEN); protector;
antistes, antistitis N (3rd) M [EEXCB]
bishop, abbot, prelate; master; occasionally applied to those of inferior rank;
antistigma, antistigmatis N (3rd) N [DGXFS]
character proposed for "ps"; critical mark before a verse to be transposed;
antistita, antistitae N (1st) F [XEXCO]
(high) priestess (of a temple/deity, w/GEN);
antistitium, antistitii N (2nd) N [DEXFS]
office of antistes (high priest);
antistitor, antistitoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
antisto, antistare, antiseti, - V (1st) [XXXCO]
stand before; surpass, excel, be superior to;
antisto, antistare, antisteti, antistatus V (1st) DAT [XXXCQ]
surpass, excel, be superior to; stand before;
antistoechum, antistoechi N (2nd) N [XGXFO]
substitution of one letter for another;
antistrophe, antistrophes N F [XDXFS]
antistrophe, answers to the strophe in Greek/Roman tragedy;
rhetorical figure when several parts of a period end with the same word;
antithesis, antithesis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
substitution of one letter for another;
antitheton, antitheti N N [XGXEO]
antithesis, opposition;
antitheus, antithei N (2nd) M [DEXFS]
one who pretends to be God; the devil;
antizeugmenon, antizeugmeni N N [DGXFS]
grammatical figure by which several clauses are referred to the same verb;
antlia, antliae N (1st) F [XTXEO]
pump, mechanism for raising water, foot pump; (prison activity) treadmill;
antoecumene, antoecumenes N F [XSXFO]
opposite quarter of the earth, southern half of hemisphere;
antomasivus, antomasiva, antomasivum ADJ [DGXFS]
pertaining to forming an antonomasia/epithet;
Antonius, Antoni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Antony/Anthony; (Roman gens name); (M. Antonius -> Mark Antony, triumvir);
Antonius, Antonia, Antonium ADJ [XXXCO]
Antony/Anthony; (Roman gens name); (M. Antonius -> Mark Antony, triumvir);
antonomasia, antonomasiae N (1st) F [XGXEO]
use of an epithet/appellative as substitute for proper name, antonomasia;
antoo, antoare, antoavi, antoatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
antrum, antri N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
cave; cavern; hollow place with overarching foliage; cavity, hollow; tomb;
antruo, antruare, antruavi, antruatus V (1st) INTRANS [XEXFS]
dance around (at Salian religious festivals);
Antuuerpia, Antuuerpiae N (1st) F [GXNET]
Antverpia, Antverpiae N (1st) F [FXNFE]
anucella, anucellae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
(little) old woman;
anulare, anularis N (3rd) N [XXXNO]
kind of white paint (prepared with chalk mixed with glass beads L+S);
anularis, anularis, anulare ADJ [XXXNS]
relating to (signet) ring;
anularium, anulari(i) N (2nd) N [XWXIO]
payment to veterans on discharge;
anularius, anulari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
anularius, anularia, anularium ADJ [XXXEO]
connected with (signet) ring-makers; used in making rings; of rings;
anulatus, anulata, anulatum ADJ [XXXEO]
provided with a ring, ringed; fitted with a fetter, fettered;
anulus, anuli N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
ring, signet ring; circlet; ringlet/curl of hair; link of mail; fetters, irons;
posterior, fundament; anus;
anus, ana, anum ADJ [XXXBO]
old (of female persons and things), aged;
anus, ani N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
ring, circle, link, circular form; anus; fundement; piles, hemorrhoids (L+S);
year (astronomical/civil); age, time of life; year's produce;
anus, anus N (4th) F [XXXBO]
old woman; hag; matron; old maid; sibyl, sorceress; foolish/cringing person;
anxie ADV [XXXCO]
anxiously, meticulously, over-carefully; with distress/chagrin; troublesomely;
anxietas, anxietatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
anxiety, worry, solicitude; carefulness, extreme care;
anxietudo, anxietudinis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
worry, anxiety, anguish, trouble; mental distress;
anxifer, anxifera, anxiferum ADJ [XXXEO]
bringing/causing mental anguish/anxiety, harassing, worrying;
anxio, anxiare, anxiavi, anxiatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
make uneasy/anxious/nervous; worry;
anxior, anxiari, anxiatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXEE]
be in anguish; be troubled; worry;
anxiosus, anxiosa, anxiosum ADJ [DXXFS]
anxious, full of anxiety, uneasy; causing anxiety/pain/uneasiness;
anxitudo, anxitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
worry, anxiety, anguish, trouble; mental distress;
anxius, anxia, anxium ADJ [XXXBO]
anxious, uneasy, disturbed; concerned; careful; prepared with care; troublesome;
Ap., abb. N M [XXXCO]
Appius (Roman praenomen); (esp, gens Claudia); Ap.Cl. Caecus built Appian Way;
be off!; nonsense!, get away with you!;
apalocrocodes, apalocrodis N (3rd) N [XBXIO]
kind of eye salve;
apalus, apala, apalum ADJ [XXXEO]
soft-boiled (egg). soft, tender;
aparctias, aparctiae N M [XXXEO]
north wind;
aparine, aparines N F [XAXNO]
plant, cleavers (Galium aparine);
apathia, apathiae N (1st) F [XSXFO]
apathy; freedom from emotion/passion (as a Stoic value);
apathicus, apathica, apathicum ADJ [GXXEK]
apeliotes, apeliotae N F [XXXDO]
east wind;
apello, apellere, apepuli, apulsus V (3rd) [EXXEW]
draw/push/drive aside/away (from);
aper, apri N (2nd) C [XAXCO]
boar, wild boar (as animal, food, or used as a Legion standard/symbol); a fish;
aperantologia, aperantologiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
interminable discussion;
aperculum, aperculi N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
aperibilis, aperibilis, aperibile ADJ [DXXES]
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus V (4th) TRANS [XXXAO]
uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out;
aperitio, aperitionis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
opening; aperture;
aperito, aperitonis N (3rd) F [EXXEE]
opening; revelation/disclosure;
apernor, apernari, apernatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXEE]
aperte, apertius, apertissime ADV [XXXBO]
openly, publicly; manifestly; w/o disguise/reserve; plainly, clearly, frankly;
apertibilis, apertibilis, apertibile ADJ [DXXES]
apertio, apertionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
opening; act of making (building, etc.) accessible; grand/solemn opening;
aperto, apertare, apertavi, apertatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
bare, expose, lay bare;
apertor, apertoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
he who opens/begins, opener;
apertum, aperti N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
area free from obstacles, open/exposed space, the open (air); known facts (pl.);
apertura, aperturae N (1st) F [XXXDS]
act of opening; opening (will); an opening, aperture, hole;
apertus, aperta -um, apertior -or -us, apertissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
open/public/free; uncovered/exposed/opened; frank/clear/manifest; cloudless;
apes, apis N (3rd) F [DAXCS]
bee; swarm regarded as a portent;
apex, apicis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
point, top, summit; cap, crown; conical priest cap; highest honor;
long mark over vowel; outlines of letters, letter; least particle, speck;
apexabo, apexabonis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
kind of sausage;
aphaca, aphacae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
kind of vetch/tare; pulse, field/chick peas (Lathyrus alphca) (L+S); dandelion;
aphaerema, aphaerematis N (3rd) N [XAXNO]
spelt bran, grits, sharps;
aphaeresis, aphaeresis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
dropping a letter or syllable at the beginning of a word;
apharce, apharces N F [XAXNO]
evergreen tree (Arbutus hybrida);
apheliotes, apheliotae N F [XXXDO]
east wind;
aphorisma, aphorismae N (1st) F [FXXFM]
aphorism; pithy sentence;
aphorismus, aphorismi N (2nd) M [FGXFM]
aphractum, aphracti N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
undecked boat; open ship;
aphractus, aphracti N (2nd) F [XXXEO]
undecked boat; open ship;
aphrodes, aphrodes, aphrodes ADJ [XXXNS]
foaming, like foam; [~ mecon => wild poppy];
aphrodisas, aphrodisae N F [DAXFS]
sweet flag/iris?; calamus?;
aphrodisiaca, aphrodisiacae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
unknown precious stone (reddish-white L+S);
aphrodisiace, aphrodisiaces N F [XXXNS]
unknown precious stone (reddish-white L+S);
aphronitrum, aphronitri N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
sodium carbonate, washing soda; spuma nitri; efflorescence of saltpeter (L+S);
aphtha, aphthae N (1st) F [XBXFO]
parasitic stomatitis, thrush, aphthous ulcers (pl.) (fungal disease);
aphya, aphyae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
small fish (regarded by Pliny as a separate species); anchovy? (L+S);
aphye, aphyes N F [XAXNO]
small fish (regarded by Pliny as a separate species); anchovy? (L+S);
apiacius, apiacia, apiacium ADJ [XAXFO]
of parsley or celery;
apiacus, apiaca, apiacum ADJ [XAXFO]
of parsley; similar to parsley (L+S);
apiana, apianae N (1st) F [DAXES]
apianus, apiana, apianum ADJ [XAXNO]
of/belonging to bees; muscatel (grape loved by the bees);
apiarium, apiarii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
apiary, bee-house, beehive;
apiarius, apiaria, apiarium ADJ [XAXFS]
relating to bees;
apiarius, apiarii N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
apiastellum, apiastelli N (2nd) N [DAXES]
plant, batrachior or herba scelerata; bryonia;
apiastra, apiastrae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
bee-eater, bird that lies in wait for bees, (Merops apiaster);
apiastrum, apiastri N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
one or more varieties of balm (plant of which bees like); wild parsley (L+S);
apiatus, apiata, apiatum ADJ [XAXNO]
resembling parsley (of tables with a certain grain pattern); boiled w/parsley;
apica, apicae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
sheep with no wool on its belly;
apicatus, apicata, apicatum ADJ [XEXFO]
wearing he ceremonial pointed cap of a priest;
apicius, apicia, apicium ADJ [XAXFO]
name of a variety of grape and wine; ("sought/liked by bees");
apicula, apiculae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
little bee;
apina, apinae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
trifles (pl.), nonsense;
apio, apere, -, aptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
fasten, attach, join, connect, bind;
apios, apii N F [XAXNO]
kind of spurge;
apirocalus, apirocali N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
one lacking in taste;
apis, apis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
bee; swarm regarded as a portent; Apis, sacred bull worshiped in Egypt;
apiscor, apisci, aptus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
reach, obtain, win (lawsuit); grasp; catch (person); attack (infection); pursue;
apium, api(i) N (2nd) N [XAXCC]
wild celery; parsley; (garlands); (GEN apii OLD); like plants; (liked by bees);
apium, apii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
aplanes, aplanes, aplanes ADJ [DXXFS]
standing firm, not moving about;
aplestia, aplestiae N (1st) F [EXXEP]
surfeit, excess; excessive amount/supply/indulgence/consumption/gluttony;
apluda, apludae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
chaff; bran (L+S); kind of drink?;
aplustre, aplustris N (3rd) N [XWXCO]
ornamented stern-post of a ship; (also plural for a single) ship (pl.);
aplustrum, aplustri N (2nd) N [XWXCO]
ornamented stern-post of a ship; (also plural for a single) ship (pl.);
aplysia, aplysiae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
sponge of inferior quality;
apo, apere, -, aptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXES]
fasten, attach, join, connect, bind;
apocalypsis, apocalypsis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
revelation, disclosing; (Book of Revelations, Apocalypse of St John);
apocalypsis, apocalypsos/is N F [EEXEW]
revelation, disclosing; (Book of Revelations, Apocalypse of St John);
apocalypticus, apocalyptica, apocalypticum ADJ [EXXEE]
pertaining to the Apocalypse/Book of Revelations;
apocarteresis, apocarteresis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
voluntary starvation; hunger strike;
apocatastasis, apocatastasis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
restoration, re-establishment, return to former position; (stars to last year);
apocatastaticus, apocatastatica, apocatastaticum ADJ [DSXFS]
restoring, returning; (stars/planets to position of previous year);
apocatus, apocata, apocatum ADJ [XLXIO]
in respect of which a receipt for payment has been given;
apocha, apochae N (1st) F [XLXEO]
receipt for payment;
apochatus, apochata, apochatum ADJ [XLXIO]
in respect of which a receipt for payment has been given;
apocolocyntosis, apocolocyntosis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
transformation into a gourd or pumpkin; "Metamorphosis of a Pumpkin" by Seneca;
apocope, apocopes N F [XGXCS]
dropping of a letter/syllable at the end of a word;
apocrisiarius, apocrisiarii N (2nd) M [DEXES]
delegate/deputy who performs a duty in place of another, envoy, nuncio;
apocryphum, apocryphi N (2nd) N [DEXCE]
apocryphal/non canonical writings (pl.) (not included in the Bible);
apocryphus, apocrypha, apocryphum ADJ [DEXCS]
spurious, not genuine/canonical, apocryphal;
apoculo, apoculare, apoculavi, apoculatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
go away, remove oneself, leave;
apocynon, apocyni N N [XAXNO]
dog's bane, a plant poisonous to dogs; magic bone in left side of venomous frog;
apodicticus, apodictica, apodicticum ADJ [XGXFO]
demonstrative, convincing; proving clearly (L+S);
apodixis, apodixos/is N F [XLXEO]
proof, demonstration; conclusive proof (L+S);
apodosis, apodosis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
subsequent proposition; clause referring to one preceding;
apodyterium, apodyteri(i) N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
undressing-room in a bathing-house;
apogeus, apogea, apogeum ADJ [XXXNO]
blowing/coming from the land, land (breeze);
apographon, apographi N N [XXXNO]
copy; transcript (L+S);
apographum, apographi N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
copy; transcript (L+S);
apolactizo, apolactizare, apolactizavi, apolactizatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
kick away, spurn;
apolectus, apolecta, apolectum ADJ [XXXNO]
choice, selected;
kind of tunny fish not a year old; pieces for salting cut from that tunny;
apoliticus, apolitica, apoliticum ADJ [GXXEK]
apollinaria, apollinariae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant (commonly called strychnos);
apollinaris, apollinaris N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
herb (commonly called hyoscyamus); species of solanum;
Apollinaris, Apollinaris, Apollinare ADJ [XEXES]
sacred to Apollo; of Apollo (games);
Apollo, Apollinis N (3rd) M [XEXBO]
Apollo; (Roman god of prophecy, music, poetry, archery, medicine);
apologatio, apologationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
fable or apologue; narration in the manner of Aesop;
apologeticus, apologetica, apologeticum ADJ [FXXEE]
apologia, apologiae N (1st) F [DXXES]
apology; defense;
apologo, apologare, apologavi, apologatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
spurn, reject;
apologus, apologi N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
narrative, story; fable, tale;
apopempeus, apopempei N (2nd) M [FEXFM]
averter of evil; aversion/carrying away (of evil);
apophasis, apophasis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
denial, rhetorical device where one answers himself;
apophegmatismos, apophegmatismi N M [DBXFS]
remedy for expelling phlegm, expectorant;
apophoretum, apophoreti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
presents (pl.) for guests to take with them;
apophoretus, apophoreta, apophoretum ADJ [XXXFO]
designed (for guests) to take with them (of presents);
apophysis, apophysos/is N F [XTXFO]
curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge;
apoplecticus, apoplectica, apoplecticum ADJ [DBXES]
apoplectic, stroke;
apoplexia, apoplexiae N (1st) F [DBXES]
apoplexy, stroke;
apoplexis, apoplexis N (3rd) F [DBXES]
apoplexy, stroke;
apopompaeus, apopompaei N (2nd) M [FEXFM]
averter of evil; aversion/carrying away (of evil);
apopompeus, apopompei N (2nd) M [FEXFM]
averter of evil; aversion/carrying away (of evil);
apoproegmenon, apoproegmeni N N [XGXFS]
things (pl.) that have been rejected;
apoproegmenum, apoproegmeni N (2nd) N [XGXFO]
things (pl.) that have been rejected;
apopsis, apopsis N (3rd) F [XTXFO]
belvedere? (summer house/gazebo, raised turret/lantern atop house with view);
aporia, aporiae N (1st) F [DXXES]
doubt, perplexity; embarrassment, disorder;
aporiatio, aporiationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
vacillation of mind, uncertainty, doubt;
aporio, aporiare, aporiavi, aporiatus V (1st) INTRANS [EXXFW]
be uncertain/in doubt, vacillate, waver, doubt, be perplexed/distressed/in need;
aporior, aporiari, aporiatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXCS]
be uncertain/in doubt, vacillate, waver, doubt, be perplexed/distressed/in need;
aposcopeuon, aposcopeuontis N (3rd) M [XXXNO]
looking into the distance;
aposiopesis, aposiopesis N (3rd) F [XGXFO]
breaking off in the middle of speech, aposiosesis;
aposphragisma, aposphragismatis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
device on a signet ring;
aposplenos, apospleni N F [DAXFS]
apostasia, apostasiae N (1st) F [DEXES]
apostasy, departure from one's religion, repudiation of one's faith;
apostata, apostatae N (1st) M [DEXCS]
apostate; bad/wicked man;
apostaticus, apostatica, apostaticum ADJ [DEXEE]
apostate, rebel;
apostato, apostatare, apostatavi, apostatatus V (1st) INTRANS [DEXFE]
fall away (from), apostatize, forsake one's religion;
apostatrix, apostatricis N (3rd) F [DEXFE]
apostate (female);
apostema, apostematis N (3rd) N [XBXEO]
abscess; ulcer;
apostola, apostolae N (1st) F [DEXFE]
apostle (female);
apostolatus, apostolatus N (4th) M [DEXFS]
apostlate, office/position of an apostle, apostleship;
apostolicitas, apostolicitatis N (3rd) F [FEXFE]
apostlate, office/position of an apostle, apostleship;
apostolicus, apostolica, apostolicum ADJ [DEXCS]
apostolic; of/concerning/belonging to an Apostle; title applied to Pope;
apostolicus, apostolici N (2nd) M [DEXDS]
saying of an Apostle; book of Epistles; pupils/friends of the Apostles (pl.);
apostolus, apostoli N (2nd) M [DEXBS]
apostle; missionary (one sent);
apostolus, apostoli N (2nd) M [DLXCS]
notice/statement of the case sent to a higher tribunal on an appeal (Roman law);
apostrapha, apostraphae N (1st) F [FDXFE]
apostrophe; small mark or note (especially in music);
apostropha, apostrophae N (1st) F [EDXEE]
small mark/note (esp. in music); apostrophe;
apostrophe, apostrophes N F [XGXDS]
rhetorical figure when speaker turns away to address others; apostrophy;
apostrophos, apostrophi N F [DGXES]
mark of elision, apostrophe;
apostrophus, apostrophi N (2nd) F [DGXES]
mark of elision, apostrophe;
apotelesma, apotelesmatis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
influence of the stars on human destiny;
apotheca, apothecae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
store-house, store-room, repository; wine-cellar;
apothecarius, apothecarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
warehouseman, shopkeeper; clerk, druggist;
apotheco, apothecare, apothecavi, apothecatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
store, lay up in a storehouse;
apotheosis, apotheosis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
deification, transformation into a god; (by extension) canonization (saint);
apothesis, apothesos/is N F [XTXFS]
curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge;
apothysis, apothysos/is N F [XTXFS]
curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge;
apoxyomenos, apoxyomeni N M [XXXFO]
statue by Lysippus of an athlete using a strigil to clean himself in the bath;
apozema, apozematis N (3rd) N [XSXFS]
decoction, boiling away, concentration/extraction by boiling away liquid;
apozima, apozimae N (1st) F [FBXFM]
decoction; (alt. form of apozema, atis);
apozymo, apozymare, apozymavi, apozymatus V (1st) TRANS [DAXFS]
make ferment;
App., abb. N M [XXXCO]
Appius (Roman praenomen); (abb. App.);
appagineculus, appagineculi N (2nd) M [XTXFO]
kind of decorative attachment (archit.);
appalis, appalis, appale ADJ [XXXFS]
greasy, fatty; of/with fat/grease;
appango, appangere, appegi, appactus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
fasten to;
apparamentum, apparamenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
preparation, preparing; that which is prepared;
apparate, apparatius, apparatissime ADV [XXXCO]
apparatio, apparationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
careful preparation; task/act of providing; provisions; designing, construction;
apparator, apparatoris N (3rd) M [XEXFO]
one who prepares; official who sacrifices to the Magna Mater;
apparatorium, apparatorii N (2nd) N [XEXFO]
place/room where preparations were made for sacrifice;
apparatrix, apparatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
she who prepares (sacrifices);
apparatus, apparata -um, apparatior -or -us, apparatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
prepared, equipped, ready; splendid, elaborate, well-appointed; labored;
apparatus, apparatus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
preparation; instruments, equipment, supplies, stock; splendor, pomp, trappings;
apparens, (gen.), apparentis ADJ [XXXCO]
exposed to the air; exposed to view, visible; perceptible, audible; apparent;
apparentia, apparentiae N (1st) F [DXXES]
becoming visible, appearing, appearance; external appearance;
appareo, apparere, apparui, apparitus V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
appear; be evident/visible/noticed/found; show up, occur; serve (w/DAT);
apparesco, apparescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXES]
begin to appear;
apparet, apparere, -, - V (2nd) IMPERS [XXXBO]
it is apparent/evident/clear/certain/visible/noticeable/found; it appears;
appario, apparere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
acquire, gain in addition;
apparitio, apparitionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
service, attendance; servants, attendants; provision, supplying, preparation;
apparitor, apparitoris N (3rd) M [XLXCO]
civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate;
apparitorius, apparitoria, apparitorium ADJ [XLXFO]
of/for an apparitor (civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate);
apparitura, appariturae N (1st) F [XLXFO]
attendance on a magistrate, (civil) service;
apparo, apparare, apparavi, apparatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
prepare, fit out, make ready, equip, provide; attempt; organize (project);
appectoro, appectorare, appectoravi, appectoratus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
press/clasp to the breast;
appellans, appellantis N (3rd) M [FLXFJ]
appellant; appellor; one who appeals;
appellatio, appellationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
appeal (to higher authority); name, term; noun; title, rank; pronunciation;
appellativus, appellativa, appellativum ADJ [XGXFO]
of the nature of a noun, nominal; appellative, belonging to a species (L+S);
appellator, appellatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
appellant, one who appeals;
appellatorius, appellatoria, appellatorium ADJ [XXXEO]
of/used in appeals;
appellatus, appellati N (2nd) M [FLXFJ]
appellee; one appealed against;
appellito, appellitare, appellitavi, appellitatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
call or name (frequently or habitually);
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
call (upon); address; dun; solicit; appeal (to); bring to court; accuse; name;
appello, appellere, appellivi, appellitus V (3rd) [GXXEK]
apply, to put in practice;
appello, appellere, appuli, appulsus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
drive to, move up, bring along, force towards; put ashore at, land (ship);
appellum, appelli N (2nd) N [FLXFJ]
appendeo, appendere, appendi, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XLXFO]
to be pending;
appendicula, appendiculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small addition/appendix/annex; appendage;
appendicum, appendici N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
appenditium, appenditii N (2nd) N [FLXEM]
appurtenance; accessory; hanging cloth(eg curtain); pent-house;
appendix, appendicis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit;
appendo, appendere, appendi, appensus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
weigh out; pay/give out; hang, cause to be suspended;
appensor, appensoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
weigher, he who weighs out;
appensorius, appensoria, appensorium ADJ [EXXEE]
with a handle;
appertineo, appertinere, appertinui, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFS]
belong to, appertain to; (w/DAT or ad);
appetens, appetentis (gen.), appetentior -or -us, appetentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
eager/greedy/having appetite for (w/GEN), desirous; avaricious/greedy/covetous;
appetenter ADV [XXXEO]
greedily, avidly;
appetentia, appetentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
desire, longing after, appetite for;
appetibilis, appetibilis, appetibile ADJ [XXXFO]
be sought after, desirable;
appetisso, appetissere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
seek eagerly after;
appetitio, appetitionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
desire, appetite; action of trying to reach/grasp, stretching out for; grasping;
appetitor, appetitoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who has a desire/liking for (something);
appetitus, appetitus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
appetite, desire; esp. natural/instinctive desire;
appetivitus, appetivita, appetivitum ADJ [XXXEE]
having appetite/desire/liking for (something);
appeto, appetere, appetivi, appetitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near;
appeto, appetonis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who is covetous;
appiciscor, appicisci, - V (3rd) DEP [XXXFO]
appingo, appingere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
paint upon/beside; add in writing/painting; add something (to verbal picture)
fasten/join to;
applar, applaris N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
dish or spoon?;
applaudo, applaudere, applausi, applausus V (3rd) [XXXCO]
strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae);
applausor, applausoris N (3rd) M [XGXFS]
one expressing agreement/approval/pleasure/satisfaction by clapping hands;
applausus, applausus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
flapping/beating of wings;
applex, (gen.), applicis ADJ [DXXFS]
closely joined/attached to;
applicabilis, applicabilis, applicabile ADJ [EXXFE]
applicatio, applicationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
application, inclination; joining, attaching; attachment of client to patron;
applicatus, applicata, applicatum ADJ [XXXCO]
situated close (to town w/DAT); clinging to (side of hill); devoted (to);
applico, applicare, applicavi, applicatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
apply, put in practice;
applico, applicare, applicavi, applicatus V (1st) TRANS [BXXAX]
connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to;
applico, applicare, applicui, applicitus V (1st) TRANS [DXXAX]
connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to;
applodo, applodere, applosi, applosus V (3rd) [XXXEO]
strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae);
apploro, applorare, apploravi, apploratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFS]
lament, weep at/on account of; deplore (thing);
appluda, appludae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
applumbator, applumbatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
applumbo, applumbare, applumbavi, applumbatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
solder, solder on, affix by soldering, close/seal by soldering/with solder;
appono, apponere, apposui, appositus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign;
apporrectus, apporrecta, apporrectum ADJ [XXXFO]
stretched out near/beside;
apportatio, apportationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
conveyance to, carrying to;
apporto, apportare, apportavi, apportatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
carry/convey/bring (to); import; present (play); bring (news); make one's way;
apposco, apposcere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
demand in addition;
apposite ADV [XXXFO]
in a manner suited (to); suitably, appositely;
appositio, appositionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
comparison, action of comparing;
appositum, appositi N (2nd) N [XGXFO]
adjective, epithet;
appositus, apposita -um, appositior -or -us, appositissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
adjacent, near, accessible, akin; opposite; fit, appropriate, apt; based upon;
appositus, appositus N (4th) M [XBXNO]
application (of medicine);
appostulo, appostulare, appostulavi, appostulatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
beg/entreaty/solicit importunately/persistently/troublesomely/pressingly;
appotus, appota, appotum ADJ [XXXEO]
drunk, intoxicated;
appreciatamentum, appreciatamenti N (2nd) N [FXXFM]
appraisal, valuing;
appreciatio, appreciationis N (3rd) F [FXXEM]
appraisal, valuing;
appreciatum, appreciati N (2nd) N [EXXEZ]
appraisal, valuing;
apprecio, appreciare, appreciavi, appreciatus V (1st) TRANS [EEXCE]
value/prize, set/estimate price, appraise; purchase/buy; appropriate to self;
apprecor, apprecari, apprecatus sum V (1st) DEP [XEXEO]
address prayer to, pray to , invoke, beseech;
apprehendo, apprehendere, apprehendi, apprehensus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake;
apprehensibil, (gen.), apprehensibilis ADJ [DXXES]
intelligible, understandable, that can be understood;
apprehensio, apprehensionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
seizing upon, laying hold of; (philosophical) apprehension, understanding;
apprendo, apprendere, apprendi, apprensus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake;
apprenso, apprensare, apprensavi, apprensatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
snatch at;
appretiatamentum, appretiatamenti N (2nd) N [FXXFM]
appraisal, valuing;
appretiatio, appretiationis N (3rd) F [FXXEM]
appraisal, valuing;
appretiatum, appretiati N (2nd) N [EXXEZ]
appraisal, valuing;
appretio, appretiare, appretiavi, appretiatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXCS]
value/prize, set/estimate price, appraise; purchase/buy; appropriate to self;
apprime ADV [XXXCO]
to the highest degree, to a high degree, extremely, especially, very;
apprimo, apprimere, appressi, appressus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
press on/to; clench (the teeth);
apprimus, apprima, apprimum ADJ [XXXEO]
very first, most excellent;
approbatio, approbationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
approbation, giving approval; proof, confirmation; decision;
approbator, approbatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who approves;
approbe ADV [XXXEO]
approbo, approbare, approbavi, approbatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
approve, commend, endorse; prove; confirm; justify; allow; make good;
approbus, approba, approbum ADJ [XXXEO]
excellent, worthy;
appromissor, appromissoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who promises/gives security on behalf of another;
appromitto, appromittere, appromisi, appromissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
promise in addition (to another), promise also;
approno, appronare, appronavi, appronatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
lean forwards;
appropero, approperare, approperavi, approperatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
hasten, hurry, come hastily, make haste; accelerate, speed up;
appropinquatio, appropinquationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
approach, drawing near;
appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi, appropinquatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXBO]
approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close;
appropio, appropiare, appropiavi, appropiatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXCB]
approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close;
appropriatio, appropriationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
appropriation, making one's own; [~ ciborum => making flesh/blood of food];
approprio, appropriare, appropriavi, appropriatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
appropriate, make one's own;
approximo, approximare, approximavi, approximatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
be/draw/come close/near to, approach;
appugno, appugnare, appugnavi, appugnatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
attack, assault;
appulsus, appulsus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
landing; approach; influence, impact; bringing/driving to (cattle) (/right to);
Apr., abb. ADJ [XXXCO]
April (month/mensis understood); abb. Apr.;
apra, aprae N (1st) F [BAXNO]
wild sow (old feminine of aper - wild boar);
aprarius, apraria, aprarium ADJ [XXXFO]
for hunting boar, boar-;
apricatio, apricationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
basking, sitting in the sun, sunning oneself;
apricitas, apricitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
sunniness, property of having much sunshine; warmth of the sun, sunshine;
aprico, apricare, apricavi, apricatus V (1st) [FXXEK]
aprico, apricare, apricavi, apricatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
warm in the sun;
apricor, apricari, apricatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
bask in the sun, sun oneself;
apricula, apriculae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
unidentified fish;
apriculus, apriculi N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
unidentified fish;
apricum, aprici N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
sunny place/region; sunlight, light of day;
apricus, aprica -um, apricior -or -us, apricissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
sunny, having lots of sunshine; warmed by/exposed to/open to the sun, basking;
Aprilis, Aprilis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
Aprilis, Aprilis, Aprile ADJ [XXXCO]
April (month/mensis understood); abb. Apr.;
aprineus, aprinea, aprineum ADJ [XAXFO]
of a wild boar, boar-;
aprinus, aprina, aprinum ADJ [XAXEO]
of a wild boar, boar-;
apronia, aproniae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
black byrony (plant Tamus communis);
aproxis, aproxis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
plant whose root takes fire at a distance (ignites easily?);
apruco, apruconis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
plant (commonly called saxifrage - dwarf herbs usually rooting in rocks);
aprugineus, apruginea, aprugineum ADJ [DAXFS]
of wild boar, boar's;
aprugna, aprugnae N (1st) F [DAXES]
flesh/meat of the wild boar;
aprugnus, aprugna, aprugnum ADJ [XAXEO]
of wild boar, boar's;
apruna, aprunae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
flesh/meat of the wild boar;
aprunus, apruna, aprunum ADJ [XAXEO]
of wild boar, boar's;
apscedo, apscedere, apscessi, apscessus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede (coasts); slough;
apscessio, apscessionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
removal; loss, separation, going away; diminution;
apscessus, apscessus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
going away, departure, withdrawal, absence; remoteness; abscess;
apscido, apscidere, apscidi, apscisus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
hew/cut off/away; separate, divide; take away violently; expel, banish; prune;
take away violently; expel/banish; destroy (hope); amputate; prune; cut short;
apscindo, apscindere, apscidi, apscissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
tear (away/off) (clothing); cut off/away/short; part, break, divide, separate;
apscise ADV [XXXEO]
abruptly, brusquely, curtly; shortly, concisely, distinctly;
apscisio, apscisionis N (3rd) F [XGXEO]
loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption;
apscissio, apscissionis N (3rd) F [XGXFS]
loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption;
apscisus, apscisa -um, apscisior -or -us, apscisissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
steep, sheer, precipitous; abrupt, curt, brusque; restricted; cut off, severed;
apscondite ADV [XXXEO]
abstrusely; profoundly; secretly;
apsconditum, apsconditi N (2nd) N [XXXCE]
hidden/secret/concealed place/thing; secret;
apsconditus, apscondita, apsconditum ADJ [XXXAO]
hidden, secret, concealed; covert, disguised; abstruse, recondite;
apscondo, apscondere, apscondi, apsconditus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
hide, conceal, secrete, "shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep;
apsconse ADV [XXXEO]
apsconsio, apsconsionis N (3rd) F [EXXCE]
apsconsus, apsconsa, apsconsum ADJ [EXXCE]
hidden, secret, concealed, unknown;
apsegmen, apsegminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
piece/slice/hunk of meat, collop; morsel, portion, lump, mouthful, gobbet;
apsens, (gen.), apsentis ADJ [XXXBO]
absent, missing, away, gone; physically elsewhere (things), non-existent;
apsenthium, apsenthii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood;
apsentia, apsentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
absence; absence form Rome/duty; non-appearance in court; lack;
apsentio, apsentionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
holding back, restraining;
apsentivus, apsentiva, apsentivum ADJ [XXXFS]
long absent;
apsento, apsentare, apsentavi, apsentatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXES]
send away, cause one to be absent; be absent;
apsida, apsidae N (1st) F [XSXCS]
arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl;
apsidata, apsidatae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
alcove, niche;
apsilio, apsilire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XXXDO]
rush/fly away (from); burst/fly apart;
apsimilis, apsimilis, apsimile ADJ [XXXCO]
unlike, dissimilar;
apsinthites, apsinthitae N M [XAXEO]
wine flavored with wormwood;
apsinthium, apsinthi(i) N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
apsinthium, apsinthii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood;
apsinthius, apsinthia, apsinthium ADJ [XAXFS]
containing wormwood (e.g., wine); (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
apsinthius, apsinthii N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
apsis, apsidis N (3rd) F [XSXCO]
arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl;
apsisto, apsistere, apsistiti, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
withdraw from; desist, cease; leave off; depart, go away from; stand back;
apsistus, apsista, apsistum ADJ [DXXFS]
distant, lying away;
"god forbid", "let it be far from the hearts of the faithful";
apsocer, apsoceri N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
great-great grandfather of the husband or wife (in-law);
apsolute, apsolutius, apsolutissime ADV [XXXCO]
completely, absolutely; perfectly; without qualification, simply, unreservedly;
apsolutio, apsolutionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
finishing, completion; acquittal, release (obligat.); perfection; completeness;
apsolutorium, apsolutorii N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
means of deliverance from;
apsolutorius, apsolutoria, apsolutorium ADJ [XXXCO]
favoring/securing acquittal; effecting a cure;
apsolutus, apsoluta -um, apsolutior -or -us, apsolutissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
fluent; fully developed, complete, finished; perfect, pure; unconditional;
apsolvo, apsolvere, apsolvi, apsolutus V (3rd) TRANS [XLXAO]
free (bonds), release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up;
apsone ADV [XXXEO]
harshly, discordantly;
apsono, apsonare, apsonavi, apsonatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
have harsh/discordant/unpleasant sound;
apsonus, apsona, apsonum ADJ [XXXCO]
harsh/discordant/inharmonious; jarring; inconsistent; unsuitable, in bad taste;
apsorbeo, apsorbere, apsorbui, apsorptus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up;
apsorbeo, apsorbere, apsorpsi, apsorptus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXDX]
devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up;
apsorptio, apsorptionis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
drink, beverage;
without, apart from, away from; but for; except for; were it not for; (early);
apstantia, apstantiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
apstemia, apstemiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
apstemius, apstemia, apstemium ADJ [XXXCO]
abstemious, abstaining from drink; sober, temperate; moderate; fasting; saving;
apstergeo, apstergere, apstersi, apstersus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;
apstergo, apstergere, apstersi, apstersus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;
apsterreo, apsterrere, apsterrui, apsterritus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
frighten off/away; drive away; deter, discourage; keep away/withhold from, den;
apstinax, (gen.), apstinacis ADJ [XXXEO]
abstemious, staying away from liquor; temperate/sparing in drink/food;
apstinens, apstinentis (gen.), apstinentior -or -us, apstinentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
abstinent, temperate; showing restraint, self restrained; not covetous; chaste;
apstinenter ADV [XXXCO]
abstinently, with self restraint (esp. financial dealings); scrupulously;
apstinentia, apstinentiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
abstinence; fasting; moderation, self control, restraint; integrity; parsimony;
apstineo, apstinere, apstinui, apstentus V (2nd) [XXXAO]
withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain (from); avoid; keep hands of;
apsto, apstare, apsteti, apstatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
stand at a distance, stand off; keep at a distance;
apstractio, apstractionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
apstraho, apstrahere, apstraxi, apstractus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split;
apstrudo, apstrudere, apstrusi, apstrusus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
thrust away, conceal, hide; suppress/prevent (emotion) becoming apparent;
apstruse ADV [XXXFS]
secretly; remotely; abstrusely;
apstrusio, apstrusionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
removing, concealing;
apstrusus, apstrusa -um, apstrusior -or -us, apstrusissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
secret, reserved; concealed, hidden; remote, secluded; abstruse, recondite;
apstulo, apstulere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
to take away, withdraw;
apsum, apesse, afui, afuturus V [XXXAO]
be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
apsumedo, apsumedinis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
act of squandering/wasting/using up;
apsumo, apsumere, apsumpsi, apsumptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
spend, waste, squander, use up; take up (time); consume; exhaust, wear out;
apsumptio, apsumptionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
act of spending/using up;
apsurde ADV [XXXCO]
as to be out of tune, discordantly; preposterously, absurdly, inappropriately;
apsurdus, apsurda, apsurdum ADJ [XXXBO]
out of tune, discordant; absurd, nonsensical, out of place; awkward, uncouth;
apsyctos, apsycti N F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
aptatio, aptationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
adaption; accommodation, adjustment;
apte, aptius, aptissime ADV [XXXBO]
closely, snugly, so to fit tightly/exactly; neatly, aptly; suitably; fittingly;
apterus, aptera, apterum ADJ [GXXEK]
aptha, apthae N (1st) F [XBXFO]
parasitic stomatitis, thrush, aphthous ulcers (fungal disease);
aptitudo, aptitudinis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
apto, aptare, aptavi, aptatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
adapt, fit, apply, adjust, accommodate; put on, fasten; prepare, furnish;
aptotum, aptoti N (2nd) N [DGXFS]
substantives (pl.) that are not declined, aptotes;
aptrum, aptri N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
vine leaves (pl.)?;
aptus, apta -um, aptior -or -us, aptissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
suitable, adapted; ready; apt, proper; tied, attached to; dependent on (w/ex);
apua, apuae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
small/young fish; whitebait;
at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in the presence/writings/view of;
apulsus, apulsi N (2nd) M [EXXFW]
one drawn/pushed/driven aside/away (from);
apus, apodis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
bird (the swift?); kind of swallow (said to have no feet), black martin (L+S);
at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in presence/writings/view/eyes of;
apyrenum, apyreni N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
pomegranate (kind with soft kernels);
apyrenus, apyrena, apyrenum ADJ [XAXDO]
lacking a hard kernel (of fruit); with soft kernel/seeds;
apyretus, apyreta, apyretum ADJ [DBXES]
without fever;
apyrinum, apyrini N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
pomegranate (kind with soft kernels);
apyrinus, apyrina, apyrinum ADJ [XAXEO]
lacking a hard kernel (of fruit); with soft kernel/seeds;
apyros, apyros, apyron ADJ [XTXEO]
that has not been treated with fire; unsmelted (gold); native (sulfur);
aqua, aquae N (1st) F [XXXAO]
water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall (pl.), rainwater; spa; urine;
aquaductus, aquaductus N (4th) M [FXXCE]
aqueduct; watercourse; conduit;
aquaeductus, aquaeductus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
aquaelicium, aquaelici(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
rain-making; means/sacrifice to produce rain;
aquagium, aquagi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
channel, artificial watercourse; aqueduct, conveyer of water;
aqualiculus, aqualiculi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
paunch, pot-belly; small pot/vessel for water (L+S);
aqualis, aqualis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
water/wash basin; ewer;
aqualis, aqualis, aquale ADJ [XXXEO]
watery, rainy; for water (of vessels);
aquamanile, aquamanilis N (3rd) N [FEXFE]
basin (for use at Lavabo/ceremonial hand washing in liturgy);
aquamanus, aquamanus N (4th) M [FEXFE]
dish/basin for hand washing;
aquariolus, aquarioli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
servant who supplied washing water for prostitutes;
aquarium, aquari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
watering place. water hole (for cattle); source of water;
aquarius, aquari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
water-bearer; (Constellation); overseer/workman at the public water supply;
aquarius, aquaria, aquarium ADJ [XXXCO]
of/for water; requiring water (tools/instruments); [res ~ => water supply];
aquate, aquatius, aquatissime ADV [XXXES]
with water, by use of water;
aquaticum, aquatici N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
well-watered/marshy places/ground;
aquaticus, aquatica, aquaticum ADJ [XXXEO]
aquatic, of/belonging to the water, growing/living in/by water; rainy; watery;
aquatile, aquatilis N (3rd) N [XAXNO]
aquatic animals/plants (pl.); disease of cattle, watery vesicles (L+S);
aquatilis, aquatilis, aquatile ADJ [XXXCO]
of/resembling water, watery; aquatic (animals/plants);
aquatio, aquationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
fetching/drawing water; place from which water is drawn, watering place; rains;
aquator, aquatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
water-carrier/bearer, one who fetches water;
aquatum, aquati N (2nd) N [XSXFO]
aqueous solution, mixture with water;
aquatus, aquata -um, aquatior -or -us, aquatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXDO]
diluted/mixed with water, watered down. watery; having a watery constitution;
aqueus, aquea, aqueum ADJ [FXXFM]
aqueous; watery;
aquicelus, aquiceli N (2nd) M [XAXNS]
pine kernels boiled in honey;
aquiducus, aquiduca, aquiducum ADJ [DXXFS]
drawing of water;
aquifolia, aquifoliae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
tree with prickly/pointy leaves; holly;
aquifolium, aquifolii N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
tree with prickly/pointy leaves; holly;
aquifolius, aquifolia, aquifolium ADJ [XAXNO]
having prickly/pointy leaves; made of holly-wood;
aquifuga, aquifugae N (1st) C [DXXFS]
one fearful of water;
aquigenus, aquigena, aquigenum ADJ [DXXFS]
born in the water;
aquila, aquilae N (1st) C [XXXCO]
eagle; gable/pediment; kind of fish (eagle-ray?);
aquila, aquilae N (1st) F [XWXCO]
silver eagle on pole, standard of a legion; legion; post of standard-bearer;
aquilegus, aquilega, aquilegum ADJ [DXXES]
Aquileia, Aquileiae N (1st) F [XXIDO]
Aquileia; (town in NE Italy);
aquilentus, aquilenta, aquilentum ADJ [XXXFO]
watery, full of water; wet, humid;
aquilex, aquilegis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
water-diviner, man used to find water sources; conduit/water master/inspector;
aquilicium, aquilici(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
rain-making; means/sacrifice to produce rain;
aquilifer, aquiliferi N (2nd) M [XWXDO]
standard bearer of a legion, officer who carried the eagle standard;
aquilifera, aquiliferae N (1st) M [FWXFV]
standard bearer of a legion, officer who carried the eagle standard;
aquilinus, aquilina, aquilinum ADJ [XAXEO]
eagle's, like that of an eagle;
Aquilius, Aquili N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
Aquilius; (Roman gens name); of/named after Aquilius;
Aquilius, Aquilia, Aquilium ADJ [XXXDO]
Aquilius; (Roman gens); of/named after Aquilius;
aquilo, aquilonis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
north wind; NNE/NE wind (for Rome); north; Boreas (personified);
aquilonalis, aquilonalis, aquilonale ADJ [XXXFO]
northerly, northern;
aquilonaris, aquilonaris, aquilonare ADJ [XXXFS]
northerly, northern;
aquilonium, aquilonii N (2nd) N [XSXNO]
northerly regions (pl.); the north; regions facing/exposed to the north;
aquilonius, aquilonia, aquilonium ADJ [XXXCO]
northern, northerly; facing north; subject to north winds; of Boreas;
aquilus, aquila, aquilum ADJ [XXXDO]
dark colored/hued, swarthy;
aquiminale, aquiminalis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
wash-basin/bowl, vessel for washing the hands;
aquiminalis, aquiminalis, aquiminale ADJ [XXXES]
of/pertaining to water for washing the hands;
aquiminarium, aquiminarii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
wash-basin/bowl, vessel for washing the hands;
aquimolina, aquimolinae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
Aquisgranenis, Aquisgranenis, Aquisgranene ADJ [EXGEE]
of Aachen;
Aquisgranum, Aquisgrani N (2nd) N [EXGET]
Aquitania, Aquitaniae N (1st) F [XXFEO]
Aquitania, one of the divisions of Gaul/France (southwest);
Aquitanus, Aquitana, Aquitanum ADJ [XXFEO]
of Aquitania (southwest Gaul/France);
aquivergium, aquivergii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
place in which water is collected, catchment, basin; cistern;
aquola, aquolae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
small amount of water; small stream;
aquor, aquari, aquatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
get/fetch/bring water; be watered;
aquosus, aquosa -um, aquosior -or -us, aquosissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
abounding in water, well watered, wet; humid, rainy; clear as water, watery;
aquula, aquulae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small amount of water; small stream;
ara, arae N (1st) F [XEXAO]
altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter;
arabarches, arabarchae N M [XLEEO]
Egyptian tax/customs collector; contemptuously of Pompey for raising taxes;
arabarchia, arabarchiae N (1st) F [DLEFS]
kind of Egyptian customs duty/tax;
Arabia, Arabiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
Arabia; Aden; [~ Felix => Yemen];
arabica, arabicae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
some precious stone;
arabice ADV [XXQEO]
in Arabic fashion;
arabilis, arabilis, arabile ADJ [XAXNO]
that can be plowed, fit for tillage, arable; [bos ~ => plow ox];
Arabs, Arabis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
Arab, people of Arabia;
arachidna, arachidnae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
leguminous plant (kind), (ground peas, Lathyrus amphicarpus?); checking vetch;
arachidne, arachidnes N F [XAXNO]
leguminous plant (kind), (ground peas, Lathyrus amphicarpus?); checking vetch;
arachis, arachidis N (3rd) F [GAXEK]
arachnoides, arachnoides, arachnoides ADJ [XBXFO]
web-like; [tunica arachnoides => retina of the eye];
aracia, araciae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
kind of white fig tree; island in the Persian Gulf now called Karek;
aracos, araci N M [XAXNO]
kind of leguminous plant;
aracostylos, aracostylos, aracostylon ADJ [XTXFO]
with columns widely spaced (archit.);
arale, aralis N (3rd) N [XEXIO]
structure/base/foundation on which an altar could be set up;
aranciata, aranciatae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
orange drink;
arancium, arancii N (2nd) N [GAXEK]
orange (fruit);
aranea, araneae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
spider's web, cobweb; mass of threads resembling a spider web; spider;
araneans, (gen.), araneantis ADJ [XAXFO]
full of/covered with spider webs, cobwebby;
araneola, araneolae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
(small) spider;
araneolus, araneoli N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
(small) spider;
araneosus, araneosa, araneosum ADJ [XAXDO]
full of/covered with spider webs, cobwebby;
araneum, aranei N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
spider web, cobweb; mass of threads resembling a spider web;
araneus, aranea, araneum ADJ [XAXEO]
spider's, of spiders; [mus araneus => shrew-mouse];
araneus, aranei N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
spider; venomous fish, the weever;
arangia, arangiae N (1st) F [FAXEQ]
orange (fruit); (Du Cange);
arantia, arantiae N (1st) F [GAXEM]
orange (fruit);
arantium, arantii N (2nd) N [GAXFM]
orange (fruit);
arantius, arantia, arantium ADJ [GAXFM]
orange (color); orange-colored; tawny;
Arar, Araris N (3rd) M [XXFDO]
Arar/Saone; (river in Gaul, tributary of the Rhone);
Araris, Araris N (3rd) M [XXFDO]
Arar/Saone; (river in Gaul, tributary of the Rhone);
arater, aratri N (2nd) M [XAXES]
aratio, arationis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
plowing; tilled ground; an estate of arable land (esp. one farmed on shares);
aratiuncula, aratiunculae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
small estate of arable land;
aratius, aratia, aratium ADJ [XAXNO]
variety of fig;
arator, (gen.), aratoris ADJ [XAXEO]
plowing, plow-; (of oxen);
arator, aratoris N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
plowman; farmer (esp. farming on shares); cultivators of public land on tenths;
aratorius, aratoria, aratorium ADJ [XAXIO]
of/for plowing, plow-;
aratro, aratrare, aratravi, aratratus V (1st) [XAXNS]
plow in (young grain to improve the yield), plow (after sowing);
aratrum, aratri N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
aratum, arati N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
plowed field;
Arbavalium, Arbavali(i) N (2nd) N [XEXFX]
Arbarvalia festival (pl.);
arbilla, arbillae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
arbiter, arbitri N (2nd) M [XLXBO]
eye-witness, on-looker; umpire, judge, arbiter; overseer, lord; executor;
arbiterium, arbiteri(i) N (2nd) N [XLXAO]
arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority;
arbitra, arbitrae N (1st) F [XLXDO]
witness (female); judge, umpire; mistress;
arbitralis, arbitralis, arbitrale ADJ [DLXCS]
of/pertaining to a judge/umpire;
arbitrario ADV [XXXFO]
arbitrarius, arbitraria, arbitrarium ADJ [XLXCO]
at discretion of arbiter; done by arbitration; arbitrary; voluntary/optional;
arbitratio, arbitrationis N (3rd) F [BLXEX]
arbitration; choice; judgment, capacity for decisions; jurisdiction, power;
arbitrator, arbitratoris N (3rd) M [DLXES]
master, ruler, lord (Pentapylon Jovis arbitratoris - place in Rome 10th);
arbitratrix, arbitratricis N (3rd) F [DLXFS]
ruler (female); mistress;
arbitratus, arbitratus N (4th) M [CLXDX]
arbitration; choice; judgment, capacity for decisions; jurisdiction, power;
arbitrium, arbitri(i) N (2nd) N [XLXAO]
arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority;
arbitrix, arbitricis N (3rd) F [XLXIO]
female arbitrator;
arbitro, arbitrare, arbitravi, arbitratus V (1st) [XLXCO]
think, judge; consider; be settled/decided on (PASS);
arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum V (1st) DEP [XLXBO]
observe, witness; testify; decide, judge, sentence; believe, think, imagine;
arbitum, arbiti N (2nd) N [XAXDS]
abrutus (evergreen strawberry) tree/fruit; its leaves/branches (animal feed);
arbor, arboris N (3rd) F [XAXBO]
tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid?;
arborarius, arboraria, arborarium ADJ [XAXEO]
tree-, of/concerned w/trees; [falx ~ => pruning hook; picus ~ => woodpecker];
arborator, arboratoris N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
tree pruner;
arboresco, arborescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XAXNO]
grow into a tree, become a tree;
arboretum, arboreti N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
plantation of trees, place growing with trees;
arboreus, arborea, arboreum ADJ [XAXCO]
tree-, of tree(s); resembling a tree, branching; wooden;
arboria, arboriae N (1st) F [DAXES]
black ivy (as growing on trees);
arborius, arboria, arborium ADJ [XAXCO]
of a tree(s), tree-; resembling a tree, branching; wooden;
arbos, arbosis N (3rd) F [BAXDO]
tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid?;
arbuscula, arbusculae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
small/young tree, sapling, bush, shrub; thing like a small tree; axe bearing;
arbustivus, arbustiva, arbustivum ADJ [XAXEO]
of/with trees/orchards; of vines trained on trees/wines produced from them;
arbusto, arbustare, arbustavi, arbustatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXNO]
plant (with trees), forest, reforest;
arbustulum, arbustuli N (2nd) N [EAXCQ]
small orchard/grove of trees; small shrub;
arbustum, arbusti N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
orchard, copse, plantation, grove of trees; shrub; trees/bushes/shrubs (pl.);
arbustus, arbusta, arbustum ADJ [XAXDO]
planted/set with trees; tree covered; trained on trees (vines); tree-;
of the arbutus (evergreen strawberry); of arbutus wood;
arbuteus, arbutea, arbuteum ADJ [XAXCO]
of the evergreen strawberry tree (arbutus); of arbustus wood;
arbutum, arbuti N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
abrutus (evergreen strawberry) tree/fruit; its leaves/branches (animal feed);
arbutus, arbuti N (2nd) F [XAXCO]
arbutus, strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo);
arca, arcae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
box, chest; strong-box, coffer; wealth, money; coffin, bier; cell, cage; ark;
ark (Noah's); Ark of the Covenant;
quadrangular landmark for surveyors;
arcano, arcanius, arcanissime ADV [XXXEO]
secretly, in confidence; in one's inner thoughts, privately;
arcanum, arcani N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
secret, mystery; secret/hidden place;
arcanus, arcana, arcanum ADJ [XXXBO]
secret, private, hidden; intimate, personal; confidential; mysterious, esoteric;
arcanus, arcani N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
confidant, trustworthy friend, keeper of secrets;
arcarius, arcari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
treasurer; controller of the public monies;
arcarius, arcaria, arcarium ADJ [XXXFO]
of/concerned with ready money, cash;
arcatura, arcaturae N (1st) F [DTXFS]
square landmark for surveyors;
arcebion, arcebii N N [XAXNS]
plant (commonly called onochiles or amchusa); kind of ox-tongue;
arcelacus, arcelaca, arcelacum ADJ [XAXFO]
variety of vine (arcelacae vites);
arcella, arcellae N (1st) F [DTXFO]
square landmark for surveyors;
arcellacus, arcellaca, arcellacum ADJ [XAXFS]
variety of vine (arcelacae vites);
arcellula, arcellulae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
little/small box;
arceo, arcere, arcui, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate;
arcera, arcerae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
kind of covered carriage; the seven bright stars in Ursa Major;
arceracus, arceraca, arceracum ADJ [XAXNO]
variety of vine (arceracae vites);
arcersio, arcersire, arcersivi, arcersitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXCS]
send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
arcerso, arcersere, arcersivi, arcersitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
arcessio, arcessire, arcessivi, arcesitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXCS]
send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
arcessitio, arcessitionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
summons, sending for; [dies propriae ~ => day of death];
arcessitor, arcessitoris N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser;
arcessitus, arcessita, arcessitum ADJ [XXXCO]
brought from elsewhere, foreign; extraneous; self-inflicted (death); sent for;
arcessitus, arcessitus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
summons, sending for;
arcesso, arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
send for, summon, indict; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself;
arceuthinus, arceuthina, arceuthinum ADJ [DEXFS]
of the juniper tree;
archaeologia, archaeologiae N (1st) F [HSXFE]
archaeology; study of antiquities;
archaeologicus, archaeologica, archaeologicum ADJ [HSXFE]
archaeological; pertaining to archaeology/study of antiquities;
archaeologus, archaeologi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
archaicus, archaica, archaicum ADJ [GXXEK]
archangelus, archangeli N (2nd) M [EEXDX]
arche, arches N F [DXXFS]
one of Aeons; one of the four muses;
archebion, archebii N N [XAXNO]
plant (Echium creticum?);
archeota, archeotae N (1st) M [XXXFS]
keeper of the archives; a recorder;
archetypon, archetypi N N [XXXEO]
original, pattern, model;
archetypum, archetypi N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
original, pattern, model;
archetypus, archetypa, archetypum ADJ [XXXDO]
first made; genuine; original; in the author's hand/autograph; taken from life;
archezostis, archezostis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
kind of bryony plant (Bryonia alba L+S);
Archiacus, Archiaca, Archiacum ADJ [XXXFS]
made by Archius (cabinet maker, maker of plain/cheap couches);
Archias, Archiae N M [XXXES]
Archius; (cabinet maker, maker of plain couches); Greek poet defended by Cicero
archiater, archiatri N (2nd) M [XBXIO]
official/court physician;
archiatia, archiatiae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
rank of chief physician;
archiatrus, archiatri N (2nd) M [XBXFS]
official/court physician; chief physician and personal doctor of the emperor;
archibasilica, archibasilicae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
archbasilica, cathedral church;
archibucolus, archibucoli N (2nd) M [XEXFS]
chief priest of Bacchus;
archibuculus, archibuculi N (2nd) M [XEXFS]
chief priest of Bacchus;
archibugius, archibugii N (2nd) M [FEXFZ]
ARCHIBUGI; arch-head (of Bugella community?);
archicantor, archicantoris N (3rd) M [FEXFE]
archicantor, leader of choir of cantors;
archicapellanus, archicapellani N (2nd) M [FEXFE]
almoner; chief chaplain;
archidendrophorus, archidendrophori N (2nd) M [EEXIO]
chief of the college of dendrophori (tree-bearers associated with Cybele);
archidiaconatus, archidiaconatus N (4th) M [FEXFE]
deanery; office of archdeacon;
archidiaconus, archidiaconi N (2nd) M [DEXES]
archidictus, archidicta, archidictum ADJ [EXXEN]
extremely eloquent;
archidiocesis, archidiocesis N (3rd) F [FEXEE]
archielectus, archielecti N (2nd) M [EEXEX]
archbishop elect (but not confirmed);
archiepiscopalis, archiepiscopalis, archiepiscopale ADJ [EEXCE]
archepiscopal, archbishopal; pertaining to an archbishop;
archiepiscopatus, archiepiscopatus N (4th) M [EEXCE]
archiepiscopus, archiepiscopi N (2nd) M [EEXBX]
archiereus, archierei N (2nd) M [XEXIO]
chief priest;
archierosyna, archierosynae N (1st) F [DEXES]
office of chief priest;
archigallus, archigalli N (2nd) M [XEXEO]
chief of the Galli (priests of Cybele);
archigeron, archigerontis N (3rd) M [DLXFS]
chief of the old men (title under the emperors);
archigubernus, archiguberni N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
chief pilot/navigator/helmsman;
archimagirus, archimagiri N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
chief cook;
archimandrita, archimandritae N (1st) M [DEXES]
chief/principal monk; abbot (Russian or Oriental monastery);
archimima, archimimae N (1st) F [XDXIO]
chief mimic actress;
archimimus, archimimi N (2nd) M [XDXEO]
chief mimic actor, chief of troop of mimics/actors; leading actor/player, lead;
archiparaphonista, archiparaphonistae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
fourth in rank in scholar cantorum;
archipater, archipatris N (3rd) M [FEXEM]
chief priest; X:great ancestor;
archipirata, archipiratae N (1st) M [XXXDO]
pirate chief;
archipresbyter, archipresbyteri N (2nd) M [DEXES]
arch-priest, chief of presbytari;
archipresbyteratus, archipresbyteratus N (4th) M [GEXFE]
archpresbyterate; domain of archpresbyter;
archipresul, archipresulis N (3rd) M [EEXEV]
archisacerdos, archisacerdontis N (3rd) M [DEXFS]
chief priest;
archisodalitas, archisodalitatis N (3rd) F [FEXFE]
archconfraternity/archisodality; (confraternity empowered to aggregate others);
archisodalitium, archisodalitii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
archconfraternity/archisodality; (confraternity empowered to aggregate others);
archisterium, archisterii N (2nd) N [EEXEE]
archisynagogus, archisynagogi N (2nd) M [XEXIO]
head/ruler of synagogue; archisynagogue;
architecta, architectae N (1st) F [XTXES]
architect (female), master-builder; inventor, designer, maker, author, deviser;
architecto, architectare, architectavi, architectatus V (1st) TRANS [XTXEO]
design (building), practice architecture;
architecton, architectonis N (3rd) M [XTXEO]
architect, master-builder; master in cunning, crafty man;
architectonice, architectonices N F [XTXFO]
architecture, art of building;
architectonicus, architectonica, architectonicum ADJ [XTXFO]
architectural, relating to architecture;
architector, architectari, architectatus sum V (1st) DEP [XTXDO]
design/construct (building); design, plan;
architectura, architecturae N (1st) F [XTXEO]
architecture, art of building;
architectus, architecti N (2nd) M [XTXCO]
architect, master-builder; inventor, designer, maker, author, deviser;
architriclinus, architriclini N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
one who presides at table; master of a feast;
archium, archii N (2nd) N [XLXEO]
public records office; archives;
archivium, archivii N (2nd) N [FLXEE]
public records office; archives;
archivum, archivi N (2nd) N [XLXEO]
public records office; archives;
archon, archontis N (3rd) M [XLHEO]
archon, one of the highest magistrates in Athens;
archontium, archonti(i) N (2nd) N [XLHIO]
office of archon (high Athenian magistrate);
arcifinalis, arcifinalis, arcifinale ADJ [XLXEO]
of conquered land not yet surveyed/assigned but built on (irregular boundaries);
arcifinius, arcifinia, arcifinium ADJ [XLXEO]
of conquered land not yet surveyed/assigned but built on (irregular boundaries);
arcion, arcii N N [XAXNO]
plant (burdock?) (persolata/brown mullen L+S);
arcipotens, (gen.), arcipotentis ADJ [XEXFO]
mighty with the bow (Apollo);
arcirma, arcirmae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
kind of covered carriage;
arcisellium, arciselli(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
chair with rounded back;
arcitectus, arcitecti N (2nd) M [XTXCO]
architect, master-builder; inventor, designer;
arcitenens, (gen.), arcitenentis ADJ [XEXCO]
carries/holding a bow (epithet of Apollo/Artimis), (constellation) the Archer;
Arcitenens, Arcitenentis N (3rd) M [XEXDO]
Apollo (who carries a bow), (constellation) Sagittarius, the Archer;
arco, arcere, arcui, - V (3rd) [XXXCW]
keep away, protect;
arcosolium, arcosolii N (2nd) N [DEXEE]
arcosolium, arched recess/niche/cell as burial place in Roman Catacombs;
arcs, arcis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
citadel, stronghold; height; the Capitoline hill Rome; defense, refuge;
arcte, arctius, arctissime ADV [XXXBO]
closely/tightly (bound/filled/holding); briefly, in a confined space, compactly;
arcticos, arctice, arcticon ADJ [XXXFO]
initial, that constitutes the beginning (of a syllable, etc.);
arcticus, arctica, arcticum ADJ [XSXEO]
arctic, northern; pertaining to the constellation of the Bear/Dipper (L+S);
arcticus, arctica, arcticum ADJ [XXXFO]
initial, that constitutes the beginning (of a syllable, etc.);
arction, arctii N N [XAXNS]
plant; (also called arcturus);
arcto, arctare, arctavi, arctatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
wedge in, fit/close firmly; tighten/compress/abridge/contract; pack/limit/cramp;
arctophyllum, arctophylli N (2nd) N [XAXFS]
Arctos, Arcti N F [XSXCO]
Big/Little Dipper/Bear, region of celestial pole; North lands/people/direction;
Arctous, Arctoa, Arctoum ADJ [XXXCO]
northern, arctic, of the far north; occurring in/connected with the far north;
arctous, arctoa, arctoum ADJ [XPXFS]
pertaining to the Big/Little Dipper/Bear; northern;
Arcturus, Arcturi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Acturus, brightest star in Bootes; the whole constellation; arction plant;
arctus, arcta, arctum ADJ [XXXBO]
close, thick, narrow; short; strict; scanty, brief; bow, rainbow (Ecc);
Arctus, Arcti N (2nd) F [XSXCO]
Big/Little Dipper/Bear, region of celestial pole; North lands/people/direction;
arcuarius, arcuari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
maker of bows;
arcuarius, arcuaria, arcuarium ADJ [XXXES]
of/pertaining to the bow;
arcuatilis, arcuatilis, arcuatile ADJ [DXXFS]
bow-formed, bow shaped, bowed;
arcuatim ADV [XTXEO]
in the form of a bow/arch;
arcuatio, arcuationis N (3rd) F [XTXFO]
arch; structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade;
arcuatura, arcuaturae N (1st) F [XTXEO]
arch; structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade;
arcuatus, arcuata, arcuatum ADJ [XTXCO]
arched, bow-shaped; carried on/supported by arches; covered, hooded (carriage);
rainbow colored, jaundiced; [morbus ~ => jaundice/rainbow colored disease];
arcuatus, arcuati N (2nd) M [XBXEO]
one having jaundice/the rainbow colored disease;
arcubalista, arcubalistae N (1st) F [DWXFS]
ballista furnished with a bow, spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism;
arcubalistus, arcubalisti N (2nd) M [DWXFS]
operator of an arcuballista - spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism;
arcuballista, arcuballistae N (1st) F [DWXFS]
ballista furnished with a bow, spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism;
arcuballistus, arcuballisti N (2nd) M [DWXFS]
operator of an arcuballista - spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism;
arcula, arculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small box/chest/casket; small jewel/perfume/money box; wind-box of an organ;
arcularius, arculari(i) N (2nd) M [XTXFO]
maker of small chests/boxes/jewel caskets;
arculatum, arculati N (2nd) N [DEXES]
sacrificial cakes (pl.) made of flour;
arculum, arculi N (2nd) N [DEXFS]
roll/hoop placed on the head for carrying vessels at public sacrifice;
arcuma, arcumae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
kind of covered carriage;
arcuo, arcuare, arcuavi, arcuatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
bend into the shape of a bow/arch;
arcus, arcus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
bow, arc, coil, arch; rainbow; anything arched or curved;
ardalio, ardalionis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
busybody, fusser;
ardea, ardeae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
ardelio, ardelionis N (3rd) M [XXXEC]
ardens, ardentis (gen.), ardentior -or -us, ardentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
burning, flaming, glowing, fiery; shining, brilliant; eager, ardent, passionate;
ardenter, ardentius, ardentissime ADV [XXXCO]
with burning/parching effect; passionately, ardently, eagerly, zealously;
ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsus V (2nd) [XXXAO]
be on fire; burn, blaze; flash; glow, sparkle; rage; be in a turmoil/love;
ardeola, ardeolae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
heron (small?);
ardesco, ardescere, arsi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
catch/take fire, kindle; become ignited/inflamed/hot/eager; erupt (volcano);
ardesiacus, ardesiaca, ardesiacum ADJ [GXXEK]
ardifetus, ardifeta, ardifetum ADJ [XXXFO]
pregnant with fire/flame (lamp/torch);
ardiola, ardiolae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
heron (small?);
ardor, ardoris N (3rd) M [XXXAO]
fire, flame, heat; brightness, flash, gleam or color; ardor, love, intensity;
arduitas, arduitatis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
ardus, arda -um, ardior -or -us, ardissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
dry, arid, parched; water/rain-less; used dry, dried; thirsty; poor; shriveled;
arduum, ardui N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
steep/high place, heights, elevation; arduous/difficult/hard task; challenge;
arduus, ardua -um, arduior -or -us, arduissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult;
arduvo, arduvere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [AXXFO]
add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate;
area, areae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
area, areae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
open space; park, playground; plot; threshing floor; courtyard; site; bald spot;
arealis, arealis, areale ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to (area) open space/threshing floor/courtyard; areal;
arefacio, arefacere, arefeci, arefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
dry up, wither up, break down; make dry, dry;
arena, arenae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena, place of contest;
arenaceus, arenacea, arenaceum ADJ [XXXNS]
arenaria, arenariae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
arenarium, arenarii N (2nd) N [XXXES]
arenarius, arenaria, arenarium ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to sand; or to the arena/amphitheater; [~ lapis => sandstone];
arenarius, arenarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
combatant in the arena, gladiator; teacher of mathematics (figures in sand);
arenatio, arenationis N (3rd) F [XTXES]
sanding, plastering with sand; plastering, cementing;
arenatum, arenati N (2nd) N [XTXFS]
sand mortar;
arenatus, arenata, arenatum ADJ [XTXFS]
sanded, covered/mixed with sand;
arenga, arengae N (1st) F [FXXFY]
meeting; assembly;
arenifodina, arenifodinae N (1st) F [DXXES]
arenivagus, arenivaga, arenivagum ADJ [XXXFS]
wandering over sands;
arenosum, arenosi N (2nd) N [XXXNS]
sandy place (as opposed to muddy);
arenosus, arenosa, arenosum ADJ [XXXCO]
sandy, containing sand (ground); full of sand;
arens, (gen.), arentis ADJ [XXXCO]
dry parched, waterless; dried (herbs); parching (thirst);
arenula, arenulae N (1st) F [XXXNS]
fine sand; a grain of sand;
areo, arere, arui, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be dry/parched; be thirsty; be withered (plants/animals, from lack of water);
areola, areolae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
open courtyard; garden plot, seed bed;
arepennis, arepennis N (3rd) M [XAFEO]
arpent/land measure (Gallic; half jugerum (=5/16 acre); (5/6 to 1 1/4 acre OED);
aresco, arescere, arescui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [FAXDT]
become dry; dry up; wither (plants); run dry (stream/tears); languish (L=S);
aresco, arescere, arui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XAXCS]
become dry; dry up; wither (plants); run dry (stream/tears); languish (L+S);
aretalogus, aretalogi N (2nd) M [XDXEO]
reciter/teller of fairy-tales/stories of the gods; prattler on virtue; boaster;
arfacio, arfaceri, arfactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXDS]
be/become dried up/withered/dry; (arefacio PASS);
arferia, arferiae N (1st) F [DEXFS]
water which was poured in offering to the dead?;
argema, argematis N (3rd) N [XBXNS]
small ulcer in the eye;
argemon, argemi N N [XAXNO]
plant (Lappa canaria); small white spots (pl.) on the cornea of the eye;
argemone, argemones N F [XAXNO]
wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone); (inguinalis L+S);
argemonia, argemoniae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone); (inguinalis L+S);
argemonion, argemonii N N [XAXNO]
plant (prob. Aster amellus);
argennon, argenni N N [DAXFS]
brilliant white silver;
argentaria, argentariae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
bank; banking-house, banking business; silver-mine;
argentarium, argentari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
silver-chest; store/box/vault for silver;
argentarius, argentari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
banker, financial agent; money changer;
argentarius, argentaria, argentarium ADJ [XXXCO]
pertaining to silver or money, silver-; monetary, financial; banker's, banking-;
argentarius, argentarii N (2nd) M [FXXEK]
argentatus, argentata, argentatum ADJ [XXXDO]
silvered, adorned with silver; concerned with money;
argenteolus, argenteola, argenteolum ADJ [XXXEO]
of silver, silver-;
argenteus, argentea, argenteum ADJ [XXXCO]
silver, silvery, of silver; made/ornamented with silver; of money; with money;
argenteus, argentei N (2nd) M [XLXEO]
silver coin;
argentifodina, argentifodinae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
silver mine (pl.), silver workings;
argentiolus, argentiola, argentiolum ADJ [XXXEO]
of silver, silver-;
argentofodina, argentofodinae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
silver mine (pl.), silver workings;
Argentoratus, Argentorati N (2nd) N [EXGFE]
argentosus, argentosa, argentosum ADJ [XXXNO]
containing silver; abounding in silver, full of silver (L+S);
argentum, argenti N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
silver; money, cash; silver-plate; [argentum vivum => quicksilver/mercury];
Argestes, Argestae N M [XXXES]
west-southwest wind (acc. to Vitruvius); west-northwest wind (Plinius);
argilla, argillae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
white clay, potter's earth/clay; clay;
argillaceus, argillacea, argillaceum ADJ [XXXNO]
containing clay, argillaceous;
argillosus, argillosa, argillosum ADJ [XXXEO]
full of/abounding in clay, clayey;
argimonia, argimoniae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone);
argitis, (gen.), argitidis ADJ [XAXEO]
kind of white grapes;
argitis, argitidis N (3rd) F [XAXES]
kind of vine with clusters of white grapes;
argumentabilis, argumentabilis, argumentabile ADJ [DSXES]
that may be proved;
argumentalis, argumentalis, argumentale ADJ [DSXES]
containing proof;
argumentaliter ADV [XGXFO]
as proof; by way of proof;
argumentatio, argumentationis N (3rd) F [XGXCO]
arguing, presentation of arguments; line of argument, particular proof;
argumentativus, argumentativa, argumentativum ADJ [ESXDX]
argumentative; worthy of argument/discussion, sets out to prove something;
argumentator, argumentatoris N (3rd) M [DSXFS]
he who brings forward/cites arguments/reasons/proofs, arguer, disputant;
argumentatrix, argumentatricis N (3rd) F [DSXFS]
she who brings forward/cites arguments/reasons/proofs, arguer, disputant;
argumentor, argumentari, argumentatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
support/prove by argument, reason, discuss; draw a conclusion; proven (PASS);
argumentosus, argumentosa, argumentosum ADJ [XXXFO]
abounding in subject matter/material; rich in proof;
argumentum, argumenti N (2nd) N [XGXAO]
proof; evidence, fact; argument; conclusion; reason, basis; subject/plot (play);
trick; token (Vulgate); riddle; dark speech;
arguo, arguere, argui, argutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict;
argutatio, argutationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
creaking, creak; rustling;
argutator, argutatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who uses over-smart arguments, wiseguy; sophist;
argutatrix, (gen.), argutatricis ADJ [XXXFO]
garrulous, talkative (feminine adjective);
argutatrix, argutatricis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
garrulous/talkative woman;
argute, argutius, argutissime ADV [XXXCO]
shrewdly, cleverly, artfully;
argutia, argutiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
clever use of words (pl.), verbal trickery, sophistry; wit, jesting; refinement;
argutiola, argutiolae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
sophistry, verbal quibble;
arguto, argutare, argutavi, argutatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
babble, say childishly/foolishly;
argutor, argutari, argutatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
chatter; prattle, babble; stamp (with feet) (L+S);
argutulus, argutula, argutulum ADJ [XXXEO]
clever/shrewd/acute, (somewhat) subtle; little noisy/talkative/loquacious (L+S);
argutus, arguta -um, argutior -or -us, argutissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
melodious, clear (sounds), ringing; eloquent; wise, witty, cunning; talkative;
argyranche, argyranches N F [XXXEO]
inability to speak due to bribery; "silver quinsy" (L+S);
argyraspis, (gen.), argyraspidis ADJ [BWHFS]
having silver shields (corps in army of Alexander/successors, Silver Shields);
argyraspis, argyraspidis N (3rd) M [BWHEO]
corps (pl.) in army of Alexander and successors, Silver Shields;
argyritis, argyritidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
kind of litharge; (lead oxide/PbO, formed when air hits melted lead refining);
argyrocorinthus, argyrocorintha, argyrocorinthum ADJ [XTXIO]
of the silver colored, Corinthian bronze;
argyrodamas, argyrodamantis N (3rd) M [XXXNO]
silver-colored stone (similar to diamond L+S);
argyros, argyri N F [DAXFS]
plant (mercurialis);
arhythmatus, arhythmata, arhythmatum ADJ [DXXFS]
of unequal measure; inharmonious;
arhythmus, arhythma, arhythmum ADJ [DXXFS]
of unequal measure; inharmonious;
aria, ariae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
open space; park, playground; plot; threshing floor; courtyard; site; bald spot;
arianis, arianidis N (3rd) F [XAPNS]
plant growing wild in Ariana (western Persia);
Arianismus, Arianismi N (2nd) M [EEXEE]
Arianism, heresy of Arius of Alexandria (Christ not same essence as God);
Arianus, Ariani N (2nd) M [EEXEE]
Arian, one holding to Arian heresy (Christ not same essence as God);
aricolor, aricolari, aricolatus sum V (1st) DEP [XEXCO]
speak by divine inspiration/with second sight, prophesy, divine; (facetious?);
arida, aridae N (1st) F [EXXEE]
dry land; dry place; dry surface; dryness;
aride ADV [XXXFO]
dryly, austerely, without embellishment;
ariditas, ariditatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
dryness; drought; scanty food; anything (pl.) dry/withered/parched;
aridulus, aridula, aridulum ADJ [XXXEO]
dry, parched (somewhat);
aridum, aridi N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
dry land; dry place; dry surface; dryness;
aridus, arida -um, aridior -or -us, aridissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
dry, arid, parched; water/rain-less; used dry, dried; thirsty; poor; shriveled;
ariel, undeclined N N [EEQEW]
altar, fire-altar, fire-hearth of God; (Ezekiel 43:15); name = lion of God;
ariera, arierae N (1st) F [XAJNO]
banana; fruit of the Indian tree;
aries, arietis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
ram (sheep); battering ram; the Ram (zodiac); large unidentified marine animal;
arietarius, arietaria, arietarium ADJ [XXXFO]
of/for a battering ram;
arietatio, arietationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
collision; butting like a ram;
arietillus, arietilla, arietillum ADJ [XAXFO]
like a ram, shameless; a variety of chick-pea;
arietinus, arietina, arietinum ADJ [XAXDO]
of/from a ram, ram's; a variety of chick-pea;
arieto, arietare, arietavi, arietatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
butt like a ram, batter/buffet, harass; strike violently; collide; stumble/trip;
arificus, arifica, arificum ADJ [DXXFS]
drying, making dry;
arilator, arilatoris N (3rd) M [XXXES]
broker, dealer; huckster, haggler, bargainer;
arillator, arillatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
broker, dealer; huckster, haggler, bargainer;
arinca, arincae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
kind of grain (olyra - which resembles spelt L+S);
ariola, ariolae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
open courtyard; garden plot, seed bed;
ariolo, ariolare, ariolavi, ariolatus V (1st) [EXXCW]
divine; foretell, prophesy; use divination;
ariolus, arioli N (2nd) M [EXXCW]
diviner; seer;
Ariovistus, Ariovisti N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Ariovistus; (king of a German tribe - in Caesar's Gallic War);
aris, aridis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant resembling arum; dragon-root, green dragon (L+S);
arista, aristae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
awn, beard of an ear of grain; ear of grain; grain crop; harvest;
aristatus, aristata, aristatum ADJ [XAXFO]
having awn or beard (of ear of grain);
ariste, aristes N F [XXXNS]
precious stone (encardia/unknown stone with figure of a heart);
aristereon, aristereonis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
variety of vervain;
aristifer, aristifera, aristiferum ADJ [DAXES]
bearing ears of grain, ear-bearing; epithet of Ceres as goddess of grain;
aristiger, aristigera, aristigerum ADJ [DAXES]
bearing ears of grain, ear-bearing; epithet of Ceres as goddess of grain;
aristis, aristidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
vegetable; green vegetable; vegetables (usu. pl.), pot-herbs;
aristolochia, aristolochiae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
genus of medicinal plant useful in childbirth; aristolchia, birthwort;
aristolocia, aristolociae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
genus of medicinal plant useful in childbirth; aristolchia, birthwort;
aristosus, aristosa, aristosum ADJ [XAXFS]
covered with beards/awns;
Aristotoles, Aristotolis N (3rd) M [BSHCS]
Aristotle; famous learned Greek;
arithmetica, arithmeticae N (1st) F [XSXEO]
arithmetic, the science of arithmetic;
arithmetice, arithmetices N F [XSXEO]
arithmetic, the science of arithmetic;
arithmeticum, arithmetici N (2nd) N [XSXEO]
arithmetic/the science of arithmetic (pl.);
arithmeticus, arithmetica, arithmeticum ADJ [XSXEO]
Arithmus, Arithmi N (2nd) M [DEXES]
another name for the fourth book of the Bible, Numbers;
aritudo, aritudinis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
drought; dryness;
armamaxa, armamaxae N (1st) F [XXPFO]
kind of covered wagon used by the Persians;
armamentarium, armamentari(i) N (2nd) N [XWXCO]
arsenal, armory; dockyard; storehouse for military equipment;
armamentarius, armamentaria, armamentarium ADJ [XWXIO]
of/concerned with armaments or military equipment;
armamentum, armamenti N (2nd) N [XWXBO]
equipment (pl.), rigging/sailing gear (of a ship); implements, utensils;
armariolum, armarioli N (2nd) N [XXXES]
little chest/casket, small cabinet; bookcase;
armarium, armari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
cabinet, closet, cupboard; chest, safe; book-case; sepulchral monument;
armarium, armarii N (2nd) N [FXXEK]
armatura, armaturae N (1st) F [XWXCO]
equipment, armor; troop (of gladiators); [levis ~ pedites => light infantry];
armatus, armata -um, armatior -or -us, armatissimus -a -um ADJ [XWXBO]
armed, equipped; defensively armed, armor clad; fortified; of the use of arms;
armatus, armati N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
armed man (usu. pl.), soldier;
armatus, armatus N (4th) M [XWXDO]
type of arms/equipment, armor; [gravis armatus => heavy-armed troops];
armellinum, armellini N (2nd) N [FAXEE]
Armenia, Armeniae N (1st) F [XXQCO]
Armenia; (country lying north of Persia);
armeniacum, armeniaci N (2nd) N [FAXEK]
armeniacus, armeniaca, armeniacum ADJ [GXXEK]
Armenius, Armenia, Armenium ADJ [XXQCO]
Armenian; [~ prunum => apricot];
armenta, armentae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
herd (of cattle); a head of cattle, individual bull/horse; cattle/horses (pl.);
armentalis, armentalis, armentale ADJ [XAXEO]
of cattle, connected with herd/herds; rustic, bucolic;
armentarius, armentari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXDO]
herdsman, cowboy;
armentarius, armentaria, armentarium ADJ [XAXFO]
that has charge of a herd;
armenticius, armenticia, armenticium ADJ [XAXEO]
consisting of cattle, bovine;
armentivus, armentiva, armentivum ADJ [XAXNO]
kept in herds; pertaining to a herd;
armentosus, armentosa -um, armentosior -or -us, armentosissimus -a -um ADJ [XAXFO]
abounding in cattle;
armentum, armenti N (2nd) N [XAXBO]
herd (of cattle); a head of cattle, individual bull/horse; cattle/horses (pl.);
armiclausa, armiclausae N (1st) F [DWXES]
military upper garment;
armicustos, armicustodis N (3rd) M [XWXIO]
armorer, keeper of arms;
armidoctor, armidoctoris N (3rd) M [XWXFO]
teacher of the use of arms;
armifer, armifera, armiferum ADJ [XWXBO]
bearing arms, armed; warlike, martial, of war/fighting; producing armed men;
armiger, armigera, armigerum ADJ [XWXCO]
bearing arms, armed; warlike, martial, of war/fighting; producing armed men;
armiger, armigeri N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
armor bearer; squire; [Iovis armiger => Jupiter's armor-bearer = the eagle];
armigera, armigerae N (1st) F [XWXDO]
armor bearer (F); squire; [Iovis armigera => Jove's armor-bearer = the eagle];
armilausa, armilausae N (1st) F [DWXES]
military upper garment;
armilla, armillae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
bracelet, armlet, arm-band; metal hoop, ring, washer, socket;
armillatus, armillata, armillatum ADJ [XXXDO]
wearing bracelets; wearing collars (dogs);
armillum, armilli N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
wine jar; [ad ~ redire => fall back into bad habits, get up to old tricks];
Armilustrium, Armilustri(i) N (2nd) N [XWXEO]
ceremony of purifying arms; place on Aventine Hill where performed;
armipotens, (gen.), armipotentis ADJ [XWXCO]
powerful/strong in arms/war, valiant, warlike;
armipotentia, armipotentiae N (1st) F [DWXFS]
power in arms/war;
armisonus, armisona, armisonum ADJ [XWXCO]
resounding with the clash of arms, with ringing/rattling armor;
armita, armitae N (1st) F [DEXFS]
virgin sacrificing w/ the lappet/flap of her toga thrown back over her shoulder;
armo, armare, armavi, armatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXAO]
equip, fit with armor; arm; strengthen; rouse, stir; incite war; rig (ship);
armonia, armoniae N (1st) F [FXXCO]
harmony/concord; (between parts of body); melody, order of notes; coupling;
armoniacus, armoniaca, armoniacum ADJ [FSXEM]
ammoniac; (sal ammoniac is ammonium chloride);
armonica, armonicae N (1st) F [FDXEO]
theory of music/harmony;
armonice, armonices N F [FDXEO]
theory of music/harmony;
armonicus, armonica, armonicum ADJ [XDXEO]
relating/according to harmony/natural proportion; in unison (Souter);
armoracea, armoraceae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
wild radish;
armoracia, armoraciae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
wild radish;
armoracium, armoracii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
wild radish;
armum, armi N (2nd) N [XWXAO]
arms (pl.), weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force;
armus, armi N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
forequarter (of an animal), shoulder; upper arm; side, flank; shoulder cut meat;
arna, arnae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
arnacis, arnacidis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
garment for maidens; coat of sheepskin;
arnoglossa, arnoglossae N (1st) F [DAXES]
plant, sheep's-tongue/plantain (Plantago major);
arnus, arni N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
aro, arare, aravi, aratus V (1st) TRANS [XAXBO]
plow, till, cultivate; produce by plowing, grow; furrow, wrinkle;
aroma, aromatis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
spice, aromatic substance; sweet odors (Bee);
aromatarius, aromatarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
dealer in spices;
aromaticum, aromatici N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
aromatic ointment;
aromaticus, aromatica, aromaticum ADJ [DXXFS]
composed of spice(s); aromatic, fragrant;
aromatites, aromatitae N M [XXXNO]
spiced/aromatic wine; aromatic stone/amber (smell + color of myrrh) (L+S);
aromatitis, aromatitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
aromatic stone, amber;
aromatizans, (gen.), aromatizantis ADJ [EXXEE]
fragrant, aromatic; sweet smelling, smelling of spice;
aromatizo, aromatizare, aromatizavi, aromatizatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
smell of spice; make aromatic/fragrant/sweet smelling (Ecc);
aromatopola, aromatopolae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
aromatopolium, aromatopolii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
hardware store;
aron, ari N N [XAXNO]
plants of genus arum;
aros, ari N F [XAXNO]
plants of genus arum;
arpaston, arpasti N N [XBXIO]
kind of eye-salve;
arquatura, arquaturae N (1st) F [XTXEO]
structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade;
arquatus, arquata, arquatum ADJ [XTXCO]
arched, bow-shaped; carried on/supported by arches; covered, hooded (carriage);
rainbow colored, jaundiced; [morbus ~ => jaundice/rainbow colored disease];
arquatus, arquati N (2nd) M [XBXCO]
one having jaundice/the rainbow colored disease;
arquipotens, (gen.), arquipotentis ADJ [XEXFO]
mighty with the bow (Apollo);
arquitenens, (gen.), arquitenentis ADJ [XEXCO]
carries/holding a bow (epithet of Apollo/Artimis), (constellation) the Archer;
Arquitenens, Arquitenentis N (3rd) M [XEXEO]
Apollo (who carries a bow), (constellation) Sagittarius, the Archer;
arquitis, arquitis N (3rd) M [XWXFS]
bowmen (pl.), archers;
arquus, arquus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
bow, arc, coil, arch; rainbow; anything arched or curved;
arra, arrae N (1st) F [XLXDO]
token payment on account, earnest money, deposit, pledge; (also of love);
arrabo, arrabonis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
token payment on account, earnest money, deposit, pledge; (also of love);
arralis, arralis, arrale ADJ [DLXFS]
of a pledge/security;
arramio, arramiare, arramiavi, arramiatus V (1st) [FLXFJ]
arraign; indict, accuse;
arrectarium, arrectari(i) N (2nd) N [XTXFO]
vertical post, upright;
arrectarius, arrectaria, arrectarium ADJ [DTXES]
erect, in an erect position, perpendicular;
arrectus, arrecta -um, arrectior -or -us, arrectissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEL]
erect, perpendicular, upright, standing; steep, precipitous; excited, eager;
arremigo, arremigare, arremigavi, arremigatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
row up to/towards;
arrenicum, arrenici N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide);
arrepo, arrepere, arrepsi, arreptus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
creep/move stealthily towards, steal up; feel one's way, worm one's way (trust);
arrepticius, arrepticia, arrepticium ADJ [DXXES]
seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; raving mad;
arreptitius, arreptitia, arreptitium ADJ [EXXEE]
seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; raving mad;
arreptius, arreptia, arreptium ADJ [DXXFS]
seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious;
arreptivus, arreptiva, arreptivum ADJ [DXXFZ]
seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; (Bianchi);
arresto, arrestare, arrestavi, arrestatus V (1st) [FLXEM]
arrest; seize;
arrha, arrhae N (1st) F [XLXES]
deposit, down payment, earnest money; pledge; (of love); wedding gift (Ecc);
arrhabo, arrhabonis N (3rd) F [XLXES]
deposit, down payment, earnest money; pledge; (of love); wedding gift (Ecc);
arrhalis, arrhalis, arrhale ADJ [DLXFS]
of a pledge/security;
arrhenicum, arrhenici N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide);
arrhenogonos, arrhenogonos, arrhenogonon ADJ [XBXNO]
of species of plant (crataegis) that when taken promotes male children;
arrhetos, arrheti N M [DSXFS]
one of Aeons of Valentinus;
arrideo, arridere, arrisi, arrisus V (2nd) [XXXCO]
smile at/upon; please, be pleasing/satisfactory (to); be/seem familiar (to);
arrigo, arrigare, arrigavi, arrigatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXFO]
water (plants), moisten the soil around;
arrigo, arrigere, arrexi, arrectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
set upright, tilt upwards, stand on end, raise; become sexually excited/aroused;
arripio, arripere, arripui, arreptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
take hold of; seize (hand/tooth/claw), snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb;
arrisio, arrisionis N (3rd) F [XXXFL]
smile of approval; action of smiling (at/on);
arrisor, arrisoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who smiles (at a person), smiler; flatterer, fawner (L+S);
arrodo, arrodere, arrosi, arrosus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
gnaw/nibble (away part); erode, eat away(disease/chemicals). wash away (water);
arrogans, (gen.), arrogantis ADJ [XXXBO]
arrogant, insolent, overbearing; conceited; presumptuous, assuming;
arroganter, arrogentius, arrogentissime ADV [XXXCO]
insolently, arrogantly, haughtily; presumptuously; in a conceited manner;
arrogantia, arrogantiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
insolence, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness; presumption;
arrogatio, arrogationis N (3rd) F [XLXEO]
act of adopting a adult as son homo sui juris (vs. in potestate parentis);
arrogator, arrogatoris N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
one who adopts a adult as son by arrogatio (homo sui juris);
arrogo, arrogare, arrogavi, arrogatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
ask, question; arrogate to one's self, claim, make undue claim; confer (upon);
adopt (an adult) as one's son (esp. at his instance);
arroro, arrorare, arroravi, arroratus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
moisten, bedew;
arrosor, arrosoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who nibbles/gnaws at;
arrotans, (gen.), arrotantis ADJ [DXXFS]
in a winding/circular motion, turning; wavering;
arrugia, arrugiae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
kind of galleried mine;
arruo, arruere, arrui, arrutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
heap up (earth); cover (with earth), bury;
ars, artis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
skill/craft/art; trick, wile; science, knowledge; method, way; character (pl.);
arsella, arsellae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called argemonia);
arsen, arsenos/is N M [XAXNO]
male (plant);
arsenicon, arsenici N N [XXXFO]
yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide);
arsenicum, arsenici N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide);
arsenogonon, arsenogoni N N [XAXNO]
plant (genus Mercurialis?);
arsineum, arsinei N (2nd) N [XEXFO]
kind of head-dress; (woman's L+S);
arsis, arsis N (3rd) F [XPXFO]
metrical term indicating the raising of voice on an emphatic syllable;
artaba, artabae N (1st) F [DXEFS]
Egyptian dry measure (= 3.5 Roman modii);
artaena, artaenae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S);
artatus, artata, artatum ADJ [XXXES]
contracted into a small space; narrow, close; short (time);
arte, artius, artissime ADV [XXXBO]
closely/tightly (bound/filled/holding); briefly, in a confined space, compactly;
artemisia, artemisiae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
species of Artemisia, wormwood, mugwort; similar plants, ambrosia, botrys;
artemon, artemonis N (3rd) M [XWXEO]
main block of a tackle; jib/foresail; top-sail (L+S);
arteria, arteriae N (1st) F [XBXCO]
windpipe, trachea, breathing tubes/passages; artery; ureter/other ducts;
arteriace, arteriaces N F [XBXDO]
medicine for the air passages/windpipe/trachea/bronchi;
arteriacos, arteriace, arteriacon ADJ [XBXDO]
of/affecting the air passages/windpipe;
arteriacus, arteriaca, arteriacum ADJ [XBXEO]
of/affecting the air passages/windpipe/trachea/bronchi;
arteriotomia, arteriotomiae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
opening/incision in an artery/windpipe; tracheotomy (Whitaker);
arteriotonia, arteriotoniae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
arterial tension;
arterium, arteri(i) N (2nd) N [XBXCO]
windpipe, trachea, breathing tubes/passages; artery; ureter/other ducts;
arthriticus, arthritica, arthriticum ADJ [XBXEO]
gouty; arthritic; affected with rheumatism;
arthritis, arthritidis N (3rd) F [XBXES]
arthritis; gout; lameness in the joints;
arthrosis, arthrosis N (3rd) F [GBXEK]
articlus, articli N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
joint; portion of limb/finger between joints; part; (critical) moment; crisis;
articulamentum, articulamenti N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
joint of the body;
articularis, articularis, articulare ADJ [XBXEO]
of/affecting the joints; arthritis, rheumatism;
articularius, articularia, articularium ADJ [XBXFO]
of/affecting the joints; arthritis, rheumatism;
articulate ADV [XXXFO]
articulatim ADV [XXXCO]
limb-by-limb, limb-from-limb; syllable-by-syllable; point-by-point, in detail;
articulatio, articulationis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
jointed structure, division into joints; disease of the joints of vines;
articulatus, articulata, articulatum ADJ [DXXES]
distinct; (furnished with joints);
articulo, articulare, articulavi, articulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
divide into distinct parts, articulate;
articulosus, articulosa, articulosum ADJ [XXXEO]
full of joints, jointed; subdivided;
articulus, articuli N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
joint; portion of limb/finger between joints; part; (critical) moment; crisis;
point of time; (Vulgate);
artifex, (gen.), artificis ADJ [XXXBO]
skilled, artistic; expert, practiced; cunning, artful; creative, productive;
artifex, artificis N (3rd) C [XXXAO]
artist, actor; craftsman; master of an art; author, maker; mastermind, schemer;
artificiale, artificialis N (3rd) N [XTXEO]
technicalities (pl.); things conformable to the rules of the art;
artificialis, artificialis, artificiale ADJ [XXXEO]
artificial; furnished/contrived by art; devised by speaker (based on deduction);
artificialiter ADV [XTXFO]
with trained skill, scientifically;
artificiatus, artificiata, artificiatum ADJ [FXXEZ]
crafted; artificial;
artificiose, artificiosius, artificiosissime ADV [XTXCO]
skillfully; artistically; systematically, technically, by rules; artificially;
artificiositas, artificiositatis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
art, manner of that made with art;
artificiosus, artificiosa -um, artificiosior -or -us, artificiosissimus -a -um ADJ [XTXBO]
skillfully; technical, by the rules, prescribed by art; artificial, unnatural;
artificium, artifici(i) N (2nd) N [XTXBO]
art/craft/trade; skill/talent/craftsmanship; art work; method/trick; technology;
artilleria, artilleriae N (1st) F [GWXEK]
artio, artire, artivi, - V (4th) TRANS [XTXEO]
insert tightly, wedge; be a tight fit, crowd;
artius, artia, artium ADJ [XXXFO]
sound in mind and body; complete, perfect; skilled in arts; artful, cunning;
arto, artare, artavi, artatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
wedge in, fit/close firmly, tighten; compress, abridge; pack, limit, cramp;
artocopus, artocopi N (2nd) M [DXXES]
artocreas, artocratos/is N N [XXXES]
bread and meat distributed free; meat pie (L+S);
artocrias, artocrios/is N N [XXXIO]
bread and meat distributed free;
artolaganus, artolagani N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
kind of fatty cake; (made of meal, wine, milk, oil, lard, pepper L+S);
artophorion, artophorii N N [EEXFE]
vessel for Blessed Sacrament in Greek churches;
artopta, artoptae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
bread pan; cake mold;
artopta, artoptae N (1st) M [DXXFS]
artopticius, artopticia, artopticium ADJ [XXXNO]
baked in a pan/tin (bread);
artro, artrare, artravi, artratus V (1st) [XAXNS]
plow (in young grain to improve the yield), plow (after sowing);
artro, artrare, artravi, artratus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXNO]
plow in young grain to improve the yield;
artuatim ADV [DXXFS]
limb-by-limb; limb-from-limb;
artuatus, artuata, artuatum ADJ [DXXFS]
torn in/to pieces;
artufex, artuficis N (3rd) C [XXXAO]
artist, actor; craftsman; master of an art; author, maker; mastermind, schemer;
artum, arti N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
narrow/limited space/limits/scope/sphere; dangerous situation, short supply;
artus, arta -um, artior -or -us, artissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
close, firm, tight; thrifty; dense, narrow; strict; scarce, critical; brief;
artus, artus N (4th) M [XBXBO]
arm/leg/limb, joint, part of the body; frame (pl.), body; sexual members/organs;
artutus, artuta, artutum ADJ [XBXFO]
hefty, large-limbed (?);
arula, arulae N (1st) F [DEXDS]
small altar; base of an altar; turf laid like an altar round base of a tree;
arum, ari N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
plants of genus arum;
aruncus, arunci N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
goat's beard;
arundinetum, arundineti N (2nd) N [FAXCE]
reed-bed; thicket/jungle/growth of reeds/rushes (L+S); stubble (Vulgate);
arundineus, arundinea, arundineum ADJ [XAXCO]
of reeds; reedy; made of a reed; consisting of reeds;
arundo, arundinis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
reed; fishing rod; arrowshaft; arrow; pen; shepherd's pipe;
arura, arurae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
field, grain-field;
aruspex, aruspicis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
soothsayer, diviner, inspector of entrails of victims; prophet;
arutaena, arutaenae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S);
arva, arvae N (1st) F [BAXFO]
arable land, plowed field; soil, region; countryside; dry land; lowlands, plain;
arvalis, arvalis, arvale ADJ [XAXDO]
of cultivated land; [frater ~ => priest who made offering to Lares for harvest];
arveho, arvehere, arvexi, arvectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
carry, bring, convey (to); [advehor => arrive by travel, ride to];
Arvernus, Arverni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Arverni (pl.); (tribe of SE Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War);
arviga, arvigae N (1st) F [XEXFS]
ram for offering/sacrifice;
arvina, arvinae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
fat, lard, suet, grease; small fat/suet; (on kidneys of sacrificial victim);
arvix, arvigis N (3rd) F [XEXFS]
ram for offering/sacrifice;
arvum, arvi N (2nd) N [XAXBO]
arable land/field, soil, region; country; dry land; stretch of plain;
female external genitalia (rude);
arvus, arva, arvum ADJ [XAXEO]
arable (land); cultivated, plowed;
arx, arcis N (3rd) F [XWXAO]
citadel, stronghold, city; height, hilltop; Capitoline hill; defense, refuge;
arytaena, arytaenae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S);
as, assis N (3rd) M [XLXAO]
penny, copper coin; a pound; one, whole, unit; circular flap/valve; round slice;
asa, asae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter;
asarotos, asarotos, asaroton ADJ [XXXEO]
unswept; paved in mosaic to imitate refuse from the table (of a room);
asarotum, asaroti N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
floor laid/paved in mosaic; (imitating refuse from the table OLD);
asarotus, asarota, asarotum ADJ [XXXFS]
of/pertaining to mosaic;
asarum, asari N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
asarabacca or hazelwort (Asarum europeaum); wild-spikenard (L+S);
asbestinon, asbestini N N [XXXFO]
noncombustible material/cloth; (asbestos?);
asbestos, asbesti N M [XXXNO]
mineral or gem; iron-gray stoner from Arcadia (not common asbestos) (L+S);
ascalabotes, ascalabotae N M [XAXNS]
lizard (stellio in pure Latin) (Lacerta gecko);
ascalia, ascaliae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
edible base of the artichoke;
ascalpo, ascalpere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
scratch; scratch at;
ascaules, ascaulis N (3rd) M [XDXFO]
bagpiper (utricularius in pure Latin L+S);
ascea, asceae N (1st) F [XTXCO]
carpenter's axe; mason's trowel;[sub ~ => under the trowel/construction];
ascella, ascellae N (1st) F [EXXEW]
wing; pinion; armpit; upper arm/foreleg/fin;
ascendens, (gen.), ascendentis ADJ [XXXFO]
of/for climbing (machine); enabling one to climb;
ascendibilis, ascendibilis, ascendibile ADJ [XXXFO]
climbable, that can be climbed;
ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward;
ascensio, ascensionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
ascent; progress, advancement; rising series/flight of stairs; soaring;
ascensor, ascensoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
one who ascends/rises; one who mounts a horse/chariot, rider, charioteer;
ascensus, ascensus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
ascent; act of scaling (walls); approach; a stage/step in advancement; height;
ascesis, asceseos/is N F [EXXFE]
discipline; training;
ascesis, ascesis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
ascetic (female);
ascesis, ascesis N (3rd) F [EXXEE]
discipline; training;
asceta, ascetae N (1st) M [EEXEE]
ascetic, hermit; penitent; one who has taken vows;
asceterium, asceterii N (2nd) N [DEXES]
place for the abode of ascetics (pl.); hermitage; monastery (Ecc);
asceticus, ascetica, asceticum ADJ [EEXFE]
ascetical; of spiritual exercises to attain virtue/perfection;
ascetria, ascetriae N (1st) F [DEXEE]
nun; ascetic (female); women (pl.) who have taken vows (L+S);
ascia, asciae N (1st) F [XTXCO]
carpenter's axe; mason's trowel; [sub ~ => under the trowel/construction];
ascio, asciare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [XTXFO]
chop/slice with a trowel;
ascio, ascire, -, - V (4th) TRANS [XXXDO]
take to/up; associate, admit; adopt as one's own; take upon (General's) staff;
ascisco, asciscere, ascivi, ascitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim;
ascites, ascitae N M [XBXFS]
kind of dropsy;
ascitus, ascita, ascitum ADJ [XXXES]
derived, assumed; foreign;
ascitus, ascitus N (4th) M [XXXFS]
acceptance, reception;
ascius, ascia, ascium ADJ [XSXNO]
shadowless; (said of countries near the equator L+S);
asclepias, asclepiadis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
swallow-wort?; (Vincetoxicum officinale);
asclepion, asclepii N N [XAXNS]
medicinal herb (named after Aesculapius);
ascopa, ascopae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
leather bag, wallet;
ascopera, ascoperae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
leather bag/sack;
ascribo, ascribere, ascripsi, ascriptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
add/state in writing, insert; appoint; enroll, enfranchise; reckon, number;
ascripticius, ascripticia, ascripticium ADJ [XWXEO]
enrolled in addition (as citizen/soldier);
ascriptio, ascriptionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
addendum, addition in writing;
ascriptivus, ascriptiva, ascriptivum ADJ [XWXEO]
enrolled in addition (as a soldier), supernumerary;
ascriptor, ascriptoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
seconder, supporter, countersigner, one adding name to document as approving;
ascyroides, ascyrodis N (3rd) N [XAXNS]
variety of St John's wort; (declension uncertain, even in the Greek);
ascyron, ascyri N N [XAXNO]
St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum);
asella, asellae N (1st) F [XAXES]
small/little she-ass;
asellulus, aselluli N (2nd) F [DAXFS]
small/little young ass;
asellus, aselli N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
(small/young) ass, donkey; fish of the cod family, hake?; Asses/stars in Cancer;
asepticus, aseptica, asepticum ADJ [GBXEK]
asexualis, asexualis, asexuale ADJ [GXXEK]
Asia, Asiae N (1st) F [XXQBO]
Asia (Roman province formed from Pergamene); Asia Minor; the East;
Asianus, Asiana, Asianum ADJ [XXXCO]
Asian, of/from/belonging to Asia (Roman province)/Asia Minor/the East; florid;
Asianus, Asiani N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Asian, inhabitant of Asia (Roman province)/Asia Minor/the East; Easterner;
Asiaticus, Asiatica, Asiaticum ADJ [XXQCO]
Asiatic, of/connected with Asia/the East/Asia Minor; w/Asiatic/florid style;
asilus, asili N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
gadfly; horse-fly;
asina, asinae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
asinalis, asinalis, asinale ADJ [XAXFO]
of/pertaining to an ass; such as an ass is capable of; asinine, doltish, stupid;
asinarius, asinari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXDO]
ass-driver, donkey-man/boy; keeper of asses;
asinarius, asinaria, asinarium ADJ [XAXCO]
of/connected w/asses; millstone (ass-driven); [via ~ => road SE of Rome];
asinastrus, asinastra, asinastrum ADJ [XAXFO]
variety of fig (feminine adjective);
asininus, asinina, asininum ADJ [XAXDO]
ass's, of/produced by/foaled of an ass; ass-like; stupid; asinine;
asinus, asina, asinum ADJ [XAXCO]
of/connected with an ass/donkey, ass's; stupid, asinine;
asinus, asini N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
ass, donkey; blockhead, fool, dolt;
asinusca, asinuscae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
inferior type of grape;
asio, asionis N (3rd) M [XAXNS]
little horned owl;
asomatus, asomata, asomatum ADJ [DXXFS]
asotia, asotiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
dissipation, profligacy. dissolution; sensuality;
asotus, asota, asotum ADJ [XXXDO]
debauched, dissipated, profligate;
asotus, asoti N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
debaucher, dissolute man;
aspalathos, aspalathi N M [XAXEO]
thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate);
aspalathus, aspalathi N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate);
aspalatus, aspalati N (2nd) M [EAXFW]
thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate);
aspalax, aspalacis N (3rd) M [XAXNS]
herb (unknown);
aspaltus, aspalti N (2nd) M [EAXFW]
thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate);
asparagus, asparagi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
asparagus; shoot/sprout like asparagus; [~ Gallicus => samphire/garden fennel];
aspargo, aspargere, asparsi, asparsus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm);
aspargo, asparginis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining;
aspectabilis, aspectabile, aspectabilior -or -us, aspectabilissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
visible, able to be seen; worthy to be seen, pleasing to look at;
aspectamen, aspectaminis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
look, sight;
aspectio, aspectionis N (3rd) F [XEXFO]
right of watching for/observing auguries;
aspecto, aspectare, aspectavi, aspectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
look/gaze at/upon; observe, watch; pay heed; face/look towards (place/person);
aspectus, aspectus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon;
aspello, aspellere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
drive away; banish;
aspendios, aspendii N M [XAXNS]
kind of vine;
asper, aspera -um, asperior -or -us, asperrimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
rude/unrefined; cruel/violent/savage/raging/drastic; stern/severe/bitter; hard;
rough/uneven/shaggy, coarse, harsh; embossed/encrusted; (mint condition coins);
sharp/pointed, jagged/irregular, rugged/severe; sour, pungent, grating, keen;
asper, aspra -um, asprior -or -us, - ADJ [XXXEO]
rough/uneven, coarse/harsh; sharp/pointed; rude; savage; pungent; keen; bitter;
aspere, asperius, asperrime ADV [XXXBS]
roughly, harshly, severely, vehemently; with rough materials; coarsely;
aspergillum, aspergilli N (2nd) N [EEXEE]
aspergillum, holy water sprinkler/brush;
aspergo, aspergere, aspersi, aspersus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm);
aspergo, asperginis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining;
asperitas, asperitatis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
roughness; severity; difficulty; harshness; shrillness, sharpness; fierceness;
asperiter ADV [XXXFO]
by rough materials/harsh sound; coarsely/roughly; harshly/severely; drastically;
aspernabilis, aspernabilis, aspernabile ADJ [XXXEO]
contemptible, negligible; worthy to be disdained, such as might be disdained;
aspernamentum, aspernamenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
despising, loathing, hatred;
aspernanter, aspernantius, aspernantissime ADV [DXXES]
with contempt, contemptuously;
aspernatio, aspernationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
contempt; spurning; rejection of; aversion to;
aspernator, aspernatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
despiser, hater; scorner;
aspernor, aspernari, aspernatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXAO]
despise, scorn, disdain; spurn, push away, repel, reject; refuse, decline;
aspero, asperare, asperavi, asperatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
roughen; sharpen, point, tip; enrage, make fierce/violent; grate on; aggravate;
aspersio, aspersionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
sprinkling on/upon; sprinkle;
aspersus, aspersus N (4th) M [XXXNO]
sprinkling on/upon; sprinkle;
asperugo, asperuginis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant (with prickly leaves); kind of bur;
asperum, asperi N (2nd) N [XXXCS]
uneven/rough/harsh place/land; adversity, difficulties (esp. pl.);
asphaltion, asphaltii N N [XAXNO]
treacle clover (Psoralea bituminosa);
aspharagus, aspharagi N (2nd) M [DXXCS]
asparagus; shoot/sprout like asparagus; [~ Gallicus => samphire/garden fennel];
asphodelum, asphodeli N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
asphodel (Asphodelus ramosus);
asphodelus, asphodeli N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
asphodel (Asphodelus ramosus);
aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate;
aspilates, aspilatae N M [XXQNS]
precious stone of Arabia;
aspiramen, aspiraminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
breathing on, immission; insertion, introduction;
aspiratio, aspirationis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
aspiration, desire;
aspiratio, aspirationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
exhalation; blowing on; aspiration; sounding "h";
aspirator, aspiratoris N (3rd) M [EXXEN]
inciter; inspirer;
aspiratrum, aspiratri N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
vacuum cleaner;
aspirinum, aspirini N (2nd) N [HBXEK]
aspiro, aspirare, aspiravi, aspiratus V (1st) [XXXAO]
breathe/blow (upon); aspirate; instill, infuse; be fragrant; influence; aspire;
aspis, aspidis N (3rd) F [EXAEW]
asp, venomous snake of North Africa;
aspis, aspidos/is N F [XXACO]
asp, venomous snake of North Africa;
aspisatis, aspisatis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
unknown precious stone;
asplenon, aspleni N N [XAXNO]
fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S);
asplenos, aspleni N F [XAXNO]
fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S);
asplenum, aspleni N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S);
asportatio, asportationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
removal, carrying away;
asporto, asportare, asportavi, asportatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
carry/take away, remove;
aspratilis, aspratilis, aspratile ADJ [XXXNS]
rough (of a stone), with rough scales;
aspredo, aspredinis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
aspretum, aspreti N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
rough/broken/uneven ground;
aspriter ADV [XXXFO]
by rough materials/harsh sound; coarsely/roughly; harshly/severely; drastically;
aspritudo, aspritudinis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
roughness to touch, grittiness; unevenness (ground); (w/ocularum) trachoma;
aspuo, aspuere, aspui, asputus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNO]
spit (at/on);
assa, assae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
dry-nurse, nurse, nanny;
assarius, assari(i) N (2nd) M [XLXFO]
as (penny, copper) as a monetary unit;
assarius, assaria, assarium ADJ [XXXFO]
roasted, browned (?); having the value/weight of an as (?);
assatura, assaturae N (1st) F [DXXES]
roasted meat;
assecla, asseclae N (1st) M [XXXCO]
follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature;
assectatio, assectationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
waiting on, (respectful) attendance; support (in canvassing); study, research;
assectator, assectatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
follower, companion, attendant; disciple; researcher, student, one who seeks;
assector, assectari, assectatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
accompany, attend, escort; support, be an adherent, follow; court (fame);
assecue ADV [XXXFO]
attentively, closely;
assecula, asseculae N (1st) M [XXXCO]
follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature;
assecuratio, assecurationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
assecutio, assecutionis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
perception, comprehension, understanding; knowledge;
assecutor, assecutoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
assedo, assedonis N (3rd) M [XLXES]
assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
assefolium, assefolii N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
plant; (also called agrostis);
assellor, assellari, assellatus sum V (1st) DEP [DBXFS]
defecate, void;
assenesco, assenescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
become old (to any thing);
assensio, assensionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause;
assensor, assensoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
one who agrees or approves;
assensus, assensus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause;
assentatio, assentationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
assent, agreement; flattery, toadyism, flattering agreement/compliance;
assentatiuncula, assentatiunculae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
piece of flattery; petty/trivial flattery; (L+S);
assentator, assentatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
yes-man, flatterer, toady;
assentatorie ADV [XXXFO]
like a flatterer; fawningly, in a flattering manner;
assentatrix, assentatricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
woman who flatters;
assentio, assentire, assensi, assensus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXCO]
assent, approve, agree in opinion; admit the truth of (w/DAT), agree (with);
assentior, assentiri, assensus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXBO]
assent to, agree, approve, comply with; admit the truth of (w/PREP);
assentor, assentari, assentatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
flatter, humor; agree, assent, confirm; agree to everything;
assequela, assequelae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
succession, succeeding;
assequor, assequi, assecutus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXAO]
follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand;
asser, asseris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
pole (wooden), post, stake, beam; joist, rafter; pole of a litter;
asserculum, asserculi N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
small beam/pole/post;
asserculus, asserculi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
small beam/pole/post;
assero, asserere, asserui, assertus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
lay hands on/grasp; assert/state/allege; free/release; claim; protect/preserve;
assero, asserere, assevi, assitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
plant/set at/near;
assertio, assertionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
act of claiming free or slave (status); defense/vindication (of character);
assertion; statement;
assertor, assertoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
one asserting status of another; restorer of liberty, protector, champion;
assertorius, assertoria, assertorium ADJ [DLXFS]
of/pertaining to a restoration of freedom;
assertum, asserti N (2nd) N [DGXES]
asservatio, asservationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
keeping, preservation; reservation;
asservio, asservire, asservivi, asservitus V (4th) DAT [XXXFO]
devote/apply oneself to (w/DAT); aid, help, assist;
asservo, asservare, asservavi, asservatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
keep/guard/preserve; watch/observe; keep in custody; rescue/save life; reserve;
assesio, assesionis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
siting as assessor; act of assessing; sitting beside one (console/give advice);
assessio, assessionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
sitting beside one (to console/give advice);
assessor, assessoris N (3rd) M [XLXDO]
assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
assessorium, assessori(i) N (2nd) N [XLXFO]
title of a legal textbook (sg/pl.);
assessorius, assessoria, assessorium ADJ [DLXFS]
of/pertaining to an assessor;
assessura, assessurae N (1st) F [XLXFO]
assistance as a legal advisor; office of assessor, assessorship (L+S);
assessus, assessus N (4th) M [XLXFO]
sitting beside one (in court);
assestrix, assestricis N (3rd) F [XLXFO]
assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
asseveranter ADV [XXXEO]
earnestly, emphatically;
asseverate ADV [XXXEO]
earnestly, emphatically;
asseveratio, asseverationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
affirmation, (confident/earnest) assertion; seriousness/earnestness, gravity;
assevero, asseverare, asseveravi, asseveratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
act earnestly; assert strongly/emphatically, declare; profess; be serious;
assibilo, assibilare, assibilavi, assibilatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
hiss out (breath) upon (w/DAT); murmur/whisper to/at (L+S);
assiccesco, assiccescere, assiccui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
dry out/up, become dry;
assicco, assiccare, assiccavi, assiccatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
dry, dry out, dry up, make dry;
assiculus, assiculi N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
small axle; small plank, slat; small beam/pole, pin (L+S);
assideo, assidere, assedi, assessus V (2nd) [XXXBO]
sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near, besiege; resemble (w/DAT);
assido, assidere, assedi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
sit down, take a seat; perch, alight, settle; sit by/near (to) (w/DAT);
assidue, assiduius, assiduissime ADV [XXXCO]
continually, constantly, regularly;
assiduitas, assiduitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
attendance, constant presence/attention/practice, care; recurrence, repetition;
assiduo ADV [XXXDO]
continually, constantly, regularly;
assiduo, assiduare, assiduavi, assiduatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
apply constantly; make constant use of (Souter); use regularly/incessantly;
assiduus, assidua -um, assiduior -or -us, assiduissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class;
assiduus, assidui N (2nd) M [XXXES]
tribute/tax payer, rich person; first-rate person/writer?;
assifornus, assiforna, assifornum ADJ [XDXIO]
touring gladiatorial show;
assignatio, assignationis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
distribution/allotment of land; the plot of land granted; allocation (other);
assignator, assignatoris N (3rd) M [XLXFO]
allocator, one who assigns;
assignifico, assignificare, assignificavi, assignificatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
show (w/ACC + INF), make evident; mean/denote (words);
assigno, assignare, assignavi, assignatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
assign, distribute, allot; award, bestow (rank/honors); impute; affix seal;
assilio, assilire, assilui, assultus V (4th) [XXXBO]
jump/leap (up/on/towards), rush/dash (at/against), assault; mount (male-female);
assimilanter ADV [XXXEO]
similarly, analogically;
assimilatio, assimilationis N (3rd) F [XXXDS]
likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending
assimilatus, assimilata, assimilatum ADJ [XXXES]
similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled;
assimilis, assimilis, assimile ADJ [XXXCO]
similar, like; close; closely resembling, very like;
assimiliter ADV [XXXFO]
similarly, in much the same manner/fashion;
assimilo, assimilare, assimilavi, assimilatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part;
assimilor, assimilari, assimilatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXDE]
become like; be compared to;
assimulanter ADV [XXXEO]
similarly, analogically;
assimulaticius, assimulaticia, assimulaticium ADJ [DLXES]
imitated, counterfeit, not real; nominal, titular;
assimulatio, assimulationis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending
assimulatus, assimulata, assimulatum ADJ [XXXES]
similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled;
assimuliter ADV [XXXFS]
similarly, in much the same manner/fashion;
assimulo, assimulare, assimulavi, assimulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part;
assipondium, assipondi(i) N (2nd) N [XLXEO]
sum or weight of one as (penny), a pound (as was originally a pound of copper);
assiratum, assirati N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
drink composed of wine and blood;
assis, assis N (3rd) M [XLXAO]
penny, copper coin; a pound; one, whole; circular flap/valve; round slice;
assis, assis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
plank, board;
assisa, assisae N (1st) F [FLXFJ]
Assise; county court room;
Assisinas, (gen.), Assisinatis ADJ [EEIDE]
of Assisi; (St Francis of Assisi);
Assisium, Assisii N (2nd) N [EEIDE]
Assisi; (home of St Francis);
assistentia, assistentiae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
help, assistance; attendance;
assisto, assistere, asstiti, asstatus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
take position/stand (near/by), attend; appear before; set/place near; defend;
assistrix, assistricis N (3rd) F [XLXFS]
assessor (female), counselor, who sits by to give advice; attendant/assistant;
assitus, assita, assitum ADJ [XXXEO]
planted/set/situated at/near;
asso, assare, assavi, assatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
roast, bake, broil; dry;
associatio, associationis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
association; accompaniment; escort;
associo, associare, associavi, associatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
join/attach (to), associate/work (with); unite with; attend upon; escort (Ecc);
associus, associa, associum ADJ [DXXFS]
associated with;
assoleo, assolere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be accustomed/in the habit of; be customary accompaniment, go with; be usual;
assolet, assolere, -, - V (2nd) IMPERS [XXXCO]
it is usual/wont; it is the custom/practice; it is the habit;
assolo, assolare, assolavi, assolatus V (1st) TRANS [DWXES]
level to the ground, destroy;
assono, assonare, assonavi, assonatus V (1st) [XXXDO]
respond, reply; sound in accompaniment; sing as an accompaniment;
asspersorium, asspersorii N (2nd) N [EEXEE]
aspergillum, holy water sprinkler/brush;
assubrigo, assubrigere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNO]
stretch up, raise;
assudesco, assudescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
sweat, break out in a sweat;
assuefacio, assuefacere, assuefeci, assuefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
accustom (to), habituate, inure; make accustomed/used (to), train;
assuefio, assueferi, assuefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXCO]
be/become accustomed (to), be habituated; be trained; (assuefacio PASS);
assuesco, assuescere, assuevi, assuetus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar;
assuetudo, assuetudinis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
custom, habit; repeated practice/experience/association; intimacy, intercourse;
assuetus, assueta -um, assuetior -or -us, assuetissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
accustomed, customary, usual, to which one is accustomed/used;
assugo, assugere, assuxi, assuctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
suck towards;
assula, assulae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
splinter, chip of wood/stone;
assulatim ADV [XXXEO]
into splinters;
assulose ADV [XXXNO]
into splinters, splinter-wise;
assultim ADV [XXXNO]
by leaps, by hops; by leaps and bounds;
assulto, assultare, assultavi, assultatus V (1st) [XWXCO]
jump/leap at/towards/upon; dash against; attack, assault, make an attack (on);
assultus, assultus N (4th) M [XWXEO]
attack, assault, charge; leap/leaping to/at/against;
assum, adesse, affui, affuturus V [XXXAO]
be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT);
assum, assi N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
roast, roast/baked meat; sunning, basking/baking in sun;
assum, assi N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
sudatorium (pl.), sweating-bath, sauna;
assumentum, assumenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
that which is to be sewed upon, that which is to be patched; patch (Ecc);
assumptio, assumptionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
adoption; acquisition, assumption, claim; minor premise; introduction (point);
assumptivus, assumptiva, assumptivum ADJ [XGXEO]
based on extraneous arguments (rhet., of the treatment of a case);
assuo, assuere, assui, assutus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
sew or patch on;
assurgo, assurgere, assurrexi, assurrectus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
rise/stand up, rise to one's feet/from bed; climb, lift oneself; grow; soar;
assus, assa, assum ADJ [XXXCO]
roasted, baked; dry (from sunbathing); dry (w/o mortar); w/unaccompanied voice;
assuscipio, assuscipere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXIO]
undertake (vows);
assuspiro, assuspirare, assuspiravi, assuspiratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
sigh in response (to) (w/DAT);
Assyrius, Assyrii N (2nd) M [EXQEE]
Assyrian; inhabitant of Assur/Assyria;
but, on the other hand/contrary; but yet; at least; in that event; if further;
asta, astae N (1st) F [XWXBO]
spear, javelin; spear stuck in ground for public auction/centumviral court;
astacus, astaci N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
lobster/crayfish; kind of crab (L+S);
astaphis, astaphidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
astaphis, astaphidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria);
astator, astatoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
aide, helper, assister;
astatus, astata, astatum ADJ [XWXDO]
armed with a spear/spears;
astatus, astati N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
spearman; soldier in unit in front of Roman battle-formation; its centurion;
asteismos, asteismi N M [DGXES]
more refined style of speaking, urbanity;
aster, asteris N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
plant (Aster amellus?); kind of Samian clay; star (= astrum), destiny (?);
astercum, asterci N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
plant pellitory-of-the-wall; (in pure Latin urceolaris L+S);
asteria, asteriae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
precious stone, either asteriated (star) sapphire or cymophane (cats-eye)?;
asteriace, asteriaces N F [XBXES]
simple medicine;
asterias, asteriae N M [XAXNO]
bird like heron; kind of heron (L+S);
astericum, asterici N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
plant pellitory-of-the-wall; (in pure Latin urceolaris L+S);
asterion, asterii N N [XAXNO]
venomous spider;
asteriscus, asterisci N (2nd) M [DGXES]
small star; asterisk (as a typographical mark);
asterites, asteritae N M [DYXFS]
kind of basilisk/cockatrice;
asterno, asternere, astravi, astratus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
prostrate oneself, lie prone (on);
asthenia, astheniae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
asthma, asthmatis N (3rd) N [XBXNO]
asthma, attack of asthma; shortness of breath;
asthmaticus, asthmatica, asthmaticum ADJ [XBXNO]
suffering from shortness of breath, asthmatic;
asticus, astica, asticum ADJ [XXXEO]
of/located in a city, city, urban;
astipulatio, astipulationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
confirmation, confirmatory statement;
astipulator, astipulatoris N (3rd) M [XLXDO]
associate in a stipulation; one who supports an opinion, adherent;
astipulatus, astipulatus N (4th) M [XXXNO]
assent, agreement in a command;
astipulo, astipulare, astipulavi, astipulatus V (1st) INTRANS [XLXFS]
join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument);
astipulor, astipulari, astipulatus sum V (1st) DEP [XLXDO]
join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument);
astituo, astituere, astitui, astitutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
place near/before; make to stand before;
asto, astare, astiti, - V (1st) INTRANS [XXXBO]
stand at/on/by; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still, stand on one's feet;
astolos, astoli N F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
astragalus, astragali N (2nd) M [XTXEO]
convex molding (usu. round top/bottom of a column), astragal;
astralis, astralis, astrale ADJ [DSXFS]
relating to the stars; revealed by the stars;
astrangulo, astrangulare, astrangulavi, astrangulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
astrapaea, astrapaeae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
astrapias, astrapiae N M [XXXNS]
precious stone (black in color with gleams of light crossing the middle);
astrapoplectus, astrapoplecta, astrapoplectum ADJ [XXXES]
struck by lightening;
astreans, (gen.), astreantis ADJ [DXXFS]
gleaming like a star;
astrepo, astrepere, astrepui, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
make a noise at, shout in support, take up a cry; assail with noise; murmur;
astricte, astrictius, astrictissime ADV [XXXCO]
tightly (bound), firmly; strictly, by strict rules; concisely, tersely, pithily;
astrictio, astrictionis N (3rd) F [XBXNO]
astringency, an astringent action;
astrictorius, astrictoria, astrictorium ADJ [XBXNO]
astringent, binding, constrictive, styptic; (effect on organic tissue);
astrictus, astricta -um, astrictior -or -us, astrictissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
bound (by rules), tied; terse, brief, restrained; constricted, dense, compact;
busy/preoccupied (with), intent (on); parsimonious, tight; astringent (taste);
astricus, astrica, astricum ADJ [XSXFO]
starry, of the stars;
astrideo, astridere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
hiss (at);
astrido, astridere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
hiss (at);
astrifer, astrifera, astriferum ADJ [XSXDO]
starry, star-laden;
astrifico, astrificare, astrificavi, astrificatus V (1st) TRANS [DSXFS]
make/produce stars;
astrificus, astrifica, astrificum ADJ [DSXFS]
star producing/making;
astriger, astrigera, astrigerum ADJ [XSXEO]
star-bearing; starry;
astriloquus, astriloqua, astriloquum ADJ [DSXFS]
talking of the stars;
astrilucus, astriluca, astrilucum ADJ [DSXFS]
shining/gleaming like stars;
astringo, astringere, astrinxi, astrictus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
tie up/down/back/on/together/tightly; bind, grasp, tighten, fix; form boundary;
oblige, commit; compress, narrow, restrict; knit (brows); freeze, solidify;
astrion, astrii N N [XXJNO]
precious stone; (crystalline, found in India, sapphire? L+S);
astriotes, astriotae N F [XXXNS]
precious stone (w/magical properties); (OLD says neuter);
astrobolos, astroboli N F [XXXNS]
precious stone (onyx?, chalcedon?);
astrolabium, astrolabii N (2nd) N [HSXEK]
astrologia, astrologiae N (1st) F [XSXCO]
astronomy, astrology, science/study of the heavenly bodies; book on astronomy;
astrologus, astrologi N (2nd) M [XSXCO]
astronomer, one who studies the heavens/predicts from the stars; astrologer;
astronauta, astronautae N (1st) M [HXXEK]
astronauticus, astronautica, astronauticum ADJ [HSXEK]
astronomia, astronomiae N (1st) F [XSXEO]
astronomy, science of heavenly bodies;
astronomicus, astronomica, astronomicum ADJ [DSXCS]
astronomus, astronomi N (2nd) M [DSXCS]
astronomer; astrologer (Bee);
astrophysica, astrophysicae N (1st) F [HSXEK]
astrosus, astrosa, astrosum ADJ [XXXIO]
born under evil star, ill-starred;
astructio, astructionis N (3rd) F [DGXES]
accumulation of proof, putting together, composition;
astructor, astructoris N (3rd) M [DGXFS]
one who adduces/brings forward/cites/alleges proof;
astrum, astri N (2nd) N [XSXAO]
star, heavenly body, planet/sun/moon; the stars, constellation; sky, heaven;
astruo, astruere, astruxi, astructus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
build on/additional structure; heap/pile (on); add to/on, contribute, provide;
astu, undeclined N N [XXHDO]
city (esp. Athens), town (as opp. to rest of Attica/city-state);
astula, astulae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
splinter/chip; shavings; [astula regia => the plant asphodel];
astupeo, astupere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXDO]
be stunned/astounded/astonished/amazed (at); be enthralled (by) (w/DAT);
astur, asturis N (3rd) M [DAXES]
species of hawk; inhabitant of Asturia in Hispania Tarraconensis;
asturco, asturconis N (3rd) M [XAXFW]
Nero's favorite horse; a horse from Asturia in Hispania Tarraconensis;
astus, astus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
craft, cunning, guile; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem;
astute, astutius, astutissime ADV [XXXCO]
cunningly, craftily, cleverly, astutely;
astutia, astutiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
cunning, cleverness, astuteness; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem;
astutulus, astutula, astutulum ADJ [XXXEO]
cunning (person/action), crafty, clever, astute;
astutus, astuta -um, astutior -or -us, astutissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
clever, astute, sly, cunning; expert;
asty, undeclined N N [XXHDO]
city (esp. Athens), town (as opp. to rest of Attica/city-state);
astytis, astytidis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
kind of lettuce;
asureus, asurea, asureum ADJ [FXXDM]
azure; blue; of lapis lazuli;
asyla, asylae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
unidentified plant;
asylum, asyli N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
place of refuge, asylum, sanctuary; place for relaxation/recuperation, retreat;
asymbolus, asymbola, asymbolum ADJ [XXXEO]
without paying a contribution, contributing nothing to entertainment, scot-free;
asymptota, asymptotae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
asymptote (math.);
asyndeton, asyndeti N N [DGXFS]
rhetorical omission of connecting particle; (pure Latin dissolutio);
asyndetus, asyndeta, asyndetum ADJ [DSXES]
standing without any connection with/reference to constellations (stars);
but, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least;
atamussim ADV [XXXES]
according to a ruler/level, exactly, accurately;
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
atatatae INTERJ [XXXFO]
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
atattae INTERJ [XXXFO]
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
atavia, ataviae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
great-great-great grandmother; (mother of abavus/abavia); female ancestor;
atavus, atavi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
great-great-great grandfather; (father of abavus/abavia); ancestor, forefather;
atechnos, atechnos, atechnon ADJ [XXXFO]
ategro, ategrare, ategravi, ategratus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
pour out wine in sacrifices;
atenim CONJ [XXXEO]
but/yet in spite of what has been said; but/yet nevertheless/all the same;
ater, atra -um, atrior -or -us, aterrimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
black, dark; dark-colored (hair/skin); gloomy/murky; unlucky; sordid/squalid;
deadly, terrible, grisly (esp. connected with underworld); poisonous; spiteful;
atermum, atermi N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
plant (tough, stubborn pest?);
atheismus, atheismi N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
atheista, atheistae N (1st) M [GEXEK]
Athena, Athenae N (1st) F [XXHCO]
Athens (pl.); inhabitants of Athens, Athenians;
athenaeum, athenaei N (2nd) N [FGXEE]
school, atheneum; place of study; (athenaeum maius => university);
Atheneus, Athenea, Atheneum ADJ [XXHCO]
Athenian, of Athens; of inhabitants of Athens/Athenians;
Atheniensis, Atheniensis N (3rd) M [XXHCO]
Athenian, inhabitant of Athens;
Atheniensis, Atheniensis, Atheniense ADJ [XXHCO]
Athenian, of Athens; of inhabitants of Athens/Athenians;
atheos, athei N M [XEXES]
atheist, one who does not believe in God; (as nickname);
athera, atherae N (1st) F [XBXNO]
variety of gruel used in medicine; prepared from arinca/spelt (L+S);
atheroma, atheromae N (1st) F [XBXFO]
tumor occurring on the head containing gruel-like matter;
atheus, athei N (2nd) M [XEXES]
atheist, one who does not believe in God; (as nickname);
athla, athlae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle;
athleta, athletae N (1st) M [XXXCO]
wrestler, boxer, athlete, one who is in public games; expert, old-hand; contest;
athletica, athleticae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
athletics; sport;
athletice ADV [XXXEO]
athletically, like an athlete;
athleticus, athletica, athleticum ADJ [XXXEO]
athletic, sporty; of/proper for an athlete; [ars athletica => athletics];
athletismus, athletismi N (2nd) M [GDXEK]
athlon, athli N N [XXXDS]
labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle;
athlum, athli N (2nd) N [XXXDS]
labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle;
atizoe, atizoes N F [XXXNO]
precious stone; (of silver luster L+S);
atlas, atlantis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
atlas (of geography);
atmosphaera, atmosphaerae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
atmosphaericus, atmosphaerica, atmosphaericum ADJ [GXXEK]
atnatus, atnati N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will;
atocium, atoci(i) N (2nd) N [XBXNO]
atocium, atocii N (2nd) N [FXXEK]
atomicus, atomica, atomicum ADJ [HSXEK]
atomismus, atomismi N (2nd) M [HXXEK]
atomos, atomi N F [XXXCO]
atom, ultimate component of matter, particle incapable of being divided;
atomus, atoma, atomum ADJ [XSXNO]
indivisible, atomic, that cannot be cut;
atomus, atomi N (2nd) F [XXXCO]
atom, ultimate component of matter, particle incapable of being divided;
atopto, atoptare, atoptavi, atoptatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
adopt, select, secure, pick out; wish/name for oneself; adopt legally;
atque CONJ [XXXAO]
and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet;
atqui CONJ [XXXBO]
but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still;
atquin CONJ [XXXBO]
but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still;
atractylis, atractylidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant of the genus Carthamus, spindle-thistle (used as antidote to poisons);
atramentarium, atramentarii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
inkstand; inkpot, inkwell;
atramentum, atramenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
writing-ink; blacking, black pigment/ink; [~ sepiae => cuttle-fish ink];
atratus, atrata, atratum ADJ [XXXCO]
darkened, blackened, dingy; clothed in black, in/wearing mourning;
atriarius, atriarii N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
house-servant, house-slave; porter, door-keeper (L+S);
atricapilla, atricapillae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
bird of black plumage (black-cap?);
atricapillus, atricapilla, atricapillum ADJ [XXXFS]
atricolor, (gen.), atricoloris ADJ [XXXFO]
black, dark colored; letters written in (black) ink (L+S);
atriensis, atriensis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
steward; servant in charge of household administration, major-domo; house-slave;
atriolum, atrioli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
small hall/ante-room;
atriplex, atriplicis N (3rd) F [XAXFS]
atriplex, atriplicis N (3rd) N [XAXNO]
kitchen herb, orach;
atriplexum, atriplexi N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
kitchen herb, orach;
atritas, atritatis N (3rd) F [BAXFO]
atritus, atrita -um, atritior -or -us, atritissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXFO]
atrium, atri(i) N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
atrium, reception hall in a Roman house; auction room; palace (pl.), house;
atrocitas, atrocitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
fury; barbarity, cruelty; wickedness; severity, harshness; horror, dreadfulness;
atrociter, atrocius, atrocissime ADV [XXXCO]
violently; bitterly, acrimoniously; cruelly, savagely; severely, harshly;
atrophia, atrophiae N (1st) F [DBXES]
atrophy; wasting consumption; (pure Latin tabes);
atrophus, atropha, atrophum ADJ [XBXNO]
affected by lack of nutrition; state of atrophy; consumptive;
atropinum, atropini N (2nd) N [GBXEK]
atrotus, atrota, atrotum ADJ [XXXFO]
atrox, atrocis (gen.), atrocior -or -us, atrocissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
fierce, savage, bloody; heinous, cruel; severe; terrible, frightening, dreadful;
atrusca, atruscae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
kind of grape;
atta, attae N (1st) M [XXXFO]
father (term of respect used when addressing old men);
attachiamentum, attachiamenti N (2nd) N [FLXFJ]
attachio, attachire, attachivi, attachitus V (4th) [FXXFM]
attach; fasten;
attactus, attactus N (4th) M [XXXDO]
touch , contact, action of touching;
attacus, attaci N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
kind of locust;
attagen, attagenis N (3rd) M [XAXDO]
bird resembling partridge, francolin? hazel-hen/heath-cock (L+S);
attagena, attagenae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
bird resembling partridge, francolin?;
attagus, attagi N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
attamen ADV [XXXCO]
but yet, but however, nevertheless;
attamino, attaminare, attaminavi, attaminatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
touch, attack, rob; dishonor, defile, contaminate;
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
attatae INTERJ [XXXEO]
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
attattatae INTERJ [XXXEO]
ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
attegia, attegiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
hut (Gallic?) (Arab? L+S);
attegro, attegrare, attegravi, attegratus V (1st) TRANS [DEXFS]
pour out wine in sacrifices;
attelebus, attelebi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
kind of wingless locust;
attemperate ADV [XXXFO]
opportunely, at a convenient moment;
attemperatio, attemperationis N (3rd) F [EXXFE]
accommodation; adjusting, adjustment, fitting;
attempero, attemperare, attemperavi, attemperatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
fit, adjust, accommodate;
attempto, attemptare, attemptavi, attemptatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try;
attendo, attendere, attendi, attentus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
turn/stretch towards; apply; attend/pay (close) attention to, listen carefully;
attentatio, attentationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
attempting, attempt, trying, try, effort;
attentatum, attentati N (2nd) N [FXXFE]
prohibited innovation during process; attempt, try;
attente, attentius, attentissime ADV [XXXCO]
diligently, carefully, with concentration, with close attention;
attentio, attentionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
attention, application, attentiveness;
attento, attentare, attentavi, attentatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try;
attentus, attenta -um, attentior -or -us, attentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
attentive, heedful; careful, conscientious, intent; frugal, economical;
attenuate ADV [XXXFO]
plainly, barely, simply;
attenuatio, attenuationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
diminution, act of lessening, attenuation; plainness (of style);
attenuatus, attenuata -um, attenuatior -or -us, attenuatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
plain (style), bare, subdued; thin, impoverished; lessened, diminished;
attenuo, attenuare, attenuavi, attenuatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
thin (out); weaken, lessen, diminish, shrink, reduce in size; make plain;
attermino, atterminare, atterminavi, atterminatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
set bounds to, measure, limit;
attero, atterere, attrivi, attritus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
rub, rub against; grind; chafe; wear out/down/away; diminish, impair; waste;
atterraneus, atterranea, atterraneum ADJ [XXXFO]
coming to/from the earth; earth-borne;
attertiarius, attertiaria, attertiarium ADJ [DXXFS]
whole and a third;
attertiatus, attertiata, attertiatum ADJ [XXXFS]
reduced/boiled down to a third;
attestatio, attestationis N (3rd) F [XLXFO]
testimony, attestation;
attestatus, attestata, attestatum ADJ [XXXEO]
confirmatory, corroboratory;
attestor, attestari, attestatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
confirm, attest, bear witness to;
attexo, attexere, attexui, attextus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
add, join on, link to; weave/plait on, attach by weaving;
Attice ADV [XXHCO]
Attic, in Attic/Athenian manner; elegantly;
atticisso, atticissare, atticissavi, atticissatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXES]
imitate the Attic/Athenian (elegant) manner of speaking;
Atticus, Attica, Atticum ADJ [XXXCO]
Attic, Athenian; classic, elegant;
attigo, attigere, attigi, attactus V (3rd) TRANS [BXXAO]
touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to;
attiguus, attigua, attiguum ADJ [XXXDO]
contiguous, adjoining, adjacent, neighboring;
attillo, attillare, attillavi, attillatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
tickle, please;
attilus, attili N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
large fish, great sturgeon/beluga;
attina, attinae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
heap of stones as a boundary marker; (pl.) (L+S);
attineo, attinere, attinui, attentus V (2nd) [XXXAO]
hold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep (in custody), retain; delay;
attingo, attingere, attigi, attactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to;
attingo, attingere, attinxi, attinctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
wipe/smear on?;
attinguo, attinguere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
moisten, bedew, sprinkle with a liquid;
attitulo, attitulare, attitulavi, attitulatus V (1st) TRANS [DLXFS]
name, entitle;
attolero, attolerare, attoleravi, attoleratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
support, sustain, bear;
attollo, attollere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
raise/lift up/towards/to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt;
attondeo, attondere, attondi, attonsus V (2nd) TRANS [XAXCO]
clip (hair close), shear; strip of money, fleece; thrash; prune, trim, crop;
attonite ADV [XXXFS]
frantically; bewilderedly, confoundedly;
attonitus, attonita, attonitum ADJ [XXXBO]
astonished, fascinated; lightning/thunder-struck, stupefied, dazed; inspired;
attono, attonare, attonui, attonitus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
strike with lightning, blast; drive crazy, distract;
attornatus, attornati N (2nd) M [FLXFJ]
attorney; one appointed to act in law/business;
attorno, attornare, attornavi, attornatus V (1st) [FLXFJ]
attorn; attribute; ordain, decree; turn to;
attorqueo, attorquere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFO]
whirl at; hurl upwards;
attorreo, attorrere, -, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFS]
bake, roast;
attractio, attractionis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
contraction, drawing together;
attractivus, attractiva, attractivum ADJ [FXXEK]
attracto, attractare, attractavi, attractatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with;
attractorius, attractoria, attractorium ADJ [DXXFS]
attractive, having the power of attraction;
attractus, attracta -um, attractior -or -us, attractissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
drawn together (brows), knit;
attractus, attractus N (4th) M [XXXFS]
attraction, drawing to;
attraho, attrahere, attraxi, attractus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend (bow);
attrectatio, attrectationis N (3rd) F [XGXEO]
touching, handling; grammatical term for words denoting many things together;
attrectatus, attrectatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
touching, handling, feeling;
attrecto, attrectare, attrectavi, attrectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with;
attremo, attremere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
tremble (at) (w/DAT);
attrepido, attrepidare, attrepidavi, attrepidatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
bestir oneself; hobble along;
attribulo, attribulare, attribulavi, attribulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
thresh, press hard;
attribuo, attribuere, attribui, attributus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
assign/allot/attribute/impute to; grant, pay; appoint, put under jurisdiction;
attributio, attributionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
assignment of debt; one's destined lot; grant; attribution; predicate attribute;
attributum, attributi N (2nd) N [XLXFO]
grant of public money; predicate, attribute (gram.) (L+S);
attributus, attributa, attributum ADJ [XXXES]
ascribed, attributed; assigned, allotted;
attritio, attritionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
rubbing/grinding against/on (something); friction, abrasion;
attritus, attrita -um, attritior -or -us, attritissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
worn, worn down by use; smoothed; hardened, brazen; thin (style), attenuated;
rubbed (off/away), wasted; bruised; shameless, impudent, brazen;
attritus, attritus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
action/process of rubbing/grinding; friction; chafing, abrasion, bruising;
attubernalis, attubernalis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
one who lives in an adjoining hut;
attulo, attulere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [AXXFS]
bring/carry/bear to;
attumulo, attumulare, attumulavi, attumulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
heap up against; bank up (with something);
attuor, attui, - V (3rd) DEP [XXXFO]
observe, look at;
Atuatucus, Atuatuci N (2nd) M [XXFCT]
Atuatuci, tribe of north (Belgic) Gaul - Caesar;
atvero ADV [FXXFE]
atypus, atypa, atypum ADJ [XXXFO]
that does not form the letters properly in speaking;
atypus, atypi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
one who does not form the letters properly in speaking; who stammers, stammering
oh! ow! oh dear! goodness gracious! (used by women to express consternation);
Au., abb. N M [XXXCG]
Aulus (Roman praenomen); (abb. A./Au.);
aucella, aucellae N (1st) F [XAXES]
little bird;
auceo, aucere, aucui, aucitus V (2nd) TRANS [DXXFS]
observe attentively;
auceps, aucipis N (3rd) M [XXXCS]
bird-catcher, fowler; bird seller, poulterer; spy, eavesdropper;
auceps, aucupis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
bird-catcher, fowler; bird seller, poulterer; spy, eavesdropper;
aucilla, aucillae N (1st) F [XAXES]
little bird;
auctarium, auctari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
something in addition to the proper measure, lagniappe; addition, augmentation;
aucthorizatio, aucthorizationis N (3rd) F [FXXEM]
auctifer, auctifera, auctiferum ADJ [XAXFO]
productive, fruitful, fertile; fruit-bearing (L+S);
auctifico, auctificare, auctificavi, auctificatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
enlarge, increase; honor by offerings/sacrifices;
auctificus, auctifica, auctificum ADJ [XXXFO]
giving/causing increase/growth; increasing, enlarging;
auctio, auctionis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
auction; public sale; property put up for sale at auction/the catalog/proceeds;
auctionale, auctionalis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
catalogs/lists (pl.) of auction sales;
auctionalis, auctionalis, auctionale ADJ [XXXFS]
of/pertaining to an auction, auction-;
auctionarius, auctionaria, auctionarium ADJ [XXXCO]
of/pertaining to an auction, auction-;
auctiono, auctionare, auctionavi, auctionatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXES]
buy goods at an auction/public sale; buy at auction;
auctionor, auctionari, auctionatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
put up goods to auction/public sale; hold an auction;
auctito, auctitare, auctitavi, auctitatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
keep increasing/augmenting; honor by offerings (L+S);
aucto, auctare, auctavi, auctatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
increase/enlarge (much), grow; prosper/bless (with) (w/ABL);
auctor, auctoris N (3rd) C [XXXAO]
seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder;
auctorabilis, auctorabilis, auctorabile ADJ [FXXEM]
auctoralis, auctoralis, auctorale ADJ [FXXEM]
auctoramentum, auctoramenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
wages, pay, fee; reward; terms of employment (esp. gladiators), contract;
auctoratus, auctorati N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
hired gladiator;
auctorita, auctoritae N (1st) F [EXXEN]
authority, power; one in charge;
auctoritas, auctoritatis N (3rd) F [XLXAO]
title (legal), ownership; right to authorize/sanction, power; decree, order;
authority, influence; responsibility; prestige, reputation; opinion, judgment;
auctoritativus, auctoritativa, auctoritativum ADJ [FXXEM]
auctorizabilis, auctorizabilis, auctorizabile ADJ [FXXEM]
auctorizatio, auctorizationis N (3rd) F [FXXEM]
auctorizo, auctorizare, auctorizavi, auctorizatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXCN]
authorize, authenticate; approve, confirm; bind one's self;
auctoro, auctorare, auctoravi, auctoratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
bind/pledge/oblige/engage oneself, hire oneself out; purchase (w/sibi), secure;
auctoror, auctorari, auctoratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
hire out, sell; give authorization (guardian on behalf of ward); authorize;
auctrix, auctricis N (3rd) F [DXXDX]
seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder;
auctumnalis, auctumnalis, auctumnale ADJ [XXXES]
autumnal. of autumn, for use in autumn;
auctumnasct, auctumnascere, -, - V (3rd) IMPERS [DXXFS]
autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on;
auctumnesct, auctumnescere, -, - V (3rd) IMPERS [DXXFS]
autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on;
auctumnitas, auctumnitatis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
autumn, the autumn season; autumn fruits (poet.);
auctumno, auctumnare, auctumnavi, auctumnatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXNS]
bring autumnal conditions;
auctumnum, auctumni N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
autumn; autumn fruits, harvest;
auctumnus, auctumna, auctumnum ADJ [XXXDS]
of autumn, autumnal;
auctumnus, auctumni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
autumn; autumn fruits, harvest;
auctus, aucta -um, auctior -or -us, auctissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
enlarged, large, abundant, ample; richer/increased in power/wealth/importance;
auctus, auctus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
growth, increase, enlargement, act of increasing; accession; prosperity; bulk;
aucupabundus, aucupabunda, aucupabundum ADJ [DXXFS]
watching, lurking for;
aucupalis, aucupalis, aucupale ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to bird-watching/fowling;
aucupatio, aucupationis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
hunting after, searching for; bird catching, fowling;
aucupatorius, aucupatoria, aucupatorium ADJ [XAXEO]
suitable for bird catching/fowling/hunting;
aucupatus, aucupatus N (4th) M [DAXFS]
bird-catching, fowling;
aucupium, aucupi(i) N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
bird-catching, fowling; taking (bee swarm); game/wild fowl; sly angling for;
aucupo, aucupare, -, aucupatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXBO]
catch, take (swarm of bees); hunt after, seek, be on the lookout for;
aucupor, aucupari, aucupatus sum V (1st) DEP [XAXBO]
go fowling; lie in wait/lay a trap for, keep a watch on; seek to deal with;
audacia, audaciae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
boldness, daring, courage, confidence; recklessness, effrontery, audacity;
audaciter, audacius, audacissime ADV [XXXBO]
boldly, audaciously, confidently, proudly, fearlessly; impudently, rashly;
audacter, audacius, audacissime ADV [XXXBO]
boldly, audaciously, confidently, proudly, fearlessly; impudently, rashly;
audaculus, audacula, audaculum ADJ [XXXEO]
bold (little/bit), courageous; audacious, impudent, impertinent;
audax, audacis (gen.), audacior -or -us, audacissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
bold, daring; courageous; reckless, rash; audacious, presumptuous; desperate;
audem CONJ [XXXEO]
but (postpositive), on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also;
audens, audentis (gen.), audentior -or -us, audentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
daring, bold, courageous; characterized by boldness/license of expression;
audenter, audentius, audentissime ADV [XXXCO]
boldly, fearlessly; audaciously, presumptuously, rashly;
audentia, audentiae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
boldness, courage, enterprise; boldness/license of expression;
audeo, audere, ausus sum V (2nd) SEMIDEP [XXXAO]
intend, be prepared; dare/have courage (to go/do), act boldly, venture, risk;
audiens, audientis N (3rd) M [XXXES]
auditor, one who hears; hearer of, obedient to (your command); public penitent;
audiens, audientis N (3rd) M [DEXES]
catechumen (eccl.), convert under instruction before baptism; new initiate;
audientia, audientiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
hearing, act of listening, attention; audience, body of listeners;
audio, audire, audivi, auditus V (4th) [XXXAO]
hear, listen, accept, agree with; obey; harken, pay attention; be able to hear;
auditio, auditionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
hearing, act/sense of hearing; report, hearsay, rumor; lecture, recital;
auditiuncula, auditiunculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
scrap of hearsay information; brief discourse (L+S);
audito, auditare, auditavi, auditatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
hear frequently;
auditor, auditoris N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
listener, hearer; disciple (w/GEN), pupil, student;
auditorialis, auditorialis, auditoriale ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to a school;
auditorium, auditori(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
auditorium, lecture room, hall; body of listeners, audience; hearing a law case;
auditorium, auditorii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
auditorius, auditoria, auditorium ADJ [DXXES]
relating to a hearer or hearing;
auditus, auditus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
hearing; listening; act/sense of hearing; hearsay;
audivisificus, audivisifica, audivisificum ADJ [HXXEK]
audo, audere, - V SEMIDEP [XXXAO]
intend, be prepared; dare/have courage (to go/do), act boldly, venture, risk;
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus V TRANS [XXXAO]
bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain;
aufero, auferre, apstuli, ablatus V TRANS [XXXAO]
bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain;
aufugio, aufugere, aufugi, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
flee, flee from, shun; run/fly away, escape; disappear (things), vanish;
Aug., abb. ADJ [XXXCO]
August (month/mensis understood); abb. Aug.; renamed from Sextilis in 8 BC;
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
increase, enlarge, augment; spread; honor, promote, raise; exalt; make a lot of;
auger, augeris N (3rd) C [BEXCS]
augur, one who interprets behavior of birds; diviner, seer, prophet, soothsayer;
augesco, augescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
grow, increase in size/amount/number; develop; prosper; rise/be swollen (river);
augifico, augificare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
increase, enlarge, make larger;
auginos, augini N F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called hyoscyamos);
augitis, augitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
augmen, augminis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
addition, increase, increment; bulk, total mass, the result of increase;
augmentatio, augmentationis N (3rd) F [EXXEE]
increase, waxing (moon); increment; sustenance; advancement (Ecc);
augmento, augmentare, augmentavi, augmentatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
augmentum, augmenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
increase, waxing (moon); increment; sustenance; advancement (Ecc);
augur, auguris N (3rd) C [XEXCO]
augur, one who interprets behavior of birds; diviner, seer, prophet, soothsayer;
auguraculum, auguraculi N (2nd) N [XEXEO]
place where auguries are observed, hence the citadel of Rome;
augurale, auguralis N (3rd) N [XEXEO]
general's HQ/tent in Roman camp where he took auguries; augur's staff/wand;
auguralis, auguralis, augurale ADJ [XEXCO]
of/pertaining to augurs, augural; relating to soothsaying;
auguratio, augurationis N (3rd) F [XEXDO]
prediction by means of augury;
augurato ADV [XEXEO]
after due taking of the auguries;
auguratorium, auguratorii N (2nd) N [XEXIO]
place/building where auguries were observed;
auguratrix, auguratricis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
soothsayer/diviner (female);
auguratus, augurata, auguratum ADJ [XEXEO]
instituted after due observance of auguries;
auguratus, auguratus N (4th) M [XEXCO]
office of augur; augury;
augurialis, augurialis, auguriale ADJ [DEXES]
of/pertaining to augurs, augural; relating to soothsaying;
augurium, auguri(i) N (2nd) N [XEXBO]
augury (act/profession); divination, prediction; omen, portent/sign; foreboding;
augurius, auguria, augurium ADJ [XEXEO]
of the augurs/augury, augural;
auguro, augurare, auguravi, auguratus V (1st) [XXXBO]
prophesy, predict, foretell; practice augury; make known intention to (w/INF);
auguror, augurari, auguratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
conjecture, surmise, judge;
Augusta, Augustae N (1st) F [CLICO]
Augusta; (title of Emperor's wife/occasionally other close female relatives);
Augustalis, Augustalis N (3rd) M [EXXEE]
member of imperial military/religious group; title of Prefect of Egypt (OED);
augustalis, augustalis, augustale ADJ [XXXES]
Augustalis, Augustalis, Augustale ADJ [EXXEE]
of/pertaining to Augustus; imperial;
augustatus, augustata, augustatum ADJ [DEXES]
made venerable; consecrated;
auguste, augustius, augustissime ADV [XEXDO]
reverently, solemnly; with dignity; majestically; sacredly;
Augustianismus, Augustianismi N (2nd) M [EEXFE]
Augustinism, teaching of St Augustine (Bishop of Hippo, 354-430, City of God);
Augustinus, Augustini N (2nd) M [DEACF]
Augustine; (St./Bishop of Hippo, 354-430, author of Confessions, City of God);
augusto, augustare, augustavi, augustatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
glorify; render venerable;
augustus, augusta -um, augustior -or -us, augustissimus -a -um ADJ [XEXCO]
sacred, venerable; majestic, august, solemn; dignified; worthy of honor (Ecc);
Augustus, Augusta, Augustum ADJ [XXXCO]
August (month) (mensis understood); abb. Aug.; renamed from Sextilis in 8 BC;
Augustus, Augusti N (2nd) M [CLIAO]
Augustus; (title of Octavius Caesar, Emperor, 27 BC-14 AD); of all emperors;
aula, aulae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
hall; church/temple; palace/castle; inner/royal court; courtiers; royal power;
aulaea, aulaeae N (1st) F [FDXFV]
canopy/covering; theater curtain; hangings/folds (pl.), tapestries/drapery;
aulaeum, aulaei N (2nd) N [XDXCO]
canopy/covering; theater curtain; hangings/folds (pl.), tapestries/drapery;
aulax, aulacis N (3rd) F [DAXES]
auleticos, auletice, auleticon ADJ [XAXNO]
used for making reed pipes/flutes;
auleticus, auletica, auleticum ADJ [XAXNS]
used for making reed pipes/flutes;
aulicocius, aulicocia, aulicocium ADJ [XXXEO]
boiled, cooked in a pot;
aulicoctus, aulicocta, aulicoctum ADJ [XXXEO]
boiled, cooked in a pot;
aulicoquius, aulicoquia, aulicoquium ADJ [XXXEO]
boiled, cooked in a pot;
aulicus, aulica, aulicum ADJ [XLXEO]
of/belonging to the imperial/prince's household; princely;
aulicus, aulica, aulicum ADJ [DDXFS]
of/pertaining to the pipe/flute;
aulicus, aulici N (2nd) M [XLXEO]
courtier (of the imperial/a prince's household);
aulix, aulicis N (3rd) F [DAXES]
auloedus, auloedi N (2nd) M [XDXFO]
person who sings to a reed pipe;
aulon, aulonis N (3rd) M [XXXNO]
aulopoios, aulopoii N M [XXXFO]
maker of reed pipes;
aulos, auli N M [XAXNO]
kind of bivalve; razorshell clam; flute-shaped scallop (L+S);
aulula, aululae N (1st) F [DXXES]
small pipkin/pot;
Aulus, Auli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
Aulus (Roman praenomen); (abb. A.);
aumatium, aumatii N (2nd) N [XDXFO]
latrine in a theater/circus; private place in the theater (L+S);
aunculus, aunculi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle;
aura, aurae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
breeze, breath (of air), wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air (pl.), heaven;
auraculum, auraculi N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
oracle (place/agency/mouthpiece); prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim;
aurantiacus, aurantiaca, aurantiacum ADJ [GXXEK]
aurantium, aurantii N (2nd) N [GAXEM]
orange tree;
aurantius, aurantia, aurantium ADJ [GXXFM]
orange-colored; tawny;
auraria, aurariae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
gold mine; worker/dearer (female) in gold (L+S);
aurarius, auraria, aurarium ADJ [XXXEO]
concerned with/used for gold; golden, gold;
aurarius, aurarii N (2nd) M [DTXES]
worker in gold, goldsmith; patron (L+S);
aurata, auratae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
kind of fish, gilthead, dorado;
auratilis, auratilis, auratile ADJ [DXXFS]
aurator, auratoris N (3rd) M [DTXFS]
gilder, one who gilds (covers with gold leaf) metal/wood/plaster;
auratura, auraturae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
gilding, gilt, thin coating of gold;
auratus, aurata, auratum ADJ [XXXBO]
gilded, overlaid/adorned with gold, golden, gold mounted/embroidered/bearing;
aurea, aureae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
bridle of a horse;
aureatus, aureata, aureatum ADJ [DXXFS]
adorned/decorated with gold;
aureax, aureacis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
charioteer, driver; groom, ostler; helmsman; the Waggoner (constellation);
aureficina, aureficinae N (1st) F [XTXIO]
goldsmith's workshop;
aureola, aureolae N (1st) F [EEXEE]
halo; nimbus, aura; aureole;
aureolus, aureola, aureolum ADJ [XXXCO]
golden, made of gold, gold colored; beautiful, brilliant, excellent, splendid;
aureolus, aureoli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
gold coin, gold piece;
auresco, aurescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
become golden in color;
aureus, aurea, aureum ADJ [XXXBO]
of gold, golden; gilded; gold bearing; gleaming like gold; beautiful, splendid;
aureus, aurei N (2nd) M [XLXCO]
gold coin (equivalent to 25 silver denarii at Rome) (120 grains/0.25 oz.);
auricalcinus, auricalcina, auricalcinum ADJ [EXXFW]
made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal;
auricalcum, auricalci N (2nd) N [EXXFW]
brass, golden metal; yellow copper ore, "mountain copper"; brass objects (pl.);
aurichalcinus, aurichalcina, aurichalcinum ADJ [XXXIO]
made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal;
aurichalcum, aurichalci N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
brass, golden metal; yellow copper ore, "mountain copper"; brass objects (pl.);
auricoctor, auricoctoris N (3rd) M [XTXFS]
smelter/melter/refiner of gold;
auricolor, (gen.), auricoloris ADJ [DXXFS]
golden, of the color of gold;
auricomans, (gen.), auricomantis ADJ [DXXES]
golden-haired, with golden hair; flaxen-haired; with golden foliage/leaves;
auricomus, auricoma, auricomum ADJ [XXXEO]
golden-haired, with golden hair; flaxen-haired; with golden foliage/leaves;
auricula, auriculae N (1st) F [XBXCO]
ear (part of body/organ of hearing); sense of hearing;
auricularis, auricularis, auriculare ADJ [EBXEE]
of/for/pertaining to the ear/ears; auricular;
auricularius, auricularia, auricularium ADJ [XBXEO]
of/for the ear/ears; [medicus auricularius => ear specialist];
auricularius, auricularii N (2nd) M [DBXES]
ear doctor/specialist, aurist; counselor; listener, secret advisor (Ecc);
aurifer, aurifera, auriferum ADJ [XXXCO]
gold-bearing, producing/yielding gold (mine/country); bearing golden fruit;
aurifex, aurificis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
aurificina, aurificinae N (1st) F [XTXIO]
goldsmith's workshop;
aurifluus, auriflua, aurifluum ADJ [XXXFS]
flowing with gold;
aurifodina, aurifodinae N (1st) F [XTXEO]
gold mine;
aurifrisiatus, aurifrisiata, aurifrisiatum ADJ [EXXFE]
gold-embroidered, embroidered with gold;
aurifrisius, aurifrisia, aurifrisium ADJ [EXXFE]
gold-embroidered, embroidered with gold;
auriga, aurigae N (1st) M [XXXCO]
charioteer, driver; groom, ostler; helmsman; the Waggoner (constellation);
aurigalis, aurigalis, aurigale ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to a charioteer/driver;
aurigans, (gen.), aurigantis ADJ [DXXES]
glittering with gold;
aurigarius, aurigarii N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
owner of a racing chariot; charioteer in the races in the circus (L+S);
aurigatio, aurigationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
chariot driving;
aurigator, aurigatoris N (3rd) M [XXXES]
chariot racer/race driver;
aurigena, aurigenae N (1st) M [XYXFO]
one born of gold, the gold-begotten (i.e., Perseus);
aurigenus, aurigena, aurigenum ADJ [XYXFO]
born of gold, gold-begotten (i.e., Perseus);
auriger, aurigera, aurigerum ADJ [XXXEO]
bearing gold (e.g., with gilded horns; bearing the Golden Fleece);
aurigineus, auriginea, aurigineum ADJ [DBXFS]
golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced;
auriginosus, auriginosa, auriginosum ADJ [DBXFS]
golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced;
aurigo, aurigare, aurigavi, aurigatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXDO]
drive/race a chariot;
aurigor, aurigari, aurigatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
drive/race a chariot;
aurilegulus, aurileguli N (2nd) M [DXXES]
gold picker, gold collector;
auriolus, auriola, auriolum ADJ [XXXCO]
golden, made of gold, gold colored; beautiful, brilliant, excellent, splendid;
auriphrygiatus, auriphrygiata, auriphrygiatum ADJ [EXXFE]
gold-embroidered, embroidered with gold;
auriphrygius, auriphrygia, auriphrygium ADJ [EXXFE]
gold-embroidered, embroidered with gold;
auripigmentum, auripigmenti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
yellow/trisulphide of arsenic, bright yellow dye mineral, yellow orpiment;
auris, auris N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
ear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing, "ear" (for); pin on plow;
auriscalpium, auriscalpii N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
ear-pick (medical instrument), probe;
auritulus, aurituli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
long-eared animal, ass;
auritus, aurita, auritum ADJ [XXXCO]
with/having ears; longeared, w/large ears; hearing well, listening, attentive;
auro, aurare, auravi, auratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
gild, overlay with gold;
aurochalcinus, aurochalcina, aurochalcinum ADJ [XXXIO]
made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal;
aurora, aurorae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
dawn, daybreak, sunrise; goddess of the dawn; Orient/East, peoples of the East;
auroro, aurorare, auroravi, auroratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
shine like the sunrise;
aurosus, aurosa, aurosum ADJ [XXXNO]
containing gold, gold-bearing; of the color of gold, like gold (L+S);
aurufex, auruficis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
aurugineus, auruginea, aurugineum ADJ [DBXFS]
golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced;
aurugino, auruginare, auruginavi, auruginatus V (1st) INTRANS [DBXFS]
have jaundice, be affected with jaundice;
auruginosus, auruginosa, auruginosum ADJ [DBXFS]
golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced;
aurugo, auruginis N (3rd) F [XBXEO]
jaundice; pale/sickly look; mildew (plants) (L+S);
aurula, aurulae N (1st) F [DXXES]
gentle breeze; whiff (of);
aurulentus, aurulenta, aurulentum ADJ [DXXFS]
of the color of gold, golden;
aurum, auri N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
gold (metal/color), gold money, riches;
ausculatio, ausculationis N (3rd) F [BXXEO]
kissing; action of kissing;
ausculator, ausculatoris N (3rd) M [FXXEE]
ausculor, ausculari, auculatus sum V (1st) DEP [BXXDX]
kiss; exchange kisses;
auscultabulum, auscultabuli N (2nd) N [GTXEK]
earphone, telephone receiver;
auscultatio, auscultationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
eavesdropping, secret listening; paying heed, obeying;
auscultator, auscultatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
listener; one who heeds/obeys;
auscultatus, auscultatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
act of listening/hearing;
ausculto, auscultare, auscultavi, auscultatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
listen (to); overhear, listen secretly; heed, obey;
ausculum, ausculi N (2nd) N [BXXDX]
kiss; mouth; lips; orifice; mouthpiece (of a pipe);
auspex, auspicis N (3rd) C [XEXCO]
diviner by birds, augur; soothsayer; patron, supporter; wedding functionary;
auspicabilis, auspicabilis, auspicabile ADJ [DXXES]
auspicious, of favorable omen;
auspicalis, auspicalis, auspicale ADJ [XEXNO]
giving omens; pertaining to/suitable for divination/auguries;
auspicaliter ADV [XEXFO]
after taking the auspices; with the appropriate taking of auguries;
auspicato ADV [XEXCO]
after taking the auspices/auguries; with good omens; auspiciously;
auspicatus, auspicata -um, auspicatior -or -us, auspicatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
consecrated/approved by auguries, hollowed; auspicious/fortunate/lucky/happy;
auspicatus, auspicatus N (4th) M [XEXES]
augury, taking of auspices;
auspicium, auspici(i) N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
divination (by birds); omen; beginning; auspices (pl.); right of doing auspices;
auspico, auspicare, auspicavi, auspicatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
take auspices; seek omens; begin with auspices, make ceremonial start; portend;
auspicor, auspicari, auspicatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
take auspices; seek omens; begin with auspices, make ceremonial start; portend;
austellus, austelli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
south (diminutive/contemptuous); southern parts (pl.); gentle south wind (L+S);
auster, austeris -e, austerior -or -us, austerrimus -a -um ADJ [XXXDS]
austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry (wine); sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose;
auster, austri N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
south; south wind; southern parts (pl.);
Austeralia, Austeraliae N (1st) F [HXXFE]
austeralis, austeralis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
plant (usually called sisymbrium);
austere, austerius, austerissime ADV [XXXFS]
rigidly, austerely, severely;
austeritas, austeritatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
harshness, sourness, bitterness; gloominess, somberness; severity, rigor;
austerulus, austerula, austerulum ADJ [XXXFO]
somewhat dry/astringent/harsh;
austerus, austera -um, austerior -or -us, austerissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry (wine); sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose;
austium, austi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
door (w/frame); front door; starting gate; entrance to underworld; river mouth;
australis, australis, australe ADJ [XXXCO]
southern; of/brought by the south wind; of southern hemisphere (constellation);
austrifer, austrifera, austriferum ADJ [XXXFO]
bringing the south wind;
austrinalis, austrinalis, austrinale ADJ [XXXFO]
southern; antarctic;
austrinum, austrini N (2nd) N [XSXNO]
southern regions (pl.);
austrinus, austrina, austrinum ADJ [XXXDO]
southern; of/brought by the south wind; of southern hemisphere (constellation);
austrum, austri N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
purple dye; purple color; material dyed purple (garment, coverlet);
ausum, -, -, - V [XXXAO]
intend, be prepared; dare (to go/do), act boldly, risk; (SUB for audeo-kludge);
ausum, ausi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
daring/bold deed, exploit, venture; attempt; presumptuous act, outrage; crime;
ausus, ausus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
daring, initiative; ventures (pl.);
or, or rather/else; either...or (aut...aut) (emphasizing one);
autem CONJ [XXXAO]
but (postpositive), on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also;
autenta, autentae N (1st) M [FLXES]
chief prince, head;
autenticus, autentica, autenticum ADJ [FDXEO]
original (document), genuine, authentic; that comes from the author;
autentus, autenti N (2nd) M [FLXES]
chief prince, head;
authemerum, authemeri N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
kind of eye salve (presumably giving same day relief);
authemerus, authemera, authemerum ADJ [XXXEO]
acting/operating on the same day; providing/with same day service;
authenta, authentae N (1st) M [DLXFS]
chief prince, head;
authentice ADV [FXXFE]
authenticitas, authenticitatis N (3rd) F [EXXFE]
genuineness, authenticity;
authentico, authenticare, authenticavi, authenticatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXFE]
verify, authenticate;
authenticum, authentici N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
original/authentic document, the original; document certifying relic genuine;
authenticus, authentica, authenticum ADJ [XXXEO]
original (document), genuine, authentic; that comes from the author;
authentus, authenti N (2nd) M [FLXES]
chief prince, head;
authepsa, authepsae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
cooker with its own heating compartment;
author, authoris N (3rd) C [DXXCS]
seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder;
authoramentum, authoramenti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
wages, pay, fee; reward; terms of employment (esp. gladiators), contract;
authoratus, authorati N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
hired gladiator;
authorita, authoritae N (1st) F [EXXFS]
authority, power; one in charge;
authoritas, authoritatis N (3rd) F [DLXCS]
title (legal), ownership; right to authorize/sanction, power; decree, order;
authority, influence; responsibility; prestige, reputation; opinion, judgment;
authorizo, authorizare, authorizavi, authorizatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXES]
authorize, authenticate; approve, confirm; bind one's self;
authoro, authorare, authoravi, authoratus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
bind/pledge/oblige/engage oneself, hire oneself out; purchase (w/sibi), secure;
authoror, authorari, authoratus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
hire out, sell; give authorization (guardian on behalf of ward); authorize;
authrix, authricis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder;
autobiographia, autobiographiae N (1st) F [EXXEE]
autobirota, autobirotae N (1st) F [GTXEK]
autobirotarius, autobirotarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
autocarrum, autocarri N (2nd) N [GTXEK]
autochthon, autochthonis N (3rd) M [XXXEE]
original inhabitant, native;
autochthonus, autochthona, autochthonum ADJ [XXXFE]
indigenous, native; innate;
autocineticus, autocinetica, autocineticum ADJ [GXXEK]
car-; of a car;
autocinetista, autocinetistae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
autocinetum, autocineti N (2nd) N [GTXEK]
autocratus, autocrata, autocratum ADJ [XXXIO]
self-blended (wine) (i.e., of medium sweetness);
autocthon, autocthonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
original inhabitant, native;
autocthonus, autocthona, autocthonum ADJ [XXXFO]
indigenous, native; innate;
autographum, autographi N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
holograph, document written in one's own hand;
autographus, autographa, autographum ADJ [XXXEO]
written with one's own hand, holograph;
automatarium, automatarii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
automata (pl.), automatic mechanism;
automatarius, automataria, automatarium ADJ [XTXIO]
automatic, of automata/automatic mechanisms;
automatarius, automatarii N (2nd) M [XTXFS]
maker of automata/automatic mechanisms;
automaticus, automatica, automaticum ADJ [GXXEK]
automatio, automationis N (3rd) F [HTXFE]
automatismus, automatismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
automatic device;
automatizatio, automatizationis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
automatizo, automatizare, automatizavi, automatizatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
automaton, automati N N [XTXEO]
automaton, automatic/self-moving mechanism; automatic/puppet-like movements;
automatopoetus, automatopoeta, automatopoetum ADJ [XTXFO]
automatum, automati N (2nd) N [XTXEO]
automaton, automatic/self-moving mechanism; automatic/puppet-like movements;
ATM, automatic teller;
automatus, automata, automatum ADJ [XTXES]
voluntary, spontaneous, self-moving;
autonomatia, autonomatiae N (1st) F [HXXFE]
autonomia, autonomiae N (1st) F [FXXEM]
autonomus, autonoma, autonomum ADJ [FXXEM]
autopsia, autopsiae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
autopyros, autopyri N M [XAXEO]
coarse bread made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat bread;
autopyros, autopyros, autopyron ADJ [XAXEO]
made of unbolted/unsifted wheat meal, whole-wheat;
autopyrus, autopyra, autopyrum ADJ [XAXEO]
made of unbolted/unsifted wheat meal, whole-wheat;
autopyrus, autopyri N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
coarse bread made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat bread;
autoraeda, autoraedae N (1st) F [GTXEK]
autoraedarius, autoraedarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
autumnal, undeclined ADJ [BXXDX]
autumnal, of autumn, for use in autumn;
autumnalis, autumnalis, autumnale ADJ [XXXCO]
autumnal, of autumn, for use in autumn;
autumnasct, autumnascere, -, - V (3rd) IMPERS [DXXFS]
autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on;
autumnesct, autumnescere, -, - V (3rd) IMPERS [DXXFS]
autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on;
autumnitas, autumnitatis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
autumn, the autumn season; autumn fruits (poet.);
autumno, autumnare, autumnavi, autumnatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXNO]
bring autumnal conditions;
autumnus, autumna, autumnum ADJ [XXXDO]
of autumn, autumnal;
autumnus, autumni N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
autumn; autumn fruits, harvest;
autumo, autumare, autumavi, autumatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
say, assert; say yes; affirm; mention, speak of; name, call; reckon, judge;
auturgus, auturgi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
autus, auti N (2nd) M [FXXEN]
increase, enlargement; growth;
auxiliabundus, auxiliabunda, auxiliabundum ADJ [XXXFO]
bringing aid, helping;
auxiliaris, auxiliaris N (3rd) M [XWXDO]
auxiliary troops (pl.); allies;
auxiliaris, auxiliaris, auxiliare ADJ [XXXCO]
assisting, succoring, help-bringing; auxiliary (troops);
auxiliarius, auxiliarii N (2nd) M [XWXDO]
auxiliary troops (pl.); assistants; allies;
auxiliarus, auxiliara, auxiliarum ADJ [XXXES]
assisting, succoring, help-bringing; auxiliary (troops);
auxiliatio, auxiliationis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
help, aid;
auxiliator, auxiliatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
helper, one who gives aid; aide, assistant (L+S);
auxiliatrix, auxiliatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
helper (female), assistant, aide;
auxiliatus, auxiliatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
help, aid;
auxilio, auxiliare, auxiliavi, auxiliatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXES]
help (w/DAT); give help/aid; assist; be helpful, be of use/avail; remedy, heal;
auxilior, auxiliari, auxiliatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
help (w/DAT); give help/aid; assist; be helpful, be of use/avail; remedy, heal;
auxilium, auxili(i) N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
help, assistance; remedy/antidote; supporting resource/force; auxiliaries (pl.);
auxilla, auxillae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small pot for cooking/preserving);
ava, avae N (1st) F [DXXCS]
grandmother; rooted prejudice, old wives tale;
avarca, avarcae N (1st) F [EXFFN]
leather sandal worn by Pyrenean peasants;
avare, avarius, avarissime ADV [XXXCO]
greedily, avariciously, rapaciously; thriftily, economically, stingily, miserly;
avariter ADV [XXXEO]
greedily, avariciously, rapaciously; thriftily, economically, stingily, miserly;
avaritia, avaritiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness;
avarities, avaritiei N (5th) F [DXXFS]
greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness;
avarus, avara -um, avarior -or -us, avarissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
avaricious, greedy; stingy, miserly, mean; covetous, hungry for;
avarus, avari N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
miser; stingy/mean/greedy person;
hail!, formal expression of greetings;
aveho, avehere, avexi, avectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
carry away, carry; (passive) ride away/off, sail away, go away, depart;
avellanus, avellana, avellanum ADJ [XXXFS]
avello, avellere, avelli, avolsus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest;
avello, avellere, avolsi, avolsus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest;
avello, avellere, avulsi, avulsus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest;
avena, avenae N (1st) F [XAXAO]
reed, straw; shepherd's pipe, pan pipe; oats, wild oats, other allied grasses;
avenaceus, avenacea, avenaceum ADJ [XAXNO]
made from oats, oaten, oat-;
avenarius, avenaria, avenarium ADJ [XAXNO]
of/connected with oats, oat-;
avens, aventis (gen.), aventior -or -us, aventissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXES]
willing, cheerful, glad, with pleasure; eager, anxious; covetous;
aventer ADV [DXXES]
eagerly, earnestly, anxiously;
aveo, avere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
hail; fare/be well; (IMP/INF; greeting/leaving);[ ~ jubeo => I send greetings];
be eager or anxious; desire, wish for, long after, crave;
averium, averii N (2nd) N [FAXFJ]
avernus, averni N (2nd) M [EEXEE]
hell; the infernal regions; the lower world;
averro, averrere, averri, aversus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
sweep/brush away, take away, clear away (table);
averrunco, averruncare, averruncavi, averruncatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
avert (something bad), ward off;
aversabilis, aversabilis, aversabile ADJ [XXXFO]
repulsive, loathsome, abominable; (from which one would turn away);
aversatio, aversationis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
aversion, feeling of dislike (for);
aversator, aversatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
apostate, he who abominates/turns away from; rebel, he who rebels/oppresses;
aversatrix, aversatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
apostate, she who abominates/turns away from; rebel, she who rebels/oppresses;
aversim ADV [DXXFS]
sidewise, sideways; avertedly;
aversio, aversionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
loathing, abhorrence; distraction (of attention/from the point); (for) lump sum;
aversor, aversari, aversatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
turn oneself away in disgust/horror, recoil; avoid, shun; refuse, reject;
aversor, aversoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
embezzler; pilferer, thief;
aversum, aversi N (2nd) N [XXXES]
back, back/hinder part; other side, obverse;
aversus, aversa -um, aversior -or -us, aversissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
turned/facing away, w/back turned; behind, in rear; distant; averse; hostile;
averta, avertae N (1st) F [DXXES]
saddle-bags, traveling bag, luggage for horseback, portmanteau; (mantica);
avertarius, avertarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
horse that bears the averta (saddle/traveling bag), pack-horse, sumpter;
averto, avertere, averti, aversus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate;
avia, aviae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
grandmother; rooted prejudice, old wives tale;
avia, aviae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
unidentified plant; groundsel (L+S); (also called senecio, erigeron);
aviarium, aviari(i) N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
aviary, enclosure for birds; haunt of wild birds (poet.);
aviarius, aviari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
bird keeper, one who has charge of poultry;
aviarius, aviaria, aviarium ADJ [XAXFO]
used for birds, bird-;
avicella, avicellae N (1st) F [XAXES]
little bird;
avicula, aviculae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
small bird;
avicularius, avicularii N (2nd) M [XAXFS]
bird keeper, one who has charge of poultry;
avide, avidius, avidissime ADV [XXXCO]
greedily, hungrily, avariciously; eagerly, impatiently;
aviditas, aviditatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
greed, covetousness; keen desire, lust/passion; appetite (food/drink), gluttony;
aviditer ADV [XXXFO]
greedily; eagerly;
avidus, avida -um, avidior -or -us, avidissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
greedy, eager, ardent, desirous of; avaricious, insatiable; lustful, passionate;
avipes, (gen.), avipedis ADJ [XXXFO]
bird-footed; fleet-footed;
avis, avis N (3rd) F [XAXBO]
bird; sign, omen, portent;
avite ADV [DXXFS]
from ancient times, of old;
avitium, avitii N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
birds collectively, the bird family;
avitus, avita, avitum ADJ [XXXCO]
ancestral, of one's ancestors, family; of/belonging to a grandfather;
avium, avii N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
pathless region (pl.), wild waste, wilderness, desert; lonely/solitary places;
avius, avia, avium ADJ [XXXBO]
out of the way, unfrequented, remote; pathless, trackless, untrodden; straying;
avocamentum, avocamenti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
distraction, diversion, recreation, relaxation;
avocatio, avocationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
process of diverting the attention; distraction, diversion;
avocator, avocatoris N (3rd) M [DEXES]
one who calls off/away, one who diverts;
avocatrix, avocatricis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
she who calls off/away, she who diverts;
avoco, avocare, avocavi, avocatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
call/summon away; dissuade, divert, distract; remove, take away (property);
avolo, avolare, avolavi, avolatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
fly/rush away/off; hasten away, flee, vanish; fly away (missile);
avolsio, avolsionis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
process of tearing away/pulling off;
avolsor, avolsoris N (3rd) M [XAXNS]
one who plucks/tears off/away;
avonculus, avonculi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle;
avorro, avorrere, avorri, avorsus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
sweep/brush away, take away, clear away (table);
avorsor, avorsari, avorsatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
turn oneself away in disgust/horror, recoil; avoid, shun; refuse, reject;
avorsus, avorsa -um, avorsior -or -us, avorsissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
turned/facing away, w/back turned; behind, in rear; distant; averse; hostile;
avorto, avortere, avorti, avorsus V (3rd) [BXXDX]
turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate;
avos, avi N M [XXXFS]
grandfather; forefather, ancestor;
avulsio, avulsionis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
process of tearing away/pulling off;
avulsor, avulsoris N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
one who plucks/tears off/away;
avunculus, avunculi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle;
avus, avi N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
grandfather; forefather, ancestor;
axamentum, axamenti N (2nd) N [XEXFS]
religious hymns (pl.) in Saturnian measure annually sung by the Salii;
axedo, axedonis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
board, plank;
axicia, axiciae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
pair of shears;
axiculus, axiculi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
small axle; small plank, slat; small beam/pole, pin (L+S);
axilla, axillae N (1st) F [XBXEE]
side; armpit;
axinomantia, axinomantiae N (1st) F [XEXNO]
divination by means of axes;
axio, axionis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
little horned owl;
axioma, axiomatis N (3rd) N [XSXFO]
axiom, fundamental preposition; principle (L+S);
axis, axis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
axle, axis, pole; chariot; the sky, heaven; north pole; region, clime;
axis, axis N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
Indian quadruped; (spotted deer?);
axis, axis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
plank, board;
axitia, axitiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
unidentified toilet article;
axitiosus, axitiosa, axitiosum ADJ [XXXFS]
acting together, in combination; of a party; (?);
axitiosus, axitiosa, axitiosum ADJ [XXXFO]
extravagant in use of axitia (unidentified toilet article);
axon, axonos/is N M [XWXEO]
axis of a sundial; axis/roller of a ballista; line on a sundial (L+S);
axulus, axuli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
small plank/board;
axungia, axungiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
axle grease (hog/animal fat) (also used as medicament);
azanius, azania, azanium ADJ [XAXNO]
kind of pine cone; pine cones which open while yet on the tree (L+S);
azimuthum, azimuthi N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
azonus, azoni N (2nd) M [XEXFS]
gods (pl.) who have no definite place in heaven;
Azotice ADV [EXQFW]
Azotian, in the language/manner of Azotus/Ahdod (Esdud); (city of Palestine);
Azoticus, Azotica, Azoticum ADJ [EXQFW]
Azotian, of/from Azotus/Ahdod (Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast);
Azotius, Azotia, Azotium ADJ [EXQFW]
Azotian, of/from Azotus/Ahdod (now Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast);
Azotus, Azoti N (2nd) F [EXQFS]
Ahdod (now Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast);
Azrael, undeclined N M [EXQFE]
Azrael (Aramaic), angel of death;
azura, azurae N (1st) F [FXXEM]
azure; blue;
azureus, azurea, azureum ADJ [FXXCM]
azure; blue; of lapis lazuli;
azurium, azurii N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
azure; blue;
azurum, azuri N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
azure; blue;
azymita, azymitae N (1st) M [EEXFE]
one who used unleavened bread for Eucharist;
azymum, azymi N (2nd) N [DEXES]
unleavened bread (pl.);
azymus, azyma, azymum ADJ [XEXFO]
unleavened; pure, morally uncorrupted (L+S);
Baal, undeclined N M [DEXES]
Baal (Syrian deity);
wow!; exclamation of surprise or amazement;
babaecalus, babaecali N (2nd) M [CXXFO]
rich man (slang);
babbius, babbia, babbium ADJ [XAXNO]
designation of a large variety of olive;
babulus, babuli N (2nd) M [DXXES]
babbler, fool;
baburrus, baburra, baburrum ADJ [DXXES]
foolish, silly;
Babylon, Babylonos/is N F [XXQFO]
Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); people of Babylon;
Babylonia, Babyloniae N (1st) F [XXQCO]
Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); Babylonia;
Babylonius, Babylonia, Babylonium ADJ [XXQEO]
Babylonian, of Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia);
Babylonius, Babylonii N (2nd) M [XXQEO]
Babylonian, inhabitant of Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia);
baca, bacae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
berry, fruit of tree/shrub; olive; pearl; piece/bead of coral;
bacalarius, bacalarii N (2nd) M [FXXEE]
baccalaureate, bachelor's (degree); lowest academic degree/step; bachelor;
bacalia, bacaliae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
berry-bearer; female laurel regarded as a variety;
bacalis, bacalis, bacale ADJ [XAXNO]
berry-bearing (designation of the female laurel);
bacalusia, bacalusiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
stupid guesses? (pl.); kind of sweetmeat? (L+S);
bacar, bacaris N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
vessel with a long handle (like bacrio); wine glass (L+S);
bacatus, bacata, bacatum ADJ [XXXEO]
set with pearls;
bacca, baccae N (1st) F [XAXES]
berry, fruit of tree/shrub; olive; pearl; piece/bead of coral;
baccalarius, baccalarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
baccalaureatus, baccalaureatus N (4th) M [GXXEK]
final exam;
baccalaureus, baccalaurei N (2nd) M [EXXEV]
baccalaureate, bachelor's (degree); lowest academic degree/step; bachelor;
baccalaureus, baccalaurei N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
baccalia, baccaliae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
berry-bearer; female laurel regarded as a variety;
baccalis, baccalis, baccale ADJ [XAXNS]
berry-bearing (designation of the female laurel);
baccar, baccaris N (3rd) N [XAXEO]
unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil;
baccaris, baccaris N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil;
bacchabundus, bacchabunda, bacchabundum ADJ [XEXEO]
reveling in the manner of Bacchantes, raving;
Bacchanal, Bacchanalis N (3rd) N [XEXCO]
festival/rites (pl.) of Bacchus; Bacchanalian orgy;
shrine/site where the rites of Bacchus were celebrated;
Bacchanalis, Bacchanalis, Bacchanale ADJ [XEXDO]
relating to Bacchus; Bacchanalian;
Bacchanalium, Bacchanalii N (2nd) N [XEXCO]
festival/rites (pl.) of Bacchus; Bacchanalian orgy;
bacchans, bacchantis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
votaries (pl.) of Bacchus, Bacchantes;
bacchar, baccharis N (3rd) N [XAXNS]
unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil;
baccharis, baccharis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil;
bacchatim ADV [XXXFO]
in the manner of Bacchantes, riotously, wildly;
bacchatio, bacchationis N (3rd) F [XEXEO]
celebration of rites of Bacchus; orgy, debauch; reveling Bacchanalian fashion;
bacchia, bacchiae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
kind of drinking goblet/bowl;
bacchiacus, bacchiaca, bacchiacum ADJ [XPXFO]
name for the choriambic meter;
bacchius, bacchii N (2nd) M [XPXEO]
metrical foot of three syllables, either long-long-short or short-long-long;
bacchor, bacchari, bacchatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
celebrate rites of Bacchus; revel/rave/riot; run wild; be frenzied/raving mad;
Bacchus, Bacchi N (2nd) M [XEXCO]
Bacchus, god of wine/vine; the vine, wine;
bacchus, bacchi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
kind of sea-fish (myxon L+S);
bacciballum, bacciballi N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
piece; woman (slang), bit of stuff/fluff;
baccifer, baccifera, bacciferum ADJ [XXXFS]
baccillum, baccilli N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff;
baccina, baccinae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called apollinaris);
baccor, baccari, baccatus sum V (1st) DEP [EXXEW]
run riot/wild/crazy, dash in a frenzy; be frenzied;
baceolus, baceola, baceolum ADJ [XXXFO]
stupid, slow-witted, unintelligent, inept; foolish, silly; (used by Augustus);
bacifer, bacifera, baciferum ADJ [XXXDO]
bacile, bacilis N (3rd) N [FXXFE]
bacilis, bacilis, bacile ADJ [FXXFE]
low, base;
bacillum, bacilli N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
bacillum, bacilli N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff;
bacillus, bacilli N (2nd) M [GSXEK]
bacillus, bacilli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff;
bacrio, bacrionis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
vessel with long handle, ladle;
bacterialis, bacterialis, bacteriale ADJ [GSXEK]
bactericidus, bactericida, bactericidum ADJ [GSXEK]
bacteriologus, bacteriologi N (2nd) M [GSXEK]
bacterium, bacterii N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
bactroperita, bactroperitae N (1st) M [DXXFS]
one carrying/with staff and pouch; nickname of a Cynic philosopher;
bacula, baculae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
small berry;
baculum, baculi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff (not fascas); scepter; crozier;
baculus, baculi N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff (not fascas); scepter; crozier;
badisso, badissare, badissavi, badissatus V (1st) INTRANS [BXXFS]
go, proceed; walk;
baditis, baditidis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
plant (nymphaea);
badius, badia, badium ADJ [XAXEO]
bay, reddish-brown, chestnut; (color, esp. applied to horses);
badizo, badizare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS [BXXFO]
go, proceed; walk;
bae, baes N F [EXXFW]
palm branch; Baiae (pl.) posh Bay of Naples resort w/hot springs, the Palms;
Baetica, Baeticae N (1st) F [XXSDO]
Baectia (province in southern Spain, Andalusia/Granada);
baeticatus, baeticata, baeticatum ADJ [XASFO]
clothed in wool from Baectia (province in southern Spain, Andalusia/Granada);
baeto, baetere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
baetulus, baetuli N (2nd) M [XXXNO]
species of meteoric stone;
baia, baiae N (1st) F [XXXES]
palm branch; Baiae (pl.) posh Bay of Naples resort w/hot springs, the Palms;
baijulo, baijulare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
carry, bear (load);
baijulus, baijuli N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S);
baillium, baillii N (2nd) N [FWXEM]
castle-bailey; L:bail, security;
bajolus, bajoli N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S);
bajulatio, bajulationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
carrying/bearing of burdens/loads;
bajulator, bajulatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
carrier, porter, one carrying/bearing burdens/loads;
bajulatorius, bajulatoria, bajulatorium ADJ [DXXES]
of/belonging to carrier/porter (e.g., a sedan chair);
bajulo, bajulare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
carry, bear (load);
bajulus, bajuli N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S);
balaena, balaenae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
balaenaceus, balaenacea, balaenaceum ADJ [XAXFO]
made of whalebone;
balanatus, balanata, balanatum ADJ [XAXFO]
perfumed with oil of Ben (winged Horse-radish tree seeds Moringa pterygosperms);
balaninus, balanina, balaninum ADJ [XAXNO]
of ben-nut (winged seeds of the Horse-radish tree, Moringa pterygosperms);
balanites, balanitae N M [XXXNO]
precious stone;
balanitis, balanitidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
species of chestnut; (shaped like an acorn L+S);
balans, (gen.), balantis ADJ [XAXFO]
bleating as proper epithet of sheep;
balans, balantis N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
bleater; sheep (pl.);
balantus, balanta, balantum ADJ [XXXES]
anointed/perfumed with balsam; embalmed;
balanus, balani N (2nd) F [XXXCO]
acorn; other nuts, chestnut, ben-nut; date; balsam; shell-fish; suppository;
balatro, balatronis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
buffoon, fool; jester, joker; bleater, babbler;
balatus, balatus N (4th) M [XAXCO]
bleating (of sheep/goats);
balaustium, balausti(i) N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
flower of the pomegranate;
balbe ADV [XXXEO]
inarticulately; obscurely;
balbus, balba, balbum ADJ [XXXCO]
stammering, stuttering, lisping, suffering from a speech defect; fumbling;
balbuties, balbutiei N (5th) F [FXXFM]
stammering; (balbuties);
balbutio, balbutire, -, - V (4th) [XXXCO]
stammer, stutter; lisp; speak obscurely/indistinctly; babble;
balbuttio, balbuttire, -, - V (4th) [XXXCO]
stammer, stutter; lisp; speak obscurely/indistinctly; babble;
baldachinum, baldachini N (2nd) N [FXXFE]
baldachinus, baldachini N (2nd) M [FXXFE]
balena, balenae N (1st) F [XAXES]
balenaceus, balenacea, balenaceum ADJ [XAXFS]
made of whalebone;
balinea, balineae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
baths (pl.);
balineare, balinearis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
bath utensils (pl.);
balinearis, balinearis, balineare ADJ [XXXEO]
pertaining/belonging to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse;
balinearium, balinearii N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
baths (pl.), bathhouses, places for bathing;
balinearius, balinearia, balinearium ADJ [XXXDO]
pertaining/relating to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse;
balineaticum, balineatici N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
bath money, piece of money to be paid for bath;
balineator, balineatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
bath-attendant; keeper of a bathhouse;
balineatorius, balineatoria, balineatorium ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining/related to a bath;
balineatrix, balineatricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
bath attendant (female);
balineolum, balineoli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
small bath;
balineum, balinei N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
bath; bathroom, (public) bath place/rooms (esp. pl.); bathtub; act of bathing;
baliolus, baliola, baliolum ADJ [DXXFS]
dark, swarthy, chestnut-colored?;
balis, balis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
unidentified plant; (vine?);
baliscus, balisca, baliscum ADJ [XAXNO]
kind of vine?;
baliscus, balisci N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
balista, balistae N (1st) F [XWXCO]
ballista, large military engine for throwing stones and missiles;
balistarium, balistarii N (2nd) N [XWXFO]
artillery emplacement;
balistarius, balistarii N (2nd) M [XWXFO]
maker of ballistas;
balistium, balistii N (2nd) N [DDXES]
music/songs accompanying dancing;
balito, balitare, balitavi, balitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXFO]
ballaena, ballaenae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
ballaenaceus, ballaenacea, ballaenaceum ADJ [XAXFO]
made of whalebone;
ballatio, ballationis N (3rd) F [GDXEK]
ballator, ballatoris N (3rd) M [XDXIS]
ballematicus, ballematica, ballematicum ADJ [DDXFS]
accompanying the dance;
ballena, ballenae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
ballista, ballistae N (1st) F [XWXCO]
ballista, large military engine for throwing stones and missiles;
ballistarium, ballistarii N (2nd) N [XWXFO]
artillery emplacement;
ballistarius, ballistarii N (2nd) M [XWXFO]
maker of ballistas;
ballistium, ballistii N (2nd) N [DDXES]
music/songs accompanying dancing;
ballium, ballii N (2nd) N [FLXEM]
bail; security;
ballivus, ballivi N (2nd) M [FLXFJ]
ballo, ballare, ballavi, ballatus V (1st) INTRANS [DDXES]
ballote, ballotes N F [XAXNO]
plant, black horehound?;
balluca, ballucae N (1st) F [DXSES]
gold-dust, gold-sand;
ballux, ballucis N (3rd) F [DXSES]
gold-dust, gold-sand;
balnea, balneae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
baths (pl.);
balneare, balnearis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
bath utensils (pl.);
balnearis, balnearis, balneare ADJ [XXXEO]
pertaining/belonging to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse;
balnearium, balnearii N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
baths (pl.), bathhouses, places for bathing;
balnearius, balnearia, balnearium ADJ [XXXDO]
pertaining/relating to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse;
balneaticum, balneatici N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
bath money, piece of money to be paid for bath;
balneator, balneatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
bath-attendant; keeper of a bathhouse;
balneatorius, balneatoria, balneatorium ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining/related to a bath;
balneatrix, balneatricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
bath attendant (female);
balneolum, balneoli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
small bathroom;
balneum, balnei N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
bath; bathtub; act of bathing; bathroom, (public) bath place/rooms (esp. pl.);
balo, balare, balavi, balatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXCO]
bleat, baa (like a sheep); talk foolishly;
balsameus, balsamea, balsameum ADJ [DAXFS]
of balsam (aromatic resin used as unguent/salve); balsamic;
balsaminus, balsamina, balsaminum ADJ [XAXEO]
of balsam (aromatic resin used as unguent/salve); balsamic;
balsamum, balsami N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
balsam; balsam tree/gum (aromatic resin used as unguent/salve); balsam; balm;
baltearius, baltearii N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
maker of sword belts/baldrics;
balteolus, balteoli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
small girdle;
balteum, baltei N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
belt; shoulder-band/baldric; woman's girdle; band around neck/breast of horse;
balteus, baltei N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
belt; shoulder-band/baldric; woman's girdle; band around neck/breast of horse;
baluca, balucae N (1st) F [DXSES]
gold-dust, gold-sand;
balux, balucis N (3rd) F [XXSEO]
gold-dust, gold-sand;
bambusa, bambusae N (1st) F [GAXEK]
banana, bananae N (1st) F [GAXEK]
bananicus, bananica, bananicum ADJ [XAXNO]
variety of vine (w/vitis);
banca, bancae N (1st) F [FXXDM]
bank/mound; bench/shelf, tradesman's stall/counter; money-changer's table;
bancale, bancalis N (3rd) N [FXXFE]
bancarius, bancarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
banchus, banchi N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
species of fish;
bancus, banci N (2nd) M [FXXDM]
bank/mound; bench/shelf, tradesman's stall/counter; money-changer's table;
bancus, banci N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
species of fish;
bannita, bannitae N (1st) F [FGXFM]
bannium, bannii N (2nd) N [FLBDM]
proclamation, edict; ban; penalty; marriage banns (pl.);
bannum, banni N (2nd) N [FLBDM]
proclamation, edict; ban; penalty; marriage banns (pl.);
bannus, banni N (2nd) M [FLBDM]
proclamation, edict; ban; penalty; marriage banns (pl.);
bapheum, baphei N (2nd) N [DXXES]
bapheus, baphei N (2nd) M [DXXES]
baphium, baphii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
baptes, baptae N M [XXXNO]
precious stone;
baptisma, baptismatis N (3rd) N [XEXCS]
baptism; dipping in/under, washing, ablution;
baptismalis, baptismalis, baptismale ADJ [EEXDE]
baptismum, baptismi N (2nd) N [EEXCE]
baptism; washing, sprinkling;
baptismus, baptismi N (2nd) M [EEXCE]
baptism; washing, sprinkling;
baptista, baptistae N (1st) M [EEXDX]
baptizer; baptist;
baptisterium, baptisterii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
plunge-bath, place for bathing/swimming; baptistery; baptismal font;
baptizatio, baptizationis N (3rd) F [DEXFS]
baptizing, baptism;
baptizator, baptizatoris N (3rd) M [DEXES]
baptizer, baptist; minister of baptism;
baptizo, baptizare, baptizavi, baptizatus V (1st) TRANS [EEXDX]
baptize; immerse;
barathrum, barathri N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
abyss, chasm, pit; the infernal region, the underworld;
baratrum, baratri N (2nd) N [EEXEV]
infernal region, hell;
barba, barbae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
beard/ whiskers; large unkempt beard (pl.); [Jovis ~ => shrub Anthyllis barba];
barbara, barbarae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
foreign/barbarian woman; kind of plaster; plaster applied to raw wounds (L+S);
barbare ADV [XXXCO]
in a foreign language; rudely, uncouthly, inelegantly; roughly, savagely;
barbaria, barbariae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
strange/foreign land; uncivilized races, barbarity; brutality; barbarism;
barbaricarius, barbaricarii N (2nd) M [DTXES]
gold-weaver, embroiderer in gold; gilder;
barbarice ADV [DXXES]
barbarously, uncouthly, rudely; like a foreigner, in a foreign language;
barbaricum ADV [DXXES]
barbarously, uncouthly, rudely; like a foreigner, in a foreign language;
barbaricum, barbarici N (2nd) N [DXXCS]
foreign land/country;
barbaricus, barbarica, barbaricum ADJ [XXXCO]
outlandish; foreign, strange; barbarous, savage; of uncivilized world/people;
barbaries, barbariei N (5th) F [XXXCO]
strange/foreign land; uncivilized races, barbarity; brutality; barbarism;
barbarismus, barbarismi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
barbarism, impropriety of speech;
barbarolexis, barbaroleos/is N F [DGXFS]
perversion of form of a word, change/inflection of Greek to Latin usage;
barbarum, barbari N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
barbarism; impropriety of speech; kind of plaster (applied to raw wounds L+S);
barbarus, barbara -um, barbarior -or -us, barbarissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
foreign, of/used by/typical of foreigners; cruel, savage; uncivilized, uncouth;
barbarus, barbari N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
barbarian, uncivilized person; foreigner (not Greek/Roman);
barbasculus, barbasculi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
barbatoria, barbatoriae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
ceremony of the first shaving of the beard; shaving of the beard;
barbatulus, barbatula, barbatulum ADJ [XXXEO]
having small/foppish beard;
barbatus, barbata, barbatum ADJ [XXXCO]
bearded, having a beard; (like the men of antiquity); (as sign of) adult;
barbesco, barbescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
get a beard, begin to grow/sprout a beard;
barbiger, barbigera, barbigerum ADJ [XAXFO]
bearded (like a goat);
barbio, barbire, barbivi, barbitus V (4th) INTRANS [DXXES]
raise/grow a beard;
barbitium, barbitii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
growth of beard; beard;
barbiton, barbiti N N [EXXEE]
lyre (properly of a lower pitch); lute (Ecc);
barbitonsor, barbitonsoris N (3rd) M [XXXEE]
barbitos, barbiti N C [XXXEO]
lyre (properly of a lower pitch); lute (Ecc);
barbo, barbare, barbavi, barbatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
supply with a beard (or perhaps a nonsense word);
barbula, barbulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
little beard (as worn by young Romans L+S);
barbus, barbi N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
barbel, river barbel (Cyprinus barbus);
barca, barcae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
small boat; bark, barge;
barcala, barcalae N (1st) M [XXXFO]
fool, simpleton;
barditus, barditus N (4th) M [XWXEO]
trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans);
bardocucullus, bardocuculli N (2nd) M [XXFEO]
cloak/overcoat (Gallic); (with hood/cowl, of woolen stuff L+S);
bardus, barda, bardum ADJ [XXXDO]
stupid, slow, dull;
Bardus, Bardi N (2nd) M [XDFEO]
bard (Gallic), poet-singer, minstrel;
barile, barilis N (3rd) N [FXXFE]
baripe, baripes N F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
baris, baridis N (3rd) F [XXEFO]
flat-bottomed boat used on the Nile;
baritus, baritus N (4th) M [XWXEO]
trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans);
baro, baronis N (3rd) M [XXXBL]
baron; magnate; tenant-in-chief (of crown/earl); burgess; official; husband;
baro, baronis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
block-head, lout, dunce, simpleton; slave (Latham);
barocus, baroca, barocum ADJ [GXXEK]
baroque; odd;
barometrum, barometri N (2nd) N [GTXEK]
baronia, baroniae N (1st) F [FLXFJ]
baroptenus, baropteni N (2nd) C [XXXNO]
precious stone;
barosus, barosa, barosum ADJ [DXXFS]
foolish, stupid, weak, effeminate;
barrinus, barrina, barrinum ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to/belonging to an elephant;
barrio, barrire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XAXFO]
trumpet (of an elephant);
barritus, barritus N (4th) M [XWXEO]
trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans);
barrus, barri N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
Baruch, undeclined N N [EEXFE]
Baruch; (book of Old Testament);
barycephalus, barycephala, barycephalum ADJ [XXXFO]
top-heavy; with low walls and broad roofs (L+S);
barycus, baryca, barycum ADJ [XXXFS]
top-heavy; with low walls and broad roofs (L+S);
barypicron, barypicri N N [DAHFS]
Greek epithet for wormwood (very bitter);
barython, barythonis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
plant; (also called Sabina);
barythonos, barythonos, barythonon ADJ [DGXFS]
not accented on the last syllable;
barytonista, barytonistae N (1st) M [GDXEK]
bas, baseos/is N F [XXXBO]
pedestal; base, point of attachment; foundation, support; chord (of an arc);
basaltes, basaltis N (3rd) M [DXAES]
dark and very hard species of marble in Ethiopia; (M, contrary to rule L+S);
basanites, basanitae N M [XXXNO]
kind of quartz used in touchstones/whetstones/mortars (basanite?); teststone;
bascauda, bascaudae N (1st) F [XXBEO]
basin (kind of British origin); mat or dish holder of fine basket-work (L+S);
basella, basellae N (1st) F [DTXFS]
small pedestal/base;
basiatio, basiationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
basiator, basiatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
kisser, one who kisses;
basicula, basiculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small pedestal/base;
basileum, basilei N (2nd) N [XXEIO]
crown (on statue of Isis); royal/princely ornament; an eye salve;
basileus, basileus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
basilica, basilicae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
basilica; oblong hall with colonnade as law court/exchange; church (medieval);
basilicanus, basilicani N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
haunter of basilicas; one doing/soliciting business in cathedral/public place;
basilice ADV [XXXEO]
royally, in a princely fashion/a magnificent manner; wholly, completely (L+S);
basilice, basilices N F [XXXFO]
black plaster; an eye salve;
basilicola, basilicolae N (1st) F [DEXES]
small/little church/chapel;
basilicon, basilici N N [XXXDO]
black plaster; an eye salve;
basilicum, basilici N (2nd) N [GAXEK]
basilicum, basilici N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
best throw in dice; (royal/king's throw); princely robe; best kind of nuts;
basilicus, basilica, basilicum ADJ [XXXCO]
royal, princely, magnificent, splendid; kind of vine;
basilicus, basilici N (2nd) M [XXXES]
best throw in dice; (royal/king's throw); (also called Venereus);
basilisca, basiliscae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called regula); (antidote for bite of basilisk/cockatrice);
basiliscus, basilisci N (2nd) M [XAXDO]
basilisk, cockatrice; kind of snake/lizard;
basilium, basilii N (2nd) N [XXEIO]
crown (on statue of Isis); royal/princely ornament; an eye salve;
basio, basiare, basiavi, basiatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
kiss, give a kiss;
basioballum, basioballi N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
woman (slang), piece, bit of fluff, crumpet;
basiolum, basioli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
little kiss, peck;
basis, basos/is N F [XXXBO]
pedestal; base, point of attachment; foundation, support; chord (of an arc);
basium, basi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
kiss; kiss of the hand;
bassilica, bassilicae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
basilica; oblong hall with colonnade used as law court or exchange;
bassista, bassistae N (1st) M [GDXEK]
bassus, bassa, bassum ADJ [FXXEE]
low, base; base (Cal); [follis bassus => baseball];
bastaga, bastagae N (1st) F [DXXES]
carriage of baggage, carrying of freight on wagons, cartage, transport;
bastagarius, bastagarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
bastagia, bastagiae N (1st) F [DXXES]
carriage of baggage, carrying of freight on wagons, cartage, transport;
bastarda, bastardae N (1st) F [FLXFM]
female bastard; bastard daughter;
bastardia, bastardiae N (1st) F [FLXFM]
bastardus, bastarda, bastardum ADJ [FLXDM]
bastard; spurious; impure;
bastardus, bastardi N (2nd) M [FLXEM]
bastard; bastard son;
basterna, basternae N (1st) F [DXXES]
sedan chair/litter (enclosed on all sides, carried by mules);
basternarius, basternarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
bearer of a sedan chair/litter;
but, while, however; (contemptuous parity of "at" - b-b-but);
batalaria, batalariae N (1st) F [XWXFS]
kind of warship;
batallum, batalli N (2nd) N [FXXFE]
clapper (of bell);
batenim CONJ [XXXEO]
but, yet, nevertheless, however; (contemptuous parity of "atenim" - b-b-but);
bathrum, bathri N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
base, pedestal;
batia, batiae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
fish; (perh. skate or ray);
batiaca, batiacae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
drinking vessel, cup, goblet;
batillum, batilli N (2nd) N [XXXES]
shovel; fire/coal/dirt/dung shovel; chafing dish, fire/fumigating/incense pan;
batillus, batilli N (2nd) M [DXXES]
shovel; fire/coal/dirt/dung shovel; chafing dish, fire/fumigating/incense pan;
batioca, batiocae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
drinking vessel, cup, goblet;
batiola, batiolae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
drinking vessel, cup, goblet;
batis, batis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
plant (prob. samphire, Crithmum maritimum and sim. species);
batrachion, batrachii N N [XAXEO]
plant of genus Ranunculus;
batrachites, batrachitae N M [XXXNO]
precious stone (frog-green L+S);
batrachium, batrachii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
plant of genus Ranunculus;
batrachus, batrachi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
fish (prob. angler, Lophius piscatorius);
battalia, battaliae N (1st) F [DWXES]
fighting/fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators;
battis, battis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
plant (prob. samphire, Crithmum maritimum and sim. species);
batto, battere, -, - V (3rd) [XXFDO]
pound, beat, hit, strike; fence (with swords);
battualia, battualiae N (1st) F [DWXES]
fighting/fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators;
battuarium, battuarii N (2nd) N [DBXFS]
battuens, battuentis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
battuo, battuere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXDO]
pound, beat hit, strike; fence (with swords);
battutus, battuta, battutum ADJ [GXXEK]
whipped (as in whipped cream);
batuo, batuere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXDO]
pound, beat hit, strike; fence (with swords);
batus, bati N (2nd) F [XAXES]
bramble; blackberry bush, raspberry bush;
batus, bati N (2nd) M [EEQFS]
bath, Hebrew liquid measure (about 9 gallons);
baubatus, baubatus N (4th) M [GXXEK]
baubo, baubare, baubavi, baubatus V (1st) [FXXEK]
baubor, baubari, baubatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
bark (of dogs), bay, howl;
baxa, baxae N (1st) F [XXXES]
kind of sandal; (woven, worn on comic stage and by philosophers L+S);
baxea, baxeae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
kind of sandal; (woven, worn on comic stage and by philosophers L+S);
baxearius, baxearii N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
sandal maker; maker of woven shoes (L+S);
baxiarius, baxiarii N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
sandal maker; maker of woven shoes (L+S);
bdella, bdellae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
aromatic gum; tree (prob. of genus Balsamodendron);
bdellium, bdellii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
aromatic gum; tree (prob. of genus Balsamodendron);
baa (sound made by sheep);
beate, beatius, beatissime ADV [XXXCO]
happily; excellently, felicitously; lavishly, abundantly;
beatificatio, beatificationis N (3rd) F [FEXEE]
beatification, act of beatifying; (first step to sainthood);
beatifico, beatificare, beatificavi, beatificatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXCS]
bless; make happy;
beatificus, beatifica, beatificum ADJ [XXXFO]
making happy or blessed, blessing;
beatitas, beatitatis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
supreme happiness, blessedness, a blessed condition, beatitude;
beatitudo, beatitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
supreme happiness, blessedness, a blessed condition, beatitude;
beatulus, beatula, beatulum ADJ [XXXFO]
blessed (said of a deceased person);
beatulus, beatuli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
sainted/happy fellow; (ironic/of the dead);
beatum, beati N (2nd) N [XXXES]
happiness, blessedness; good fortune; good circumstances;
beatus, beata -um, beatior -or -us, beatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
happy, fortunate, bringing happiness; rich, wealthy, copious, sumptuous;
beatus, beata, beatum ADJ [DEXBX]
blessed, blissful; "Saint" (in early Church, less formal);
beatus, beati N (2nd) M [XXXES]
happy/fortunate men/persons (pl.); "the_rich"; The Blessed, Saints;
beber, bebri N (2nd) M [DAXES]
bebo, bebare, bebavi, bebatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXFO]
bebra, bebrae N (1st) F [DWXFS]
weapon of barbarous nations;
bebrinus, bebrina, bebrinum ADJ [DAXES]
of/pertaining to beaver, beaver-;
beccus, becci N (2nd) M [DAXES]
bill, beak; (esp. of cock);
bechicus, bechica, bechicum ADJ [DBXES]
of/for a cough;
bechion, bechii N N [XAXNO]
plant (perh. coltsfoot, Tussiago farfara); (good for cough L+S);
Beda, Bedae N (1st) M [EEXEE]
Bede; (Venerable Bede, 673-735, English historian/theologian);
Beduinus, Beduini N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
baa; sound made by a sheep;
behemoth, undeclined N N [EAQFE]
behemoth (Hebrew), great/monstrous beast; (hippopotamus?); (Job 40:10);
behmoth, undeclined N N [EAQFE]
behemoth (Hebrew), great/monstrous beast; (hippopotamus?); (Job 40:10);
see!; (comic word as contemptuous echo of "heia");
bekah, undeclined N N [ELQFE]
half shekel (Hebrew);
belbus, belbi N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
Belga, Belgae N (1st) M [XXFCO]
Belgae (pl.); (people of N Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War);
Belgicus, Belgica, Belgicum ADJ [XXFCO]
of/connected with the Belgae; (tribe of N Gaul);
Belgium, Belgii N (2nd) N [XXFEO]
Belgium, country of Belgae; (tribe of N Gaul);
belion, belii N N [DAXFS]
strong smelling plant (poley-germander, Teucrium polium?);
belivus, beliva, belivum ADJ [FXXFZ]
bleating; baaing; talking foolishly;
bellarium, bellarii N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
dessert; sweetmeats (pl.), dainties, sweets;
bellator, (gen.), bellatoris ADJ [XXXCO]
warlike, martial; of war [~ equus => war horse];
bellator, bellatoris N (3rd) M [XWXCO]
warrior, fighter; soldier;
bellatorius, bellatoria, bellatorium ADJ [XWXFO]
warlike, pugnacious; useful in war; martial;
bellatorus, bellatora, bellatorum ADJ [XWXCS]
war-like, martial, ready to fight, valorous; spirited/war/battle (horse);
bellatrix, (gen.), bellatricis ADJ [XWXCO]
warlike, martial; skilled/useful in war; of animals/things used in war;
bellatrix, bellatricis N (3rd) F [XWXFS]
female warrior;
bellatulus, bellatula, bellatulum ADJ [XXXFS]
pretty, neat;
bellax, (gen.), bellacis ADJ [XWXFO]
warlike; martial;
belle, bellius, bellissime ADV [XXXBO]
well, nicely; satisfactorily/agreeably, suitably/neatly; fortunately/favorably;
well; [w/esse => have a nice time; w/habere => be well; w/est => all is well];
belliatulus, belliatula, belliatulum ADJ [XXXFO]
pretty little (term of endearment);
belliatus, belliata, belliatum ADJ [XXXFO]
pretty, beautiful;
bellicosus, bellicosa -um, bellicosior -or -us, bellicosissimus -a -um ADJ [XWXCO]
warlike, fierce; fond of war;
bellicrepus, bellicrepa, bellicrepum ADJ [XWXFO]
marked by sound of arms; [~a saltio => armed dance, dance in arms];
bellicum, bellici N (2nd) N [XWXCS]
signal (on trumpet) for march/attack/etc. (w/canere); military trumpet call;
bellicus, bellica, bellicum ADJ [XWXCO]
of war, military; warlike; [~um canere => sound attack horn/begin hostilities];
bellifer, bellifera, belliferum ADJ [XWXFS]
waging war, warring; warlike, martial; war-, battle-;
belliger, belligera, belligerum ADJ [XWXCO]
waging war, warring; warlike, martial; war-, battle-;
belligerator, belligeratoris N (3rd) M [DWXFS]
warrior, combatant;
belligero, belligerare, belligeravi, belligeratus V (1st) INTRANS [XWXCO]
wage or carry on war; be at war;
belligeror, belligerari, belligeratus sum V (1st) DEP [XWXEO]
wage or carry on war; be at war;
bellio, bellionis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
meadow flower (unidentified); (yellow ox-eye daisy - L+S);
bellipotens, (gen.), bellipotentis ADJ [XWXDS]
powerful/mighty/valiant in war; (often of gods);
bellis, bellis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
flower (perh. daisy); (white daisy, ox-eye - L+S);
bellisonus, bellisona, bellisonum ADJ [DWXFS]
sounding of/like war/battle;
bellitudo, bellitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
elegance; beauty, loveliness;
bello, bellare, bellavi, bellatus V (1st) INTRANS [XWXBO]
fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight (also animals/games);
bellonaria, bellonariae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant (solanum) used by priests at festival of Bellona (goddess of war);
bellor, bellari, - V (1st) DEP [XWXCO]
fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight (also animals/games);
bellosus, bellosa, bellosum ADJ [XWXFO]
Bellovacus, Bellovaci N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
Bellovaci, tribe of Gallia Belgica (near Rouen in Normandy) - Caesar;
bellua, belluae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
beast, wild animal (incl. sea creature); monster, brute (great size/ferocity);
bellualis, bellualis, belluale ADJ [DAXFS]
bestial, brutish; brutal;
belluatus, belluata, belluatum ADJ [XAXFS]
provided with beasts (real or on embroidery);
belluilis, belluilis, belluile ADJ [DAXFS]
bestial, brutish; brutal;
belluinus, belluina, belluinum ADJ [XAXFO]
proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial;
bellule ADV [XXXEO]
prettily, nicely, finely;
bellulus, bellula, bellulum ADJ [XXXEO]
pretty/nice (little), fine, lovely, beautiful;
bellum, belli N (2nd) N [XWXAO]
war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; (at/in) (the) war(s); military force, arms;
bellus, bella -um, bellior -or -us, bellissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
pretty, handsome, charming, pleasant, agreeable, polite; nice, fine, excellent;
belo, belare, belavi, belatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXEO]
bleat, baa (like a sheep); talk foolishly;
beloacos, beloaci N M [DAXFS]
plant; (also called dictamnus);
belone, belones N F [XAXNO]
fish (same as acus); pipefish, needlefish, hornpike, gar;
belotocos, belotoci N M [DAXFS]
plant; (also called dictamnus);
belua, beluae N (1st) F [XAXBO]
beast, wild animal (incl. sea creature); monster, brute (great size/ferocity);
belualis, belualis, beluale ADJ [DAXES]
bestial, brutish; brutal;
beluatus, beluata, beluatum ADJ [XAXFO]
provided with beasts (real or on embroidery);
beluilis, beluilis, beluile ADJ [DAXES]
bestial, brutish; brutal;
beluinus, beluina, beluinum ADJ [XAXFO]
proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial;
beluosus, beluosa, beluosum ADJ [XAXFO]
that abounds/abounding in beasts/monsters;
beluus, belua, beluum ADJ [XAXFO]
proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial;
bema, bematis N (3rd) N [EEXEE]
sanctuary; bishop's chair; pulpit;
bene, melius, optime ADV [XXXAO]
well, very, quite, rightly, agreeably, cheaply, in good style; better; best;
benedice ADV [XXXFO]
with friendly words, kindly;
benedico, benedicere, benedixi, benedictus V (3rd) [EEXAX]
bless; praise; speak well of; speak kindly of (classically 2 words);
benedictio, benedictionis N (3rd) F [EEXCS]
blessing; benediction; extolling, praising; consecrated/sacred object;
benedictionale, benedictionalis N (3rd) N [EEXFE]
book of benedictions/formulas of blessings;
benedictorium, benedictorii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
stoup; holy-water basin;
benedictus, benedicta, benedictum ADJ [EEXDX]
blessed; blest; approved/praised/spoken well of (person);
benedictus, benedicti N (2nd) M [EEXDX]
blessed/blest one; an approved/praised person, spoken well of;
benedicus, benedica, benedicum ADJ [DXXFS]
friendly, kind; speaking friendly words; beneficent;
benefacio, benefacere, benefeci, benefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
do service/good to; make well/ably; benefit; bless; (usu. 2 words);
benefactio, benefactionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
performing an act of kindness; doing a favor/kindness/boon;
benefactor, benefactoris N (3rd) M [DXXCS]
benefactor; he who does/confers a favor/kindness;
benefactum, benefacti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
benefit, service (also as 2 words); good deed (usu. pl.);
benefice ADV [XXXFO]
beneficentia, beneficentiae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
beneficence, kindness; honorable treatment;
beneficiarius, beneficiari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
privileged soldiers (pl.) (exempt from certain duties) (ex., bodyguards);
beneficiarius, beneficiaria, beneficiarium ADJ [XXXFO]
that is given as a favor; pertaining to a favor;
beneficiarius, beneficiarii N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
prebendary, holder of benefice;
beneficiatus, beneficiati N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
prebendary, holder of benefice;
beneficiatus, beneficiatus N (4th) M [XXXIO]
status of beneficiarius, privileged soldier (exempt from certain duties);
beneficientia, beneficientiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
beneficence, kindness;
beneficium, benefici(i) N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
kindness, favor, benefit, service, help; privilege, right;
beneficus, benefica -um, beneficentior -or -us, beneficentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
beneficent, kind, generous, liberal, serviceable;
benefio, beneferi, benefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXCO]
be blessed; receive a benefit; (benefacio PASS);
benemerens, benemerentis (gen.), benemerentior -or -us, benemerentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
well deserving;
benemeritus, benemerita -um, benemeritior -or -us, benemeritissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
well deserved/due/deserving;
benemorius, benemoria, benemorium ADJ [XXXFO]
having good moral qualities;
beneolentia, beneolentiae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
agreeable smell;
beneplacens, (gen.), beneplacentis ADJ [DEXEE]
pleasing, acceptable;
beneplaceo, beneplacere, beneplacui, beneplacitus V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXES]
please; be pleasing to;
beneplacitum, beneplaciti N (2nd) N [DEXES]
pleasure; approval, favor; good will, gracious purpose;
beneplacitus, beneplacita, beneplacitum ADJ [DEXES]
pleasing, acceptable; agreeable;
benesonans, (gen.), benesonantis ADJ [EXXEE]
melodious, sweet-sounding; loud;
benesuadus, benesuada, benesuadum ADJ [XXXFO]
advising well;
benevole ADV [XXXDO]
in a spirit of good will, in a friendly manner;
benevolens, benevolentis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
friend, well-wisher, kind-heart;
benevolens, benevolentis (gen.), benevolentior -or -us, benevolentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
kind, friendly, benevolent, well-wishing, kind-hearted;
benevolentia, benevolentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
benevolence, kindness, goodwill; favor; endearments;
benevolus, benevola, benevolum ADJ [XXXCO]
well-wishing, kind, benevolent, friendly, devoted;
benevolus, benevoli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
well-wisher, friend;
benificium, benifici(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
kindness/favor/benefit/service/help; privilege/right; sacred office+revenues;
benigne, benignius, benignissime ADV [XXXCO]
kindly, benevolently, obligingly; courteously, cheerfully; freely, generously;
benignitas, benignitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
kindness, courtesy; friendliness, benevolence; liberality, favor; bounty; mercy;
benigniter ADV [XXXFO]
kindly, in a friendly manner; benignly;
benignor, benignari, - V (1st) DEP [EEXFS]
rejoice, take delight (in);
benignus, benigna -um, benignior -or -us, benignissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
kind, favorable, obliging; kindly, mild, affable; liberal, bounteous;
benivole ADV [XXXDO]
in a spirit of good will, in a friendly manner;
benivolens, benivolentis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
friend, well-wisher, kind-heart;
benivolens, benivolentis (gen.), benivolentior -or -us, benivolentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
kind, friendly, benevolent, well-wishing, kind-hearted;
benivolentia, benivolentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
benevolence, kindness, goodwill; favor; endearments;
benivolus, benivola, benivolum ADJ [XXXCO]
well-wishing, kind, benevolent, friendly, devoted;
benivolus, benivoli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
well-wisher, friend;
benna, bennae N (1st) F [XXFFS]
kind of carriage (wickerwork?); (Gallic);
benzinarium, benzinarii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
petrol tank;
benzinarius, benzinarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
benzinum, benzini N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
beo, beare, beavi, beatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
bless, make happy, gladden, delight; enrich (with);
berbex, berbecis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
wether (castrated male sheep); stupid/sluggish person;
bergomagister, bergomagisteri N (2nd) M [ELXEM]
bergomeister; mayor;
berillus, berilli N (2nd) M [XXXCS]
beryl; [berylius aeroides => sapphire (L+S)];
berna, bernae N (1st) M [FLXFM]
slave; servant;
bernus, berni N (2nd) M [FLXFM]
berula, berulae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
herb (also called cardamine);
berullus, berulli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
beryl; [berylius aeroides => sapphire (L+S)];
bervex, bervecis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
wether (castrated male sheep); stupid/sluggish person;
beryllos, berylli N M [XXXCO]
beryl; [berylius aeroides => sapphire (L+S)];
beryllus, berylli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
beryl; [berylius aeroides => sapphire (L+S)];
two thirds; [bes alter => one and two thirds];
bes, besis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
two thirds of any whole; [ex bese => in ratio of 2:3; or 8, 2/3 of 12];
bes, bessis N (3rd) M [XXXDX]
two thirds of any whole; [ex bese => in ratio of 2:3; or 8, 2/3 of 12];
besalis, besalis, besale ADJ [XXXEO]
two thirds; of small value; (often means eight, as 2/3 of 12 mos. L+S);
bessalis, bessalis, bessale ADJ [XXXEO]
two thirds; of small value; (often means eight, as 2/3 of 12 mos. L+S);
bestia, bestiae N (1st) F [XAXBO]
beast, animal, creature; wild beast/animal, beast of prey in arena;
bestialis, bestialis, bestiale ADJ [DAXFS]
bestial, like a beast; fierce;
bestialitas, bestialitatis N (3rd) F [FEXFE]
bestiarius, bestiari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
fighter with wild beasts at public shows;
bestiarius, bestiaria, bestiarium ADJ [DAXFS]
of/with/pertaining to beasts;
bestiola, bestiolae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
little creature, insect;
beta, betae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
beet, beetroot;
beta, undeclined N N [XXHEO]
beta (second letter of Greek alphabet); second of anything, second item;
betaceus, betacea, betaceum ADJ [XAXEO]
of/from/pertaining to a beet;
betaceus, betacei N (2nd) M [XAXES]
beth, undeclined N N [DEQEW]
bet; (2nd letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as B and V);
Bethleemites, Bethleemitae N M [EXQDW]
inhabitant/citizen of Bethlehem; (town where Christ was born);
Bethsames, (gen.), Bethsamitis ADJ [EXQEW]
Bethsamite, of/from Bethsames (town in Palistine);
Bethsames, Bethsamitae N F [EXQEW]
Bethsames; (town in Palistine);
betis, betis N (3rd) F [XAXCS]
beet, beetroot;
betisso, betissare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFS]
be languid (soft as a beet);
betizo, betizare, -, - V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
be languid (soft as a beet);
beto, betere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
betula, betulae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
birch tree;
betulla, betullae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
birch tree;
biaeothanatus, biaeothanata, biaeothanatum ADJ [DXXFS]
dying by violence; that dies a violent death;
biarchia, biarchiae N (1st) F [DXXES]
office of biarchus, commissaryship;
biarchus, biarchi N (2nd) M [DXXES]
commissary, superintendent of provisions;
bibale, bibalis N (3rd) N [GXXEK]
bibax, (gen.), bibacis ADJ [XXXFO]
that is given to drinking, given to drink;
biberarius, biberari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
drink seller;
bibilis, bibilis, bibile ADJ [DXXFS]
drinkable, potable;
bibio, bibionis N (3rd) M [EAXES]
small insect generated in wine;
bibitor, bibitoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
drinker; tippler;
Biblia, Bibliae N (1st) F [EEXCS]
Bible (later and more common usage);
biblicus, biblica, biblicum ADJ [EEXEE]
biblinus, biblina, biblinum ADJ [DXEFS]
made of Egyptian papyrus;
bibliographia, bibliographiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
bibliographicus, bibliographica, bibliographicum ADJ [GXXEK]
bibliographus, bibliographi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
bibliopegus, bibliopegi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
bibliopola, bibliopolae N (1st) M [XXXEO]
bibliopolium, bibliopolii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
bibliotheca, bibliothecae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge);
bibliothecalis, bibliothecalis, bibliothecale ADJ [DXXFS]
of/belonging to a library (either collection of books or the building);
bibliothecarius, bibliothecarii N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
bibliothece, bibliotheces N F [XXXCO]
library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge);
bibliothecula, bibliotheculae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
small library/collection of books;
Biblium, Biblii N (2nd) N [DEXCS]
Bible (pl.) (early usage);
biblus, bibli N (2nd) F [XXEFO]
Egyptian papyrus;
bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
drink; toast; visit, frequent (w/river name); drain, draw off; thirst for; suck;
bibo, bibonis N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
hard drinker, tippler, drunkard; kind of worm bread in wine;
bibonius, bibonii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
hard drinker, tippler, drunkard;
bibosus, bibosa, bibosum ADJ [XXXEO]
addicted/given to drink, fond of drink;
Bibrax, Bibractis N (3rd) F [CXFDX]
Bibrax, a town of the Remi in central Gaul;
bibrevis, bibrevis, bibreve ADJ [DPXFS]
having meter consisting of two short syllables;
bibulus, bibula, bibulum ADJ [XXXCO]
fond of drinking, ever thirsty; soaking, sodden; spongy, absorbent, porous;
bicallis, bicallis N (3rd) M [FXXEN]
foot-path, path;
bicameratum, bicamerati N (2nd) N [DTXES]
receptacle with two compartments;
bicameratus, bicamerata, bicameratum ADJ [DTXES]
double vaulted/arched;
bicaps, (gen.), bicapitis ADJ [XXXIO]
two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
biceps, (gen.), bicipitis ADJ [XXXCO]
two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
bicepsos, bicepsos, bicepson ADJ [XXXFS]
two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
bicessis, bicessis N (3rd) M [XXXES]
twenty asses (money);
bicinium, bicinii N (2nd) N [DDXFS]
bicips, (gen.), bicipitis ADJ [BXXDS]
two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
biclinium, biclini(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
dining couch for two persons;
bicodulus, bicodula, bicodulum ADJ [XAXFO]
having two tails;
bicolor, (gen.), bicoloris ADJ [XXXCO]
of two colors;
bicolorus, bicolora, bicolorum ADJ [DXXCS]
of two colors;
bicomis, bicomis, bicome ADJ [DAXFS]
with hair/bristles down on both sides of neck, with double mane (horses);
Bicorniger, Bicornigeri N (2nd) M [XEXCO]
two-horned (god), epithet of Bacchus;
bicornis, bicornis N (3rd) M [XEXFS]
horned animals (pl.) sacrifice;
bicornis, bicornis, bicorne ADJ [XXXCO]
two-horned; two-pronged; having two points; having two peaks (mountain);
bicorpor, (gen.), bicorporis ADJ [XXXEO]
double-bodied, having two bodies;
bicors, (gen.), bicordis ADJ [DXXES]
having two hearts; dissembling, false, treacherous;
bicoxus, bicoxa, bicoxum ADJ [XXXFS]
having two thighs/hips; having two haunches;
bicrotum, bicroti N (2nd) N [XWXCO]
light galley, perhaps propelled by two banks of oars;
bicubitalis, bicubitalis, bicubitale ADJ [DXXES]
of two cubits length;
bicubitalus, bicubitala, bicubitalum ADJ [DXXES]
of two cubits length;
bidens, (gen.), bidentis ADJ [XAXCO]
two-pronged; with two teeth; two bladed; having two permanent teeth;
bidens, bidentis N (3rd) F [XEXCO]
animal for sacrifice (esp. sheep);
bidens, bidentis N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
heavy hoe, mattock with two iron teeth;
bidental, bidentalis N (3rd) N [XEXCO]
place struck by lightning where forbidden to tread; sacrifice offered there;
bidentalis, bidentalis, bidentale ADJ [XEXIO]
of sacred place (place struck by lightning) or of sacrifice offered there;
bidentatio, bidentationis N (3rd) F [XAXFS]
harrowing; (working ground with bidens, heavy mattock); breaking/tearing up;
biduanus, biduana, biduanum ADJ [FXXFE]
continuing for two days, for a period of two days; of/for two days;
biduum, bidui N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
two days (period of ...);
biduus, bidua, biduum ADJ [XXXFS]
continuing for two days, of/for two days;
biennalis, biennalis, biennale ADJ [DXXES]
continuing for two years, over two years; of two years;
biennis, biennis, bienne ADJ [XXXFO]
two years old; lasting two years;
biennium, bienni(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
two years (period of ...);
bifaciatus, bifaciata, bifaciatum ADJ [EXXFE]
two-faced; two-sided, having two sides;
bifariam ADV [XXXCO]
in two parts/places/ways, on two sides;
bifarius, bifaria, bifarium ADJ [DXXES]
twofold, double;
bifax, (gen.), bifacis ADJ [DXXFS]
bifer, bifera, biferum ADJ [XAXCO]
bearing twice, bearing fruit or flowers twice a year;
biferus, bifera, biferum ADJ [XAXEO]
compounded of two animals, two-fold form; heterogeneous;
bifestus, bifesta, bifestum ADJ [DEXFS]
doubly festive; [~ dies => twofold festival];
bifidatus, bifidata, bifidatum ADJ [DXXFS]
cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts;
bifidus, bifida, bifidum ADJ [XXXCO]
cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts;
bifilum, bifili N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
double thread;
bifissus, bifissa, bifissum ADJ [DXXES]
cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts;
biforis, biforis, bifore ADJ [XXXDO]
having two leaves/casements (door/window)/openings, folding; from a double pipe;
biformatus, biformata, biformatum ADJ [XXXFO]
of double form, two formed; consisting of two parts/forms;
biformis, biformis, biforme ADJ [XXXCO]
of double form, two formed; consisting of two parts/forms; two-faced (Janus);
biformitas, biformitatis N (3rd) F [FXXEZ]
biforus, bifora, biforum ADJ [XXXDO]
having two leaves/casements (door/window)/openings, folding; from a double pipe;
bifrons, (gen.), bifrontis ADJ [XXXFO]
two-faced, with/having two faces; having two foreheads; having two sides;
bifurcum, bifurci N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
fork; point at which anything forks; fork of thighs, crotch;
bifurcus, bifurca, bifurcum ADJ [XXXEO]
two-forked, two pronged, bifurcated;
biga, bigae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
two-horsed chariot (pl.); span/pair of horses; pair harnessed to an open car;
bigamia, bigamiae N (1st) F [FEXEE]
bigamus, bigama, bigamum ADJ [DXXES]
twice married;
bigamus, bigami N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
bigarius, bigari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
driver of a two-horse chariot (bigae);
bigatus, bigata, bigatum ADJ [XXXEO]
stamped (coin) with a representation of bigae (two-horsed chariot);
bigatus, bigati N (2nd) M [XXXCS]
silver coin with a representation of bigae (two-horsed chariot);
bigeminus, bigemina, bigeminum ADJ [DXXFS]
bigemmis, bigemmis, bigemme ADJ [XXXFO]
having two buds; set with two precious stones;
bigener, bigenera, bigenerum ADJ [XXXFO]
from two different races, hybrid, mongrel;
bigenus, bigena, bigenum ADJ [GXXEK]
bigna, bignae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
twins (pl.) (female);
bigus, biga, bigum ADJ [XXXFS]
yoked two together; (contraction of biiugus);
bijugis, bijugis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
horses (pl.) yoked two abreast; two brothers; consuls from same family (L+S);
bijugis, bijugis, bijuge ADJ [XXXCO]
two horsed; yoked two abreast; from a chariot;
bijugus, bijuga, bijugum ADJ [XXXCO]
two horsed; yoked two abreast; double, a pair of; for two horse chariots;
bijugus, bijugi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
horses (pl.) yoked two abreast; two brothers; consuls from same family (L+S);
bikinianus, bikiniana, bikinianum ADJ [GXXEK]
bilanx, (gen.), bilancis ADJ [DXXFS]
having two scales (balance);
bilateralis, bilateralis, bilaterale ADJ [FXXFE]
bilateral; mutual;
bilbo, bilbere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
make a noise like a liquid agitated in a vessel; (slosh?);
bilibra, bilibrae N (1st) F [XSXFS]
two pounds; (two Roman pounds equals about one and a half US pounds);
bilibralis, bilibralis, bilibrale ADJ [DSXES]
two-pound, weighing/containing two pounds; (2 Roman pounds = one and a half US);
bilibris, bilibris, bilibre ADJ [XSXDO]
two-pound, weighing/containing two pounds; (2 Roman pounds = one and a half US);
bilinguis, bilinguis, bilingue ADJ [XXXCO]
two-tongued, speaking two/jumbled languages; treacherous, false, hypocritical;
biliosus, biliosa, biliosum ADJ [XXXCO]
full of bile, bilious;
bilis, bilis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
gall, bile; wrath, anger, indignation; madness, melancholy, folly;
bilix, (gen.), bilicis ADJ [XXXFO]
having two threads; with a double thread, double/two threaded;
bilocatio, bilocationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
bilocation, fact/power of being in two places at once;
bilongus, bilonga, bilongum ADJ [XPXFS]
doubly long; [~ pes => consisting of two long syllables];
bilustris, bilustris, bilustre ADJ [XXXFO]
lasting two lustres, lasting 10 years;
bilychnis, bilychnis, bilychne ADJ [XXXEO]
having two lights/wicks;
bimammiis, bimammiis, bimammie ADJ [XAXNO]
having two breasts; double bosomed; (said of grapes growing in pairs);
bimaris, bimaris, bimare ADJ [XXXCO]
situated between two seas; of/connected with two seas; (of Corinth);
bimaritus, bimariti N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
bigamist, a husband having two wives;
bimater, (gen.), bimatris ADJ [XXXEO]
having two mothers; twice born (of Bacchus);
bimatris, bimatris, bimatre ADJ [XXXES]
having two mothers; twice born (of Bacchus);
bimatus, bimata, bimatum ADJ [XXXIO]
two years old;
bimatus, bimatus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
two years of age; (of animals);
bimembris, bimembris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
Centaurs (pl.); part man part beast;
bimembris, bimembris, bimembre ADJ [XXXCO]
having limbs of two kinds, part man part beast;
bimenstris, bimenstris, bimenstre ADJ [XXXCO]
two months old; of/for/lasting two months;
bimenstruus, bimenstrua, bimenstruum ADJ [XXXES]
two months old; of/for/lasting two months;
bimestre ADV [EXXFE]
bimestrially, every two months;
bimestris, bimestris, bimestre ADJ [XXXCO]
two months old; of/lasting two months; occurring every two months;
bimeter, bimetra, bimetrum ADJ [DPXFS]
consisting of two meters (poem, literary work);
bimotorius, bimotoria, bimotorium ADJ [GXXEK]
bimulus, bimula, bimulum ADJ [XXXEO]
two years old (only/a mere);
bimus, bima, bimum ADJ [XXXBO]
two years old; for/lasting two years;
binarius, binaria, binarium ADJ [DXXES]
consisting of/containing two; [~ formae => coins of value 2 gold pieces];
binatio, binationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
binio, binionis N (3rd) M [DXXES]
number two; a deuce;
bino, binare, binavi, binatus V (1st) TRANS [FEXFE]
duplicate; binate (offer two masses in one day);
binoctium, binocti(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
period of two nights;
binoculum, binoculi N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
binominis, binominis, binomine ADJ [XXXCO]
having two names;
binubus, binubi N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
doubly married man; (remarried or bigamist?);
binus, bina, binum ADJ [XXXEO]
two by two; 2 each; in pairs; 2 at time; on 2 occasions; double, twofold;
biographia, biographiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
biographicus, biographica, biographicum ADJ [GXXEK]
biologia, biologiae N (1st) F [HSXFE]
biologicus, biologica, biologicum ADJ [HSXFE]
biologus, biologi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
biometria, biometriae N (1st) F [HSXEK]
biometricus, biometrica, biometricum ADJ [HSXEK]
biopsia, biopsiae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
bios, bii N M [XAHNS]
wine (celebrated and wholesome Greek wine L+S);
biosphaera, biosphaerae N (1st) F [GSXEK]
biotechnicus, biotechnici N (2nd) M [HSXEK]
biothanatus, biothanata, biothanatum ADJ [DXXFS]
dying by violence; that dies a violent death;
bioticus, biotica, bioticum ADJ [DXXCS]
of/belonging to/associated with/used in common life, common; practical;
biotopium, biotopii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
biotope; smallest subdivision of a habitat (having high uniformity);
bipalium, bipali(i) N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
bimattock, double mattock, implement for double-digging/trenching;
bipalmis, bipalmis, bipalme ADJ [XXXEO]
two palms/spans (long/broad - 6 inches, Roman foot being 4 palmi);
bipalmus, bipalma, bipalmum ADJ [DXXES]
two palms/spans (long/broad - 6 inches, Roman foot being 4 palmi);
bipartio, bipartire, bipartivi, bipartitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXES]
divide in two parts; bisect; divide;
bipartitio, bipartitionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
twofold division; dividing in two, split;
bipartito ADV [XXXCO]
in two parts/divisions/ways/directions; [esse ~ => to be divided];
bipartitus, bipartita, bipartitum ADJ [XXXCO]
bipartite, that is divided in two parts; double (Ecc);
bipatens, (gen.), bipatentis ADJ [XXXEO]
opening two ways; open in two directions; having both leaves open, wide open;
bipeda, bipedae N (1st) F [DTXFS]
tile/flagstone two feet long (for pavements);
bipedale, bipedalis N (3rd) N [DTXFS]
tile/flagstone two feet long (for pavements);
bipedalis, bipedalis, bipedale ADJ [XXXCO]
two feet long, wide or thick, measuring two feet;
bipedalium, bipedali(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
distance/depth of two feet, two feet;
bipedaneus, bipedanea, bipedaneum ADJ [XXXDO]
two feet long, wide or thick, measuring two feet;
bipennifer, bipennifera, bipenniferum ADJ [XXXEO]
bearing a two edged axe;
bipennis, bipennis N (3rd) F [XWXCO]
two edged ax; battle ax;
bipennis, bipennis, bipenne ADJ [XXXDO]
two-edged; having two wings;
bipensilis, bipensilis, bipensile ADJ [XXXFS]
that may be suspended on two sides;
bipertio, bipertire, bipertivi, bipertitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
divide in two parts; bisect; divide;
bipertitio, bipertitionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
twofold division; dividing in two, split;
bipertito ADV [XXXCO]
in two parts/divisions/ways; [esse ~ => to be divided];
bipertitus, bipertita, bipertitum ADJ [XXXCO]
bipartite, that is divided in two parts; double (Ecc);
bipes, (gen.), bipedis ADJ [XXXCO]
two-footed; bipedal; on two feet (of quadrupeds);
bipinnis, bipinnis N (3rd) F [XWXCO]
two edged ax; battle ax;
bipinnis, bipinnis, bipinne ADJ [XXXDO]
two-edged; having two wings;
biplex, (gen.), biplicis ADJ [DXXFS]
twofold, double; divided; two-faced;
biprorus, biprora, biprorum ADJ [XWXFO]
having two prows (ship), double-ended;
biprosopum, biprosopi N (2nd) N [XBXIO]
kind of salve or plaster;
biprosopus, biprosopi N (2nd) M [XBXIO]
kind of salve or plaster;
bipunctum, bipuncti N (2nd) N [GGXEK]
biremis, biremis N (3rd) F [XWXCO]
bireme, vessel having 2 oars to each bench/2 banks of oars; 2-oared boat (L+S);
biremis, biremis, bireme ADJ [XWXEO]
two-oared; having two oars to each bench/banks of oars; having two oars (L+S);
biretum, bireti N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
biretta/square Catholic clergy hat; (priest=black; bishop=purple; cardinal=red);
birota, birotae N (1st) F [DXXES]
two-wheeled vehicle, cabriolet; bicycle (Cal);
birotarius, birotarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
birotus, birota, birotum ADJ [DXXES]
two-wheeled, with/having two wheels;
birretum, birreti N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
biretta/square Catholic clergy hat; (priest/black; bishop/purple; cardinal/red);
birrum, birri N (2nd) N [DXXES]
cloak (wool/silk) to keep off rain;
birrus, birri N (2nd) M [DXXES]
cloak (wool/silk) to keep off rain;
bisaccium, bisacci(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
double bag; pair of saddle bags;
bisacutus, bisacuta, bisacutum ADJ [FXXEM]
two-edged; twibill;
bisacutus, bisacuti N (2nd) M [FXXEM]
two-edged axe;
bisaetus, bisaeta, bisaetum ADJ [XAXFO]
with hair/bristles down on both sides of neck, with double mane (horses);
bisbellio, bisbellionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
man with two skins; cunning man;
biscentum, biscentesimus -a -um, biscenteni -ae -a, biscentie(n)s NUM [XXXCE]
two hundred;
biscoctus, biscocti N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
biselliarius, biselliari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
one entitled to sit on bisellium seat (honor awarded for services in provinces);
biselliatus, biselliati N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
right/honor to sit on bisellium seat (honor awarded for services in provinces);
bisellium, biselli(i) N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
seat for two persons; seat of honor awarded for municipal services in provinces;
bisen NUM [XXXFW]
twelve each/apiece/times/at a time; by twelves; (twice six);
bisetus, biseta, bisetum ADJ [XAXFS]
with hair/bristles down on both sides of neck, with double mane (horses);
bisextialis, bisextialis, bisextiale ADJ [DLXES]
containing an intercalary day (bisextum) (Julian calendar); leap (year);
bisextialis, bisextialis, bisextiale ADJ [DSXES]
of two sextarii (about two pints); 1/3 congius (liquid); 1/8 modius (dry);
bisextilis, bisextilis, bisextile ADJ [EXXFE]
leap (year); intercalary; (two "sixth" days before first/calends of March);
bisextum, bisexti N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
two day period of 24 Feb. and leap year intercalary day (Julian calendar);
bisextus, bisexti N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
intercalary day;
bismuthum, bismuthi N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
bisolis, bisolis, bisole ADJ [DXXFS]
having two soles (foot);
bisomum, bisomi N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
sarcophagus for two persons;
bisomus, bisoma, bisomum ADJ [DXXFE]
for/having two bodies; (of sarcophagus for two persons);
bison, bisontis N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
bison; wild ox;
bisonus, bisona, bisonum ADJ [DXXES]
sounding twice;
bispellio, bispellionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
man with two skins; cunning man;
bissa, bissae N (1st) F [FAXEM]
female deer;
bisse., abb. N N [FXXEM]
forty minutes (pl.);
bissextilis, bissextilis, bissextile ADJ [EXXFE]
leap (year); (two "sixth" days before first/calends of March);
bissextum, bissexti N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
two day period of 24 Feb. and leap year intercalary day (Julian calendar);
bissextus, bissexta, bissextum ADJ [XXXFE]
leap (year); (two "sixth" days before first/calends of March);
bistropha, bistrophae N (1st) F [FDXFE]
two musical notes of same pitch;
bisulcilinguus, bisulcilingua, bisulcilinguum ADJ [XXXFS]
with forked tongue; hypocritical/deceitful/lying (person); (snake-like);
bisulcis, bisulcis, bisulce ADJ [XXXCO]
forked, divided into two parts; cloven-footed, cloven;
bisulcum, bisulci N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
cloven-footed animal;
bisulcus, bisulca, bisulcum ADJ [XXXCO]
forked, divided into two parts; cloven-footed;
bisyllabus, bisyllaba, bisyllabum ADJ [XGXFO]
bithalassus, bithalassa, bithalassum ADJ [EXHFP]
w/two seas touching/bounding; where two seas meet (Rheims); between two seas;
bito, bitere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [BXXCO]
bitumen, bituminis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
bitumen, pitch, asphalt (generic name for various hydrocarbons);
bituminatus, bituminata, bituminatum ADJ [XXXNO]
tinctured/impregnated with bitumen (generic for hydrocarbons); bituminous;
bitumineus, bituminea, bitumineum ADJ [XXXFO]
of/connected with bitumen (generic name for various hydrocarbons);
bitumino, bituminare, bituminavi, bituminatus V (1st) TRANS [DTXES]
cover/impregnate with bitumen/tar; tar;
bituminosus, bituminosa, bituminosum ADJ [XXXEO]
abounding in bitumen (generic name for various hydrocarbons);
Biturig, Biturigis N (3rd) M [CXFDX]
Bituriges (pl.), a people of SW Gaul, Aquitania - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
biurus, biuri N (2nd) M [XAINS]
rodent found in Campania (central Italy);
bivertex, (gen.), biverticis ADJ [XXXFO]
having two summits/peaks;
bivia, biviae N (1st) F [XEXIO]
goddesses worshiped at crossroads;
bivira, bivirae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
woman who has two husbands; woman married to a second husband (L+S);
bivirga, bivirgae N (1st) F [FDXFE]
two square and tailed musical notes;
bivium, bivi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
meet of 2 roads, crossroad; fork in road; 2 alternatives; [~ portae=> gateway];
bivius, bivia, bivium ADJ [XXXFO]
traversable both ways; having two approaches;
blachnon, blachni N N [XAXNO]
male fern;
blactero, blacterare, blacteravi, blacteratus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXNS]
bleat (of a ram/sheep);
bladium, bladii N (2nd) N [FABFM]
grain; (esp. wheat);
bladum, bladi N (2nd) N [FABEM]
grain; (esp. wheat);
bladus, bladi N (2nd) M [FABFM]
grain; (esp. wheat);
blaesus, blaesa, blaesum ADJ [XXXCO]
lisping, stammering; indistinct; mispronouncing from speech defect/drunkenness;
blaesus, blaesi N (2nd) M [XXXES]
one who stammers/lisps; (said of intoxicated persons);
blande, blandius, blandissime ADV [XXXCO]
in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively;
blandicellum, blandicelli N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
flattering words (pl.);
blandicule ADV [XXXFO]
blandidicus, blandidica, blandidicum ADJ [XXXFO]
using fair/flattering words, smooth spoken/talking;
blandiens, blandientis N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
flatterer; sweet talker;
blandificus, blandifica, blandificum ADJ [XXXFS]
flattering; soothing;
blandifluus, blandiflua, blandifluum ADJ [XXXFS]
flowing/diffusing sweetly/pleasantly (odor);
blandiloquens, (gen.), blandiloquentis ADJ [XXXFO]
charming/persuasive (of speech), smooth talking;
blandiloquentia, blandiloquentiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
charming/persuasive speech, smooth talking;
blandiloquentulus, blandiloquentula, blandiloquentulum ADJ [XXXFO]
charming/persuasive in speech, smooth talking;
blandiloquium, blandiloquii N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
soft words; flattering speech;
blandiloquus, blandiloqua, blandiloquum ADJ [XXXFO]
charming/persuasive in speech, smooth talking;
blandimentum, blandimenti N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
blandishment, coaxing/wheedling behavior, cajolery; favors; charm, delight;
blandio, blandire, blandivi, blanditus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXBO]
flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave/speak ingratiatingly; allure; please;
blandior, blandiri, blanditus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXBO]
flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave/speak ingratiatingly; allure; please;
blanditer ADV [XXXEO]
in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively;
blanditia, blanditiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
flattery, caress, compliment; charm (pl.), flatteries, enticement, courtship;
blandities, blanditiei N (5th) F [XXXCO]
flattery, caress, compliment; charm (pl.), flatteries, enticement, courtship;
blanditim ADV [XXXFS]
in a flattering/caressing manner;
blanditor, blanditoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
blanditus, blandita, blanditum ADJ [XXXFS]
pleasant, agreeable, charming;
blando ADV [XXXFO]
in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively;
blandulus, blandula, blandulum ADJ [XXXEO]
charming; pleasant;
blandum ADV [XXXFS]
in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively;
blandus, blanda -um, blandior -or -us, blandissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
flattering, coaxing; charming, pleasant; smooth, gentle; alluring, attractive;
blapsigonia, blapsigoniae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
disease which prevents bees from breeding (foul brood?);
blasphemabilis, blasphemabilis, blasphemabile ADJ [DEXES]
that deserves reproach; censurable;
blasphematio, blasphemationis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
censure, reproach, reviling;
blasphemia, blasphemiae N (1st) F [EEXCS]
blasphemy (against God); slander; reviling;
blasphemo, blasphemare, blasphemavi, blasphematus V (1st) [EEXCS]
blaspheme (against God); revile; reproach;
blasphemus, blasphema, blasphemum ADJ [DEXCS]
reviling, defaming;
blasphemus, blasphemi N (2nd) M [DEXCS]
blateratio, blaterationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
babbling, prattle;
blateratus, blateratus N (4th) M [DXXES]
babbling, prattle;
blatero, blaterare, blateravi, blateratus V (1st) [XXXCO]
prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals);
blatero, blateronis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
prater, babbler;
blatio, blatire, -, - V (4th) [XXXEO]
prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals);
blatium, blatii N (2nd) N [FABFM]
sheaf; measure of grain;
blatta, blattae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
blood clot;
blatta, blattae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
cockroach, moth, book-worm; (applied to various insects);
blattaria, blattariae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
species of Verbasceum (moth mullein?);
blattarius, blattaria, blattarium ADJ [XAXFO]
connected with/suitable for moths;
blattea, blatteae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
purple, (color of a blood);
blattero, blatterare, blatteravi, blatteratus V (1st) [XXXCO]
prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals);
blattero, blatteronis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
prater, blabber;
blatteus, blattea, blatteum ADJ [DXXES]
purple, purple colored;
blattiarius, blattiarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
dyer in purple;
blattifer, blattifera, blattiferum ADJ [DXXES]
wearing purple, clothed in purple;
blatto, blattare, blattavi, blattatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals);
blatum, blati N (2nd) N [FABFM]
crop; standing grain;
blavetum, blaveti N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
bluet, blue cloth/garment;
blavius, blavia, blavium ADJ [FXXEM]
blavus, blava, blavum ADJ [FXXEM]
blechnon, blechnonis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
wild pennyroyal;
blechon, blechonis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
wild pennyroyal;
bleium, bleii N (2nd) N [FABFM]
grain; (esp. wheat);
blendea, blendeae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
small sea-fish, blenny;
blendium, blendi(i) N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
small sea-fish, blenny;
blendius, blendi(i) N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
small sea-fish, blenny;
blennius, blenni(i) N (2nd) M [XAXNS]
small sea-fish, blenny;
blennus, blenna, blennum ADJ [XXXEO]
driveling, slavering, dribbling; silly, childish, idiotic;
blennus, blenni N (2nd) M [DXXES]
blockhead, dolt, simpleton, imbecile; driveling idiot;
blepharon, blephari N N [XXXNO]
eyelid (? Greek); [Chariton blepharon => kind of coral?];
blevetum, bleveti N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
bluet, blue cloth/garment;
bliteum, blitei N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
tasteless/worthless/useless stuff, trash;
bliteus, blitea, bliteum ADJ [XXXFO]
tasteless, insipid; worthless, useless;
blitum, bliti N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
kind of spinach, blite (Amaranthus blitum) (tasteless, used for salad L+S);
blodius, blodia, blodium ADJ [FXXFM]
blovetum, bloveti N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
bluet, blue cloth/garment;
blovius, blovia, blovium ADJ [FXXEM]
boa, boae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
large Italian snake; water serpent; disease with pustules (measles/smallpox);
boarius, boaria, boarium ADJ [XXXCO]
of oxen/cattle; [forum boarium => cattle market at Rome];
boatus, boatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
shouting, roaring, bellowing, loud crying;
bobsequa, bobsequae N (1st) M [DAXES]
herdsman, cow-herd;
bobus N 3 1 ABL P C [XAXDO]
ox; bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form of bos or bus);
bobus N 3 1 DAT P C [XAXDO]
ox; bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form of bos or bus);
boca, bocae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
fish (bogue or boce) (Box vulgaris);
bocas, bocae N F [XAXFO]
fish (bogue or boce) (Box vulgaris);
boethus, boethi N (2nd) M [DLXES]
aid/assistant of a scribe;
boia, boiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
collar/yoke word by criminals (usu. pl. L+S);
boicotizo, boicotizare, boicotizavi, boicotizatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
Boius, Boii N (2nd) M [CXFDX]
Boli (pl.), a people of Cisalpine Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
bolarium, bolari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
little lump (e.g., in paint);
bolbine, bolbines N F [XAXNO]
kind of bulbous plant;
bolbiton, bolbiti N N [XAXNO]
cow dung;
boletar, boletaris N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
vessel for holding mushrooms (usu. pl.); vessel for cooking/eating (L+S);
boletatio, boletationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
surfeit of mushrooms;
boletus, boleti N (2nd) M [XAXCS]
mushroom (best kind); bolet;
bolis, bolidis N (3rd) F [XSXNO]
kind of meteor (large, fiery);
bolites, bolitae N M [XAXNS]
root of lychnis plant;
boloe, boloes N C [XXXNS]
precious stone;
bolona, bolonae N (1st) M [DAXFS]
draught/catch/netful of fish set for sale;
bolona, bolonae N (1st) M [DAXFS]
fishmonger, dealer in fish;
bolos, boli N C [XXXNO]
precious stone;
bolus, boli N (2nd) C [XXXNO]
precious stone;
bolus, boli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
throw of dice; hard piece of luck; choice bit; catch (fish net), haul, profit;
bomba, bombae N (1st) F [GWXEK]
bombacinum, bombacini N (2nd) N [FXXEF]
bombarda, bombardae N (1st) F [GWXEK]
bombardarius, bombardarii N (2nd) M [GWXEK]
bombardo, bombardare, bombardavi, bombardatus V (1st) [GWXEK]
Splendid! Marvelous!;
bombilo, bombilare, bombilavi, bombilatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
buzz, hum;
bombinator, bombinatoris N (3rd) M [DAXES]
buzzer, hummer; (of bee);
bombio, bombire, bombivi, bombitus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFO]
buzz, hum;
bombito, bombitare, bombitavi, bombitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFS]
buzz, hum;
bombizatio, bombizationis N (3rd) F [DXXFO]
buzzing (of bees);
bombulum, bombuli N (2nd) N [EBXEW]
break wind; fart;
bombus, bombi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
buzzing (esp. bees); booming, deep sound, rumble;
bombycias, bombyciae N M [XXXEO]
reed suitable for making flutes;
bombycinum, bombycini N (2nd) N [XXXES]
silk texture/web; silk garments (pl.), silks;
bombycinus, bombycina, bombycinum ADJ [XXXEO]
silken, of silk, silky;
bombycium, bombycii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
silky garments (pl.); silks;
bombycius, bombycia, bombycium ADJ [XXXEO]
silky; (of reeds/harundines) suitable for making flutes;
bombylis, bombylis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
cocoon-enshrouded silkworm larva; bumble (Cal);
bombylius, bombylii N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
cocoon-enshrouded silkworm larva; bumble bee (Cal);
bombyx, bombycis N (3rd) C [XAXDO]
silkworm, silk-moth; silk; silk garment; any silk-like fine fiber (cotton);
bona, bonae N (1st) F [XXXES]
good/moral/honest/brave woman; [Bona Dea => Roman goddess worshiped by women];
bonasus, bonasi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
European bison (Bos bonasus), a species of wild ox (now almost extinct);
bonatus, bonata, bonatum ADJ [XXXFO]
good natured;
bonifatus, bonifata, bonifatum ADJ [DXXFS]
lucky, fortunate;
bonitas, bonitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
goodness, integrity, moral excellence; kindness, benevolence, tenderness;
Bononia, Bononiae N (1st) F [GXIET]
bonum, boni N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
good, good thing, profit, advantage; goods (pl.), possessions, wealth, estate;
bonus, bona -um, melior -or -us, optimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant, right, useful; valid; healthy;
bonus, boni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
good/moral/honest/brave man; man of honor, gentleman; better/rich people (pl.);
bonusculum, bonusculi N (2nd) N [DLXES]
small possessions (pl.); a little/small estate;
boo, boare, boavi, boatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon;
boo, boere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon;
boopes, boopis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
plant (caerefolium); chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium) (OLD); (L+S says neuter);
boopis, boopis, boope ADJ [XXXFO]
having large eyes (feminine);
borborygmus, borborygmi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
boreale, borealis N (3rd) N [XXXFE]
northern parts (pl.);
borealis, borealis, boreale ADJ [XXXFS]
northern; pertaining to north wind;
Boreas, Boreae N M [XXXCO]
north wind; the_North; Boreas (god of the north wind);
boreotis, (gen.), boreotidis ADJ [DXXFS]
boreus, borea, boreum ADJ [XXXEO]
northern; pertaining to north wind;
boria, boriae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
kind of jasper;
borith, undeclined N N [DEXFS]
soapwort, plant purifying like soap; (Hebrew);
borius, boria, borium ADJ [XXXES]
northern; pertaining to north wind;
Borras, Borrae N M [XXXES]
north wind; the North; Boreas (god of the north wind);
borrio, borrire, borrivi, borritus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFO]
bos, bovis N (3rd) C [XXXBO]
ox; bull; cow; ox-ray; cattle (pl.); (ox-like animals); [luca ~ => elephant];
boscas, boscados/is N F [XAXFS]
kind of water fowl (teal?);
boscis, boscidis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
kind of water fowl (teal?);
boscus, bosci N (2nd) M [FAXDM]
wood; lumber; timber; firewood; woodland, wooded area;
bossellus, bosselli N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
bostrychitis, bostrychidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
bostrychus, bostrycha, bostrychum ADJ [DXXES]
curled, in ringlets;
botane, botanes N F [XAXNO]
plant; [hiera botane => vervain, herbaceous/medicinal/sacred plant];
botanica, botanicae N (1st) F [GSXEK]
botanicus, botanica, botanicum ADJ [GSXEK]
botanismos, botanismi N M [XAXNO]
weeding, pulling up weeds;
botanismus, botanismi N (2nd) M [XAXNS]
weeding, pulling up weeds;
botellus, botelli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
small sausage;
bothynus, bothyni N (2nd) M [XSXFO]
trench, pit; (as name of fiery meteor);
boto, botonis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
botono, botonare, botonavi, botonatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
botrio, botrionis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
bunch/cluster of grapes;
botronatus, botronatus N (4th) M [DXXES]
woman's hair ornament in form of a cluster of grapes;
botruosus, botruosa, botruosum ADJ [DAXFS]
full of clusters;
botrus, botri N (2nd) F [DAXFS]
botrus, botrus N (4th) M [EAXFW]
cluster of grapes; (Vulgate 4 Ezra 9:21);
botryitis, botryitidos/is N F [XXXEO]
kind of precious stone/calamine; [cadmia ~ => grape/cluster-shaped zinc oxide];
botryo, botryonis N (3rd) M [XAXFO]
bunch/cluster of grapes;
botryodes, (gen.), botryodis ADJ [DXXFS]
in form of a cluster of grapes;
botryon, botryi N N [XBXNO]
kind of medicine; (prepared from excrements L+S);
botryon, botryonis N (3rd) M [XAXFO]
bunch/cluster of grapes;
botrysos, botryi N M [XAXFO]
plant similar to wormwood/mugwort; (also called artemisia);
botularius, botulari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
sausage seller/maker;
botulismus, botulismi N (2nd) M [GBXEK]
botulus, botuli N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
sausage; black pudding; stomach filled with delicacies (haggis?); rude word;
boum N 3 1 GEN P C [XAXEO]
ox; bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form of bos or bus);
boustrophedon ADV [DGXFS]
right to left and back alternately, forwards and backwards (of ancient script);
bova, bovae N (1st) F [XBXES]
disease with pustules? (measles/smallpox); swelling of legs (L+S);
bova, bovae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
large Italian snake; water serpent;
bovarius, bovaria, bovarium ADJ [XAXEO]
of oxen/cattle; [forum boarium => cattle market at Rome];
bovatim ADV [XAXFO]
in manner of cattle/oxen/cows;
bovicidium, bovicidii N (2nd) N [DAXES]
slaughtering of cattle;
bovida, bovidae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
bovile, bovilis N (3rd) N [XAXEO]
cattle-shed, stall for cattle/oxen;
bovilis, bovilis, bovile ADJ [XAXFO]
of/connected with cattle;
bovillus, bovilla, bovillum ADJ [XAXFO]
of/consisting of cattle/oxen/cows;
bovinator, bovinatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who rails/reviles?; brawler (L+S), blusterer; one who seeks evasion;
bovinor, bovinari, - V (1st) DEP [XXXFS]
bellow at, revile; brawl;
bovinus, bovina, bovinum ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to cattle/oxen/cows;
bovista, bovistae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
mushroom puffball;
bovo, bovare, bovavi, bovatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon;
bovo, bovere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon;
box, bocis N (3rd) M [XAXFS]
fish; (bogue or boce); (Box vulgaris);
boxum, boxi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
box-wood; top; flute;
brabeum, brabei N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
prize in games;
brabeuta, brabeutae N (1st) M [XXXFO]
umpire (presided at public games and assigned prizes);
brabilla, brabillae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
sloe, fruit of blackthorn/hawthorn;
brabium, brabii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
prize in games;
brabreum, brabrei N (2nd) N [EEXEM]
prize; reward;
brabyla, brabylae N (1st) M [XAXNS]
plant (otherwise unknown);
braca, bracae N (1st) F [XXFCO]
trousers (usu. pl.), breeches, britches, pants;
bracarius, bracarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
maker of trousers/breeches/pants;
bracatus, bracata, bracatum ADJ [XXFCO]
wearing trousers, breeched; (of Gauls of Narbonne);
bracatus, bracati N (2nd) M [XXFDO]
persons wearing trousers/breeched, Gauls of Nabronne;
bracchiale, bracchialis N (3rd) N [XXXNO]
bracelet, armlet;
bracchialis, bracchialis, bracchiale ADJ [XXXEO]
of/connected with arm(s);
bracchiatus, bracchiata, bracchiatum ADJ [XAXDO]
having branches (tree), branched; wearing bracelets;
bracchiolaris, bracchiolaris, bracchiolare ADJ [XAXFS]
pertaining to a leg muscle of a horse;
bracchiolum, bracchioli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
little arm, small/delicate arm; muscle of a horse's leg (L+S); arm of a chair;
bracchionarium, bracchionarii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
bracchium, bracchi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts;
braces, bracae N F [XAFNS]
Gallic name of a particularly white grain (ble blanc de Dauphine); (sandala);
braceus, bracea, braceum ADJ [XXXFS]
pertaining to trousers/breeches;
brachiale, brachialis N (3rd) N [XXXNO]
bracelet, armlet;
brachialis, brachialis, brachiale ADJ [XXXEO]
of/connected with arm(s);
brachiatus, brachiata, brachiatum ADJ [XAXCO]
having branches (tree), branched; wearing bracelets;
brachiolaris, brachiolaris, brachiolare ADJ [XAXFS]
pertaining to a leg muscle of a horse;
brachiolum, brachioli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
little arm, small/delicate arm; muscle of a horse's leg (L+S); arm of a chair;
brachionarium, brachionarii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
brachium, brachi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts;
brachycatalecticum, brachycatalectici N (2nd) N [DPXFS]
verse that is short by a whole foot or half a meter;
brachycatalectum, brachycatalecti N (2nd) N [DPXFS]
verse that is short by a whole foot or half a meter;
brachypota, brachypotae N (1st) M [DXXFS]
small drinker;
brachysyllabus, brachysyllabi N (2nd) M [DPXFS]
tribrachys, (in meter) short-short-short;
braciator, braciatoris N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
bracile, bracilis N (3rd) N [DXFES]
girdle (as worn with trousers); band;
bracilis, bracilis, bracile ADJ [XXFEO]
designed to be worn with trousers (e.g., girdle/belt);
bracina, bracinae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
bracio, braciare, braciavi, braciatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
brew beer;
bracis, bracis N (3rd) F [EXXFS]
trousers; breeches; (= bracae, -arum);
bractea, bracteae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
gold leaf/foil, thin sheet of metal (esp. gold)/other material; veneer; show;
bractealis, bractealis, bracteale ADJ [DXXES]
of thin plates of metal/gold-leaf/veneers; showy, glittering;
bracteamentum, bracteamenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
glitter, show, splendor;
bracteator, bracteatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf;
bracteatus, bracteata, bracteatum ADJ [XXXES]
gilded/gilt, covered with a (mere) veneer of gold, delusive; shining like gold;
bracteola, bracteolae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
gold leaf;
bractiaria, bractiariae N (1st) F [XXXIS]
gold-beater, worker in gold leaf;
bractiarius, bractiari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIS]
gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf;
bradium, bradii N (2nd) N [EEXEM]
prize; reward;
brances, brancae N F [XAFNS]
Gallic name of a particularly white grain (ble blanc de Dauphine), (sandala);
brancha, branchae N (1st) F [EAXFW]
gills (usu. pl.) (of a fish); (Vulgate Tobit 6:4);
branchia, branchiae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
gills (usu. pl.) (of a fish);
branchos, branchi N M [DBXES]
brandeum, brandei N (2nd) N [EEXEV]
holy covering/shroud; linen/silk covering for body;
brasmatia, brasmatiae N (1st) F [XSXFS]
heaving (pl.), a heaver, earthquake, shaking of earth;
brassica, brassicae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
cabbage; cabbages (pl.), varieties of cabbage (L+S);
brastes, brastae N M [XSXFO]
heaving, a heaver, earthquake, shaking of earth;
brattea, bratteae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
gold leaf/foil, thin sheet of metal (esp. gold)/other material; veneer; show;
bratteator, bratteatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf;
bratteatus, bratteata, bratteatum ADJ [XXXEO]
gilded/gilt, covered with a (mere) veneer of gold, delusive; shining like gold;
bratteola, bratteolae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
gold leaf;
brattiaria, brattiariae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
gold-beater (female), worker in gold leaf;
brattiarius, brattiari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf;
bratus, brati N (2nd) F [XAQNO]
tree (similar to cypress);
bravialis, bravialis, braviale ADJ [EEXEM]
earning a prize/reward;
bravio, bravere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [EEXEM]
bravium, bravii N (2nd) N [EEXEM]
prize; reward;
bregma, bregmae N (1st) F [XAJNO]
defect/disease of pepper tree;
brenthos, brenthi N M [XAXNO]
sea bird (unidentified);
brephotropheum, brephotrophei N (2nd) N [DLXFS]
foundling hospital; orphanage;
brephotrophium, brephotrophii N (2nd) N [DLXFS]
foundling hospital; orphanage;
brephotrophus, brephotrophi N (2nd) M [DLXFS]
one who brings up foundlings; foster carer;
Breve, Brevis N (3rd) N [FEXET]
Papal letter, Brief;
breve, brevis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
shallow water, shallows; a short/brief space of time; short speech, a few words;
short catalog, summary document; brief reply (Cal);
brevi ADV [XGXBS]
in a short time; shortly, briefly; in a few words; [in brevi => in brief];
breviale, brevialis N (3rd) N [GXXEK]
breviarium, breviari(i) N (2nd) N [XGXCO]
brief account, summary statement, epitome; Breviary; [~ rationum=>statistics];
breviarium, breviarii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
breviarius, breviaria, breviarium ADJ [XGXFO]
in brief form, summary; abridged;
breviatio, breviationis N (3rd) F [DGXES]
breviator, breviatoris N (3rd) M [DGXES]
epitomiser, abridger; author of a breviarium (summary statement);
breviculus, brevicula, breviculum ADJ [XXXDO]
very/rather short/small; quite brief (time);
breviculus, breviculi N (2nd) M [DGXFS]
short writing; summary;
breviloquens, (gen.), breviloquentis ADJ [XGXFO]
concise, brief in expression, brief;
breviloquentia, breviloquentiae N (1st) F [XGXFO]
brevity of speech, conciseness;
breviloquis, breviloquis, breviloque ADJ [DGXES]
short in speech, brief; concise; speaking briefly;
breviloquium, breviloquii N (2nd) N [DGXES]
brevity of speech, conciseness;
breviloquus, breviloqua, breviloquum ADJ [DGXES]
short in speech, brief; concise; speaking briefly;
brevio, breviare, breviavi, breviatus V (1st) TRANS [XGXCO]
shorten, abridge; abbreviate (speech/writing); pronounce short;
brevis, breve, brevior -or -us, brevissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
short, little, small, stunted; brief, concise, quick; narrow, shallow; humble;
brevis, brevis N (3rd) M [DGXES]
short catalog, summary document;
brevitas, brevitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
shortness, smallness, narrowness; brevity, conciseness, terseness;
breviter, brevitius, brevitissime ADV [XXXBO]
shortly, briefly, in a nut shell; quickly; for/within a short distance/time;
brevium, brevii N (2nd) N [XEXCS]
brief, abstract, epitome; summary document; Papal documents on minor matters;
narrow places (pl.); shallows, shoals; difficulties;
bria, briae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
wine vessel;
brisa, brisae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
refuse of grapes after pressing;
Britannia, Britanniae N (1st) F [XXBDX]
Britannicus, Britannica, Britannicum ADJ [XXXCZ]
Britannus, Britanni N (2nd) M [XXBBX]
Britons (usu, pl.);
Brito, Britonis N (3rd) M [XXBDO]
Briton, inhabitant of Britain; (usu. pl.);
Britto, Brittonis N (3rd) M [XXBFO]
Briton, inhabitant of Britain; (usu. pl.);
brocchitas, brocchitatis N (3rd) F [XBXNO]
projecting/prominence of teeth;
brocchus, broccha, brocchum ADJ [XAXCO]
projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth;
broccus, brocca, broccum ADJ [XAXCS]
projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth;
brochon, brochi N N [XAXNO]
aromatic gum-resin flowing from bdellium tree (used in medicine/perfume);
brochus, brocha, brochum ADJ [XAXFS]
projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth;
bromaticus, bromatici N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
those (pl.) who loathe food;
bromos, bromi N M [XAHNO]
oats; (Greek word for oats);
bromosus, bromosa, bromosum ADJ [DXXES]
stinking, fetid;
bronchitis, bronchitidis N (3rd) F [GBXEK]
bronchium, bronchii N (2nd) N [DBXCS]
bronchial tubes;
bronchocele, bronchoeles N F [XBXFO]
kind of tumor;
bronchoscopia, bronchoscopiae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
broncus, bronca, broncum ADJ [XAXFS]
projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth;
Bronte, Brontes N F [XXXNO]
thunder; name of picture of Apeiles; name of one of horses of Sun;
brontea, bronteae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
kind of meteoric stone, thunder-stone;
Brontes, Brontae N M [CEXIO]
Thunderer, title of Jupiter;
bruchus, bruchi N (2nd) M [DAXES]
locust; kind of wingless locust;
brucus, bruci N (2nd) M [EAXEW]
locust; kind of wingless locust; caterpillar (OED); (agricultural pest);
bruma, brumae N (1st) F [XSXBO]
winter, winter cold/weather; winter solstice; shortest day; sun position then;
brumalis, brumalis, brumale ADJ [XSXCO]
wintry; during winter; connected with winter solstice/winter;
brumaria, brumariae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called leontopodium);
brunetus, bruneta, brunetum ADJ [EXXEM]
brown; (cloth);
brunius, brunia, brunium ADJ [EXXEM]
brunneus, brunnea, brunneum ADJ [GXXEK]
brunus, bruna, brunum ADJ [EXXCM]
bruscum, brusci N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
knot/excrescence on maple tree;
brutalis, brutalis, brutale ADJ [FXXDF]
beastly, animal; brutal;
brutalitas, brutalitatis N (3rd) F [FXBFM]
brutishness; insensitivity;
brutaliter ADV [FXXEF]
brutally; brutishly; in manner of a beast;
brutes, brutis N (3rd) F [XXXIO]
brutesco, brutescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXCS]
become brutish/rough/unreasonable;
bruteus, brutea, bruteum ADJ [FXXEM]
brutal, brutish;
brutum, bruti N (2nd) N [FXXEF]
beast, animal; brute;
brutus, bruta, brutum ADJ [XXXCO]
heavy, unwieldy, inert; dull, stupid, brute; irrational, insensitive, brutish;
Brutus, Bruti N (2nd) M [CXICO]
Brutus; (Roman cognomen); [L. Junius Brutus => first consul; M. J. ~ assassin];
brya, bryae N (1st) F [XAHNO]
tamarisk (local Greek name), shrub (also called myrice);
bryon, bryi N N [XAXNO]
kind of fragrant lichen; moss; sea plant (oyster-green?); white poplar catkins;
bryonia, bryoniae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
bryony; [alba ~ => white b. Bryonia dioica; nigra ~ => black b. Tamus communis];
bryonias, bryoniae N F [XAXEO]
bryony; [alba ~ => white b. Bryonia dioica; nigra ~ => black b. Tamus communis];
bua, buae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
"bubbub"; (natural sound made by infants asking for drink);
bubalinus, bubalina, bubalinum ADJ [DAAES]
of/pertaining to African gazelle;
bubalion, bubalii N N [DAXFS]
wild cucumber;
bubalus, bubala, bubalum ADJ [DAAES]
of/pertaining to African gazelle;
bubalus, bubali N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
antelope, gazelle; wild ox, buffalo;
bubile, bubilis N (3rd) N [XAXDO]
cattle-shed, stall for cattle/oxen;
bubino, bubinare, bubinavi, bubinatus V (1st) TRANS [XBXFO]
menstruate, have monthly period (woman);
bubleum, bublei N (2nd) N [XAXFS]
kind of wine;
bublus, bubla, bublum ADJ [XAXCO]
of/connected with cattle; bull's/cow's/ox-; consisting of cattle;
bubo, bubere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XAXFS]
cry like a bittern (bird that booms/roars like an ox during mating);
bubo, bubonis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
horned or eagle owl (esp. as bird of ill omen);
bubonion, bubonii N N [XAXNO]
plant (Aster amellus?); (useful for swelling in groin L+S);
bubonium, bubonii N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
plant (Aster amellus?); (useful for swelling in groin L+S);
bubonocele, bubonoceles N F [XBXFO]
inguinal/groin hernia;
bubsequa, bubsequae N (1st) M [DAXES]
herdsman, cow-herd;
bubula, bubulae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
beef, meat from cattle; plant (also called buglossa), ox-tongue (L+S);
bubulcarius, bubulcarii N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
bubulcito, bubulcitare, bubulcitavi, bubulcitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXCO]
drive/tend cattle; be a plowman/farm laborer; be a rustic in general;
bubulcitor, bubulcitari, bubulcitatus sum V (1st) DEP [XAXCO]
drive/tend cattle; be a plowman/farm laborer; be a rustic in general;
bubulcus, bubulci N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
one who drives/tends cattle; teamster; plowman, farm laborer; rustic;
bubulinus, bubulina, bubulinum ADJ [DAXES]
of/pertaining to cattle;
bubulo, bubulare, bubulavi, bubulatus V (1st) INTRANS [DAXFS]
screech (like an owl);
bubulus, bubula, bubulum ADJ [XAXCO]
of/connected with cattle; bull's/cow's/ox-; consisting of cattle; of ox-hide;
bucaeda, bucaedae N (1st) M [XAXFO]
ox-slaughterer; one who is whipped with ox-hide thongs (L+S);
bucale, bucalis N (3rd) N [FXXEE]
pitcher; water jug;
bucardia, bucardiae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
precious stone;
bucca, buccae N (1st) F [XBXBO]
jaw, mouth; mouthful; cheek (with blowing a trumpet); cavity (knee joint) (L+S);
buccea, bucceae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
morsel, mouthful;
buccella, buccellae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
morsel, small mouthful of food;
buccellare, buccellaris N (3rd) N [XXXFS]
cooking utensil;
buccellaris, buccellaris, buccellare ADJ [XAXFS]
ground from biscuit;
buccellatum, buccellati N (2nd) N [DWXCS]
soldier's biscuit; hardtack;
buccina, buccinae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
horn; bugle, watch-horn; (curved) trumpet, war trumpet; shell Triton blew;
buccinator, buccinatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
trumpeter; proclaimer;
buccino, buccinare, buccinavi, buccinatus V (1st) INTRANS [XWXEO]
give signal with/sound trumpet/horn; blow trumpet (bucina); honk horn (Cal);
buccinum, buccini N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
blast on trumpet, trumpet call; kind of shellfish (used for purple dye);
buccinus, buccini N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
trumpeter; epithet for cock/rooster;
bucco, bucconis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
fathead, dolt, blockhead, fool;
bucconiatis, bucconiatis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
species of vine in Thurium; (fruit of which is picked only after first frost);
buccula, bucculae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
little cheek; mouth/cheek-piece of a helmet; part of a machine/catapult channel;
buccularius, buccularii N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
maker of beavers for helmets (mouth/cheek piece);
bucculentus, bucculenta, bucculentum ADJ [XXXFO]
having fat/full cheeks; having a big mouth (L+S);
bucella, bucellae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
small mouthful of food, morsel; small bread divided among poor (L+S);
buceras, buceratis N (3rd) N [XAXNS]
plant, fenugreek (faenum Graecum);
bucerius, buceria, bucerium ADJ [XXXCS]
ox-horned; horned;
bucerus, bucera, bucerum ADJ [XXXDO]
ox-horned; horned;
bucetum, buceti N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
pasture for cattle, cow pasture, pasture;
bucina, bucinae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
bugle, watch-horn; (curved) trumpet, war trumpet; shell Triton blew;
bucinator, bucinatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
trumpeter; proclaimer;
bucino, bucinare, bucinavi, bucinatus V (1st) INTRANS [XWXEO]
give signal with/sound trumpet/horn; blow trumpet (bucina); honk (Cal);
bucinum, bucini N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
blast on trumpet, trumpet call; kind of shellfish (used for purple dye);
bucinus, bucini N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
trumpeter; epithet for cock/rooster;
bucitum, buciti N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
pasture for cattle;
bucolicos, bucolice, bucolicon ADJ [XPXEO]
pastoral (poetry), bucolic; pertaining to shepherds; pastoral;
bucolicum, bucolici N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
plant (all-heal/mistletoe); Bucolic poems (pl.) of Virgil or Theocritus;
bucolicus, bucolica, bucolicum ADJ [XPXEO]
pastoral (poetry), bucolic; pertaining to shepherds; pastoral;
buconiates, buconiatae N F [XAXNO]
species of vine;
bucranium, bucrani(i) N (2nd) N [XEXIO]
ox-head, representation of one on alter; plant so shaped; place of sacrifice;
bucula, buculae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
heifer, young cow;
bucula, buculae N (1st) F [XXXCS]
little cheek; mouth/cheek-piece of a helmet; part of a machine/catapult channel;
buculus, buculi N (2nd) F [XAXFO]
young bull/ox; steer;
buda, budae N (1st) F [DAXES]
bufalus, bufali N (2nd) M [XAXES]
antelope, gazelle; wild ox, buffalo;
bufo, bufonis N (3rd) M [XAXFO]
Bugella, Bugellae N (1st) F [FXXFZ]
Bugella; (medieval town famous for its records); (now Biella, 40 mi. NE Turino);
bugenes, (gen.), bugenstis ADJ [XYXFO]
born of/produced from an ox/bull; (as insects from a dead carcass);
bugia, bugiae N (1st) F [EXXEE]
hand candlestick;
bugillo, bugillonis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
plant; (also called ajuga reptans)];
buglossa, buglossae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
bugloss (herb) (prickly ox-tongue, Helminthia echioides?);
buglossos, buglossi N F [XAXNO]
bugloss (herb) (prickly ox-tongue, Helminthia echioides?);
bugonia, bugoniae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
generation of bees from putrid cattle carcasses (title of work by Archelaus);
bul, undeclined N N [EXQEW]
Bul (rain), Heshvan, Jewish month; (8th in ecclesiastic year); (1 Kings 6:38);
bulapathum, bulapathi N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
large species of plant Lapathum of genus Ramex (sorrel); herb (patience) (L+S);
bulbaceus, bulbacea, bulbaceum ADJ [XAXNO]
bulbous, having bulbs;
bulbatio, bulbationis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
bulb-like formation (in a kind of stone);
bulbine, bulbines N F [XAXNO]
kind of bulbous plant;
bulbos, bulbi N M [XAXCS]
bulb; onion, edible bulb;
bulbosus, bulbosa, bulbosum ADJ [XAXNO]
bulbous, having bulbs;
bulbulus, bulbuli N (2nd) M [DAXES]
small bulb;
bulbus, bulbi N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
bulb; onion, edible bulb;
bule, bules N F [XLHEO]
Greek council or senate;
buleuta, buleutae N (1st) M [XLHEO]
member of a Greek council or senate;
buleuterion, buleuterii N N [XLHNO]
council/senate house/chamber (Greek);
buleuterium, buleuteri(i) N (2nd) N [XLHNO]
council/senate house/chamber (Greek);
bulga, bulgae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
bag, wallet, purse; Gallic leather knapsack; womb (slang);
bulima, bulimae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
great/insatiable hunger; weakness of stomach/fainting (L+S);
bulimia, bulimiae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
bulimo, bulimare, bulimavi, bulimatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXES]
have great/insatiable hunger;
bulimos, bulimi N M [XXXEO]
great/insatiable hunger; weakness of stomach/fainting (L+S);
bulimosus, bulimosa, bulimosum ADJ [DXXES]
bulimic; afflicted with insatiable hunger;
bulimus, bulimi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
great/insatiable hunger; weakness of stomach/fainting (L+S);
bulla, bullae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
bubble; boss/knob/stud; locket/amulet (usu. gold) hung round necks of boys;
Papal bull; Papal document; stamped lead seal of Papal document;
bullarium, bullarii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
collection of Papal bulls;
bullatio, bullationis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
bulb-like formation (in a kind of stone); bubbling;
bullatus, bullata, bullatum ADJ [XXXDO]
bombastic; with bosses/knobs; wearing/decorated with bulla/childhood locket;
bullesco, bullescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
bubble; form bubbles;
bulligo, bulliginis N (3rd) F [DXXFV]
soup; bubbling/boiling liquid; broth; bouillon;
bullio, bullire, bullivi, bullitus V (4th) INTRANS [XXXCO]
bubble, boil; make bubbles; boil (with indignation);
bullitus, bullitus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
bubble (of water); bubbling (L+S);
bullo, bullare, bullavi, bullatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXDO]
bubble, boil, effervesce;
bullula, bullulae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
small bubble; watery vesicle/sac; small amulet/locket (bulla) for a boy;
bumammus, bumamma, bumammum ADJ [XXXFO]
having large clusters; with large breasts;
bumasta, bumastae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
large swelling grapes; vine having such grapes;
bumastus, bumasta, bumastum ADJ [XXXEO]
large swelling (like grapes); (two term ADJ, F like M, F form is noun);
bumastus, bumasti N (2nd) F [DXXES]
large swelling grapes; vine having such grapes;
bumbulum, bumbuli N (2nd) N [EBXEW]
break wind; fart;
bumelia, bumeliae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
large (common) ash-tree (Fraxinus excelsior);
bundon, bundonis N (3rd) M [EAXCV]
bunias, buniadis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
kind of turnip (French turnip, Brassica napus?);
bunion, bunii N N [XAXNO]
kind of turnip;
bunitus, bunita, bunitum ADJ [DXXES]
of/made of turnips (bunion);
bupaeda, bupaedae N (1st) M [DXXFS]
big/huge boy/youth;
bupaes, bupaedos/is N M [XXXFO]
big/huge boy/youth;
buphthalmos, buphthalmi N M [XAXES]
flower of chrysanthemum family (Chrysanthemum coronarium?); kind of houseleek;
buphthalmus, buphthalmi N (2nd) F [XAXEO]
flower of chrysanthemum family (Chrysanthemum coronarium?); kind of houseleek;
bupleuron, bupleuri N N [XAXNO]
plant (unidentified); (hare's-ear L+S);
buprestis, buprestis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
beetle (poisonous, sting cattle to swelling L+S); plant (unidentified);
bura, burae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
plow beam, curved hinder part of plow;
burdo, burdonis N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
mule; hinny; (general term for horse/ass hybrids); pilgrim's "mule"/staff;
burdonarius, burdonari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
muleteer, mule skinner, mule driver;
burdubasta, burdubastae N (1st) M [XXXFO]
pug; (word of doubtful meaning applied as abuse to decrepit gladiator);
burdunculus, burdunculi N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
plant (barage?);
burgagium, burgagii N (2nd) N [FLXFJ]
burgage; land in town held by lord for rent;
burgaria, burgariae N (1st) F [ELXEM]
burgarius, burgari(i) N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
inhabitant of a castle/fort; defenders of borders/marches (pl.);
burgarius, burgaria, burgarium ADJ [GXXEK]
burgator, burgatoris N (3rd) M [FLXFM]
burgensis, burgensis N (3rd) C [EXXCV]
citizen/burgess/burger; inhabitants/residents (pl.) of a (walled) town/borough;
burgeria, burgeriae N (1st) F [ELXEM]
burgimagister, burgimagistrii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
burgomaster; mayor;
burgus, burgi N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
castle, fort, fortress; fortified town (medieval), borough;
burichus, burichi N (2nd) M [DAXES]
small horse;
buricus, burici N (2nd) M [DAXES]
small horse;
buris, buris N (3rd) F [XAXDO]
plow beam, curved hinder part of plow;
burius, burii N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
species of animal (unknown);
burra, burrae N (1st) F [DXXES]
small cow with a red mouth/muzzle; shaggy garment; trifles (pl.), nonsense;
burranicum, burranici N (2nd) N [XXXES]
vessel; (perhaps for a burranicus drink - composed of milk and must/new wine);
burranicus, burranica, burranicum ADJ [XXXES]
composed of milk and must/new wine (of a drink);
burrhinon, burrhini N N [DAXFS]
plant (oxnose);
burrichus, burrichi N (2nd) M [DAXES]
small horse;
burricus, burrici N (2nd) M [DAXES]
small horse;
burrio, burrire, burrivi, burritus V (4th) INTRANS [DXXFS]
burrus, burra, burrum ADJ [BXXFO]
bursa, bursae N (1st) F [EXXEV]
purse; supply of money, funds; stock market (Cal);
bursarius, bursarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
bursula, bursulae N (1st) F [EXXEE]
small purse/case;
bus, bus N (4th) C [BAXDO]
ox, bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form mostly in Varro);
buselinum, buselini N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
large variety of parsley;
busequa, busequae N (1st) M [XAXEO]
cow-herd, herdsman, man who looks after cattle, cowboy;
bustar, bustaris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
place where dead bodies were burned;
busticetum, busticeti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
place where dead bodies were burned;
bustirapus, bustirapi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
grave robber; tomb robber; (term of reproach L+S);
bustualis, bustualis, bustuale ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to place where dead bodies were burned;
bustuarius, bustuaria, bustuarium ADJ [XXXEO]
connected with/frequenting tombs; (~us gladiator fights at tomb to honor dead);
bustum, busti N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
tomb, grave-mound; corpse; funeral pyre, ashes; heap of ashes (remains of city);
busycon, busyci N N [XAXFO]
large fig;
buteo, buteonis N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
species of hawk (buzzard?); (as a cognomen);
buthysia, buthysiae N (1st) F [XEXFO]
sacrifice of oxen;
buthytes, buthytae N M [XEXNO]
sacrificer of oxen;
butio, butionis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
bittern (bird that booms/roars like an ox during mating);
buttubattum, buttubatti N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
trifles (pl.), worthless things (L+S) (decl. uncertain);
buttuti INTERJ [XEIFS]
Buttuti!; (exclamation used by Hernici of Latinum at religious festivals);
buttutti INTERJ [XEIFO]
Buttuti!; (exclamation used by Hernici of Latinum at religious festivals);
butubattum, butubatti N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
trifles (pl.), worthless things (decl. uncertain);
buturum, buturi N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
butyron, butyri N N [XAXDS]
buvino, buvinare, buvinavi, buvinatus V (1st) TRANS [DBXFS]
menstruate, have monthly period (woman);
buxans, (gen.), buxantis ADJ [XAXFO]
characteristic of boxwood (color);
buxeirostris, buxeirostris, buxeirostre ADJ [XAXFO]
having beak of color of boxwood;
buxetum, buxeti N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
plantation/wood/grove of boxwood;
buxeus, buxea, buxeum ADJ [XAXCO]
of/connected with box-tree; of boxwood; characteristic of boxwood (color);
buxiarius, buxiaria, buxiarium ADJ [XAXIO]
of/connected with box-tree; of boxwood;
buxifer, buxifera, buxiferum ADJ [XAXFO]
producing box-trees;
buxosus, buxosa, buxosum ADJ [XAXNO]
resembling/like boxwood;
buxum, buxi N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
boxwood; a box tree; instrument, pipe, flute (usually made of boxwood);
buxus, buxi N (2nd) F [XAXCO]
boxwood; a box tree; instrument, pipe, flute (usually made of boxwood);
bybliotheca, bybliothecae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge);
byrrus, byrra, byrrum ADJ [BXXFS]
byrrus, byrri N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
short woolen cloak with a hood;
byssinum, byssini N (2nd) N [DXXES]
garment made of fine flax (byssus);
byssinus, byssina, byssinum ADJ [XXXEO]
made of fine linen/flax, fine flaxen; [~ linum => fine linen/flaxen cloth];
byssum, byssi N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
kind of fine flax; linen made of it (L+S); cotton;
byssus, byssi N (2nd) F [XAXFO]
kind of fine flax; linen made of it (L+S); cotton;
Byzantium, Byzantii N (2nd) N [XXHCO]
Byzantium (city on Bosphorus, later Constantinople, now Istanbul);
C., abb. N M [XXXCO]
Gaius (Roman praenomen); (abb. C.); (abb. for) centum/100;
caballa, caballae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
caballarius, caballarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
horseman, rider; hostler;
caballatio, caballationis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
fodder/feed for a horse;
caballinus, caballina, caballinum ADJ [XAXEO]
of a horse, horse-;
caballio, caballionis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
small horse, pony; (perhaps hippocampi);
caballion, caballii N N [DAXFS]
plant also called cynoglossa, hartsongue, spleenwort;
caballus, caballi N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
horse, riding horse, packhorse; (classical usu. an inferior horse, nag);
cabus, cabi N (2nd) M [DAQFS]
grain measure (Hebrew);
cacabaceus, cacabacea, cacabaceum ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to a cooking/kitchen pot;
cacabatus, cacabata, cacabatum ADJ [DXXFS]
black/sooty like a cooking/kitchen pot; (opposite of immaculata);
cacabo, cacabare, cacabavi, cacabatus V (1st) INTRANS [DAXFS]
cackle; natural cry of partridge;
cacabulus, cacabuli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
bell; small cooking pot (L+S), vessel;
cacabus, cacabi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
cooking/kitchen pot;
cacalia, cacaliae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
plant (Mercurialis tomentosa); colt's foot; (also called leontice L+S);
cacao, cacaonis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), chocolate tree; its seeds;
cacaturio, cacaturire, cacaturivi, cacaturitus V (4th) INTRANS [XBXEO]
have urge to defecate; (rude);
cacatus, cacatus N (4th) M [XBXFO]
defecation, voiding of excrement; (rude);
caccabaceus, caccabacea, caccabaceum ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to cooking/kitchen pot/pan;
caccabatus, caccabata, caccabatum ADJ [DXXFS]
black/sooty like cooking/kitchen pot; (opposite of immaculata);
caccabulus, caccabuli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
bell; small cooking pot (L+S), vessel;
caccabus, caccabi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
pot (cooking/kitchen); pan (Cal);
caccitus, caccitus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
Sweetie; (used in reference to a beautiful boy); (rude?);
cacemphaton, cacemphati N N [DXXES]
illsounding, low or improper expression;
cachecta, cachectae N (1st) M [XBXNO]
sickly/ailing person; consumptive;
cachecticus, cachectica, cachecticum ADJ [XBXNO]
sickly/ailing; consumptive;
cachexia, cachexiae N (1st) F [DBXES]
consumption, wasting;
cachinnabilis, cachinnabilis, cachinnabile ADJ [XXXFO]
of immoderate/excessive laughter; boisterous; capable of laughing; laughing;
cachinnatio, cachinnationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
immoderate/excessive or boisterous laughter, guffawing; jeering;
cachinno, cachinnare, cachinnavi, cachinnatus V (1st) [XXXDO]
laugh aloud or boisterously, guffaw; laugh loudly at;
cachinno, cachinnonis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
loud laughter; guffawing; jeering; one who laughs (violently) (L+S), derider;
cachinnosus, cachinnosa, cachinnosum ADJ [DXXFS]
given to loud/immoderate/excessive or boisterous laughter;
cachinnus, cachinni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
loud/excessive/boisterous/derisive laugh, guffaw; jeer; (applied to waves);
cachla, cachlae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
plant, oxeye (also called buphthalmos);
caco, cacare, cacavi, cacatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
defecate; defecate upon; defile with excrement; (rude);
cacoethes, cacoethis N (3rd) N [XBXEO]
malignant/obstinate tumor/disease; flaw/disease of character, passion;
cacometer, cacometra, cacometrum ADJ [DPXFS]
unmetrical, faulty in meter;
cacometrus, cacometra, cacometrum ADJ [DPXFS]
unmetrical, faulty in meter;
cacophaton, cacophati N N [XGXFS]
cacophony; union of ugly/disagreeable sounds forming equivocal word/expression;
cacophonia, cacophoniae N (1st) F [FGXFS]
ugly/disagreeable sound formed by meeting of syllables/words; cacophony;
cacosyntheton, cacosyntheti N N [XGXEO]
ugly-sounding group of letters/words; incorrect connection of words (L+S);
cacozelia, cacozeliae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
bad taste; affection of style; bad/faulty/awkward imitation (L+S);
cacozelos ADV [XXXFO]
with stylistically affection; in bad taste;
cacozelos, cacozelos, cacozelon ADJ [XXXEO]
stylistically affected; in bad taste;
cacozelus, cacozela, cacozelum ADJ [XXXES]
stylistically affected; bad imitator/imitation of; in bad taste;
cactos, cacti N M [XAXNO]
cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), Spanish artichoke; (prickly plant w/edible stalk);
cactus, cacti N (2nd) M [XXXES]
cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), Spanish artichoke; anything thorny/unpleasant;
cacula, caculae N (1st) M [XWXCO]
soldier's servant/slave, batman, orderly; servant;
caculatum, caculati N (2nd) N [XWXFS]
servitude; (esp. of a soldier's servant);
caculatus, caculatus N (4th) M [XWXFO]
servitude; (esp. of a soldier's servant);
cacumen, cacuminis N (3rd) N [XXXAO]
top, peak, summit; shoot, blade of grass, tip of tree/branch; zenith; limit;
cacumino, cacuminare, cacuminavi, cacuminatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
make pointed or tapered; sharpen;
Cacus, Caci N (2nd) M [XYXCO]
Cacus, giant son of Vulcan; (lived on Mt Aventius); servant (L+S);
cadaver, cadaveris N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
corpse, cadaver, dead body; ruined city;
cadaverina, cadaverinae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
carrion, flesh of a carcass;
cadaverinus, cadaverina, cadaverinum ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to carrion, carrion-;
cadaverosus, cadaverosa, cadaverosum ADJ [XXXFO]
like that of a corpse/dead body; cadaverous; ghastly;
cadialis, cadialis, cadiale ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to a jar;
cadium, cadi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
small jar;
cadivus, cadiva, cadivum ADJ [XAXNO]
fallen (fruit), windfall; having falling sickness/epilepsy (L+S), epileptic;
cadmea, cadmeae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
zinc oxide, calamine; dross/slag formed in a furnace (L+S); citadel of Thebes;
cadmia, cadmiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
zinc oxide, calamine; dross/slag formed in a furnace (L+S);
cadmitis, cadmitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple; be slain, die; end, cease, abate; decay;
caducarius, caducaria, caducarium ADJ [XLXES]
epileptic; relating to property without a master;
caduceator, caduceatoris N (3rd) M [XWXDO]
herald bearing a staff (caduceus) sent by non-Roman generals; priest's servant;
caduceatus, caduceata, caduceatum ADJ [XWXIS]
having/bearing heralds wand/staff (caduceus);
caduceum, caducei N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
herald's staff carried as token of peace/truce; wand of Mercury;
caduceus, caducei N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
herald's staff carried as token of peace/truce; wand of Mercury;
caducifer, caducifera, caduciferum ADJ [XEXEO]
staff-bearer, i.e. Mercury;
caducitas, caducitatis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
weakness; frailty; perishableness;
caduciter ADV [XXXFO]
precipitately, headlong;
caducum, caduci N (2nd) N [XLXES]
property without/that cannot be taken by an heir; unowned/escheated estate;
caducus, caduca, caducum ADJ [XLXCO]
escheatable, (property) that heir/legatee does/can not take (goes to state);
caducus, caduca, caducum ADJ [XXXAO]
ready to fall; tottering/unsteady; falling, fallen; doomed; perishable; futile;
cadurcum, cadurci N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
coverlet (of Cadurcian/French linen); marriage bed;
cadus, cadi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
jar, large jar for wine/oil/liquids; urn, funeral urn; money jar (L+S);
cadytas, cadytae N M [XAQNO]
parasitic plant (Syrian) (Cassyta filiformis), dodder;
caecator, caecatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who obstructs/stops a fountain; (one who makes blind);
caecatus, caecata, caecatum ADJ [XXXEE]
caecias, caeciae N M [XSXDO]
east-north-east wind;
caecigenus, caecigena, caecigenum ADJ [XBXFO]
born blind;
caecilia, caeciliae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
blind-worm; kind of lizard/lettuce (L+S);
caecitas, caecitatis N (3rd) F [XBXCO]
blindness, darkness; mental/moral blindness, lack of discernment;
caecitudo, caecitudinis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
blindness; [caecitudo nocturna => night blindness];
caeco, caecare, caecavi, caecatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
blind; obscure, confuse, hide; morally blind; [stu ~ => throw dust, deceive];
caeculto, caecultare, caecultavi, caecultatus V (1st) INTRANS [XBXEO]
be dim-sighted, see badly, be almost blind; be like one blind/unseeing;
caecus, caeca -um, caecior -or -us, caecissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
blind; unseeing; dark, gloomy, hidden, secret; aimless, confused, random; rash;
caecus, caeci N (2nd) M [XXXFE]
blind person;
caecutientia, caecutientiae N (1st) F [GXXET]
blindness; (Erasmus);
caecutio, caecutire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XBXEO]
be blind, see poorly/faultily;
caecuttio, caecuttire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XBXEO]
be blind, see poorly/faultily;
caedes, caedis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
murder/slaughter/massacre; assassination; feuding; slain/victims; blood/gore;
caedis, caedis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
murder/slaughter/massacre; assassination; feuding; slain/victims; blood/gore;
caedo, caedere, caecidi, caesus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCS]
chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize;
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize;
caeduus, caedua, caeduum ADJ [XAXCO]
ready/suitable for felling (tree);
cael, undeclined N N [BSXEO]
heaven, sky; universe, world; space; air, weather; Jehovah; (shortened form);
caela, caelae N (1st) F [XXSES]
kind of beer (made in Spain);
caelamen, caelaminis N (3rd) N [XTXDO]
bas-relief, low relief carving; raised ornamentation;
caelator, caelatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
engraver, carver, worker in bas-relief;
caelatum, caelati N (2nd) N [XTXEO]
embossed/engraved work (esp. in gold/silver);
caelatura, caelaturae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
engraving/carving (art/process); engraved work, engraving/carving (product);
caelebs, (gen.), caelibis ADJ [XXXCO]
unmarried (usu. men), single, widowed, divorced; celibate; not supporting vines;
caelebs, caelibis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
unmarried man, bachelor, widower; celibate (eccl.);
caeleps, (gen.), caelibis ADJ [XXXCO]
unmarried (usu. men), single, widowed, divorced; not supporting vines (trees);
caeleps, caelibis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
unmarried man, bachelor, widower;
caeles, (gen.), caelitis ADJ [XXXEO]
heavenly; celestial (not found in NOM S);
caeles, caelitis N (3rd) M [XEXCO]
the_Gods (usu. pl.); divinity, dweller in heaven; saint (Ecc);
caeleste, caelestis N (3rd) N [XSXCO]
supernatural/heavenly matters/things/bodies (pl.); high places; astronomy;
caelestis, caeleste, caelestior -or -us, caelestissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the_Gods;
caelestis, caelestis N (3rd) C [XEXCO]
divinity, god/goddess; god-like person; the_Gods (pl.);
caelia, caeliae N (1st) F [XXSEO]
kind of beer; (Spanish L+S);
caelibalis, caelibalis, caelibale ADJ [DXXES]
[~ hasta => small spear/pin with which bride's hair was divided into 6 locks];
caelibaris, caelibaris, caelibare ADJ [XXXFS]
[~ hasta => small spear/pin with which bride's hair was divided into 6 locks];
caelibatus, caelibatus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
celibacy; bachelorhood; state of not being married; single life;
caelicola, caelicolae N (1st) C [XEXCO]
heaven dweller; deity, god/goddess; worshiper of heavens (L+S);
caelicus, caelica, caelicum ADJ [FEXEE]
heavenly; celestial;
caelifer, caelifera, caeliferum ADJ [XXXCO]
supporting sky/heavens;
caelifluus, caeliflua, caelifluum ADJ [DXXFS]
flowing from heaven;
caeligenus, caeligena, caeligenum ADJ [XEXEO]
of heavenly birth/origin, heaven born;
caeliger, caeligera, caeligerum ADJ [DYXFS]
heaven supporting;
caelipotens, (gen.), caelipotentis ADJ [XEXFO]
powerful in heaven;
caelitus ADV [XXXEO]
from heaven; heavenly; from Emperor (L+S); divinely; by divine inspiration;
caelo, caelare, caelavi, caelatus V (1st) TRANS [XTXBO]
carve, make raised work/relief; engrave, emboss; chase, finish; embroider;
caelum, caeli N (2nd) N [XTXCO]
chisel; engraving tool; burin;
caelum, caeli N (2nd) N [XSXAO]
heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah;
caelus, caeli N (2nd) M [BSXAO]
heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah;
heaven (eccl.); the_heavens (pl.); [regnum caelorum => kingdom of heaven];
caementa, caementae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips;
caementarius, caementari(i) N (2nd) M [XTXIO]
worker in concrete; mason, stone cutter; builder of walls (L+S);
caementatio, caementationis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
caementicium, caementicii N (2nd) N [XTXEO]
concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S);
caementicius, caementicia, caementicium ADJ [XTXCO]
of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S);
caementitium, caementitii N (2nd) N [XTXFS]
concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S);
caementitius, caementitia, caementitium ADJ [XTXFS]
of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S);
caemento, caementare, caementavi, caementatus V (1st) TRANS [ETXEE]
cement, fasten with mortar;
caementum, caementi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips;
cement; mortar;
caemeterium, caemeterii N (2nd) N [FXXCF]
caena, caenae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course; meal; company at dinner;
caenacularius, caenacularia, caenacularium ADJ [XXXFS]
of/pertaining to a garret/attic;
caenaculum, caenaculi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story;
caenaticus, caenatica, caenaticum ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to (a) dinner;
caenatio, caenationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
dining-room; dining hall;
caenatiuncula, caenatiunculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small dining-room;
caenator, caenatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
diner; dinner guest;
caenatorium, caenatorii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
dining room, hall; evening dress, dinner wear (pl.);
caenatorius, caenatoria, caenatorium ADJ [XXXEO]
of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or the table;
caenaturio, caenaturire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFO]
desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner;
caenatus, caenata, caenatum ADJ [XXXCO]
having dined/eaten; supplied with dinner;
caencenatio, caencenationis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
dinner party; (Cicero from Greek); supping together, table companionship (L+S);
caenito, caenitare, caenitavi, caenitatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often);
caeno, caenare, caenavi, caenatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of;
caenositas, caenositatis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
dirty/foul/muddy place;
caenosus, caenosa -um, caenosior -or -us, caenosissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXDS]
muddy; filthy, foul; slimy, marshy; impure;
caenula, caenulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
little dinner/supper;
caenulentus, caenulenta, caenulentum ADJ [DXXFS]
covered in mud/filth; muddy, filthy, slimy;
caenum, caeni N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth;
caepa, caepae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
onion (Allium capa); (used as term of abuse);
caeparia, caepariae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
disease in private parts;
caeparius, caeparii N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
grower of onions; trader in onions (L+S);
caepaticus, caepatica, caepaticum ADJ [XXXFO]
resembling an onion;
caepe, caepis N (3rd) N [XAXCO]
onion (Allium capa);
caepetum, caepeti N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
onion bed;
caepina, caepinae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
onion bed/field;
caeposus, caeposa, caeposum ADJ [XAXFO]
abounding in onions; full of onions;
caepulla, caepullae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
onion bed/field;
caerefolium, caerefoli(i) N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium);
caereiale, caereialis N (3rd) N [EEXEE]
book of ceremonies;
caeremonia, caeremoniae N (1st) F [FEXCF]
ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
caeremonial, caeremonialis N (3rd) N [FEXEF]
ceremonial; system of rules observed on certain occasions/at times of worship;
caeremonialis, caeremonialis, caeremoniale ADJ [FEXEF]
ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
caeremoniarius, caeremoniarii N (2nd) M [EXXEE]
master of ceremonies;
caerimonia, caerimoniae N (1st) F [XEXCO]
ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
caerimonialis, caerimonialis, caerimoniale ADJ [DEXFS]
ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
caerimonior, caerimoniari, - V (1st) DEP [DEXFS]
treat with due ceremony; worship;
caerimoniosus, caerimoniosa, caerimoniosum ADJ [DEXFS]
pertaining/devoted to religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
caerimonium, caerimoni(i) N (2nd) N [XEXES]
ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
caernophorus, caernophori N (2nd) C [XEXIO]
bearer of cernus (vessel for holding offerings);
caerulans, (gen.), caerulantis ADJ [XXXFS]
colored blue; dark colored; sky blue;
colored with blue; dark blue, dark colored (L+S); sky blue;
caeruleum, caerulei N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
blue color (dark); steel color; sky/sea (pl.); deep blue sea; blue sky;
azurite; kind of blue glass;
caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum ADJ [XXXAO]
blue, cerulean, dark; greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea;
caeruleus, caerulei N (2nd) M [XEXEO]
epithet for river/sea deities;
caerulum, caeruli N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
blue color (dark); steel color; sky/sea (pl.); deep blue sea; blue sky;
azurite; kind of blue glass;
caerulus, caerula, caerulum ADJ [XXXAO]
blue, cerulean; deep/sky/greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea;
caerulus, caeruli N (2nd) M [XEXEO]
epithet for river/sea deities;
caesa, caesae N (1st) F [DWXFS]
cut; (of a sword/knife/spear);
Caesar, Caesaris N (3rd) M [XLXBO]
Caesar; (Julian gens cognomen); (adopted by emperors); [C. Julius ~ => Emperor];
Caesaraugusta, Caesaraugustae N (1st) F [XXSFE]
Saragossa (Spain);
caesareus, caesarea, caesareum ADJ [FXXFM]
imperial; of Caesar;
caesarianum, caesariani N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
eye salve;
caesariatus, caesariata, caesariatum ADJ [XXXEO]
having long/flowing/luxuriant hair/plume; having lush vegetation/foliage;
caesaries, caesariei N (5th) F [XXXCO]
hair; long/flowing/luxuriant hair; dark/beautiful hair; plume (of a helmet);
caesicius, caesicia, caesicium ADJ [BXXFS]
bluish; dark blue;
caesim ADV [XXXCO]
by chopping/cutting; by hewing/slashing; with sword edge; in short clauses;
caesio, caesionis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
chopping/cutting/hewing down (trees);
caesitas, caesitatis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
blue; blueness;
caesitius, caesitia, caesitium ADJ [BXXFS]
bluish; dark blue;
caesius, caesia -um, -, caesissumus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
gray, gray-blue, steel-colored; having gray/gray-blue/steel-colored eyes;
caesna, caesnae N (1st) F [BXXBS]
dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course, dish; company at dinner;
Caeso, Caesonis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
Kaeso/Caeso (Roman praenomen); (abb. K.);
caesor, caesoris N (3rd) M [DAXES]
hewer, one who hews; hewer (of wood); (stone) breaker;
caespes, caespitis N (3rd) M [XAXBO]
grassy ground, grass; earth; sod, turf; altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth;
caespitator, caespitatoris N (3rd) M [XAXFS]
stumbler; shying horse;
caespiticius, caespiticia, caespiticium ADJ [DAXFS]
made of turf;
caespito, caespitare, caespitavi, caespitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
caesposus, caesposa, caesposum ADJ [DAXFS]
abounding in grass/turf;
caestar, caestaris N (3rd) N [FXXFZ]
support; means of girdle;
caesticillus, caesticilli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
small ring/hoop placed on head to support a burden;
caestos, caesti N M [XXXFS]
band supporting breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap;
caestus, caesti N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
band supporting breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap;
caestus, caestus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
boxing-glove, strip of leather weighted with lead/iron tied to boxer's hands;
caesullus, caesulla, caesullum ADJ [XXXFO]
gray-eyed, having gray eyes;
caesum, caesi N (2nd) N [DGXES]
comma; pause, stop;
caesura, caesurae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
cutting (down/off), felling (of trees); that which was cut off; pause in verse;
caesuratim ADV [DGXFS]
with pauses in short clauses;
caesus, caesus N (4th) M [DAXFS]
cutting, cutting off;
caeterus, caetera, caeterum ADJ [XXXAS]
the_other; the_others (pl.). the_remaining/rest, all the rest;
caetra, caetrae N (1st) F [XWSCO]
caetra (small light shield); (Spanish); elephant's hide;
caetratus, caetrata, caetratum ADJ [XWXEO]
armed with caetra (small light shield);
caetratus, caetrati N (2nd) M [XWXDO]
soldier armed with caetra (small light shield); Greek peltest;
caetus, caetus N (4th) M [XXXBE]
meeting, encounter, (political or illegal) assembly; union; band, gang, crowd;
social intercourse (w/hominium), society, company; sexual intercourse;
caf, undeclined N N [DEQEW]
kaf; (11th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K and CH);
cafea, cafeae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
cafearius, cafearia, cafearium ADJ [GXXEK]
of coffee;
cafeum, cafei N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
caia, caiae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
caiatio, caiationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
striking/cudgeling/beating of children;
caio, caiare, caiavi, caiatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
beat, thrash, cudgel;
cala, calae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
firewood; piece of firewood;
calabrix, calabricis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
kind of thorn tree; (perh. hawthorn); (perh. buckthorn L+S);
calamarius, calamaria, calamarium ADJ [XGXFO]
for holding pens; pertaining to a writing reed;
calamellus, calamelli N (2nd) M [DGXFS]
small/little (writing) reed/pen;
calamentum, calamenti N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
dead wood, withered/dry wood/vine;
calaminthe, calaminthes N F [DAXFS]
plant, kind of mint;
calamister, calamistri N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
curling-tongs/iron; excessive flourish in discourse;
calamistratus, calamistrata, calamistratum ADJ [XXXDO]
curled with curling-iron; having hair curled, effeminately adorned;
calamistrum, calamistri N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
curling-tongs/iron; excessive flourish in discourse;
calamitas, calamitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
loss, damage, harm; misfortune/disaster; military defeat; blight, crop failure;
calamites, calamitae N M [XAXNO]
small green frog; (rain frog); (also called diopetes rana);
calamitose ADV [XXXFO]
disastrously; unfortunately, miserably; destructively;
calamitosus, calamitosa, calamitosum ADJ [XXXBO]
calamitous; ruinous, destructive; liable to damage/disaster; damaged/miserable;
calamochnus, calamochni N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
deposit/efforescence of salt on reeds; sea foam (L+S); (in pure Latin adarca);
calamus, calami N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
reed, cane; reed pen; reed/pan pipe; arrow; fishing pole; stalk; sweet flag;
branch; arm; branch of a candelabrum;
calasis, calasis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
kind of (woman's) tunic;
calathiscus, calathisci N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
small wicker basket;
calathus, calathi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
wicker basket, flower basket; wine-cup; milk pail; cheese/curdled milk bowl;
calatina, calatinae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
plant (gentian);
calatio, calationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
convoking, calling, summoning;
calator, calatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
personal attendant, servant, footman; servant of a priest;
calatorius, calatoria, calatorium ADJ [DEXFS]
pertaining to a servant of a priest;
calautica, calauticae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
kind of woman's headdress; (fell down to shoulders); (kind of veil?);
calbeus, calbei N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
arm-band/filet worn for ornamental/medical purposes;
calcabilis, calcabilis, calcabile ADJ [EXXFE]
able to be trod upon;
calcaneum, calcanei N (2nd) N [XBXFS]
heel; (rare form for calx);
calcaneus, calcanei N (2nd) M [XBXFS]
heel; (rare form for calx);
calcar, calcaris N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
spur (for horse); spur, incitement, stimulus; spur of a cock;
calcarensis, calcarensis N (3rd) M [DTXFS]
lime burner; worker at lime kiln/works;
calcarensis, calcarensis, calcarense ADJ [XTXIO]
of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works;
calcaria, calcariae N (1st) F [XTXEO]
lime quarry; lime kiln; lime works;
calcariarius, calcariaria, calcariarium ADJ [XTXIO]
of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works; connected with burning for lime;
calcariensis, calcariensis, calcariense ADJ [XTXIO]
of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works;
calcarius, calcaria, calcarium ADJ [XTXEO]
designed for burning lime; pertaining to lime; lime-;
calcarius, calcarii N (2nd) M [XTXFS]
lime burner; worker at lime kiln/works;
calcata, calcatae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
filling for ditches, fsacines; ramparts? crates?;
calcator, calcatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who treads (in a treadmill); one who treads grapes;
calcatori, calcatoriis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
wine press;
calcatrix, calcatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
she who treads; she who despises/condemns (something);
calcatura, calcaturae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
treading (in a treadmill/wine);
calcatus, calcata, calcatum ADJ [XGXEO]
trite, hackneyed;
calcatus, calcatus N (4th) M [XXXFS]
treading (in a treadmill);
calceamen, calceaminis N (3rd) N [XXXNO]
shoe; footwear;
calceamentarius, calceamentari(i) N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes;
calceamentum, calceamenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
shoe; instrument for stretching hides;
calcearia, calceariae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
shoe shop/store;
calcearium, calceari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
shoe money/allowance;
calcearius, calceari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes;
calceator, calceatoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
calceatus, calceatus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
shoe; footwear; sandal;
calcedonius, calcedonii N (2nd) M [EXXFW]
chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19);
calcendix, calcendicis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained);
calceo, calceare, calceavi, calceatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
put shoes on, furnish with shoes; shoe (horses); put feet in something;
calceolarius, calceolari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
calceolus, calceoli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
shoe; slipper; small shoe (L+S); half-boot;
calcestrum, calcestri N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
calcetum, calceti N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
plant (unidentified);
calceus, calcei N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
shoe; soft shoe, slipper; [~ mullei/patricii => red shoe of ex-curule senator];
calciamen, calciaminis N (3rd) N [XXXNS]
shoe; footwear;
calciamentarius, calciamentari(i) N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes;
calciamentum, calciamenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
shoe; instrument for stretching hides;
calciaria, calciariae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
shoe shop/store;
calciarium, calciari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
shoe money/allowance;
calciarius, calciari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes;
calciator, calciatoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
calciatus, calciatus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
shoe; footwear; sandal;
calcifraga, calcifragae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
rock-plant (empetros); unknown plant (removes bladder stones); (haristongue?);
calcinatio, calcinationis N (3rd) F [GSXEK]
calcio, calciare, calciavi, calciatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
put shoes on, furnish with shoes, shoe (horses); put feet in something;
calciolarius, calciolari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
calcis, calcis N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
lead vial/bottle/jar;
calcitratus, calcitratus N (4th) M [XXXNO]
kicking with heels;
calcitro, calcitrare, calcitravi, calcitratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
kick with heels, kick; be refractory; resist; kick convulsively (dying);
calcitro, calcitronis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
one that kicks/is inclined to kick with heels, kicker;
calcitrosus, calcitrosa, calcitrosum ADJ [XXXEO]
inclined/apt to kick with heels, kicking;
calcitrosus, calcitrosi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
one inclined/apt to kick with heels, kicker;
calcium, calcii N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
calco, calcare, calcavi, calcatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
tread/trample upon/under foot, crush; tamp/ram down; spurn; copulate (cock);
calcularius, calcularia, calcularium ADJ [DSXFS]
of/pertaining to calculations; [~ error => error in reckoning/calculation];
calculatio, calculationis N (3rd) M [DSXES]
computation, calculation, reckoning; stone (kidney/bladder), calculus;
calculator, calculatoris N (3rd) M [XSXDO]
one versed in/teacher of arithmetic; calculator, bookkeeper, accountant;
calculatorius, calculatoria, calculatorium ADJ [XSXIO]
used in making (arithmetic) calculations; pertaining to an accountant;
calculatura, calculaturae N (1st) F [XSXIO]
calculating, arithmetic;
calculensis, calculensis, calculense ADJ [XAXNO]
found in pebbly places; pertaining to stones;
calculo, calculare, calculavi, calculatus V (1st) TRANS [DSXES]
calculate, compute, reckon; consider as; esteem;
calculo, calculonis N (3rd) M [DSXFS]
calculator, computer, accountant;
calculosus, calculosa, calculosum ADJ [XXXCO]
full of pebbles, pebbly; knobby; suffering from stones (kidney/bladder);
calculosus, calculosi N (2nd) M [XBXEO]
one suffering from/afflicted with kidney/bladder stones;
calculum, calculi N (2nd) N [FSXFE]
calculation, computation;
calculus, calculi N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
pebble; (bladder) stone; piece for reckoning/voting/game; calculation;
counter; small weight; live coal (Def);
calcus, calci N (2nd) M [DTXFS]
small weight;
calda, caldae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
hot water; warm water;
caldamentum, caldamenti N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
caldaria, caldariae N (1st) F [XXXES]
warm bath; cauldron (Ecc);
caldariola, caldariolae N (1st) F [DSXFS]
small vessel for heating fluids;
caldarium, caldari(i) N (2nd) N [DXXES]
caldarium, hot bathing room; hot bath;
caldarius, caldaria, caldarium ADJ [XXXES]
used/suitable for warming/hot water; warm; for plastering bath walls; by heat;
caldicerebrius, caldicerebria, caldicerebrium ADJ [XXXFO]
caldicus, caldica, caldicum ADJ [XAXFO]
hot (?); (descriptive of a kind of fig);
caldor, caldoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
heat, warmth;
caldum, caldi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
drink of wine and hot water (w/spices); (usu. Roman winter drink); heat;
caldus, calda -um, caldior -or -us, caldissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place;
caleco, calecare, calecavi, calecatus V (1st) TRANS [XTXEO]
coat with lime/whitewash, whitewash;
Caledonia, Caledoniae N (1st) F [CXBFO]
Caledonia, Scotland, northern part of Britain;
calefacio, calefacere, calefeci, calefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
make warm/hot (exert/ferment); heat; excite/rouse; vex/trouble; pursue eagerly;
calefactabilis, calefactabilis, calefactabile ADJ [DXXFS]
that can be warmed/made hot;
calefactio, calefactionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
heating, warming, making (bath) warm;
calefacto, calefactare, calefactavi, calefactatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
heat, warm; make a person warm by beating;
calefactorius, calefactoria, calefactorium ADJ [DXXES]
that has a warming/heating power; warming;
calefactus, calefacta, calefactum ADJ [XXXEW]
heated, warmed; excited, roused; [calefacta ora => flushed];
calefactus, calefactus N (4th) M [XXXNO]
action of heating/warming;
calefio, caleferi, calefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXBS]
be made/be warm/hot/heated/excited/roused/vexed/troubled; (calefacio PASS);
Calenda, Calendae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
Kalends (pl.), 1st of month; abb. Kal./Kl.; day of proclamation, interest due;
calendarium, calendari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
calendar; ledger/account book (for monthly interest payments);
calenter ADV [XXXFO]
skillfully, cunningly;
caleo, calere, calui, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
be/feel/be kept warm; be hot with passion/inflamed/active/driven hotly/urged;
calesco, calescere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
grow/become warm/hot; be heated; become inflamed (w/love/lust); be inspired;
calfacio, calfacere, calfeci, calfactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
make warm/hot (exert/ferment); heat; excite/rouse; vex/trouble; pursue eagerly;
calficio, calficere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
make warm/hot (exertion/fermentation); heat; excite, rouse; vex, trouble;
calfio, calferi, calfactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXBS]
be made/be warm/hot/heated/excited/roused/vexed/troubled; (calefacio PASS);
caliandrum, caliandri N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
woman's wig, head-dress of false hair;
calicatus, calicata, calicatum ADJ [DTXFS]
plastered with lime; whitewashed;
calicellus, calicelli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
little/small cup;
calicia, caliciae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
plant (unidentified); (according to Pythagoras made water freeze);
caliclarium, caliclarii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
cupboard, sideboard, place where cups stand;
calico, calicare, calicavi, calicatus V (1st) TRANS [XTXEO]
coat with lime/whitewash, whitewash;
caliculus, caliculi N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
small cup/goblet; polyp sucker; artificial hollow (obstacle to horse); pothole;
calyx/cup of a flower; shell (sea urchin); (maybe confused with calyculus);
calida, calidae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
hot water; warm water;
calidaria, calidariae N (1st) F [XXXES]
warm bath;
calidarium, calidari(i) N (2nd) N [DXXES]
caldarium, hot bathing room; hot bath;
calidarius, calidaria, calidarium ADJ [XXXES]
used/suitable for warming/hot water; warm; for plastering bath walls; by heat;
calide ADV [XXXEO]
in hot haste. in heat of the moment; rashly;
calidum, calidi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
drink of wine and hot water (w/spices); (usu. Roman winter drink); heat;
calidus, calida -um, calidior -or -us, calidissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place;
caliendrum, caliendri N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
woman's wig, head-dress of false hair;
caliga, caligae N (1st) F [XWXCO]
soldier's boot; boot; military service;
caligaris, caligaris, caligare ADJ [XWXEO]
of/for a soldier's boot; boot-;
caligarius, caligaria, caligarium ADJ [XWXEO]
of/for a soldier's boot; boot-; wearing army boots;
caligarius, caligarii N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
maker of soldier's boots, bootmaker;
caligatio, caligationis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
darkness, mistiness (of eyes);
caligatus, caligata, caligatum ADJ [XWXCO]
wearing army boots; of common soldier; booted, wearing heavy boots/brogans;
caligatus, caligati N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
common soldier; private;
caligineus, caliginea, caligineum ADJ [XXXFO]
dark, obscuring, murky, gloomy;
caliginosus, caliginosa, caliginosum ADJ [XXXCO]
foggy, misty; covered with mist; obscure, dark, gloomy; uncertain;
caligo, caligare, caligavi, caligatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
be dark/gloomy/misty/cloudy; have bad vision; cloud; be blinded; be/make dizzy;
caligo, caliginis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
mist/fog; darkness/gloom/murkiness; moral/intellectual/mental dark; dizziness;
caligosus, caligosa, caligosum ADJ [DXXCS]
foggy, misty; covered with mist; obscure, dark, gloomy; uncertain;
Caligula, Caligulae N (1st) M [CLIDO]
Caligula (Gaius Claudius Caesar Germanicus, 37-41 AD); little soldier('s boot);
calipha, caliphae N (1st) F [FXQFE]
calipha, caliphae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
caliptra, caliptrae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
kind of head covering;
calix, calicis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
cup, goblet, a vessel for drinking; chalice; cup of wine; pot; water regulator;
callaica, callaicae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; (turquoise?);
callaina, callainae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
pale green precious stone; turquoise;
callainus, callaina, callainum ADJ [XXXEO]
pale green, greenish-blue, turquoise-colored;
callais, callaidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
greenish-blue/sea-green precious stone; turquoise;
callarias, callariae N M [XAXNO]
kind of codfish;
callens, (gen.), callentis ADJ [XXXFO]
skilled/practiced/versed/expert in (w/GEN);
calleo, callere, callui, - V (2nd) [XXXCO]
be calloused/hardened; grow hard; be experienced/skilled, understand; know how;
calliblepharatus, calliblepharata, calliblepharatum ADJ [XXXNO]
having beautiful (made-up) eyes/eyelids;
calliblepharum, calliblephari N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
cosmetic for eyelids and lashes; dye for coloring eyebrows (L+S);
calliblepharus, calliblephara, calliblepharum ADJ [XXXNO]
having beautiful (made-up) eyes/eyelids;
callicia, calliciae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
plant (unidentified); (according to Pythagoras made water freeze);
callide, callidius, callidissime ADV [XXXCO]
expertly, skillfully, cleverly; well, thoroughly; cunningly, artfully;
calliditas, calliditatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
shrewdness, skillfulness, skill; craftiness, cunning; subtle tricks (pl.);
callidulus, callidula, callidulum ADJ [DXXFS]
little cunning/sly/crafty;
callidus, callida -um, callidior -or -us, callidissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
crafty, sly, cunning; wise, expert, skillful, clever, experienced, ingenious;
calligo, calligare, calligavi, calligatus V (1st) [XXXES]
be dark/gloomy/misty/cloudy; have bad vision; cloud; be blinded; be/make dizzy;
calligonon, calligoni N N [XAXNS]
plant; (also called polygonon mas);
callim ADV [AXXBO]
secretly, in secret, unknown to; privately; covertly; by fraud;
without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL);
callimus, callimi N (2nd) M [XXXNO]
stone said to be found inside a type of eagle-stone; kind of eagle-stone (L+S);
callion, callii N N [XAXNO]
winter-cherry (Physalis alkekengi); (pure Latin vesicaria);
callionymus, callionymi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
fish (Uranoscopus scaber?);
callipetalon, callipetali N N [DAXFS]
plant; (pure Latin quinquefolium);
calliplocamos, calliplocamos, calliplocamon ADJ [XXXFO]
having/with beautiful tresses;
callis, callis N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
rough/stony track, path; moorland/mountain pasture; mountain pass/defile (L+S);
callisco, calliscere, callisci, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
grow insensitive; become dull/insensible (L+S);
callisphyros, callisphyros, callisphyron ADJ [XXXFO]
having/with beautiful ankles;
callistruthia, callistruthiae N (1st) F [XAXES]
very delicate fig sparrows were fond of (L+S); (pure Latin ficus passerariae);
callistruthis, callistruthidis N (3rd) F [XAXFS]
very delicate fig sparrows were fond of (L+S); (pure Latin ficus passerariae);
callithrix, callithrichos/is N F [XAXNW]
waterwort (Asplenium trichomanes) (for hair coloring); an Ethiopian monkey;
callithrix, callitrichos/is N F [XAXNO]
waterwort (Asplenium trichomanes) (for hair coloring); an Ethiopian monkey;
callitrichon, callitrichi N N [XAXNO]
maidenhair (Capillus Veneris), type of fern; commonly called adiantum (L+S);
callitrichos, callitrichi N F [XAXNS]
maidenhair (Capillus Veneris), type of fern; commonly called adiantum (L+S);
callositas, callositatis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
hardening/thickening of skin, callus; callousness; hardness; hardening;
callosus, callosa -um, callosior -or -us, callosissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
tough, hard/thick-skinned; made hard/tough by use; callused, indurated;
callum, calli N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
hard/tough skin/hide, callus; callousness, lack of feeling; firm flesh/fruit;
callus, calli N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
hard/tough skin/hide, callus; callousness, lack of feeling; firm flesh/fruit;
calo, calare, calavi, calatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
announce, proclaim; summon, convoke, call forth/together;
let down, allow to hang free; loosen; slacken;
calo, calonis N (3rd) M [XWXCO]
camp/soldier's servant; type of awkwardness/stupidity; low servant/drudge (L+S);
calo, calonis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
wooden shoe;
calor, caloris N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
heat; warmth, glow; warm/hot/summer heat/weather; fever; passion, zeal; love;
caloratus, calorata, caloratum ADJ [XXXFO]
passionate, vehement, furious; hot, heated;
caloria, caloriae N (1st) F [GSXEK]
calorificus, calorifica, calorificum ADJ [XXXFO]
promoting/causing heat/warmth; warming, heating;
calos ADV [XXXIO]
well; hurrah for !;
calota, calotae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
calpar, calparis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
wine jar/pitcher; wine from a calpar; wine cask (L+S); vessel for liquids;
Calpurnia, Calpurniae N (1st) F [XXCDO]
Calpurnia, wife of Caesar; a daughter of plebeian gens Calpurnius;
calta, caltae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
marigold (Calendula officinalis);
caltha, calthae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
marigold (Calendula officinalis);
calthula, calthulae N (1st) F [XXXES]
yellow garment worn by women; yellow robe;
caltula, caltulae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
short undergarment worn by women;
calumma, calummatis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
calumnia, calumniae N (1st) F [XLXBO]
sophistry, sham; false accusation/claim/statement/pretenses/objection; quibble;
charge; accusation;
calumniator, calumniatoris N (3rd) M [XLXCO]
false accuser; pettifogger, chicaner; perverter of law; carping critic;
calumniatrix, calumniatricis N (3rd) F [XLXFO]
false accuser/claimant (female);
calumnior, calumniari, calumniatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
accuse falsely; misrepresent, interpret wrongly; depreciate, find fault with;
calumniose ADV [XXXFO]
by false pretenses;
calumniosus, calumniosa, calumniosum ADJ [XXXCO]
that makes false/groundless accusations; marked by misinterpretations, false;
calumniosus, calumniosi N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
person convicted of making false/groundless accusations/information;
calumpnia, calumpniae N (1st) F [FLXFY]
charge; accusation; opprobrium; false charge;
calva, calvae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
bald head, scalp; skull; smooth nuts (hazel nuts?);
calvar, calvaris N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
skulls (pl.); kind of fish;
calvaria, calvariae N (1st) F [XBXEO]
calvariola, calvariolae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
small cup;
calvarium, calvarii N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
round sea-fish without scales (bald);
calvatus, calvata, calvatum ADJ [XXXES]
made bald, bare; bare (vines);
calventinus, calventina, calventinum ADJ [XAXNO]
variety of vine;
calveo, calvere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XBXNO]
be bald/hairless;
calvesco, calvescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
lose one's hair, become bald; molt (birds); become bare/empty of vegetation;
Calvinianus, Calviniana, Calvinianum ADJ [GEXEK]
Calvinismus, Calvinismi N (2nd) M [GEXEK]
Calvinista, Calvinistae N (1st) M [GEXEE]
calvio, calvire, calvivi, calvitus V (4th) TRANS [DXXES]
deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against; be tricked/deceived (PASS);
calvities, calvitiei N (5th) F [XBXFO]
baldness, hairlessness;
calvitium, calvitii N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
baldness, absence/loss of hair; bareness/scantiness of vegetation;
calvo, calvare, calvavi, calvatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
make/leave bare;
calvo, calvere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXES]
deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against; be tricked/deceived (PASS);
calvor, calvi, - V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against;
calvus, calva -um, calvior -or -us, calvissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
bald, bald-headed; having head shaved; smooth (nuts); bare/stripped (things)
calvus, calvi N (2nd) M [XBXEO]
bald person;
calx, calcis N (3rd) C [XXXBO]
heel; spur; pad (dog); forefeet; kick (Roman toe was unprotected); butt (beam);
calx, calcis N (3rd) C [XXXBO]
limestone, lime; chalk, goal, goal-line (chalk mark), end of life; game piece;
calx, calcis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
lead vial/bottle/jar;
calybita, calybitae N (1st) F [EXXEE]
hermit; cabin dweller; Calybite (one of class of early Saints living in huts);
calyculus, calyculi N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
calyx/cup of a flower; shell (sea urchin);
calymma, calymmatis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
calyx, calycis N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
calyx/cup (flower/nut); bud?; fruit/animal skin, husk; shell (egg/sea urchin);
two plants; one like arum; other anchusa (Dyer's bugloss); (monk's-hood? L+S);
cama, camae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
small low bed (near ground);
camacum, camaci N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
aromatic plant (nutmeg?); (substitute for cinnamon); kind of cinnamon (L+S);
camaeus, camaei N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
camara, camarae N (1st) F [XTXCO]
vault, vaulted/arched room/roof/ceiling; small boat roofed over with timber;
camararius, camararia, camararium ADJ [XAXNO]
that grows over arches (of a kind of gourd); climbing;
camaratio, camarationis N (3rd) F [DTXFS]
vault, arch;
camaro, camarare, camaravi, camaratus V (1st) TRANS [XTXFO]
roof/vault over;
camaura, camaurae N (1st) F [FXXFE]
close fitting cap;
cambialis, cambialis, cambiale ADJ [GXXEK]
of change; exchanging;
cambio, cambiare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
exchange, barter;
cambio, cambiare, cambiavi, cambiatus V (1st) [FXXEK]
change (of money);
cambio, cambire, campsi, cambitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXFS]
exchange, barter;
cambitas, cambitatis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
exchange, barter;
cambium, cambii N (2nd) N [FXXFM]
change; transformable matter;
Cambria, Cambriae N (1st) F [XXBEE]
cambuta, cambutae N (1st) F [EEXFE]
camela, camelae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
camel/dromedary (female);
camela, camelae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
marriage festival/festivities (pl.); (ADJ?);
camelarius, camelarii N (2nd) M [XAXES]
camel driver;
camelaucium, camelaucii N (2nd) N [EEXFE]
red velvet hood (sometimes worn by Pope);
camelelasia, camelelasiae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
camel-driving; care of camels (belonging to the State);
cameleon, cameleonis N (3rd) M [EAXEW]
chameleon; (M/F OLD);
camelinus, camelina, camelinum ADJ [XAXNO]
of/pertaining to a camel, camel-;
camella, camellae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
cup, bowl, goblet;
camelopardalis, camelopardalis N (3rd) F [XAAEO]
camelopardalus, camelopardali N (2nd) M [DAAFS]
camelopardus, camelopardi N (2nd) M [DAAFS]
camelopodium, camelopodi(i) N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
plant, camel's-foot, horehound?;
camelottum, camelotti N (2nd) N [FXXFE]
cloth (kind of); camelet (costly eastern fabric, maybe of silk and angora W);
camelus, cameli N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
camel, dromedary;
Camena, Camenae N (1st) F [XPXCO]
Muse; poetry; poem (L+S); song; (pl.) Latin goddesses of poetry (Cas);
camena, camenae N (1st) F [FPXEN]
poetry, poem; song; (see also Camena);
camera, camerae N (1st) F [XTXCO]
room, vault, vaulted/arched room/roof/ceiling; small boat roofed w/timber;
camera (Cal);
cameralis, cameralis, camerale ADJ [FXXFE]
of/pertaining to small room or chamber;
camerarius, cameraria, camerarium ADJ [XAXNS]
that grows over arches (of a kind of gourd); climbing;
camerarius, camerarii N (2nd) M [FXXEE]
cameratio, camerationis N (3rd) F [DTXFS]
vault, arch;
camero, camerare, cameravi, cameratus V (1st) TRANS [XTXFO]
roof/vault over;
camescopium, camescopii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
cinematic camera;
camilla, camillae N (1st) F [XEXEO]
handmaiden/female of unblemished character attendant in religious ceremonies;
camillus, camilli N (2nd) M [XEXEO]
boy/noble youth attendant of a flamen/priest;
camino, caminare, caminavi, caminatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
form into an oven; shape like an oven;
caminus, camini N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
smelting/foundry furnace, forge; home stove/furnace; vent (underground fires);
camisia, camisiae N (1st) F [DXXES]
shirt/nightgown (linen); alb (Ecc); shirt (Cal);
camisium, camisii N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
alb; shirt;
cammaron, cammari N N [XAXNS]
plant; (aconitum);
cammaros, cammari N M [XAXEO]
lobster; plant (aconitum); sea crab (L+S);
cammarus, cammari N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
lobster; plant (aconitum); sea crab (L+S);
campagus, campagi N (2nd) M [DWXES]
kind of boot worn by military officers; sandal, slipper (Ecc);
campana, campanae N (1st) F [FXXCE]
campanarium, campanarii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
belfry; bell tower;
campanarius, campanarii N (2nd) M [FEXFE]
bell ringer;
campaneus, campanea, campaneum ADJ [DAXFS]
pertaining to fields;
Campania, Campaniae N (1st) F [XXICO]
Campania; (province of Italy south of Latinium noted for its fertility);
campanicum, campanici N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
champagne (wine);
campanile, campanilis N (3rd) N [FEXEE]
belfry; bell tower; campanile;
campanius, campania, campanium ADJ [DAXFS]
pertaining to fields;
campanula, campanulae N (1st) M [FXXFE]
little boy;
campanus, campana, campanum ADJ [FXXFM]
flat; level;
campe, campes N F [XAXEO]
caterpillar; (pure Latin eruca); turning/writhing, evasion;
campeador, campeadoris N (3rd) M [FWXEN]
champion of the field; victor;
campester, campestris, campestre ADJ [XXXCO]
level, even, flat, of level field; on open plain/field; plain-dwelling;
campestratus, campestrati N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
one wearing loin-cloth/leather apron of athletes;
campestre, campestris N (3rd) N [XAXDO]
flat/level country/ground (pl.); plains;
campestre, campestris N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
loin-cloth worn by athletes; leather apron worn around loins by wrestlers;
campestris, campestris N (3rd) F [XEXFO]
country deity; goddess of fields;
campestris, campestris N (3rd) M [DEXIS]
deities who presided over contests/games (pl.); country deities;
campestris, campestris, campestre ADJ [XXXBO]
level, even, flat, of level field; on open plain/field; plain-dwelling;
campicursio, campicursionis N (3rd) F [DWIFS]
military exercise in Campus Martius;
campidoctor, campidoctoris N (3rd) M [DWIES]
one who exercises/drills soldiers in Campus Martius; drill sergeant;
campigenus, campigeni N (2nd) M [DWXFS]
well drilled soldiers (pl.);
campio, campionis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
campionatus, campionatus N (4th) M [GXXEK]
campismus, campismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
campitor, campitoris N (3rd) M [FXXEN]
charger, battle-horse, war horse;
campsanema, campsanematis N (3rd) N [DAXFS]
plant (ros marinus);
campso, campsare, campsavi, campsatus V (1st) TRANS [BXXFO]
go around; double; turn around in place;
campsor, campsoris N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
changer, banker;
camptaules, camptaulae N M [DDXFS]
musician (unknown kind);
campter, campteris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
bending; turning; angle;
campter, campteros/is N M [XXXEO]
turning point at end of a race course;
campus, campi N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
plain; level field/surface; open space for battle/games; sea; scope; campus;
camter, camteros/is N M [XXXEO]
turning point at end of a race course;
camum, cami N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
kind of beer;
camur, camura, camurum ADJ [XXXEO]
curved, bent, hooked, crocked; turned/arched inward, having such horns;
camurus, camura, camurum ADJ [XXXEO]
curved, bent, hooked, crocked; turned/arched inward, having such horns;
camus, cami N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
necklace; collar for neck (L+S); muzzle/bit/curb for horses (late);
canaba, canabae N (1st) F [DXXES]
hut; hovel;
canaba, canabae N (1st) F [XWXIO]
settlement of traders/discharged soldiers (pl.) near Roman military camp/fort;
canabarius, canabari(i) N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
inhabitant of a canabae (settlement of veterans near a Roman camp);
canabensis, canabensis N (3rd) M [XWXIO]
inhabitant of a canabae (settlement of veterans near a Roman camp);
canabula, canabulae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
small hut/hovel;
canachenus, canacheni N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
class of thieves;
canale, canalis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
channel/canal/conduit; ditch, gutter; trough, groove; funnel; pipe, spout;
canalicius, canalicia, canalicium ADJ [XXXNO]
derived/mined/dug from shafts(/pits L+S);
canalicola, canalicolae N (1st) M [XXXFS]
poor/lazy person standing about in gutters near Forum/in place called Canalis;
canalicula, canaliculae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
small channel/duct/pipe/gutter, groove; feeding trough; splint/cast (medical);
canaliculatim ADV [XXXNO]
into/by channels;
canaliculatus, canaliculata, canaliculatum ADJ [XXXNO]
channeled, grooved; like a channel/pipe;
canaliculus, canaliculi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
small channel/duct/pipe/gutter, groove; feeding trough; splint/cast (medical);
canaliensis, canaliensis, canaliense ADJ [XXXNO]
derived/mined/dug from shafts(/pits L+S);
canalis, canalis N (3rd) C [XXXBO]
channel/canal/conduit; ditch, gutter; trough, groove; funnel; pipe, spout;
canarius, canaria, canarium ADJ [XAXEO]
of/connected with dogs, dog-; kind of grass; [lappa canaria => kind of bur];
canaster, canastra, canastrum ADJ [DXXFS]
half-gray; grizzled;
canatim ADV [XXXFO]
in manner of a dog; like a dog;
cancamum, cancami N (2nd) N [XAQNO]
Arabian gum (Balsamodendron katuf?); (used for incense L+S);
cancellaria, cancellariae N (1st) F [FEXEE]
chancery; chancellery;
cancellarius, cancellari(i) N (2nd) M [EEXES]
porter, doorkeeper; secretary; chancellor (ecclesiastical); diocesan official;
cancellarius, cancellaria, cancellarium ADJ [XXXFS]
living/kept behind bars;
cancellarius, cancellarii N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
cancellatim ADV [XXXNO]
in a lattice arrangement;
cancellatio, cancellationis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
land measuring my means of a grid; fixing boundaries;
cancellatus, cancellata, cancellatum ADJ [XXXNO]
reticulated, having a lattice/grid pattern; lattice/trellis-like;
cancello, cancellare, cancellavi, cancellatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
arrange in criss-cross pattern; enclose in lattice/grid; cancel, cross out;
cancellosus, cancellosa, cancellosum ADJ [DXXFS]
with bars; with a railing;
cancellus, cancelli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
lattice/grate/grid; bars, barrier, enclosure; boundaries/limits (pl.); railings;
cancer, canceris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
crab; Cancer (zodiac); the_South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker;
cancer, canceris N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
crab; Cancer (zodiac); the_South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker;
cancer, cancri N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
crab; Cancer (zodiac); the_South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker;
cancer, cancri N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
lattice, grid; barrier;
cancerasco, cancerascere, canceravi, canceratus V (3rd) INTRANS [DBXES]
become cancerous; be afflicted with cancer; suppurate like a cancer;
canceraticus, canceratica, canceraticum ADJ [DBXES]
cancerous; like a cancer;
canceratus, cancerata, canceratum ADJ [DBXES]
canceroma, canceromatis N (3rd) N [DBXES]
canchrema, canchrematis N (3rd) N [DBXFS]
cancrigenus, cancrigena, cancrigenum ADJ [GBXEK]
cancroma, cancromatis N (3rd) N [DBXES]
candefacio, candefacere, candefeci, candefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
make dazzling white; make glowing; heat, make hot;
candefio, candeferi, candefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXEO]
become dazzling white; be/become glowing/heated/hot; (candefacio PASS);
candela, candelae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
tallow candle/taper; waxen cord; fire (L+S); small taper/candle (Ecc);
candelaber, candelabri N (2nd) M [BXXES]
candelabra; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand;
candelabrarius, candelabrari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
maker of candelabra/candlesticks;
candelabrum, candelabri N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
candelabra; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand;
candelabrus, candelabri N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
candelabra; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand;
candens, candentis (gen.), candentior -or -us, candentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
shining/bright/clear (light); (approaching) white; boiling/red-hot, glowing;
candentia, candentiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
luminous area; whiteness (L+S); white clear luster;
candeo, candere, candui, - V (2nd) [XXXCO]
be of brilliant whiteness, shine, gleam (white); become/be hot; glow, sparkle;
candesco, candescere, candui, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
grow/become light/bright white; begin to glisten/radiate; become (red) hot;
candetum, candeti N (2nd) N [XAFFS]
area of 100 or 150 square feet; (10 or 15 square meters);
candicens, candicentis (gen.), candicentior -or -us, candicentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXNO]
white; approaching white;
candico, candicare, candicavi, candicatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
have white appearance; be white/whitish;
candida, candidae N (1st) F [DDXFS]
games/play presented by a candidate for office;
candidans, (gen.), candidantis ADJ [DXXFS]
brilliantly white;
candidarius, candidaria, candidarium ADJ [XXXIO]
that bakes/makes white bread;
candidarius, candidarii N (2nd) M [XXXIS]
baker of white bread;
candidata, candidatae N (1st) F [XLXFO]
candidate (for office) (female); aspirant; office seeker;
candidatio, candidationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
candidatorius, candidatoria, candidatorium ADJ [XLXFO]
of/pertaining to/belonging to a candidate (for office); white-robed (Ecc);
candidatus, candidata, candidatum ADJ [XXXEO]
dressed in white/whitened clothes;
candidatus, candidati N (2nd) M [XLXCO]
candidate (office) (white toga); aspirant/office seeker; one who strives for;
candidatus, candidatus N (4th) M [XLXFS]
candidacy (for office);
candide ADV [XXXDO]
in white clothes; brightly/clearly/spotlessly; candidly/openly, good naturedly;
candido, candidare, candidavi, candidatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
make glittering/bright; make white;
candidule ADV [DXXFS]
candidly, sincerely;
candidulus, candidula, candidulum ADJ [XXXEO]
shining white; white, gleaming;
candidum, candidi N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
white (of an egg);
candidus, candida -um, candidior -or -us, candidissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
bright, clear, transparent; clean/spotless; lucid; candid; kind; innocent, pure;
radiant, unclouded; (dressed in) white; of light color; fair skinned, pale;
candifico, candificere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
make dazzlingly white;
candificus, candifica, candificum ADJ [XXXFO]
that cleans/makes white;
canditatio, canditationis N (3rd) F [FEXEE]
candor, candoris N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
whiteness; snow; radiance, bright light; heat, glow; beauty; purity; kindness;
candosoccus, candosocci N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
layer (of a plant);
canens, (gen.), canentis ADJ [XXXES]
gray, grayish; white, hoary;
canentas, canentatis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
head ornament;
caneo, canere, canui, - V (2nd) [XXXCO]
be/become covered in white; be hoary, be white/gray (with age);
canes, canis N (3rd) C [BAXDO]
dog; hound; subordinate; "jackal"; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clamp;
canesco, canescere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXCO]
become covered in white, whiten; grow old/hoary; be/grow white/gray with age;
cania, caniae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
kind of wild nettle;
canica, canicae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
bran (pl.);
canicula, caniculae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
bitch (also people); dog-star; dog-fish, shark; dog-days; lowest throw at dice;
canicularis, canicularis, caniculare ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to dog-star; [caniculares dies => dog days];
canifera, caniferae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
woman carrying basket;
caniformis, caniformis, caniforme ADJ [DXXFS]
dog-shaped, in dog form/shape; (Anubis);
canina, caninae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
dog flesh/meat; [canis caninam non est => dog does not eat dog/is not dog meat];
caninus, canina, caninum ADJ [XAXBO]
of/pertaining/suitable to/resembling a dog, canine; abusive, mean, snarling;
canipa, canipae N (1st) F [DEXFS]
fruit basket for religious uses;
canis, canis N (3rd) C [XAXAO]
dog; hound; subordinate; "jackal"; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clamp;
canistellum, canistelli N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
basket (bread/fruit);
canistraria, canistrariae N (1st) F [XEXIO]
basket bearer (in religious festivals);
canistrum, canistri N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
wicker basket (used for food/flowers and in sacrifices);
canitia, canitiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
white/gray coloring/deposit; gray/white hair, grayness of hair; old age;
canities, canitiei N (5th) F [XXXCO]
white/gray coloring/deposit; gray/white hair, grayness of hair; old age;
canitudo, canitudinis N (3rd) F [XBXEO]
grayness of hair;
canna, cannae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
small reed/cane; panpipe/flute; small vessel/gondola; windpipe; cane-sugar;
cannaba, cannabae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval);
cannaba, cannabae N (1st) F [DXXES]
hut; hovel;
cannabinus, cannabina, cannabinum ADJ [XAXEO]
made of hemp, hempen, hemp-;
cannabis, cannabis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval);
cannabius, cannabia, cannabium ADJ [XAXES]
made of hemp, hempen, hemp-;
cannabum, cannabi N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval);
cannabus, cannabi N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval);
cannetum, canneti N (2nd) N [DAXES]
thicket of reeds;
canneus, cannea, canneum ADJ [XAXFS]
made of reeds, reed-;
cannibalismus, cannibalismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
canno, cannonis N (3rd) M [GWXEK]
cannon (artillery piece);
cannophorus, cannophori N (2nd) M [XEXIO]
reed-bearer in rites of Magna Mater;
cannula, cannulae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
reed; small/little/low reed; windpipe (L+S);
cannulono, cannulonis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
cano, canere, cani, canitus V (3rd) [EXXFS]
sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play (music)/sound (horn); foretell;
cano, canere, cecini, cantus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play (music)/sound (horn); foretell;
canon, canonis N (3rd) M [EEXCE]
canon, ecclesiastical title; member of canonry/cathedral chapter, Augustinian;
canon, canonis N (3rd) M [EEXDX]
canon/norm/rule; part of Mass; catalog/list; model; [~ Santorum => Saints list];
canon, canonis N (3rd) M [EEXCS]
catalog of sacred writings admitted by rule, the_Canon; cannon/guns (pl.);
canon, canonis N (3rd) M [XXXES]
sounding-board/channel of water organ; model/standard; measuring line, rule;
canon, canonos/is N M [XXXEO]
sounding-board/channel of water organ; model/standard; measuring line, rule;
canonia, canoniae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
canon's prebend/stipend;
canonicalis, canonicalis, canonicale ADJ [FEXCE]
canonical/by canons/legal/lawful/right; of a canon;
canonicarius, canonicari(i) N (2nd) M [DLXFS]
collector of annual tribute;
canonicatus, canonicatus N (4th) M [EEXEE]
office of canon;
canonice ADV [DEXES]
canonically, according to Church discipline; regularly;
canonicum, canonici N (2nd) N [XSXNO]
theory (pl.); canon;
canonicus, canonica, canonicum ADJ [FEXET]
regular (monastery); secular (cathedral); by math divisions of monochord (OLD);
canonical/by canons/legal/lawful/right; of a canon;
canonicus, canonici N (2nd) M [EEXDS]
canon; member of cathedral canonry; clergyman; prebendary; Augustinian;
mathematician/theorist; one who constructs mathematical/astronomical tables;
canonisatio, canonisationis N (3rd) F [FEXEE]
canonization; elevation to sainthood;
canonissa, canonissae N (1st) F [EEXEE]
canonista, canonistae N (1st) M [FEXFE]
canonist, one learned in Canon Law;
canonizatio, canonizationis N (3rd) F [FEXEE]
canonization; elevation to sainthood;
canonizo, canonizare, canonizavi, canonizatus V (1st) TRANS [EEXDS]
canonize, elevate to sainthood; include in canon of Scripture; reduce to rules;
canor, canoris N (3rd) M [XDXCO]
song, vocal music; tune, melody; birdsong; music of instruments; poetic strain;
canore ADV [XXXFO]
melodiously; harmoniously; tunefully;
canorum, canori N (2nd) N [XGXES]
melody, charm (in speaking);
canorus, canora, canorum ADJ [XXXBO]
melodious, harmonious; resonant, ringing, sonorous; tuneful; songful, vocal;
cantabilis, cantabilis, cantabile ADJ [XDXES]
worthy to be sung;
cantabrarius, cantabrarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
standard-bearer on festive occasions;
Cantabrigia, Cantabrigiae N (1st) F [GXBET]
cantabrum, cantabri N (2nd) N [XXXES]
kind of banner/standard under emperors; kind of bran;
cantabundus, cantabunda, cantabundum ADJ [XDXEO]
singing; chanting;
cantamen, cantaminis N (3rd) N [XEXEO]
spell that is sung/chanted; magic sentence; spell, charm, incantation;
cantatio, cantationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
singing; song, music; spell, charm, incantation (L+S);
cantator, cantatoris N (3rd) M [XDXEO]
singer; musician; minstrel;
cantatorium, cantatorii N (2nd) N [EEXFE]
Gradual Book (old name);
cantatrix, (gen.), cantatricis ADJ [XXXFO]
that uses incantations/enchantments (feminine adjective); singing, musical;
cantatrix, cantatricis N (3rd) F [DDXFS]
singer, musician (female);
cantenatus, cantenata, cantenatum ADJ [XXXCO]
chained, fettered;
canteriatus, canteriata, canteriatum ADJ [XAXFO]
supported on a canterius (light pi-shaped prop/"horse" for vines); propped;
canterinus, canterina, canterinum ADJ [XAXEO]
of/belonging to a horse, horse-; like a horse; variety of barley (winter L+S);
canteriolus, canterioli N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
small vine-supporting prop/"horse";
canterius, canteri(i) N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
poor-quality horse, hack, nag, gelding; rafter; pi-shaped vine prop/"horse";
cantharella, cantharellae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
cantharias, canthariae N M [XXXNO]
precious stone; (having in it a figure of a Spanish fly L+S);
cantharis, cantharidis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
blister-beetle (Cantharis vesicatoria); Spanish fly (medicine/poison); a worm;
cantharites, cantharitae N M [XXXNO]
wine from vine cantharites; kind of vine (L+S);
cantharulus, cantharuli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
small drinking vessel with handles;
cantharus, canthari N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
large drinking vessel with handles; bowl/basin of fountain; Black Sea bream;
vessel of holy water; water pipe;
cantheriatus, cantheriata, cantheriatum ADJ [XAXFO]
supported on a canterius (light pi-shaped prop/"horse" for vines); propped;
cantherinus, cantherina, cantherinum ADJ [XAXEO]
of/belonging to a horse, horse-; like a horse; variety of barley (winter L+S);
cantheriolus, cantherioli N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
small vine-supporting prop/"horse";
cantherius, cantheri(i) N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
poor-quality horse, hack, nag, gelding; rafter; pi-shaped vine prop/"horse";
canthus, canthi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
tire, iron ring around a carriage wheel; wheel;
canticulum, canticuli N (2nd) N [XDXFO]
song; little/brief/short song; sonnet (L+S); short incantation;
canticum, cantici N (2nd) N [XDXCO]
song; passage in a comedy chanted or sung; sing-song voice;
canticus, cantica, canticum ADJ [DDXFS]
cantilena, cantilenae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
oft repeated saying; refrain; ditty/little song; silly prattle (L+S); lampoon;
cantilenosus, cantilenosa, cantilenosum ADJ [DDXFS]
pertaining to song; poetic;
cantillo, cantillare, cantillavi, cantillatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
sing low; hum; warble, chirp (Ecc);
cantilo, cantilare, cantilavi, cantilatus V (1st) [XDXEO]
cantio, cantionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
song; singing (birds); playing, music (instrumental); incantation, spell;
cantito, cantitare, cantitavi, cantitatus V (1st) [XXXDO]
sing; sing repeatedly, sing over and over; sing/play often (L+S);
cantiuncula, cantiunculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
(mere) song; flattering/alluring strain (L+S);
canto, cantare, cantavi, cantatus V (1st) [XDXAO]
sing; play (roles/music); recite; praise, celebrate; forewarn; enchant, bewitch;
canto, cantonis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
cantor, cantoris N (3rd) M [XDXCO]
singer, poet; actor (of musical parts in play); precentor; cantor; eulogist;
cantreda, cantredae N (1st) F [FLXFM]
cantred; land division; district containing a hundred townships (OED);
cantrix, cantricis N (3rd) F [XDXEO]
singer (female), songstress;
Cantuaria, Cantuariae N (1st) F [GXBET]
cantulus, cantuli N (2nd) M [DDXFS]
little song;
canturio, canturire, canturivi, canturitus V (4th) [XXXEO]
recite with musical intonation; sing continuously (birds); chirp;
cantus, canti N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
tire, iron ring around a carriage wheel; wheel;
cantus, cantus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
song, chant; singing; cry (bird); blast (trumpet); poem, poetry; incantation;
canua, canuae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
canum, cani N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
wicker basket (used for food/flowers and in sacrifices);
canus, cana, canum ADJ [XXXBO]
white, gray; aged, old, wise; hoary; foamy, white-capped; white w/snow/frost;
canus, cani N (2nd) M [XBXCO]
gray hairs (pl.); old age;
canusina, canusinae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
garment of made of Canusian wool; (Canusium/Canosa town in Apulia);
canusinatus, canusinata, canusinatum ADJ [XXXFO]
dressed in garments of Canusian wool;
canutus, canuta, canutum ADJ [XXXFO]
capa, capae N (1st) F [FXXDB]
cape, cloak; cassock, cope, mantle;
capabilis, capabilis, capabile ADJ [DEXES]
comprehensible; intelligent;
capacitas, capacitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
capacity, largeness; ability (mental/legal/to inherit); power of comprehension;
capaciter ADV [DLXFS]
rightfully to inherit;
capax, capacis (gen.), capacior -or -us, capacissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
large, spacious, roomy, big; capable, fit, competent; has right to inherit;
capedo, capedinis N (3rd) F [XEXEC]
bowl used in sacrifices;
capedulum, capeduli N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
kind of covering for head;
capeduncula, capedunculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small pot/vessel/bowl/dish; (used for sacrifices L+S);
capella, capellae N (1st) F [FEXDE]
chapel; choir; [a capella => unaccompanied (song); ~ magister => choirmaster];
capella, capellae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
she-goat; meteor type; star in constellation Auriga (rising in rainy season);
dirty fellow, old goat; man with a goat-like beard; body odor;
capellania, capellaniae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
capellanus, capellani N (2nd) M [FEXDE]
capellianus, capelliana, capellianum ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to goats; eaten by goats;
capellus, capelli N (2nd) M [FXXFE]
capellus, capelli N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
small goat; kid;
caper, capri N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
he-goat, billy-goat; goatish/armpit smell; star in Auriga (L+S); grunting fish;
caperatus, caperata, caperatum ADJ [XXXEO]
capero, caperonis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
caperratus, caperrata, caperratum ADJ [XXXEO]
wrinkled; furled (sails);
caperro, caperrare, caperravi, caperratus V (1st) [XXXFO]
be/become wrinkled; wrinkle (L+S); furl (sails);
capesco, capescere, capescivi, capescitus V (3rd) TRANS [FXXAM]
grasp, take; undertake, manage; pursue with zeal; carry out orders; (=capesso);
capesso, capessere, capessivi, capessitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders;
capetum, capeti N (2nd) N [DAXES]
fodder for cattle;
caph, undeclined N N [DEQEW]
kaf; (11th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K and CH);
caphisterium, caphisterii N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
vessel used for cleaning/separating seed-grain from the rest;
capidulum, capiduli N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
kind of covering for head;
capillaceus, capillacea, capillaceum ADJ [XXXNO]
resembling/similar to hair; like hair; made of hair (L+S);
capillamentum, capillamenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
head of hair; toupee/wig; hair-like fiber; thread of metal; streak/flaw in gem;
capillare, capillaris N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
ointment/unguent for hair; pomade;
capillaris, capillaris, capillare ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to hair; capillary (Cal); [~ herba => plant Capillus Veneris];
capillatio, capillationis N (3rd) F [DBXES]
hair; disease of urinary organs;
capillatura, capillaturae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
hair-like flawing in a gem; hair (L+S); false hair;
capillatus, capillata, capillatum ADJ [XXXCO]
having long hair (older generation/foreign peoples/boys); hairy; hair-like;
capillatus, capillati N (2nd) M [XXXES]
long hairs (pl.); young aristocrats;
capillitium, capillitii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
head of hair;
capillosus, capillosa, capillosum ADJ [DXXFS]
full of hair; very hairy;
capillulus, capilluli N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
fine/soft hair;
capillus, capilli N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
hair; hair of head; single hair; hair/fur/wool of animals; hair-like fiber;
capio, capere, additional, forms V TRANS [XXXAO]
take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate;
capio, capere, cepi, captus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate;
capio, capionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
taking/seizing; [usus ~ => getting ownership by continued possession];
capis, capidis N (3rd) F [XEXEO]
cup/bowl with handle used mainly for ritual purposes;
capis, capidos/is N F [XEXEO]
cup/bowl with handle used mainly for ritual purposes;
capisso, capissere, capissivi, capissitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders;
capisterium, capisterii N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
vessel used for cleaning/separating seed-grain from the rest;
capistrarius, capistrarii N (2nd) M [XAXIO]
capistro, capistrare, capistravi, capistratus V (1st) TRANS [XAXEO]
provide with a halter, put a halter on a horse; fasten with a headstall; bind;
capistrum, capistri N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
halter/headstall/harness, muzzle; matrimonial halter (L+S); band for vines;
capitagium, capitagii N (2nd) N [FLXEM]
poll tax; head-penny;
capital, capitalis N (3rd) N [XLXCO]
capital crime/punishment (loss of life or civil rights); priestess headband;
capitale, capitalis N (3rd) N [GXXEK]
capital (economics);
capitale, capitalis N (3rd) N [XLXCO]
capital crime/punishment (loss of life or civil rights); priestess headband;
capitalis, capitale, capitalior -or -us, capitalissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
of/belonging to head/life; deadly, mortal; dangerous; excellent, first-rate;
capitalismus, capitalismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
capitalista, capitalistae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
capitalisticus, capitalistica, capitalisticum ADJ [GXXEK]
capitaliter ADV [XXXFO]
with bitter/lethal hostility;
capitaneatus, capitaneati N (2nd) M [GXXFM]
capitaneus, capitanea, capitaneum ADJ [DXXES]
large, chief in size; capital (letters);
capitaneus, capitanei N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
capitarius, capitaria, capitarium ADJ [XLXFO]
levied per head, per capita; poll-;
capitatio, capitationis N (3rd) F [XLXES]
poll tax, tax levied per head/capita; outlay for beasts used in public service;
capitatus, capitata, capitatum ADJ [XXXCO]
having or forming a head;
capitellum, capitelli N (2nd) N [DXXES]
small head; capital/chapiter of a column;
capitilavium, capitilavii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
washing of head; [Dominica ~ => Palm Sunday];
capitium, capitii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
kind of tunic worn by women;
covering for head; opening in tunic for head; undervest; priest's vestment;
capito, (gen.), capitonis ADJ [XXXCO]
big-headed, having a large head (masculine adj.); (cognommen); kind of mullet;
Capitolinus, Capitolina, Capitolinum ADJ [XXICO]
Capitoline; (one of 7 hills of Rome); of the Capitol; (temple of ~ Jupiter);
Capitolium, Capitolii N (2nd) N [XXICO]
Capitol; Capitoline Hill in Rome;
capitolium, capitolii N (2nd) N [FEXDM]
religious/cathedral chapter, chapter meeting/house; right of cofraternity;
capitulare, capitularis N (3rd) N [XLXIS]
head/poll-tax or levy;
capitularis, capitularis, capitulare ADJ [XLXIO]
relating to head/poll-tax or levy;
capitularium, capitularii N (2nd) N [XLXIO]
head/poll-tax or levy;
capitularius, capitularia, capitularium ADJ [DWXES]
relating to recruiting of soldiers;
capitularius, capitularii N (2nd) M [DLXES]
tax gathers (pl.), revenue officers; recruiting officers;
capitulatim ADV [XXXEO]
by headings; summarily;
capitulatus, capitulata, capitulatum ADJ [XXXEO]
having (small) head or terminal knob;
capitulum, capituli N (2nd) N [EEXBE]
chapter/article (in book); religious/cathedral chapter, chapter meeting/house;
little head; piles/hemorrhoids; flower-head/seed-capsule; head of a structure;
capitum, capiti N (2nd) N [DAXES]
fodder for cattle;
capnias, capniae N M [XXXNO]
smoky specimen/variety of some precious stone; smoky topaz (L+S); kind of wine;
capnion, capnii N N [XAXNS]
plant, funitory, pes gallinaceus; (Fumaria officinalis/Corydaltis digitalia);
capnios, capnii N F [XAXNS]
kind of wine from grapes of smoky appearance;
capnios, capnios, capnion ADJ [XAXNO]
(vine) with grapes of smoky appearance;
capnites, capnitae N M [XXXNS]
smoky specimen/variety of some precious stone; smoky topaz (L+S); kind of wine;
capnitis, capnitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
substance deposited by copper furnace smoke, ZnO/tutty; smoky precious stone;
capnos, capni N F [XAXNO]
plant, funitory, pes gallinaceus; (Fumaria officinalis/Corydaltis digitalia);
capo, caponis N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
capon; young cockerel?;
cappa, cappae N (1st) F [FXXDB]
cape, cloak, cassock, cope.
cappara, capparae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called portulacca);
cappari, undeclined N N [XAXFO]
caper plant (Capparis spinosa); fruit of caper plant, caper;
capparis, capparis N (3rd) F [FXXEK]
capparis, capparos/is N F [XAXCO]
caper plant (Capparis spinosa); fruit of caper plant, caper;
cappas, cappados/is N F [DAXFS]
sea horse;
cappella, cappellae N (1st) F [FEXDE]
chapel; choir; [a capella => unaccompanied (song); ~ magister => choirmaster];
cappellania, cappellaniae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
cappellanus, cappellani N (2nd) M [FEXDE]
capra, caprae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
she-goat, nanny-goat; [Caprae palus => on Campus Martius/Circus Flaminus site];
capragenus, capragena, capragenum ADJ [DAXFS]
of flesh of wild goats;
caprago, capraginis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called cicer columbinum);
caprale, capralis N (3rd) N [XAXFO]
field/marsh/swamp fit only for goats;
caprarius, caprari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
caprarius, capraria, caprarium ADJ [XAXES]
of/pertaining to goat;
caprea, capreae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
roe deer; wild she-goat (L+S);
capreaginus, capreagina, capreaginum ADJ [XAXFS]
resembling a roe-deer (mottled);
capreida, capreidae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
diuretic? plant;
capreola, capreolae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
young roe doe;
capreolatim ADV [XXXFO]
like twisted tendrils; in a winding/twisting manner;
capreolus, capreoli N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
young roe-deer; wild goat/chamois; rafter, support; vine tendril; weeding fork;
capricornus, capricorni N (2nd) M [XXXEC]
Capricorn, a sign of Zodiac;
caprificatio, caprificationis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
caprification, by which gall insects emerge to fertilize/puncture wild fig;
caprifico, caprificare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [XAXNO]
caprificate, fertilize by caprification (insects/hand puncturing wild fig);
caprificus, caprifici N (2nd) F [XAXCO]
wild fig tree; fruit of wild fig tree, wild fig;
caprificus, caprificus N (4th) F [XAXCO]
wild fig tree; fruit of wild fig tree, wild fig;
caprigena, caprigenae N (1st) F [XAXES]
goats (pl.);
caprigenus, caprigena, caprigenum ADJ [XAXEO]
of/consisting of/sprung from goats, goat-;
caprigenus, caprigeni N (2nd) M [XAXES]
goats (pl.);
caprile, caprilis N (3rd) N [XAXEO]
goat pen/stall;
caprilis, caprilis, caprile ADJ [XAXFO]
of/belonging to goats;
caprimulgus, caprimulgi N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
country bumpkin, goat-milker; nightjar/goatsucker (bird Caprimulgus europaeus);
caprina, caprinae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
goat flesh/meat;
caprinarius, caprinarii N (2nd) M [XEXIO]
devotee of Pan;
caprinus, caprina, caprinum ADJ [XAXCO]
of/belonging to/consisting of/resembling goats; [lactuca ~a => kind of spurge];
capriolus, caprioli N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
young roe-deer; wild goat/chamois; rafter, support; vine tendril; weeding fork;
capripes, (gen.), capripedis ADJ [XXXFO]
goat-footed; (epithet for rural deities);
caprona, capronae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
forelocks (pl.); (hair hanging down on forehead of men/animals);
capronea, caproneae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
forelocks (pl.); (hair hanging down on forehead of men/animals);
caprugenus, caprugena, caprugenum ADJ [DAXFS]
of flesh of wild goats;
capruginus, caprugina, capruginum ADJ [XAXFO]
of roe-deer;
caprunculum, caprunculi N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
earthenware vessel;
capsa, capsae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
cylindrical case (for books), bookcase; receptacle for things, box, satchel;
capsarius, capsari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
slave toting boy's bookcase/satchel; who minded clothes at bath; satchelmaker;
capsella, capsellae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
small box/casket; coffer;
capsicum, capsici N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
paprika, pepper;
capso, capsere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [BXXAO]
seize (only PRES form which is FUT); take bribe; capture; occupy; captivate;
capsula, capsulae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
small box for books; chest, casket;
capsum, capsi N (2nd) N [GEXEK]
church nave;
capsus, capsi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
coach/carriage/wagon body; cage/pen for animals;
captatio, captationis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
action of straining after; legacy-hunting; feint to attract stroke (fencing);
captator, captatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
legacy hunter; one who strives to obtain/eagerly reaches for/grasps at/courts;
captatorius, captatoria, captatorium ADJ [XLXEO]
of/concerning legacy-hunting/hunters; [~as institutiones => mutual heirs];
captatrix, (gen.), captatricis ADJ [XXXFO]
straining after, striving to obtain; (feminine adjective);
captatrix, captatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
she who strives to obtain/eagerly reaches for/grasps at/courts;
captensula, captensulae N (1st) F [DGXFS]
fallacious argument; sophism;
captibilis, captibilis, captibile ADJ [DXXFS]
that can take;
captio, captionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
deception/trick/fraud; disadvantage, loss; a sophistry/quibble; right to take;
captiose ADV [XXXEO]
in a manner to score over a person/take him in/deceive him; insidiously;
captiosum, captiosi N (2nd) N [DGXFS]
sophisms (pl.);
captiosus, captiosa -um, captiosior -or -us, captiosissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
harmful, disadvantageous; captious, intended to ensnare (arguments), deceptive;
captito, captitare, captitavi, captitatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
snatch at; strive eagerly after;
captiuncula, captiunculae N (1st) F [XGXFS]
quirk; sophism, fallacy;
captiva, captivae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
prisoner (female), captive;
captivatio, captivationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
subjugation; enslavement;
captivator, captivatoris N (3rd) M [DWXFS]
captor, one who takes captive;
captivitas, captivitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
captivity/bondage; capture/act of being captured; blindness; captives (Plater);
captivncula, captivnculae N (1st) F [XLXEO]
legal quirk or snare;
captivo, captivare, captivavi, captivatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
take captive;
captivus, captiva, captivum ADJ [XWXBO]
caught, taken captive; captured (in war), imprisoned; conquered; of captives;
captivus, captivi N (2nd) C [XWXCO]
prisoner of war (likely male, but maybe female), captive;
capto, captare, captavi, captatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
try/long/aim for, desire; entice; hunt legacy; try to catch/grasp/seize/reach;
captor, captoris N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
hunter, huntsman, he who catches animals/game;
captrix, captricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
huntress; she who takes/catches; she who despoils;
captum, capti N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
catch; (e.g. fish);
captura, capturae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
taking/catching wild game; bag, total game caught; gain, take; making profits;
captus, capta, captum ADJ [XXXCO]
captured, captive;
captus, captus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
capacity/ability/potentiality; comprehension; action/result of taking/grasping;
Capua, Capuae N (1st) F [XXXCS]
Capua; chief city of Campania;
Capuccinus, Capuccini N (2nd) M [GEXDE]
Capuchin; (of order of St Francis new rule of 1528, from capuche/pointed hood);
capucium, capucii N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
hood; headland of field;
capudo, capudinis N (3rd) F [XEXFO]
primitive sacrificial vessel;
capula, capulae N (1st) F [XEXFO]
small sacrificial bowl/cup; (with handles L+S);
capularis, capularis, capulare ADJ [XXXEO]
ready for bier, having one foot in grave; of/near grave/bier;
capulatio, capulationis N (3rd) F [FXXEM]
mutilation; decapitation;
capulator, capulatoris N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
man who draws from oil press; decanter, who pours from vessel to other (L+S);
capulatus, capulata, capulatum ADJ [FXXEE]
capulo, capulare, capulavi, capulatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXNO]
draw off oil from oil press; attach/halter (cattle); catch (animals);
capulum, capuli N (2nd) N [XXXCS]
sword-hilt/handle; handle of other implements; bier, coffin;
sepulcher, tomb, scacophagus; halter for catching/fastening cattle, lasso;
capulus, capuli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
sword-hilt/handle; handle of other implements; bier, coffin;
sepulcher, tomb, scacophagus; halter for catching/fastening cattle, lasso;
capus, capi N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
capon; young cockerel?;
caput, capitis N (3rd) N [XXXAO]
head; person; life; leader; top; source/mouth (river); capital (punishment);
heading; chapter, principal division; [~ super pedibus => head over heels];
caputalis, caputale, caputalior -or -us, caputalissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
of/belonging to head/life; deadly, mortal; dangerous; excellent, first-rate;
caputium, caputii N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
carabus, carabi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
crustacean, crayfish; sea crab (L+S); small wicker boat covered in rawhide;
carabus, carabi N (2nd) M [GAXEK]
scarabe; coleopteron, beetle; (Cal);
caracalla, caracallae N (1st) F [DXFCS]
long tunic/great-coat worn by Gauls; (name for Emperor Antonius Caracalla);
caracallis, caracallis N (3rd) F [DXFCS]
long tunic/great-coat worn by Gauls;
caracter, caracteris N (3rd) M [EXXEW]
branded/impressed letter/mark/etc; marking instrument; stamp, character, style;
caragogos, caragogi N F [DAXFS]
medicinal plant;
caravanna, caravannae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
caravan (group of travelers);
carbas, carbae N M [XSXEO]
easterly wind; east-northeast wind (L+S);
carbaseus, carbasea, carbaseum ADJ [XXXDO]
made of linen/flax;
carbasineus, carbasinea, carbasineum ADJ [XXXEO]
made of linen/flax;
carbasinum, carbasini N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
clothes (pl.) made of linen/flax;
carbasinus, carbasina, carbasinum ADJ [XXXEO]
made of linen/flax; green (Ecc);
carbasum, carbasi N (2nd) N [XAXES]
plant with narcotic juice;
carbasus, carbasa, carbasum ADJ [XXXEO]
made of linen/flax;
carbasus, carbasi N (2nd) F [XXXCO]
linen (cloth); fine linen, cambric; canvas; sail; linen garment/clothes; awning;
carbatina, carbatinae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
kind of rustic leather shoe;
carbatinus, carbatina, carbatinum ADJ [XAXFX]
made of hide;
carbo, carbonis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
charcoal; glowing coal; pencil/marker; worthless thing; charred remains; coal;
carboarius, carboarii N (2nd) M [FXXEE]
collier, supplier of coal/charcoal; charcoal burner/supplier;
carbonaria, carbonariae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
furnace/chimney/oven for making charcoal (by burning wood/etc.);
carbonarius, carbonari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
charcoal-burner, collier;
carbonarius, carbonaria, carbonarium ADJ [DAXFS]
of/relating to charcoal;
carbonesco, carbonescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DAXFS]
become charcoal;
carboneum, carbonei N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
carbon (element);
carbonicus, carbonica, carbonicum ADJ [GXXEK]
carbunculatio, carbunculationis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
affliction with a form of vine blight; disease of trees (L+S);
carbunculo, carbunculare, carbunculavi, carbunculatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXNO]
be afflicted with a form of vine blight;
carbunculor, carbunculari, carbunculatus sum V (1st) DEP [XAXNS]
be afflicted with a form of vine blight;
carbunculosus, carbunculosa, carbunculosum ADJ [XXXFO]
containing tophus (variety of sandstone); containing red toph-stone (L+S);
carbunculus, carbunculi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
live coal; red tophus; precious stone; vine blight; carbuncle/tumor/anthrax;
carbunica, carbunicae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
variety of vine;
carcedonius, carcedonii N (2nd) M [EXXFW]
chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19);
carcer, carceris N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
prison, jail; jailbird; starting barriers at race-course, traps; beginning;
carceralis, carceralis, carcerale ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to/connected with prison/jail;
carcerarius, carceraria, carcerarium ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to/connected with prison/jail;
carcerarius, carcerarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
prison keeper, jailer;
carcereus, carcerea, carcereum ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to/connected with prison;
carcharus, carchari N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
fish (kind of); kind of dog fish (L+S);
Carchedonius, Carchedonia, Carchedonium ADJ [XXAFE]
carchesium, carchesi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
type of drinking-cup/beaker; mast-head of ship; kind of derrick, crane;
carcinethron, carcinethri N N [XAXNS]
plant, knotgrass; (pure Latin geniculata; also called polygonon);
carcinias, carciniae N M [XXXNO]
crab-colored precious stone;
carcinodes, carcinodes, carcinodes ADJ [XBXEO]
cancerous, polypous;
carcinodes, carcinodis N (3rd) N [XBXNS]
cancerous disease; cancer;
carcinogenesis, carcinogenesis N (3rd) F [HBXEK]
carcinoma, carcinomatis N (3rd) N [XBXDO]
ulcer or tumor (malignant?); (term of reproach by Augustus for Julia/Agrippa);
carcinothron, carcinothri N N [XAXNO]
plant, knotgrass; (pure Latin geniculata; also called polygonon);
cardamina, cardaminae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
cress-like plant;
cardamomum, cardamomi N (2nd) N [XAXDO]
cardamom (Elettaris cardamomum); its seeds (used in medicine/spice);
cardamum, cardami N (2nd) N [DAXFO]
cress-like plant; (pure Latin nasturtium);
cardelis, cardelis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
goldfinch (Fringilla carduelis); thistle-finch (L+S);
cardiacus, cardiaca, cardiacum ADJ [XBXCO]
of heart or stomach; suffering in stomach;
cardiacus, cardiaci N (2nd) M [XBXEO]
person suffering from heartburn or stomach distress;
cardimoma, cardimomae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
pain in stomach, stomach ache;
cardinalas, cardinalatis N (3rd) F [FEXFM]
cardinalate, office/position/dignity/rank of Cardinal in Catholic Church;
cardinalatus, cardinalatus N (4th) M [FEXEE]
cardinalate, office/position/dignity/rank of Cardinal in Catholic Church;
cardinalicius, cardinalicia, cardinalicium ADJ [GEXEM]
cardinal's; of a cardinal;
cardinalis, cardinalis N (3rd) M [FEXDB]
cardinal, prince of Catholic Church; (elector of Popes); chief, principle;
cardinalis, cardinalis, cardinale ADJ [XTXFO]
cardinal/principle/chief; that serves as pivot/on which something turns/depends;
cardinaliter ADV [DXXFS]
chiefly, principally; especially;
cardinalitius, cardinalitia, cardinalitium ADJ [FEXFE]
of/pertaining to cardinalate/cardinalship/position of Catholic Cardinal;
cardinatus, cardinata, cardinatum ADJ [XTXFO]
mortised; hinged to;
cardineus, cardinea, cardineum ADJ [XTXFO]
of/by hinges; of/pertaining to door-hinge; E:of a cardinal (Latham);
cardiogramma, cardiogrammatis N (3rd) N [HBXEK]
cardiogram; electrocardiogram;
cardiographia, cardiographiae N (1st) F [HBXEK]
cardiography; electrocardiography;
cardiographium, cardiographii N (2nd) N [HBXEK]
cardiograph; electrocardiograph;
cardiologia, cardiologiae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
cardiologus, cardiologi N (2nd) M [GBXEK]
cardo, cardinis N (3rd) M [XXXAO]
hinge; pole, axis; chief point/circumstance; crisis; tenon/mortise; area; limit;
carduelis, carduelis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
goldfinch (Fringilla carduelis); thistle-finch (L+S);
carduetus, cardueti N (2nd) M [XAXFS]
thicket of thistle; sedgebrush, rushes (Ecc);
carduus, cardui N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
thistle; prickly bur/seed-vessel; cardoon (artichoke-like vegetable);
care ADV [XXXFS]
dearly; at a high price;
care, carius, carissime ADV [XXXCO]
dear, at high price; of high value; at great cost/sacrifice;
carectum, carecti N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
bed/plot of sedges/rushes;
carena, carenae N (1st) F [EEXFE]
fast of forty days;
carenaria, carenariae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
vessel for making carenum (sweet wine boiled down one third);
carentia, carentiae N (1st) F [EXXEE]
lack; shortage; penury (Cal);
carenum, careni N (2nd) N [DAXES]
sweet wine boiled down one third;
careo, carere, carui, caritus V (2nd) [XXXAO]
be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose;
careor, careri, caritus sum V (2nd) DEP [BXXAS]
be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose;
careota, careotae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia);
caresco, carescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
want, be without;
careum, carei N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
carex, caricis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
reed-grass; sedges; rushes;
carfiathum, carfiathi N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
(superior) kind of incense; excellent kind of white frankincense;
carians, (gen.), cariantis ADJ [DXXFS]
decayed, rotten; defective;
carica, caricae N (1st) F [XAQCO]
kind of fig; (Caria a country in south-west Asia Minor);
caries, cariei N (5th) F [XXXBO]
rot, rottenness, corruption, decay; caries; shriveling up; dry rot; ship worm;
carina, carinae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
keel, bottom of ship, hull; boat, ship, vessel; voyage; half walnut shell;
carinarius, carinarii N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
one who dyes? brown;
carinatus, carinata, carinatum ADJ [XXXNS]
shell-formed/shaped; like a keel/hull;
carino, carinare, carinavi, carinatus V (1st) INTRANS [BXXEO]
curse, abuse, revile, blame; use abusive language;
carino, carinare, carinavi, carinatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXNO]
turn into/shape like a ship/hull; supply with/get/grow a shell;
carinor, carinari, - V (1st) DEP [BXXEO]
curse, abuse, revile, blame; use abusive language;
carinus, carina, carinum ADJ [XXXFO]
nut-brown (fashionable color in women's dress);
cariosus, cariosa, cariosum ADJ [XXXCO]
rotten, decayed (wood/teeth); crumbly; friable, loose, porous; decayed (old);
cariota, cariotae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia);
caris, caridis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
kind of crustacean; shrimp/prawn?; sea-crab (L+S);
carisa, carisae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
artful woman;
carissus, carissa, carissum ADJ [XXXFO]
artful, sly, cunning, crafty;
caristium, caristii N (2nd) N [XXXES]
annual family banquet 3 days after Parentalia (20 Feb.) where feuds settled;
carisus, carisa, carisum ADJ [XXXFS]
artful, sly, cunning, crafty;
caritas, caritatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
charity; love, affection, esteem, favor; dearness; high price;
caritativus, caritativa, caritativum ADJ [EEXEE]
caritores, caritoris N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
Carmelitus, Carmeliti N (2nd) C [EEXEE]
Carmelite, White Friar;
Carmelus, Carmeli N (2nd) M [EEQET]
Carmel; (area/mountain range in north-west Palestine); beautiful hill (Isaiah);
carmen, carminis N (3rd) N [XAXFS]
card for wool/flax;
carmen, carminis N (3rd) N [XDXAO]
song/music; poem/play; charm; prayer, incantation, ritual/magic formula; oracle;
carminabundus, carminabunda, carminabundum ADJ [XPXFS]
versifying; making/composing verse/poetry;
carminatio, carminationis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
combing/carding (wool/flax/etc.);
carminator, carminatoris N (3rd) M [XAXIO]
carder (of wool/flax/etc.);
carmino, carminare, carminavi, carminatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXEO]
card (wool, etc.); produce by carding;
make verses;
carnale, carnalis N (3rd) N [DEXCS]
carnal/sensual/worldly things; things of the_flesh;
carnalis, carnalis, carnale ADJ [DEXCS]
carnal, fleshy, bodily, sensual; of the_flesh; not spiritual, worldly;
carnalitas, carnalitatis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
carnality, sensuality, fleshiness;
carnaliter ADV [DEXCS]
carnally, sensually; not spiritually;
carnarium, carnari(i) N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
meat rack (for smoking/drying); larder/pantry (L+S);
carnarius, carnari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
dealer in meat; butcher;
carnarius, carnaria, carnarium ADJ [DEXFS]
of/pertaining to/belonging to flesh;
carnatio, carnationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
fleshiness, bulk, corpulence, heaviness;
carnatus, carnata, carnatum ADJ [DBXFS]
fleshy, fat, corpulent;
carnelevarium, carnelevarii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
carnero, carneronis N (3rd) M [FAXEN]
steer, cow;
carneus, carnea, carneum ADJ [DEXES]
of the_flesh, carnal; not spiritual;
carnicis, carnicis N (3rd) C [XAXFO]
fodder plant, tree-medick (Medicago arborea); its wood; scrubby snail-clover;
carnicula, carniculae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
carnifex, (gen.), carnificis ADJ [XXXEO]
tormenting, torturing; murderous, killing; deadly;
carnifex, carnificis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
executioner, hangman; murderer, butcher, torturer; scoundrel, villain;
carnificina, carnificinae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
work/act/office of executioner/torturer; torture/execution; capital punishment;
carnificius, carnificia, carnificium ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to an executioner/hangman/torturer;
carnifico, carnificare, carnificavi, carnificatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle;
carnificor, carnificari, - V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle;
carnificus, carnifica, carnificum ADJ [XXXFO]
carniger, carnigera, carnigerum ADJ [DEXFS]
bearing flesh;
carnis, carnis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
meat/flesh; the_body; pulp/flesh of plants, sapwood; soft part; low passions;
carnivorus, carnivora, carnivorum ADJ [XXXNO]
carnivorous, flesh-eating;
carnosus, carnosa -um, carnosior -or -us, carnosissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
fleshy; characterized by flesh; consisting of meat; fleshy in color/appearance;
carnufex, (gen.), carnuficis ADJ [XXXEO]
tormenting, torturing; murderous, killing; deadly;
carnufex, carnuficis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
executioner, hangman; murderer, butcher, torturer; scoundrel, villain;
carnuficina, carnuficinae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
work/act/office of executioner/torturer; torture/execution; capital punishment;
carnuficius, carnuficia, carnuficium ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to an executioner/hangman/torturer;
carnufico, carnuficare, carnuficavi, carnuficatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle;
carnuficor, carnuficari, - V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle;
carnuficus, carnufica, carnuficum ADJ [XXXFO]
carnulentus, carnulenta, carnulentum ADJ [DXXES]
like flesh;
Carnutes, Carnutis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
Carnutes, tribe of central Gaul, around Loire - Caesar;
caro ADV [XXXFO]
dearly; dear, at a high price;
caro, carere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XAXEO]
card/comb (wool/flax/etc.);
caro, carnis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
meat, flesh; the_body; pulpy/fleshy/soft parts (plant), sapwood; low passions;
caroenum, caroeni N (2nd) N [DAXES]
sweet wine boiled down one third;
Carolus, Caroli N (2nd) M [EXFCF]
Charles; (Charlemagne, 742-814, King of Franks, first Holy Roman Emperor);
caros, cari N M [XAXNO]
variety/seed of plant hypericum; heavy sleep, stupor, sleep of death (L+S);
carota, carotae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
carotis, carotidis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
carotid arteries (pl.);
carpa, carpae N (1st) F [GAXET]
carp; (Erasmus);
carpasinus, carpasina, carpasinum ADJ [EXXFW]
green; (Vulgate Ester 1:6);
carpasum, carpasi N (2nd) N [XAXES]
plant with narcotic juice; (white hellebore? OLD);
carpathium, carpathii N (2nd) N [XAXES]
plant with narcotic juice; (white hellebore? OLD);
carpathum, carpathi N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
white hellebore plant (Veratrum album);
carpatinus, carpatina, carpatinum ADJ [XAXFO]
made of hide;
carpentarius, carpentaria, carpentarium ADJ [XXXEO]
of wagons/carriages/chariots; of/pertaining to carriage building;
carpentarius, carpentarii N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
carriage/wagon/chariot builder, cartwright; carriage-driver, coachman (L+S);
carpentarius, carpentarii N (2nd) M [DTXFS]
carriage/wagon/chariot builder/cartwright's workshop;
carpentum, carpenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
carriage (2-wheeled, covered for women); chariot (L+S); wagon/cart; barouche;
carpentura, carpenturae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
carpheothum, carpheothi N (2nd) N [XXXNS]
(superior) kind of incense; excellent kind of white frankincense;
carphologia, carphologiae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
picking of pieces of straw from mud/adobe walls;
carphos, carphi N N [XAXNO]
fenugreek; goat's thorn;
carpineus, carpinea, carpineum ADJ [XAXNO]
of/made of/pertaining to hornbeam (tree of genus Carpinus);
carpineus, carpinei N (2nd) F [XAXDO]
hornbeam (tree Carpinus betulus);
carpisculus, carpisculi N (2nd) M [DXXES]
kind of shoe; groundwork/basement;
carpistes, carpistae N M [DEXFS]
one of Aeons of Valentinus;
carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
seize/pick/pluck/gather/browse/tear off; graze/crop; tease/pull out/card (wool);
separate/divide, tear down; carve; despoil/fleece; pursue/harry; consume/erode;
carpophyllon, carpophylli N N [XAXNO]
shrub; (Ruscus hypophyllum?);
carptim ADV [XXXCO]
in separate/detached/disconnected parts/units; selectively; intermittently;
carptor, carptoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
carver (of game/poultry/etc.);
carptura, carpturae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
gathering of honey; sucking of nectar from flowers (by bees) (L+S);
carpusculus, carpusculi N (2nd) M [DXXES]
kind of shoe; groundwork/basement;
carracutium, carracutii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
kind of two-wheeled carriage;
carrago, carraginis N (3rd) F [DWXES]
fortification/barricade made of wagons; circled wagons;
carrarius, carrari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
one who makes/repairs wagons/carts/carriages; army cartwright;
carrico, carricare, carricavi, carricatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
charge (a weapon, a battery);
carro, carrere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XAXEO]
card/comb (wool/flax/etc.);
carrobalista, carrobalistae N (1st) F [DWXFS]
ballista/catapult mounted on a carriage; (equivalent of "field gun");
carroballista, carroballistae N (1st) F [DWXFS]
ballista/catapult mounted on a carriage; (equivalent of "field gun");
carroco, carroconis N (3rd) M [DAXFS]
sturgeon (Acipenser sturio);
carruca, carrucae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
coach, traveling-carriage; (four-wheeled L+S); state coach;
carrucarius, carrucaria, carrucarium ADJ [XXXFO]
used for/pertaining to carriages/carruca;
carrucarius, carrucarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
carrucha, carruchae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
traveling-carriage; (four-wheeled L+S); state coach;
carrulus, carruli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
small/little cart/wagon;
carrum, carri N (2nd) N [XXFDO]
wagon; (Gallic type);
carrus, carri N (2nd) M [XXFDO]
wagon; (Gallic type);
carta, cartae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
papyrus (sheet/page); record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf;
Cartago, Cartaginis N (3rd) F [XXACO]
cartallus, cartalli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
Carthaginiensis, Carthaginiensis N (3rd) M [XXACO]
Carthaginian, inhabitant of Carthage; (also of New Carthage in Spain?);
Carthaginiensis, Carthaginiensis, Carthaginiense ADJ [XXACO]
of/belonging to Carthage, Carthaginian; (also of New Carthage in Spain);
Carthago, Carthaginis N (3rd) F [XXACO]
Carthusianus, Carthusiani N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
Carthusian; Charterhouse monk; (order founded by St Bruno 1086);
cartibulum, cartibuli N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
kind of oblong table standing on a pedestal;
cartilagineus, cartilaginea, cartilagineum ADJ [XBXNO]
cartilaginous, gristly;
cartilaginosus, cartilaginosa, cartilaginosum ADJ [XBXNO]
characterized by/full of cartilage/other tough fibrous tissue, very gristly;
cartilago, cartilaginis N (3rd) F [XBXDO]
cartilage, gristle; substance harder than pulp but softer than woody fiber;
cartula, cartulae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
scrap/piece of papyrus; small note, bill (L+S);
cartus, carti N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
papyrus (sheet/page); record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf;
carucata, carucatae N (1st) F [FLXFJ]
carucate of land; 120-180 acres (as much land as can be plowed in a year);
caruncula, carunculae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
little piece of flesh; piece of tissue (medical), fleshy growth;
carus, cara -um, carior -or -us, carissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive;
Carus, Cari N (2nd) M [DLIEO]
Carus; (Emperor Marcus Aurelius Numerius Carus 282-283);
caryinos, caryinos, caryinon ADJ [XXXNS]
made of walnuts, walnut-; made of nuts (L+S);
caryinus, caryina, caryinum ADJ [XXXNO]
made of walnuts, walnut-; made of nuts (L+S);
caryites, caryitae N M [XAXNO]
variety of spurge; species of tithymalus (L+S);
caryon, caryi N N [XAXNO]
walnut; nut (L+S);
caryophyllon, caryophylli N N [XAXNO]
dried flower-buds of clove; cloves;
caryophyllum, caryophylli N (2nd) N [FXXEK]
caryota, caryotae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia);
caryotis, caryotidis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia);
casa, casae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
cottage/small humble dwelling, hut/hovel; home; house; shop, booth; farm (late);
casabundus, casabunda, casabundum ADJ [XXXES]
stumbling, tottering; ready to fall;
casamus, casami N (2nd) M [BXXFS]
old man; attendant;
casaria, casariae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
one (god/spirit?) who guards over a cottage;
casarius, casaria, casarium ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to a cottage;
casarius, casarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
dweller in a cottage; cottager;
casce ADV [XXXFO]
in an archaic/out-of-date/old-fashion manner;
cascus, casca, cascum ADJ [XXXDO]
ancient, old; archaic; primitive;
casearius, casearia, casearium ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to cheese, cheese-;
caseatus, caseata, caseatum ADJ [XXXFO]
mixed with cheese;
casellula, casellulae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
little hut;
caseolus, caseoli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
small cheese;
caseta, casetae N (1st) F [HTXEK]
casetophonum, casetophoni N (2nd) N [HXXEK]
caseum, casei N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
cheese; pressed curd; comic term of endearment (L+S);
caseus, casei N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
cheese; pressed curd; comic term of endearment (L+S);
casia, casiae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
cinnamon (Cinnamomum tree/bark/spice); aromatic shrub (mezereon or marjoram?);
casiarius, casiaria, casiarium ADJ [XXXFO]
of/connected with cheese;
casignete, casignetes N F [XAXNO]
plant (unidentified); (also called dionysonymphadas);
casila, casilae N (1st) F [AXXFO]
helmet (metal) (Sabine form); wearer of a helmet; war, active service;
casito, casitare, casitavi, casitatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
fall/drop down repeatedly/frequently;
casleu, undeclined N N [EXQEW]
Chislev/Kislev, Jewish month; (ninth in ecclesiastic year);
casmila, casmilae N (1st) F [XEXFS]
handmaiden/female of unblemished character attendant in religious ceremonies;
casmilus, casmili N (2nd) M [XEXFS]
boy/noble youth attendant of a flamen/priest;
casnar, undeclined N M [BXXFS]
old man; attendant;
cassabundus, cassabunda, cassabundum ADJ [XXXFO]
stumbling, tottering; ready to fall;
cassia, cassiae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
cinnamon (Cinnamomum tree/bark/spice); aromatic shrub (mezereon or marjoram?);
cassiculus, cassiculi N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
small net; cobweb;
cassida, cassidae N (1st) F [XWXEO]
helmet (metal); wearer of a helmet; war, active service;
cassidarius, cassidarii N (2nd) M [DWXIS]
helmet maker;
cassidile, cassidilis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
small bag, wallet; satchel, bag (Souter);
cassis, cassidis N (3rd) F [XWXCO]
helmet (metal); wearer of a helmet; war, active service;
cassis, cassis N (3rd) M [XWXCO]
hunting net (often pl.); spider's web; snare, trap;
cassita, cassitae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
crested/tufted lark (Alauda cristata);
cassiterinus, cassiterina, cassiterinum ADJ [XXXFS]
made of tin;
cassiterum, cassiteri N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
tin; (originally a mixture of lead/silver and other metals L+S);
cassito, cassitare, cassitavi, cassitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
Cassius, Cassi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Cassius; (Roman gens name); (L. ~ Longinus defeated by Helvetii; Caesar killer);
Cassius, Cassia, Cassium ADJ [XXXCO]
Cassius, Roman gens; (L. C~ Longinus defeated by Helvetii; C. C~ L~ assassin);
Cassivellaunus, Cassivellauni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Cassiveellaunus, Commander of forces of Britons - Caesar;
casso, cassare, cassavi, cassatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
totter, begin to fall; shake, waver (L+S);
casso, cassare, cassavi, cassatus V (1st) TRANS [DLXES]
bring to naught, destroy; annul, make null and void;
cassum, cassi N (2nd) N [XXXES]
empty/vain/futile things (pl.);
cassus, cassa, cassum ADJ [XXXBO]
hollow/empty/devoid of, lacking; useless/fruitless/vain; [in cassum => in vain];
cassus, cassus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate;
castanea, castaneae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
chestnut-tree, chestnut;
castanetum, castaneti N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
chestnut plantation;
castanietum, castanieti N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
chestnut plantation/grove;
caste, castius, castissime ADV [XXXBO]
uprightly, w/integrity; chastely, w/sexual/ceremonial purity; spotlessly;
castella, castellae N (1st) F [FXSEZ]
Castile (Spain); (place of castles/castella);
castellanus, castellana, castellanum ADJ [XWXCO]
of/connected with/pertaining to/associated with a fort/fortress/castle;
castellanus, castellani N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
garrison/occupants (pl.) of a fort/fortress/castle;
castellarius, castellarii N (2nd) M [XTXIO]
keeper of a reservoir;
castellatim ADV [XWXEO]
at intervals (in manner of strongpoints), in separate detachments; castle-wise;
castellum, castelli N (2nd) N [XWXBO]
redoubt, fortress, stronghold, fortified settlement, refuge; castle, citadel;
castle/reservoir (where water from aqueduct is collected for distribution);
town, village; (medieval);
casteria, casteriae N (1st) F [XWXFO]
part of a ship?; (where rowers were accustomed to rest, rower's room L+S);
castifico, castificare, castificavi, castificatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
punish, correct; make pure;
castificus, castifica, castificum ADJ [XXXFO]
acting chastely, pure; purifying; [~ lavacrum => baptism] (L+S);
castigabilis, castigabilis, castigabile ADJ [XXXFO]
that deserves punishment; deserving of punishment/reprimand/chastising;
castigate ADV [XXXFO]
chastely; strictly; briefly (L+S); restrainedly, within bounds;
castigatio, castigationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
punishment; reprimand, reproof; pruning (trees/etc.); tempering (speech) (L+S);
castigator, castigatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
corrector, reprover, chastiser;
castigatorius, castigatoria, castigatorium ADJ [XXXFO]
of nature of reproof; reproving, censuring (L+S);
castigatus, castigata -um, castigatior -or -us, castigatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
tightly drawn, restrained, confined, compressed; small/slender; strict, severe;
castigo, castigare, castigavi, castigatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
chastise/chasten, punish; correct, reprimand/dress down, castigate; neutralize;
castimonia, castimoniae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
chastity, abstinence, ceremonial purity/purification; morality, moral purity;
castimonialis, castimonialis, castimoniale ADJ [DEXFS]
pertaining to abstinence or continence/self-restraint;
castimonium, castimoni(i) N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
abstinent practice; abstinence (sexual/from meat) for ritual; purity of morals;
castitas, castitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
chastity, fidelity; virginity; sexual/moral/ritual purity; integrity, morality;
castitudo, castitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
chastity, fidelity; virginity; sexual/moral/ritual purity; integrity, morality;
castor, castoris N (3rd) M [XAXDO]
beaver (Castor fiber);
Castor, Castoris N (3rd) M [XYHCO]
Castor; (twin to Pollux, brother to Helen); St Elmo's fire (pl.), corposant;
castor, castoros/is N M [XAXEO]
beaver (Castor fiber);
castoreum, castorei N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
castor, aromatic secretion obtained from beaver used medicinally;
castorinatus, castorinata, castorinatum ADJ [DAXFS]
clothed in beaver fur;
castorinus, castorina, castorinum ADJ [DAXES]
of/pertaining to beaver, beaver-;
castra, castrae N (1st) F [BWXFO]
camp, military camp/field; army; fort, fortress; war service; day's march;
castramentor, castramentari, castramentatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXDE]
pitch a camp; encamp;
castrametor, castrametari, castrametatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXCS]
pitch a camp; encamp;
castratio, castrationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
castration; emasculation; gelding;
castrator, castratoris N (3rd) M [DAXES]
one who castrates/gelds, castrator;
castratorius, castratoria, castratorium ADJ [DAXES]
of/for castration;
castratura, castraturae N (1st) F [DAXES]
castration, emasculation; pruning of plants;
castratus, castrata, castratum ADJ [XXXCO]
castrated; (applied to seeds of apple); bolted/sifted/selected (grain);
castratus, castrati N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
eunuch, castrated man;
castrens, castrensis N (3rd) M [DLXES]
high imperial court officer (Constantinople); soldier in camp;
castrensianus, castrensiani N (2nd) M [DLXES]
attendants (pl.) to Castrensis (Constantinople high imperial court officer);
castrensiarius, castrensiarii N (2nd) M [DWXIS]
purveyor for camp, suttler;
castrensis, castrensis, castrense ADJ [XWXBO]
of/connected with camp or active military service; characteristic of soldiers;
castrmetor, castrmetari, castrmatatus sum V (1st) DEP [DWXFS]
pitch a camp; set up/pitch camp;
castro, castrare, castravi, castratus V (1st) [XXXBO]
castrate, emasculate/unman; spay (animal); dock (tail); diminish/impair/weaken;
castrum, castri N (2nd) N [XWXAO]
fort/fortress; camp (pl.), military camp/field; army; war service; day's march;
castle, fortress; (fortified) town; [~ doloris => catafalque/coffin platform];
castula, castulae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
kind of petticoat, garment worn by women;
castum, casti N (2nd) N [XEXES]
festival/period of ceremonial/required abstinence/continence dedicated to a god;
castus, casta -um, castior -or -us, castissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
pure, moral; chaste, virtuous, pious; sacred; spotless; free from/untouched by;
castus, castus N (4th) M [XEXEO]
ceremonial state of abstinence; sexual abstinence on religious grounds;
casu ADV [XXXCS]
by chance/accident; accidentally; casually; (ablative of casus);
casualis, casualis, casuale ADJ [XXXEO]
influenced by/dependent on chance, fortuitous; casual;
casualis, casualis, casuale ADJ [XGXEO]
relating to/depending on grammatical case;
casualiter ADV [DXXCS]
relating to/declined with cases; accidentally, fortuitously;
casula, casulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
little/small/humble cottage, hut;
casula, casulae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
vestment; (Cal);
casurus, casurus N (4th) M [EXXFW]
fall, overthrow; (Vulgate Acts 28:6); (calamity, plight; fate;)
casus, casus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate;
casus, casus N (4th) M [XGXEO]
grammatical case; termination/ending (of words);
by; (in distributed sense); [cata mane mane => morning by morning];
catabasis, catabasis N (3rd) F [DEXFS]
going down/decent; (name of a ceremonial at festival of Magna Mater);
catabolensis, catabolensis N (3rd) M [DXXES]
class of carriers who transport burdens by draft animals, kind of mule-skinners;
catabulum, catabuli N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
stable; menagerie;
catacecaumenites, catacecaumenitae N M [XAXNO]
wine produced in Catacecaumene district in eastern Lydia;
catachana, catachanae N (1st) F [XAXES]
tree on which several different fruits have been grafted;
catachanna, catachannae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
tree on which several different fruits have been grafted;
catachresis, catachresis N (3rd) F [XGXCO]
improper use of a word; (pure Latin abusio);
cataclisticus, cataclistica, cataclisticum ADJ [XXXES]
of/pertaining to state/special occasion/formal dress;
cataclistus, cataclista, cataclistum ADJ [XXXEO]
kept for special occasions (clothes), Sunday best; [~ vestis => state dress];
cataclysmos, cataclysmi N M [XXXEO]
deluge, flood, inundation; (medical) washing diseased member, shower, douche;
cataclysmus, cataclysmi N (2nd) M [EXXFW]
deluge, flood, inundation; (medical) washing diseased member, shower, douche;
catacumba, catacumbae N (1st) F [DEXIS]
catadromarius, catadromarii N (2nd) M [XDXIO]
one who rides down a catadromus (catwalk suspended on ropes), rope-dancer;
catadromus, catadromi N (2nd) M [XDXEO]
kind of catwalk suspended on ropes; (for a rope_dancer);
catadupum, catadupi N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
cataracts (pl.); (specifically Nile cataracts);
cataegis, cataegidis N (3rd) F [XSXFO]
hurricane; violent wind storm; whirlwind;
catafracta, catafractae N (1st) M [XWXEO]
coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier;
catafractarius, catafractaria, catafractarium ADJ [XWXIO]
wearing mail, armored;
catafractarius, catafractarii N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
mail-clad/armored soldier;
catafractatus, catafractata, catafractatum ADJ [XWXIO]
wearing/equipped with mail armor, armored;
catafractes, catafractae N M [XWXEO]
coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier;
catafractus, catafracta, catafractum ADJ [XWXEO]
clad in mail armor; equiped with mail; armored;
catafractus, catafracti N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
soldier clad in mail armor;
catagraphum, catagraphi N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
three-quarter face portrait; profile portraits (pl.), side views (L+S);
catagraphus, catagrapha, catagraphum ADJ [XXXEO]
painted, colored, depicted; figured (material);
catagusa, catagusae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
name of a statue; (Ceres bring Prosperine to Pluto L+S);
catalecticos, catalecticos, catalecticon ADJ [XPXFO]
having incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable);
catalecticus, catalectica, catalecticum ADJ [XPXFO]
having incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable);
catalectus, catalecta, catalectum ADJ [XPXFS]
having incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable);
catalepsis, catalepsis N (3rd) F [DBXFS]
catalepsy, seizure, sudden attack of sickness;
catalepticus, cataleptica, catalepticum ADJ [DBXFS]
cataleptic; subject to seizures/sudden attacks of sickness;
catalexis, catalexis N (3rd) F [XPXFO]
loss of a syllable in a final metrical foot;
catallum, catalli N (2nd) N [FLXFJ]
catalogus, catalogi N (2nd) M [DXXCS]
enumeration, list of names; catalog;
catamenia, catameniae N (1st) F [GBXEK]
catampo, catamponis N (3rd) C [XXXFO]
kind of play/sport/game;
catanance, catanances N F [XAXNO]
kind of vetch used for love charms;
cataphagas, cataphagae N M [XXXFO]
glutton; gourmand;
cataphasis, cataphasos/is N F [DXXES]
cataphracta, cataphractae N (1st) M [XWXEO]
coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier;
cataphractarius, cataphractaria, cataphractarium ADJ [XWXIO]
armored; wearing mail;
cataphractarius, cataphractarii N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
armored soldier, soldier clad in mail;
cataphractes, cataphractae N M [XWXEO]
coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier;
cataphractus, cataphracta, cataphractum ADJ [XWXDO]
armored; clad in mail; B:blinded;
catapirateria, catapirateriae N (1st) F [XWXEO]
catapirates, catapiratis N (3rd) M [XWXFO]
sounding-line; (gender contrary to rule OLD);
cataplasma, cataplasmatis N (3rd) N [XBXDO]
poultice; plaster;
cataplasmo, cataplasmare, cataplasmavi, cataplasmatus V (1st) TRANS [DBXDS]
apply a poultice/plaster (to);
cataplasmus, cataplasmi N (2nd) M [XBXCS]
poultice; plaster;
cataplectatio, cataplectationis N (3rd) F [EXXFP]
consternation; terror (Vulgate Sirach 21:4);
cataplexis, cataplexis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
object of admiration;
cataplus, catapli N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
action of putting/getting into port; ship/fleet that comes to land;
catapotium, catapotii N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
pill (medicine); (that which is swallowed);
catapulta, catapultae N (1st) F [XWXCO]
catapult, an engine which shot large arrow/bolt/missile; missile itself (L+S);
catapultarius, catapultaria, catapultarium ADJ [XWXFO]
of/connected with/thrown by a catapult (engine which shot large arrows/bolts);
cataracta, cataractae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
cataractes, cataractae N M [XXXCO]
cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
cataractria, cataractriae N (1st) F [BXXFO]
fictitious condiment/spice; (coined by Plautus L+S);
catarhactes, catarhactae N M [XXXCO]
cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
catarracta, catarractae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
catarractes, catarractae N M [XXXCO]
cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
catarrhactes, catarrhactae N M [XXXCO]
cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
catarrhus, catarrhi N (2nd) M [DBXES]
cold, catarrh, rheum, flu; flowing down, runny nose, flow of mucus with a cold;
catasceua, catasceuae N (1st) F [XGXFO]
constructive argument; confirmation of an assumption (L+S);
catasceue, catasceues N F [XGXET]
constructive argument; confirmation of an assumption (L+S);
catascopiscus, catascopisci N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
light vessel for reconnoitering/spying/lookout; (navigium speculatorium);
catascopium, catascopii N (2nd) N [XWXFO]
light vessel for reconnoitering;
catascopus, catascopi N (2nd) M [XWXFO]
light vessel for reconnoitering;
catasta, catastae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
platform where slaves were exhibited for sale; (late) stage, scaffold;
scaffold for burning martyrs/heretics/criminals; stage for delivering lectures;
catastalticus, catastaltica, catastalticum ADJ [DBXFS]
restraining, checking (medical);
catastatice, catastatices N F [DAXFS]
plant; (pure Latin scelerata);
catastema, catastematis N (3rd) N [DSXFS]
position/situation/condition (of a star);
catastropha, catastrophae N (1st) F [XDXFO]
sensational act, coup de theatre; turning point of an action/catastrophe (L+S);
catatexitechnus, catatexitechna, catatexitechnum ADJ [XXXNO]
that wastes his art;
catatonus, catatona, catatonum ADJ [XWXFO]
low strung (referring to length of tightened skeins of a catapult); depressed;
catax, (gen.), catacis ADJ [XBXEO]
lame; limping;
cate ADV [XXXEO]
well, sagaciously, wisely, intelligently; clearly; slyly, craftily, artfully;
catechesis, catechesis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
religious instruction; catechetical instruction/interrogation;
catecheta, catechetae N (1st) C [FEXEE]
catechism teacher, catechist;
catechisatio, catechisationis N (3rd) F [FEXFE]
questioning; catechizing;
catechismus, catechismi N (2nd) M [DEXCS]
catechism, book of elementary Christian instruction;
catechisso, catechissare, catechissavi, catechissatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize;
catechista, catechistae N (1st) C [FEXEE]
catechism teacher, catechist;
catechista, catechistae N (1st) M [DEXFS]
catechist, religious teacher;
catechisticus, catechistica, catechisticum ADJ [FEXFE]
of catechism; pertaining to elementary Christian instruction;
catechiticus, catechitica, catechiticum ADJ [FEXFE]
catechetical, of catechism; pertaining to elementary Christian instruction;
catechizo, catechizare, catechizavi, catechizatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize;
catechumatus, catechumatus N (4th) M [EEXFE]
catechumenate, time of instruction before baptism;
catechumena, catechumenae N (1st) F [DEXES]
catechumen, one receiving elementary religious instruction before baptism;
catechumenatus, catechumenatus N (4th) M [EEXFE]
catechumenate, time of instruction before baptism;
catechumenus, catechumeni N (2nd) M [DEXES]
catechumen, one receiving elementary religious instruction before baptism;
catecizo, catecizare, catecizavi, catecizatus V (1st) TRANS [EEXEW]
instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize;
categoria, categoriae N (1st) F [DLXES]
accusation; predicament; category/class of predicables (logic);
categoricus, categorica, categoricum ADJ [DLXES]
relating to a category, categorical;
cateia, cateiae N (1st) F [DWXCS]
kind of spear; (probably barbed);
catela, catelae N (1st) F [XWFDO]
curved missile weapon; boomerang?;
catella, catellae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
puppy (female), young/little bitch; lap dog; little/light/ornamental chain;
catellus, catelli N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
little/small/young dog, puppy; (term of endearment); little/light chain;
catena, catenae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
chain; series; fetter, bond, restraint; imprisonment, captivity; (chain mail);
catenarius, catenaria, catenarium ADJ [XAXEO]
chained, on a chain, fastened on a chain (e.g., dog); of/pertaining to a chain;
catenatio, catenationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
connection, joining; band, clamp, clincher, pin (L+S);
catenatus, catenata, catenatum ADJ [XXXCO]
chained, fettered; fixed/secured/attached by chain; arranged in a chain/series;
cateno, catenare, catenavi, catenatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
chain/bind/tie/shackle together; secure with bonds/chains/fetters;
catenula, catenulae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
little/small/light/ornamental chain;
caterva, catervae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm;
catervarius, catervaria, catervarium ADJ [XXXEO]
of/pertaining to/belonging to troop/company/band; in bands;
catervatim ADV [XXXCO]
in troops/bands/large numbers; in (disordered) masses; in herds/flocks/swarms;
catharmos, catharmi N M [BEXFO]
purification rites (pl.); title of poem by Empedocles;
Cathartarium, Cathartarii N (2nd) N [EEXFE]
catharticum, cathartici N (2nd) N [DBXFS]
cathartic, purgative; means for purifying; purification;
cathecuminus, cathecumini N (2nd) M [FEXEF]
catechumen, one receiving religious instruction;
cathedra, cathedrae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
armchair, easy chair (for women); cushioned seat/stool; sedan;
bishop's chair/throne/office; professor/teacher's chair/office, professorship;
cathedralicius, cathedralicia, cathedralicium ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to an arm/easy/cushioned/(woman's) chair; effeminate;
cathedralis, cathedralis, cathedrale ADJ [EEXEE]
of/pertaining to an bishop's see or cathedral; [~ Ecclesia => cathedral];
cathedrarius, cathedraria, cathedrarium ADJ [XXXEO]
fitted as/carrying a cathedra (arm/easy/sedan chair); having professor's chair;
cathedraticum, cathedratici N (2nd) N [EEXFE]
bishop's tax, cathedraticum, annual tax paid to bishop;
cathedratus, cathedrata, cathedratum ADJ [XXXFO]
fitted with cushioned seats (as a cathedra - arm/easy/cushioned chair);
catheter, catheteris N (3rd) M [DBXFS]
catheter, instrument for drawing urine;
catheterismus, catheterismi N (2nd) M [DBXFS]
application of a catheter, drawing urine, relieving pressure on bladder;
cathetos, cathetos, catheton ADJ [XSXEO]
cathetus, catheta, cathetum ADJ [XSXEO]
cathetus, catheti N (2nd) F [XSXES]
perpendicular line;
catholice ADV [DXXES]
universally; in Catholic way, according to Catholic rite (Def);
catholicitas, catholicitatis N (3rd) F [FEXFE]
catholicity, Catholic quality/character
catholicum, catholici N (2nd) N [XGXEO]
general principle; universal truth; universe (pl.); general properties;
catholicus, catholica, catholicum ADJ [DEXCS]
catholic; universal; (Roman) Catholic, orthodox;
catholicus, catholici N (2nd) C [EEXCE]
Catholic, one baptized and fully in communion with Catholic Church;
cathurnus, cathurni N (2nd) M [FEXFE]
pride; haughtiness; majesty;
catillamen, catillaminis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
junket, curds and cream, cream pudding; sweet dish, sweetmeat;
catillatio, catillationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
licking the plate; greed; extortion; plundering of friendly provinces (L+S);
catillo, catillare, catillavi, catillatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
lick plates;
catillo, catillonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
licker of plates, one who cleans his plate, glutton; edible fish (lupus?);
catillum, catilli N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
bowl, dish; ornament on sword sheath (L+S); upper millstone;
catillus, catilli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
bowl, dish; ornament on sword sheath (L+S); upper millstone;
catinulus, catinuli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
small bowl/dish/plate;
catinum, catini N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
large bowl/plate; main chamber in forepump; smelting crucible; hollow in rock;
catinus, catini N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
large bowl/plate; main chamber in forepump; smelting crucible; hollow in rock;
catlaster, catlastri N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
young man; boy, lad, stripling;
catlitio, catlitionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
being in heat; desire to mate;
catlutio, catlutionis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
being in heat; desire to mate;
Cato, Catonis N (3rd) M [XXICO]
Cato; (Roman cognomen); [M. Porcius Cato => Censor];
catoblepas, catoblepae N M [XAANO]
wild animal in Ethiopia; species of buffalo?/gnu? (L+S);
catocha, catochae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
complete stupor; catalepsy;
catochitis, catochidis N (3rd) F [XXXNS]
unknown precious stone (said to have an adhesive surface) (from Corsica L+S);
catoecicus, catoecica, catoecicum ADJ [XWXFO]
assigned to military colonists;
catomidio, catomidiare, catomidiavi, catomidiatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXES]
lay one over shoulders of another and flog him; strike on shoulders;
catomun ADV [XXXFO]
over shoulders (for flogging);
catomus, catomi N (2nd) M [DBXFS]
shoulders; (for flogging);
catonium, catonii N (2nd) N [XXXCS]
Lower World;
catoptritis, catoptritidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
unknown precious stone; (found in Cappadocia L+S);
catorchites, catorchites, catorchites ADJ [XAXNS]
fig (wine); [catorchites vinum => wine made of figs];
catta, cattae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
edible species of bird; unknown species of animal (L+S);
cattus, catti N (2nd) M [EABCM]
cat; wild cat; kind of trout; siege engine;
catula, catulae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
young/small bitch;
catularius, catularia, catularium ADJ [XAXFO]
of dogs; [~ Porta => Roman gate where dogs were sacrificed];
catulaster, catulastri N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
young man; boy, lad, stripling;
catulina, catulinae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
dog meat/flesh;
catulinus, catulina, catulinum ADJ [XAXNO]
of/belonging to (young) dogs;
catulio, catulire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XAXEO]
be in heat, desire to mate; (e.g., a bitch);
catuloticus, catulotica, catuloticum ADJ [DXXFS]
good for heating over;
catulus, catuli N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
young dog, puppy, whelp; dog (any age); young of any animal, pup/cub; fetter;
catus, cata, catum ADJ [XXXCO]
knowing, clever, shrewd, wise, prudent, circumspect; shrill/clear (sound);
catus, cati N (2nd) M [EABCM]
cat; wild cat; kind of trout; siege engine; male cat (L+S);
caucalis, caucalidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
umbelliferous plant;
caucula, cauculae N (1st) F [DXXES]
small dish;
cauculator, cauculatoris N (3rd) M [DSXES]
calculator, reckoner;
cauculus, cauculi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
pebble; (bladder) stone; piece for reckoning/voting/game; calculation;
caucus, cauci N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
drinking vessel; cruet (Ecc);
cauda, caudae N (1st) F [XAXBO]
tail (animal); extreme part/tail of anything; penis; train/edge/trail (garment);
caudatarius, caudatarii N (2nd) M [FEXFE]
trainbearer; attendant who carries train (of sovereign/other);
caudecus, caudeca, caudecum ADJ [DAXFS]
wooden, made of wood;
caudeus, caudea, caudeum ADJ [XAXFS]
wooden, made of wood;
caudex, caudicis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
trunk of tree; piece/hunk of wood; blockhead; (bound) book; note/account book;
caudica, caudicae N (1st) F [XWXFO]
kind of barge/lighter; dugout canoe (Cal);
caudicalis, caudicalis, caudicale ADJ [XAXFO]
pertaining to/dealing with tree-trunks/logs; employment of log-splitting (L+S);
caudicarius, caudicaria, caudicarium ADJ [XWXCO]
kind of barge/lighter (w/navis);
caudicarius, caudicarii N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
bargeman, lighterman; (esp. those who brought grain from Ostia to Rome (L+S));
cauitio, cauitionis N (3rd) F [BXXBS]
bail/pledge/security, undertaking, guarantee; caution/wariness; circumspection;
caula, caulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
railing (pl.), lattice barrier; holes, pores, apertures; fold, sheepfold (Ecc);
caulator, caulatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCS]
jester, banterer; quibbler, caviler, sophist, captious critic;
cauletum, cauleti N (2nd) N [GAXET]
cabbage-garden; (Erasmus);
caulias, cauliae N M [XAXNO]
thing taken/derived form stalk; (as opposed to rhizias - from root);
cauliculatus, cauliculata, cauliculatum ADJ [DAXFS]
having/furnished with a stalk;
cauliculus, cauliculi N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
stalk/stem (small); small cabbage, cabbage sprout; pillar like a stalk/shoot;
cauliflorus, cauliflora, cauliflorum ADJ [GAXEK]
caulis, caulis N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis;
caulla, caullae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
railing (pl.), lattice barrier; holes, pores, apertures;
caulodes, caulodes, caulodes ADJ [XAXNO]
stalk-like; [~ brassica => kind of cabbage with large leaves];
cauma, caumatis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
caupo, cauponis N (3rd) M [DXXCO]
shopkeeper, salesman, huckster; innkeeper, keeper of a tavern;
caupona, cauponae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
landlady; (female) shopkeeper, innkeeper; inn, tavern, lodging-house;
caupona, cauponae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
cauponaria, cauponariae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
female shopkeeper; female innkeeper (Erasmus);
cauponarius, cauponarii N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
cauponium, cauponii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
tavern; tavern/inn/shop furniture/fixtures (L+S);
cauponius, cauponia, cauponium ADJ [XXXCO]
of/belonging to shopkeeper/innkeeper/inn; [~ puer => shop/tavern boy, waiter];
cauponor, cauponari, cauponatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
traffic/trade in, sell;
cauponula, cauponulae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small/mean tavern/inn;
caupulus, caupuli N (2nd) M [XWXFO]
kind of light boat?;
cauricrepus, cauricrepa, cauricrepum ADJ [DSXFS]
blown through by north-west wind (Caurus);
caurinus, caurina, caurinum ADJ [XSXFO]
of/belonging to north-west wind (Caurus);
caurio, caurire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XAXFS]
gurr; (natural sound of rutting panther);
caurus, cauri N (2nd) M [XSXCO]
north-west wind;
for sake/purpose of (preceded by GEN.), on account/behalf of, with a view to;
causa, causae N (1st) F [XXXAO]
cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom;
occasion, subject; plea, position; lawsuit, case, trial; proviso/stipulation;
thing(s); [sine causa => in vain (Vulgate)];
causabundus, causabunda, causabundum ADJ [FXXFV]
blaming, censuring, accusing, reproaching, condemning; finding fault with;
causalis, causalis, causale ADJ [DLXES]
pertaining to a cause, causal;
causalitas, causalitatis N (3rd) F [FXXES]
causaliter ADV [DLXFS]
causarie ADV [DWXFS]
on account of sickness; [causarie missus est => invalided out of army];
causarius, causaria, causarium ADJ [XBXCO]
sick, ill, diseased, unhealthy; [misso ~ => army discharge on health grounds];
causarius, causarii N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
soldier discharged from army on health/other grounds, invalid; the_sick (pl.);
causate, causatius, causatissime ADV [XXXNO]
with good reason; with better reason; with best reasons?;
causatio, causationis N (3rd) F [XLXFO]
plea, excuse; disease (L+S); pretext; apology;
causativus, causativa, causativum ADJ [DLXCS]
causative; pertaining to matter in dispute, gist of matter/action/suit;
accusative (case) (w/causus); first (person) (w/persona);
causea, causeae N (1st) F [XXHEO]
Macedonian type of hat; (white sun hat worn by Roman poor L+S); shelter;
causidica, causidicae N (1st) F [DLXFS]
office of an advocate/lawyer;
causidicalis, causidicalis, causidicale ADJ [XLXFO]
suggestive of/resembling that of law-courts; of/pertaining to an advocate;
causidicatio, causidicationis N (3rd) F [XLXFO]
pleading of a case; speech of an advocate/lawyer/barrister;
causidicatus, causidicati N (2nd) M [DLXFS]
forensic oratory, pleading/speech of a lawyer;
causidicus, causidici N (2nd) M [XLXCO]
advocate, barrister; pleader of causes;
causificor, causificari, causificatus sum V (1st) DEP [XGXEO]
allege/offer a reason, put forward a pretext; pretend;
causimus, causima, causimum ADJ [XXXFO]
used for burning;
causo, causare, causavi, causatus V (1st) TRANS [FXXEE]
causodes, causodes, causodes ADJ [XXXFO]
characterized by high temperature; burning;
causor, causari, causatus sum V (1st) DEP [XLXCO]
allege an excuse/reason, object; excuse oneself; plead a cause, bring action;
for the sake/purpose of (preceded by GEN), on account/behalf of, with view to;
caussa, caussae N (1st) F [XXXAO]
cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom;
occasion, subject; plea, position; lawsuit, case, trial; proviso/stipulation;
caussidicus, caussidici N (2nd) M [XLXCS]
advocate, barrister; pleader of causes;
caussor, caussari, caussatus sum V (1st) DEP [XLXCS]
allege an excuse/reason, object; excuse oneself; plead a cause, bring action;
caustice, caustices N F [DAXFS]
caustic plant; (pure Latin scelerata);
causticum, caustici N (2nd) N [XBXNO]
caustic/blistering preparation/medicament;
causticus, caustica, causticum ADJ [XSXNO]
caustic, corrosive, burning; [~ spuma => lye with which Germans colored hair];
causula, causulae N (1st) F [XLXEO]
speech/case of a party in a petty lawsuit; petty ground/occasion for action;
caute, cautius, cautissime ADV [XXXCO]
cautiously; with security/precautions, without risk; circumspectly, carefully;
cautela, cautelae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
caution, precaution, care, carefulness; security, surety;
cauter, cauteris N (3rd) M [DAXES]
branding iron; wound produced by burning, brand;
cauterio, cauteriare, cauteriavi, cauteriatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXCS]
burn/mark with a branding iron, brand;
cauterium, cauterii N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
cauterizing/branding iron, cautery; (used in encaustic/burning-in painting);
cauterizo, cauterizare, cauterizavi, cauterizatus V (1st) TRANS [DBXFS]
cauterize, burn with a hot iron; mark with a branding iron, brand;
cauteroma, cauteromatis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
brand, mark produced by a hot iron;
cautes, cautis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
rough pointed/detached rock, loose stone; rocks (pl.), cliff, crag; reef;
cautim ADV [XXXEO]
cautiously, warily; prudently, with security;
cautio, cautionis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
bail/pledge/security, undertaking, guarantee; caution/wariness; circumspection;
taking of precautions/care; precaution; stipulation, proviso, exception;
cautionalis, cautionalis, cautionale ADJ [XLXFO]
relation to a legal cautio (security, bond, guarantee, pledge);
cautione ADV [FXXEE]
cautiously, warily; prudently, with caution/security;
cautis, cautis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
rough pointed/detached rock, loose stone; rocks (pl.), cliff, crag; reef;
cauto ADV [FXXEE]
cautiously; with security/precautions, without risk; circumspectly, carefully;
cautor, cautoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who takes precautions/who is wary/on guard; one who stands bail/surety;
cautroma, cautromatis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
brand, mark produced by a hot iron;
cautulus, cautula, cautulum ADJ [DXXFS]
rather safe;
cautum, cauti N (2nd) N [DWXFS]
provisions (pl.) (of a law); concern (Ecc);
cautus, cauta -um, cautior -or -us, cautissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
cautious/careful; circumspect, prudent; wary, on guard; safe/secure; made safe;
cava, cavae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
hollow; cage (Ecc);
cavaedium, cavaedii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
inner court of a Roman house; (avus aedium);
cavamen, cavaminis N (3rd) N [DXXES]
cavern, hollow; hollowing out;
cavannus, cavanni N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
cavaticus, cavatica, cavaticum ADJ [XXXNO]
of/belonging to/born in/living in caves;
cavatio, cavationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
hollow shape, cavity; cavern, hollow;
cavator, cavatoris N (3rd) M [XTXEO]
excavator, one who hollows/digs out;
cavatura, cavaturae N (1st) F [DXXES]
cavity, hollow;
cavatus, cavata -um, cavatior -or -us, cavatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCS]
hollow, hollow in form; hollowed out, excavated; forming a cave;
cavea, caveae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
hollow/cavity; roof (mouth); (eye) socket; auditorium/theater; seats/audience;
cage/coop/stall/beehive/bird-cage; fence, enclosure; basket/crate;
cavealis, cavealis, caveale ADJ [DXXFS]
kept in a cave/cellar;
caveatus, caveata, caveatum ADJ [XXXNO]
shut in, caged. cooped up; arranged like seats in a theater;
cavefacio, cavefacere, cavefeci, cavefactus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXIS]
take precautions/defensive action, beware, avoid; give/get surety; stipulate;
cavefio, caveferi, cavefactus sum V SEMIDEP [DXXIS]
be avoided; be stipulated; (cavefacio PASS);
caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus V (2nd) [XXXAO]
beware, avoid, take precautions/defensive action; give/get surety; stipulate;
caverna, cavernae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
hollow/grotto/cavern/cave/crevice/hole; burrow/den; cavity (tooth); hold (ship);
aperture; orifice (body); interior (Trojan horse); celestial sphere; "depths";
cavernatim ADV [DXXFS]
through caverns;
caverno, cavernare, cavernavi, cavernatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
make hollow;
cavernosus, cavernosa, cavernosum ADJ [XXXNO]
having hollows or depressions; full of cavities/holes;
cavernula, cavernulae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
small hollow/cavity;
cavia, caviae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
excrementary canal of animals; intestines;
caviaris, caviaris, caviare ADJ [XEXFS]
of/using intestines; [caviares hostiae => sacrifice victims];
caviarum, caviari N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
cavilla, cavillae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
jesting, banter, raillery, scoffing;
cavillabundus, cavillabunda, cavillabundum ADJ [XXXFS]
seeking for jesting/raillery/scoffing;
cavillatio, cavillationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
raillery/banter/badinage, jeering/scoffing; sophistry, quibbling, captiousness;
cavillator, cavillatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
jester, banterer; quibbler, caviler, sophist, captious critic;
cavillatrix, cavillatricis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
quibbler (female), captious critic, sophist; sophistry;
cavillatus, cavillati N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
raillery; banter, good-natured ridicule;
cavillor, cavillari, cavillatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
jest, banter; make fun of, satirize, mock; use sophistry, quibble, cavil (at);
cavillosus, cavillosa, cavillosum ADJ [DXXFS]
full of raillery/irony;
cavillum, cavilli N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
jesting, banter, raillery, scoffing;
cavillus, cavilli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
jesting, banter;
cavo, cavare, cavavi, cavatus V (1st) TRANS [XTXBO]
hollow out, make concave/hollow; excavate; cut/pierce through; carve in relief;
cavositas, cavositatis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
hollow, cavity, hole;
cavum, cavi N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
hole, cavity, depression, pit, opening; cave, burrow; enclosed space; aperture;
cavus, cava, cavum ADJ [XXXAO]
hollow, excavated, hollowed out; concave; (of waning moon); enveloping; porous;
sunken; deep, having deep channel; tubular; having cavity inside (concealing);
cavus, cavi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
hole, cavity, depression, pit, opening; cave, burrow; enclosed space; aperture;
cedens, (gen.), cedentis ADJ [XXXDO]
unresisting/deferring/conceding/surrendering/withdrawing; yielding to touch;
cedenter ADV [DXXFS]
by yielding;
give/bring here!/hand over, come (now/here); tell/show us, out with it! behold!
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
go/pass (from/away); withdraw/retire/leave; step aside/make way; take place of;
grant, concede, yield, submit; fall back/to; happen/result; start (period);
cedrelate, cedrelates N F [XAQNO]
Syrian cedar (Juniperus excelia);
cedreus, cedrea, cedreum ADJ [XAXFS]
of cedar, cedar-; obtained from cedar;
cedria, cedriae N (1st) F [XAQEO]
gum/resin of Syrian cedar (Juniperus excelia), cedar resin/pitch/tar;
cedrinus, cedrina, cedrinum ADJ [XAXEO]
of cedar/cedar-wood, cedar-; obtained from cedar;
cedris, cedridis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
cone of cedar tree; kind of juniper?; fruit/berry of cedar/juniper (L+S);
cedris, cedridos/is N F [XAXNO]
cone of cedar tree; kind of juniper?; fruit/berry of cedar/juniper (L+S);
cedrium, cedrii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
oil/wood-tar/pitch/resin obtained from cedar tree; oil of cedar;
cedrostis, cedrostis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
Bryony (plant); white vine (L+S);
cedrus, cedri N (2nd) F [XAXCO]
cedar/juniper; cedar wood; cedar-oil/tar (used as preservative/medicine);
celamentum, celamenti N (2nd) N [EXXEM]
secret; concealment;
celandum, celandi N (2nd) N [EBBEM]
privy parts (pl.), privates;
celate ADV [DXXFS]
secretly; privately;
celatim ADV [XXXFO]
secretly; privately;
celator, celatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who conceals/keeps secrets; concealer/hider;
celatum, celati N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
celatura, celaturae N (1st) F [EEXFE]
canopy over altar;
celeber, celebris -e, celebrior -or -us, celeberrimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
famous, celebrated, renowned; honored, distinguished; famed; notorious;
oft repeated, frequent; busy, crowded, much used/frequented, populous; festive;
celeberrime ADV [XXXFO]
most/very frequently;
celebrabilis, celebrabilis, celebrabile ADJ [DXXES]
celebrans, celebrantis N (3rd) M [EEXFE]
celebrant, officiating minister;
celebratio, celebrationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
celebrating a festival/mass; throng/crowd, audience/gathering; common use/vogue;
celebrator, celebratoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who celebrates/extols;
celebratus, celebrata, celebratum ADJ [XXXCO]
crowded, much frequented, festive; current, popular; celebrated/distinguished;
celebresco, celebrescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
become famous/renowned/celebrated;
celebris, celebris, celebre ADJ [XXXCO]
famous, celebrated, renowned; honored, distinguished; famed; notorious;
oft repeated, frequent; busy, crowded, much used/frequented, populous; festive;
celebritas, celebritatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
crowded conditions, crowding, multitude; fame, renown, reputation; frequency;
celebration; feast;
celebriter ADV [EEBEM]
solemnly; ceremonially;
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
celebrate/perform; frequent; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss/bandy;
Celer, Celeris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
knights (pl.) (old name/precursor of equestrian order); Roman kings' bodyguard;
celer, celeris -e, celerior -or -us, celerrimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
swift, quick, agile, rapid, speedy, fast; rash, hasty, hurried; lively; early;
celeranter ADV [XXXFO]
quickly, rapidly, speedily; with speed; in haste;
celeratim ADV [XXXFO]
quickly, rapidly, speedily;
celere ADV [XXXDO]
quickly/rapidly/speedily; hastily; soon/at an early moment; in a short period;
celeripes, (gen.), celeripedis ADJ [XXXFO]
swift-footed; swift of foot;
celeritas, celeritatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
speed, quickness, rapidity; speed of action, dispatch; haste; early date;
celeriter, celerius, celerrime ADV [XXXCO]
quickly/rapidly/speedily; hastily; soon/at once/early moment; in short period;
celeritudo, celeritudinis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
speed; swiftness;
celeriuscule ADV [XXXFO]
rather rapidly; somewhat quickly;
celero, celerare, celeravi, celeratus V (1st) [XXXCO]
quicken/accelerate; make haste, act quickly/be quick; hasten, hurry, do quickly;
celes, celetis N (3rd) M [XWXNO]
small/fast boat, yacht; (statue of) a race horse;
celeste, celestis N (3rd) N [FSXCO]
supernatural matter; the heavenly bodies; astronomy;
celestis, celeste, celestior -or -us, celestissimus -a -um ADJ [FXXBO]
heavenly, of the heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods;
celestis, celestis N (3rd) C [FEXCO]
divinity, god/goddess; god-like person; the Gods;
celetizon, celetizontos/is N M [XXXNS]
riders on horse-back; (statue by that name);
celeuma, celeumae N (1st) F [EXXFE]
call of bosun giving time to rowers; song. shout (Ecc);
celeuma, celeumatis N (3rd) N [XWXEO]
call of bosun giving time to rowers; song, shout (Ecc);
celeusma, celeusmae N (1st) F [XWXFS]
call of bosun giving time to rowers; song. shout (Ecc);
celeusma, celeusmatis N (3rd) N [XWXES]
call of bosun giving time to rowers; song, shout (Ecc);
celia, celiae N (1st) F [XXSES]
kind of beer (made in Spain);
cella, cellae N (1st) F [XXXAO]
storeroom, (wine) cellar, larder; temple chamber, sanctuary; room, garret; pen;
cell; monastery;
cellararia, cellarariae N (1st) F [FXXEZ]
female cellar-keeper?; (feminine of cellerarius);
cellariarius, cellariaria, cellariarium ADJ [XXXFO]
relating to/connected with a store-room;
cellariarius, cellariarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
steward, butler, cellarer; keeper of a larder/cellar; storekeeper;
cellariensis, cellariensis, cellariense ADJ [DXXFS]
relating to/connected with a store-room;
cellariolum, cellarioli N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
little room;
cellaris, cellaris, cellare ADJ [XAXFO]
relating to/connected with a store-room; kept in cage/cote/pen; (pigeons/etc.);
cellarium, cellarii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
store-room; larder; cellar;
cellarius, cellaria, cellarium ADJ [XXXEO]
relating to/connected with a store-room;
cellarius, cellarii N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
steward, butler, cellarer; keeper of a larder/cellar/storeroom; storekeeper;
cellatio, cellationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
series of store-rooms;
celleraria, cellerariae N (1st) F [FEXEM]
female cellarer/store-keeper; (monastic);
celleraria, cellerariae N (1st) F [FEXFM]
office of cellarer/store(s)-keeper;
cellerarissa, cellerarissae N (1st) F [FEXFM]
female cellarer/store-keeper; (monastic);
cellerarius, cellerarii N (2nd) M [EXXEE]
steward, butler, cellarer; keeper of a larder/cellar/storeroom; storekeeper;
cellerissa, cellerissae N (1st) F [FEXFM]
female cellarer/store-keeper; (monastic);
cellerius, cellerii N (2nd) M [FXXEE]
keeper of a larder/cellar; steward, butler, cellarer; storekeeper;
cellola, cellolae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
small/slave's room; humble apartment/dwelling; porter's lodge; whore's cubicle;
cellula, cellulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
small/slave's room; lowly apartment/dwelling/hut; porter's lodge; whore's crib;
cell (monk); monastery/daughter house (monastic); case for banner; chapel;
cell (biological); chamber of brain; ovary;
cellulanus, cellulani N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
hermit; recluse;
cellularis, cellularis, cellulare ADJ [GSXEK]
cellulosa, cellulosae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
celo, celare, celavi, celatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
conceal, hide, keep secret; disguise; keep in dark/in ignorance; shield;
celo, celonis N (3rd) M [XAXFO]
celocla, celoclae N (1st) F [XWXFO]
small boat;
celocula, celoculae N (1st) F [XWXFO]
small boat;
celox, (gen.), celocis ADJ [BXXCS]
fast, rapid, swift, fleet; (classical mostly applied to boats);
celox, celocis N (3rd) F [XWXCO]
cutter, yacht, light/fast boat; packet boat;
celse, celsius, celsissime ADV [XXXFS]
high; higher, to a greater height; most proudly/prominently/lofty;
celsitudo, celsitudinis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
height, tallness; lofty carriage of body (L+S); (late Latin) Your Highness;
celsus, celsa, celsum ADJ [XXXAO]
high, lofty, tall; haughty; arrogant/proud; prominent, elevated; erect; noble;
celthis, celthis N (3rd) F [XAANO]
African species of lotus;
celtis, celtis N (3rd) F [XAANO]
African species of lotus;
celtis, celtis N (3rd) F [ETXEE]
chisel; tool;
Celtus, Celta, Celtum ADJ [XXXCO]
Celts; (inhabitants of central Gaul);
celula, celulae N (1st) F [EEXDB]
cell; monastery;
celum, celi N (2nd) N [XTXCS]
chisel; engraving tool; burin;
celuma, celumatis N (3rd) N [EXXFE]
call of bo'sun giving time to rowers; song, shout (Ecc);
cementarius, cementari(i) N (2nd) M [ETXEW]
worker in concrete; stone cutter, mason, builder of walls (L+S);
cementerium, cementerii N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
cementicium, cementicii N (2nd) N [XTXFO]
concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S);
cementicius, cementicia, cementicium ADJ [XTXCO]
of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S);
cementum, cementi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips;
cemos, cemi N F [XAXNO]
unidentified plant;
cena, cenae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
dinner/supper, principal Roman meal (evening); course; meal; company at dinner;
Cenabum, Cenabi N (2nd) N [XXFEO]
Cenabum; town in Gaul; Orleans;
cenacularia, cenaculariae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
business of renting attic lodgings; leasing of attic;
cenacularius, cenacularia, cenacularium ADJ [XXXFS]
of/pertaining to a garret/attic;
cenacularius, cenacularii N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
lodging-house keeper; tenant of an attic/garret (L+S);
cenaculatus, cenaculata, cenaculatum ADJ [XXXFS]
with garrets (house);
cenaculum, cenaculi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story;
cenalis, cenalis, cenale ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to (a) dinner;
cenaticum, cenatici N (2nd) N [DWXES]
money given to soldiers instead of food, subsistence allowance;
cenaticus, cenatica, cenaticum ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to (a) dinner;
cenatio, cenationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
dining-room; dining hall;
cenatiuncula, cenatiunculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
small dining-room;
cenator, cenatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
diner; dinner guest;
cenatorium, cenatorii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
dining room, hall; evening dress, dinner wear (pl.);
cenatorius, cenatoria, cenatorium ADJ [XXXEO]
of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or the table;
cenaturio, cenaturire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFO]
desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner;
cenatus, cenata, cenatum ADJ [XXXCO]
having dined/eaten; supplied with dinner;
cenchris, cenchridis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
species of hawk; (probably kestrel);
cenchris, cenchris N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
kind of snake;
cenchritis, cenchritis N (3rd) M [XXXNO]
precious stone;
cenchros, cenchri N M [XXXNO]
small diamond;
cenito, cenitare, cenitavi, cenitatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often);
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of;
cenobium, cenobii N (2nd) N [FEXEM]
cenodoxia, cenodoxiae N (1st) F [FXXFE]
cenotaphium, cenotaphii N (2nd) N [XEXES]
cenotaph, empty tomb/monument to one whose body is elsewhere; (tumulus inanis);
censeo, censere, censui, censitus V (2nd) TRANS [DXXCS]
think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess;
censeo, censere, censui, census V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess;
censio, censionis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
assessing/rating of a census; punishment by a censor; recommendation/decision;
censitio, censitionis N (3rd) F [DLXES]
declaration of will, command; tax, taxing, taxation, tribute;
censitor, censitoris N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
registrar/taxation official in a Roman province/presiding over rating citizens;
censitus, censita, censitum ADJ [DLXCS]
registered; assessed. rated, estimated; judged; taxed; (VPAR censeo);
censor, censoris N (3rd) M [XLXBO]
censor, magistrate for registration/census; censurer, critic (behavior/books);
censoreus, censorea, censoreum ADJ [GEXFZ]
censorious; critical (JFW);
censorius, censoria, censorium ADJ [XLXBO]
of/belonging to/dealt with by/having been a censor, censorial; austere, moral;
censualis, censualis N (3rd) M [XLXES]
those who make out censor's lists/rolls; censor's lists/rolls;
censualis, censualis, censuale ADJ [XLXEO]
of/connected with census of citizens;
censum, censi N (2nd) N [XLXFS]
estimate of property value by census/censor; ones property/wealth/fortune;
censura, censurae N (1st) F [XLXBO]
office/conduct/power of censor, censorship; appraisal, oversight, control;
blame, censure; ecclesiastical punishment;
censuratus, censurata, censuratum ADJ [EEXEE]
censured, under censure;
census, censa, censum ADJ [XLXES]
registered; assessed. rated, estimated; judged; taxed; (VPAR censeo);
census, census N (4th) M [XLXAO]
census/registration/roll (5 yr.); wealth/property; estate valuation/appraisal;
centaureum, centaurei N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by centaur Chiron);
centauria, centauriae N (1st) F [DAXCS]
centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by centaur Chiron);
centaurion, centaurii N N [XAXCO]
centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by centaur Chiron);
centauris, centauridis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
species of centaury (herb); (properties discovered by centaur Chiron);
centaurium, centauri(i) N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by centaur Chiron);
centaurus, centauri N (2nd) M [XYXCO]
centaur, a mythical creature, half man and half horse; name of constellation;
centena, centenae N (1st) F [DLXFS]
dignity in imperial court;
centenarium, centenarii N (2nd) N [XTXFO]
hundred (Roman) pounds weight, hundredweight;
centenarius, centenaria, centenarium ADJ [XXXCO]
containing/consisting of/numbering/having/costing hundred; hundred; hundredfold;
centenionalis, centenionalis, centenionale ADJ [DLXFS]
small coin; (with nummus);
centensim NUM [XXXCO]
one hundredth; (part/in series);
centensimo, centensimare, -, - V (1st) TRANS [DWXFS]
take out every hundredth (for punishment), centesimate;
centensum NUM [BXXEG]
one hundredth; (part/in series);
centenum, centeni N (2nd) N [XAXCS]
species of very productive wheat (of a hundred grains);
centenus, centena, centenum ADJ [FXXEM]
centesima, centesimae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
hundredth part; one percent; (of interest, usu. 1% per month); cent;
centesimalis, centesimalis, centesimale ADJ [HXXEK]
of a cent;
centiceps, (gen.), centcipitis ADJ [XYXEO]
hundred-headed, having a hundred heads;
centifidus, centifida, centifidum ADJ [DXXES]
divided into a hundred parts; divided into a great many parts;
centifolius, centifolia, centifolium ADJ [XAXNO]
having hundred petals/leaves; (rose);
centigrammum, centigrammi N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
centigranius, centigrania, centigranium ADJ [XAXNO]
species of very productive wheat (of a hundred grains);
centimalis, centimalis, centimale ADJ [DBXFS]
surgical instrument (w/fistula), trocar (perforator for drawing fluid/abscess);
centimanus, centimana, centimanum ADJ [XYXEO]
centimeter, centimetri N (2nd) M [DPXFS]
one who employs a hundred/very many meters (poetic);
centimetrum, centimetri N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
centinodius, centinodia, centinodium ADJ [DAXFS]
with a hundred knots; [~ herba => unknown plant];
centipeda, centipedae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
centipellio, centipellionis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
third stomach of a ruminant, psalterium, iomasum, manyplies;
centipes, (gen.), centipedis ADJ [XAXNS]
hundred-footed; (e.g., like a centipede);
centipes, centipedis N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
centiplex, (gen.), centiplicis ADJ [XXXFS]
centiplicato ADV [XXXNO]
at one hundred times the price;
cento, centonis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
patchwork quilt, blanket or curtain made of old garments sewn together; rags;
centoculus, centocula, centoculum ADJ [DYXFS]
hundred-eyed; (e.g., Argus); with a multitude of eyes;
centonarius, centonaria, centonarium ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to patchwork/rags;
centonarius, centonarii N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
fireman using mats to extinguish fires; (late) maker of patchwork, rag dealer;
centralis, centralis, centrale ADJ [XXXNO]
central; centrally located; in middle/center;
centralizatio, centralizationis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
centralizatorius, centralizatoria, centralizatorium ADJ [GXXEK]
centralizo, centralizare, centralizavi, centralizatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
centratus, centrata, centratum ADJ [DXXFS]
central; in middle/center;
centricus, centrica, centricum ADJ [GXXEK]
centrifugatrum, centrifugatri N (2nd) N [GTXEK]
centrifugus, centrifuga, centrifugum ADJ [GTXEK]
centrina, centrinae N (1st) M [XAXNS]
kind of wasp or beetle (usu. pl.);
centripetus, centripeta, centripetum ADJ [GTXEK]
centrosus, centrosa, centrosum ADJ [XXXNO]
characterized by knots/like flaws; at central point, inward, internal (L+S);
centrum, centri N (2nd) N [XSXBO]
center (circle/sphere/earth); vanishing point; axis, pivot; knot; spur (fowl);
centum, centesimus -a -um, centeni -ae -a, centie(n)s NUM [XXXAO]
one hundred;
centumgeminus, centumgemina, centumgeminum ADJ [XXXEO]
hundredfold; hundred-handed (Briareus); hundred-gated (Thebes);
centumpeda, centumpedae N (1st) M [DAXFS]
hundred-footed; (e.g., a centipede);
centumplex, (gen.), centumplicis ADJ [XXXFO]
centumpondium, centumpondii N (2nd) N [XSXEO]
weight of one hundred pounds;
centumvir, centumviri N (2nd) M [XLXCO]
panel of (about 100) judges chosen annually to decide civil suits (pl.);
centumviralis, centumviralis, centumvirale ADJ [XLXCO]
of/belonging to/pertaining to centumviri (civil court of 100)/its jurisdiction;
centunculus, centunculi N (2nd) F [XXXEO]
plant of doubtful identity; (knotweed L+S);
centunculus, centunculi N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
patchwork blanket/cloth/drape; multicolored saddle cloth (L+S); small patch;
centupeda, centupedae N (1st) F [DAXNS]
centuplex, (gen.), centuplicis ADJ [BXXFS]
centuplicato ADV [DXXNS]
at one hundred times the price;
centuplicatum, centuplicati N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
hundredfold (pl.); centuple;
centuplicatus, centuplicata, centuplicatum ADJ [DXXFS]
increased a hundredfold; centupled;
centuplico, centuplicare, centuplicavi, centuplicatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
increase a hundredfold;
centuplum, centupli N (2nd) N [DEXCS]
hundredfold; centuple;
centuplus, centupla, centuplum ADJ [DEXCS]
hundredfold; centuple;
centupondium, centupondii N (2nd) N [DSXES]
weight of one hundred pounds;
centuria, centuriae N (1st) F [XWXBO]
century, company of 60-100 men in legion; voting unit; land unit (200 jugera);
centurialis, centurialis, centuriale ADJ [XXXEO]
of/belonging to given centuria for voting; boundary marker of land centuria;
centuriatim ADV [XXXDO]
by centuries; (citizens for voting/soldiers in companies);
centuriatio, centuriationis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
division of land into centuriae (about 100 acre plots);
centuriato ADV [XXXFO]
by centuries; (citizens for voting/soldiers in companies);
centuriatus, centuriata, centuriatum ADJ [XLXCO]
voting in centuriae; divided into centuriae; [comitia ~ => Roman assembly];
centuriatus, centuriatus N (4th) M [XWXEO]
office of centurion; division into centuriae (land/voting);
centurio, centuriare, centuriavi, centuriatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXCO]
arrange/assign (soldiers) in military centuries; divide land into centuriae;
centurio, centurionis N (3rd) M [XWXBO]
centurion, captain/commander of a century/company;
centurionatus, centurionatus N (4th) M [XWXEO]
office of centurion; revision of list of centurions; election of centurion;
division into centuriae (land/voting);
centurionicus, centurionica, centurionicum ADJ [XWXIO]
in capacity of a centurion;
centurionus, centurioni N (2nd) M [BWXEO]
centurion, captain of a century;
centussis, centussis N (3rd) M [XLXDO]
sum of 100 asses, a hundred;
cenula, cenulae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
little dinner, supper;
cenum, ceni N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth;
cepa, cepae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
onion (Allium capa); (used as term of abuse);
cepaea, cepaeae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
herb (unidentified); plant like portulacca, portulacca-leaved sedum (L+S);
ceparius, ceparii N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
grower of onions; trader in onions (L+S);
cepaticus, cepatica, cepaticum ADJ [XXXFO]
resembling an onion;
cepe, cepis N (3rd) N [XAXCO]
onion (Allium capa);
cepetum, cepeti N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
onion bed;
cephalaea, cephalaeae N (1st) F [XBXNO]
persistent/lasting headache;
cephalaeota, cephalaeotae N (1st) M [DLXFS]
collector of capitation/poll tax;
cephalaeum, cephalaei N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
cephalalgia, cephalalgiae N (1st) F [XBXES]
cephalalgicus, cephalalgica, cephalalgicum ADJ [DBXFS]
sick with a headache;
cephalargia, cephalargiae N (1st) F [XBXES]
cephalargicus, cephalargica, cephalargicum ADJ [DBXFS]
sick with a headache;
cephalicus, cephalica, cephalicum ADJ [XBXFO]
for the head, of/relating to head, head-;
cephalicus, cephalici N (2nd) M [FDXFE]
musical note in Gregorian chant;
cephalo, cephalonis N (3rd) M [XAXFS]
palm tree;
cephalotos, cephalote, cephaloton ADJ [XXXFS]
having a head;
Cephas, undeclined N M [XEXFE]
rock (Aramaic), surname of Simon Peter;
cephen, cephenis N (3rd) M [XAXNS]
drones (pl.) (in a swarm/hive of bees);
cephus, cephi N (2nd) M [FXXCL]
bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup;
cepina, cepinae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
onion bed/field;
cepitis, cepitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
kind of veined gem;
cepolartitis, cepolartitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
kind of veined gem;
cepolendrum, cepolendri N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
imaginary condiment;
ceponis, ceponidis N (3rd) F [XXXNS]
precious stone (unknown);
ceposus, ceposa, ceposum ADJ [XAXFO]
abounding in onions; full of onions;
cepotafiolum, cepotafioli N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
small garden tomb;
cepotafium, cepotafii N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
garden tomb;
cepotafius, cepotafii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
garden tomb;
cepotaphiolum, cepotaphioli N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
small garden tomb;
cepotaphium, cepotaphii N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
garden tomb;
cepotaphius, cepotaphii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
garden tomb;
ceps, (gen.), cipis ADJ [XSXCO]
-headed; -fold; -part (only w/NUM/PREP prefix); occupying X place in series;
cepulla, cepullae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
onion bed/field;
cepuricus, cepurica, cepuricum ADJ [DAXFS]
pertaining to gardening;
cera, cerae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
wax, beeswax; honeycomb; wax-covered writing tablet, letter; wax image/seal;
cerachates, cerachatae N M [XXXNO]
beeswax-colored agate, wax-agate;
cerais, ceraidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
wild radish;
ceramitis, ceramitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
kind of gem;
ceraria, cerariae N (1st) F [BXXFS]
woman who makes wax lights?;
cerarium, cerarii N (2nd) N [XLXFO]
charge/tax for sealing/affixing wax seal to documents, wax-money/('stamp tax');
cerarius, ceraria, cerarium ADJ [XXXIO]
of/concerned with (wax-covered) writing tablets; of a worker in wax;
cerarius, cerarii N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
dealer in wax; writer on tablets (wax-covered);
ceras, ceratis N (3rd) N [DAXFS]
kind of wild parsnip; [Hesperion ~ => mountain on west coast of Lybia];
cerasinus, cerasina, cerasinum ADJ [XXXFO]
cerasium, cerasii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
cherry; cherry tree;
cerastes, cerastae N M [XAXCO]
horned snake (Cerastes cornulus); insect parasitic on figs; horned men of Crete;
cerasum, cerasi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
cherry-tree/bark/wood; cherry;
cerasus, cerasi N (2nd) F [XXXCO]
cherry-tree/bark/wood; cherry;
ceratia, ceratiae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
plant (unidentified); plant with a single leaf (L+S);
ceratias, ceratiae N M [XAXNO]
horn-shaped comet;
ceratina, ceratinae N (1st) F [XSXEO]
horn fallacy; (you have not lost your horns, therefore you have horns);
ceratitis, ceratitidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
horned poppy (Glaucium flavum);
ceratium, ceratii N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
carob tree;
ceratium, ceratii N (2nd) N [XSHFO]
Greek weight corresponding to Latin siliqua/2 calculi;
ceratoides, ceratoides, ceratoides ADJ [XBXFO]
horn-like; (of outer coat of eye/sclerotic/white);
ceratorium, ceratorii N (2nd) N [DBXES]
ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate;
ceratum, cerati N (2nd) N [XBXDO]
ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate;
ceratura, ceraturae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
coating with wax; smearing over/covering with wax;
ceratus, cerata, ceratum ADJ [XXXDO]
waxed, wax, of wax, wax colored; coated/fastened/caulked with wax; pliant, soft;
ceraules, ceraulae N M [XDXEO]
ceraunium, ceraunii N (2nd) N [XXXES]
precious stone; onyx?; meteoric stone?;
ceraunius, ceraunia, ceraunium ADJ [XXXCO]
connected with thunderbolts/thunder/lightning; (varieties of plant/minerals);
ceraunus, cerauni N (2nd) M [XXXES]
precious stone; onyx?; (meteoric stone?);
Cerbereus, Cerberea, Cerbereum ADJ [XYXDO]
of/connected with Cerberus; (three-headed dog guarding entrance to underworld);
Cerberos, Cerberi N M [XYXEO]
Cerberus; (three-headed dog guarding entrance to underworld);
Cerberus, Cerberi N (2nd) M [XYXCO]
Cerberus; (three-headed dog guarding entrance to underworld);
cerceris, cerceriis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
aquatic bird (unidentified);
cercholopis, cercholopis N (3rd) M [XAXFS]
monkey having a tuft of hair at end of its tail;
cercis, cercidis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
radius (arm bone);
cercitis, cercitidis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
variety of olive; species of olive tree;
cercius, cercii N (2nd) M [XSXCO]
wind between north and west; WNW wind (L+S); (in Gallia Narbonensis);
cercolopis, cercolopis N (3rd) M [XAXFS]
monkey having a tuft of hair at end of its tail;
cercopithecon, cercopitheci N N [XAEEO]
long-tailed monkey; (sacred to Egyptians L+S);
cercopithecus, cercopitheci N (2nd) M [XAEEO]
long-tailed monkey; (sacred to Egyptians L+S);
cercops, cercopis N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
long-tailed monkey; money-grubber; inhabitants of Pithecusae changed to monkeys;
cercurus, cercuri N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
fast light vessel; sea fish found among rocks;
cercyrus, cercyri N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
fast light vessel; sea fish found among rocks;
cerdo, cerdonis N (3rd) M [XTXDO]
artisan; craftsman; cobbler (L+S); proper name especially of slaves;
cerea, cereae N (1st) F [XXSNO]
beverage made from grain; (beer?); Spanish drink from grain (L+S);
Cereale, Cerealis N (3rd) N [XEXCO]
festival of Ceres (pl.);
Cerealis, Cerealis, Cereale ADJ [XEXCO]
of/associated with Ceres, suitable for festival of Ceres; of wheat;
cerebellare, cerebellaris N (3rd) N [XXXFS]
brain-covering; head-covering;
cerebellum, cerebelli N (2nd) N [XBXDO]
brain; seat of senses/intellect; little brain (L+S);
cerebralis, cerebralis, cerebrale ADJ [GBXEK]
cerebrosus, cerebrosa, cerebrosum ADJ [XXXEO]
liable to be affected with passion; enraged/hot-headed/passionate; hare-brained;
cerebrum, cerebri N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
brain; top of the head, skull; bud; seat of senses/intelligence; anger/wrath;
ceremonia, ceremoniae N (1st) F [FEXCS]
ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
ceremonial, ceremonialis N (3rd) N [FEXFE]
ceremonial, directory/set/series of ceremonies/rituals/rites;
ceremonialis, ceremonialis, ceremoniale ADJ [FEXFS]
ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
ceremonior, ceremoniari, - V (1st) DEP [FEXES]
treat with due ceremony; worship;
ceremoniosus, ceremoniosa, ceremoniosum ADJ [FEXFS]
pertaining/devoted to religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
ceremonium, ceremonii N (2nd) N [FEXES]
ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
cereolus, cereola, cereolum ADJ [XXXFO]
Ceres, Cereris N (3rd) F [XEXBO]
Ceres (goddess of grain/fruits); wheat; bread; food;
cereus, cerea, cereum ADJ [XXXCO]
waxed, waxen, of/like wax; wax colored/pale yellow; pliant/soft; easily moved;
cereus, cerei N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
wax light, taper, candle;
cerevisia, cerevisiae N (1st) F [XXFES]
kind of beer;
ceria, ceriae N (1st) F [XXSNS]
beverage made from grain; (beer?); Spanish drink from grain (L+S);
ceriaria, ceriariae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
female worker (of unknown function);
cerifico, cerificare, cerificavi, cerificatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXNS]
make wax; spawn (of purple-fish) (make wax/prepare slimy nest for eggs);
cerimonia, cerimoniae N (1st) F [DEXCS]
ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
cerimonial, cerimonialis N (3rd) N [EEXFE]
ceremonial, directory/set/series of ceremonies/rituals/rites;
cerimonialis, cerimonialis, cerimoniale ADJ [DEXFS]
ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
cerimonior, cerimoniari, - V (1st) DEP [DEXES]
treat with due ceremony; worship;
cerimoniosus, cerimoniosa, cerimoniosum ADJ [DEXFS]
pertaining/devoted to religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
cerimonium, cerimonii N (2nd) N [DEXES]
ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
cerineus, cerinea, cerineum ADJ [XXXIO]
made of wax;
cerintha, cerinthae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
honeywort plant; (genus Cerinthe); wax-flower, plant bees are fond of (L+S);
cerinthe, cerinthes N F [XAXNO]
honeywort plant; (genus Cerinthe); wax-flower, plant bees are fond of (L+S);
cerinthus, cerinthi N (2nd) M [XAXNS]
bee-bread, pollen; (also called erithace or sandaraca);
cerinum, cerini N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
wax-colored/pale yellow garment (pl.);
cerinus, cerina, cerinum ADJ [XXXEO]
ceriolare, ceriolaris N (3rd) N [XXXIO]
ceriolarium, ceriolarii N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
ceriolarius, ceriolarii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
maker/seller of tapers;
ceritis, ceritidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; wax-stone (L+S);
cerium, cerii N (2nd) N [XBXNO]
cyst/growth characterized by honeycomb pattern; bad swelling/ulcer (L+S);
cernentia, cernentiae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
sight, seeing;
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
sift, separate, distinguish, discern, resolve, determine; see; examine; decide;
cernophorus, cernophori N (2nd) C [XEXIO]
bearer of cernus (vessel for holding offerings);
cernulo, cernulare, cernulavi, cernulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
throw headlong; throw down (L+S);
cernulus, cernula, cernulum ADJ [XXXEO]
head foremost; turning a somersault (L+S);
cernuo, cernuare, cernuavi, cernuatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXEO]
fall headfirst; dive; turn a somersault;
cernuus, cernua, cernuum ADJ [XXXEO]
head foremost; falling headlong; face down, inclined/stooping/bowing forwards;
cernuus, cernui N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
kind of shoe; tumbler (L+S); mountebank;
cero, cerare, ceravi, ceratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
smear/coat with wax;
ceroferarium, ceroferarii N (2nd) N [FEXFE]
ceroferarius, ceroferarii N (2nd) M [DEXES]
torchbearer; waxlight/taper/candle bearer/attendant at Christian worship;
ceroma, ceromatis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
layer of mud put down for wrestling; the_ring; wrestler; wax ointment (L+S);
ceromaticus, ceromatica, ceromaticum ADJ [XXXFO]
smeared with ceroma (mud put down for wrestling-ring); (wax ointment L+S);
ceromatita, ceromatitae N (1st) M [EXXFP]
wax-anointer; one who anoints with wax salve;
ceronia, ceroniae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
St John's bread (carob-tree pods), husks eaten by prodigal and John the Baptist;
cerosus, cerosa, cerosum ADJ [XXXNO]
containing wax; full of wax;
cerotum, ceroti N (2nd) N [XBXES]
ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate;
ceroturium, ceroturii N (2nd) N [DBXES]
ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate;
cerreus, cerrea, cerreum ADJ [XAXNO]
of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris);
cerrinus, cerrina, cerrinum ADJ [XAXNO]
of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris);
cerritulus, cerritula, cerritulum ADJ [DBXFS]
somewhat mad/demented;
cerritus, cerrita, cerritum ADJ [XBXCO]
possessed by Ceres; frantic, frenzied; mad, demented;
cerro, cerronis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
term of opprobrium/disgrace/reproach; buffoon?;
cerrus, cerri N (2nd) F [XAXEO]
Turkey oak (Quercus cerris), mossy-cup oak of southern Europe (OED);
certabundus, certabunda, certabundum ADJ [XGXFO]
disputing, contending;
certamen, certaminis N (3rd) N [XXXAO]
contest, competition; battle, combat, struggle; rivalry; (matter in) dispute;
certatim ADV [XXXBO]
with rivalry, in competition; earnestly, eagerly (L+S);
certatio, certationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
striving; contest; struggling for superiority/mastery; (fight/sports/legal);
certative ADV [DXXFS]
combatively; in order to stir up strife;
certator, certatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
disputant, one who argues; competitor;
certatus, certatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
struggle, contention; fight;
certe ADV [XXXAO]
surely, certainly, without doubt, really; at least/any rate, in all events;
certificatio, certificationis N (3rd) F [FLXFJ]
certificatus, certificata, certificatum ADJ [GXXEK]
certificated, certified; registered;
certifico, certificare, certificavi, certificatus V (1st) [FLXFJ]
certify; register
certim ADV [DXXES]
surely, certainly, without doubt, really;
certioro, certiorare, certioravi, certioratus V (1st) TRANS [XLXCO]
inform, show, apprise;
certisco, certiscere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
become more certain/sure/determined?;
certitudo, certitudinis N (3rd) F [FXXCO]
certainty, certitude; assurance (Bee); truth;
certo, certare, certavi, certatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
vie (with), contest, contend/struggle (at law/politics), dispute; fight, strive;
certo, certius, certissime ADV [XXXBO]
certainly, definitely, really, for certain/a fact, truly; surely, firmly;
certor, certari, certatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
compete (in a contest), contend/struggle (at law/politics), strive;
certum, certi N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
that which is fixed/regular/definite/specified/certain/fact/reliable/settled;
certus, certa -um, certior -or -us, certissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
fixed, settled, firm; certain; trusty/reliable; sure; resolved, determined;
ceruchus, ceruchi N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
braces (pl.) (supporting yard-arms), ropes fastened to sail-yards;
cerula, cerulae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
small piece of wax; red crayon (w/miniata); candlestick, stand for wax tapers;
cerussa, cerussae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
carbonate of lead; white lead, ceruse; (for paint/cosmetics/medicine/poison);
cerussatus, cerussata, cerussatum ADJ [XXXEO]
painted/colored white/with white lead; made white with lead;
cerva, cervae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
doe, hind; deer;
cervarius, cervaria, cervarium ADJ [XAXEO]
of/pertaining to/connected with deer; [lupus ~ => lynx, wolverine?];
cervesa, cervesae N (1st) F [XXFEO]
beer; kind of beer;
cervesarius, cervesarii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
brewer (of beer);
cervesia, cervesiae N (1st) F [XXFEO]
beer; kind of beer;
cervical, cervicalis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
pillow, cushion;
cervicale, cervicalis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
pillow, cushion;
cervicatas, cervicatatis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
obstinacy, stubbornness;
cervicatus, cervicata, cervicatum ADJ [DXXFS]
stiff-necked, obstinate, stubborn;
cervicosus, cervicosa, cervicosum ADJ [DXXES]
stiff-necked, obstinate, stubborn;
cervicula, cerviculae N (1st) F [XBXCO]
neck (men/animals); neck of object (e.g., of air container in water organ);
cervina, cervinae N (1st) F [XAXES]
deer meat, venison;
cervinus, cervina, cervinum ADJ [XAXCO]
of/pertaining to deer/stag; [~ senectus => longevity/great age];
cerviscus, cervisca, cerviscum ADJ [XAXFO]
name of a variety of pear;
cervisia, cervisiae N (1st) F [XXFES]
kind of beer;
cervisiaria, cervisiariae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
brasserie; restaurant;
cervisiarius, cervisiaria, cervisiarium ADJ [GXXET]
beer-; made from/of beer; (Erasmus);
cervisiola, cervisiolae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
light beer;
cervix, cervicis N (3rd) F [XBXAO]
neck (sg/pl.), nape; severed neck/head; cervix, neck (bladder/uterus/jar/land);
cervos, cervi N M [BAXFS]
stag/deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry);
cervula, cervulae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
little hind/doe;
cervulus, cervuli N (2nd) M [DWXFS]
little chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry);
cervus, cervi N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
stag/deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry);
ceryceum, cerycei N (2nd) N [DLXFS]
herald's staff, caduceus;
cerycium, cerycii N (2nd) N [DLXFS]
herald's staff, caduceus;
ceryx, cerycis N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
cespes, cespitis N (3rd) M [EAXBE]
grassy ground, grass; earth; sod, turf; altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth;
cespito, cespitare, caespitavi, caespitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
cessatio, cessationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
relaxation/rest/respite; period of disuse, inactivity; idleness, neglect; delay;
cessator, cessatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
idler, sluggard; dilatory person (L+S);
cessatrix, cessatricis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
idler (female), loiterer;
cessicius, cessicia, cessicium ADJ [XLXEO]
made/appointed by cessio (surrendering/conceding in law); of giving up/ceding;
cessim ADV [XXXEO]
as to give way/lose ground; bending/turning in; (turned) backwards; obliquely;
cessio, cessionis N (3rd) F [XLXDO]
surrendering/conceding (in law); running (of period of time);
cessitius, cessitia, cessitium ADJ [XLXFS]
made/appointed by cessio (surrendering/conceding in law); of giving up/ceding;
cesso, cessare, cessavi, cessatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXAO]
be remiss/inactive; hold back, leave off, delay, cease from; rest; be free of;
cessum, cessi N (2nd) N [XLXIO]
advance, part of payment that has been made;
cessus, cessus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
backward or yielding movement;
cesticillus, cesticilli N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
small ring/hoop placed on head to support burden;
cestos, cesti N M [XXXEO]
band supporting breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap;
cestros, cestri N F [XAXNO]
plant identified with vettonica; (betony?);
cestros, cestri N M [XTXNO]
pointed tool used in encaustic (wax) painting; graving tool (L+S);
cestrosphendone, cestrosphendones N F [XWXFO]
catapult for discharging bolts;
cestrotus, cestrota, cestrotum ADJ [XTXNO]
cestus, cestus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
boxing-glove, strip of leather weighted with lead/iron tied to boxer's hands;
cetaria, cetariae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
cetarium, cetari(i) N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
cetarius, cetaria, cetarium ADJ [XAXFS]
of/pertaining to fish;
cetarius, cetarii N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
fisherman; fishmonger;
cetera ADV [XXXCO]
for the rest, otherwise; in other respects;
cetero ADV [XXXCO]
for the rest(new details/theme), otherwise; in other respects; at other times;
ceteroqui ADV [XXXDO]
in other respects, otherwise;
ceteroquin ADV [XXXCS]
in other respects, otherwise;
ceterum ADV [XXXCO]
moreover; but yet; still, for the rest, but, besides; in other respects;
ceterus, cetera, ceterum ADJ [XXXAO]
the_other; the_others (pl.). the_remaining/rest, all the_rest;
cetionis, cetionidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
cetos, ceti N N [XAXCO]
whale; porpoise; dolphin; its flesh; sea monster (offered Andromeda);
cetosus, cetosa, cetosum ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to sea-fishes;
cetra, cetrae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
caetra (small light shield);
give/bring here!/hand over, come (now/here); tell/show us, out with it! behold!
cetus, ceti N (2nd) M [XAXBO]
whale; porpoise; dolphin; its flesh; sea monster (offered Andromeda);
as, in the same way/just as; for example, like; (just) as if; as (if) it were;
ceua, ceuae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
small breed of cow;
ceva, cevae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
small breed of cow;
ceveo, cevere, cevi, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXES]
move haunches in a lewd or effeminate manner, practice such behavior; fawn;
ceyx, ceycis N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
sea bird (tern?); son of Lucifer/husband of Alcyone; male kingfisher (L+S);
welcome; hail (L+S);
chaerephyllum, chaerephylli N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium);
chaerepolum, chaerepoli N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium);
chalasticamen, chalasticaminis N (3rd) N [DBXFS]
alleviating remedy;
chalasticus, chalastica, chalasticum ADJ [DBXFS]
of/pertaining to alleviating/soothing;
chalatorius, chalatoria, chalatorium ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to loosing/letting down;
chalazias, chalaziae N F [XXXNO]
precious stone (unidentified); (of form and color of hail);
chalazion, chalazii N N [XBXFO]
wart/tubercle on eyelid; sty;
chalazius, chalazia, chalazium ADJ [XXXNO]
resembling a hailstone (name of a precious stone); of/pertaining to hail (L+S);
chalazophylax, chalazophylacis N (3rd) M [XEXFO]
hail-guard (official at Cleonae whose duty it was to avert hail by sacrifice);
chalazosis, chalazosis N (3rd) F [XBXIO]
attack of warts or pimples; (acne?);
chalbanum, chalbani N (2nd) N [XAQES]
resinous sap of an umbelliferous plant in Syria, galbanum;
chalcanthon, chalcanthi N N [XTXNO]
copperas-water, cobbler's blackening (for shoe leather); (Atramentum sutorium);
chalcanthum, chalcanthi N (2nd) N [XTXNO]
copperas-water, cobbler's blackening (for shoe leather); (Atramentum sutorium);
chalcas, chalcae N F [XAXNO]
plant (chrysanthemum family?); (buphthalmus?);
chalcaspis, (gen.), chalcaspidis ADJ [XWXFS]
having/with a brazen shield;
chalcaspis, chalcaspidis N (3rd) M [XWXFO]
soldier with a brazen shield;
chalcedonius, chalcedonii N (2nd) M [EXXFW]
chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19);
chalceos, chalcei N M [XAXNO]
prickly plant resembling thistle;
chalcetum, chalceti N (2nd) N [XBXNS]
plant (unidentified); (medicinal);
chalceum, chalcei N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
brazen/brass things (pl.);
chalceus, chalcea, chalceum ADJ [XXXFS]
brazen, of brass;
chalcidice, chalcidices N F [XAXNS]
kind of lizard or snake;
chalcidicum, chalcidici N (2nd) N [XTXDO]
kind of portico or porch; (from Chalcis);
chalcis, chalcidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
kind of fish (sardine?/herring-like?); kind of lizard/snake; (w/copper spots);
Chalcis, Chalcidos/is N F [XXXEO]
Chalcis; (several towns in Greece/elsewhere, esp. chief city of Euboea);
chalcites, chalcitae N F [XXXDS]
copper pyrites; precious stone (of copper color L+S); copper stone/ore (L+S);
chalcitis, chalcitidis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
copper pyrites; precious stone (of copper color L+S); copper stone/ore (L+S);
chalcographia, chalcographiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
engraving on copper;
chalcographus, chalcographi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
engraver (on copper); printer (Erasmus);
chalcophonos, chalcophoni N F [XXXNO]
precious stone; (ringing like brass L+S);
chalcophthongos, chalcophthongi N F [XXXNS]
precious stone; (ringing like brass L+S);
chalcosmaragdus, chalcosmaragdi N (2nd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; emerald with veins of brass (malachite?) (L+S);
chalcus, chalci N (2nd) M [XLHNO]
copper coin (of small value, one tenth obol, one 60th or 40th of a drachma);
Chaldaeus, Chaldaea, Chaldaeum ADJ [XXQEO]
Chaldaen, of/concerning Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers;
Chaldaeus, Chaldaei N (2nd) M [XXQCO]
Chaldaen, people of south Assyria; their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers;
Chaldaicus, Chaldaica, Chaldaicum ADJ [XXQEO]
Chaldaen, of/concerning Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers;
Chaldeus, Chaldea, Chaldeum ADJ [EXQEW]
Chaldaen, of/concerning Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers;
Chaldeus, Chaldei N (2nd) M [EXQCW]
Chaldaen, people of south Assyria; their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers;
chalo, chalare, chalavi, chalatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
let down, allow to hang free; loosen;
chalybeius, chalybeia, chalybeium ADJ [XXXFO]
of/consisting of iron(/steel);
chalybs, chalybis N (3rd) M [XWXCO]
iron/steel; iron weapons/implements; sword (L+S); horse bit; arrow point; rail;
chama, chamae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
bivalve shellfish, clam; cockle (L+S);
chama, chamatis N (3rd) N [XAXNS]
lynx; (undeclined OLD);
chamaeacte, chamaeactes N F [XAXNO]
dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus); danewort (L+S);
chamaecerasus, chamaecerasi N (2nd) F [XAXNO]
dwarf cheery tree (Prunus prostrata);
chamaecissos, chamaecissi N F [XAXNO]
ground ivy (Glecoma hederacea); kind of cyclamen;
chamaecyparissos, chamaecyparissi N F [XAXNO]
plant, lavender cotton? (Santolina chamaecyparissus);
chamaedaphne, chamaedaphnes N F [XAXNO]
periwinkle? (Vinca herbacea); butcher's broom? (Ruscus racemosus); dwarf laurel;
chamaedracon, chamaedraconis N (3rd) M [XAAFS]
kind of African serpent; ground serpent;
chamaedrops, chamaedropis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
dwarf palm? (Chamaerops humilis); germander? (Teucrium chamaedrys) (medicine);
chamaedrys, chamaedryis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
germander; (plant Teucrium chamaedrys); (medical); (pure Latin trixago L+S);
chamaeleon, chamaeleonis N (3rd) C [XAXNS]
thistles; carline (Cardopatium corymbosum)/pine-thistle (Atractylis gummifera);
chamaeleon, chamaeleonis N (3rd) M [XAXES]
chameleon; (M/F OLD); lizard (Ecc);
chamaeleon, chamaeleontos/is N C [XAXNS]
thistles; carline (Cardopatium corymbosum)/pine-thistle (Atractylis gummifera);
chamaeleon, chamaeleontos/is N M [XAXES]
chameleon; (M/F OLD); lizard (Ecc);
chamaeleuce, chamaeleuces N F [XAXNO]
coltsfoot; (Tussilago farfara);
chamaemelinus, chamaemelina, chamaemelinum ADJ [DAXES]
of/pertaining to chamomile;
chamaemelon, chamaemeli N N [XAXNO]
plant (chamomile?);
chamaemelygos, chamaemelygi N F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called verbenaca);
chamaemilla, chamaemillae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
chamaemyrsine, chamaemyrsines N F [XAXNO]
butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus); dwarf myrtle (L+S);
chamaepeuce, chamaepeuces N F [XAXNO]
plant (unidentified); ground larch (L+S);
chamaepitys, chamaepityis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
plant (genus Ajuga); hypericum/St John's wort; groundpine (abortifacient) (L+S);
chamaeplatanus, chamaeplatani N (2nd) F [XAXNO]
plane tree kept small by pruning, pollard plane; dwarf platane (L+S);
chamaerops, chamaearopis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
dwarf palm? (Chamaerops humilis); germander? (Teucrium chamaedrys) (medicine);
chamaesyce, chamaesyces N F [XAXNO]
kind of spurge (Euphorbia chamaesyce?); plant, wolf's-milk, ground fig (L+S);
chamaetortus, chamaetorta, chamaetortum ADJ [XXXFO]
twisted to ground; that creeps on ground (L+S);
chamaezelon, chamaezeli N N [XAXNO]
plant, cinquefoil; gnaphalium, an unidentified plant;
chamedyosmos, chamedyosmi N F [DAXFS]
rosemary; (pure Latin ros marinus);
chamelaea, chamelaeae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
dwarf olive (Daphne oleoides); shrub (thymelaea, Daphne gnidium?);
chamelea, chameleae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
dwarf olive (Daphne oleoides); shrub (thymelaea, Daphne gnidium?);
chameunia, chameuniae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
couch on earth;
chamomilla, chamomillae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
chamulcus, chamulci N (2nd) M [DTXFS]
kind of machine;
Chanaan, undeclined N F [EXQES]
Chanan, undeclined N F [EXQES]
Chananea, Chananeae N (1st) F [EXQEW]
Canaan, Palestine;
Chananeus, Chananea, Chananeum ADJ [EXQEW]
of/from Canaan/Palestine;
chancellarius, chancellari(i) N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
porter, doorkeeper; secretary; chancellor (ecclesiastical); diocesan official;
chane, chanes N F [XAXNS]
sea-perch (Serranus cabrilla?); (Perca cabrilla L+S);
chanius, chania, chanium ADJ [DPXFS]
name of a foot of three long syllables (_ _ _) (w/pes);
channe, channes N F [XAXEO]
sea-perch (Serranus cabrilla?); (Perca cabrilla L+S);
Chaos, Chai N N [XEXCO]
Chaos, pit of Hell, underworld; formless/shapeless primordial matter;
chara, charae N (1st) F [XAXFT]
edible root, mixed with milk/forms loaf to stave off hunger (Caesar CW III);
characatus, characata, characatum ADJ [XAXFO]
staked, propped up; provided with stakes;
characias, characiae N M [XAXNS]
reed for props/stakes; kind of spurge (wood spurge?); plant, wolf's-milk;
characites, characitae N M [XAXNS]
plant, wolf's-milk;
character, characteris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
branded/impressed letter/mark/etc; marking instrument; stamp, character, style;
characterismos, characterismi N M [XXXFO]
characterization; making prominent of characteristic marks (L+S);
characterismus, characterismi N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
characterization; making prominent of characteristic marks (L+S);
charadrion, charadrii N N [EAXFW]
yellowish bird; charadrion;
charadrius, charadrii N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
yellowish bird; chadadrion;
charazo, charazare, charazavi, charazatus V (1st) TRANS [DTXES]
scratch, engrave;
charisma, charismatis N (3rd) N [DEXES]
gift, present; spiritual/God-given gift, grace, talent, charisma (Ecc);
charismaticus, charismatica, charismaticum ADJ [FEXFE]
charismatic, pertaining to spiritual/God-given gift/talent/charisma;
charisticum, charistici N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
money/allowance for buying papyrus/paper;
charistio, charistionis N (3rd) M [XSXIO]
kind of weighing machine;
charistium, charistii N (2nd) N [XXXES]
annual family banquet 3 days after Parentalia (20 Feb.) where feuds settled;
charitas, charitatis N (3rd) F [XEXCF]
charity; love of God;
charitative ADV [XEXFF]
charitably; in a charitable manner;
charitativus, charitativa, charitativum ADJ [XEXEF]
charitable, loving, of a charitable nature; pertaining to charity;
charitonblepharon, charitonblephari N N [XAXNS]
magical plant producing love;
charmidatus, charmidata, charmidatum ADJ [BDXFS]
become Charmides (comic character in Platuus' play Trinummus);
Charmides, Charmidae N M [BDXFS]
Charmides (comic character in Plautus' play Trinummus); (Son of Joy);
charmido, charmidare, charmidavi, charmidatus V (1st) TRANS [BDXFO]
Charmidize, turn into Charmides (comic character in Plautus' play Trinummus);
charta, chartae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
paper/papyrus (sheet); record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf;
chartaceus, chartacea, chartaceum ADJ [XXXFO]
paper-/papyrus-; (made) of papyrus/paper;
chartarius, chartaria, chartarium ADJ [XXXEO]
connected with making of papyrus/paper; used for papyrus/paper;
chartarius, chartarii N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
maker of/dealer in papyrus/paper;
chartellum, chartelli N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
charteus, chartea, charteum ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to papyrus/paper; [~ statium => literary arena/occupation];
chartiaticum, chartiatici N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
money/allowance for buying papyrus/paper;
chartographia, chartographiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
chartophylax, chartophylacis N (3rd) M [XXXIS]
archivist, keeper of archives;
chartopola, chartopolae N (1st) M [XXXFS]
merchant/dealer in papyrus/paper;
chartula, chartulae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
scrap/piece of papyrus; small note, bill (L+S); small piece of paper (Ecc);
chartularius, chartularii N (2nd) M [DLXFS]
court archivist, keeper of archives (of court);
chartus, charti N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
paper/papyrus (sheet); record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf;
charus, chara -um, charior -or -us, charissimus -a -um ADJ [FXXCE]
dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive;
Charybdis, Charybdis N (3rd) F [XXICO]
Charybdis (whirlpool Sicily/Italy); cruel person; whirlpool; tortuous cavity;
charybdis, charybdis N (3rd) F [FXXEM]
whirlpool; (see also Charybdis);
chasma, chasmatis N (3rd) N [XXXDO]
chasm/fissure/opening in earth, abyss; supposed meteoric phenomenon;
chasmatias, chasmatiae N M [DSXES]
earthquake that leaves chasms/fissures/openings in earth;
Chaus, Chai N (2nd) N [DEXCS]
Chaos, pit of Hell, underworld; formless/shapeless primordial matter;
chele, cheles N F [XXXCO]
claw-shaped mechanism; trigger; Scorpio' claws (pl.) that extend to Libra, Libra
chelidon, chelidonis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
female pudenda/genitalia; (Juvenalis?); (rude);
chelidonia, chelidoniae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
greater celandine (Chelidonium maius)/swallowwort; kind of fig; precious stone;
chelidoniacus, chelidoniaca, chelidoniacum ADJ [DAXFS]
pointed like a swallow's tail;
chelidonias, chelidoniae N M [XSXNO]
west wind; (blowing after 22 Feb. when swallows arrive);
chelidonium, chelidonii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria); eye-salve containing celandine juice;
chelidonius, chelidonia, chelidonium ADJ [XAXEO]
of/belonging to swallow; resembling swallow in color, reddish (fig);
chelium, chelii N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
shell of a horned tortoise;
chelonia, cheloniae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; tortoise-stone (L+S);
chelonitis, chelonitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; (like a tortoise L+S);
chelonium, chelonii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
socket-piece of a windlass/crane; one of the cheeks; plant, cyclaminos (L+S);
chelonium, chelonii N (2nd) N [FXXEK]
chely N 9 9 VOC S F [XXXCS]
lyre, harp; tortoise shell (from which lyres were made); tortoise;
chelydrus, chelydri N (2nd) M [XAXDO]
venomous water-snake;
chelyn N 9 9 ACC S F [XXXCO]
lyre, harp; tortoise shell (from which lyres were made); tortoise;
chelyon, chelyi N N [XAXNS]
shell of horned tortoise;
chelysos, chelyi N F [XAXCO]
tortoise; lyre/harp (made originally from a tortoise shell); constellation Lyra;
chema, chemae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
bi-valve shellfish, clam; cockle (L+S);
chema, chemae N (1st) F [DSXFS]
liquid measure; (one third of a mystrum, one 48th of a sextarius/pint);
chemia, chemiae N (1st) F [GSXEK]
chemicus, chemica, chemicum ADJ [GSXEK]
chemicus, chemici N (2nd) M [GSXEK]
chemiotherapia, chemiotherapiae N (1st) F [HBXEK]
chemista, chemistae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
chenalopex, chenalopecis N (3rd) M [XAENO]
Egyptian goose (Chenalopex aegyptiaca);
chenamyche, chenamyches N F [XAQNO]
thorny oriental plant (reputed to become luminous at night);
cheneros, chenerotis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
small kind of goose; (Anas clipeata? L+S);
cheniscus, chenisci N (2nd) M [XWXFO]
figure on stern of a ship resembling a goose; gosling;
chenoboscion, chenoboscii N N [XAXEO]
goose pen; place for feeding geese;
chenomyche, chenomyches N F [XAQNS]
thorny oriental plant (reputed to become luminous at night);
chenturio, chenturiare, chenturiavi, chenturiatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXFO]
arrange/assign (soldiers) in military centuries; divide land into centuriae;
cheragra, cheragrae N (1st) F [XBXCO]
pain in hands, arthritis/gout in hands;
cheragricus, cheragrica, cheragricum ADJ [XBXFS]
suffering from cheragra/pain/arthritis/gout in hands;
cheragricus, cheragrici N (2nd) M [XBXEO]
person suffering from cheragra/pains/arthritis/gout in hands;
welcome; hail (L+S);
cheregra, cheregrae N (1st) F [XXXEC]
gout in hands;
chernites, chernitae N M [XXXNO]
white marble; marble resembling ivory (L+S);
chernitis, chernitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone;
cherolaba, cherolabae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
handle; handspike;
chersinus, chersina, chersinum ADJ [XXXNO]
living on dry land, land-;
chersos, chersi N F [XAXFO]
land tortoise; kind of toad (L+S);
chersydros, chersydri N M [XAXNO]
amphibious serpent, water snake;
Cherub, undeclined N M [DEXCS]
Cherubim, undeclined N M [DEXCS]
Cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.);
Cherubin, undeclined N M [DEXCS]
Cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.);
chia, chiae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
Chian fig; (Chios/Chius island in Aegean off Ionia);
chianter, chiantri N (2nd) M [FEXEE]
chiliarches, chiliarchae N M [XWHFO]
officer commanding a thousand men in a Greek army; (battalion commander, LTC);
chiliarchus, chiliarchi N (2nd) M [XWHFO]
officer commanding a thousand men in a Greek army; (battalion commander, LTC);
chilias, chiliadis N (3rd) F [XSXFS]
number 1000, a chiliad, a group of a thousand (things/years);
chiliasta, chiliastae N (1st) M [DEXFS]
believers (pl.) in millennial kingdom;
chiliodynama, chiliodynamae N (1st) F [XAXNS]
unidentified plant; (medicinal, of a thousand virtues L+S);
chiliodynamia, chiliodynamiae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
unidentified plant; (medicinal, of a thousand virtues L+S);
chiliogrammum, chiliogrammi N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
chiliometrum, chiliometri N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
chiliophylion, chiliophylii N N [DAXFS]
unidentified plant; (thousand leaves);
chiliovattium, chiliovattii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
Chilo, Chilonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
Chilo; Big Lips (Roman cognomen); fellator, one who practices fellatio;
chiloma, chilomatis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
box, coffer;
chimaerifer, chimaerifera, chimaeriferum ADJ [XYXEC]
producing the Chimaera;
chimerinus, chimerina, chimerinum ADJ [XSXIO]
of winter;
chininum, chinini N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
chiragra, chiragrae N (1st) F [XBXCO]
pain in hands, arthritis/gout in hands;
chiragricus, chiragrica, chiragricum ADJ [XBXFS]
suffering from cheragra/pain/arthritis/gout in hands;
chiragricus, chiragrici N (2nd) M [XBXEO]
person suffering from cheragra/pain//arthritis/gout in hands;
chiramaxium, chiramaxii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
hand-cart; small carriage drawn by slaves (L+S);
chiregra, chiregrae N (1st) F [XXXEC]
gout in hands;
chiridota, chiridotae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
sleeved shirt; (with or without tunica);
chiridotus, chiridota, chiridotum ADJ [XXXFO]
sleeved, with sleeves; [w/tunica => sleeved shirt];
chirocma, chirocmatis N (3rd) N [XXXNO]
manufactures (pl.); (name of a book by Democritus); made by hand (L+S);
chirodytos, chirodyti N M [XXXFO]
unidentified garment; (chiridota is a sleeved shirt);
chirographarius, chirographaria, chirographarium ADJ [XLXFO]
holding a written bond; in/pertaining to handwriting/manuscript;
chirographon, chirographi N N [DLXCO]
own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise;
chirographum, chirographi N (2nd) N [XLXCO]
own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise;
chirographus, chirographi N (2nd) M [XLXCS]
own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise;
chiromantis, chiromantis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
chironomia, chironomiae N (1st) F [XDXFO]
rules of gesticulation; art of gesturing (L+S); gesticulation; pantomine;
chironomon, (gen.), chironomuntis ADJ [XDXFO]
gesticulating; pantomime (L+S);
chironomon, chironomontos/is N M [XDXFS]
pantomime; one who gestures according to the rules of art;
chironomon, chironomuntos/is N M [XDXFO]
pantomime; one who gestures according to the rules of art;
chironomos, chironomi N C [XDXFS]
pantomime; one who gestures according to the rules of art;
chironomos, chironomos, chironomon ADJ [XDXFO]
pantomimic, of/like a pantomime, with gestures;
chirotheca, chirothecae N (1st) F [FXDFV]
glove, mitten; gauntlet (Erasmus);
chirurgia, chirurgiae N (1st) F [XBXEO]
surgery; violent remedy (L+S);
chirurgicus, chirurgica, chirurgicum ADJ [FBXEE]
chirurgius, chirurgia, chirurgium ADJ [XBXFO]
chirurgus, chirurga, chirurgum ADJ [XBXFO]
of/pertaining to a surgeon;
chirurgus, chirurgi N (2nd) M [XBXEO]
surgeon; (pure Latin medicus vulnerarius L+S);
chium, chii N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
small single seed of Alpine Raetic grape; Chian wine;
Chius, Chia, Chium ADJ [XXXEO]
Chian, of Chios; of Chian wine; characteristic/suggestive of Chios, luxurious;
chlamis, chlamidis N (3rd) F [XWXCO]
Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
chlamyda, chlamydae N (1st) F [EWXEE]
Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
chlamydatus, chlamydata, chlamydatum ADJ [XWXEO]
dressed in a (military) cloak/cape;
chlamys, chlamydis N (3rd) F [XWXCO]
Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
chlamys, chlamydos/is N F [XWXCO]
Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
chlora, chlorae N (1st) F [DBXFS]
medicament, (kind of) medicine;
chlora, chlorae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
variety of emerald;
chloreus, chlorei N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
unidentified bird; (greenish bird L+S);
chlorion, chlorionis N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
golden oriole (Oriolus galbula); yellow bird, yellow thrush (L+S);
chloritis, chloritidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
green precious stone; smaragdoprasus? (L+S);
chloroformium, chloroformii N (2nd) N [GBXEK]
chloron, chlori N N [XBXIO]
kind of eye-salve;
chlorophyllum, chlorophylli N (2nd) N [GAXEK]
chlorum, chlori N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
choaspites, choaspitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNS]
precious stone; (found in the Choaspes L+S);
choaspitis, choaspitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; (found in the Choaspes L+S);
chodchod PRON 1 7 ACC S N [EXXFW]
whatever; everything/anything (which); valuable merchandise (Souter);
choenica, choenicae N (1st) F [XSXFO]
dry measure (equal to 2 sextarii) (about a quart);
choenix, choenicis N (3rd) F [XSXFS]
dry measure (equal to 2 sextarii) (about a quart);
choeras, choeradis N (3rd) F [DBXFS]
scrofula, king's evil; (chronic lymph gland enlargement); (pure Latin struma);
choerogrillus, choerogrilli N (2nd) M [EAXEE]
kind of hare; coney (King James); small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus);
choerogryllus, choerogrylli N (2nd) M [DAXES]
kind of hare; coney (King James); small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus);
choerogyllius, choerogyllii N (2nd) M [DAXES]
kind of hare; coney (King James); small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus);
choeros, choeri N M [XAXFO]
pig; female pudenda/external genitalia (Greek for porcus/women's nursery term);
choicus, choica, choicum ADJ [DXXCS]
of/made of earth/clay;
cholera, cholerae N (1st) F [XBXCO]
European/summer cholera (cholera nostras); an attack of cholera;
cholericus, cholerici N (2nd) M [XBXNO]
person suffering from European cholera;
choliambus, choliambi N (2nd) M [DPXFS]
limping iambus; (iambic verse whose last foot not iambus but spondee/trochee);
cholras, cholrae N M [XXXNO]
variety of emerald;
choma, chomatis N (3rd) N [XTXFO]
bank, mound; dike, dam;
chondrille, chondrilles N F [XAXNO]
plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S);
chondrillon, chondrilli N N [XAXNS]
plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S);
chondris, chondris N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant; (bastard dittany?);
plant, kind of horehound resembling marjoram (Marrubium pseudodictamnus);
chondrylla, chondryllae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S);
chondrylle, chondrylles N F [XAXNS]
plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S);
chora, chorae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
site for a monument;
choragiarius, choragiari(i) N (2nd) M [XDXIO]
supplier of stage equipment/properties/gear/trappings;
choragium, choragi(i) N (2nd) N [XDXCO]
stage equipment/properties; gear/trappings (other); piece of water organ;
choragium, choragii N (2nd) N [XDXCS]
place where chorus practiced; preparing chorus; splendid preparation; a spring;
choragius, choragi(i) N (2nd) M [XDXIO]
theatrical supplier, one supplying equipment/properties to dramatic company;
choragus, choragi N (2nd) M [XDXCO]
he who has care of chorus and supplies; he who pays cost of banquet;
theatrical supplier, one supplying equipment/properties to dramatic company;
choralis, choralis, chorale ADJ [FEXEE]
choraula, choraulae N (1st) M [XDXEO]
player on reed pipes; flute player (L+S);
choraule, choraules N F [XDXIO]
player (female) on reed pipes; flute player (L+S);
choraules, choraulae N M [XDXCO]
player on reed pipes; flute player (L+S);
choraulicus, choraulica, choraulicum ADJ [DDXES]
of/belonging to player on reed pipes; of/belonging to flute player (L+S);
choraulis, choraulis N (3rd) M [FEXEE]
young chorister, choirboy;
chorda, chordae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
tripe; catgut, musical instrument (string); rope/cord (binding slave) (L+S);
chordacista, chordacistae N (1st) M [DDXFS]
player on a stringed instrument;
chordapsus, chordapsi N (2nd) M [DBXFS]
disease of intestines;
chordula, chordulae N (1st) F [EXXFE]
tape, ribbon; cord;
chordus, chorda, chordum ADJ [AAXCS]
late-born/produced out of/late in season; second (crop of hay), aftermath;
chorea, choreae N (1st) F [XDXCO]
round/ring dance; dancers; planet movement; magistrate court; multitude; choir;
chorepiscopus, chorepiscopi N (2nd) M [DEXFS]
deputy bishop for village; auxiliary/suffragan bishop;
choreus, chorei N (2nd) M [XPXEO]
choree/trochee, metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U);
choreutes, choreutae N M [XDXFO]
choral dancer;
choriambicus, choriambica, choriambicum ADJ [XPXFO]
choriambic; having metrical foot consisting of a chorius and an iambus (_UU_);
choriambus, choriambi N (2nd) M [XPXFO]
metrical foot consisting of a chorius and an iambus (_UU_);
choricum, chorici N (2nd) N [XDXFO]
choral part of a play;
choricus, chorica, choricum ADJ [DDXFS]
of chorus/choir, choral; (w/metrum) anapaestic verse (hypercatalectic dipody);
chorioides, chorioidae N M [XBXFO]
choriod coat of eye;
chorion, chorii N N [XBXFO]
membrane enclosing the fetus, afterbirth;
chorios, chorii N M [XPXEO]
choree/trochee, metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U);
chorista, choristae N (1st) M [FEXEE]
chorister, choir member;
chorius, chorii N (2nd) M [XPXEO]
choree/trochee, metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U);
chorobates, chorobatae N M [XTXFO]
level, instrument consisting of a long pole with a groove for water;
chorocitharistes, chorocitharistae N M [XDXFO]
one who accompanied a chorus on lyre/chithara;
chorographia, chorographiae N (1st) F [XSXFO]
work of geography, geography book;
chorographus, chorographi N (2nd) M [XSXFS]
geographer?, one who describes countries?;
chorona, choronae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
crown, garland, wreath; circle/cordon of men/troops;
chors, chortis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd;
cohort, tenth part of legion (360 men); armed force; band; ship crew; bodyguard
chortalinus, chortalina, chortalinum ADJ [DWXES]
of/pertaining to an imperial/praetorian bodyguard (cohort);
chortalis, chortalis, chortale ADJ [XAXEO]
pertaining to a farm/cattle yard, farmyard-; of/concerned with poultry keeping;
of/connected with a military/praetorian cohort/company/guard;
chortinus, chortina, chortinum ADJ [XAXNO]
made from grass or fodder;
chorus, chori N (2nd) M [XDXAO]
chorus; choral passage in a play; dancing/singing performance/ers; school;
round/ring dance; dancers; movement of planets; magistrate's court; multitude;
choir; singing; sanctuary; those in sanctuary;
chrematista, chrematistae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
agent of change;
chreston, chresti N N [XAXNO]
chicory (Cichorium intybus);
chria, chriae N (1st) F [XGXFO]
topic of general application set for study/exercise in grammar/rhetoric school;
chrisma, chrismatis N (3rd) N [DEXCS]
anointing, unction; sacred oils;
chrismale, chrismalis N (3rd) N [EEXEE]
linen cloth; winding-sheet/cerecloth; corporal (over mass remnants), pyx; pall;
chrismalis, chrismalis, chrismale ADJ [EEXFE]
pertaining to chrisma/sacred oils;
chrismarium, chrismarii N (2nd) N [EEXEE]
vessel for chrisma/sacred oils;
chrismatio, chrismationis N (3rd) F [EEXDE]
anointing with chrisma/sacred oils;
chrismatorium, chrismatorii N (2nd) N [EEXFE]
linen cloth; winding-sheet/cerecloth; corporal (over mass remnants), pyx; pall;
Christiadum, Christiadi N (2nd) N [EEXCE]
Christiane ADV [DEXES]
Christian, in Christian manner;
Christianismus, Christianismi N (2nd) M [DEXCS]
Christianitas, Christianitatis N (3rd) F [DEXCS]
Christianity; Christian religion; Christian clergy;
Christianizo, Christianizare, Christianizavi, Christianizatus V (1st) INTRANS [DEXES]
profess Christianity;
Christianus, Christiana -um, Christianior -or -us, Christianissimus -a -um ADJ [DEXBS]
Christianus, Christiani N (2nd) M [XEXAS]
Christian/follower of Christ; Christian clergyman; Christianity (pl.) (Beesom);
Christias, Christiadis N (3rd) M [FEXEE]
Christians (pl.), followers of Christ;
Christicola, Christicolae N (1st) M [DEXES]
Christian, worshiper of Christ; (often used in pl.);
Christifer, Christifera, Christiferum ADJ [FEXFE]
Christifidelis, Christifidelis N (3rd) C [FEXEE]
one of Christian faithful; follower of Christ;
Christifidelis, Christifidelis, Christifidele ADJ [FEXEE]
faithful to Christ/Christianity; following Christ;
Christigenus, Christigena, Christigenum ADJ [DEXFS]
of lineage of Christ; (i.e. posterity of Ruth/Jesse);
Christipotens, (gen.), Christipotentis ADJ [DEXFS]
strong in Christ;
Christus, Christi N (2nd) M [XEXAO]
chroma, chromatos/is N N [XDXFO]
chromatic scale (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
chromatice, chromatices N F [XDXFO]
note in chromatic scale; science of chromatic harmony (L+S);
chromaticos, chromatice, chromaticon ADJ [XDXFO]
chromatic; (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
chromaticus, chromatica, chromaticum ADJ [DDXFS]
chromatic; (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
chromis, chromis N (3rd) C [XAXEO]
sea fish; (Umbrina cirrosa?);
chromium, chromii N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
chromosoma, chromosomatis N (3rd) N [HSXEK]
chromosomaticus, chromosomatica, chromosomaticum ADJ [HSXEK]
chronica, chronicae N (1st) F [EXXEB]
book of annuals, chronicles (pl.);
chronicon, chronici N N [EXXEE]
book of annuals, chronicle;
chronicum, chronici N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
book of annuals, chronicle;
chronicus, chronica, chronicum ADJ [XXXFO]
written as annual/chronicle; pertaining to time; chronic/lingering (L+S);
chronista, chronistae N (1st) M [EEXEE]
chronicler; person who chants narrative parts in the_Passion;
chronius, chronia, chronium ADJ [DBXFS]
chronic, lingering;
chronographus, chronographi N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
chronographer, annalist, chronicler;
chronologia, chronologiae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
chronologicus, chronologica, chronologicum ADJ [FXXFE]
chrysallis, chrysallis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
chrysalis; gold-colored chrysalis, aurelia/pupa of a butterfly (L+S);
chrysanthemon, chrysanthemi N N [XAXNO]
several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S);
chrysanthemum, chrysanthemi N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S);
chrysanthes, chrysanthae N F [XAXFS]
name of several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S);
chrysanthus, chrysanthi N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
name of several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S);
chrysatticum, chrysattici N (2nd) N [EAXFP]
golden-attic wine;
chryselectros, chryselectri N F [XXXNO]
amber-colored gem; (classed by Pliny with hyacinthus);
chryselectrum, chryselectri N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
gold-colored amber;
chryselectrus, chryselectri N (2nd) F [XXXNS]
dark-yellow precious stone; amber-colored jacinth/hyacinth-stone?;
chrysendetum, chrysendeti N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
things (e.g. dishes) inlaid with gold;
chrysendetus, chrysendeta, chrysendetum ADJ [XXXFO]
inlaid with gold; set in/with gold;
chryseum, chrysei N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
gold/gold-colored/golden vessels/dishes;
chryseus, chrysea, chryseum ADJ [DXXFS]
gold-colored, golden;
chrysites, chrysitae N M [XXXNS]
kind of precious stone; phloginos (flame-colored gem); another gold-colored gem;
chrysitis, (gen.), chrysitidis ADJ [XXXNS]
gold-colored, golden; of golden color;
chrysitis, chrysitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNS]
plant (Chrysocoma linosyris?); unidentified precious stone; a native lead oxide;
chrysizon, (gen.), chrysizontos ADJ [XXXNO]
gold-colored, golden; of golden color;
chrysoaspides, chrysoaspides, chrysoaspides ADJ [DWXFS]
bearing golden shields (kind of soldier serving under Alexander Severus);
chrysoberullus, chrysoberulli N (2nd) M [XXXNO]
gold-colored beryl; chrysoberyl (L+S);
chrysoberyllus, chrysoberylli N (2nd) M [XXXNS]
gold-colored beryl; chrysoberyl (L+S);
chrysocalis, chrysocalis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called parthenium);
chrysocanthos, chrysocanthi N F [DAXFS]
kind of ivy having golden berries;
chrysocarpos, chrysocarpos, chrysocarpon ADJ [XAXNO]
having golden berries;
chrysocarpus, chrysocarpa, chrysocarpum ADJ [XAXNO]
having golden berries;
chrysocephalos, chrysocephali N M [DAXFS]
golden basilisk;
chrysococcus, chrysococca, chrysococcum ADJ [DAXFS]
having golden grains;
chrysocolla, chrysocollae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
green copper carbonate/malachite (pigment/medicine); stone (magnetic pyrite?);
chrysocome, chrysocomes N F [XAXNO]
plant (Chrysocoma linosyris?);
chrysographatus, chrysographata, chrysographatum ADJ [XXXFS]
inlaid with gold;
chrysolachanum, chrysolachani N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
plant (orach?); garden orachn; (also called atriplex L+S);
chrysolampis, chrysolampidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
unidentified precious stone;
chrysolithos, chrysolithi N C [XXXEO]
topaz; chrysolite (L+S);
chrysolithus, chrysolithi N (2nd) M [EXXEE]
topaz; chrysolite (L+S);
chrysolitus, chrysoliti N (2nd) C [EXXEW]
topaz; chrysolite; (Vulgate);
chrysomallus, chrysomalla, chrysomallum ADJ [XAXFO]
having a golden fleece;
chrysomelinus, chrysomelina, chrysomelinum ADJ [XAXNO]
variety of quince (w/mala);
chrysomelum, chrysomeli N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
variety of quince;
chrysopastus, chrysopasti N (2nd) F [DXXFS]
species of topaz;
chrysophrysos, chrysophryi N F [XAXEO]
fish; (gilt-head? Sparus aurata);
chrysopis, chrysopidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
unidentified precious stone; precious topaz (L+S);
chrysoprasius, chrysoprasia, chrysoprasium ADJ [XXXNS]
variety of precious stone (chrysoprase/golden-green beryl and like);
chrysoprasos, chrysoprasi N F [XXXCO]
precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
chrysoprassos, chrysoprassi N F [EXXCW]
precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
chrysoprassus, chrysoprassi N (2nd) F [EXXCW]
precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
chrysoprasum, chrysoprasi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
chrysoprasus, chrysoprasi N (2nd) M [FXXCE]
precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
chrysopteros, chrysopteros, chrysopteron ADJ [XXXNO]
golden-winged; (of a kind of jasper);
chrysos, chrysi N M [BXXFS]
gold; [chrysos melas => black ivy];
chrysothales, chrysothalis N (3rd) F [XAXNS]
kind of aizoon/houseleek, wall-pepper;
chrysus, chrysi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
chus, choos/is N M [DSXFS]
liquid measure; (equal to congius/3 quarts);
Chuthenus, Chutheni N (2nd) M [EXQFW]
Chuthite, inhabitant of Chutha; (ancient tribe in Near East);
chydaeus, chydaea, chydaeum ADJ [XXXNO]
common, ordinary; kind of palms (L+S);
chylisma, chylismatis N (3rd) N [XAXFO]
extracted/expressed juice (of plants);
chylus, chyli N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
extracted/expressed juice (of plants);
chymus, chymi N (2nd) M [DBXFS]
stomach juices/fluid, chyle;
chyrogrillius, chyrogrillii N (2nd) M [EAQFW]
coney (of King James Bible, small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); hare;
chyrogryllius, chyrogryllii N (2nd) M [EAQFW]
coney (of King James Bible, small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); hare;
chytropus, chytropi N (2nd) M [FXXFE]
chafing dish/pot with feet (for cooking directly over coals on ground);
chytropus, chytropodis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
chafing dish/pot with feet (for cooking directly over coals on ground);
cibalis, cibalis, cibale ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to food; [w/fistula => esophagus/gullet];
cibarium, cibari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
ration/allowance of food (pl.); food, provisions; food for animals, feed/fodder;
cibarium, cibarii N (2nd) N [XXXCS]
shorts, coarser meal remaining after fine flour; ordinary musician;
cibarius, cibaria, cibarium ADJ [XXXCO]
of/concerning food/rations, ration-; plain/common/servant (food), black (bread);
cibatio, cibationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
meal, repast; feeding;
cibatus, cibatus N (4th) M [XAXCO]
food, nutriment, victuals; fodder;
cibdelus, cibdela, cibdelum ADJ [XXXFS]
spurious, base; [w/fontes => impure/unhealthy spring/source];
cibicida, cibicidae N (1st) M [XXXFO]
eater, consumer of food; (food killer); waste of bread/food (lazy slave) (L+S);
cibisis, cibisis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
cibo, cibare, cibavi, cibatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
feed, give food/fodder to animals/men; (also passive sense) eat, take food;
ciboria, ciboriae N (1st) F [DAEFS]
Egyptian bean (Nelumbo nucifera); (Arum colocasia L+S);
ciborium, ciborii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
drinking cup; (made of/shaped like flower of Egyptian bean Nelumbo nucifera);
cibus, cibi N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait;
cicada, cicadae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
cicada, tree-cricket; Athenian hair ornament in shape of cicada; summer season;
cicaro, cicaronis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
little boy, darling;
cicatrico, cicatricare, cicatricavi, cicatricatus V (1st) TRANS [XBXFO]
form a scar over;
cicatricor, cicatricari, cicatricatus sum V (1st) DEP [DBXCS]
be scarred over/cicatrized;
cicatricosus, cicatricosa, cicatricosum ADJ [XBXCO]
scarred, covered by scars; marked by pruning (plant); edited/polished (writing);
cicatricula, cicatriculae N (1st) F [XBXFO]
small scar;
cicatrix, cicatricis N (3rd) F [XBXBO]
scar/cicatrice; wound/bruise; emotional scar; prune mark on plant/tool on work;
ciccum, cicci N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
proverbially worthless object, trifle, bagatelle; seed membrane of pomegranate;
cicer, ciceris N (3rd) N [XAXCO]
chick pea (Cicer aristinum); (as a common food); (rude) testicles, penis?;
cicera, cicerae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
chickling vetch; (Latyrus?);
cicercula, cicerculae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
small variety of chick-pea;
cicerculum, cicerculi N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
kind of ocher; reddish earth pigment; African species of pigment sinopia;
Cicero, Ciceronis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
Cicero; (gens Tullia cognomen; M. Tullius Cicero, Roman orator and statesman);
cichoreum, cichorei N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive;
cichorion, cichorii N N [XAXEO]
chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive;
cichorium, cichorii N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive;
cici, undeclined N N [XAXNO]
castor (oil) tree (Ricinus communis); (Egyptian tree also called croton L+S);
cicilendrum, cicilendri N (2nd) N [BXXFS]
comic name for an imaginary condiment;
cicilinus, cicilina, cicilinum ADJ [DEXES]
made of hair-cloth, hair-;
cicimalindrum, cicimalindri N (2nd) N [BXXFO]
comic name for an imaginary condiment;
cicimandrum, cicimandri N (2nd) N [BXXFO]
comic name for an imaginary condiment;
cicindela, cicindelae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
firefly (Luciola italica); candle; glow-worm (L+S); cicindelid/beetle (Cal);
cicindele, cicindelis N (3rd) N [FXXEE]
lamp (made of glass);
cicinus, cicina, cicinum ADJ [XAXEO]
castor; [oleum cicinum => castor oil];
ciconia, ciconiae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
stork; derisive gesture made with fingers; T-shaped tool for measuring depth;
ciconius, ciconia, ciconium ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to stork;
cicuma, cicumae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
cicur, (gen.), cicuris ADJ [XAXCO]
tame (animal), domesticated; mild/gentle (person);
cicur, cicuris N (3rd) M [XAXFO]
tame animal, domesticated animal;
cicuro, cicurare, cicuravi, cicuratus V (1st) TRANS [XAXEO]
tame; pacify;
cicuta, cicutae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
hemlock (Conium maculatum); hemlock juice (poison); shepherd's pipe (hemlock);
cicuticen, cicuticinis N (3rd) M [DDXFS]
player of reed/shepherd's pipe; (often made of cicuta/hemlock stalks);
cidaris, cidaris N (3rd) F [XXPFO]
head-dress of a Persian king; tiara; diadem (L+S), of high priest of Jews;
cieo, ciere, civi, citus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
move, set in motion; excite/rouse/stir up; urge on; summon/muster/call up;
disturb, shake; provoke (war); invoke, call on by name; cite; raise/produce;
cignus, cigni N (2nd) M [DSXFS]
measure; (equal to 8 scrupuli/srcipuli); (1/2 or 3/3 of an ounce);
cilibantum, cilibanti N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
round cupboard;
cilicarius, cilicarii N (2nd) M [DXXIS]
maker of coverings/rugs/blankets of hair (e.g. goat);
cilicinus, cilicina, cilicinum ADJ [XXXFS]
hair-, made of (goat's) hair; (garment originating in Cilicia); of haircloth;
ciliciolum, cilicioli N (2nd) N [EXXFS]
small garment/coverlet/blanket of goat's hair; (originating in Cilicia);
cilicium, cilicii N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
rug/blanket/small garment of goat's hair; (originating in Cilicia);
cilio, cilionis N (3rd) M [DTXIS]
chisel/graver (vulgar);
cilium, cilii N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
upper eyelid; edge of upper eyelid; eyelid, lower eyelid (L+S);
cilliba, cillibae N (1st) F [XXXES]
round dining-table;
cillo, cillere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
move, put in motion;
cillo, cillonis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who practices unnatural lust, sodomite; catamite, pathic;
cilo, cilonis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
Cilo; Big Lips (Roman cognomen); fellator; prominent forehead (L+S);
cilotrum, cilotri N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
Cimber, Cimbri N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Cimberi (pl.), a German tribe, invaded Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
Cimbricus, Cimbrica, Cimbricum ADJ [XXXCZ]
Cimbrian; of the Cimbri;
cimeliarcha, cimeliarchae N (1st) M [DLXFS]
treasurer, keeper of treasure/deposits;
cimeliarchium, cimeliarchii N (2nd) N [DLXFS]
treasury, place where treasure is deposited;
cimelium, cimelii N (2nd) N [ELXEE]
cimenterium, cimenterii N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
cimex, cimicis N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
bed-bug (Cimex lectularius); bug (L+S);
cimico, cimicere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
purify from bugs; exterminate; debug;
ciminterium, ciminterii N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
cimintorium, cimintorii N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
cimiterium, cimiterii N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
cinaedia, cinaediae N (1st) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; (from brain of a fish);
cinaedias, cinaediae N M [XXXNS]
precious stone; (from brain of a fish);
cinaedicus, cinaedica, cinaedicum ADJ [XXXEO]
lewd; wanton; immodest; pertaining to one who is unchaste;
cinaedicus, cinaedici N (2nd) C [XXXEO]
lewd/wanton/immodest/unchaste/shameless person; catamite;
cinaedium, cinaedii N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
precious stone; (from brain of a fish);
cinaedius, cinaedii N (2nd) C [XXXFD]
lewd/wanton/immodest/unchaste/shameless person; catamite;
cinaedologos, cinaedologi N M [XXXFO]
teller of lewd stories;
cinaedulus, cinaeduli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
catamite, pathic; a male wanton;
cinaedus, cinaeda -um, cinaedior -or -us, cinaedissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXFO]
resembling/like/typical of a cinaedus/sodomite; unchaste; impudent, shameless;
cinaedus, cinaedi N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
cinaedus, cinaedi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
sodomite; catamite; effeminate man; man who performs a lewd dance; pervert;
cinara, cinarae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
artichoke; similar plant;
cinaris, cinaris N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
unidentified plant;
cincinnalis, cincinnalis, cincinnale ADJ [DXXFS]
curled, curly; [~ herba => plant also called polytrichon];
cincinnatus, cincinnata, cincinnatum ADJ [XXXCO]
with curled/curly hair; with hair in ringlets; (artificially); (of comets);
cincinnus, cincinni N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
ringlet, curl/lock; curled hair; rhetorical flourish, artificial embellishment;
cincticulus, cincticuli N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
belt, (small/little) girdle; apron (Ecc);
cinctor, cinctoris N (3rd) M [XWXFS]
warrior's belt;
cinctorium, cinctorii N (2nd) N [XWXFO]
sword belt; (late) girdle (L+S);
cinctum, cincti N (2nd) N [XXXES]
girdle, method of girding clothes; crown/garland; belt;
cinctura, cincturae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
belt; girdle; means of girding;
cinctus, cincta, cinctum ADJ [XXXBO]
surrounded/encircled; surrounded (by friends/people/enemy); bordered, enclosed;
having one's dress girt in special way; fastened round; [w/alte => for action];
cinctus, cinctus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
girdle, method of girding clothes; crown/garland; belt;
cinctutus, cinctuta, cinctutum ADJ [XXXEO]
wearing girdle or loin-cloth; girded/girt; (as ancients whose toga was girded);
cindecoe ADV [XXXFO]
cinefactus, cinefacta, cinefactum ADJ [XXXFO]
reduced/turned to ashes;
cinemateum, cinematei N (2nd) N [HXXEK]
cinema (building);
cinematicus, cinematica, cinematicum ADJ [HXXEK]
cinematographeum, cinematographei N (2nd) N [HXXFE]
movies, cinema;
cinematographicus, cinematographica, cinematographicum ADJ [HTXEK]
cinematic; of film; cinematographic;
cinematographicus, cinematographici N (2nd) M [HXXFE]
movie scriptwriter;
cinematographo, cinematographare, cinematographavi, cinematographatus V (1st) [HXXEK]
cinematographus, cinematographi N (2nd) M [HXXEK]
ciner, cineris N (3rd) C [XXXFS]
ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation;
cineraceus, cineracea, cineraceum ADJ [XXXEO]
ashen, ashy, resembling ash in color, ash-colored;
cineracius, cineracia, cineracium ADJ [XXXEO]
ashen, ashy, resembling ash in color, ash-colored;
cinerarium, cinerari(i) N (2nd) N [XEXIO]
receptacle/niche for ashes of the dead;
cinerarius, cinerari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
hair-curler, hair-dresser;
cinerarius, cineraria, cinerarium ADJ [XXXFS]
of/pertaining to ashes; boundaries of land bordering on graves;
cineresco, cinerescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXIO]
turn into ash/ashes;
cinereum, cinerei N (2nd) N [XBXFO]
ash-colored ointment/salve;
cinereus, cinerea, cinereum ADJ [XXXDO]
resembling ashes, similar to ashes, ash-colored; (kinds of plants/animals);
cinericius, cinericia, cinericium ADJ [XXXFS]
resembling ashes, similar to ashes, ash-colored; (kinds of plants/animals);
cinerosus, cinerosa, cinerosum ADJ [XXXFO]
covered with ashes; consisting largely of ashes; full of ashes (L+S);
Cingetorix, Cingetorigis N (3rd) M [CXFEO]
Cingetorix; a Gaul of Treveri; a Briton king;
cingillum, cingilli N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
woman's girdle; (esp. that worn by a bride);
cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
surround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring (tree);
cingula, cingulae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
belt; sword belt; sash, girdle; band; saddle-girth; collar (dog);
cingulum, cinguli N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
belt; sword belt; sash, girdle; band; saddle-girth; collar (dog);
cingulus, cinguli N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
belt; band; geographical zone;
cinifes, cinifis N (3rd) F [DAHES]
kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; lice/flies/others (OLD);
ciniflo, ciniflonis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
heater of curling-irons, hair-dresser;
ciniphs, ciniphis N (3rd) F [DAHES]
kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; lice/flies/others (OLD);
cinis, cineris N (3rd) C [XXXAO]
ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation;
cinisculus, cinisculi N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
little ashes;
cinnabar, cinnabaris N (3rd) N [XAXNS]
red pigment/dragon's blood; resin of tree Pterocarpus draco; (NOT HgS/cinnabar);
cinnabaris, cinnabaris N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
red pigment/dragon's blood; resin of tree Pterocarpus draco; (NOT HgS/cinnabar);
cinnameus, cinnamea, cinnameum ADJ [XXXFO]
scented with/smelling of cinnamon; of/from cinnamon (L+S);
cinnaminum, cinnamini N (2nd) N [XBXIO]
eye-salve made from cinnamon;
cinnamolgos, cinnamolgi N M [XAQNO]
bird; (of Arabia);
cinnamominus, cinnamomina, cinnamominum ADJ [XXXNO]
made from cinnamon; of/from cinnamon (L+S);
cinnamomum, cinnamomi N (2nd) N [XAXCS]
cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil);
superior kind of cassis; cinnamon-like bark (Cinnamonum cassia);
cinnamon, cinnami N N [XAXCO]
cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil);
cinnamum, cinnami N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil);
cinnamus, cinnami N (2nd) M [DAXES]
cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil);
cinnus, cinni N (2nd) M [DXXES]
drink of mixed spelt-grain and wine;
cinnus, cinni N (2nd) M [XBXFO]
kind of facial distortion or grimace;
cinus, cineris N (3rd) C [XXXES]
ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation;
cinyphes, cinyphis N (3rd) F [DAXCS]
kind of stinging insect; very small flies, gnats;
cinyra, cinyrae N (1st) F [DDXES]
lyre, ten-stringed instrument;
cio, cire, civi(ii), citus V TRANS [XXXAO]
move, set in motion; excite/rouse/stir up; urge on; summon/muster/call up;
disturb, shake; provoke (war); invoke, call on by name; cite; raise/produce;
ciphus, ciphi N (2nd) M [FXXCL]
bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup;
cippus, cippi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
boundary stone/post/pillar; tombstone (usu. indicating extent of cemetery);
stocks/fetter/prison; tree stump; bulwark of sharpened stakes (pl.) (L+S);
ciprus, cipra, ciprum ADJ [AXIFO]
good; (Sabine for bonus);
cipus, cipi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
boundary stone/post/pillar; tombstone (usu. indicating extent of cemetery);
circa ADV [XXXBO]
around, all around; round about; near, in vicinity/company; on either side;
around, on bounds of; about/near (space/time/numeral); concerning; with;
circaea, circaeae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
plant; (Vincetoxicum nigrum?); (used as a charm L+S);
circaeon, circaei N N [XAXNO]
plant, mandrake; (alternative name for mandragoras);
circaeum, circaei N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
plant, mandrake; (alternative name for mandragoras);
circamoerium, circamoerii N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
open space round town; (Livy coined for pomoerium/open space round town wall);
circanea, circaneae N (1st) F [XAXFS]
bird; (named from its circular flight);
circellus, circelli N (2nd) M [XXXES]
small ring;
circen, circinis N (3rd) N [XXXFS]
circle; circular course; [w/solis => a year (poetic)];
circensis, circensis N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
games in the Circus (pl.); games/exercises of wrestling, running, fighting;
circensis, circensis, circense ADJ [XXXCO]
of the Circus; associated with games in circus; used at circus;
circes, circitis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
circle, ring; circuit, circumference of the circus;
circiensis, circiensis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
games in the Circus (pl.); games/exercises of wrestling, running, fighting;
circiensis, circiensis, circiense ADJ [XXXEO]
of the Circus; associated with games in circus; used at circus;
circinatio, circinationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
circular line/form; circular motion, revolution; circle, circumference (L+S);
circinatus, circinata, circinatum ADJ [XXXNO]
rounded, circular;
circino, circinare, circinavi, circinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
bend/make circular/round; traverse circular course, wheel through; take round;
circinus, circini N (2nd) M [XSXCO]
pair of compasses; circular line/arc; [ad ~um => in a circle/arc, circularly];
circiter ADV [XXXCO]
nearly, not far from, almost, approximately, around, about;
circiter PREP ACC [XXXDO]
about, around, near (space/time/numeral); towards;
circito, circitare, circitavi, circitatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
go round as a hawker/peddler/solicitor; frequent, be busy (L+S);
circitor, circitoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
person who goes round; patrol/watchman, overseer/inspector; hawker, peddler;
circitorium, circitorii N (2nd) N [FXXFE]
curtain; veil;
circitorius, circitoria, circitorium ADJ [DLXFS]
of/pertaining to patrols;
circius, circii N (2nd) M [XSXCO]
wind between north and west; WNW wind (L+S); (in Gallia Narbonensis);
circlus, circli N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
circle; orbit, zone; ring, hoop; belt, collar; company; cycle; circumference;
circo, circare, circavi, circatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXIO]
traverse; go about (L+S); wander through;
circos, circi N M [XXXNO]
precious stone;
circuago, circuagere, circuegi, circuactus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
drive/lead around; turn (around); wheel, revolve; upset; change opinions, sway;
circueo, circuire, circuivi(ii), circuitus V [XXXAO]
encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round;
circuitio, circuitionis N (3rd) F [XSXBO]
rotation, revolution; rate of revolution; orbit; circumference; circumlocution;
going round; patrol/rounds/visiting posts; passage/structure round (building);
circuitor, circuitoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
person who goes round; patrol/watchman, overseer/inspector; hawker, peddler;
circuitus, circuitus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
going round; patrol/circuit; way/path round; circumference; outer surface/edge;
revolution, spinning, rotation; (recurring) cycle; period; circumlocution;
circularis, circularis, circulare ADJ [XXXFO]
circular, round;
circulatim ADV [XXXFO]
in circles, in groups/companies; in a circle;
circulatio, circulationis N (3rd) F [XSXFS]
circular course, revolution;
circulator, circulatoris N (3rd) M [XDXDO]
itinerant performer/vendor; (who gathers impromptu groups round him);
circulatorius, circulatoria, circulatorium ADJ [XXXFO]
of/characteristic of circulator (itinerate performer/peddler, mountebank/quack);
circulatrix, circulatricis N (3rd) F [XDXEO]
female itinerant performer/peddler/stroller; (gather impromptu group round her);
circulo, circulare, circulavi, circulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
make circular/round/curved; encircle, encompass (L+S);
circulor, circulari, circulatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
form groups/circles round oneself; (for impromptu speech/giving performance);
circulus, circuli N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
circle; orbit, zone; ring, hoop; belt, collar; company; cycle; circumference;
circum ADV [XXXCO]
about, around; round about, near; in a circle; in attendance; on both sides;
around, about, among, near (space/time), in neighborhood of; in circle around;
circumactio, circumactionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
driving round in a circle, rotation; rounding off, act of making symmetrical;
circumactus, circumacta, circumactum ADJ [XXXNS]
bent around/in a curve; curved;
circumactus, circumactus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
rotation, revolution; encircling, encirclement; turning around/in circle/back;
circumaedifico, circumaedificare, circumaedificavi, circumaedificatus V (1st) TRANS [EXXFW]
build round about; (Vulgate Lamentations 3:7);
circumaggero, circumaggerare, circumaggeravi, circumaggeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
pile (earth) round about; surround (with heaped earth);
circumago, circumagere, circumegi, circumactus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
drive/lead around; turn (around); wheel, revolve; upset; change opinions, sway;
circumambulo, circumambulare, circumambulavi, circumambulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
walk around/over;
circumamictus, circumamicta, circumamictum ADJ [DWXFS]
enveloped, invested, surrounded, besieged;
circumaro, circumarare, circumaravi, circumaratus V (1st) TRANS [XAXEO]
plow around, surround with a furrow;
circumaspicio, circumaspicere, -, - V (3rd) [XXXEO]
look around; consider;
circumcaedo, circumcaedere, circumcaedi, circumcaesus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
cut/make incision around, ring; clip; circumcise; cut out; remove; diminish;
circumcaesura, circumcaesurae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
surface outline, external contour;
circumcalco, circumcalcare, circumcalcavi, circumcalcatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXFO]
tread/trample earth (down around);
circumcidaneus, circumcidanea, circumcidaneum ADJ [XAXFO]
must from second pressing of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back;
circumcido, circumcidere, circumcidi, circumcisus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
cut/make incision around, ring; clip; circumcise; cut out; remove; diminish;
circumcingo, circumcingere, circumcinxi, circumcinctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
surround, enclose; lie around, be round; surround/encircle (with); gird about;
circumcirca ADV [XXXDO]
round about, on all sides; round about the body; (strengthened circum);
circumcirco, circumcircare, circumcircavi, circumcircatus V (1st) [DXXFS]
encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round;
circumcise ADV [XXXEO]
concisely; briefly;
circumcisicius, circumcisicia, circumcisicium ADJ [XAXFO]
must/juice of second press of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back;
circumcisio, circumcisionis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
circumcision; cutting around (physical/moral);
circumcisitius, circumcisitia, circumcisitium ADJ [XAXFS]
must/juice of second press of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back;
circumcisorium, circumcisorii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
instrument for cutting around; (ringing bark on a tree?); (for circumcision?);
circumcisura, circumcisurae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
cutting round/ringing (bark of trees);
circumcisus, circumcisa, circumcisum ADJ [XXXCO]
sheer on all sides, cut off; limited; short, brief, pruned of excess, abridged;
circumclamo, circumclamare, circumclamavi, circumclamatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
roar around (waves/surf);
circumclaudo, circumclaudere, circumclausi, circumclausus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
surround; encircle/enclose/build round (w/structure); hedge/shut in, circumvent;
circumcludo, circumcludere, circumclusi, circumclusus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
surround; encircle/enclose/build round (w/structure); hedge/shut in, circumvent;
circumcola, circumcolae N (1st) C [DXXFS]
people/tribe dwelling around/nearby/in vicinity; locals;
circumcolo, circumcolere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
dwell round about/around/nearby/in vicinity of;
circumcordialis, circumcordialis, circumcordiale ADJ [DBXFS]
around the heart, heart-; (e.g.blood);
circumctipo, circumctipare, circumctipavi, circumctipatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
surround, accompany, attend;
circumculco, circumculcare, circumculcavi, circumculcatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXFS]
tread/trample earth (down around);
circumcumulo, circumcumulare, circumcumulavi, circumcumulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
heap/pile up around;
circumcurrens, (gen.), circumcurrentis ADJ [XSXFO]
that encircles/bounds (figure), surrounding/bounding/bordering, running around;
circumcurro, circumcurrere, circumcucurri, circumcursus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
run/extend round/about the periphery (of structures);
circumcurro, circumcurrere, circumcurri, circumcursus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
run/extend round/about the periphery (of structures);
circumcursatio, circumcursationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
circumcursio, circumcursionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
running about/round;
circumcurso, circumcursare, circumcursavi, circumcursatus V (1st) [XXXDO]
run about; run round (of person); run about (of things), revolve;
circumdatio, circumdationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
putting/placing around;
circumdatus, circumdati N (2nd) M [XXXCS]
surrounding soldiers/men (pl.); those around;
circumdo, circumdare, circumdedi, circumdatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
surround; envelop, post/put/place/build around; enclose; beset; pass around;
circumdoleo, circumdolere, circumdolui, circumdolitus V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXES]
suffer on every side;
circumdolo, circumdolare, circumdolavi, circumdolatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
chop around with an ax; hew off around (L+S);
circumduco, circumducere, circumduxi, circumductus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
lead out of the way/round about; cheat, mislead, trick out of; take/go around;
lead/wheel/draw a line/ring around/in a circle; prolong (sound); build around;
circumductio, circumductionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
circuit, perimeter; indirect course; cheating/trick; complete sentence, period;
circumductor, circumductoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who leads about/converts (another);
circumductum, circumducti N (2nd) N [XGXFO]
period (rhetoric), complete sentence/thought, expansion of a thought;
circumductus, circumducta, circumductum ADJ [XXXFO]
long-drawn-out, extended;
circumductus, circumductus N (4th) M [XSXFO]
perimeter, circumference, measurement around; motion in a circle, revolution;
circumeo, circumire, circumivi(ii), circumitus V [XXXAO]
encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round;
circumequito, circumequitare, circumequitavi, circumequitatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
ride around;
circumerro, circumerrare, circumerravi, circumerratus V (1st) [XXXDO]
wander/prowl/meander/stroll/hover around; orbit, go around in orbit (planet);
circumfarcio, circumfarcire, circumfarsi, circumfartus V (4th) TRANS [XXXNO]
pack/stuff/cram round (with);
circumferentia, circumferentiae N (1st) F [XSXEO]
circumfero, circumferre, circumtuli, circumlatus V [XXXAO]
carry/hand/pass/spread/move/take/cast around (in circle); publicize; divulge;
circumfigo, circumfigere, circumfixi, circumfixus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
fix/fasten/secure all around;
circumfingo, circumfingere, circumfinxi, circumfictus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
form around;
circumfinio, circumfinire, circumfinivi, circumfinitus V (4th) TRANS [DXXFS]
complete a circle; bring to an end;
circumfirmo, circumfirmare, circumfirmavi, circumfirmatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
fasten round;
circumflagro, circumflagrare, circumflagravi, circumflagratus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
blaze/scorch all around;
circumflecto, circumflectere, circumflexi, circumflexus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
bend/turn (course) around (pivot/turning point); prolong/circumflex (vowel);
circumflexe ADV [XGXFO]
with circumflex/prolonged sound;
circumflexibilis, circumflexibilis, circumflexibile ADJ [DGXFS]
provided with a circumflex/prolonged accent;
circumflexio, circumflexionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
bending/winding/coiling around;
circumflexus, circumflexus N (4th) M [XXXNO]
action of bending around; rounded form, vault; winding (L+S) circuit;
circumflo, circumflare, circumflavi, circumflatus V (1st) [XXXEO]
blow around; blow on/assail from all sides; veer around (wind);
circumfluentia, circumfluentiae N (1st) F [FXXFF]
circumfluo, circumfluere, circulfluxi, circulfluxus V (3rd) [XXXCO]
flow/crowd/flock around; overflow; have/be in abundance, be rich/well supplied;
circumfluus, circumflua, circumfluum ADJ [XXXCO]
flowing/flowed around; encircled/surrounded/skirted by (water); immersed;
circumfodio, circumfodere, circumfodi, circumfossus V (3rd) TRANS [XAXCO]
dig around, ease earth around (plants); surround (trees) with a trench;
circumforaneus, circumforanea, circumforaneum ADJ [XXXCO]
itinerant, that travels to market; of/connected with business of/around forum;
circumforanus, circumforana, circumforanum ADJ [XXXFO]
itinerant, that travels to market; connected with business of forum;
circumforatus, circumforata, circumforatum ADJ [XXXNS]
bored/pierced round;
circumforo, circumforare, circumforavi, circumforatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
pierce with holes round about;
circumfossor, circumfossoris N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
one who digs around (plants/something);
circumfossura, circumfossurae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
digging around; (plants/trees);
circumfractus, circumfracta, circumfractum ADJ [DXXES]
broken (off) around; precipitous;
circumfremo, circumfremere, circumfremui, circumfremitus V (3rd) [XXXEO]
roar/growl/utter cries of anger/protest/make a noise round;
circumfrico, circumfricare, circumfricui, circumfricatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
rub/brush round about; scour;
circumfrico, circumfricare, circumfricui, circumfrictus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
rub/brush round about; scour;
circumfulcio, circumfulcire, circumfulsi, circumfultus V (4th) TRANS [DXXFS]
support/hold up around;
circumfulgeo, circumfulgere, circumfulsi, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXNO]
shine/glow round about;
circumfundo, circumfundere, circumfudi, circumfusus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFS]
pour around;
circumfundo, circumfundere, circumfundi, circumfusus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
pour/drape/crowd around; cause (water) to go round/part; surround; distribute;
circumfusio, circumfusionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
pouring around;
circumfusus, circumfusa, circumfusum ADJ [XXXFO]
surrounded; draped around; distributed; extra, superfluous;
circumgarriens, (gen.), circumgarrientis ADJ [DXXFS]
babbling, babbling about;
circumgelo, circumgelare, circumgelavi, circumgelatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
freeze/harden round/all around;
circumgemo, circumgemere, circumgemui, circumgemitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
roar/moan/groan around;
circumgestator, circumgestatoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
one who bears/carries round;
circumgesto, circumgestare, circumgestavi, circumgestatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
carry/bear about/around;
circumglobatus, circumglobata, circumglobatum ADJ [XXXNS]
rolled together; formed in a ball; clustered;
circumglobo, circumglobare, circumglobavi, circumglobatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
form a ball/cluster/sphere (around something);
circumgredior, circumgredi, circumgressus sum V (3rd) DEP [XWXEO]
go round behind by a flanking movement; walk/travel about (in hostile manner);
circumgressus, circumgressus N (4th) M [DXXFS]
going about; compass/circuit/scope (of a thing);
circumhisco, circumhiscere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
stare at with open/gaping mouth;
circumhumatus, circumhumata, circumhumatum ADJ [DXXFS]
buried around;
circumicio, circumicere, circumjeci, circumjectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
cast/throw or place/put/build around; put on flank of; encompass/envelop;
circumiectalis, circumiectalis, circumiectale ADJ [GXXEK]
circumiectum, circumiecti N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
circuminicio, circuminicere, circuminjeci, circuminjectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFS]
throw up all around;
circuminjicio, circuminjicere, circuminjeci, circuminjectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFS]
throw up all around;
circuminsessio, circuminsessionis N (3rd) F [FEXFE]
coexistence; (shared existence of 3 Divine Persons in same Being);
circuminvolvo, circuminvolvere, circuminvolvi, circuminvolutus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
involve/cover all around, enclose, envelop;
circumio, circumere, -, - V (3rd) [EXXFW]
encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round;
circumitio, circumitionis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
going round; patrol, rounds; passage/structure around (building);
rotation, revolution; rate of revolution; orbit; circumference; circumlocution;
circumitor, circumitoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
watchman, patrol; one making rounds/circuit;
circumitus, circumitus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
going round; patrol/circuit; way/path round; circumference; outer surface/edge;
revolution, spinning, rotation; (recurring) cycle; period; circumlocution;
circumjacens, (gen.), circumjacentis ADJ [XXXDO]
situated in neighborhood, lying round about; situated round (in a sentence);
circumjacens, circumjacentis N (3rd) C [XXXDO]
neighboring/nearby things/words (pl.), words situated around/near (in sentence);
circumjacentium, circumjacentii N (2nd) N [XGXFS]
context (pl.), things/material around;
circumjaceo, circumjacere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
lie near/around; (places/persons/objects); border upon (L+S);
circumjaceo, circumjacere, circumjacui, circumjacitus V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
lie near/round about, border on; (of persons, places, objects);
circumjectio, circumjectionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
throwing around, casting about; putting on/donning (clothing), dressing;
circumjectum, circumjecti N (2nd) N [XXXES]
neighborhood (pl.), surroundings;
circumjectus, circumjecta, circumjectum ADJ [XXXCO]
surrounding, lying/situated around; enveloping, surrounding;
circumjectus, circumjectus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
encircling/surrounding/encompassing/embrace; lying/casting around; wrap, cloak;
circumjicio, circumjicere, circumjeci, circumjectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCS]
cast/throw or place/put/build around; put on flank of; encompass/envelop;
circumlabens, (gen.), circumlabentis ADJ [XXXFS]
gliding/sliding around;
circumlambo, circumlambere, circumlambi, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNO]
lick around;
circumlaqueo, circumlaqueare, circumlaqueavi, circumlaqueatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
wind around; (like a noose);
circumlaticius, circumlaticia, circumlaticium ADJ [DXXFS]
portable, that may be carried around;
circumlatio, circumlationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
revolution, circuit; a carrying around (L+S);
circumlatitius, circumlatitia, circumlatitium ADJ [DXXFS]
portable, that may be carried around;
circumlator, circumlatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who carries around/about;
circumlatro, circumlatrare, circumlatravi, circumlatratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
bark round about; roar around (L+S);
circumlavo, circumlavare, circumlavi, circumlautus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
wash round about/around, wash side of; flow all around (waters) (L+S);
circumlavo, circumlavere, -, circumlotus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
wash round about/around, wash side of; flow all around (waters) (L+S);
circumlego, circumlegere, circumlegi, circumlectus V (3rd) TRANS [EXXFP]
sail round; compassing by the shore (Vulgate Acts 28:13);
circumlevo, circumlevare, circumlevavi, circumlevatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
raise up all around;
circumligo, circumligare, circumligavi, circumligatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
bind around/to; encircle, surround; attach, fasten; pass/wrap around, bandage;
circumlinio, circumlinire, -, - V (4th) TRANS [XXXCO]
smear/anoint all over (with); decorate, daub/paint around, paint background;
circumlino, circumlinere, circumlevi, circumlitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
smear/anoint all over (with); decorate, daub/paint around, paint background;
circumlitio, circumlitionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
anointing round about/over; coating/smearing/covering/painting (w/paint/like);
overlaying of color (painting); tint/hue given to marble by rubbing w/oil/wax;
circumlocutio, circumlocutionis N (3rd) F [XGXEO]
circumlocution, periphrasis;
circumloquor, circumloqui, circumlocutus sum V (3rd) DEP [DGXFS]
make use of circumlocution/periphrasis;
circumlucens, (gen.), circumlucentis ADJ [XXXFS]
shining/glittering around;
circumluceo, circumlucere, circumluxi, - V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFO]
shine round, illuminate;
circumluo, circumluere, circumlui, circumlutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
wash or flow around; skirt; surround; wash upon (L+S);
circumlustro, circumlustrare, circumlustravi, circumlustratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
traverse (in circular course), pace around; go around (in purifying ceremony);
circumluvio, circumluvionis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
formation of alluvial land (in middle of river); land so formed; right to it;
circumluvium, circumluvii N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
formation of alluvial land (in middle of river); land so formed; right to it;
circummeo, circummeare, circummeavi, circummeatus V (1st) [DXXES]
go/travel/pass around;
circummetio, circummetire, -, circummensus V (4th) TRANS [XXXFO]
measure round about;
circummingo, circummingere, circummixi, circummixtus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
urinate/make water round/over (something);
circummitto, circummittere, circummisi, circummissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
send around/to different parts (embassies/missions); send round, flank;
circummoenio, circummoenire, circummoenivi, circummoenitus V (4th) TRANS [XWXDO]
invest with walls/siege works; wall/hem in, secure; fence around; fortify;
circummugio, circummugire, circummugivi, circummugitus V (4th) TRANS [XAXEO]
moo/low/bellow round;
circummulcens, (gen.), circummulcentis ADJ [XXXNS]
licking gently around;
circummulceo, circummulcere, circummulsi, circummulsus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
lick round, caress (with tongue);
circummunio, circummunire, circummunivi, circummunitus V (4th) TRANS [XWXDO]
invest with walls/siege works; wall/hem in, secure; fence around; fortify;
circummunitio, circummunitionis N (3rd) F [XWXEO]
surrounding with walls or siege works; investing a town;
circummuranus, circummurana, circummuranum ADJ [DXXFS]
around the walls; with neighboring nations;
circumnascens, (gen.), circumnascentis ADJ [XXXNS]
growing up/being raised/springing forth around;
circumnavigo, circumnavigare, circumnavigavi, circumnavigatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXFO]
sail around; circumnavigate;
circumnecto, circumnectere, circumnexui, circumnexus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXES]
wrap/bind around; surround, envelop;
circumno, circumnare, circumnavi, - V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
swim around;
circumnoto, circumnotare, circumnotavi, circumnotatus V (1st) TRANS [XDXFO]
draw/paint around;
circumobruo, circumobruere, circumobrui, circumobrutus V (3rd) TRANS [XAXNO]
heap up earth around; cover/wrap around (L+S);
circumornatus, circumornata, circumornatum ADJ [DXXFS]
ornamented/decorated/adorned round about/all around;
circumpadanus, circumpadana, circumpadanum ADJ [XXIEO]
lying/found/situated beside Po river;
circumpavio, circumpavire, circumpavivi, circumpavitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXNO]
beat down hard all around;
circumpavitus, circumpavita, circumpavitum ADJ [XXXNS]
beaten/trodden close around;
circumpendeo, circumpendere, circumpendi, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXEO]
hang around, be suspended all around;
circumpes, circumpedis N (3rd) C [DXXES]
footgear; sandal; that is around foot; parasite (of foot); covering for foot;
circumplaudo, circumplaudere, circumplausi, circumplausus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
surround with applause, applaud/greet/clap all around;
circumplecto, circumplectere, circumplexi, circumplexus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
encompass; embrace/clasp; surround/encircle; enclose (w/wall); cover roundabout;
circumplector, circumplecti, circumplexus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
encompass; embrace; surround, encircle; enclose (w/wall); cover round about;
circumplexus, circumplexus N (4th) M [XXXNO]
coiling around, encircling, embracing; latitudinal zone/band (of sky);
circumplico, circumplicare, circumplicavi, circumplicatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
coil round (like a snake); wind (strip) around; twine/bend around;
circumplumbo, circumplumbare, circumplumbavi, circumplumbatus V (1st) TRANS [XTXFO]
coat (all over) with lead; pour lead all around (L+S);
circumpono, circumponere, circumposui, circumpositus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
put/set/place (all) around/on either side of; confer (Souter);
circumpositio, circumpositionis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
setting/placing around;
circumpositus, circumposita, circumpositum ADJ [XXXDO]
situated around, surrounding;
circumpotatio, circumpotationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
passing round, practice of drinking around by passing a cup round company;
circumpulso, circumpulsare, circumpulsavi, circumpulsatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
assail/beat/pulsate from every side; (with noise, etc);
circumpungo, circumpungere, circumpungi, circumpunctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXES]
prick/puncture all round;
circumpurgo, circumpurgare, circumpurgavi, circumpurgatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
clear/clean/purify/free from adhesions all around/round about;
circumputo, circumputare, circumputavi, circumputatus V (1st) TRANS [XSXFS]
measure around;
circumquaque ADV [XXXFS]
on every side; all around;
circumrado, circumradere, circumrasi, circumrasus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
scrape/shave/pare around;
circumrasio, circumrasionis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
action of scraping round surface (of); scraping/paring around;
circumrefero, circumreferre, circumretuli, circumrelatus V TRANS [XXXFO]
bring/tell round again;
circumretio, circumretire, circumretivi, circumretitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
encircle with a net; ensnare;
circumrodo, circumrodere, circumrosi, circumrosus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
nibble/gnaw/talk all round, eat off outer part of; speak about; slander;
circumroro, circumrorare, circumroravi, circumroratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
sprinkle (water) over/round;
circumroto, circumrotare, circumrotavi, circumrotatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
cause to revolve/rotate; turn/whirl around; turn around in a circle;
circumsaepio, circumsaepere, circumsaepsi, circumsaeptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
fence/hedge round/in, enclose, surround;
circumsaeptus, circumsaepta, circumsaeptum ADJ [XXXCO]
fenced/hedged in, enclosed, walled in; surrounded, encircled;
circumsalto, circumsaltare, circumsaltavi, circumsaltatus V (1st) TRANS [XDXFS]
dance around (chorus); jump around;
circumscalpo, circumscalpere, circumscalpsi, circumscalptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNO]
scrape/scratch around/about;
circumscariphico, circumscariphicare, circumscariphicavi, circumscariphicatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNS]
scrape/scratch around/about; scarify around (L+S);
circumscaripho, circumscariphare, circumscariphavi, circumscariphatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXNO]
scrape/scratch around/about; scarify around (L+S);
circumscindo, circumscindere, circumscindi, circumscissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
tear/rip/strip (all around) (the clothes of);
circumscribo, circumscribere, circumscripsi, circumscriptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
abridge, write concise form/well-turned phrase; cheat, impose on; circumvent;
draw a line/circle around; circumscribe; hem in, confine, restrict; rule out;
circumscripte ADV [XGXEO]
concisely, succinctly; summarily; in periods/periodic style;
circumscriptio, circumscriptionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
circle, circumference; boundary; outline; cheating, fraud; periodic sentence;
circumscriptor, circumscriptoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
cheat; defrauder, deceiver; he who makes void/annuls;
circumscriptorie ADV [XXXFS]
by fraud/deceit;
circumscriptus, circumscripta -um, circumscriptior -or -us, circumscriptissimus -a - ADJ [XGXEO]
concisely expressed, succinct; compressed; rounded-off into periods, periodic;
circumseco, circumsecare, circumsecavi, circumsecatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
cut/clip/pare round; circumcise;
circumsecus ADV [XXXFO]
round about, around, round; in parts/region around; on every side;
circumsedeo, circumsedere, circumsedi, circumsessus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round;
circumseparo, circumseparare, circumseparavi, circumseparatus V (1st) TRANS [DBXFS]
separate around;
circumsepio, circumsepere, circumsepsi, circumseptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
fence/hedge round/in, enclose, surround;
circumseptus, circumsepta, circumseptum ADJ [XXXCO]
fenced/hedged in, enclosed, walled in; surrounded, encircled;
circumsero, circumserere, circumsevi, circumsatus V (3rd) TRANS [XAXNO]
plant/sow/set round (something);
circumsessio, circumsessionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
surrounding, mobbing; besieging; hostile encompassing (L+S);
circumsideo, circumsidere, circumsidi, circumsissus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round;
circumsido, circumsidere, circumsidi, circumsissus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round;
circumsigno, circumsignare, circumsignavi, circumsignatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
mark/sign/seal round about;
circumsilio, circumsilire, -, - V (4th) [XXXEO]
leap/spring/hop round;
circumsisto, circumsistere, circumstiti, circumstatus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
stand/gather/crowd/take a stand around; surround, beset; be on either side;
circumsitus, circumsita, circumsitum ADJ [DXXFS]
lying/situated around; neighboring;
circumsocius, circumsocia, circumsocium ADJ [DXXFS]
neighborly, in friendly neighborhood;
circumsono, circumsonare, circumsonavi, circumsonatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
resound on every side; echo round; surround/be filled (with noise/sound);
circumsonus, circumsona, circumsonum ADJ [XXXEO]
sounding/making a loud noise round about; filling/filled with sounds/noise;
circumspargo, circumspargere, circumsparsi, circumsparsus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
sprinkle/spray round about/around;
circumspectatrix, circumspectatricis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
female spy, she who goes around/spies; she who goes round making eyes (at);
circumspecte, circumspectius, circumspectissime ADV [XXXDO]
warily/cautiously/circumspectly; carefully/meticulously; w/mature deliberation;
circumspectio, circumspectionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
careful consideration; looking on all sides (L+S); foresight, caution;
circumspecto, circumspectare, circumspectavi, circumspectatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
look about (searchingly), search about; examine, watch (suspiciously), be alert;
circumspector, circumspectoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
watcher; watchman; spy; all seeing;
circumspectus, circumspecta -um, circumspectior -or -us, circumspectissimus -a -u ADJ [XXXCO]
well considered, weighed with care, prudent; guarded/circumspect; cautious/wary;
worthy of consideration, respected; distinguished;
circumspectus, circumspectus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
survey/looking round/spying; visual examination; commanding view; contemplation;
circumspergo, circumspergere, circumspersi, circumspersus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
sprinkle/spray round about/around; strew/scatter round about/around (L+S);
circumspicientia, circumspicientiae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
caution, watchfulness; consideration, deliberation (L+S);
circumspicio, circumspicere, circumspexi, circumspectus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
look around/over/for, survey; inspect; search for/seek; examine/review; ponder;
circumstagno, circumstagnare, circumstagnavi, circumstagnatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
be poured forth all around;
circumstans, circumstantis N (3rd) M [XXXES]
by-stander (usu. pl.);
circumstantia, circumstantiae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
encircling position/troop; closing of fluid round passing object; circumstance;
circumstatio, circumstationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
circle/circular group (of people); a standing around (L+S);
circumsto, circumstare, circumsteti, circumstatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
stand/gather/crowd around, surround, beset; be on either side;
circumstrepo, circumstrepere, circumstrepui, circumstrepitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
make a noise around; surround with noise; shout/cry clamorously around (person);
circumstridens, (gen.), circumstridentis ADJ [DXXFS]
shrieking/yelling//jabbering around;
circumstringo, circumstringere, circumstrinxi, circumstrictus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXES]
bind about, put on; tie around, surround, clothe with;
circumstruo, circumstruere, circumstruxi, circumstructus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
build round, surround with a structure (externally/internally);
circumstupeo, circumstupere, circumstupui, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
hang sluggishly round; look around with amazement, stand around amazed (L+S);
circumsudo, circumsudare, circumsudavi, circumsudatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXNO]
sweat/be moist all around/on all sides;
circumsurgo, circumsurgere, circumsurrexi, circumsurrectus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
rise/project all around;
circumsutus, circumsuta, circumsutum ADJ [XXXEO]
surrounded/enclosed in by means of sewing/stitching; sewed together all round;
circumtectus, circumtecta, circumtectum ADJ [XXXFO]
covered, clothed;
circumtego, circumtegere, circumtexi, circumtectus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXCS]
cover round about;
circumtendo, circumtendere, circumtetendi, circumtentus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
cover/surround by stretching;
circumteneo, circumtenere, circumtenui, circumtentus V (2nd) TRANS [DXXFS]
posses; keep/hold around;
circumtentus, circumtenta, circumtentum ADJ [XXXES]
covered/bound with (something); that is stretched/drawn around; begirt;
circumtergeo, circumtergere, circumtersi, circumtersus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFO]
wipe/rub round about/all around;
circumtermino, circumterminare, circumterminavi, circumterminatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
bound/limit round about/all around;
circumtero, circumterere, circumtrivi, circumtritus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
rub/press/stand close/crowd on all sides; wear/rub away all around;
circumtextum, circumtexti N (2nd) N [XXXES]
garment inwoven with purple;
circumtextus, circumtexta, circumtextum ADJ [XXXEO]
embroidered all around/round about; woven all around (L+S);
circumtinnio, circumtinnire, circumtinnivi, circumtinnitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXFO]
clash/ring/tinkle round about/all around;
circumtollo, circumtollere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
remove from every side; take/lift away all around;
circumtondeo, circumtondere, circumtotondi, circumtonsus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFS]
cut/shear/clip all around (hair);
circumtono, circumtonare, circumtonavi, circumtonatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
make a loud noise/clamor round; thunder round;
circumtonsus, circumtonsa, circumtonsum ADJ [XXXDO]
having hair cut/trimmed/shorn all around; elaborate, artificial (L+S);
circumtorqueo, circumtorquere, circumtosi, circumtortus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXFO]
pull/twist/turn/wind/bend/spin round;
circumtremo, circumtremere, circumtremui, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFS]
shake/tremble all around;
circumtueor, circumtueri, circumtutus sum V (2nd) DEP [XXXFO]
look around;
circumtumulatus, circumtumulata, circumtumulatum ADJ [XXXFS]
piled up around;
circumundique ADV [DXXCS]
round about on all sides; from everywhere around;
circumustus, circumusta, circumustum ADJ [XXXFO]
burnt round/around/on all sides;
circumvado, circumvadere, circumvasi, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
form a ring round, surround, encompass, beset, attack/assail on every side;
circumvagor, circumvagari, circumvagatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
travel/wander/roam around/about; (person, sound, etc); encircle;
circumvagus, circumvaga, circumvagum ADJ [XXXEO]
moving/wandering round; encircling, flowing around;
circumvallo, circumvallare, circumvallavi, circumvallatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXCO]
surround with wall/siegeworks; blockade; beset, surround with troops/barriers;
circumvectio, circumvectionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
circular course, revolution; transport/carrying round (from place to place);
circumvectitor, circumvectitari, circumvectitatus sum V (1st) DEP [BXXFS]
travel about; visit in succession;
circumvecto, circumvectare, -, circumvectatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCS]
carry/transport round/from place to place; describe; sail/travel round;
circumvector, circumvectari, circumvectatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
sail round; travel round;
circumvehor, circumvehi, circumvectus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
make rounds of; travel/ride round/in succession/past; flow round (sea);
circumvelo, circumvelare, circumvelavi, circumvelatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
cover around, envelop;
circumvenio, circumvenire, circumveni, circumventus V (4th) TRANS [XXXBO]
encircle, surround; assail, beset; enclose; circumvent; defraud/trick; surpass;
circumventio, circumventionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
trickery, fraud, circumvention;
circumventor, circumventoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
defrauder, deceiver, cheat;
circumventorius, circumventoria, circumventorium ADJ [DXXFS]
fraudulent, deceitful;
circumverro, circumverrere, circumverri, circumversus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
sweep/clean/skim around/over;
circumversio, circumversionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
action of turning around/revolving, revolution;
circumversor, circumversari, circumversatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
turn about repeatedly; spin/whirl about/around;
circumversus, circumversa, circumversum ADJ [XXXFS]
rushed/swept around;
circumverto, circumvertere, circumverti, circumversus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
free (slave) by manumission; (PASS) turn (oneself) round, revolve (round);
circumvestio, circumvestire, circumvestivi, circumvestitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
clothe, cover over, surround with a covering; wrap up (in words); cloak;
circumvincio, circumvincire, circumvinxi, circumvinctus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
bind/fasten round;
circumviso, circumvisere, circumvisi, circumvisus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
look round at; glare round upon;
circumvolitabilis, circumvolitabilis, circumvolitabile ADJ [DXXFS]
flying around;
circumvolito, circumvolitare, circumvolitavi, circumvolitatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
fly around/round about/over; (of horsemen/horses' hooves); frequent; flit;
circumvolo, circumvolare, circumvolavi, circumvolatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
fly/hover/flutter around; run/hasten/rush around;
circumvolutor, circumvolutari, circumvolutatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXNO]
roll over;
circumvolvo, circumvolvere, circumvolvi, circumvolutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
roll/revolve round, twine/coil around; wind around (w/something);
circumvorsor, circumvorsari, circumvorsatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFS]
turn about repeatedly; spin/whirl about/around;
circumvorto, circumvortere, circumvorti, circumvorsus V (3rd) TRANS [BXXCS]
free (slave) by manumission; (PASS) turn (oneself) round, revolve (round);
circundo, circundare, circundedi, circundatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
surround; envelop, post/put/place/build around; enclose; beset; pass around;
circus, circi N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
race course; circus in Rome, celebration of games; circle; orbit;
ciris, ciris N (3rd) F [XYXEO]
mythical bird into which Scylla daughter of Nisus was changed; bird; fish;
cirratus, cirrata, cirratum ADJ [XXXEO]
curly-haired; having curled hair/ringlets; fringed (L+S);
cirratus, cirrati N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
curly-haired boy; schoolboys (pl.);
cirrhosis, cirrhosis N (3rd) F [GBXEK]
cirritus, cirrita, cirritum ADJ [XAXFO]
tufted, bearded; (epithet of a variety of pear?); having filaments (L+S);
cirrus, cirri N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
curl/ringlet, curly lock; tuft (on bird head), oyster's beard/tentacles; fringe;
cirsion, cirsii N N [XAXNO]
kind of thistle;
cirsocele, cirsoceles N F [XBXFO]
vericocele, varicose condition/dilatation of veins of spermatic chord;
on/to this/near side of, short of; before, within (time);
Cisalpinus, Cisalpina, Cisalpinum ADJ [XXXCO]
lying on south side of Alps; [Cisalpine Gaul => Northern Italy];
cisanus, cisani N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
driver of a cissium (light two-wheeled carriage);
cisarius, cisarii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
driver of a cissium (light two-wheeled carriage);
cisium, cisi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
light two-wheeled carriage; light wheeled vehicle; cabriolet;
cismontanus, cismontana, cismontanum ADJ [XXXNO]
that dwells/situated on this/near side of mountains;
cisorium, cisorii N (2nd) N [DBXFS]
cutting instrument; (for bone);
cissanthemos, cissanthemi N F [XAXNO]
honeysuckle; plant similar to ivy (L+S);
cissanthemus, cissanthemi N (2nd) F [XAXNO]
honeysuckle; plant similar to ivy (L+S);
cissaron, cissari N N [DAXFS]
plant; (also called chrysanthemon);
cissaros, cissari N F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called chrysanthemon);
cission, cissii N N [DAXFS]
small ivy;
cissitis, cissitidis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
precious stone; (of color of ivy leaves L+S);
cissos, cissi N F [XAXNO]
cissybium, cissybii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
cup of ivy-wood;
cista, cistae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
chest/box (usu. made of wicker); box for sacred ceremonial objects; ballot box;
cistarius, cistarii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
guardian of chest or wardrobe;
cistella, cistellae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
small box/casket/chest;
cistellatrix, cistellatricis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
woman/slave in charge of clothes chests or wardrobe; (or money-box L+S);
cistellula, cistellulae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
little/small box/casket/chest; (diminutive of diminutive of cista/box);
Cisterciensis, Cisterciensis, Cisterciense ADJ [FXXEE]
Cistercian; of Citeaux; (order of monks founded 1098, stricter Benedictines);
cisterna, cisternae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
cistern; underground/sunken tank/reservoir for water; (or wine L+S); ditch/pit;
cisterninus, cisternina, cisterninum ADJ [XXXEO]
of/obtained from cisterns, cistern-; [aqua cisternina => stored rain water];
cisthos, cisthi N M [XAXNO]
rock rose (Cistus villosus and salvifolius); shrub plant w/red blossoms (L+S);
cistifer, cistiferi N (2nd) M [XEXIO]
bearer of a casket in religious ceremonies; casket-bearer;
cistophorus, cistophori N (2nd) M [XEXCO]
ceremonial casket-bearer; an Asiatic coin w/Dionysus as a ~ (worth 4 drachma);
cistula, cistulae N (1st) F [XXXDO]
little/small box/chest; small basket (L+S);
cit., abb. ADJ [GXXEE]
cited, named (reference); abb. for citus (VPAR ceio);
citara, citarae N (1st) F [FDXEM]
citate, citatius, citatissime ADV [XXXEO]
hurriedly; speedily, quickly, rapidly; nimbly (L+S);
citatim ADV [XXXFO]
hurriedly, quickly; speedily, hastily;
citatio, citationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
calling, proclaiming (legal); command (military); citation, legal summons (Ecc);
citatorium, citatorii N (2nd) N [DLXFS]
summoning before a tribunal;
citatorius, citatoria, citatorium ADJ [FXXFE]
relating to a citation/summons;
citatus, citata -um, citatior -or -us, citatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
quick, swift; early; loose (bowels); speeded up, hurried, urged on; full gallop;
citatus, citati N (2nd) M [FLXCM]
summons, citation (legal);
citatus, citatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
cite ADV [DXXFS]
quickly; rapidly;
citer, citera -um, citerior -or -us, citimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
near/on this side; (COMP) nearer; sooner/earlier, urgent; (SUPER) next; least;
citeria, citeriae N (1st) F [XDXEO]
clown; effigy/caricature carried in procession at the games (L+S);
citerius ADV [XXXFO]
short of; to a lesser degree than;
cithara, citharae N (1st) F [XDXBO]
cithara, lyre; lute, guitar (L+S);
citharicen, citharicinis N (3rd) M [XDXFS]
cithara/lyre player;
citharista, citharistae N (1st) M [XDXEO]
cithara/lyre player;
citharistria, citharistriae N (1st) M [XDXFO]
cithara/lyre player (female);
citharizo, citharizare, citharizavi, citharizatus V (1st) INTRANS [XDXFO]
play on/strike cithara/lyre;
citharoeda, citharoedae N (1st) F [XDXIO]
female singer-musician; (with self accompaniment on cithara/lyre);
citharoedicus, citharoedica, citharoedicum ADJ [XDXDO]
of/belonging to singer-musician; (on cithara/lyre); for singing w/lyre;
citharoedus, citharoedi N (2nd) M [XDXCO]
singer-musician; (with self accompaniment on cithara/lyre); harpist (Ecc);
citharus, cithari N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
kind of flat-fish;
citimus, citima, citimum ADJ [XXXDO]
nearest, that is or is situated nearest;
citipes, (gen.), citipedis ADJ [DXXFS]
fleet-footed, swift-footed; swift, fleet;
citiremis, citiremis, citireme ADJ [XWXFO]
swift (of a galley), having swift oars; rowing swiftly (L+S);
citivolus, citivola, citivolum ADJ [EXBFM]
swiftly flying, swift-flying;
cito, citare, citavi, citatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
urge on, encourage; promote, excite; summon; set in motion; move (bowels); cite;
cito, citius, citissime ADV [XXXBO]
quickly/fast/speedily, with speed; soon, before long; readily; easily;
citocacium, citocacii N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
plant; (also called chamelaea);
citra ADV [XXXCO]
on this/near side of, towards; nearer; short of the mark/amount/degree;
on this/near side of, short of; before; below, less than; without regard to;
citrago, citraginis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
citrus plant; lemon balm;
citrarius, citrari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
dealer/maker of articles of citron-wood; dealer in lemons (L+S);
citratus, citrata, citratum ADJ [XXXFO]
situated on near side;
citratus, citrata, citratum ADJ [XAXFO]
treated with citron (tree) oil; steeped in citrus oil (L+S);
citrea, citreae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
citrus tree;
citreago, citreaginis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
citrus plant; lemon balm;
citretum, citreti N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
orchard of citrus trees;
citreum, citrei N (2nd) N [XAXFS]
fruit of citrus tree; citron; citron tree;
citreus, citrea, citreum ADJ [XAXCO]
citrus, of/on/made of citrus tree/wood; of citron tree (L+S);
citreus, citrei N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
fruit of citrus tree;
citriarius, citriari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
dealer/maker of articles of citron-wood;
citrinus, citrina, citrinum ADJ [FAXEE]
citrus; citric;
citrium, citrii N (2nd) N [DAXFS]
kind of gourd;
citro ADV [XXXCO]
to this side; on/by both sides/parties; [w/ultro/et => here + there, to + fro];
citrosus, citrosa, citrosum ADJ [XAXEO]
smelling of citron tree/wood;
citrulus, citruli N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
citrum, citri N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
wood of citron tree; furniture/table made of citron/citrus-wood; (expensive);
citrus, citri N (2nd) F [GAXEK]
lemon tree;
citrus, citri N (2nd) M [XAXDO]
African citrus tree; (Callitris quadrivalvis?); citron (Citrus medica) (L+S);
citus, cita -um, citior -or -us, citissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
quick, swift, rapid; moving/acting/passing/occurring quickly, speedy; early;
cituvolus, cituvola, cituvolum ADJ [FXBFM]
swiftly flying, swift-flying;
civica, civicae N (1st) F [XLXCO]
civic crown/garland of oak-leaves; (Roman cognomen);
civicus, civica, civicum ADJ [XXXCO]
of one's town/city/fellow-citizens; civil, civic; legal, civil (not military);
civile, civilis N (3rd) N [XXXFS]
courtesy; civility;
civilis, civilis, civile ADJ [XLXAO]
of/affecting fellow citizens; civil; legal; public; political; unassuming;
civilitas, civilitatis N (3rd) F [XLXDO]
science of politics/government; behavior of ordinary person; citizenship (Ecc);
civiliter, civilius, civilissime ADV [XXXCO]
in civil sphere, between citizens; as becomes a citizen; civilly, unassumingly;
civilizatio, civilizationis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
civilizatio, civilizationis N (3rd) F [HXXDE]
civilizo, civilizare, civilizavi, civilizatus V (1st) [GXXEK]
civis, civis N (3rd) C [XXXAO]
fellow citizen; countryman/woman; citizen, free person; a Roman citizen;
civitas, civitatis N (3rd) F [XLXAO]
community/city/town/state; citizens; citizen rights/citizenship; naturalization;
civitatula, civitatulae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
(small) city/town; citizenship (in small/petty state);
clabula, clabulae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
graft or cutting; scion;
clabulare, clabularis N (3rd) N [DWXFS]
large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (with wicker-work sides?);
clabularis, clabularis, clabulare ADJ [DWXFS]
of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?);
clabularius, clabularia, clabularium ADJ [DWXFS]
of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?);
clacendix, clacendicis N (3rd) F [XAXFO]
murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained);
clades, cladis N (3rd) F [XWXAO]
defeat, reverse; casualties, slaughter/carnage/devastation; ruins; dissolution;
disaster, ruin, calamity; plague; pest, bane, scourge (cause of disaster);
clagalopes, clagalopis N (3rd) F [XAXFS]
species of eagle;
clam ADV [XXXBO]
secretly, in secret, unknown to; privately; covertly; by fraud;
without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL);
without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL);
clamator, clamatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
shouter, bawler, noisy disclaimer;
clamatorius, clamatoria, clamatorium ADJ [XAXNS]
screeching, clamorous; shouting; (epithet of an unknown bird - of bad omen);
clamatus, clamatus N (4th) M [DXXFS]
crying aloud, shouting;
clamis, clamidis N (3rd) F [BWXFO]
Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
clamitatio, clamitationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
shouting, bawling; violent crying, clamor, noise (L+S);
clamito, clamitare, clamitavi, clamitatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
cry out, yell; shout repeatedly, clamor; proclaim; name/call repeatedly/loudly;
clamium, clamii N (2nd) N [FLXFJ]
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
proclaim, declare; cry/shout out; shout/call name of; accompany with shouts;
clamor, clamoris N (3rd) M [XXXAO]
shout, outcry/protest; loud shouting (approval/joy), applause; clamor/noise/din;
war-cry, battle-cry; roar (thunder/surf); cry of fear/pain/mourning; wailing;
clamorosus, clamorosa, clamorosum ADJ [FXXDE]
loud; clamorous;
clamos, clamosis N (3rd) M [BXXAO]
shout, outcry/protest; loud shouting (approval/joy), applause; clamor/noise/din;
war-cry, battle-cry; roar (thunder/surf); cry of fear/pain/mourning; wailing;
clamose ADV [XXXFO]
in a loud voice with shouting; clamorously;
clamosus, clamosa, clamosum ADJ [XXXCO]
given to/marked by/filled with shouting/bawling/yelling; barking (dog), noisy;
clamys, clamydis N (3rd) F [BWXCO]
Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
clamys, clamydos/is N F [XWXCO]
Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
clancularius, clancularia, clancularium ADJ [XXXFO]
anonymous; writing in secret; secret, concealed, unknown (L+S);
clanculo ADV [XXXFO]
secretly; privately (L+S);
clanculum ADV [XXXCO]
secretly, by stealth; sub rosa; privately (L+S);
clanculum PREP ACC [XXXFO]
without knowledge of, secret from;
clandestinitas, clandestinitatis N (3rd) F [EXXEE]
clandestino ADV [XXXEO]
secretly, clandestinely;
clandestinus, clandestina, clandestinum ADJ [XXXCO]
secret, hidden, concealed, clandestine; acting/done/made secretly/silently;
clango, clangere, clangui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
clang, make ringing noise; sound (horn); scream (eagle); speak w/ringing tone;
clangor, clangoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
clang, noise; blare/blast (trumpet); crying/clamor (bird); barking/baying (dog);
clare, clarius, clarissime ADV [XXXBO]
aloud; brightly, clearly; lucidly; with distinction/honor, illustriously;
clareo, clarere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXDO]
shine bright/clearly; be clear/plain/understandable/obvious; be famous/renowned;
claresco, clarescere, clarui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be illuminated; become bright/evident/clear; become loud or famous/notorious;
claretus, clareta, claretum ADJ [GXXEK]
claret (wine);
claricito, claricitare, claricitavi, claricitatus V (1st) [DXXES]
recall, recollect, remember;
clarico, claricare, claricavi, claricatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
shine, gleam, glow;
clarificatio, clarificationis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
clarifico, clarificare, clarificavi, clarificatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXCS]
make illustrious/famous;
clarigatio, clarigationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
satisfaction; reparation, fine; solemn demand for redress (or war in 33 days);
clarigito, clarigitare, clarigitavi, clarigitatus V (1st) [DXXES]
recall, recollect, remember;
clarigo, clarigare, clarigavi, clarigatus V (1st) INTRANS [XLXNO]
demand satisfaction formally (from another state in formal declaration of war);
clarisonus, clarisona, clarisonum ADJ [XXXFO]
loud; clear-sounding, distinct;
clarissimatus, clarissimatus N (4th) M [DLXFS]
dignity of a Clarissimus (imperial official);
claritas, claritatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
clarity/vividness; brightness; distinctness; loudness; celebrity, renown, fame;
claritudo, claritudinis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
clearness, brightness; distinctness; loudness; celebrity, distinction, renown;
claritus ADV [XXXEO]
clearly, distinctly;
clarividus, clarivida, clarividum ADJ [DXXFS]
seeing clearly; clear sighted;
claro, clarare, claravi, claratus V (1st) [XXXCO]
make visible; brighten, light up; make clear, explain; make illustrious/famous;
claror, claroris N (3rd) M [BXXFS]
clarity, brightness;
claros, clari N M [XAXNO]
beetle infesting beehives; (regarded by Pliny as a disease);
clarus, clara -um, clarior -or -us, clarissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
clear, bright, gleaming; loud, distinct; evident, plain; illustrious, famous;
clasis, clasis N (3rd) F [BXXCS]
division/class of Romans; levy/draft, land army; fleet; group/band;
classiarius, classiari(i) N (2nd) M [XWXDO]
mariner; sailor, seaman; naval forces/personnel (pl.), marines;
classiarius, classiaria, classiarium ADJ [XWXDO]
of navy/fleet/marines;
classicula, classiculae N (1st) F [XWXFO]
small fleet/flotilla;
classicum, classici N (2nd) N [XWXCO]
military trumpet call; war-trumpet (L+S);
classicus, classica, classicum ADJ [XWXCO]
of/connected with fleet/sailors; belonging to a/highest citizen class;
classicus, classici N (2nd) M [XWXFO]
trumpeter (who summoned comitia centuriata); sailors (pl.), marines;
classis, classis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
class/division of Romans; grade (pupils); levy/draft; fleet/navy; group/band;
clathrum, clathri N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings;
clathrus, clathra, clathrum ADJ [XXXDO]
latticed or barred;
clathrus, clathri N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings;
clatratus, clatrata, clatratum ADJ [XXXDO]
latticed or barred;
clatro, clatrare, clatravi, clatratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
fit with bars or railings;
clatrum, clatri N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings;
clatrus, clatri N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings;
claudaster, claudastra, claudastrum ADJ [DXXFS]
little lame;
claudeo, claudere, clausi, clausus V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
limp, stumble/falter/hesitate; be weak/imperfect, fall short; be lame, hobble;
claudicatio, claudicationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
limping; lameness;
claudico, claudicare, claudicavi, claudicatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXBO]
limp, be lame; waver, incline to one side; be defective/deficient/fall short;
claudigo, claudiginis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
lameness; limping, limp;
clauditas, clauditatis N (3rd) F [XBXEO]
Claudius, Claudi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Claudius; (Roman gens name); (Ti. C. Nero Germanicus, Emperor, 41-54 AD); Lame;
Claudius, Claudia, Claudium ADJ [CLICO]
Claudius; Roman gens; (Ti. C. Nero Germanicus, Emperor, 41-54 AD); the_Lame;
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
limp, stumble/falter/hesitate; be weak/imperfect, fall short; be lame, hobble;
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine;
claudus, clauda, claudum ADJ [XXXBO]
limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain;
clausa, clausae N (1st) F [FEXDE]
claustellum, claustelli N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
claustralis, claustralis, claustrale ADJ [DWXFS]
fortress-, of/pertaining to fortress; cloister-, of cloister/convent (Ecc);
claustrarius, claustraria, claustrarium ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to locks; [~ artifex => locksmith];
claustrarius, claustrarii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
maker of door-bolts; locksmith;
claustritumus, claustritumi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
warden of locks;
claustrum, claustri N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam;
monastery, cloister (often pl.);
clausula, clausulae N (1st) F [XGXBO]
end/conclusion (letter/verse/transaction); close (periodic sentence); clause;
clausum, clausi N (2nd) N [XXXES]
enclosed space;
clausura, clausurae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
lock/clasp (necklace); lock, bar, bolt (L+S); castle, fort (late); cloister;
clausus, clausa, clausum ADJ [XXXBO]
closed, inaccessible (places); impervious to feeling; shut/locked in, enclosed;
clava, clavae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
club, cudgel; staff; knotty/rough/wooden stick; exercise sword; Spartan scytale;
golf-club; (Cal);
clavarium, clavarii N (2nd) N [XWXFO]
nail-money, allowance to soldiers for shoe-nails;
clavator, clavatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one who fights with a club; one who carries clubs/foils/exercise swords (L+S);
clavatus, clavata, clavatum ADJ [XXXEO]
furnished/decorated with nails/studs; striped (animal);
claves, clavis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
door-key; bar/key for turning a press, lever; hook for bowling a hoop;
clavicarius, clavicarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
clavicen, clavicinis N (3rd) M [GDXEK]
clavicina, clavicinae N (1st) F [GDXEK]
claviclarius, claviclarii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
turnkey; keeper of keys, jailer (L+S);
clavicula, claviculae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
(small) key; vine-tendril; pivot; rod, bar, bolt (for door);
clavicularius, clavicularii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
turnkey; keeper of keys, jailer (L+S);
clavicymbalum, clavicymbali N (2nd) N [GDXEK]
claviger, clavigera, clavigerum ADJ [XYXDO]
carrying/armed with a club; (epithet of Hercules); key-bearing (Janus);
claviger, clavigeri N (2nd) M [XYXDO]
mace/club-bearer, one armed with a club; (Hercules); key-bearer (Janus);
clavile, clavilis N (3rd) N [GDXEK]
clavis, clavis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
door-key; bar/key for turning a press, lever; hook for bowling a hoop;
clavo, clavare, -, clavatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXCS]
nail, furnish/fasten with nails; furnish with points/prickles or purple stripe;
clavola, clavolae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
graft or cutting; scion;
clavula, clavulae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
graft or cutting; scion;
clavulare, clavularis N (3rd) N [DWXFS]
large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (with wicker-work sides?);
clavularis, clavularis, clavulare ADJ [DWXFS]
of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?);
clavularius, clavularia, clavularium ADJ [DWXFS]
of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?);
clavulus, clavuli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
small nail; tack; small swelling;
clavus, clavi N (2nd) M [XBXCO]
callus, wart, tumor, excrescence; foul brood in bees; fungus disease in olives;
clavus, clavi N (2nd) M [XXXAO]
nail, spike, rivet; purple stripe on tunic; tiller/helm, helm of ship of state;
claxendix, claxendicis N (3rd) F [XAXFS]
murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained);
clema, clematis N (3rd) N [XAXNO]
knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare);
clematis, clematidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
plant; (various kinds of clematis/convolvulus/etc); (climbing plants L+S);
clematis, clematidos/is N F [XAXNO]
plant; (various kinds of clematis/convolvulus/etc);
clematitis, clematitidis N (3rd) F [XAXEO]
plant; species of aristolochia;
clemens, (gen.), clementis ADJ [XXXBO]
merciful/loving; lenient/mild/gentle; quiet/peaceful, easy, moderate; compliant;
clementer, clementius, clementissime ADV [XXXCO]
leniently, mercifully; mildly/softly; slowly/at an easy rate/gradually, gently;
clementia, clementiae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
mercy/clemency; compassion; indulgence/forbearance; gentleness, mildness, calm;
clementinum, clementini N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
clementine; (small orange, hybrid of tangerine and sour orange OED);
cleonia, cleoniae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called helenium);
cleonicion, cleonicii N N [XAXNS]
plant; (also called clinopodion);
Cleopatra, Cleopatrae N (1st) F [XXEDS]
Cleopatra; (Queen of Egypt);
cleopiceton, cleopiceti N N [XAXNO]
wild basil (Calamintha clinopodium);
clepo, clepere, clepsi, cleptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
steal; take away secretly; overhear, listen secretly; steal/hide oneself away;
clepsydra, clepsydrae N (1st) F [XSXCO]
water-clock; (used for timing speakers); time of one clock (20 minutes);
clepsydrarius, clepsydrarii N (2nd) M [XSXFS]
maker of water-clocks;
clepta, cleptae N (1st) M [XXXFS]
cleptes, cleptae N M [XXXFO]
clericalis, clericalis, clericale ADJ [DEXCS]
clerical, priestly;
clericatus, clericatus N (4th) M [DEXCS]
clerical office; clerical/priestly state;
clericus, clerici N (2nd) M [DEXAS]
clergyman, priest, cleric, clerk; scholar, student, scribe, secretary (Bee);
clerus, cleri N (2nd) M [XAXIO]
allotment of land; assignment by lots (L+S);
clerus, cleri N (2nd) M [DEXCS]
clergy, clerical order;
clibanarius, clibanarii N (2nd) M [DWXES]
soldier clad in mail, cuirassier;
clibanicius, clibanicia, clibanicium ADJ [DXXFS]
baked in a clibanus (bread oven); [w/panis => bread baked in a clibanus];
clibanus, clibani N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
oven; earthen/iron vessel w/small holes/broad bottom for baking/serving bread;
clidion, clidii N N [XAXNO]
(parts round the) shoulder-bone of a fish; (tunny L+S);
clidium, clidii N (2nd) N [XAXNS]
(parts round the) shoulder-bone of a fish; (tunny L+S);
cliduchus, cliduchi N (2nd) M [XXXNO]
cliens, clientis N (3rd) C [XXXBO]
client, dependent (of a patron), vassal; client state/its citizens, allies;
cliens, clientis N (3rd) M [GXXEK]
customer (modern sense);
clienta, clientae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
female dependent/client, protegee; female votary;
clientela, clientelae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
clientship; vassalage; patronage; protection; clients; vassals; allies (pl.);
clientulus, clientuli N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
mere/small/insignificant client; petty vassal; (term of contempt);
clima, climatis N (3rd) N [FXXEK]
climate; (Cal);
clima, climatis N (3rd) N [XSXEO]
measure of land; (60 feet square); inclination from latitude; clime; direction;
climacis, climacidos/is N F [XWXEO]
inclined channel/barrel of a ballista; small staircase/ladder (L+S);
climacter, climactris N (3rd) M [XSXEO]
rung (astrological), critical point in life (every 7 years);
climactericus, climacterica, climactericum ADJ [XSXFO]
critical, climacteric (astrology); of critical point in life (every 7 years);
climacus, climaci N (2nd) M [FDXFE]
three musical notes in defending scale;
climatias, climatiae N M [DSXFS]
kind of earthquake;
climaticus, climatica, climaticum ADJ [GXXEK]
climatologia, climatologiae N (1st) F [GSXEK]
climax, climacis N (3rd) F [DGXFS]
rhetorical figure (gradual increase in force of expression); (also gradatio);
clinamen, clinaminis N (3rd) N [XXXFO]
swerving, turning aside;
clinatus, clinata, clinatum ADJ [XXXEO]
inclining, slanting; inclined, bent, sunk (L+S);
clingo, clingere, clinxi, clinctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
surround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring (tree);
clinice, clinices N F [XBXFO]
clinical medicine; practice at sick-bed (L+S);
clinicos, clinice, clinicon ADJ [XBXNO]
clinical, sick-bed;
clinicum, clinici N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
clinicus, clinici N (2nd) M [XBXES]
physician attending patient in bed; bedridden patient; one baptized when sick;
clino, clinare, clinavi, clinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
incline, slope; bend; sink;
clinodium, clinodii N (2nd) N [FXXFM]
clinopale, clinopales N F [XXXFO]
intercourse, wrestling in bed, active sexual exercise;
clinopodium, clinopodi(i) N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
wild basil (Calamintha clinopodium);
clinopus, clinopodos/is N M [XXXFO]
foot of a bed;
clinsa, clinsae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
small handbell;
clipeatus, clipeata, clipeatum ADJ [XWXCO]
armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus); shield-bearing;
clipeatus, clipeati N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
soldier armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus) (usu. pl.);
clipeo, clipeare, clipeavi, clipeatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXFO]
provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection;
clipeolum, clipeoli N (2nd) N [XWXFO]
small shield;
clipeum, clipei N (2nd) N [XWXBS]
round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
clipeus, clipei N (2nd) M [XWXBO]
round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
clitella, clitellae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
pack-saddle (pl.), sumpter-saddle; like things; instrument of torture (L+S);
clitellarius, clitellaria, clitellarium ADJ [XAXEO]
used for carrying a pack-saddle; of/pertaining to/bearing a pack-saddle (L+S);
cliticos, clitici N M [XDXNO]
statue of person reclining/sitting; person reclining/sitting;
clive, clivis N (3rd) N [XTXEO]
slope, incline;
clivia, cliviae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
bird (unidentified); (of ill omen);
clivis, clivis N (3rd) F [FDXFE]
two musical notes second lower than first;
clivis, clivis, clive ADJ [XTXEO]
sloping, inclined; steep;
clivius, clivia, clivium ADJ [DXXES]
which forbid anything to be done; (having bad omens?);
clivolus, clivoli N (2nd) M [XTXEO]
short slope;
clivos, clivi N M [XTXBO]
slope (sg.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name);
clivosus, clivosa, clivosum ADJ [XTXCO]
hilly, full of hills; steep, characterized by slopes; difficult (L+S);
clivulus, clivuli N (2nd) M [XTXEO]
short slope; little hill (L+S);
clivum, clivi N (2nd) N [XTXFO]
slope (pl.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name);
clivus, cliva, clivum ADJ [DXXES]
which forbid anything to be done (pl.); (having bad omens?);
clivus, clivi N (2nd) M [XTXBO]
slope (sg.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name);
cloaca, cloacae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval);
cloacalis, cloacalis, cloacale ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to sewage/sewers;
cloacarium, cloacarii N (2nd) N [XLXEO]
tax/levy/contribution towards upkeep/maintenance of sewers/drains;
cloacarius, cloacaria, cloacarium ADJ [EXXFM]
of/derived from sewage/dung/sewers; [mons cloacarius => dung hill];
cloacarius, cloacarii N (2nd) M [ELXFM]
sewer/drain worker/cleaner;
cloaco, cloacare, cloacavi, cloacatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
daub; stain, pollute; soil; "smear";
cloacula, cloaculae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
small sewer/drain;
clocca, cloccae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
cloccarium, cloccarii N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
belfry; bell/clock tower;
clodico, clodicare, clodicavi, clodicatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
limp, be lame; be defective; (facetious plebeian of claudico);
clodigo, clodiginis N (3rd) F [XBXFO]
lameness; limping, limp;
Clodius, Clodia, Clodium ADJ [XXXCS]
Claudian; of Claudius gens (= Claudius);
clodo, clodere, closi, closus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXNS]
close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine;
Clodoveus, Clodovei N (2nd) M [EXFDE]
clodus, cloda, clodum ADJ [XXXCO]
limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain;
clon, clonis N (3rd) M [HSXEK]
clonizatio, clonizationis N (3rd) F [HSXEK]
clonizo, clonizare, clonizavi, clonizatus V (1st) [HSXEK]
clonos, cloni N F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called batrachion or scelerata);
clostellum, clostelli N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
keyhole; small lock (L+S);
clostrarius, clostrarii N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
maker of door-bolts;
clostrum, clostri N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam;
clouaca, clouacae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval);
cluaca, cluacae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval);
cludo, cludere, clusi, clusus V (3rd) INTRANS [XBXCO]
limp, halt; be weak, be imperfect;
cludo, cludere, clusi, clusus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine;
cludo, cludinis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
cludus, cluda, cludum ADJ [XXXCO]
limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain;
cluens, cluentis N (3rd) C [XXXBO]
client, dependent (of a patron), vassal; client state/its citizens, allies;
clueo, clueare, clueavi, clueatus V (1st) TRANS [XEXEO]
purify; cleanse, make clean;
clueo, cluere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing;
clueor, clueri, - V (2nd) DEP [XXXCO]
be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing;
cluma, clumae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
husks of grain; barley husks (pl.) (L+S);
cluna, clunae N (1st) F [XAXES]
apes (pl.); (may be misread for clura);
clunaclum, clunacli N (2nd) N [XEXEO]
sacrificial knife;
clunaculum, clunaculi N (2nd) N [XEXEO]
sacrificial knife;
clunalis, clunalis, clunale ADJ [DAXFS]
of/pertaining to hind parts, hind-; [clunales pedes => hindfeet];
Cluniacensis, Cluniacensis, Cluniacense ADJ [FEXEE]
of/pertaining to Cluny;
Cluniacum, Cluniaci N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
clunicula, cluniculae N (1st) F [XBXFO]
upper leg or thigh; small hind parts (L+S);
cluniculus, cluniculi N (2nd) M [XBXFO]
upper leg or thigh; small hind parts (L+S);
clunis, clunis N (3rd) C [XBXCO]
buttock, haunch, hindquarters (vertebrate animals); (also insects/arachnids);
cluo, cluere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing;
cluo, cluere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XEXEO]
purify; cleanse, make clean;
clupea, clupeae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
small river fish;
clupeatus, clupeata, clupeatum ADJ [XWXCO]
armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus); shield-bearing;
clupeatus, clupeati N (2nd) M [XWXCO]
soldier armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus) (usu. pl.);
clupeo, clupeare, clupeavi, clupeatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXFO]
provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection;
clupeolum, clupeoli N (2nd) N [XWXFS]
small shield;
clupeum, clupei N (2nd) N [XWXBS]
round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
clupeus, clupei N (2nd) M [XWXBS]
round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
clura, clurae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
kind of ape; (Barbary ape?);
clurinus, clurina, clurinum ADJ [XAXFO]
of/pertaining to apes;
clusa, clusae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
clusaris, clusaris, clusare ADJ [XXXCO]
that encloses/marks an area; (water) that is in a covered channel;
easily shutting/closing;
clusarius, clusaria, clusarium ADJ [DXXFS]
easily shutting/closing;
clusilis, clusilis, clusile ADJ [XAXNO]
capable of closing; bivalve; easily closing (L+S);
clusor, clusoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who encloses/encompasses;
cluster, clusteris N (3rd) M [XBXCO]
clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
clustrum, clustri N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam;
clusum, clusi N (2nd) N [XXXCS]
enclosed space;
clusura, clusurae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
lock/clasp of a necklace; lock, bar, bolt (L+S); castle, fort (late);
clusus, clusa, clusum ADJ [XXXBO]
closed, inaccessible (places); impervious to feeling; shut/locked in, enclosed;
clutus, cluta, clutum ADJ [DXXES]
famous, renowned; celebrated, glorious; refined;
clybatis, clybatis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
plant (Parietaria officinalis); (also called helxine);
clymenos, clymeni N M [XAXNO]
plant, scorpion's tail (Scorpiurus vermiculata);
clymenus, clymeni N (2nd) M [XAXNO]
plant, scorpion's tail (Scorpiurus vermiculata);
clypeo, clypeare, clypeavi, clypeatus V (1st) TRANS [XWXFS]
provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection;
clypeolum, clypeoli N (2nd) N [XWXFS]
small shield;
clypeum, clypei N (2nd) N [XWXBS]
round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
clypeus, clypei N (2nd) M [XWXBS]
round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
clysmus, clysmi N (2nd) M [XBXFO]
clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
clyster, clysteris N (3rd) M [XBXCO]
clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
clyster, clysteris N M [XBXCO]
clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
clystera, clysterae N (1st) M [XBXFT]
clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
clysterium, clysteri(i) N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
small syringe; clyster (L+S);
clysterizo, clysterizare, clysterizavi, clysterizatus V (1st) TRANS [DBXES]
apply a syringe/clyster; give an injection/enema; purge;
Cn., abb. N M [XXXCO]
Gnaeus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Cn.);
cnason, cnasonis N M [DXXFS]
hair-pin (with which women scratch head);
cnatus, cnati N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
son; child; children (pl.);
cnecos, cneci N F [XAXEO]
safflower (Carthamus tinctorius); similar thistle;
cnedinus, cnedina, cnedinum ADJ [XAXNS]
of/pertaining to nettles, nettle-;
cnemis, cnemidis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
greave; end of verse;
cneoron, cneori N N [XAXNS]
plant name; (various kinds of Daphne?);
cneorum, cneori N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
plant name; (various kinds of Daphne?);
cnephosus, cnephosa, cnephosum ADJ [XXXFO]
gloomy, dark;
cnestor, cnestoris N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
shrub; (Daphne gnidium?);
cnicus, cnici N (2nd) F [XAXEO]
safflower (Carthamus tinctorius); similar thistle;
cnide, cnides N F [XAXNO]
nettle; sea nettle;
cnidinus, cnidina, cnidinum ADJ [XAXNO]
of/pertaining to nettles, nettle-;
cnisa, cnisae N (1st) F [DEXFS]
steam/odor from a sacrifice;
cnissa, cnissae N (1st) F [DEXFS]
steam/odor from a sacrifice;
cnodax, cnodacis N (3rd) M [XTXFO]
pin, pivot; gudgeon, pivot on end of beam/axle for wheel/bell/etc;
cnodax, cnodacos/is N M [XTXFO]
pin, pivot; gudgeon, pivot on end of beam/axle for wheel/bell/etc;
coa, coae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
lustful woman; (wearing fine Coan silk?); fictitious nickname of Clodia (L+S);
coaccedo, coaccedere, coaccessi, coaccessus V (3rd) INTRANS [BXXFS]
come to or be added besides;
coacervatim ADV [XXXFO]
in/by heaps;
coacervatio, coacervationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
heaping/piling together/up; adding together, aggregate; (of arguments);
coacervo, coacervare, coacervavi, coacervatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
heap/pile up, gather/crowd together; amass, collect; make by heaping; add/total;
coacesco, coacescere, coacui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
become sour/acid; deteriorate; become corrupt;
coactarius, coactari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
maker of felt;
coacte, coactius, coactissime ADV [XXXEO]
briefly/concisely/shortly; exactly/accurately; in forced manner; by compulsion;
coactile, coactilis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
thick fulled cloth, felt;
coactiliarius, coactiliari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
maker of felt; maker of thick fulled cloth (L+S);
coactiliarius, coactiliaria, coactiliarium ADJ [DXXFS]
fulling; [~ taberna => fulling mill];
coactilis, coactilis, coactile ADJ [XXXFO]
made of felt; made thick (L+S);
coactim ADV [DXXFS]
briefly, concisely, shortly;
coactio, coactionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
collection (of money), collecting/calling in; compression; abridgement/epitome;
disease of animals; constraint; (Cal);
coactivus, coactiva, coactivum ADJ [GXXEK]
coacto, coactare, coactavi, coactatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
compel; constrain; force;
coactor, coactoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
collector (of money/taxes/etc); [agminis ~ => troops bringing up rear];
fuller; (felter?); (cloth worker); one who forces to something;
coactum, coacti N (2nd) N [XXXFS]
thick/fulled covering; mattress;
coactura, coacturae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
amount (of oil) extracted/pressed (in a given period); collection (L+S);
coactus, coacta, coactum ADJ [FXXEE]
coactus, coactus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
compulsion, constraint, force, coercion;
coaddo, coaddere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
add; (ingredient); add with, add also (L+S);
coadjuto, coadjutare, coadjutavi, coadjutatus V (1st) TRANS [FXXEE]
urge; help, assist;
coadjutor, coadjutoris N (3rd) M [DXXIS]
helper, assistant;
coadjutoria, coadjutoriae N (1st) F [FXXFE]
assistantship; office of assistant;
coadjutus, coadjuta, coadjutum ADJ [FXXFE]
assisted, helped;, aided;
coadjutus, coadjuti N (2nd) M [FXXFE]
assistant, helper;
coadoro, coadorare, coadoravi, coadoratus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
worship/adore together/along with;
coadulesco, coadulescere, coadulevi, coadultus V (3rd) INTRANS [DEXFS]
grow up along with;
coadunatio, coadunationis N (3rd) F [DLXFS]
uniting into one; summing up;
coaduno, coadunare, coadunavi, coadunatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
unite; add/join together; collect into one;
coaedifico, coaedificare, coaedificavi, coaedificatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
build (town/etc); occupy (site) with buildings; build up/upon;
coaegresco, coaegrescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DBXFS]
become sick at same time as; get sick together with;
coaegroto, coaegrotare, coaegrotavi, coaegrotatus V (1st) INTRANS [DBXFS]
be sick at same time as;
coaequalis, coaequalis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
one of same age, contemporary; comrade/companion of same age (L+S);
coaequalis, coaequalis, coaequale ADJ [XXXEO]
having same age as; be of equal/same age;
coaequo, coaequare, coaequavi, coaequatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
make level/equal, equalize; regard/treat as equal, equate; adjust by weighing;
coaestimo, coaestimare, coaestimavi, coaestimatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
estimate together/in conjunction (with);
coaetaneo, coaetaneare, coaetaneavi, coaetaneatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
be of same age/contemporary;
coaetaneus, coaetanei N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
one of same age, contemporary;
coaeternus, coaeterna, coaeternum ADJ [DEXES]
co-eternal; equally eternal; existing with another eternally;
coaevus, coaeva, coaevum ADJ [DEXCS]
of same age, coeval, of equal antiquity, going back to same date;
coaggero, coaggerare, coaggeravi, coaggeratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
heap/cover over (with); heap together (L+S);
coagito, coagitare, coagitavi, coagitatus V (1st) TRANS [DBXFS]
shake together;
coagmentarius, coagmentarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
joining together; union;
coagmentatio, coagmentationis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
union, state/act of being joined/fitted together; connection, joint;
coagmento, coagmentare, coagmentavi, coagmentatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
join/fasten together, connect; make by joining/construct; fit (words) together;
coagmentum, coagmenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
joint; (vertical between stones); overlapping side of tile; joining (letters);
coagulare, coagularis N (3rd) N [DBXFS]
colon; (intestine);
coagulatio, coagulationis N (3rd) F [XXXNO]
coagulation; curdling; congealing;
coagulatus, coagulata, coagulatum ADJ [XXXFE]
coagulo, coagulare, coagulavi, coagulatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXDO]
curdle (milk); make (liquids) thick/solid, congeal, coagulate; collect together;
coagulum, coaguli N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
tie/bond, binding agent; rennet; curds; thickening/congealing; plant (~ terrae);
coalesco, coalescere, coalui, coalitus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXBO]
join/grow together; coalesce; close (wound); become unified/strong/established;
coalitio, coalitionis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
coalitus, coalitus N (4th) M [DEXFS]
communion; fellowship;
coalo, coalere, coalui, coalitus V (3rd) TRANS [DEXFS]
sustain/nourish together;
coalo, coalere, coalui, coaltus V (3rd) TRANS [DEXFS]
sustain/nourish together;
coambulo, coambulare, coambulavi, coambulatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
walk/go/travel with/together;
coangusto, coangustare, coangustavi, coangustatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application;
coapostolus, coapostoli N (2nd) M [DEXFS]
fellow apostle;
coaptatio, coaptationis N (3rd) F [DEXFS]
accurate joining together;
coapto, coaptare, coaptavi, coaptatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
fit/join/adjust together; make by joining;
coarctatio, coarctationis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
tightening; fitting closely together; crowding/drawing together;
coarcto, coarctare, coarctavi, coarctatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
narrow; hem in, pack/crowd/bring/fit close together, restrict; shorten/abridge;
coaresco, coarescere, coarui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
dry up/wither together; become/run dry together;
coarguo, coarguere, coargui, - V (3rd) TRANS [XLXBO]
refute; show, demonstrate; overwhelm w/proof; silence; convict; prove guilty;
coargutio, coargutionis N (3rd) F [DLXFS]
conviction; refutation;
coarmius, coarmi(i) N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
coarmo, coarmare, coarmavi, coarmatus V (1st) TRANS [DWXFS]
arm/equip together;
coartatio, coartationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
tightening; fitting closely together; crowding/drawing together;
coarticulo, coarticulare, coarticulavi, coarticulatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
cause to speak/articulate;
coarto, coartare, coartavi, coartatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
narrow; hem in, pack/crowd/bring/fit close together, restrict; shorten/abridge;
coassamentum, coassamenti N (2nd) N [XTXEO]
framework of planks; floor;
coassatio, coassationis N (3rd) F [XTXES]
floor-boards, floor-planking; floor of planks/boards (L+S); joining of boards;
coassistens, coassistentis N (3rd) M [FXXFE]
coassistant, fellow assistant;
coasso, coassare, coassavi, coassatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFS]
fit with floor planking; join boards/planks together (L+S);
coassumo, coassumere, coassumpsi, coassumptus V (3rd) TRANS [DEXFS]
assume together;
coauctio, coauctionis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
joint increase;
coaudio, coaudire, coaudivi, coauditus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application;
coaudito, coauditare, coauditavi, coauditatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow scope/application;
coaxatio, coaxationis N (3rd) F [XTXEO]
floor-boards, floor-planking; floor of planks/boards (L+S); joining of boards;
coaxo, coaxare, coaxavi, coaxatus V (1st) INTRANS [XAXFO]
croak; (of frogs);
coaxo, coaxare, coaxavi, coaxatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
fit with floor planking; join boards/planks together (L+S);
cobaia, cobaiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
guinea pig, pig of India;
cobaltum, cobalti N (2nd) N [GSXEK]
cobio, cobionis N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
small fish; (of gudgeon kind); (used for bait); (Gobio);
cobios, cobii N M [XAXNO]
plant (spurge); tithymalus/wolf's-milk (L+S); dendroides, leptophyllon;
cobius, cobii N (2nd) M [XAXEO]
small fish; (of gudgeon kind); (used for bait); (Gobio);
cocainum, cocaini N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
coccinatus, coccinata, coccinatum ADJ [XXXEO]
dressed/clothed in scarlet;
coccinella, coccinellae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
coccineus, coccinea, coccineum ADJ [XXXEO]
dyed scarlet, scarlet-dyed; scarlet, of scarlet color;
coccinum, coccini N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
scarlet-dyed/scarlet clothes/garments/coverings (pl.);
berry (w/Cnidium) of spurge-flax/nettle (Daphne gnidium); berry of scarlet oak;
insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool;
coccinus, coccina, coccinum ADJ [XXXCO]
dyed scarlet, scarlet-dyed; scarlet, of scarlet color;
coccio, coccionis N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
dealer; broker;
coccum, cocci N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
berry (w/Cnidium) of spurge-flax/nettle (Daphne gnidium); berry of scarlet oak;
insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool;
coccus, cocci N (2nd) M [FAXET]
insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool;
coccygia, coccygiae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
wig-tree (Rhus cotinus); kind of sumac used in coloring (L+S);
coccymelum, coccymeli N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
coccyx, coccygis N (3rd) M [XAXNO]
cocetum, coceti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
kind of food prepared from honey and poppies;
cochlea, cochleae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
snail; (form) snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water/wood); winding entrance;
cochlear, cochlearis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
cochleare, cochlearis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
cochlearis, cochlearis, cochleare ADJ [GBXEW]
cochlear, pertaining to the (snail-like) inner ear; of/like snail;
cochlearium, cochleari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful; pertaining to snails;
snailery, snail pen, enclosure for edible snails;
cochleatim ADV [DXXFS]
spirally; like a snail shell;
cochleatus, cochleata, cochleatum ADJ [DXXES]
spiral/screw formed;
cochleola, cochleolae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
small snail;
cochlia, cochliae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance;
cochlis, cochlidis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
spiral shell, conch; snail-shaped precious stone found in Arabia;
cochlos, cochli N M [XAXNO]
kind of marine gastropod; (with spiral shell);
cocibilis, cocibilis, cocibile ADJ [XXXNO]
easy to cook; easily cooked (L+S);
cocilendrum, cocilendri N (2nd) N [BXXFO]
imaginary magic condiment;
cocina, cocinae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
cooking; art of cookery; kitchen (L+S);
cocinaris, cocinaris, cocinare ADJ [XXXFO]
of/belonging in kitchen; used in cooking; [w/culter => kitchen knife];
cocinarius, cocinaria, cocinarium ADJ [XXXNO]
of/belonging in kitchen; used in cooking; pertaining to kitchen, culinary (L+S);
cocinatorium, cocinatori(i) N (2nd) N [XXXIO]
kitchen, place for cooking;
cocinatorius, cocinatoria, cocinatorium ADJ [XXXFO]
culinary, used in cooking; pertaining to kitchen (L+S);
cocino, cocinare, cocinavi, cocinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
cook, prepare food;
cocinus, cocina, cocinum ADJ [XXXFO]
of/pertaining to cooks/cooking; [forum ~ => market where cooks were hired];
cocio, cocionis N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
dealer; broker;
cocionatura, cocionaturae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
cocionor, cocionari, cocionatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
trade, traffic (in a petty way); be a dealer/broker;
cocitatio, cocitationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
long and thorough process of cooking; continuous cooking (L+S);
cocitatorius, cocitatoria, cocitatorium ADJ [XXXFO]
culinary; used in cooking;
cocito, cocitare, cocitavi, cocitatus V (1st) TRANS [BXXFO]
cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch (sun); stir up; ripen, mature (plot); digest;
coclaca, coclacae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
round river stones resembling snails;
coclea, cocleae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance;
coclear, coclearis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
cocleare, coclearis N (3rd) N [XXXCO]
spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
coclearium, cocleari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
snailery, snail pen, enclosure for edible snails;
cocleatim ADV [DXXFS]
cocleatus, cocleata, cocleatum ADJ [DXXES]
spiral/screw formed;
cocleola, cocleolae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
small snail;
Cocles, Coclitis N (3rd) M [XYXCO]
one-eyed person; Horatius (who kept Etruscans from Subician bridge);
coclia, cocliae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance;
crow of cock; cock-a-doodle-doo; hen-clucking (L+S);
coco, cocere, coxi, coctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch (sun); stir up; ripen, mature (plot); digest;
cocoa, cocoae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
cocoa (drink);
cocodrillus, cocodrilli N (2nd) M [XAEDO]
crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor;
cocodrilus, cocodrili N (2nd) M [XAEDO]
crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor;
cocolobis, cocolobis N (3rd) F [XAXES]
Spanish name for a type of grape;
cocolubis, cocolubis N (3rd) F [XAXES]
Spanish name for a type of grape;
cocos, coci N M [XXXCO]
cocos, cocois N (3rd) F [GAXEK]
coconut tree;
cocta, coctae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
boiled water; (water boiled then iced);
coctanum, coctani N (2nd) N [XAQES]
kind of small fig; (grown in Syria);
coctilicius, coctilicia, coctilicium ADJ [DXXFS]
of/pertaining to dried wood; [~ taberna => place where dried wood was sold];
coctilis, coctilis, coctile ADJ [XXXEO]
baked/burned (of bricks); made/built of/of baked/burned bricks; cooked (Ecc);
coctilum, coctili N (2nd) N [DXXES]
very dried wood (pl.); (that burns without smoke);
coctio, coctionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
cooking; digestion (of food); burning (L+S);
coctio, coctionis N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
dealer; broker;
coctivus, coctiva, coctivum ADJ [XXXNO]
suitable for cooking, cooking- (of food); that easily cooks/ripens early (L+S);
coctonum, coctoni N (2nd) N [XAQES]
kind of small fig; (grown in Syria);
coctor, coctoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
coctoria, coctoriae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
coctorium, coctorii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
casserole; pan;
coctum, cocti N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
cooked food; smelted ore;
coctura, cocturae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
cooking (method) (food); heating/roasting/smelting (ore); thing heated/boiled;
cocturarius, cocturarii N (2nd) M [XXXFS]
coctus, cocta -um, coctior -or -us, coctissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
cooked; roasted, burnt; smelted; baked (bricks); ripened, ripe; softened, mild;
cocula, coculae N (1st) F [XXXES]
cook (female);
coculeatus, coculeata, coculeatum ADJ [XXXFO]
coculum, coculi N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
cooking vessel/pot/pan; (bronze);
cocus, coci N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
coda, codae N (1st) F [XAXBO]
tail (animal); extreme part/tail of anything; penis (Horace);
codex, codicis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
trunk of tree; piece/block of wood; blockhead; (bound) book; note/account book;
codicarius, codicaria, codicarium ADJ [XWXCO]
kind of barge/lighter (w/navis);
codicarius, codicarii N (2nd) M [XWXEO]
bargeman, lighterman; (esp. those who brought grain from Ostia to Rome (L+S));
codicellus, codicelli N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
notepad, small log; writing tablets; patent; petition to Emperor; will/codicil;
codicillaris, codicillaris, codicillare ADJ [XLXIO]
named/appointed by written order of Emperor/in Emperor's handwriting;
codicillarius, codicillaria, codicillarium ADJ [DLXFS]
named/appointed by written order of Emperor/in Emperor's handwriting;
codicillus, codicilli N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
notepad, small log; writing tablets; patent; petition to Emperor; will/codicil;
codicula, codiculae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
little tail;
codificatus, codificata, codificatum ADJ [FXXFE]
codified; arranged;
coec, coecos/is N N [XAXNO]
kind of date; (doum palm, Hyphaene thebaica Liddle and Scott);
coecas, coecos/is N N [XAXNO]
kind of date; (doum palm, Hyphaene thebaica Liddle and Scott);
coel, undeclined N N [BSXES]
sky, heaven; universe, world; space; air, weather; Jehovah; (shortened form);
coelectus, coelecta, coelectum ADJ [DXXES]
elected together;
coelementatus, coelementata, coelementatum ADJ [DSXFS]
composed of the elements;
coeles, (gen.), coelitis ADJ [DXXFS]
heavenly; celestial; (not found classical in NOM S);
coeles, coelitis N (3rd) M [DEXFS]
the_Gods (usu. pl.); divinity, dweller in heaven; saint (Ecc);
coeleste, coelestis N (3rd) N [XSXCS]
supernatural/heavenly matters (pl.); heavenly bodies; astronomy;
coelestis, coeleste, coelestior -or -us, coelestissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBS]
heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the_Gods;
coelestis, coelestis N (3rd) C [XEXCS]
divinity, god/goddess; god-like person; the_Gods (pl.); heavenly bodies;
coelestis, coelestis, coeleste ADJ [XXXCS]
heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the_Gods;
coeliaca, coeliacae N (1st) F [XBXNS]
remedy/medicine for bowel/stomach/abdomen pains/disease;
coeliacus, coeliaca, coeliacum ADJ [XBXCO]
in bowels/stomach (pain); having disease of bowels; for bowels (remedy);
coeliacus, coeliaci N (2nd) M [XBXEO]
person having disease/pain/suffering in bowels; (or stomach/abdomen L+S);
coelibatus, coelibatus N (4th) M [XXXFS]
celibacy; bachelorhood; state of not being married; single life;
coelicola, coelicolae N (1st) C [XEXCO]
heaven dweller; deity, god/goddess; worshiper of heavens (L+S);
coelicus, coelica, coelicum ADJ [FEXEE]
heavenly; celestial;
coelifer, coelifera, coeliferum ADJ [XXXCO]
supporting sky/heavens;
coelifluus, coeliflua, coelifluum ADJ [XXXFS]
flowing from heaven;
coeligenus, coeligena, coeligenum ADJ [XXXES]
of heavenly birth/origin, heaven born;
coeligerus, coeligera, coeligerum ADJ [XXXFS]
heaven supporting;
coelioticus, coeliotica, coelioticum ADJ [DBXFS]
cleansing of bowels/stomach; (purgative?);
coelipotens, (gen.), coelipotentis ADJ [XXXFS]
powerful in heaven;
coelitus ADV [XXXES]
from heaven; heavenly; from the Emperor (L+S); divine;
coelum, coeli N (2nd) N [XSXAS]
sky, heaven, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah;
coelus, coeli N (2nd) M [BSXAS]
sky, heaven, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah;
coemendatus, coemendata, coemendatum ADJ [DLXFS]
amended at same time;
coemesis, coemesisis N (3rd) F [DDXFS]
somniferous song;
coemeterium, coemeterii N (2nd) N [FDXFE]
coemo, coemere, coemi, coemptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
buy; buy up;
coemptio, coemptionis N (3rd) F [XLXDO]
fictitious marriage to free heiress; mock sale of estate to free it of burdens;
coemptionalis, coemptionalis, coemptionale ADJ [XLXDS]
of a mock/sham sale/marriage; poor, worthless; [~ senex => one used in sham];
coemptionator, coemptionatoris N (3rd) M [XLXFO]
man acting as fictitious purchaser in coemptio (sham marriage/sale);
coemptor, coemptoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
one who buys up; (one who bribes); one who purchases many things (L+S);
coena, coenae N (1st) F [XXXBE]
dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course; meal; company at dinner;
coenacularius, coenacularia, coenacularium ADJ [XXXFS]
of/pertaining to a garret/attic;
coenaculum, coenaculi N (2nd) N [XXXCS]
attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story;
coenaticus, coenatica, coenaticum ADJ [XXXFS]
of/pertaining to (a) dinner;
coenatio, coenationis N (3rd) F [XXXCS]
dining-room; dining hall;
coenatiuncula, coenatiunculae N (1st) F [XXXFS]
small dining-room;
coenator, coenatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
diner; dinner guest;
coenatorius, coenatoria, coenatorium ADJ [XXXES]
of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or table;
coenaturio, coenaturire, -, - V (4th) INTRANS [XXXFS]
desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner;
coenautocinetum, coenautocineti N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
coencenatio, coencenationis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
dinner party; (Cicero from Greek); supping together, table companionship (L+S);
coenito, coenitare, coenitavi, coenitatus V (1st) [XXXCS]
dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often);
coeno, coenare, coenavi, coenatus V (1st) [XXXBS]
dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of;
coenobiarcha, coenobiarchae N (1st) M [EEXEE]
coenobita, coenobitae N (1st) M [EEXCS]
monk; cloister-brother;
coenobiticus, coenobitica, coenobiticum ADJ [EEXEE]
monastic; of monastic life/works/ritual/property;
coenobium, coenobii N (2nd) N [EEXCS]
monastery; convent; cloister;
coenomyia, coenomyiae N (1st) F [DAXES]
common fly;
coenon, coeni N N [XBXIO]
kind of eye-salve;
coenositas, coenositatis N (3rd) F [XXXES]
dirty/foul/muddy place;
coenosus, coenosa -um, coenosior -or -us, coenosissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXES]
muddy; filthy, foul; slimy, marshy; impure;
coenula, coenulae N (1st) F [XXXCS]
little dinner/supper;
coenulentus, coenulenta -um, coenulentior -or -us, coenulentissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXES]
covered in mud/filth; muddy, filthy, slimy;
coenum, coeni N (2nd) N [XXXES]
mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth;
coeo, coire, coivi(ii), coitus V [XXXAO]
fit together; have sexual intercourse; collect/gather (fluid); meet; rally;
enter agreement; unite/assemble/conspire; come/go together; mend/knit (wound);
coepio, coepere, -, - V (3rd) [AXXEO]
begin, commence, initiate; (rare early form, usu. shows only PERFDEF);
coepio, coepere, coepi, coeptus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
begin, commence, initiate; set foot on; (usu. PERF PASS w/PASS INF; PRES early);
coepiscopatus, coepiscopatus N (4th) M [DEXFS]
coepiscopus, coepiscopi N (2nd) M [DEXES]
associate bishop; fellow bishop (Ecc);
coepto, coeptare, coeptavi, coeptatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
begin/commence (w/INF); set to work, undertake/attempt/try; venture/begin (ACC);
coeptum, coepti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
undertaking (, enterprise, scheme; work begun/started/taken in hand;
coeptus, coepta, coeptum ADJ [XXXCS]
begun, started, commenced; undertaken;
coeptus, coeptus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
beginning, undertaking;
coepulonus, coepuloni N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
table-companion; (mock-tragic for parasitus); fellow banqueter/companion (L+S);
coepulor, coepulari, coepulatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
feast/dine together;
coerceo, coercere, coercui, coercitus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish;
coercio, coercionis N (3rd) F [XLXFS]
coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
coercitio, coercitionis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
coercitivus, coercitiva, coercitivum ADJ [FXXFE]
compelling; coercing;
coercitor, coercitoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
enforcer; one who restrains;
coerctio, coerctionis N (3rd) F [XLXFS]
coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
coerro, coerrare, coerravi, coerratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
go/wander around together;
coertio, coertionis N (3rd) F [XLXFS]
coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
coetus, coetus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
meeting, encounter, (political or illegal) assembly; union; band, gang, crowd;
social intercourse (w/hominium), society, company; sexual intercourse;
coexercitatus, coexercitata, coexercitatum ADJ [XXXFO]
that is practiced together/at same time;
coextendo, coextendere, coextendi, coextensus V (3rd) INTRANS [FXXFE]
have same extension/expansion;
cof, undeclined N N [DEQEW]
qof; (19th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K);
cofanus, cofani N (2nd) M [DAXFS]
coffeinum, coffeini N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
cofinus, cofini N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
basket, hamper;
cofraternitas, cofraternitatis N (3rd) F [FEXEE]
association, brotherhood, society/confraternity/confederation/sodality/guild;
cofrus, cofri N (2nd) M [FXXFX]
payment; some kind of coin?;
cogitabilis, cogitabilis, cogitabile ADJ [XXXEO]
conceivable, thinkable, imaginable, cogitable;
cogitabundus, cogitabunda, cogitabundum ADJ [XXXEO]
wrapped in thought; thoughtful, thinking;
cogitamen, cogitaminis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
cogitamentum, cogitamenti N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
cogitate ADV [XXXEO]
carefully, with thought/reflection;
cogitatim ADV [XXXFO]
carefully, with thought/reflection;
cogitatio, cogitationis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
thinking, meditation, reflection; thought; intention; plan; opinion, reasoning;
cogitatorium, cogitatorii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
receptacle of thought;
cogitatum, cogitati N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
result of deliberation, thoughts/ideas/reflections; intentions/plans; (pl. L+S);
cogitatus, cogitata, cogitatum ADJ [XXXES]
cogitatus, cogitatus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
act of thinking; thought (L+S);
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
think; consider, reflect on, ponder; imagine, picture; intend, look forward to;
cognata, cognatae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
relation by birth (female), kinswoman;
cognatio, cognationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
blood relation/relationship; kinsmen/relatives, family; consanguinity; affinity;
cognatus, cognata, cognatum ADJ [XXXBO]
related, related by birth/position, kindred; similar/akin; having affinity with;
cognatus, cognati N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
relation (male), kinsman; [~i regis => contingent of Persian king's bodyguard];
cognitio, cognitionis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
examination, inquiry/investigation (judicial); acquiring knowledge; recognition;
getting to know (fact/subject/person); acquaintance; idea/notion; knowledge;
cognitionalis, cognitionalis, cognitionale ADJ [DLXES]
of/pertaining to judicial inquiry/investigation;
cognitionaliter ADV [DLXFS]
by judicial inquiry/investigation;
cognitor, cognitoris N (3rd) M [XLXCO]
guarantor of identity; he who knows/is acquainted with (person/thing); attorney;
cognitorius, cognitoria, cognitorium ADJ [XLXEO]
of/concerning an attorney/advocate;
cognitura, cogniturae N (1st) F [XLXEO]
duty of an attorney; office of state attorney/fiscal agent (debts) (L+S);
cognitus, cognita, cognitum ADJ [XXXBO]
known (from experience/carnally)), tried/proved; noted, acknowledged/recognized;
cognitus, cognitus N (4th) M [XXXCO]
act of getting to know/becoming acquainted with;
cognobilis, cognobile, cognobilior -or -us, cognobilissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
understandable, intelligible;
cognomen, cognominis N (3rd) N [XXXBO]
surname, family/3rd name; name (additional/derived from a characteristic);
cognomentum, cognomenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
surname, family/3rd/allusive name; sobriquet; name; cult name of a god;
cognominatio, cognominationis N (3rd) F [XXXFS]
surname, family/3rd name; name (additional/derived from a characteristic);
cognominatus, cognominata, cognominatum ADJ [XXXFO]
derived from (other words) (of words); given (name); named; called;
cognominis, cognominis, cognomine ADJ [XXXCO]
having same name; synonymous; like-named;
cognomino, cognominare, cognominavi, cognominatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
give surname/epithet/sobriquet to person; name, give specific name, call;
cognominor, cognominari, cognominatus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXEE]
be named/surnamed/called;
cognoscens, (gen.), cognoscentis ADJ [XXXES]
acquainted with; aware of;
cognoscens, cognoscentis N (3rd) M [XLXDO]
judge; inquisitor; one taking part/conducting a judicial investigation;
cognoscenter ADV [DXXFS]
with knowledge; distinctly;
cognoscibilitas, cognoscibilitatis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
ability to be know/understood/recognized;
cognoscibiliter ADV [DXXES]
recognizably; discernibly;
cognoscitivus, cognoscitiva, cognoscitivum ADJ [FEXDF]
knowing, having power of knowing, intellectually aware
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
become acquainted with/aware of; recognize; learn, find to be; inquire/examine;
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
collect/gather, round up, restrict/confine; force/compel; convene; congeal;
cogulo, cogulare, cogulavi, cogulatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
curdle (milk); make (liquids) thick/solid, congeal, coagulate; collect together;
cohabitatio, cohabitationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
cohabitation, living/dwelling together;
cohabitator, cohabitatoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
he who lives/dwells with another;
cohabito, cohabitare, cohabitavi, cohabitatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXES]
dwell/live together;
cohaerens, (gen.), cohaerentis ADJ [XXXDO]
touching, adjacent; holding together, coherent (literary work); being in accord;
cohaerente, cohaerentis N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
things (pl.) touching/adjacent; coherent/systematic/connected whole/argument;
cohaerenter, cohaerentius, cohaerentissime ADV [XXXEO]
systematically; consistently, compatibly; continuously, uninterruptedly;
cohaerentia, cohaerentiae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
cohesion, sticking/combining together; organic structure; being time contiguous;
cohaereo, cohaerere, cohaesi, cohaesus V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXAO]
stick/cling/hold/grow together, adhere; embrace; touch, adjoin, be in contact;
be consistent/coherent; be connected/bound/joined/tied together; be in harmony;
cohaeres, cohaeredis N (3rd) C [XLXCS]
co-heir; joint heir;
cohaeresco, cohaerescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
cohere; stick, adhere; grow together, unite;
cohaesio, cohaesionis N (3rd) F [FXXCE]
cohesion, sticking/combining together; organic structure; being time contiguous;
cohaesus, cohaesa, cohaesum ADJ [DXXFS]
pressed together;
coherceo, cohercere, cohercui, cohercitus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish;
cohercitio, cohercitionis N (3rd) F [XLXCO]
coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
cohereo, coherere, cohesi, cohesus V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXAW]
stick/cling/hold/grow together, adhere; embrace; touch, adjoin, be in contact;
be consistent/coherent; be connected/bound/joined/tied together; be in harmony;
coheres, coheredis N (3rd) C [XLXCO]
co-heir; joint heir;
coheresco, coherescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCS]
cohere; stick, adhere; grow together, unite;
cohibeo, cohibere, cohibui, cohibitus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
hold together, contain; hold back, restrain, curb, hinder; confine; repress;
cohibilis, cohibilis, cohibile ADJ [XXXFO]
concise; terse; abridged, short (L+S);
cohibiliter, cohibilius, cohibilissime ADV [XXXEO]
concisely; tersely;
cohibitio, cohibitionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
restriction; compression; restriction, restraining, governing (L+S);
cohibitus, cohibita, cohibitum ADJ [XXXFO]
restrained; confined, limited (L+S); moderate;
cohonesto, cohonestare, cohonestavi, cohonestatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
honor, grace; do honor/pay respect to; make respectable; prevent baldness (L+S);
cohorresco, cohorrescere, cohorrui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXDO]
shudder; shiver/shake (from emotion/fear/cold/illness);
cohors, cohortis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd;
cohort, tenth part of legion (360 men); armed force; band; ship crew; bodyguard
cohortalinus, cohortalina, cohortalinum ADJ [DWXES]
of/pertaining to an imperial/praetorian bodyguard (cohort);
cohortalis, cohortalis, cohortale ADJ [XAXEO]
pertaining to a farm/cattle yard, farmyard-; of/concerned with poultry keeping;
of/connected with a military/praetorian cohort/company/guard;
cohortatio, cohortationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
encouragement, exhortation, inciting;
cohortatiuncula, cohortatiunculae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
short exhortation;
cohorticula, cohorticulae N (1st) F [XWXFO]
little/small cohort; (used with contempt);
cohorto, cohortare, cohortavi, cohortatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
encourage, exhort;
cohortor, cohortari, cohortatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
encourage, cheer up; exhort, rouse, incite; admonish;
cohospes, cohospitis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
cohospitans, cohospitantis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
cohum, cohi N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
hole in middle of yoke in which pole fits; thong used to attach pole to yoke;
vault/shapelessness/emptiness (of sky/heavens);
cohumido, cohumidare, cohumidavi, cohumidatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
wet all over; moisten;
cohurnus, cohurni N (2nd) M [XDXCO]
high boot/buskin (worn by Greek tragic actors to increase their height);
elevated/tragic/solemn style; tragic poetry; tragic stage;
coicio, coicere, cojeci, cojectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
throw/put/pile together; conclude, infer, guess; assign, make go; classify, put;
throw/cast/fling (into area); devote/pour (money); thrust, involve; insert;
coillum, coilli N (2nd) N [DEXFS]
innermost part of house where the_Lares were worshiped;
coimbibo, coimbibere, coimbibi, - V (3rd) TRANS [DXXFS]
drink/imbibe together/along with/at same time;
coincidentia, coincidentiae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
coincideo, coincidere, coincidui, coinciditus V (2nd) [GXXEK]
coincido, coincidere, coincidi, coincisus V (3rd) INTRANS [FXXEE]
coinquinatio, coinquinationis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
polluting, defiling; pollution;
coinquinatus, coinquinata, coinquinatum ADJ [DXXFS]
polluted, contaminated, tainted;
coinquino, coinquinare, coinquinavi, coinquinatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
befoul/pollute/defile wholly (immorality); contaminate/taint/infect (w/disease);
coinquio, coinquire, -, - V (4th) TRANS [XXXIO]
cut back, prune; cut off, cut down (L+S);
coinquo, coinquere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXIO]
cut back, prune; cut off, cut down (L+S);
cointelligo, cointelligere, -, - V (3rd) TRANS [FXXEE]
understand; presume;
coitio, coitionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
meeting, encounter; assemblage; conspiracy, plot, coalition; partnership;
combination; physical/chemical union of elements; (late) sexual intercourse;
coitus, coitus N (4th) M [XXXBO]
meeting/encounter, gathering; conjunction (planets); meeting place; coalescence;
union, sexual intercourse; fertilization; gathering/collection (fluid/pus);
coix, coicis N (3rd) F [XAANS]
kind of Ethiopian palm;
cojecto, cojectare, cojectavi, cojectatus V (1st) [XXXCO]
conjecture, think, imagine, infer, guess, conclude; judge, draw a conclusion;
throw together; assemble; throw (person in prison); interpret (portent);
cojectura, cojecturae N (1st) F [XXXDX]
cojux, cojugis N (3rd) C [XXXEO]
spouse/mate/consort; husband (M); wife (F)/bride/fiancee/concubine; yokemate;
cola, colae N (1st) F [FXXFE]
colafus, colafi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
blow with fist; buffet, cuff; box on ear (L+S);
colaphizo, colaphizare, colaphizavi, colaphizatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
box one's ears; cuff;
colaphus, colaphi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
blow with fist; buffet, cuff; box on ear (L+S);
colatura, colaturae N (1st) F [DXXFS]
flirtation; that which has been strained;
colatus, colata, colatum ADJ [DXXFS]
cleansed, cleaned, purified;
coleatus, coleata, coleatum ADJ [XXXFO]
provided with/having/pertaining to testicles;
colegium, colegi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
college/board (priests); corporation; brotherhood/fraternity/guild/colleagueship
colens, (gen.), colentis ADJ [XXXFS]
honoring, treating respectfully;
colens, colentis N (3rd) M [XEXFS]
reverer, worshiper;
coleopteron, coleopteri N N [GXXEK]
coleopteron, beetle; carob; carob tree;
coleopterum, coleopteri N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
colephium, colephii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
colepium, colepii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
knuckle of beef/pork;
coles, colis N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis;
colesco, colescere, colui, colitus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
join/grow together; coalesce; close (wound); become unified/strong/established;
coleus, colei N (2nd) M [XSXCS]
leather sack (wine/liquid); liquid measure (20 amphorae/120 gallons);
testicles ( or scrotum; (rude);
colias, coliae N M [XAXNO]
coly-mackerel (Scomber colias); kind of tunny (L+S);
colices, colicae N F [XBXEO]
remedy for colic;
colicon, colici N N [XBXFO]
remedy for colic;
coliculus, coliculi N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
stalk/stem (small); small cabbage, cabbage sprout; pillar like a stalk/shoot;
colicus, colica, colicum ADJ [DBXFS]
of/pertaining to colic;
coligo, coligare, coligavi, coligatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
bind/tie/pack together/up, connect, unite, unify; fetter, bind, put in bonds;
colimbus, colimbi N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
swimming pool;
colina, colinae N (1st) F [XXXCS]
kitchen; portable kitchen; food/fare/board; cooking; place for burnt offerings;
coliphium, coliphii N (2nd) N [XXXES]
unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
colis, colis N (3rd) M [XAXCO]
stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis;
colisatum, colisati N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
kind of vehicle;
collabasco, collabascere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
waver/totter/become unsteady at same time; waver/totter with;
collabefacto, collabefactare, collabefactavi, collabefactatus V (1st) [XXXFO]
cause to topple over; make to reel/totter (L+S); overpower/subdue; melt (metal);
collabefio, collabeferi, collabefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXDO]
collapse/break up; sink together; be overthrown politically/brought to ruin;
collabello, collabellare, collabellavi, collabellatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
make/form by putting lips together;
collabor, collabi, collabsus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXBO]
collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink (meet);
collabor, collabi, collapsus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXBO]
collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink (meet);
collaboratio, collaborationis N (3rd) F [FXXEE]
collaboration, working together;
collaboro, collaborare, collaboravi, collaboratus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXFS]
labor/work with/together;
collaceratus, collacerata, collaceratum ADJ [XXXFS]
torn to pieces; lacerated;
collacero, collacerare, collaceravi, collaceratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
lacerate severely; tear to pieces (L+S);
collacrimatio, collacrimationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
accompanying tears; weeping/lamenting (together/greatly);
collacrimo, collacrimare, collacrimavi, collacrimatus V (1st) [XXXDO]
weep together, weep in company of someone; weep over/for (w/ACC); bewail;
collacrumo, collacrumare, collacrumavi, collacrumatus V (1st) [XXXES]
weep together, weep in company of someone; weep over/for (w/ACC); bewail;
collactanea, collactaneae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
foster-sister; one nourished at same breast;
collactaneus, collactanei N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
foster-brother; one nourished at same breast;
collactea, collacteae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
foster-sister; one nourished at same breast;
collacteus, collactei N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
foster-brother; one nourished at same breast;
collactia, collactiae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
foster-sister; one nourished at same breast;
collacticia, collacticiae N (1st) F [XXXIS]
foster-sister; one nourished at same breast;
collacticius, collacticii N (2nd) M [XXXIS]
foster-brother; one nourished at same breast;
collactius, collactii N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
foster-brother; one nourished at same breast;
collaetor, collaetari, collaetatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
rejoice together;
collambo, collambere, collambi, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEV]
lick thoroughly; lap/lick up; suck (up), absorb;
collapsio, collapsionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
precipitation, falling together;
collare, collaris N (3rd) N [XXXDO]
collar, neckband; chain for neck (L+S);
collaris, collaris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
collar, neckband; chain for neck (L+S);
collaris, collaris, collare ADJ [XBXFO]
of/pertaining to/belonging to neck;
collarium, collarii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
collar, neckband; chain for neck (L+S);
collatatus, collatata, collatatum ADJ [XXXFS]
extended; diffuse;
collateralis, collateralis, collaterale ADJ [FLXFE]
collatero, collaterare, collateravi, collateratus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
admit on both sides;
collaticius, collaticia, collaticium ADJ [XXXDO]
contributed, raised/produced by contributions; brought together (L+S); mingled;
collatio, collationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
placing/putting together, combination; data collation; (payment of) tribute/tax;
comparison; [grammatical secunda ~/tertia ~ => comparative/superlative];
collatitius, collatitia, collatitium ADJ [XXXES]
contributed, raised/produced by contributions; brought together (L+S); mingled;
collativum, collativi N (2nd) N [DLXFS]
contribution in money;
collativus, collativa, collativum ADJ [XXXEO]
supplied/produced by contributions from many quarters; collected/combined (L+S);
collator, collatoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
joint contributor, subscriber; he who brings/places together (L+S); comparer;
collatro, collatrare, collatravi, collatratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
bark in chorus at; bark/yelp fiercely at (L+S); inveigh against;
collatus, collatus N (4th) M [XWXFO]
joining of battle; affray, attack (L+S); contributing (to knowledge, teaching);
collaudabilis, collaudabilis, collaudabile ADJ [DXXFS]
worthy of praise in every respect;
collaudatio, collaudationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
high/warm praise; commendation; eulogy;
collaudator, collaudatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who praises highly/warmly;
collaudo, collaudare, collaudavi, collaudatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
praise/extol highly; commend; eulogize;
collaxo, collaxare, collaxavi, collaxatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
loosen; make loose/porous (L+S);
collecta, collectae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
contribution; collection; meeting/assemblage (L+S); Collect at Mass (eccl.);
collectaculum, collectaculi N (2nd) N [DXXES]
place of assembling; receptacle, reservoir;
collectaneum, collectanei N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
book of Collects;
collectaneus, collectanea, collectaneum ADJ [XXXEO]
collected, assembled/gathered together from various sources;
collectarium, collectarii N (2nd) N [FEXEE]
book of Collects;
collectarius, collectarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
money-changer; banker, cashier;
collecte ADV [DXXFS]
summarily; briefly;
collecticius, collecticia, collecticium ADJ [XXXEO]
obtained/collected from various quarters; gathered hastily without selection;
collectim ADV [DXXFS]
summarily; briefly;
collectio, collectionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
collection/accumulation; gathering, abscess; recapitulation, summary; inference;
collectitius, collectitia, collectitium ADJ [XXXEO]
obtained/collected from various quarters; gathered hastily without selection;
collective ADV [GXXEK]
collectivisticus, collectivistica, collectivisticum ADJ [FGXFE]
proceeding by inference; deductive; gathered together (L+S); collective;
collectivus, collectiva, collectivum ADJ [XGXFO]
proceeding by inference; deductive; gathered together (L+S); collective;
collector, collectoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
collector, one who collects; fellow student (L+S);
collectorium, collectorii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
collectum, collecti N (2nd) N [XXXNO]
that which is collected; (food); collected sayings/writings (pl.);
collectus, collecta -um, collectior -or -us, collectissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXEO]
compact (of style), concise; restricted; contracted, narrow; shut (Ecc);
collectus, collectus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
heap/pile; accumulation (of liquid); collection;
collega, collegae N (1st) C [XXXBO]
colleague (in official/priestly office); associate, fellow (not official);
collegatarius, collegatarii N (2nd) M [XLXEO]
joint legatee; person bequeathed a legacy in common with others;
collegialis, collegialis, collegiale ADJ [XXXIO]
of a collegium (guild/fraternity/board); collegial; acting together (Ecc);
collegialiter ADV [DXXFE]
collegiarius, collegiaria, collegiarium ADJ [DXXFS]
of a collegium (guild/fraternity/board); collegial; acting together (Ecc);
collegiarius, collegiarii N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
member of a collegium (guild/fraternity/society/corporation/board);
collegiata, collegiatae N (1st) F [FXXEE]
collegiate church; institution, cooporation;
collegiatus, collegiata, collegiatum ADJ [FXXEE]
collegiate, corporate, of a group;
collegiatus, collegiati N (2nd) M [DXXES]
member of a collegium (guild/fraternity/society/corporation/board);
collegium, collegi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
college/board (priests); corporation; brotherhood/guild/company/society/school;
collegium, collegii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
college, school;
collema, collematis N (3rd) N [DXXFS]
that which is glued/cemented together;
colleprosus, colleprosi N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
collesco, collescere, colluxi, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXES]
lighten up, become illuminated; become clear/intelligible;
colleticus, colletica, colleticum ADJ [DXXFS]
suitable for gluing/sticking together;
colletis, colletis N (3rd) F [DAXFS]
collevo, collevare, collevavi, collevatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
make (entirely) smooth; smooth;
colliberta, collibertae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
fellow freedwoman; (having same patronus);
collibertus, colliberti N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
fellow freedman; (having same patronus);
collibro, collibrare, collibravi, collibratus V (1st) TRANS [XAXFO]
measure; measure off (L+S);
collibuit, collibuisse, collibitus est V IMPERS [XXXCO]
it pleases/is very agreeable; (IMPERS PERFDEF perfect form has present sense);
collicellus, collicelli N (2nd) M [XTXES]
very small hill;
collicia, colliciae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
gutter/drain(pl.) between two inwardly-sloping roofs; gully; field-drain/runnel
colliciaris, colliciaris, colliciare ADJ [XAXFO]
designed for making gullies; pertaining to water-channels (L+S);
colliculus, colliculi N (2nd) M [XTXFO]
hillock, small hill;
collido, collidere, collisi, collisus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
strike/dash together; crush, batter, deform; set into conflict with each other;
colliga, colligae N (1st) F [XXXNS]
place/cave for gathering natron (native sesquicarbonate of soda from dripping);
colligate ADV [DXXES]
connectedly, jointly;
colligatio, colligationis N (3rd) F [XGXCO]
binding together; bond/connection; thing that binds/connects, band; conjunction;
colligo, colligare, colligavi, colligatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
bind/tie/pack together/up, connect, unite/unify; fetter/bind; immobilize, stop;
colligo, colligere, collegi, collectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up;
obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up;
colligo, colligere, collexi, collectus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up;
obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up;
collimitaneus, collimitanea, collimitaneum ADJ [DXXFS]
bordering upon; (w/DAT);
collimito, collimitare, collimitavi, collimitatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXES]
border upon; (w/DAT);
collimitor, collimitari, collimitatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXES]
border upon; (w/DAT);
collimitum, collimiti N (2nd) N [DXXES]
boundary between two countries;
collimo, collimare, collimavi, collimatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
direct (eyes) sideways; glance sidelong;
collina, collinae N (1st) F [DTXFS]
hilly land; goddess of hills;
collineate ADV [DXXES]
skillfully, artistically; in a straight/direct line;
collineo, collineare, collineavi, collineatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
align, direct, aim; direct in a straight line (L+S);
collinio, colliniare, colliniavi, colliniatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
align, direct, aim; direct in a straight line (L+S);
collino, collinere, collevi, collitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
besmear, smear over; soil, pollute, defile;
collinus, collina, collinum ADJ [XXXDO]
of/belonging to/pertaining to hills; found/growing on hill (L+S); hilly, hill-;
colliphium, colliphii N (2nd) N [XXXES]
unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
colliquefacio, colliquefacere, colliquefeci, colliquefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XSXEO]
melt, liquefy; dissolve;
colliquefactus, colliquefacta, colliquefactum ADJ [XSXES]
made fluid, liquefied, melted; dissolved;
colliquefio, colliqueferi, colliquefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XSXEO]
be/become melted/liquefied/dissolved; (colliquefacio PASS);
colliquesco, colliquescere, colliqui, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDO]
melt, liquefy (w/in+ACC); turn into by liquefying; melt along with; dissolve;
colliquia, colliquiae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
gutter/drain (pl.) between two inwardly-sloping roofs; gully; field-drain/runnel
colliquiarium, colliquiarii N (2nd) N [XTXFO]
contrivance (pl.) for reliving air-pressure in water pipes;
collis, collis N (3rd) M [XXXBO]
hill, hillock, eminence, hill-top; mound; high ground; mountains (pl.) (poetic);
collisio, collisionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
clash, collision; dashing/striking together (L+S);
collisus, collisa, collisum ADJ [XXXFO]
crushed, flattened;
collisus, collisus N (4th) M [XXXEO]
striking/clashing together; collision;
collocatio, collocationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
placing/siting (together); position; arrangement, ordering (things); marrying;
colloco, collocare, collocavi, collocatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply;
put together, assemble; settle/establish in a place/marriage; billet; lie down;
collocupleto, collocupletare, collocupletavi, collocupletatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
enrich, make wealthy/very rich; embellish, adorn;
collocutio, collocutionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
conversation (private), discussion, debate; conference, parley; talking together
collocutor, collocutoris N (3rd) M [DEXES]
he who talks with another;
collocutorium, collocutorii N (2nd) N [FXXEE]
parlor, visiting room;
collocutorius, collocutoria, collocutorium ADJ [GXXEK]
of conversation;
colloquium, colloquii N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
talk, conversation; colloquy/discussion; interview; meeting/conference; parley;
colloquor, colloqui, collocutus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXBO]
talk/speak to/with; talk together/over; converse; discuss; confer, parley;
collubuit, collubuisse, collubitus est V IMPERS [XXXCO]
it pleases/is very agreeable; (IMPERS PERFDEF perfect form has present sense);
collubus, collubi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
cost of exchange, agio; discount/fee to change money/make change; coin;
colluceo, collucere, colluxi, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
shine brightly, light up (with fire); reflect light, shine, be lit up; glitter;
colluco, collucare, collucavi, collucatus V (1st) TRANS [XAXEO]
prune; thin out (trees); clear/thin (forest) (L+S);
colluctatio, colluctationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
struggling (physical), wrestling; struggle, conflict; death struggle/agony;
colluctor, colluctari, colluctatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
struggle physically; wrestle/contend (with); struggle/fight against (adversity);
colluctor, colluctoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
wrestler; antagonist, adversary;
colludium, colludii N (2nd) N [DXXDS]
sporting, playing together; secret, deceptive understanding, collusion;
colludo, colludere, collusi, collusus V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
play/sport together/with; (also) make sport; act in collusion (with);
collugeo, collugere, colluxi, - V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
lament; grieve together;
collum, colli N (2nd) N [XBXAO]
neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge;
collumino, colluminare, colluminavi, colluminatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
collumnela, collumnelae N (1st) F [FXXCE]
small column/pillar; pivot of oil-mill; stanchion of catapult; column tombstone;
colluo, colluere, collui, collutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
wash/rinse out; wash/rinse away (impurities); wash together; use as a wash(?);
collurchinatio, collurchinationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
gormandizing, gross gluttony; guzzling;
collus, colli N (2nd) M [XBXAO]
neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge;
collusim ADV [XXXFO]
in collusion;
collusio, collusionis N (3rd) F [XXXDO]
secret/deceptive understanding, collusion;
collusor, collusoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
playmate, companion in play; fellow gambler; one in collusion to hurt another;
collusorie ADV [XXXFO]
in/by collusion; in a concerted manner (L+S);
collustrium, collustrii N (2nd) N [XEXIO]
ceremonial purification (of fields); corporation that procured purification;
collustro, collustrare, collustravi, collustratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
illuminate, make bright, light up fully; look over, survey; traverse, explore;
collutio, collutionis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
rinsing; washing (L+S);
collutito, collutitare, collutitavi, collutitatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
soil/defile greatly/thoroughly;
collutlento, collutlentare, collutlentavi, collutlentatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
cover over with mud;
colluviaris, colluviaris, colluviare ADJ [XAXFO]
swilled/slopped, fed on refuse/filth (pigs);
colluvies, colluviei N (5th) F [XAXCO]
muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire;
colluvio, colluvionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
jumble/heterogeneous mass; fact/state of contamination, impure mixture; turmoil;
muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire;
colluvium, colluvii N (2nd) N [DAXES]
muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire;
collybista, collybistae N (1st) M [DXXES]
collybus, collybi N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
(cost of) exchange; agio, discount/fee to change money/make change; coin;
collyra, collyrae N (1st) F [XXXEO]
pasta (kind of); macaroni/vermicelli (L+S); dough (Cal);
collyricus, collyrica, collyricum ADJ [XXXFO]
made with collyra (kind of pasta); of vermicelli (L+S); (vermicelli soup);
collyrida, collyridae N (1st) F [DXXDS]
roll/cake; head-dress of women; plant (also called malva erratica);
collyriolum, collyrioli N (2nd) N [DBXFS]
small suppository; packing; pessary/tent;
collyris, collyridis N (3rd) F [DXXDS]
roll/cake; head-dress of women; plant (also called malva erratica);
collyrium, collyri(i) N (2nd) N [XBXCO]
eye-salve; suppository; packing; pessary/tent (contraceptive); shaft/pillar;
colo, colare, colavi, colatus V (1st) TRANS [XTXCO]
strain/filter (liquid), clarify; purify; remove solids by filter; wash (gold);
colo, colere, colui, cultus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
live in (place), inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain;
honor, cherish, worship; tend, take care of; adorn, dress, decorate, embellish;
colobathrarius, colobathrarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
stilt-walker, one who walks on stilts;
colobicus, colobica, colobicum ADJ [DXXFS]
colobium, colobii N (2nd) N [DXXES]
undershirt, undergarment with short sleeves; vest (British);
colobos, colobos, colobon ADJ [DPXES]
mutilated, curtailed, cut off; in which one syllable is missing (verse);
colobum, colobi N (2nd) N [DXXES]
undergarment with short sleeves;
colocasia, colocasiae N (1st) F [XAEDO]
Egyptian bean (lily); (plant/fruit);
colocasium, colocasii N (2nd) N [XAEDO]
Egyptian bean (lily) (pl.); (plant/fruit);
colocyntha, colocynthae N (1st) F [XAXFO]
kind of gourd; (rude of os cunnilingi); (purgative);
colocynthis, colocynthidis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative);
colocynthis, colocynthidos/is N F [XAXNO]
gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative);
colocyntis, colocyntidos/is N F [EAXFW]
gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative);
coloephium, coloephii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
colon, coli N N [XBXDO]
large intestine; colon; pain in large intestine, colic;
colon, coli N N [XPXDO]
part of a line of verse, metrical entity; clause of a period; line, fragment;
colona, colonae N (1st) F [XAXDO]
female farmer/tenant/cultivator of land; farmer's wife; countrywoman (L+S);
colonarius, colonaria, colonarium ADJ [DAXES]
of/pertaining to farmer/colonist; rustic;
colonatus, colonatus N (4th) M [DAXFS]
condition of a rustic;
colonellus, colonelli N (2nd) M [GWXEK]
colonia, coloniae N (1st) F [XAXBO]
colony/settlement or people thereof; colony of bees; land attached to farm;
land possession; landed estate, farm; abode/dwelling; [~ Agrippina => Colonge];
colonialismus, colonialismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
colonialista, colonialistae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
coloniaria, coloniariae N (1st) F [DXXES]
native of a colony (female); colonial;
coloniarius, coloniaria, coloniarium ADJ [XXXEO]
of/belonging to/prescribed for a colony, colonial;
coloniarius, coloniarii N (2nd) M [DXXES]
native of a colony; colonial;
colonicus, colonica, colonicum ADJ [XXXCO]
of/belonging to/prescribed for colony, colonial; (troops); common/farm (sheep);
Coloniensus, Coloniensa, Coloniensum ADJ [XXGEE]
of Cologne;
colonus, coloni N (2nd) M [XAXBO]
farmer, cultivator, tiller; tenant-farmer; settler, colonist; inhabitant;
colophon, colophonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
summit; finishing/crowning touch/stroke;
colophon, colophonos/is N M [XXXES]
summit; finishing/crowning touch/stroke;
color, coloris N (3rd) M [XXXAO]
color; pigment; shade/tinge; complexion; outward appearance/show; excuse/pretext
colorabilis, colorabilis, colorabile ADJ [DDXFS]
chromatic; (?) (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
colorate ADV [XGXFS]
in a specious or plausible manner;
coloratilis, coloratilis, coloratile ADJ [XXXFO]
sunburnt, brown, tanned;
colorator, coloratoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
colorer; house-painter(?); polisher (L+S);
coloratus, colorata -um, coloratior -or -us, coloratissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
colored; sunburnt/tanned/not pallid; dark complected/swarthy, colored; specious;
coloreus, colorea, coloreum ADJ [DXXES]
multi-colored, variegated;
colorius, coloria, colorium ADJ [XXXEO]
multi-colored, variegated;
coloro, colorare, coloravi, coloratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
color; paint; dye; tan; make darker; give deceptive color/gloss/appearance to;
colos, coloris N (3rd) M [BXXAO]
color; pigment; shade/tinge; complexion; outward appearance/show; excuse/pretext
colosiaeus, colossiaea, colossiaeum ADJ [XXXNO]
colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
colossaeus, colossaea, colossaeum ADJ [XXXEO]
colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
colosseus, colossea, colosseum ADJ [XXXEO]
colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
colossicon N ADJ [XXXDO]
colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
colossicus, colossica, colossicum ADJ [XXXEO]
colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
Colossos, Colossi N M [XXXCO]
Colossus of Rhodes (colossal statue in harbor); any large statue (Emperor);
Colossus, Colossi N (2nd) M [XXXCO]
Colossus of Rhodes (colossal statue in harbor); any large statue (Emperor);
colostra, colostrae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment);
colostratio, colostrationis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
disease of new-born mammals; (falsely attributed to first milk/beestings);
colostratus, colostrata, colostratum ADJ [XAXNO]
afflicted with disease from first milk/beestings;
colostratus, colostrati N (2nd) M [XAXNS]
one/those afflicted with disease (colostration) from first milk/beestings;
colostrum, colostri N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment);
colotes, colotae N M [XAXNO]
gecko/spotted lizard (Platdactylus mauretanicus);
colpa, colpae N (1st) F [XXXES]
fault/blame/responsibility (w/GEN); crime (esp. against chastity); negligence;
offense; error; (sense of) guilt; fault/defect (moral/other); sickness/injury;
coluber, colubri N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
snake; serpent; (forming hair of mythical monsters);
colubra, colubrae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
serpent, snake; (forming hair of mythical monsters); Furies; (head of) Hydra;
colubrifer, colubrifera, colubriferum ADJ [XYXEO]
snaky; snake-haired; (of Gorgon/Medusa);
colubrimodus, colubrimoda, colubrimodum ADJ [DXXFS]
snake-like, having qualities of a snake;
colubrina, colubrinae N (1st) F [DAXFS]
plant; (also called bryonia and dracontea);
colubrinus, colubrina, colubrinum ADJ [XXXEO]
snake-like, having qualities of a snake, cunning;
colubrosus, colubrosa, colubrosum ADJ [DXXFS]
serpentine, winding;
colum, coli N (2nd) N [XBXDO]
large intestine; colon; pain in large intestine, colic;
strainer, filter, sieve; vessel for straining, colander (L+S); wicker fish net;
columba, columbae N (1st) F [XAXBO]
pigeon; dove; (term of endearment); (bird of Venus/symbol of love/gentleness);
columbar, columbaris N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
pigeon compartment/cot/hole; collar for constraint, pillory; niche in sepulcher;
columbare, columbaris N (3rd) N [XXXEO]
pigeon compartment/cot/hole; collar for constraint, pillory; niche in sepulcher;
columbarium, columbari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
box for pair of pigeons; niche in sepulcher for ashes; hole for oars, oarlock;
hole for beam; exit of water-wheel near axle; dove-cot, pigeon house (L+S);
columbarius, columbari(i) N (2nd) M [XAXFO]
pigeon-keeper; oarsman (term of reproach) (L+S);
columbatim ADV [XAXFS]
in manner of doves, like doves, dovey;
columbinaceus, columbinacea, columbinaceum ADJ [DAXES]
of/pertaining to pigeons/doves, dove/pigeon-; [~ pullus => young dove];
columbinus, columbina, columbinum ADJ [XAXCO]
of pigeons, pigeon-; variety of plants (dove-colored?) (chick-pea/vine/marl);
columbinus, columbini N (2nd) M [XAXES]
little dove;
columbor, columbari, columbatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXFO]
bill and coo; (like doves);
columbula, columbulae N (1st) F [XAXNO]
little dove;
columbulatim ADV [XAXFO]
in manner of (little) doves, like (little) doves, dovey;
columbulus, columbuli N (2nd) M [XAXNS]
little dove;
columbus, columbi N (2nd) M [XAXCO]
male/cock pigeon; (of male persons) (L+S); dove;
columella, columellae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
small column/pillar; pivot of oil-mill; stanchion of catapult; column tombstone;
columellaris, columellaris N (3rd) M [XAXEO]
canine teeth (pl.) of horses; grinding teeth of horses (L+S); (pillar-formed);
columellaris, columellaris, columellare ADJ [XAXES]
pillar-formed; (of grinding teeth of horses);
columen, columinis N (3rd) N [XXXBO]
height, peak, summit, zenith; roof, gable, ridge-pole; head, chief; "keystone";
columis, columis, colume ADJ [XXXFO]
safe; unhurt, unimpaired; (?);
columna, columnae N (1st) F [XXXAO]
column/pillar (building/monument/pedestal/waterclock), post/prop; portico (pl.);
stanchion (press/ballista); water-spout; pillar of fire; penis (rude);
columnar, columnaris N (3rd) N [XXXIO]
marble quarry; stone quarry (L+S);
columnaris, columnaris, columnare ADJ [DEXES]
rising in form of a pillar, pillar-like, columnar; [~ lux => pillar of fire];
columnarium, columnari(i) N (2nd) N [XLXEO]
pillar-tax, tax on pillars/columns; (applied to fancy houses);
columnarius, columnarii N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
frequenter of porticos, idler; builder of columns (?);
columnarius, columnarii N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
one who was condemned at Columna Maenia; criminal; debtor;
columnatio, columnationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
supporting with/on pillars; support by pillars/columns;
columnatus, columnata, columnatum ADJ [XTXDO]
supported on/by pillars/columns; provided with/having pillars;
columnella, columnellae N (1st) F [XXXCS]
small column/pillar; pivot of oil-mill; stanchion of catapult; column tombstone;
columnifer, columnifera, columniferum ADJ [DEXFS]
column-bearing; [~ radius => pillar of fire];
columpna, columpnae N (1st) F [FXXFM]
column/pillar, post/prop; portico; (columna);
colurnus, colurna, colurnum ADJ [XAXEO]
made of hazel, of hazel, hazel-;
colurus, colura, colurum ADJ [DSXES]
(two circles) through equinoctial and solstitial points perpendicular at poles;
colurus, colura, colurum ADJ [DPXES]
syllable too short (w/metrum);
colus, coli N (2nd) C [XXXBO]
distaff; woman's concern; spinning; Fate's distaff w/threads of life; destiny;
colus, coli N (2nd) M [FBXDE]
large intestine; colon; pain in large intestine, colic;
colus, colus N (4th) C [XXXBO]
distaff; woman's concern; spinning; Fate's distaff w/threads of life; destiny;
colustra, colustrae N (1st) F [XAXCO]
colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment);
colustrum, colustri N (2nd) N [XAXCO]
colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment);
coluteum, colutei N (2nd) N [XAXFO]
pods (pl.) of an unidentified tree (?); pod-like fruit (L+S);
coluthium, coluthii N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
kind of gastropod mollusk; kind of snail of dark color (L+S);
colymbas, colymbados/is N F [XXXEO]
pickled olive; (swimming in brine L+S);
colymbus, colymbi N (2nd) M [DXXES]
swimming pool/bath;
colyphium, colyphii N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
colyx, colycos/is N F [XXXNS]
cavern where natron (native sesquicarbonate of soda/alkali) is distilling/drips;
with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached;
under command/at the head of; having/containing/including; using/by means of;
coma, comae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
hair, hair of head, mane of animal; wool, fleece; foliage, leaves; rays;
coma, comatis N (3rd) N [GBXEK]
comacum, comaci N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
aromatic plant (nutmeg?); (substitute for cinnamon); kind of cinnamon (L+S);
comans, (gen.), comantis ADJ [XXXBO]
hairy; long-haired; flowing (beard); plumed; leafy; w/foliage; w/radiant train;
comarchus, comarchi N (2nd) M [XLXFO]
headman/chief/governor of a village; burgomeister, mayor;
comaros, comari N F [XAXNO]
(fruit of) strawberry-tree (arbitus unedonis); plant (called fragum) (L+S);
comatorius, comatoria, comatorium ADJ [XXXFO]
for hair; [~ acus => hair-pin];
comatus, comata, comatum ADJ [XXXCO]
long-haired, having (long) hair; leafy; [Gallia Comata => Transalpine Gaul];
comatus, comati N (2nd) M [ELXCM]
county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance);
comatus, comati N (2nd) M [DXXES]
one having long hair; (esp. as applied to Frankish royals);
comaudio, comaudire, comaudivi, comauditus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application;
combardus, combarda, combardum ADJ [XXXFO]
thoroughly stupid;
combenno, combennonis N (3rd) M [XXFFO]
those riding together in a benna (kind of (wickerwork?) carriage) (Gallic);
combibo, combibere, combibi, - V (3rd) [XXXBO]
drink completely/together/up; hold back (tears); absorb, soak in; swallow up;
combibo, combibonis N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
drinking companion/buddy;
combinatio, combinationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
joining two by two;
combino, combinare, combinavi, combinatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
unite, combine;
combretum, combreti N (2nd) N [XAXNO]
plant (unidentified); kind of rush (L+S);
combullio, combullire, combullivi, combullitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXFO]
boil fully/thoroughly;
comburo, comburere, combusi, combustus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXBW]
burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald;
comburo, comburere, combussi, combustus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald;
combustibilis, combustibilis, combustibile ADJ [GXXEK]
combustibilitas, combustibilitatis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
combustio, combustionis N (3rd) F [DSXFS]
burning, consuming;
combustum, combusti N (2nd) N [XBXEO]
burn, injury from burning/scalding;
combustura, combusturae N (1st) F [DXXES]
come, comes N F [XAXNO]
one or more plants of genus Tragopogon, goat's beard or salsify;
comedium, comedii N (2nd) N [FXXEM]
meal; feast; feasting;
comedo, comedere, comedi, comessus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander
comedo, comedere, comedi, comestus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander
comedo, comedere, comedi, comesus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander
comedo, comedonis N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
glutton; gourmet; one who spends/squanders his money on feasting/revelling;
comedo, comesse, -, - V TRANS [XXXBO]
eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander
comedus, comedi N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
glutton; gourmet; one who spends/squanders his money on feasting/revelling;
comes, comitis N (3rd) C [XXXAO]
comrade, companion, associate, partner; soldier/devotee/follower of another;
comes, comitis N (3rd) M [ELXCM]
Count, Earl (England); official, magnate; occupant of any state office;
comesaliter ADV [EXXFW]
wantonly; jovially;
comesatio, comesationis N (3rd) F [EXXCW]
carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S);
comesator, comesatoris N (3rd) M [EXXCW]
reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S); (Vulgate one s);
comesor, comesoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
glutton, gourmand; member of a dancing-club;
comessaliter ADV [DXXFS]
wantonly; jovially;
comessatio, comessationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S);
comessator, comessatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S);
comestabilia, comestabiliae N (1st) F [FXXFM]
comestabilis, comestabilis, comestabile ADJ [EXXFE]
comestibilis, comestibilis, comestibile ADJ [DXXFS]
comestio, comestionis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
comestor, comestoris N (3rd) M [XXXEO]
glutton, gourmand; member of a dining-club;
comesus, comesus N (4th) M [DXXFS]
eating, consuming;
cometa, cometae N (1st) F [DSXES]
comet; meteor; luminous body in sky w/trail/tail; (portent of disaster);
cometerium, cometerii N (2nd) N [DEXFS]
churchyard; cemetery, burying ground;
cometes, cometae N F [XSXCO]
comet; meteor; luminous body in sky w/trail/tail; (portent of disaster);
cometessa, cometessae N (1st) F [ELXCM]
Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter);
cometissa, cometissae N (1st) F [ELXCM]
Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter);
comice ADV [XDXEO]
in a style suited to comedy; in manner of comedy;
comicotragicus, comicotragica, comicotragicum ADJ [GXXEK]
comicotragoedia, comicotragoediae N (1st) F [GXXEK]
comicus, comica, comicum ADJ [XDXCO]
comic, belonging/suited/appropriate to comedy; typical/characteristic of comedy;
comicus, comici N (2nd) M [XDXCO]
comic actor, comedian; writer of comedy; comic poet;
comincommodus, comincommoda, comincommodum ADJ [XXXFO]
agreeable/disagreeable; (facetious combination of commodus and incommodus);
cominus ADV [XWXDO]
hand to hand (fight), in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of;
comis, come, comior -or -us, comissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXBO]
courteous/kind/obliging/affable/gracious; elegant, cultured, having good taste;
comisabundus, comisabunda, comisabundum ADJ [XXXEO]
carousing, revelling, banqueting; holding a riotous procession (L+S);
comisatio, comisationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S);
comisator, comisatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S);
comisor, comisari, comisatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S);
comissabundus, comissabunda, comissabundum ADJ [XXXEO]
carousing, revelling, banqueting; holding a riotous procession (L+S);
comissaliter ADV [DXXFS]
wantonly; jovially;
comissatio, comissationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S);
comissator, comissatoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S);
comissor, comissari, comissatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S);
comitabilis, comitabilis, comitabile ADJ [DXXFS]
attending, accompanying;
comitas, comitatis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
politeness, courtesy; kindness, generosity, friendliness; good taste, elegance;
comitatensis, comitatensis, comitatense ADJ [DLXES]
of/pertaining to dignity/office of courtiers; court-;
comitatus, comitata -um, comitatior -or -us, comitatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
accompanied (by/in time); (COMP) better attended, having a larger retinue;
comitatus, comitatus N (4th) M [XXXAO]
company of soldiers/mercenaries; war band; company/throng/crowd; rank and file;
escort/retinue (of slaves/clients); court of a king; combination, association;
county (Cal);
comiter ADV [XXXCS]
courteously, affably, obligingly, graciously, kindly;
comiter, comius, comissime ADV [XXXCO]
courteously/kindly/civilly, readily; in friendly/sociable manner; w/good will;
comitessa, comitessae N (1st) F [ELXCM]
Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter);
comitialis, comitialis N (3rd) M [XBXNO]
epileptic, one who has epilepsy; attacks of epilepsy (pl.);
comitialis, comitialis, comitiale ADJ [XLXCO]
electoral; pertaining to/proper for comitia (assembly of Roman people);
epileptic, suffering from epilepsy; [morbus/vitium ~ => major epilepsy];
comitialiter ADV [XBXNO]
by/as a result of epilepsy; epileptically;
comitianus, comitiana, comitianum ADJ [DLXFS]
of/pertaining to Comes Orientis (Byzantine court official);
comitiatus, comitiati N (2nd) M [XLXDS]
military tribune elected at assembly of people in comitia;
comitiatus, comitiatus N (4th) M [XLXDO]
assembly of people in comitia;
comitio, comitiare, comitiavi, comitiatus V (1st) INTRANS [XLXEO]
offer sacrifice after which comitia could be held; go to comitia (L+S);
comitissa, comitissae N (1st) F [DLXCM]
Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter);
comitium, comiti(i) N (2nd) N [XLXAO]
place in Forum where comitia were held; comitia (pl.), assembly; elections;
comitiva, comitivae N (1st) F [ELXEE]
escort; retinue;
comitivus, comitiva, comitivum ADJ [DLXES]
pertaining to a chief officer;
comitivus, comitivi N (2nd) M [DLXES]
comito, comitare, comitavi, comitatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
accompany, go along with; attend (funeral); follow (camp); grow alongside;
comitor, comitari, comitatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXAO]
join as an attendant, guard/escort; accompany, follow; attend (funeral);
go/be carried with; be retained/stay/grow/join with; be connected with; occur;
comium, comii N (2nd) N [ELXCM]
county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance);
comiva, comivae N (1st) F [ELXCM]
county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance);
comma, commae N (1st) F [XGXEO]
phrase, part of a line; division of a period (L+S); comma, punctuation mark;
commaceratio, commacerationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
dissolution, maceration, steeping to soften;
commacero, commacerare, commaceravi, commaceratus V (1st) TRANS [DXXES]
macerate, soften by steeping in liquid;
commacesco, commacescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
grow lean;
commaculo, commaculare, commaculavi, commaculatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
stain deeply, pollute, defile; contaminate, defile morally; sully (reputation);
commadeo, commadere, commadui, - V (2nd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
become tender or sodden; become very soft (L+S);
commagister, commagistri N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
joint-master (of a collegium);
commalaxo, commalaxare, commalaxavi, commalaxatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
soften/subdue completely; make entirely mild (L+S);
commalleo, commalleare, commalleavi, commalleatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
weld on, attach;
commalliolo, commalliolare, commalliolavi, commalliolatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
weld on, attach;
commandaticius, commandaticia, commandaticium ADJ [XXXDO]
containing a recommendation/introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S);
commando, commandere, commandi, commansus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXES]
chew; (chew thoroughly/completely);
commanducatio, commanducationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
chewing, mastication;
commanduco, commanducare, commanducavi, commanducatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
chew up, chew/masticate thoroughly; chew to pieces (L+S);
commanducor, commanducari, commanducatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
chew up, chew/masticate thoroughly; chew to pieces (L+S);
commaneo, commanere, commansi, commansus V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXCS]
remain somewhere constantly;
commanifesto, commanifestare, commanifestavi, commanifestatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXFS]
manifest together;
commaniplaris, commaniplaris N (3rd) M [XWXEO]
soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier;
commaniplus, commanipli N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier;
commanipularis, commanipularis N (3rd) M [XWXEO]
soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier;
commanipulatio, commanipulationis N (3rd) F [DWXFS]
companionship in a maniple;
commanipulo, commanipulonis N (3rd) M [DWXFS]
soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier;
commanipulus, commanipuli N (2nd) M [XWXIO]
soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier;
commarceo, commarcere, -, - V (2nd) INTRANS [DXXES]
wither; become wholly faint/inactive;
commargino, commarginare, commarginavi, commarginatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
furnish with a parapet or railing;
commaritus, commariti N (2nd) M [XXXFO]
fellow/associate husband; (facetious);
commartyr, commartyris N (3rd) M [DEXFS]
fellow-martyr, companion in martyrdom;
commasculo, commasculare, commasculavi, commasculatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
screw up (one's courage); make manly/firm/courageous (L+S); invigorate/embolden;
commastico, commasticare, commasticavi, commasticatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
commaterr, commatris N (3rd) F [EEXFE]
godmother; female sponsor;
commaticus, commatica, commaticum ADJ [DEXES]
cut up, divided. short;
commaturesco, commaturescere, commaturui, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
mature; ripen thoroughly/completely;
commatus, commata, commatum ADJ [FXXEZ]
commeabilis, commeabilis, commeabile ADJ [DXXES]
permeable, that is easily passed through; that easily passes through;
commeatalis, commeatalis, commeatale ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to provisions/supplies; with/accompanying provisions;
commeator, commeatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
go-between, messenger; one who goes to and fro (L+S); epithet of Mercury;
commeatus, commeatus N (4th) M [XWXBO]
supplies/provisions; goods; voyage; passage; convoy/caravan; furlough/leave;
commeditor, commeditari, commeditatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXEO]
study, practice; imitate (poetic); impress carefully on one's mind (L+S);
commeio, commeiere, comminxi, comminctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
defile with urine, wet; soil, defile; have sexual intercourse (Adams);
commeio, commeiere, commixi, commictus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
defile with urine, wet; soil, defile; have sexual intercourse (Adams);
commeleto, commeletare, commeletavi, commeletatus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXFO]
exercise, practice assiduously;
commembratus, commembrata, commembratum ADJ [DXXFS]
grown up together; united;
commemini, commeminisse, - V PERFDEF [XXXCO]
remember, recollect; remember (to do something w/INF); mention, cite, recall;
commemorabilis, commemorabilis, commemorabile ADJ [XXXEO]
memorable, remarkable, worth mentioning;
commemoramentum, commemoramenti N (2nd) N [XXXFO]
reminder; mention; mentioning;
commemoratio, commemorationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
remembrance/commemoration; observance (law); memory; mention/citation/reference;
commemorator, commemoratoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
commemorator, one who mentions/recalls a thing;
commemoratorium, commemoratorii N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
means of remembrance;
commemoro, commemorare, commemoravi, commemoratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
recall (to self/other); keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record;
commenda, commendae N (1st) F [FEXFE]
commendam, temporal income without spiritual obligation, layman's benefice;
commendabilis, commendabile, commendabilior -or -us, commendabilissimus -a -u ADJ [XXXDO]
praiseworthy, notable; be commended, commendable;
commendatarius, commendataria, commendatarium ADJ [XXXDO]
containing a recommendation/introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S);
commendatarius, commendataria, commendatarium ADJ [FEXFE]
holding benefice in commendam; (by clerk/layman til proper priest provided);
commendaticius, commendaticia, commendaticium ADJ [XXXDO]
containing a recommendation/introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S);
commendatio, commendationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
entrusting, committal; recommendation, praise; excellence; approval, esteem;
commendatitius, commendatitia, commendatitium ADJ [DXXDS]
containing a recommendation/introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S);
commendatory; commending (letter/prayer); holding benefice in commendam;
commendativus, commendativa, commendativum ADJ [DXXDS]
commendatory; serving for/as commendation/recommendation/introduction;
commendator, commendatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFO]
reference, one who recommends; recommended, commender;
commendatorius, commendatoria, commendatorium ADJ [DXXES]
commendatory; serving for/as commendation/recommendation;
commendatrix, commendatricis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
reference, one who recommends (female);
commendatus, commendata -um, commendatior -or -us, commendatissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
recommended (for attention/favor); entrusted; acceptable, agreeable, suitable;
commendo, commendare, commendavi, commendatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate;
commensalis, commensalis N (3rd) M [FXXFE]
table companion;
commensurabilis, commensurabilis, commensurabile ADJ [DSXFS]
commensurable, having a common measure;
commensurabilitas, commensurabilitatis N (3rd) F [FXXFM]
commensuratio, commensurationis N (3rd) F [DSXFS]
symmetry, uniformity;
commensuratus, commensurata, commensuratum ADJ [DSXFS]
equal; commensurate; equally-measured;
commensuro, commensurare, commensuravi, commensuratus V (1st) [DSXFE]
measure/make equal; correspond;
commensus, commensus N (4th) M [XSXEO]
proportion, relative measurements; in due proportion (L+S); symmetry;
commentariensis, commentariensis N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
secretary, accountant; official in charge of commentarii/public records/"books";
court clerk, registrar of public documents; prison keeper/recorder;
commentariolum, commentarioli N (2nd) N [XXXDO]
notebook; textbook; short treatise; brief commentary (L+S);
commentariolus, commentarioli N (2nd) M [XXXDS]
notebook; textbook; short treatise; brief commentary (L+S);
commentarium, commentari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
notebook, private/historical journal; register; memo/note; commentary/treatise;
commentarius, commentari(i) N (2nd) M [XXXBO]
notebook, private/historical journal; register; memo/note; commentary/treatise;
commentatio, commentationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
thinking out, mental preparation; study; piece of reasoning/argument; textbook;
commentator, commentatoris N (3rd) M [XXXDO]
inventor, deviser; contriver (L+S); author; interpreter (of law);
commenticius, commenticia, commenticium ADJ [XXXCO]
invented, devised, improvised; imaginary; fabricated/fictitious; forged, false;
commentior, commentiri, commentitus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXDO]
state falsely; invent/devise a falsehood/lie (L+S);
commentitius, commentitia, commentitium ADJ [XXXCS]
invented, devised, improvised; imaginary; fabricated/fictitious; forged, false;
commento, commentare, commentavi, commentatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXES]
delineate, sketch; (humorously) demonstrate on face (cudgel/beat);
commentor, commentari, commentatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
think about; study beforehand, practice, prepare; discuss, argue over; imagine;
commentor, commentoris N (3rd) M [XTXEO]
inventor, deviser; machinist (L+S);
commentum, commenti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
invention; intention, design, scheme, device; fiction, fabrication; argument;
commentus, commenta, commentum ADJ [XXXEO]
feigned, pretended, fabricated, devised, fictitious, invented;
commeo, commeare, commeavi, commeatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
go to, visit, travel; pass; resort to; go to and fro, come and go; communicate;
commercari, commercariis N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
commercator, commercatoris N (3rd) M [XXXFS]
commercior, commerciari, commerciatus sum V (1st) DEP [DXXFS]
commercium, commerci(i) N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
trade/traffic/commerce (right/privilege); commercial/sex intercourse/relations;
exchange, trafficking; goods, military supplies; trade routes; use in common;
commercor, commercari, commercatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
buy, purchase; buy up (L+S); trade/traffic together;
commereo, commerere, commerui, commeritus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXCO]
merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward); be guilty of, perpetuate;
commereor, commereri, commeritus sum V (2nd) DEP [XXXCO]
merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward); be guilty of, perpetuate;
commers, commercis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
friendly intercourse;
commetaculum, commetaculi N (2nd) N [DEXES]
rods (pl.) carried by flamens/priests;
commetior, commetiri, commensus sum V (4th) DEP [XSXDO]
measure; pace out/off; compare (in measurement);
commeto, commetare, commetavi, commetatus V (1st) [XXXDO]
go constantly/frequently; come and go; survey thoroughly (facetious);
commi, undeclined N N [XAXCO]
gum, vicid secretion from trees;
commictilis, commictilis, commictile ADJ [XXXFO]
filthy, foul; (term of abuse); despicable, vile, deserves to be defiled (L+S);
commictus, commicta, commictum ADJ [XXXES]
filthy, foul; (term of abuse);
commigratio, commigrationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
removal (to a new place); wandering (L+S); migration;
commigro, commigrare, commigravi, commigratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXCO]
migrate, go and live (elsewhere); move one's home with all effects; enter;
commiles, commilitis N (3rd) M [XWXFO]
fellow soldier;
commilitium, commiliti(i) N (2nd) N [XWXCO]
comradeship/association in war/military service; fellowship in other activities;
commilito, commilitare, commilitavi, commilitatus V (1st) INTRANS [XWXFO]
fight on same side/in company; be a comrade/companion in arms/battle/war;
commilito, commilitonis N (3rd) M [XWXBO]
fellow soldier; (used by J Caesar and others to troops); comrade, mate;
comminabundus, comminabunda, comminabundum ADJ [DXXFS]
threatening, menacing;
comminatio, comminationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
threat, menace;
comminativus, comminativa, comminativum ADJ [DXXFS]
threatening, menacing;
comminator, comminatoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
menace, intimidator, threatener;
comminatus, comminata, comminatum ADJ [DXXES]
threatened, menaced;
commingo, commingere, comminxi, comminctus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXDS]
pollute, defile;
comminisco, comminiscere, comminisci, commentus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
devise, think up, invent; fabricate; state/contrive falsely, allege, pretend;
comminiscor, comminisci, commentus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXBO]
devise, think up, invent; fabricate; state/contrive falsely, allege, pretend;
comminister, comministri N (2nd) M [FEXFE]
fellow minister;
commino, comminare, comminavi, comminatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
drive (cattle) together, round up;
comminor, comminari, comminatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
threaten, make a threat;
comminuo, comminuere, comminui, comminutus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
break/crumble into pieces, shatter; break up; crush, smash, pulverize; lessen;
comminus ADV [XWXBO]
hand to hand (fight), in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of;
comminutus, comminuta, comminutum ADJ [XXXCO]
broken, shattered; smashed;
commis, commis N (3rd) F [XAXCO]
gum, vicid secretion from trees;
commisariatus, commisariatus N (4th) M [FXXEE]
commissioner; office of commissioner;
commisarius, commisarii N (2nd) M [GXXEE]
commissioner; trustee; agent (Erasmus);
commisatio, commisationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S);
commisceo, commiscere, commiscui, commixtus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXBO]
intermingle, mix together/up, combine (ingredients); unite/join sexually;
mingle (with another race); transact business (w/cum), discuss; confuse;
commiscibilis, commiscibilis, commiscibile ADJ [DXXFS]
that can be mingled/mixed/combined;
commiscuus, commiscua, commiscuum ADJ [DXXFS]
commiseratio, commiserationis N (3rd) F [XGXEO]
pathos, rousing of pity (esp. in a speech); part of oration exciting compassion;
commisereor, commisereri, commiseritus sum V (2nd) DEP [XXXEO]
pity; excite compassion; show pity at;
commiseresco, commiserescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXCO]
have/show pity/sympathy, commiserate;
commiseresct, commiserescere, -, - V (3rd) IMPERS [XXXDO]
one pities/sympathizes/feels sorry for (w/ACC or GEN); thou have pity upon;
commiseret, commiserere, -, - V (2nd) IMPERS [XXXEO]
one pities/feels sorry for (w/ACC or GEN);
commisero, commiseronis N (3rd) M [DXXES]
companion in misfortune;
commiseror, commiserari, commiseratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCO]
feel pity/compassion for; sympathize with; seek/arouse pity/sympathy for; bewail
commisio, commisionis N (3rd) F [FXXDE]
commission; committee;
commisor, commisari, commisatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCS]
carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S);
commissarius, commissarii N (2nd) M [GXXEE]
commissioner; trustee; agent (Erasmus);
commissatio, commissationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S);
commissio, commissionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
commencement/holding (of games/other contests); event; speech opening games;
commissio, commissionis N (3rd) F [FXXDE]
commission; committee;
commissor, commissari, commissatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXCS]
carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S);
commissor, commissoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
commissoria, commissoriae N (1st) F [DLXFS]
sale contract clause by which creditor gets property/goods on non-payment;
commissorius, commissoria, commissorium ADJ [XLXEO]
foreclosure (contract clause by which creditor gets property on non-payment);
commissum, commissi N (2nd) N [XLXCO]
undertaking, enterprise; trust, secret; thing entrusted/confiscated; crime;
commissura, commissurae N (1st) F [XXXBO]
joint, juncture, seam, gap; intersection, common point; boundary/dividing line;
commissuralis, commissuralis, commissurale ADJ [DXXES]
of/pertaining to a juncture/joining/intersection;
commistim ADV [DXXFS]
jointly, in a mixed manner;
commistio, commistionis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
mixture; mixing, mingling; sexual intercourse;
commistura, commisturae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
mixture; mixing, mingling (L+S);
commitigo, commitigare, commitigavi, commitigatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXFO]
soften; make soft (L+S); mellow;
committo, committere, commisi, commissus V (3rd) [XXXAO]
bring together, unite/join, connect/attach; put together, construct; entrust;
engage (battle), set against; begin/start; bring about; commit; incur; forfeit;
commixtim ADV [DXXFS]
jointly, in a mixed manner;
commixtio, commixtionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
mixture; mixing, mingling; sexual intercourse;
commixtura, commixturae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
mixture; mixing, mingling (L+S);
commobilis, commobilis, commobile ADJ [DXXFS]
easily moving; easily moved/swayed;
commodate, commodatius, commodatissime ADV [XXXFO]
fittingly; in a suitable manner;
commodatio, commodationis N (3rd) F [DXXFS]
accommodation, rendering of service;
commodator, commodatoris N (3rd) M [XLXEO]
commodatum, commodati N (2nd) N [XLXCO]
loan; thing lent, borrowed object;
commode, commodius, commodissime ADV [XXXBO]
conveniently/neatly/tidily; aptly/well; suitably/properly/fittingly; tastefully;
agreeably, helpfully; comfortably/pleasantly; at a good time/right moment;
commoderatus, commoderata, commoderatum ADJ [DLXFS]
exact; brought into right measure; (standardized?);
commoditas, commoditatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
timeliness; fitness, aptness; convenience; advantage, utility; complaisance;
due measure, just proportion; suitable (oratorical expression); symmetry;
commodo ADV [XXXEO]
suitably; seasonably; just, this very minute (L+S); even now, at this moment;
commodo, commodare, commodavi, commodatus V (1st) [XXXBO]
lend, hire; give, bestow, provide; put at disposal of, oblige; make fit, adapt;
commodulatio, commodulationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
common adaptation to standard measure; regularity/proportion/symmetry (L+S);
commodule ADV [XXXEO]
fairly suitably, aptly; conveniently, at one's convenience (L+S);
commodulum ADV [XXXEO]
fairly suitably, aptly;
commodulum, commoduli N (2nd) N [DXXFS]
small advantage/profit;
commodum ADV [XXXCO]
just, a very short time before; that/this very minute; even now, at this moment;
commodum, commodi N (2nd) N [XXXBO]
convenience, advantage, benefit; interest, profit, yield; wages, reward; gift;
commodus, commoda -um, commodior -or -us, commodissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXAO]
suitable, convenient, obliging; opportune/timely; favorable/lucky; advantageous;
standard, full weight/size/measure; desirable, agreeable; good (health/news);
Commodus, Commodi N (2nd) M [DLIDO]
Commodus; (Emperor Lucius Aurelius Commodus 180-192);
commoenio, commoenire, commoenivi, commoenitus V (4th) TRANS [XWXCO]
strongly fortify, entrench; strengthen, secure, reinforce;
commoetaculum, commoetaculi N (2nd) N [XEXEO]
small rod carried by flamines/priests and used in sacrifices;
commolior, commoliri, commolitus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXDO]
set in motion; move with an effort; put together, construct;
commollio, commollire, -, - V (4th) TRANS [DXXFS]
commolo, commolere, commolui, commolitus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXEO]
pound, grind down/thoroughly;
commonefacio, commonefacere, commonefeci, commonefactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
recall, remember; call to mind; remind (forcibly), warn, admonish; impress upon;
commonefio, commoneferi, commonefactus sum V SEMIDEP [XXXCO]
be recalled/remembered/reminded; be warned/admonished; (commonefacio PASS);
commoneo, commonere, commonui, commonitus V (2nd) [XXXCO]
remind (forcibly), warn; bring to recollection (L+S); impress upon one;
commonitio, commonitionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
reminder; earnest reminding (L+S); admonition;
commonitor, commonitoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
one who earnestly reminds;
commonitorium, commonitorii N (2nd) N [DXXDS]
aide-memoire, writing for reminding; letter of instructions; means of reminding;
commonitorius, commonitoria, commonitorium ADJ [DXXFS]
suitable for reminding;
commonstro, commonstrare, commonstravi, commonstratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
point out (fully/distinctly), show where; make known, declare, reveal;
commoratio, commorationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
stay (at a place), tarrying, abiding; delay; dwelling on a point; residence;
commordeo, commordere, commordi, commorsus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXEO]
bite/snap at; (literally/figuratively); (sharply/eagerly L+S);
commorior, commori, commortuus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXCO]
die together/with; work oneself to death (with); perish/be destroyed together;
commoro, commorare, commoravi, commoratus V (1st) [DXXCS]
stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on;
commoror, commorari, commoratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXBO]
stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on;
commorsico, commorsicare, commorsicavi, commorsicatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXEO]
bite all over; devour (with eyes); bite to pieces (L+S);
commorsito, commorsitare, commorsitavi, commorsitatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXDS]
bite all over; devour (with eyes); bite to pieces (L+S);
commortalis, commortalis, commortale ADJ [XXXFO]
mortal, common to mortals; "our mortal";
commosis, commosis N (3rd) F [XAXNO]
"gumming"; (said to be first layer in construction of honeycombs);
commostro, commostrare, commostravi, commostratus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
point out (fully/distinctly), show where; make known, declare, reveal;
commotio, commotionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
excitement, commotion, agitation; arousing of emotion;
commotiuncula, commotiunculae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
mild agitation/upset/commotion; slight case of disease, indisposition (L+S);
commoto, commotare, commotavi, commotatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXDS]
move very violently; agitate;
commotor, commotoris N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
mover, one who sets in motion;
commotus, commota -um, commotior -or -us, commotissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXCO]
excited, nervous; frenzied/deranged; angry/annoyed; temperamental; tempestuous;
commotus, commotus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
movement; moving, agitation (L+S);
commovens, commoventis (gen.), commoventior -or -us, commoventissimus -a -um ADJ [XXXFO]
striking; rousing; that causes an impression;
commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus V (2nd) TRANS [XXXAO]
shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite;
waken; provoke; move (money/camp); produce; cause, start (war); raise (point);
commuate ADV [XXXFO]
in an altered/changed manner;
commulceo, commulcere, commulsi, commulsus V (2nd) TRANS [DXXDS]
caress, coax; soothe, please (much); cajole;
commulco, commulcare, commulcavi, commulcatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
beat violently/thoroughly;
communa, communae N (1st) F [FLXFJ]
common usage;
communalis, communalis, communale ADJ [DAXFS]
common, communal, belonging to the community; local (Cal);
commundo, commundare, commundavi, commundatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXDO]
clean/cleanse thoroughly; purify wholly (L+S);
commune, communis N (3rd) N [XXXBO]
joint/common/public property/rights; public; public places/interests (pl.);
common feature, characteristic, general rule/terms; general; common lot/remedy;
communicabilis, communicabilis, communicabile ADJ [EXXFP]
communicable, capable of being communicated;
communicabilitas, communicabilitatis N (3rd) F [FXXEF]
communicabiliter ADV [EXXFP]
in a way capable of being communicated;
communicarius, communicaria, communicarium ADJ [XEXFS]
days on which all gods were sacrificed to together? (w/dies);
communicatio, communicationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
sharing, imparting; partaking; fellowship; communication; consult (w/audience);
communicator, communicatoris N (3rd) M [DXXES]
he who makes on a participant in a thing; he who has a part in a thing;
communicatus, communicatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
intercommunication; participation (L+S);
communiceps, communnicipis N (3rd) M [XLXIO]
fellow citizen (of a municipium/municipality/town); born in same town (L+S);
communico, communicare, communicavi, communicatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with;
communicate, discuss, impart; make common cause; take common counsel, consult;
communicor, communicari, communicatus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDS]
share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with;
communio, communionis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
community, mutual participation; association; sharing; fellowship; communion;
communio, communire, communivi, communitus V (4th) TRANS [XWXCO]
fortify strongly, entrench, barricade; strengthen, secure, reinforce;
communis, communis, commune ADJ [XXXAO]
common/joint/public; general/universal; [Doctor Communis => St.Thomas Aquinas]:
ordinary; sociable, courteous obliging; related, having something in common;
neutral; impartial (Mars); applicable on either side; same form for two cases;
shared/possessed/used by two/all parties; affecting whole state/community;
communismus, communismi N (2nd) M [GXXEK]
communista, communistae N (1st) M [GXXEK]
communisticus, communistica, communisticum ADJ [GXXEK]
Communist (adj.);
communitarius, communitaria, communitarium ADJ [XXXFE]
communal, with others; community;
communitas, communitatis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
partnership, joint possession/use/participation; fellowship; community, kinship;
communiter ADV [XXXCO]
in common, commonly; in joint action; indiscriminately; generally, ordinarily;
communitio, communitionis N (3rd) F [XWXEO]
fortification; building up (of a road); making/preparing (of a way) (L+S);
communitus ADV [XXXFO]
jointly, as a group;
commurmuratio, commurmurationis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
buzz, hum, murmur, confused noise of talking; general murmuring (L+S);
commurmuro, commurmurare, commurmuravi, commurmuratus V (1st) INTRANS [XXXDO]
mutter, murmur; rumble; chatter/twitter (birds);
commurmuror, commurmurari, commurmuratus sum V (1st) DEP [XXXDO]
mutter, murmur; rumble; chatter/twitter (birds);
commuro, commurere, commussi, commustus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald;
commutabilis, commutabilis, commutabile ADJ [XXXCO]
changeable/variable; liable to reversal; plastic; adaptable (to adversary);
commutatio, commutationis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
change, reversal; upheaval; alteration; exchange, substitution; interchange;
commutatus, commutatus N (4th) M [XXXFO]
change; alteration;
commuto, commutare, commutavi, commutatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
change; alter wholly, rearrange, replace; transform; exchange, barter, sell;
como, comare, -, - V (1st) [DXXES]
be furnished/covered with hair; clothe/deck with hair/something hair-like;
como, comere, compsi, comptus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCO]
arrange/do (hair); adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out;
como, comere, comsi, comtus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXCS]
arrange/do (hair); adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out;
comoedia, comoediae N (1st) F [XDXCO]
comedy (as form of drama/literature; comedy (work/play);
comoedice ADV [XDXEO]
in a manner appropriate to comedy; as in comedy (L+S);
comoedicus, comoedica, comoedicum ADJ [XDXFO]
comic, of comedy, pertaining to a comedy;
comoedus, comoeda, comoedum ADJ [XDXFO]
that performs in comedy; given to acting (L+S); of/pertaining to comedy, comic;
comoedus, comoedi N (2nd) M [XDXCO]
comedian; comic actor;
comoinis, comoinis, comoine ADJ [XXXES]
common/joint/public; general/universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related;
neutral, impartial (Mars); applicable on either side; same form for two cases;
comosus, comosa, comosum ADJ [XXXEO]
having long or abundant hair; having many leaves (plant), leafy;
compaciscor, compacisci, compactus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXFO]
make an agreement/arrangement/compact;
compaco, compacare, compacavi, compacatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
bring to peace;
compacticius, compacticia, compacticium ADJ [DXXFS]
agreed upon;
compactilis, compactilis, compactile ADJ [XXXDO]
joined, fastened/fitted/pressed/joined together; thick-set, compact;
compactio, compactionis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
framework, structure; act/action of fitting/joining together;
compactitius, compactitia, compactitium ADJ [DXXFS]
agreed upon;
compactivus, compactiva, compactivum ADJ [DXXFS]
suitable for joining;
compactum, compacti N (2nd) N [XLXDS]
agreement/compact; [ABL compacto => according to/in accordance with agreement];
compactura, compacturae N (1st) F [XXXFO]
act/action of fitting/joining together;
compactus, compacta, compactum ADJ [XXXCO]
joined/fastened together, united; close-packed, firm, thick; well-set, compact;
compaedagogita, compaedagogitae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); (M L+S);
compaedagogius, compaedagogii N (2nd) M [XXXIS]
fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys);
compaganus, compagani N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
fellow villager, inhabitant of same village;
compages, compagis N (3rd) F [XXXBO]
action of binding together, fastening; bond, tie; joint; structure, framework;
compagina, compaginae N (1st) F [DAXES]
joining together, combination; (peculiar to agrimensores/land surveyors);
compaginatio, compaginationis N (3rd) F [DXXES]
joining; joint;
compagino, compaginare, compaginavi, compaginatus V (1st) [DXXES]
join together; border upon; (fields);
compago, compaginis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
fact/action of binding together, fastening; structure, framework;
compagus, compagi N (2nd) M [XXXIO]
fellow member of a pagus (country district/community); (as a cult-title);
compalpo, compalpare, compalpavi, compalpatus V (1st) TRANS [DXXFS]
stroke, caress;
compar, (gen.), comparis ADJ [XXXCO]
equal, equal to; like, similar, resembling; suitable, matching, corresponding;
compar, comparis N (3rd) C [XXXCO]
fellow, partner, equal; comrade; husband/wife; pair (of animals also), mate;
compar, comparis N (3rd) N [XGXFO]
sentence containing clauses of roughly same number of syllables;
comparabilis, comparabilis, comparabile ADJ [XXXDO]
similar, comparable;
comparate ADV [XXXFO]
comparatively; in/by comparison (L+S);
comparatio, comparationis N (3rd) F [XXXAO]
construction; material/constituent; combination/conjunction; relationship;
comparison, weighing of merits; plea from greater good; comparative degree;
preparation, making ready; procuring, provision; arrangement, settlement;
comparative ADV [XXXFO]
in a comparative sense;
comparativus, comparativa, comparativum ADJ [XGXCO]
based on/involving consideration of relative merits; comparative;
comparator, comparatoris N (3rd) M [XXXIO]
buyer/purchaser, dealer; comparer (L+S);
comparatus, comparatus N (4th) M [XSXIO]
proportion; relation (L+S);
comparco, comparcere, comparcui, comparsus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXCO]
save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT);
comparco, comparcere, comparsi, comparsus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXCO]
save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT);
comparco, comparcere, compeperci, comparsus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXCO]
save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT);
compareo, comparere, comparui, - V (2nd) [XXXBO]
appear/come in sight; be visible/present/in evidence/clearly stated/forthcoming;
comparilis, comparilis, comparile ADJ [DXXES]
equal, like;
comparo, comparare, comparavi, comparatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXAO]
prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise (force); unite;
place together, match, couple, pair; set/pit against; treat as equal; compare;
set up/establish/institute; arrange, dispose, settle; buy, acquire, secure;
compars, compartis N (3rd) C [FXXEE]
comparticeps, (gen.), comparticipis ADJ [DXXES]
partaking/participating together; sharing jointly (Ecc);
compartimentum, compartimenti N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
compartment (in a train);
compartior, comparti, - V (3rd) DEP [XXXIO]
share; divide something with one (L+S); (PASS) be made partaker of;
comparturio, comparturire, comparturivi, comparturitus V (4th) INTRANS [DXXES]
be associated in childbirth with any one;
compasco, compascere, compavi, compastus V (3rd) TRANS [XAXCO]
pasture (cattle) on common land; feed up/together; use as cattle food; eat;
compascua, compascuae N (1st) F [XAXEO]
common pasture/land; pasture possessed/used in common;
compascuum, compascui N (2nd) N [XAXEO]
common pasture/land (pl.); pasture possessed/used in common;
compascuus, compascua, compascuum ADJ [XAXCO]
common pasture (land); right of common pasturage; grazed on/sharing a pasture;
compassibilis, compassibilis, compassibile ADJ [DXXFS]
suffering with one;
compassio, compassionis N (3rd) F [DEXES]
fellow-feeling, fellow-suffering; sympathy;
compastor, compastoris N (3rd) M [XAXFO]
fellow herdsman;
compater, compatris N (3rd) M [FXXEM]
fellow priest; child's godfather (Nelson); sponsor (Ecc);
compaternitas, compaternitatis N (3rd) F [XLXEZ]
compatiens, (gen.), compatientis ADJ [EXXEE]
compassionate, having compassion;
compatior, compati, compassus sum V (3rd) DEP [DXXDS]
suffer with one; pity, have compassion, feel pity;
compatriota, compatriotae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
compatriot, fellow countryman;
compatronus, compatroni N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
co-patron (one who has joined in manumitting a slave);
compauper, compauperis N (3rd) M [DXXFS]
compavesco, compavescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [XXXFO]
become very afraid/full of fear/thoroughly terrified;
compavio, compavire, -, compavitus V (4th) TRANS [XXXFO]
trample on; beat (L+S);
compavitus, compavita, compavitum ADJ [XXXFO]
trampled upon; beaten (L+S);
compeccator, compeccatoris N (3rd) M [DEXES]
compecco, compeccare, compeccavi, compeccatus V (1st) INTRANS [DXXES]
err/sin/commit a fault together;
compeciscor, compecisci, compectus sum V (3rd) DEP [XXXFO]
make an agreement/arrangement/compact;
compectum, compecti N (2nd) N [XLXDS]
agreement/compact; [ABL compacto => according to/in accordance with agreement];
compedagogita, compedagogitae N (1st) F [XXXIO]
fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); (M L+S);
compedagogius, compedagogii N (2nd) M [XXXIS]
fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys);
compedio, compedire, compedivi, compeditus V (4th) TRANS [XXXEO]
shackle, fetter; put fetters on;
compeditus, compedita, compeditum ADJ [XXXDO]
that wears fetters/shackles;
compeditus, compediti N (2nd) M [XXXDO]
fettered slave;
compedus, compeda, compedum ADJ [XXXFO]
that fetters or restrains; fettering, shackling (L+S);
compellatio, compellationis N (3rd) F [XGXDO]
action of addressing/apostrophizing (aside to person)/reproaching, reproof;
compello, compellare, compellavi, compellatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
address/accost, speak to, call upon; appeal to; challenge; chide/rebuke; accuse;
compello, compellere, compuli, compulsus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
drive together (cattle), round up; force, compel, impel, drive; squeeze; gnash;
compendiaria, compendiariae N (1st) F [XXXCO]
short/quick route, short cut; quick/easy method, short cut;
compendiarium, compendiari(i) N (2nd) N [XXXEO]
short/quick route, short cut; fitment in a granary;
compendiarius, compendiaria, compendiarium ADJ [XXXEO]
short/quick (of routes);
compendio, compendiare, compendiavi, compendiatus V (1st) TRANS [DEXES]
shorten, abridge (sermon); shorten/cut short (life), kill;
compendiose, compendiosius, compendiosissime ADV [DXXES]
briefly, shortly, compendiously;
compendiosus, compendiosa, compendiosum ADJ [XXXDO]
profitable, advantageous; short/quick (route); compendious, succinct, short;
compendium, compendi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
gain, profit; sparing/saving; abridgement, compendium; shorthand; a short cut;
compendium, compendii N (2nd) N [GXXEK]
summarized, abstract;
compendo, compendere, compependi, compensus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFO]
weigh/balance together;
compenetratio, compenetrationis N (3rd) F [FXXFE]
merging, compenetration, mutual penetration, co-mixing; uniting equally;
compensatio, compensationis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
balancing of items in account, offsetting; weighing/balancing (of factors);
compensativus, compensativa, compensativum ADJ [DXXFS]
serving for compensation;
compensato ADV [DXXFS]
with compensation/reward;
compenso, compensare, compensavi, compensatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXBO]
balance/weigh/offset; get rid of; make good, compensate; save/secure; short cut;
comperco, compercere, compercui, compersus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXCO]
save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT);
comperco, compercere, compersi, compersus V (3rd) TRANS [DXXCO]
save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT);
comperegrinus, comperegrini N (2nd) M [DXXFS]
comperendinatio, comperendinationis N (3rd) F [XLXDO]
adjournment of a trial for two days; (to third day following or later L+S);
comperendinatus, comperendinatus N (4th) M [XLXEO]
adjournment of a trial for two days; (to third day following or later L+S);
comperendino, comperendinare, comperendinavi, comperendinatus V (1st) TRANS [XLXCO]
adjourn trial of a person; adjourn trial; (for two days or later);
comperendinus, comperendina, comperendinum ADJ [XLXFO]
on which an adjourned trial is resumed (of a day);
compereo, comperire, comperivi(ii), comperitus V INTRANS [DXXFS]
perish together;
comperio, comperire, comperi, compertus V (4th) TRANS [XXXAO]
learn/discover/find (by investigation); verify/know for certain; find guilty;
comperior, comperiri, compertus sum V (4th) DEP [XXXDS]
learn/discover/find (by investigation); verify/know for certain; find guilty;
compernis, compernis, comperne ADJ [XBXEO]
having thighs close together; knock-kneed (L+S);
comperpetuus, comperpetua, comperpetuum ADJ [DEXFS]
comperte, compertius, compertissime ADV [XXXCO]
on good authority, on reliable information/intelligence; informedly;
compertum, comperti N (2nd) N [XLXCO]
ascertained/proved/verified fact, certainty; [pro ~o => as certain/for a fact];
compertus, comperta, compertum ADJ [XLXCO]
ascertained, proved, verified; [res ~ => fact; male ~ => bad character];
compertus, compertus N (4th) M [DXXFS]
experience, personal knowledge;
compertusio, compertusionis N (3rd) F [XTXIO]
joint tunneling operation;
compes, compedis N (3rd) F [XXXCO]
shackles (for feet) (usu. pl.), fetters; things impeding movement; chains;
compesco, compescere, compescui, - V (3rd) TRANS [XXXAO]
restrain, check; quench; curb, confine, imprison; hold in check; block, close;
compestror, compestrari, compestratus sum V (1st) DEP [FXXEE]
clothe in apron;
Competalis, Competalis N (3rd) M [XEXEO]
priest of the_Lares Compitales/rural gods (worshiped at crossroads);
competalis, competalis, competale ADJ [XEXEO]
associated with/worshiped at cross-roads;
competens, (gen.), competentis ADJ [XLXCO]
agreeing with, corresponding to, proper/appropriate/suitable; competent (legal);
competenter, competentius, competentissime ADV [XXXEO]
suitably, appositely; properly, becomingly;
competentia, competentiae N (1st) F [XSXEO]
correspondence; proportion; symmetry (L+S); meeting, agreement; conjunction;
expertise; (Cal);
competitio, competitionis N (3rd) F [DLXDS]
agreement; judicial demand; rivalry, competition;
competitivitas, competitivitatis N (3rd) F [GXXEK]
competitor, competitoris N (3rd) M [XXXCO]
rival, competitor; other candidate for office; rival claimant (to throne);
competitrix, competitricis N (3rd) F [XXXEO]
rival, competitor (female); other candidate for office; rival claimant;
competo, competere, competivi, competitus V (3rd) [XXXBO]
meet; happen at same time, coincide; agree; be candidate/face (death) together;
be sound/capable/applicable/relevant/sufficient/adequate/competent/admissible;
competum, competi N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice;
compilatio, compilationis N (3rd) F [XXXFO]
burglary; raking together, pillaging/plundering (L+S); compilation (document);
compilator, compilatoris N (3rd) M [DGXES]
plunderer; imitator (literary); plagiarizer; (compiler/anthologist?);
compilo, compilare, compilavi, compilatus V (1st) TRANS [XXXCO]
rob/pillage, snatch; steal from (another author)/plagiarize; beat up thoroughly;
compingo, compingere, compegi, compactus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXBO]
join/fix/attach; bind together; build/construct/compose; put/shut away, confine;
compingo, compingere, compinxi, compictus V (3rd) TRANS [XXXFS]
disguise, cover, paint over;
compinguesco, compinguescere, -, - V (3rd) INTRANS [DXXFS]
thicken to a solid substance;
compitalicius, compitalicia, compitalicium ADJ [XXXDO]
associated with cross-roads; of Compitalia festival of the_Lares;
Compitalis, Compitalis N (3rd) M [XEXEO]
priest of the_Lares Compitales/rural gods (worshiped at crossroads);
compitalis, compitalis, compitale ADJ [XEXEO]
associated with/worshiped at cross-roads;
compitalitius, compitalitia, compitalitium ADJ [XXXDS]
associated with cross-roads; of Compitalia festival of the_Lares;
Compitalium, Compitali(i) N (2nd) N [XEXCO]
festival celebrated at cross-roads in honor of the_Lares/rural gods (pl.);
compitensis, compitensis, compitense ADJ [XXXIO]
adjoining/sharing same crossroads/road junction;
compitum, compiti N (2nd) N [XXXCO]
cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice;
compitus, compiti N (2nd) M [XXXEO]
cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice;
complaceo, complacere, complacui, complacitus V (2nd) I